Vancouver City Cemetery SW Section Inventory

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SurnameFirst NameMiddle NameMaiden NameBirth yearBirth PlaceDeath yearPlace of deathReasonashes marker y/nPlot OwnerPlotFuneral HomeInternment DateCemeteryFamily: spouse; children; parentsAffliationsMilitary ServiceOccupationOther notesCemetery Maintenance issues
AbbottLucettaG18361901 Sep 18heart troublenoWilliam W AbbottSW 169 N/2 line 8Van City CemWilliam W Abbott - spouse
AbbottBerniceC 1890Clark Co., WA1893 Oct 9Clark Co., WAdiphtheriayesSW 92 S/2 line 12Van City CemJohn Wesley Abbott (OH) and Anna Perkins (WI) - parentschildren placed on mother's headstone, Anna Schimdt
AbbottRaymond1886Wisconsin1889 Oct 21Clark Co., WAdiphtheriayesSW 92 S/2 line 1224 Oct 1889Van City CemJohn Wesley Abbott (OH) and Anna Perkins (WI) - parentschildren placed on mother's headstone, Anna Schimdt
Acteson JamesAlexander1842 Jul 30Quebec, Canada1889 Apr 16Mill Plain, Clark Co., WAabscess of the stomachnoJ A ActesonSW 94 S/217 Apr 1889Van City CemMary Melissa Plouff (Can) - spouse; Amy Eliza, William, Albert, Violet, Howard J, James Arthur - children; Joseph Acteson (Eng) and Isabella Chedore (Can) - parents1880-farmer, WImarried Mary 28 May 1871 Wisconsin, last child James Arthur born 1884 in WI
Acteson MaryMelissaPlouff1853 Aug 12Toronto, Ontario, Canada1922 Sep 12Wauna, Clatsop Co., OregonJ A ActesonSW 94 S/2Sep 1922Riverview Cemetery, Portland ORJames Alexander Acteson (Que, Can)(1) and Preston C Smith (OR)(2) - spouses; Amy Eliza, William, Albert, Violet, Howard J, James Arthur - children; Nelson Plouff (Can) and Susanna Eliza Hall - parentsmarried Acteson 28 May 1870, WI; married Smith 1889, Multnomah Co., OR; name is on James Acteson's headstone but, was buried Riverview Cemetery in Portland OR; second marriage to Preston C Smith
AdamsH (male) B 18531892 Jan 19debilitynoH B AdamsSW 169 N/2 line 14Jan 1892Van City Cem
AdamsPollyPearl1915 Nov 4815 East "E" St., Vancouver WA1915 Nov 9815 East "E" St., Vancouver WAthroat trouble, congetial throast deformationnoSW 183-1 N/2 line 7Beatty Funeral Home10 Nov 1915Van City CemJ H Adams and Ella Stanley - parentsdeath notice in The Columbian on 10 Nov 1915
AdamsMrs LMMrs L M AdamsSW 46 S/2 Van City Cem inventor of Jewel Taylor System (sewing and making clothing) , traveling around teaching classesprobably died after Jan 1900 death of Joseph I Adams;
AdamsJoseph I18431900 Jan 31pleurisynoMrs L M AdamsSW 46 S/2 line 3Van City Cem??there was a private Joseph Adams at Ft Vancouver in 1867??
A'hernBerniece 1895 Aug 24Clark Co., WA1901 Oct 5Clark Co., WAlarygitis infectionyesWilliam A'HernSW 157 N/2 line 13Van City CemWilliam A'Hern (WA) and Elinora Wiggs (OR) - parents
AldrichJWilberforce1857 Mar 13Green Bay, Brown Co., Wisconsin1938 May 25Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAacute indigestionyes J W AldrichSW 189-2 S/2 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor27 May 1938Van City CemMaudena Cleaver (IA) - spouse; Eunice - only child; Lovell Aldrich (NY) and Eunice Steele (VT) - parentslumberman
AldrichMaudena "Dena"Cleaver/Claver1865 Feb 13Leon, Decatur Co., Iowa1940 Jun 5 Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAcoronary thrombosisyesJ W AldrichSW 189 S/2 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Jun 1940Van City CemJ Wilberforce Aldrich (WI) - spouse; Eunice - only child; Jashaway Cleaver (NC) and Freelove Trask (NY) - parents
AldrichEunice 1890 Jun 27Clark Co., WA1890 Sep 5Clark Co., WAgastritisyesJ W AldrichSW 189 S/2 line 136 Sep 1890Van City CemJ Wilberforce Aldrich (WI) and Maudena Cleaver/Claver (IA) - parents
AllenEdward1889 SepClark Co., WA1890 Jul 29Clark Co., WAcholera infantumnoAndrew J RemingtonSW 62 N/2 line 1430 Jul 1890Van City CemEmma Remington Allen - mother???maybe grandson of Andrew Remington
AllenFrederickW1856New York1930-1940CalifornianoFred AllenSW 73 line 8Nov 1893??Van City CemMaggie Lamora (Can)(1) and Emma Burnes (CA)(2) - spouse; Arthur, Margaret - children by Maggie; T C Allen and Mary ? - parents or Fred Allen (NY) and Lovina ? (NY)1910-grocer, San Francisco CA, 1920-farmer, Oakland CA; 1930-farm laborer, Santa Barbara Co., CA married Emma 1905, Santa Rosa Co., CA; not sure he is in Vancouver City Cemetery; possible in Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma, San Mateo Co., CA with wife Emma (dies in 1959). he died between 1930-1940
AllenMaggie1859/1860Canada1896 Feb 28Vancouver WAtyphoid and tubercular pneumonianoFred AllenSW 73 line 81 Mar 1896Van City CemFred Allen (NY) - spouse; Arthur, Margaret - children; John Lamora and Susan E Ashbough - parents ?
AllenArthur1887Clark Co., WA1893 Nov 12Vancouver WAheart failurenoFred AllenSW 73 line 813 Nov 1887Van City CemFred Allen and Maggie Lamora (Can) - parents
AllenWilliam Albert1836 Feb 21Michigan1895 Aug 29Clark Co., WAcholera morbus yesMrs KleberSW 83 S/2 line 3 1 Sep 1895Van City CemHarriet Jane Markham Pierce (Can) - spouse; William Henry, Mary Martha, Horace Sylvester, Thomas T, John R, Theresa H, Cora V, Annette E, George, Sarah - children; Thomas J Allen (Allyn) (CT) and Mary Stevenson (PA) - parents
AllenHarriet Anne MarkhamPierce1839 May 18Ontario, Canada1924 Dec 24home of dau, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonapoplexy and softening of the brainyesMrs KleberSW 83 S/2 Knapp Mortuary28 Dec 1924Van City CemWilliam A Allen (MI) - spouse; William Henry, Mary Martha, Horace Sylvester, Thomas T, John R, Theresa H, Cora V, Annette E, George, Sarah - children; Ransom P Pierce and Harriet Markham - parentshousewife1895 moved to Vancouver; 1900 census 11 children/9 living; obit The Oregonian 27 Dec 1924
Allen GeorgeA1858 Oct 22Michigan1921 May 3Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncomplications from surgery 6 May 1921Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland OREtta Eudora Richmond (NY) - spouse; Myrtle, Ethyl, Esther - children; William Albert Allen (MI) and Harriet Anne Markson Pierce (Can) - parentsnot in Vancouver City Cemetery; Etta buried Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland OR
Allen Roscoe18901905 Mar 6general disabilitynoSW 108 line 5Mar 1905Van City Cem? Allen and ? ? - parents
Allen Melissa "Minnie"JaneHathaway1856 May 16Vancouver WA1931 Nov 10Zenith, King Co., WashingtonarteriosclerosisyesMarshall R HathawaySW 127 line 15Bonney Watson, Seattle, King Co. Washington13 Nov 1931Van City CemHiram Engle Allen (IN) - spouse; Carrie H, Robert Milroy, Herbert E - children; Marshall R Hathaway (NY) and Mariah Smith (NY) - parents
Allen Robert "Robbie"Milroy1883 AprWashington1885 Oct 7Spokane Falls, Spokane Co., WashingtonyesMarshall R HathawaySW 127 line 15Oct 1885Van City CemHiram E Allen (IN) and Melissa J Hathaway (WA) - parents
Alsopinfant1918 Nov 3Washington3 Nov 1918WashingtonprematurenoMelvina JewellSW 118 line 6Van City Cem Trowbridge R Jewell and Melvina DuPuis Jewell maybe grandparents
Alter A Milroy1885 Sep WashingtonSW 27 line 1110 Sep 1885Van City Cem
AndresonChristP18741924 Nov 21heart Failure, 50 years noJ P W AndresonSW 109 N/2 line 424 Nov 1924Van City Cemis Christ B Andresen in SW 116, but buried in SW 109; probably buried on 24 Nov 1924
Anderson, SrWilliam Reese1822 Jun 22Washington Co., Virginia1902 Oct 25Clark Co., WAheart failureyesWilliam R AndersonSW 174 N/2 line 3 28 Oct 1902Van City CemSarah Jane Sturgess (NY) - spouse; Frank, Charles H, William R, Marilla Eudora, Edward B, Estella F, Lucretia V, George W, Frances E, Asa A, Minnie J, Nina, Kate, Robert E, child - children; Jacob Anderson (VA) and Lucretia Killinger (VA) - parentsarrived in Oregon in 1848; had a donation land claim; 1855 started a family style restaurant and lodging in Hazel Dell called the Totem Poledau Marilla buried in SW 130; obit The Columbian 30 Oct 1902
AndersonSarah JaneSturgess1837 Sep 3Ballston Springs, Saratoga Co., New York1912 Jun 16at home north of Main St., Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachyesWilliam R AndersonSW 174 N/2 line 3 Knapp Funeral HomeJun 1912Van City CemWilliam Reese Anderson (VA) - spouse; Frank, Charles H, William R. Jr., Marilla Eudora, Edward B, Estella F, Lucretia V, George W, Frances E, Asa A, Minnie J, Nina, Kate, Robert E, child - 15 children; Moses Sturgess (NY) and Frances Elizabeth Weldon (NY) - parents She was 13 year 5 months old when married in Clackamas Co. Oregon; among the first white women in Vancouver WA; she named the area Hazel Dell because of the number of Hazel nut trees
AndersonIdaRosellaWills1872 Jan 27Oregon City, Clackamas Co., Oregon1935 Nov 15Vancouver WAdropsy (diabetes)yesIda AndersonSW 182 N/2 line 6Kirch Funeral Home17 Nov 1935Van City CemWilliam Reese Anderson, Jr. (WA)(1) and W A Davis (2) - spouses; Mayme, Benn, Lelia, Charles Randolph, Katie L - children by Anderson; Jonathan Wills (IN) and Mary Ellen Strong (OR) - parents Christian ScientisthousewifeAlso listed as Ida R Davis; dau Mayme and husband Alpha Caples buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; granchild Caples buried in same plot; obit The Columbian 16 Nov 1935
Anderson, JrWilliam Reese1858 Apr 2Clark Co., WA1920 Oct 10at home in Long Beach, Pacific Co., Washingtonangina pectoris?yesIda AndersonSW 182-4 N/2 line 6Knapp Funeral Home13 Oct 1920Van City CemIda R Wills (OR) - spouse; Mayme, Benn, Lelia, Charles Randolph, Katie L - children; Capt William Reese Anderson, Sr. (VA) and Sarah Jane Sturgess (NY) - parentsdairyman, farmerMother Sarah J Strugess came on the Oregon Trail in 1847; dau Mayme and husband Alpha Caples buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; granchild Caples buried in same plot
AndersonWilliam Franklin1920 May 1Vancouver WA1921 May 23St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonflu and meningitisyesM TorgersonSW 182-4 N/2 line 6Knapp Funeral Home25 May 1921Van City CemCharles Randolph Anderson (WA) and Mildred Lloyd (OR) - parents
AndersonGustafH1863 Mar 18Sweden1951 Jun 12Vancouver WAcerebral vascularashesnoBert AndersonSW 21 S/2 line 5Hamilton Funeral HomeSep 1951Van City CemLaura A Carlisle (Can) - spouse; Bert O - child; parents both born in Swedenfarmerimmigrated in 1882; originally buried at Portland Memorial, Portland OR; obit The Columbian 13 Jun 1951; could be at Portalnd Memorial
AndersonLauraSCarlisle1864 Jun 30Milton, Ontario, Canada1954 Sep 8Vancouver WAheart diseaseashesnoGus AndersonSW 21-3 S/2 Hamilton Funeral Home29 Oct 1954Van City CemGustaf Anderson (Swe) - spouse; Bert O - child; John Carlisle (Can) and Delilah Mosher (Can) - parentscreamated at Portland Memorial, Portland OR; same plot as parents Carlisle; could be at Portland Memorial; obit The Columbian 9 Sep 1954
AndersonBertO1890 Aug 6Buckley, Pierce Co., Washington1950 Feb 19Vancouver WAheart failureashesJohn CarlisleSW 21 S/2 line 5Hamilton Funeral Home22 Feb 1950Van City CemMary "Meta" Russ (NJ) - spouse; no children; Gustaf Anderson (SWE) and Laura Carlisle (Can) - parents1917-1940 farmer, 1940 Farmer in Harney, Clark Co., WAobit The Columbian 20 Feb 1950; wife Meta died 1959 buried at Portland Memorial, Portland OR
AndersonAsaAlexander1873 Mar 30Clark Co., WA1929 Dec 31Emanuel Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumonianoCatherine BaxterSW 30-3 N/2 line 14Knapp Mortuary3 Jan 1930Van City Cemmarried/divorced; William Reese Anderson, Sr. (VA/WV) and Sarah Jane Sturgess (NY) - parents13 siblings - Marilla Eudora Anderson Gardner buried in SW 130-2 line 15
AndersonInfant1920 Feb 2Vancouver WA1920 Feb 2Vancouver WAprematurenoSW 52-2 foot line 4 Knapp MortuaryVan City CemJames Anderson and ? ? - parents of Vancouver WA
AndresenChristB 18741924 Nov 21San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CalifornianoJ P AndersenSW 116 line 4 Nov 1924Van City Cemis Christ P of SW 109 and buried in SW 109; probably buried 24 Nov 1924
AndresenHansJepsen1866 Dec 13Germany1898 Jul 30Washougal, Clark Co., WashingtonperitonitisyesSW 116 line 4Van City Cemsingle; J Andresen (Ger) and K Schlewig (Ger) - parentslived in Brush Prairie, Clark Co., WA
Andrewsinfant (female)1914 May 11Vancouver WA1914 May 13Vancouver WAnoSW 142-5 Knapp Mortuary14 May 1914Van City CemJohn Andrews (MN) and Cora Wilt (MN) - parents
AnkerSideliaGant1852 Dec 24Illinois1903 Jan 4Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncanceryesJames W StanleySW 183 S/2 line 7Jan 1903Van City CemWilliam Nelson Stanley (OH)(1) and D H Anker (2) - spouses; Ira, Penelope, Ella, James W - children by Stanleymarried Stanley 1869, Illinois; in same plot as first husband Stanley and son James and dau Ella
Appleton, Jr.ThomasHugh 1925Battle Ground, Clark Co., Washington1944 Aug 30killed in World War II Pacific ArenayesSW 06 line 11 Sep 1944Van City CemThomas H Appleton, Sr (OR) and Queen Ruth Doller (NC) - parentsWorld War II veteran, US Navy, GM3C (gunner mate)same plot as sister Virginia; obit The Columbian 26 Sep 1944
AppletonVirginiaNora1924 Apr 12Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1927 Aug 21at home 2126 Lost Lane, Vancouver WApneumoniayesSW 06-1 line 11Limber Funeral Home23 Aug 1927Van City CemThomas H Appleton, Sr (OR) and Queen Ruth Doller (NC) - parentssame plot as brother Thomas
Asher George Walter1886 Jan 5Judson, Blue Earth Co., Minnesota1899 JanClark Co, WAgeneral disabilitynoG W GunningSW 45 line 410 Jan 1899Van City CemJohn Asher (OH) and Augusta Louise Tidland (MA) - parents
AsmerBessie1892 AprWashington1892 Aug 22Washingtoncholera infantumnoCharles AsmerSW 03 N/2 line 1423 Aug 1892Van City CemCharles Asmer - parent?
AsplandMinnie FrancesWagonblast1882 Sep 21Vancouver WA1936 Oct 3Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumonianoJoseph W AsplandSW 179 line 3Miller & Tracy, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR5 Oct 1936Van City CemJoseph W Aspland (KS) - spouse; Dorothy M, Louise - children; Jacob Wagonblast (MO) and Margaret Proebstel (MO) - parentschild Louise in SW 142
AsplandJosephWilliam1875 May 24Kansas1957 Jul 4Oregon State Hospital, Salem, Marion Co., OregonsenilityashesnoJoseph W AsplandSW 179-4 line 3Evergreen Funeral HomeJul 1957Van City CemMinnie Wagonblast (WA) - spouse; Dorothy M, Louise - children; Frank Aspland (Eng) and Frances ? (KY) - parentswatchman for shipyardschild Louise in SW 142
AsplandLouiseFrances1905 Feb 18Seattle, King Co., Washington1905 Aug 25Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoninanitionnoSW 142 line 3Zeller Byrnes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon27 Aug 1905Van City CemJoseph W Aspland (KS) and Minnie Wagonblast (WA) - parents parents in SW 179, Gilman Report has birth/death 1918 -newspaper article The Oregonian 27 Aug 1905and death cert are 1905. father Joseph brought plot 1918 (could be 1905 for child); the death cert has her buried at Riverview Cemetery, Portland Mutnomah Co., Oregon
AtkinsRose AgnesLally1891 Mar 19Clark Co., WA1922 Feb 17Vancouver WAsepticemianoMary MartinSW 181-1 line 6Limber Funeral Home19 Feb 1922Van City CemHenry Atkins (AL) - spouse; Ella, John, Charles, Dorothy, Ralph - Children; William Lally (IRE) and Mary M Wellman (MN) - parentsfather William Lalley and son Ralph in SW 180; possibly in SW 180Is this line 5 or 6?
Atkins Ralph1917 Mar 21Vancouver WA1917 Oct 1315 and Short Sts., Vancouver WAbowel troublenoSW 180 line 4 Limber Funeral Home14 Oct 1917Van City CemHenry Atkins (AL) and Rose Lalley (WA) - parentsmother in SW 181??; grandfather William Lalley in same plot
Atkins IIICharles Burwell18851889 Nov 12diptherianoCharles AtkinsSW 157 S/2 line 1314 Nov 1889Van City CemCharles Burwell Atkins Jr. and Laura Margaret Hagwood - parents
AugeeValentineS1832 Dec 25Berks Co., Pennsylvania1930 Apr 19at daughter's home at 1009 E 29th St., Vancouver WAsenilitynoValentine AugeeSW 116-2 S/2 line 4Knapp Funeral Home22 Apr 1930Van City CemLydia Mills (PA)(1) and Lovey D Birchard (IL)(2) - spouses; Joseph D, Frank W, Charles, Emma, Clara, Angeline, Wilhemina, Anna, Kathy, Elmer - children by Lydia; Johan Valentine Augee (Ger) and Maria Catherine Slemmer (PA) - parentsCivil War veteran, Union, Co. Ihad lived in St Johns area, Portland OR; obit The Columbian 22 Apr 1930
AugeeLydiaMills1832Chester Co., Pennsylvania1899 Feb 4Minnehaha, Clark Co. WashingtonnoValentine AugeeSW 116 S/2 line 46 Feb 1899Van City CemValentine Augee (PA) - spouse; Joseph D, Frank W, Charles, Emma, Clara, Angeline, Wilhemina, Anna, Kathy, Elmer - children; ? Mills - parent1850 in Montgomery PA
BacigalupoVincentBayard1863 Mar 18Missouri1902 Mar 2Vancouver WAshort illnessyesSW 52 line 4Van City Cemsingle; Vicent Bacigalupo (Italy) and Fannie L Shaw (MO) - parentsobit The Columbian 6 Mar 1902 -has two name "Tug Wilson"
BagleyJesse1818Canada1892 Apr 11yesLucius P BagleySW 196-2 line 13Van City CemClarrisa Everett (VT)(1) and Jane Pattrich (VT)(2) - spouse; Murry, Harvey, Orson, Laura, Herman, Laura, Jessie (fem.), Carlotta - children by Clarrisa, Lucius Prescott, Bird Lyman - children by Jane; parents from Massachusetts1860-1870-farmer, Olmsted Co., MN; 1880-farmer Lyman Co., MN; 1890- laborer, Vancouver;1860-1880-living in Olmsted Co., MN; Clarrisa died in 1860, Olmsted Co. MN and buried there; married to Jane about 1862, Olmsted Co., MN; 1880-1890 came to Vancouver
BagleyLuciusPrescott1862 Aug 3Pleasant Grove, Olmsted Co., Minnesota1944 Jan 23 St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcanceryesLucius P BagleySW 196-2 line 13Hamilton Funeral Home28 Jan 1944Van City CemCecila O'Donnall (WA) - spouse; Sylvia - child; Jesse Bagley (Can) and Jane Pattrich (VT) - parentgrocerobit The Columbian 24 Jan 1944
BakerLafayette1837Missouri1893 Aug 20WashingtonconsumptionyesEsther BakerSW 107 N/2 line 621 Aug 1893Van City CemEsther McCollum (MO) - spouse; John H, William Perry, George Wilbur, Marietta, Alice, Oscar Layette, Annie B - children; George Baker (IN) and Mary L ? (IN) - parentsCivil War veteran- Sargeant, Co. H, First Missouri Engineers
Bakerinfant (girl)1908 SepVancouver WA1908 SepVancouver WAstillbornnoEsther BakerSW 107 N/2 line 630 Sep 1908Van City Cem Lafayette Baker and Esther McCollum - grandparents
BakerPerryMcCollum1866 Nov 10Missouri1918 Jun 9Porttland, Multnomah Co., Oregondropsy (diabetes)yesPerry BakerSW 199 N/2 line 10Finley and Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon11 Jun 1918Van City CemMary Jessup (UT)(1) and Lulu Comstock (MN)(2) - spouse; Maggie, Daniel, Leo - children by Mary; Daniel Boone Baker (MO) and Nancy McCollum (MO) - parentsDirector of Fish and Game, State of OregonObit in The Oregonian 23 Jun 1918; child Leo died as infant; Parents buried in NW 155
BakerMary Jessup1873 Apr 23Millville, Cache Co., Utah1908 Jan 30Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonnephritis; 35 yearsyesPerry BakerSW 199 N/2 line 10Vancouver Undertaking Co.1 Feb 1908Van City CemPerry M Baker (MO) - spouse; Maggie, Daniel, Leo - children; Thomas Jessup and Margaret E Schaffer (MO) - parentsState of Washington Death Certificate; child Leo died as infant
BakerLeo1868 Oct1896 Feb 20spinal meningitisnoPerry BakerSW 199 N/2 line 1024 Feb 1896Van City Cemsingle; Daniel Boone Baker (MO) and Nancy McCollum (MO) - parents Parents buried in NW 155
Baker Mary Aldridge1828 Apr 1Taswell, Crawford Co., Indiana1903 Jul 24gangrenenoMary BakerSW 201 N/2 line 81903Van City CemCharles Baker - spouse; no children; William Aldridge (KY) and Elizabeth VanBlaricom (OH) - parentsmarried Baker (4th marriage) 2 Jul 1900 (her first marriage), Clark Co., WA; mother died 1838, was adopted by Fales buried in NW 66
Ballard Mary AgnesWard1836 Nov 30Washtenaw Co., Michigan1916 Sep 19at home at 971 NE 19th, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesSW 190-3 line 14Knapp Funeral Home22 Sep 1916Van City CemDevillo P Ballard (NY) - spouse; Ella, Matilde "Mattie," Blanche, Minnie, Burton - children; Jacob? Ward (NY) and Eleanor Lockerby? (NY) - parents Episcopalian 1870 in Missouri; 1890 in Vancouver; Davillo was a lawyer1886 came to Vancouver; 1903 - Devillo (1833-1917) was in National Home for Disabled Solidiers in Johnson City, TN; buried in Arlington National Cemetery; Civil War veteran, Co A, Iowa 23rd Infantry, 1st Lt to Full captain; same plot as dau Ella Burch and Matilde Johnston and grandchildren; obit The Oregon Journal 21 Sep 1916
BarkerAndrew J1841 SepPennsylvania1928 Aug 29at home of dau Mrs Lundsford, Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co., WashingtonmyocarditisnoAndrew J BarkerSW 181 line 5Limber Funeral Home1 Sep 1928Van City CemFlorence J Howe (PA) - spouse; Dealtie/Altie Wallace, Susie V, Alice, Samuel M - children; Jess Barker (NY) and Eliza Piece (CT) - parentsCivil War veteran, 6th Regimant Pennsylvania Heavy Artillaryfarmer renting 66 acres in 19001850 living Mercer Co. PA; arrived in Clark Co. 1886 from Wisconsin; buried with son Sam and wife of son Dealtie; obit The Columbian 21 Sep 1928
BarkerFlorenceJerushaHowe 1852 AprPennsylvania1921 Dec 27Oregon State Hospital, Salem, Marion Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhagenoAndrew J BarkerSW 181-2 line 5Webb and Clough, Salem, Marion Co., Oregon30 Dec 1921Van City CemAndrew J Barker (PA) - spouse; Dealtie Wallace, Susie V, Alice, Samuel M - children; Joseph Howe (Eng) and ? (PA) - parentsarrived in the Clark Co area from Wisconsin in 1889; obit the Salem Statesmen Journal 29 Dec 1921
BarkerSamuel "Sammy"M 1880 Jan 17Beldenbville, Pierce Co., Wisconsin1901 Feb 7Clark Co., WAspinal meningitisyesAndrew J BarkerSW 181-1 line 58 Feb 1901Van City CemAndrew J Barker (PA) and Florence J Howe (PA) - parentsfamily moved to Clark Co., 1890; buried with parents; obit The Columbian 14 Feb 1901
BarkerGrace OlgaHubbard1888 Mar 31LaPorte City, Black Hawk Co., Iowa1918 Oct 20St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApneumonia, flu and childbirthnoAndrew J BarkerSW 181-2 line 5Knapp Funeral Home22 Oct 1918Van City CemDealtie Wallace Barker (WI) - spouse; infant (female), Violet Rebecca - children; Austin W Hubbard (IA) and Rebecca Dunn (IN) - parentscame to Clark Co., 1906; married Barker in 1909, Clark Co., WA; buried with husband's parents; obit The Columbian 24 Oct 1918
Barkerinfant (female)1918 Oct 19Vancouver WA1918 Oct 20Vancouver WAstillborn prematurenoAndrew J BarkerSW 181 line 5Knapp Funeral Home22 Oct 1918Van City CemDealtie Wallace Barker (WI) and Grace O Hubbard (IA) - parentsburied with mother and grandparents, death cerf - stillborn
BarkerViolet Rebecca1910 Apr 28at home in Vancouver WA1910 Apr 28at home in Vancouver WAlack of vitalitynoAndrew J BarkerSW 181 line 5Knapp Funeral Home28 Apr 1910Van City CemDealtie Wallace Barker (WI)and Grace O Hubbard (IA) - parentsburied with mother and grandparents
BarnettGeorge Pierce1851Iowa1891 May 16Vancouver WAsuicide noGeorge BarnettSW 60 N/2 line 1217 May 1891Van City Cemrelated to Elizabeth Longridge Barnett, mother of Margaret Lockwood DuBois (wife of William DuBois); obit 20 May 1891 in Vancouver Independent newspaper
BarrLewis H 1844 Mar 3Illinois1903 Jun 29Vancouver WAparalysis from strokeyesL H BarrSW 70 S/2 line 1130 Jun 1903Van City CemElizabeth S Hunt (IA) - spouse; Grace E - child; Joseph Barr (PA) and Marjorie Ann Hall (MD) - parentsCivil War veteran: 3rd Regiment Minnesotapaintersiblings: Fred and James; obit The Columbian 2 Jul 1903; wife died 1910 in Los Angeles CA and buried there
BatesThomas1850Ohio1897 Aug 24Palace Restaurant, Vancouver WAheart failurenoSW 53 N/2 line 526 Aug 1897Van City Cemobit The Columbian 27 Aug 1897
BatonHerbertA1855 Mar 19South Kingston, Atchison Co., Rhode Island1929 Jan 11St Jospehs Hospital, Vancouver WApneumoniayesSW 06 line 11Limber Funeral Home15 Jan 1929Van City CemMargaret J Baker (MO)(1) and Victoria Gessner (2) - spouses; William, Walter J, Harry by Margaret, no children by Victoria; Joseph A Baton (RI) and Maria Bernette (RI) - parentsUS Army, 4th Calvery in Rhode Island, then transferred to Walla Walla WA1870-servant, RI; 1900-1910-laborer, Clark Co., WA1870-1880-living with parents in Washington Co., RI; obit The Columbian 12 Jan 1929
BatonMargaretJBaker1861Missouri1920 Aug 28Vancouver WAvascular heart diseaseyesSW 06-5 line 11Limber Funeral Home30 Aug 1920Van City CemHerbert A Baton - spouse; William, Walter, Harry, 3 other children - children; George W Baker (IN) and Susan Baker (MO) - parentsmoved to Clark 1902; 1900 census 6 children and 3 living; obit The Columbian 2 Sep 1920; parents are buried in Sifton Cemetery, Clark Co, WA
BaulLoyal1937 May 12Vancouver WA1938 Feb 15at home, Vancouver WAbroncho-pneumonianoSW 205 - baby Green SectionKnapp Funeral Home17 Feb 1938Van City Cemwas adopted by Roque C Baul (Phillipines), mother Elsie Bixby (WA)Child possibly born out of wedlock; Roque Baul was stationed at Vancouver Barrack as musician; later married Marie Shears in 1941
Baumgratz /BungratzWilliam 18151890 Nov 6La Grande, Union Co., Oregonsuicide by opiatesnoSW 80 line 19 Nov 1890Van City CemKnights of Pythias; Brotherhood of Railway Trainmenproprietor of a restaurant, La Grande; ex-conductor of Union Pacific RRnewspaper article Salem Statesman Journal 9 Nov 1890
Baxter Lucretia Virginia "Jennie" Anderson1866 Aug 26Clark Co., WA1896 Feb 6Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonmurdered by husband George Baxter after agrument yesCatherine BaxterSW 30 N/29 Feb 1896Van City CemGeorge W Baxter - spouse; Edna, Eva, George - children; William Reese Anderson (VA) and Sarah Jane Sturgess - parentsmarried George Baxter on 13 Dec 1883, Clark Co., WA; dau Edna was adopted by Lucretia sister Emma Anderson Gilmore (husband William), lived in Portland OR in 1900; another sister Marilla Gardner also tried to adopted Edna (5 years). George was pardoned and became a trolley/motorcar driver on Council Crest Line, Portland - died about 1927 at 63 years; remarried and had family; plot owner Catherine Baxter was George W Baxter's mother; article in The Oregonian 10 Feb 1896; obit The Columbian 14 Feb 1896
Baxter Eva Arlund1887 May 14Clark Co., WA1897 Aug 10Clark Co., WAspinal troubleyesCatherine BaxterSW 30 N/2 line 1411 Aug 1897Van City CemGeorge Baxter and Lucretia V Anderson (WA) - parentsplot owner Catherine Baxter was George W Baxter's mother; in same plot as mother
Baxter George Henry1893 Sep 10Clark Co., WA1894 Nov 6Clark Co., WAlung troubleyesCatherine BaxterSW 30 N/2 line 14Van City CemGeorge Baxter and Lucretia V Anderson (WA) - parents plot owner Catherine Baxter was George W Baxter's mother; in same plot as mother
BaylissLillie AHall1859 Jul 25Iowa1893 Jul 4heart failureyesW S HallSW 38 S/2 line 11Jul 1893Van City CemEdmond Bayliss (Eng) -spouse ; William A, Charles, Eugene, Reginald, John R, Edna J, Thomas E - children; David Hall (PA) and Sarah Jane Kennedy (PA) - parentscould have died in Sherman Co. OR
BeattyMaudeAlbertaRinehart1877 Sep 25Watkins, Benton Co., Iowa1963 Mar 8Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart diseaseyesSW 107-2Mt Scott Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon14 Mar 1963Van City CemGeorge Minton Beatty (WA) - spouse; Clifford R, Vera L, Lila E, Everest L, Clarissa - children; Albert C Rinehart (OH) and Clarissa J Bone (IA) - parents
BeattyGeorgeMinton1874 Apr 9Vancouver WA1976 Feb 6Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureashesnoSW 107-2 S/2 ashesVan City CemMaude Alberta Rinehart (IA) - spouse; Clifford R, Vera L, Lila E, Everest L, Clarissa - children; Thomas J Beatty (IL) and Mary M Sturgess (WA) - parentsfarmerparents and grandparent are in SE 90; funeral notice The Oregonian 8 Feb 1976 says was to be buried Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland OR- not sure if he is in Vancouver City Cem.
BeckEiler M (male)1836 Jan 7Denmark1914 Jun 15at home at 3005 K St., Vancouver WAparalysis yesSW 84-2 N/2 line 4 Knapp Mortuary17 Jun 1914Van City CemFrances F Bailey (NY) - spousefarmer owned 57 acreswife Frances F was married to Joseph E C Durgan Jr. (his 2nd wife) and after Beck died she married George James Allen
BeckerJohn C1852 Nov 4New York1906 Jun 14Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart diseaseyesJ O BeckerSW 75 line 6Zeller Byrnes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon17 Jun 1906Van City CemMartha S Piper (OH) - spouse; John E, Lydia M, May E - children; J Becker (NY) and Marie Palmer (NY) - parents 1900 - carpenter, Portland OR; started a match factory on the Columbia River but never operatedmarried Mar 1874 Martha, Lancaster Co., Neb; dau May is in same plot; obit The Oregon Journal 17 Jun 1906
BeckerMartha S Piper1853 FebSeneca Co., Ohio1917 Nov 12Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonvascular heart diseaseyesJ O BeckerSW 75 line 6Holman Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon14 Nov 1917 Van City CemJohn Becker (NY) - spouse; John E, Lydia M, May E - children; Edward T Piper (OH) and Lydia Dentler (PA) - parentsdau May is in same plot; obit The Oregonian 13 Nov 1917 - 64y, 8m, 10days
BeckerJohnE 1876 May 2Iowa1909 Oct 11Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart diseaseyesJ O BeckerSW 75 line 6Holman Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon13 Oct 1909Van City Cemsingle; John C Becker (NY) and Martha S Piper (OH) - parentsPvt in Co. C, 7th Regiment stationed in Vancouver Barracks in 1900US Custom House as an engineer
BeckerLydia M1887 OctMissouri1893 Apr 16Vancouver WAtubercular meningitis6 yryesJ O BeckerSW 75 line 617 Apr 1893Van City Cemsingle; John C Becker (NY) and Martha S Piper (OH) - parentsobit The Columbian 21 Apr 1893
Beckettinfant (male)1932 Jan 7Vancouver WA1932 Jan 7Vancouver WAstillbornnoSW 205 - baby Green SectionKnapp Funeral Home8 Jan 1932Van City CemFred G Beckett (WA) and Grace Woodland (WA) - parents
BeebeGuy1839 Mar 29Athens, Athens Co., Ohio1921 Oct 2at home, Castle Rock, Cowlitz Co., WashingtonapoplexyyesSW 102 N/2 Line 11 Knapp Funeral Home2 Oct 1921Van City CemSarah Heald (OH) - spouse; Pearl, Alice Viola, John E, Collin A, William W, Mattie, Lottie, Lettie Salome - children; Collins Beebe (OH) and Sarah Hull (OH) - parentsCivil War veteran, Co. F, 73th Ohio Infantryfarmer, lived in Castle Rock WAobit in Vancouver Columbian, 3 Oct 1921
BeebeSarah Heald1841 Dec 11Columbiana Co., Ohio1912 Dec 18St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachyesSW 102-4 N/2 line 11Knapp Mortuary20 Dec 1912Van City CemGuy Beebe (OH) - spouse; Pearl, Alice Viola, John E, Collin A, William W, Mattie, Lottie, Lottie Salome - children; William S Heald (OH) and Amanda Hayes (OH) - parents housewifewas living in Castle Rock WA. obit in The Columbian in20 Dec 1912
BeebeLottieSalome1885 Mar 8Nebraska1913 Feb 28St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregontuberculosis hemorrhagesyesSW 102-5 N/2 line 11Knapp Mortuary2 Mar 1913Van City Cemsingle; Guy Beebe (OH) and Sarah Heald (OH) - parentsstudent obit The Columbian 13 Mar 1913
BennettJanetteE1944 Jun 18Washington 1944 Jun 18Washington stillbornnoMiss Margaret ProbstSW 182 S/2 line 6Van City Cem? Bennett and Margaret Probst?? - parentsMarjorie or Margaret Probst is the granddau of Rudolph C Probst (SW 182) a nd dau of Rudolph Probst, child possibly born out of wedlock between marriage 1 and 2.
BennettAlbert Freeman1865 Aug 22Indiana1929 Aug 31St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcarcinoma of the stomach and senilitynoAlbert F BennettSW 82 S/2 line 2Knapp Mortuary4 Sep 1929Van City CemSarah Jane Temple (IA)(1) and Zoah Maud Smith (WA)(2) - spouses; Elmer Nelson, Nellie E, Charles Wilson, Clara M, Ethel May,- children by Sarah, Zelda May - child by Zoah; John P Bennett (IN) and Margaret Spoon (IN) - parents wood sawyercame to Clark Co in 1883
BennettFred O1920 Aug 19Vancouver WA1922 Jul 28Vancouver WAintestinal obstructionnoAlbert F BennettSW 82 S/2 line 2Limber Funeral Home29 Jul 1922Van City CemCharles W Bennett (KS) and Myrtle Crites (KS) - parentsAlbert F Benett - grandfather
BennettJohn P (Philo?)1842 Oct 16Greenfield, Hancock Co., Indiana1899 Mar 2Clark Co., WAparalysis yesAlbert F BennettSW 82 S/2 line 25 Mar 1899Van City CemMargaret Elizabeth Spoon (IN) - spouse; Albert Freeman, Sarah M, Mindora A, Josia Maud - children; Zadock St. John Bennett (NY) and Minerva Ross (NY) - parentsCivil War vetern, Union private, 15th Regiment, Co. F&S, Indiana Infantry - musician1870 -farmer, Kansas; 1880 - farmer in married Margaret Spoon, 5 Nov 1863, Hancock Co., Indiana
BennettCharles W1892 Mar 25Vancouver WA1959 Aug 11Vancouver WAheart failurenoAlbert F BennettSW 82-1 S/2 line 2Hamilton Funeral Home 17 Aug 1927Van City CemMyrtle May Crites (KS) - spouse; Frank E, Mertha B, Alfred, Fred - children; Albert F Bennett (IN) and Saragh Jane Temple (IA) - parents1920 -horse trader, Vancouver WA; 1930- laborer, Sacramento CA; 1930 - concrete worker for a concrete pipie company, Klamath Falls OR
BensonSvenOtto1857 May 8Stafsinge, Halland, Sweden1905 Nov 23tubercuosisnoSO BensonSW 40 S/226 Nov 1905Van City CemAugusta Charlotta Nordstrom (Swe) - spouse; no children found; Bengt Andersson (Swe) and Inger Andersdotter (Swe) - parentsowned farm and was a day laborer, 1900- Clark Co WA, laborerBengtsson is original Swedish name; married Augusta in 1886 in Sweden; wife Augusta has Emma Nordstrom's sister (SW 40) in same plot; immigrated in 1891 with Augusta and sister Emma; wife Augusta marries David Pluff in Jul 1908, Clark Co.WAand died in 1941 in Kitsap Co., WA and buried there
BentonRosetteMaryDonovan1857 Mar 31Illinois1928 Jul 3Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart troubleyesParker BentonSW 113 N/2Miller and Tracey Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon5 Jul 1928Van City CemParker Nathan Benton (KY)(1), George Henry Gooley (NY)(2) and Lewis E Caldwell (NY)(3) - spouses; Pansy A, Frank W, Edward, Albert, Jesse, Carrie Grace, 3 more children - children by Benton; Aquila Donovan (OH) and Caroline Morris (OH) - parentsmarried Benton in 1873, WA; married George H Gooley (NY) in 1904; 1910 listed as widowed; married Caldwell in 1913, Tacoma, Pierce Co. WA; he died in 1926; obit The Oregonian 28 Jul 1928; buried with first husband Benton; 1900 census 5 children/5 living; 1910 census 9 children/5 living
BentonNathanParker1841 Jul 18Kentucky1903 Oct 23Vancouver WAheart failureyesParker BentonSW 113 N/2 line 123 Oct 1903Van City Cemunknown (1) and Rosetta Donovan (IL)(2) - spouse; Pansy A, Frank, Edward W, Albert, Jesse - children by Rosetta; William Benton (VA) and Eliza Woodruff (IN) - parentsCivil War veteran, Confederate, 1st Regiment Kentucky calvarycarpenter working at Vancouver Barracksburied wife second wife and son Jesse; obit The Oregon Journal 24 Oct 1903
BentonJesse (male)1893 Jan 1904 Sep 16Washingtonstomach troubleyesParker BentonSW 113 S/2 line 1Van City CemNathan Parker Benton (KY) and Rosette Donovan (IL) - parentsburied with parents
BentonClarenceLewis1900 Jun (after)Clark Co., WA1901 Nov 4Clark Co., WAteethingnoEdward W BentonSW 146 N/56 Nov 1901Van City CemEdward W Benton (WA) and Lizzie Greenwell (MN) - parentssiblings: James Howard, Eldridge; parents married 14 Nov 1899
Benton Eldridge1903 Jan 5Clark Co., WA1903 Jan 7Clark Co., WAweaknessnoEdward W BentonSW 146 S/2 line 28 Jan 1903Van City CemEdward W Benton (WA) and Lizzie Greenwell (MN) - parentssiblings: Clarence, James Howard; parents married 14 Nov 1899
Benton James Howard1902 JanClark Co., WA1902 Oct 16Clark Co., WAcholera infantumnoEdward W BentonSW 146 N/2 line 217 Oct 1902Van City CemEdward W Benton (WA) and Lizzie Newton (MN) - parentssiblings: Clarence, Eldridge; parents married 14 Nov 1899
BetzingJohn1848 Oct 30Koblenz, Germany1904 Jul 11Clark Co., WAbone tuberculosisyesJohn BetzingSW 82 N/2 line 213 Jul 1904Van City CemIda Westoff (GER) - spouse; Bertha, Louise, John, Rudolph - children; Anton Betzing (Ger) and Maria Bruhl (Ger) - parentstailor, ran a boarding house
BetzingIdaWestoff1856 Apr 24Bavaria, Germany1930 Sep 6Vancouver WAnephritisyesJohn BetzingSW 82 N/2 line 2Limber Funeral Home11 Sep 1930Van City CemJohn Betzing (Ger) - spouse; Bertha, Louise, John Jr., Rudolph - children; Julius Westoff and Mary - parents; Jacob - bro
BetzingBertha1891 Oct 1Vancouver WA1891 Oct 13Clark Co., WAyesJohn BetzingSW 82 N/2 line 2Oct 1891Van City CemJohn Betzing and Ida Westoff - parents both of Germany
BetzingLouise1892 Dec 21Washington1893 Aug 25Clark Co., WAcholera infantumyesJohn BetzingSW 82 N/2 line 2Van City CemJohn Betzing and Ida Westoff - parents both of Germanythe body was later removed by John Betzing
BetzingRudolphLudwig1900 Feb 14Vancouver WA1925 Jun 12at home at 1909 Main St., Vancouver WASleeping sicknessyesJohn BetzingSW 82 N/2 line 2Knapp Mortuary14 Jun 1925Van City Cemsingle; John Betzing and Ida Westoff - parents both of GermanyLutheran
BieseckerElbertSinclair1870 Aug 19Naples, Buffalo Co., Wisconsin1939 Feb 11Seattle, King Co., Washingtonpnuemococcal meningitisashesyesA A QuarnbergSW 142 S/2 line 3 Bonney Watson, Seattle, King Co. WashingtonFeb 1939Van City CemAnna Louise Quarnberg (SD)(1), Frances Emma Thibodeau (Can)(2), and Stella Buchanan (IL)(3) - spouses; Alfreda V, Louise Ann - children by Anna; Ira Sylvester Biesecker (PA) and Amanda Samantha Rosman (NY) - parentsFrances Thibodeau had 5 children by first marriage by Timothy Trombley
BieseckerAnnaLouiseQuarnberg1869 Jun 7South Dakota1901 Aug 8Clark Co., WAconsumptionyesA A QuarnbergSW 142 S/2 line 3 11 Aug 1901Van City CemElbert S Biesecker (WI) - spouse; Alfreda V, Louise Ann - children; Jonas E Quarnberg (SWE) and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Erickson (SWE) - parents
Binder MargaretLavinaMatlack1864 Mar 1Indiana1912 Mar 21at home at 31st and Washington St. Vancouver WAcanceryesSW 15-1 line 2Knapp Mortuary23 May 1912Van City Cem? McMullan (1) and Wolfgang "Wolf" Binder (Ger)(2) - spouses; Charles Albert, Willie by McMullan, Fred, James Edward, Rosetta May, Margaret Geneva, Clide, Albert, Roy, Mable Clare, Jess, George Washington, Walter M by Binder - children; Nathan Matlack (PA) and ? (MS) - parentsBaptisthousewifemoved from Kansas to Clark Co., WA about 1910; death record said March 1 was date of death, not 19th as recorded in other inventories; obit in Columbian, Mar 22 1912; 1900 11 children - 8 living; 1910 - 15 children and 12 aliveheadstone off pedestal
BirckBernice18871892 Nov 3membranous croupnoCharles DupuisSW 58 S/2 line 104 Nov 1892Van City Cem
Blacker/ BlockerEdith E1892 Jun1892 Sep 5 spinal meningitisyesJ S BlackerSW 80 N/2 line 17 Sep 1892Van City CemJ S Blacker - parent
Blacker/ BlockerEmma J18951896yesJ S BlackerSW 80 N/2 line 11896Van City CemJ S Blacker - parent
Blacker/ BlockerEJosephine 1896 Feb1896 May 18yesJ S BlackerSW 80 N/2 line 119 May 1896Van City CemJ S Blacker - parent
BlairColumbus Siegle1861 Aug 12Polk Co., Missouri1931 Jun 20Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesSW 195 N/2C H Kirch & Son23 Jun 1931Van City CemAnn Elizabeth Gillihan (MO)(1) and Melvina Louise Brown (MO)(2) - spouses; James O, Edith A, Charles A, Marjorie M, Nina Maude - children by Ann Elizabeth; Pinkney Blair (MO) and Melissa Lunsford (MO) - parentsIOOF, Republican, Fisher Methodist Churchprune and nut grower and drying business Melvina's first husband was William Blair, both buried in SE 97
BlairAnnElizabethGillihan1858 Nov 9Mercer Co., Missouri1918 Jul 12Vancouver WAmital insufficiencyyesSW 195-1 line 4Knapp Funeral Home14 Jul 1918Van City CemColumbus Siegel Blair (MO) - spouse; James O, Edith A, Charles A, Marjorie M, Nina Maude - children; Gideon Gillihan (TN) and Mary Jane Henslee (TN) - parentsMethodisthousewife
BlairNinaMaude1890 Jul 26Camas, Clark Co., Washington1892 Feb 6Clark Co., WAyesSW 195 N/2 line 14Van City CemColumbus Siegel Blair (MO) and Ann Elizabeth Gilliaham (MO) - parents
BlairAlpha1890 Oct 18Vancouver WA1892 May 30Clark Co., WAcroupnoWilliam BlairSW 196 N/2 line 13May/Jun 1892Van City CemWilliam F Blair (MO) and Melvina Louise Brown (MO) - parentsSE 97 - William and Melvina Blair are interred with additional children
BlairElmerE 1893 Jul 7Vancouver WA1907 Jan 23Vancouver WAappendicitisnoWilliam BlairSW 196 N/2 line 1325 Jan 1907Van City CemWilliam F Blair (MO) and Melvina Louise Brown (MO) - parentsSE 97 - William and Melvina Blair are interred with additional children
BlairLuttieB1888 Dec 29Vancouver WA1892 Jun 4Clark Co., WAdiptheriayesWilliam BlairSW 196 N/2 line 13Van City CemWilliam F Blair (MO) and Melvina Louise Brown (MO) - parentsSE 97 - William and Melvina Blair are interred with additional children
BlodgettMolly1853 Nov1897 Jul 8Clark Co., WAcancer of the wombnoG E WestonSW24 S/2 line 89 Jul 1897Van City CemSilas Blodgett (NH-ME) - spouseSilas in Clark Co. as a widower in 1900
Bloomfield Maria JanePetrain1853 Mar 9Vancouver, WA1944 Feb 1Vancouver WApneumoniayesEdward F WhiteSW 135 line 10Vancouver Funeral Chapel3 Feb 1944Van City CemNathaniel H Bloomfield (KY) - spouse; Joseph Petrain (Can) and Catherine Dolan (Ire) - parentsCatholicJoseph Petrain and Catherine Dolan Petrain are buried in SE 72; birth date on death cert and obit have 15 March; obit The Columbian 2 Feb 1944-lived in Seaview WA for 35 years prior to moving to Vancouver a couple years
BlurockHenry1809 SepSaxony, Germany1890 Jul 3Clark Co., WAold ageyesJohn BlurockSW 64 line 163 Jul 1907Van City CemCatherine M ? (Ger) - spouse (1812-1885); John, George, Ann Eliza, Henry - childrenemigrated from Germany and lived in PA and MO the came over the Oregon Trail in 1876 with son John and his family
BlurockCatherine M1812 Mar 26Saxony, Germany1885 Aug 14Clark Co., WAyesJohn BlurockSW 64 line 16Aug 1885Van City CemHenry Blurock (Ger) - spouse; John, George, Ann Eliza, Henry - childrenemigrated from Germany and lived in PA and MO the came over the Oregon Trail in 1876 with son John and his family
BlurockJohn1832 MaySaxony, Germany1907 Jan 6WashingtonBright's diseasenoJohn BlurockSW 64 line 16Jan 1907Van City CemMargaret Sang (Ger) - spouse; Edward M, Isabelle, George, Charles A, William H, Margaret, Jane, Jennie H, 3 others- children; Henry Blurock (Ger) and Catherine M ? (Ger) - parentsPresbyterian had half interest in Harmer's Meat Market, dairy farm, raised beef and vegetablesemigrated from Germany and lived in PA and MO the came over the Oregon Trail in 1876 with his wife Margaret and family and Father and mother; 1900 was living in Pacific Co., WA
BlurockMargaret (Margarite)Sang1833 Jun 24Saxony, Germany1922 Jul 26Vancouver WAold age noJohn BlurockSW 64 line 16Limber Funeral Home29 Jul 1922Van City CemJohn Blurock (GER) - spouse; Edward M, Isabelle, George, Charles A, William H, Margaret, Jane, Jennie H, 3 others- children; ? Sang - parents, both born in GermanyCame across Oregon Trail with husband John and family and in-laws; in 1900 census she had 11 children - 7 living
Boswell, JrRobert 1884 MayNebraska1905 Apr 20Vancouver WAlogging accident causing injuries falling a treeyesRobert BoswellSW 203 S/222 Apr 1905Van City Cemsingle; Robert Boswell Sr. (ENG) and Flora Brown (WI) - parentsnewspaper article The Columbia 27 Apr 1905
Boswell, Sr.Robert 1838 Aug 21England1916 Jan 105th and Washington St., Vancouver WAnatural causesyesRobert BoswellSW 203-1Limber Funeral Home13 Jan 1916Van City CemFlora Brown (WI) - spouse/div; George, Jacob, Charles, Albert, Robert Jr.,Katie, Clara, Minnie, William - children; Could be spelt BUSWELL; 1900 census 11 children and 9 living
BoughtonRuth NJohnson1893 Feb 27Washington1979 May 2Santa Cruz Co., CaliforniaashesyesSW 190Chapel of the Four Seasons, Santa Cruz Co., California5 May 1980Van City CemRoger Boughton (CA) - spouse; Roger, Ward - children; William H Johnson (WA) and Mathilde Ballard1917, Fresno CA, divorced 1922 CA; 1920 living in Oakland with husband and mother in Oakland; in same plot as mother, sister and brothers in SW 190
Bowdeninfant (female)1937 Jan 24Vancouver WA1937 Jan 24Vancouver WAprematurenoSW 205 - baby Green SectionKnapp Funeral Home25 Jan 1937Van City CemMajor Edwin Turner Bowden (TN) and Allie Myrick (GA) - parentsEdwin Turner Bowden was major in US Army, both Edwin and Allie are buried in Arlington Nat'l Cem. VA
Boyer Jacob George 1909 AprVancouver WA1909 Aug 25Vancouver WAbrain troublenoSW 57-1 line 925 Aug 1909Van City CemWilliam C Boyer (WA) and Addie M Prutzman (WA) - parents?
Boyer Johnny A1888 Dec 31Washington1889 Jul 28Clark Co., WAbrain feveryesSW 93 S/2 line 1329 Jul 1889Van City CemGeorge S Boyer (PA) and Lydia Page (IL) - parents
Boyer Ora L (male)1887 Jul 8Missouri1889 Jul 20Clark Co., WAdrowningyesSW 93 S/2 line 1321 Jul 1889Van City CemGeorge S Boyer (PA) and Lydia Page (IL) - parents
BraddockJohn J1855 Jan 20New York1894 Jan 3 or 4near Amboy, Clark Co., WAexposure, 39 y, 11m, 14dyesMrs J BraddockSW 176 S/2line 1Feb 1894Van City CemMargaret "Maggie" A Wilson (NY) - spouse; Leonard, Hattie, George H - children; Chaney Braddock (NY) and Susan Travis (NY) - parents1880-farmer, MI; 1890-laborer, Vancouver WAmarried Margaret 1874 Dec 24, MI; He was lost while hunting in the Tum Tum Mountain area near Amboy; body found by two brothers several weeks after he had gone missing; Newspaper article The Vancouver Independent 16 Feb 1894; buried in SW 176 with wife-not in SW 116; wife remarried EATON
BrazierHarry1856Surrey, England1894 Jan 19Vancouver WAheart troublenoA BrazierSW 205 S/221 Jan 1894Van City CemLucy Ann Conlin (AZ) - spouse; Alice May, Ashley, Jennie, Esther, - children; Charles Henry Brazier (ENG) and Sarah E Linnett (Eng) - parentsPancoast is stepfather's name; half brother Fred Pancoast buried in same plot with husband
BrewsterWilliam (John)Holt1846 MayManchester, England1902 Oct 27Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachyesWilliam H Brewster SW 184 line 8 Colonial Mortuary, Portland OR28 Oct 1902Van City CemLucy L DuPuis (WA)(1) and Ada E Clark (WA)(2) - spouses; Robert N, William Holt Jr. - children by Lucy; John Brewster (ENG) and Hannah Holt (Eng) - parentsmerchant grocerThis is Lucy DuPruis 3rd marriage
BrewsterLouiseElizabethZaloudek1887 Jul 8Muscoda, Grant Co., Wisconsin1973 Jul 19Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonstrokenoWilliam H Brewster SW 184-1 line 8Carrol Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., ORegonJul 1973Van City CemRobert N Brewster (WA) - spouse; Joseph Zaloudek (Bohemia) and Catherine Kucera (Bohemia) - parentsdressmaker
Brewster Robert Nicholas1880 Jul 5 Clark Co., WA1955 Dec 6Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonperitonitisyesWilliam H Brewster SW 184-2 line 8Colonial Mortuary, Portland OR9 Dec 1955Van City CemLouise Elizabeth Zaloudek (WI) - spouse; William Holt Brewster Sr. (Eng) and Lucy L DuPuis (WA) - parentsworked with father in grocery as a salesman; 1920-1950 -dentist, Portland OR
BriggsClarkNewcombe1821 Feb 26Bristol, Ontario Co., New York1893 Dec 15Vancouver WAinflammation of the spineyesC W BriggsSW 66 S/2 line 1519 Dec 1893Van City CemEunice S Symonds (NY) - spouse; Ellen, James, Julius, Charley, Leon, Fred - children; Zenos Briggs (MA) and Hannah Hammond (NY) - parentsCivil War veteran - 93rd Regimant of New York Infantry1870-millwright, Salem OR; 1880-farmer, Umatilla Co., OR
BriggsEunice SSymonds1821Livingston Co., New York1895 Jan 5Vancouver WAold ageyesC W BriggsSW 66 S/2 line 156 Jan 1895Van City CemClark Newcombe Briggs (NY) - spouse; Ellen, James, Julius, Charley, Leon, Fred - children; ? Symonds and ? ? (VT) - parents
BriggsFredLewellyn1864New York1886 May 6Clark Co., WAyesC W BriggsSW 66 S/2 line 158 May 1886Van City Cemsingle; Clark Newcombe Briggs and Eunice Symonds - parents
BrockJohn1822 Aug 30Ontario, Canada1899 Nov 1Clark Co., WAparalysisnoSW 17 S/2 line 12 Nov 1899Van City CemRebecca Jane Manney (NY) - spouse; John James, Horatio, 2 others - children; John Brock (VT) and Ruth Hawley (Can) - parents1880-farmer MI; school teacherlived at 35th and S St., Vancouver; son John died in 1953 in Hood River OR
BrockRebecca JaneManney1842 Jan 30Rochester, Monroe Co., New York1920 Apr 3died at home in Vancouver WApneumonianoSW 17-2 line 1Knapp Funeral Home5 Apr 1920Van City CemJohn Brock (Can) - spouse; John James, Horatio, 2 others - children; John Peter Manney (Can) and Jane/Alice Montgomery (NY) - parents1871 married Brock, MI; 1900 census 3 cildren/ 2 living; 1910 census - 4 children only 2 living; parent in SW 95; son John died in Hood River OR in 1953
BrownEstella18651894 Mar 21stomach trouble noJ R BrownSW 39 S/223 Mar 1984Van City Cem
Brown Huston1920 Jul 9Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1920 Aug 29at home at 7101 King St., Vancouver WAcholera infantumnoMrs Mary PruelxSW 59-3 S/2 line 11Knapp Mortuary30 Aug 1920Van City CemLeslie Lambert (WA) and Isabelle Brown (WY) - parents
Brunoldinfant1924 Jan 24Vancouver WA1924 Jan 24Vancouver WApremature birthnoSW 35 line 14-Whitney lotKnapp Mortuary19 Jan 1924Van City CemFred Brunold (Switzland) and Alice Ann Wiesse (Neb) - parents
BuckleyAmandaF1849 Aug 291892 Jan 28Washingtontyphoid-pneumonia feveryesDan BuckleySW 29 S/2 line 1329 Jan 1892Van City CemDaniel J Buckley - spouseOrder of United American Mechanics- husband was a memberobit The Columbian 5 Feb 1892
BuckmanTheodore1845 Jan 21 Indiana1917 May 4Seattle, King Co., WashingtonpneumoniayesTheodore BuckmanSW 96-2 line 16Knapp Mortuary6 May 1917Van City CemCatherine "Kitty" Ashcraft (KY) - spouse; Mattie T (m Carson), Rosa, Cora, Evalina - children; Abraham "Harding" Buckman (PA) and Lydia Holloway (OH) - parentsUnitarianfarmer 1880-Clackamas Co., Oregon1900-farmer, Harney, Clark Co., WAmarried Catherine 1868,Indiana
BuckmanCatherine "Kitty"F Ashcraft1844 Oct 31Bracken Co., Kentucky1911 Mar 31St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAdropsy (diabetes) yesTheodore BuckmanSW 96-2 line 16Knapp Mortuary2 Apr 1911Van City CemTheodore Buckman (IND) - spouse; Mattie T (m. Carson), Rosa, Cora, Eva - children; William E Ashcraft (KY) and Rosanna Keith (KY) - parentshousewifemarried Buckman 1868, Indiana; 1900-1910 census 4 children/ 3 living
BuckmanRosa/Rosie1872 Aug 18Oregon1884 Dec 10typhoid feveryesTheodore BuckmanSW 96 1/4 line 16Van City CemTheodore Buckman (IND) and Catherine "Kitty" Ashcraft (KY) - parents1880 was living in Clackamas Co., OR
BukerRobert Boal1851 Sep 1Monoe, Muskinghum Co., Ohio1912 Nov 2Vancouver WAarteriosclerosis, cerebral hemorrhageyesRobert BukerSW 37 N/2 line 12Grice and Beatty Undertakers5 Nov 1912Van City CemNancy Matilda Leavell (IA) - spouse (Iowa); Arlena A, Effie A, Ella C, Josie F, Lulu M, David, Cora E, Edgar E, Edith V, Alva P, Maude M, Arthur L, Walter R - children; Israel H Buker (OH) and Mariah Boal (OH) - parentsfarmer, owned 31 acresObit in the Columbian on 5 Nov 1912
BukerNancy MatildaLeavell1862 Dec 20Udell, Appanoose Co., Iowa1939 Aug 19at home in Vancouver WApneumoniayesRobert BukerSW 37-5 N/2 line 15Vancouver Funeral Chapel23 Aug 1939Van City CemRobert B Buker (OH) - spouse; Arlena A, Effie A, Ella C, Josie F, Lulu M, David, Cora E, Edgar E, Edith V, Alva P, Maude M, Arthur L, Walter R - children; Ezkial Clay Leavell (IND) And Esther Whisler (VA) - parentsobit The Columbian 21 Aug 1939
BukerRobert David1892 Feb 12Vancouver WA1892 Feb 19Vancouver WAla gripenoRobert BukerSW 37 N/2 line 1220 Feb 1892Van City CemRobert B Buker (OH) and Nancy Matilda Leavell (IA) - parents
BulmanErwin/ EdwinC1848 DecNew York1904 Jun 4Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumoniayesSW 09 S/2 line 85 Jun 1904Van City CemHelen M Grant (NY) - spouse; ?? (Eng) and ?? (Can) - parentsCivil War veteran, Company G, 38th Wisconsin Infantry1891-1900 real estate, Portland OR1900 was living in Oregon; obit The Oregonian 9 Jun 1904
BulmanHelenMGrant1848 Oct 23New York1915 Oct 25St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAtumors of the brainnoMrs BulmanSW 09 S/2 line 8Beatty Funeral Home27 Oct 1915Van City CemEdwin C Bulman (NY) - spouse; Eber Grant (NY) and M A Ferguson (Can) - parentsLady of the GAR, Rebecca Lodgedressmakerhusband was Civil War vet; obit in The Columbian on 25 and 26 Oct 1915
BunchSamuelA1887 Sep 28Clark Co., WA1888 Jun 27Clark Co., WAyesSamuel T BunchSW 101 S/2 line 12Van City CemSamuel T Bunch (MO) and Lousie Seig (Switz) - parents; Agnes Bunch Charlton - sister
Burch (Birch)Ella EBallard1856 Nov 24Iowa City, Johnson Co., Iowa1953 Feb 22Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumoniayesSW 190-5 line 14Holman and son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon26 Feb 1953Van City CemWalter Burch (OR) - spouse; Clay, Agnes, 4 others - children; Devillo P Ballard (NY) and Mary Agnes Ward (MI) - parentsmarried Burch 1883 in Yakima, WA; moved to Grants Pass OR and propspected for gold; in 1900 census she is divorced; had 6 children, two living; obit The Oregonian 25 Feb 1953; buried with mother
BurdueHattie LHoyt1845 Mar Fredonia TWP, Calhoun Co., Michigan1911 Jun 13at home at 814 Main St., Vancouver WA cancer of the stomachyesW BurdueSW 174 S/2 line 3Limber and Richardson14 Jun 1911Van City CemBrazilla W Bond (1) and Welch Burdue (OH)(2) - spouse; Bertha May - child by Bond; George W Hoyt (NY) and Sabra Lavina Lockwood (MA) - parentshousewifedau Bertha May Reynolds is buried in SW 174 with mother; obit The Columbian 14 Jun 1911
BurgyLouis Isaac1856 Dec 9France 1918 Aug 22Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncarcinomayesLouis BurgySW 204 N/2 line 526 aug 1918Van City CemMary Louise DuPuis (WA)(1) and Katherine M Holtzman (Ger)(2) - spouses; Charles Edward - child by Mary, Chester W, George J and Lillian (twins), Louis - children by Katherine; John Charles Burgy Sr. (FR) and Mary Ann Steffen (FR) - parents1900 - carpenter1851 immigrated from France on ship "Susan"; parents came on the OR Trail in 1852; 1854 received a Donation Land Claim of 640 acres in Clark Co., WA; married Mary in 1882 Clark Co., WA and divorce she remarries GORDON and dies in Los Angeles CA; married Katherine 1897; son Charles (b 1886) died 1957 in Clatsop Co., OR buried in Warrenton OR
BurgyKatherine M Holtzman1873 Mar 4Wurttenberg, Germany1906 Nov 7at hoome, Vancouver WAcanceryesLouis BurgySW 204 line 59 Nov 1906Van City CemLouis Isaac Burgy (WA) - spouse; Chester W, George J and Lillian (twins b. 1900), Louis - children; Fred Holtzman (Ger) and Christina Walch (Ger) - parentsmember of The Women of Woodcrafthousewife; worked at Deaf Mute School in Vancouver WA for a timemarried Burgy 1897 Clark Co., WA; son George dies in 1900; obit The Columbian 8 Nov 1906
BurgyGeorge J1900 Jan 21Vancouver WA1900 Feb 2Vancouver WAdebilityyesLouis BurgySW 204 line 52 Feb 1900Van City CemLouis Isaac Burgy (WA) and Katherine Holtzman (Ger) - parentstwin sister Lillian
BurgyLillian 1900 Jan 21Vancouver WA1903 Feb 20Vancouver WAthroat troubleyesLouis BurgySW 204 line 521 Feb 1903Van City CemLouis Isaac Burgy (WA) and Katherine Holtzman (Ger) - parents; twin brother Georgetwin brother George
BurgyChester W1903Vancouver WA1961 Dec 4Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co., WApneumonia and brain tumorashesyesLouis BurgySW 204-4 line 5Mountain View Funeral Home, Tacoma, Pierce Co., WA Dec 1961Van City Cemsingle; Louis Isaac Burgy (WA) and Katherine Holtzman (Ger) - parentsretired bridge carpenter, Northern Pacific RR; 1940 - patient at Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co. WA1920-1930 living in Vancouver WA; 1935 living with brother Louis (longshoreman) in Seattle WA; obit News Tribune 4 Dec 1961
BurgyLouis F1898 Mar 5Vancouver WA1974 Mar 14Seattle, King Co., Washingtonheart failureashesnoLouis BurgySW 204-5 N/2 line 5Home Funeral Chapel, Seattle,King Co., WA18 Mar 1974Van City CemMargery Richardson (MT) - spouse; Burton Louis and Margery (twins), Robert - children; Louis Isaac Burgy (WA) and Katherine Holtzman (Ger) - parents;US Navy veteran1940 - truck driver; master mate for a shipping company, Seattle WA1931 married Margery Richardson, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbia 19 Mar 1974
BurnessElizabethHowiePetrie/Pettrie1850Mains, Forfarshire (now Angus Co.), Scotland1888 Aug 19Clark Co., WAinflammationnoWilliam BurnessSW 99 line 1420 Aug 1888Van City CemWilliam Burness (Scot) - spouse; David, Minnie, Alexander, William, Frank; Minnie - children; Alexander Pettrie (Scot) and Elizabeth ? (Scot) - parentshusband William was a carpenter, 1880, Illinois and 1885 in Clark Co., WAmarried William Burness 20 Feb 1874, Strathmartine, Angus, Scotland; immigrated about 1879
BurnessMinnie1876Mains, Forfarshire (now Angus Co.), Scotland1888 Jul 27Clark Co., WAdiphtherianoWilliam BurnessSW 99 S/2 line 1428 Jul 1888Van City CemWilliam Burness (Scot) and Elizabeth Petrie (Scot) - parentsimmigrated about 1879 with parents
BurrowsHarryDavid1859 Sep 16Harefield, South Hampton, England1925 Jan 6Vancouver WAheart relatedashesyesH D BurrowsSW 93 N/2 line 13Knapp Funeral Home Jan 1925Van City CemEliza C Cushing (IL) - spouse; infant, Louise Jean, Harry D, Benjamin C - childrensteam boat pilot1872 immigrated to US; wife Eliza C Cushing remarried to Knute Madsen in 1927; buried under Eliza C Madsen in same plot; obit The Columbian 7 Jan 1925- lived in Vancouver since 1894
Burrowsinfant1889 JunVancouver WA1889 JunVancouver WAexhaustion at birthyesH D BurrowsSW 93 N/2 line 1330 Jun 1889Van City CemHenry David Burrows and Eliza Cushing - parents
BurrowsLouiseJean1902 AprVancouver WA1902Vancouver WAyesH D BurrowsSW 93 N/2 line 137 Oct 1902Van City CemHenry David Burrows and Eliza Cushing - parents
BursonLynneHerbert1932 Nov 8Battle Ground, Clark Co., WashingtonWA1934 Jan 1Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAabacus of the lungsnoSW 205 - baby Green SectionKnapp Funeral Home2 Jan 1934Van City CemWilliam P Burson (OR) and Blanche V French (OR) - parents
BurtMansellM1822 Feb 24Scioto, Delaware Co., Ohio1895 Sep 27Beaver Creek, Clackamas Co., OregonnoSW 79 S/2 line 2 Sep 1895Van City CemLucinda Tifft (NY) - spouse; Mary Isabel, Alexander K, William L, Rosa, George - children; Munsel Burt (NJ) and Hannah Muss (PA) - parentsbrother of James Mansell; in same plot as dau Rosa Munn; son Alexander in SW 5; son James Mansell in SW 143
BurtLucindaTifft1827 Jul 24Rockland Co., New York1921 Sep 28Beaver Creek, Clackamas Co., OregonsenilitynoSW 79 S/2 line 2 Knapp Mortuary30 Sep 1921Van City CemMansell M Burt (OH) - spouse; Mary Isabel, Alexander K, William L, Rosa, George - children; George Tifft (RI) and Laura Edwards (CT) - parentssame plot as dau Rosa Munn; son Alexander in SW 5; son James M in SW 143
BurtAlexander K1853 Aug Illinois1905 Mar 10Vancouver WAheart failurenoSarah F BurtSW 05 S/2 line 1213 Mar 1905Van City CemSarah Frances Gideon (IA) - spouse; Rose D, Abigal/Allie M, Nellie, Bonalyn - children; Mansell Burt (OH) and Lucinda Tifft (NY) - parantsfirst a farmer then in grocery business; 1900 was a solicitor of tombstones; member of the Vancouver City Councilwife Sarah Gideon was born Feb 1850 in Iowa; 1880 came to Clark Co., WA; buried in Ilwaco WA- remarried John Jennings; parents in SW 79; obit The Columbian 16 Mar 1905
BurtJamesMansell1832 JunScioto, Delaware Co., Ohio1903 Nov 11at home of son Frank, Clark Co., WAold agenoDr. J M BurtSW 143 N/2 line 314 Nov 1903Van City CemXantippe Crab (IN) - spouse; Mansell, Frank M, Hannah, Willie - children; Mansell Burt and Hannah Munn (PA) - parentsdoctor/physician; cornor of Clark Countymarried Xantippa in 1854, Indiana; 1874 came to Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 12 Nov 1903; bro of Mansell
Burt XantippaCrab1835 Dec 28Indiana1902 Jul 8Clark Co., WAyesDr. J M BurtSW 143 N/2Van City CemDr James Mansell Burt (OH) - spouse; Frank M, Mansell, Hannah - children; Jeremiah Crab (PA) and Jane Swan (PA) - parentsMarried Burt in 1854, Indiana; 1900 had 3 children, 2 living; Hannah Hall is buried SW 207-3; Bro Stephen Swan buried in Ridgegfield WA
BurtonEthelIrene1891 Oct 28Vancouver WA1896 Aug 19Vancouver WAspinal meningitisyesSW 23 N/2 line 7Aug 1896Van City CemJohn R Burton (Ewng) and Adeline V McCormack (NY) - parentssiblings: George, Gladys
BusbyJamesAlexander1871 Nov 30Ottawa Co., Michigan1906 Mar 11Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonapendicitisyesJulia HuthSW 151 line 7F S Dunning, Portland, Multnomah Co., ORegon14 Mar 1906Van City CemKatherine Huth (CA) - spouse; Ethel Irene - child; John Busby (Ire) and Marguerite Esfey (Eng) - parents
Callaway CharlesLeonard1855 Howard Co., Missouri1932 Jan 5at the Multnomah Co. Poor Farm, Troutdale, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart disease; 66y, 3m, 10dyesC C CallawaySW 178 line 2Bruning and Driscoll, Portland, Multnomah Co., RO11 Jan 1932Van City CemClara Belle Davis (Neb) - spouse: Lloyd, Hattie, Stella, Roy - children; James Callaway (IN) and Elizabeth Holcomb (IN) - parents1891 - miner; railroad construction foreman1891- Vancouver WA; 1900- divorced, Portland OR; wife Clara Belle (remarries Embree) is in same plot (died in 1936); obit The Oregonian 10 Jan 1932
Callaway Roy1890 Jan 191896 May 27yesC C CallawaySW 178 S/2 line 2Van City CemCharles Leonard Callaway (MO) and Clara Belle Davis (Neb) - parentsparents in same plot
CampbellSamuel1814Ireland1898 Oct 4Vancouver WAimpaired faculties due to asthma, 84 yearsyesSamuel CampbellSW 150 N/2 line 66 Oct 1898Van City CemAnn ? (Ire)(1) and Margaret ? (Ire)(2) - spouses; Andrew, Jane, Nancy, Martha, Mary E - children by Ann; parents of Irelandfarmer - 1850-1870, Jo Daviess Co.,Il; 1883-1887 in Clark Co., WA, kept a small boarding house for a while in Clark Co. then purchased a small fuit ranch north of Vancouverimmigrated to US 14 June 1834 in Philadelphia, then in Jo Daviess Co., IL, Ann died in Jo Daviess Co., IL; married Margaret in Jo Daviess Co., IL; then Kansas, about 1875 came to Clark Co., WA; sibling - Andrew (older); obit The Columbian 7 Oct 1898-name is missing on top of headstone; only dates are visible
CanbySamuel1837 Aug 5Wilmington, New Castle Co, Delaware1897 Jul 24Vancouver WAsuicide by drowningyesMrs R T CanbySW 53 S/2 line 526 Jul 1897Van City CemRebecca T Johnston (PA) - spouse; Edmund, Alice, Caroline, Elizabeth, Ethel, William, anthor child - children; Edmund Canby (DE) and Mary T Price (DE) - parentsCivil War veteran, major, Lt in New Jersey 4th Infanty and Co, S Delaware 2nd Infantry Regiment; resign in 1868.Civil Engineerobit The Columbia 30 Jul 1897 - lept off steamer into the Columbia River; brothers - Edmond L Canby, a Vancouver banker, and Col Canby of US Army, paymaster; lived in Vancouver for 3 years, separated from wife and seven grown children in Wilmington DEL
Canning Annie1887 JulClark Co., WA1887 Sep 21Clark Co., WAcholera infantumnoG W CanningSW 33 N/2 22 Sep 1887Van City CemG W Canning - parent
Caplesinfant1923 Mar 151923 Mar 18St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonspectic infectionnoSW 182-1 N/2 (foot) line 6Knapp Funeral Home19 Mar 1923Van City CemAlpha Hathaway Caples (WA) and Mayme Roselle Anderson (WA) - parentsparents buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; in same plot with grandparents Ida and Wm R Anderson Jr
CaplesCora BellFleming1874 Aug 6Greenville, Darke Co., Ohio1949 Oct 28Oregon State Hospitel, Salem Marion Co. OregonsenilitynoSW 88-2 line 8Knapp Mortuary27 Nov 1949Van City CemPhillip L Caples (WA) - spouse; Delbert Runkel, infant - children; Henry Fleming (OH) and Elizabeth Runkel - parentsmarried Caples Jan 4 1893, Vancouver WA; 1900 census one child; 1910 census two children/one living; Delbert 12 Sep 1896; obit The Columbian 31 Oct 1949
CarlisleJohn1826Canada1895 Feb 21asthma, 83 yr.noGus AndersonSW 21 S/2 line 523 Feb 1895Van City CemDelilah A Mosher (Can) - spouse; Laura S - child1880 - farmer in Wisconsindau Laura married Gustav Anderson about 1889; Carlisle-Anderson family headstone; same plot as dau Laura Anderson
CarlisleDelilahAMosher1831 May 26Ontario, Canada1909 Aug 28at home of dau Mrs Gus Anderson, Mill Plain Rd, Vancouver WAgall stones and old agenoGus AndersonSW 21 S/2 line 5Knapp Mortuary30 Aug 1909Van City CemJohn Carlisle (Can) - spouse; Laura S - child; Henry Mosher (Can) and Martha Young (Can) - parents1900 living with dau and widowed, Vancouver WA1891 came west from Wisconsin; 1900 census - 2 children/1 living; in same plot as dau Laura Anderson; obit The Columbian 2 Sep 1909
CarsonIoneJane 1914 Jul 3Washington1916 Dec 29Vancouver WAbronchial pneumonianoSW 96-2 line 19Knapp Mortuary31 Dec 1916Van City CemEarl F Carson (KS) and Mattie T Buckman (OR) - parents
CaruthersHarry E1888 Feb 7Eldorado, Cedar Co., Missouri1940 Mar 5Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesSW 93Vancouver Funeral Chapel9 Mar 1940Van City CemGlessner Fox (MO)(1) and Anna M DeLong (WA)(2) - spouses; Ruby Elizabeth - child by Glessner, Loumond E, Donald L, Marjorie M, Jack W, Betsy R - children by Anna; William Caruthers (TN) and Sarah Elizabeth Moore (MO) - parentsGlessner died in 1918
ChandleeCasper1827 Oct 4Sandy Spring, Montgomery Co., Maryland1895 May 22Clark Co., WAyesThomas HuntsberrySW 42 line 7Van City CemMary Virginia Mount (VA) - spouse; Elliott, Clara C, Eliza J, Mary Belle, William Edwin, Mollie D; Mahlon J Chandlee (MD) and Catherine Frame - parentsdau Mollie D marries Thomas Huntsberry - plot owner (son-in-law)
ChandlerElizabethHannesBartlett1832 Oct 31Kentucky1902 Jun 20Orting, Pierce Co., Washingtonyes SW 15729 Jun 1902Van City CemWilliam Jefferson Wiggs (KY)(1) and Luther Price Chandler (PA)(2) - spouse; Nancy, Narcissa, William J, John R, Elnora Leone, Edwin R, one more - children by Wiggs; Luther P Chandler (b 1837) was married to Harriet Jane Triggs (1)(b. 1834, d.11 Jul 1883)(buried in Benton Co., OR); Elizabeth married Wiggs 1867 in Fulton, KY and divorced; Wiggs died in 1912 Grants Pass OR; she married Chandler??; After Elizabeth dies, he married Jerusha Davis (3); obit The Columbian 26 Jun 1902; 1900 census 7 children/ 3 living; Chandler buried in Orting WA military cemetery
ChantlerMartha CTaylor1852 Jul 4Ellenbrook, Lancaster, England1913 Oct 31Vancouver WAmeningitisyesPeter ChantlerSW 68Beatty Funeral Home2 Nov 1913Van City CemPeter C Chantler (Eng) - spouse; Marguerita Alice - child; Thomas Taylor (Eng) and Marianne Edge (Eng?) - parentsmarried Chantler 1871 in England; 1910 census - 13 children/ 2 living
ChantlerPeterC1846 AprRixton, Lancashire, England1928 Feb 22Washington State Hospital, FT Stellicoom, Pierce Co., WashingtonarteriosclerosisyesPeter ChantlerSW 68 N/2 line13A J Rose, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon7 Mar 1928Van City CemMartha C Taylor (Eng) - spouse; Marguerita Alice, Mabel, 11 others - children; William Chantler (Eng) and Margaret Lawton (Lawlon) (Eng) - parents1900 farmer, Clark Co., WA; 1910 - farmer, Lacama area, Clark Co., WAmarried Martha in 1871, England; married Martha in 1871 in England; immigrated in 1872; 1910 Martha had 13 children, only 2 living; 40 year resident of Clark Co.; obit The Columbian 5 Mar 1928 - only child living Mrs L R Crockwell of Alaska
ChantlerMabel1879Clark Co., WA1889Clark Co., WAnoSW 68 N/2 line135 Jun 1890Van City CemPeter Chantler (Eng) and Martha C Taylor (Eng) - parentsnot in inventory records
ChapelBerniceEllen Tarbox1874 Oct 25Wisconsin1909 Dec 17Vancouver WAuremic poisoning after child birthyesSW 07 S/2 line 10Hamilton Funeral Home20 Dec 1909Van City CemGilbert Chapel (WI) - spouse; Melissi, Gilbert Chauncey, infant, Edgar W, Earle E, Guy A, Lona J - children; Chauncey Tarbox (ME) and Amanda Rollings (ME) - parents1900 census 5 children/3 living; Gilbert (b 1868) died in Los Angeles CA in 1947; 1910- sons Edgar, Earle, Guy, Chauncey and dau Lona alive.
Chapelinfant - female1909 Dec 14Vancouver WA1909 Dec 14Vancouver WAin childbirthnoSW 07 S/2 line with mother Bernice16 Dec 1909Van City CemGilbert Chapel (WI) and Bernice Ellen Tarbox (WI) - parents
ChapelMelissi1902 SepWisconsin1903 Nov 14Vancouver WAbrain diseasenoSW 07 line 1014 Nov 1903Van City CemGilbert Chapel (WI) and Bernice Ellen Tarbox (WI) - parents
ChapelGilbertChauncey1907 Feb 27Clark Co., WA1918 Apr 22Vancouver WAseptic endocarditisnoSW 07-2 line 10Limber Funeral Home24 Apr 1918Van City CemGilbert Chapel (WI) and Bernice Ellen Tarbox (WI) - parentsstudent at Franklin Schoolobit The Columbian 25 Apr 1918
CharltonMary Agnes Bunch1871 Dec 25Osage Co., Missouri1891 May 7at home of parents, Vancouver WAin childbirthyesSamuel T BunchSW 102 S/2 line11Van City CemJames William Charlton (OR) - spouse; Marion Archie - child; Samuel T Bunch (MO) and Louise Frances Seig (Switzerland) - parentshousewifesibling - Samuel Bunch
CharltonMarionArchie1891 May 7Clark Co., WA1891 Oct 20Vancouver WA yesSamuel T BunchSW 102 S/2 line11Van City CemJames William Charlton (OR) and Mary Agnes Bunch (MO) - parents
ChevalleyGustave1889 Nov 1France or Switzerland1901 Aug 7Clark Co., WAbronchial infectionyesSW 1709 Aug 1901Van City CemLeo Chevalley (Switz) and Eliza Dietrich (Switz) - parentsobit The Columbian 8 Aug 1901
ChristianRobert 1819 Apr 15Ballacory, Kirt, Andreas, Isle of Man, England1903 Mar 15Clark Co. WAliver abcess suffered for 30 yearsyesSW 127 line 1517 Mar 1903Van City Cemsingle, Daniel Christian and Jane Lace - parents, both Isle of Man, EnglandUS Army served in Indian Ward 1855-1856; arrived 1852, Co. H 4th Regiment of Infantry, US Army, stationed at Vancouver Barracksboat manimmigrated to New York in 1844; crossed Isthmus of Panama as a soldier 1852; came to Ft Vancouver; 26 Mar 1903 obit in Vancouver Independent; lived with the Hathaway family; obit The Ciolumbian 19 Mar 1903on edge between SW 99 and SW 127
ChristyJames Washington1854 Dec 3Wayne Co., Iowa1926 Feb 11at home at 2009 Main St., Vancouver WAcancer of the rectumyesFred AllenSW 73 N/2 line 8Knapp Mortuary13 Feb 1926Van City CemDora May Mickey (IA) - spouse; no children; Josiah N Christy (OH) and Hanna Cloyd (OH) - parentsobit The Columbian 11 Feb 1926
ChristyDora MayMickey1863 May 4Henry Co., Iowa1938 Feb 15Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesFred AllenSW 73 N/2 line 8Knapp Mortuary18 Feb 1938Van City CemJames W Christy (IA) - spouse; no children; John Mickey (IL) and Susan Emeline Ashbaugh (OH) - parentsBaptisthousewife John Mickey (buried in NE 199-4) and Dowd B Mickey - siblings
ClannJames "Jim" M 1824 Jan 181898 AugsenilitynoSW 46 line 3Van City Cem
ClarkEdwardPutnam1860Elmira, Chemung Co., New York1890 Feb 26Clark Co., WAaccidentyesMrs. Adele ClarkSW 155 line 11Van City CemAdele Theresa Burgy (WA) - spouse; Edward Charles, Frederick - childrensoldier in the US Army for 10 years; Lt.??wife Adele (Hubbard) buried in same plot; sons Edward and Frederick in same plot
ClarkEdwardCharles1888 Apr 4Vancouver WA1954 Jan 11McMinneville, Yamhill Co., Oregonheart failureyesMrs Adele Clark HubbardSW 155-1 line 11Knapp Funeral Home15 Jan 1954Van City CemJulia Lilian Blaker (WA) (1) and Helen Alexander (WA)(2) - spouses; John Edward Denton - child by Julia; Edward P Clark (NY) and Adele T Burgy (WA) - parentsparents in same plot; Obit The Columbian 13 Jan 1954 atteneded St James College, 1927- lived in Dunsmure CA , Klamath Falls and Salem
ClarkFrederickPutnam1890Washington1916 Jul 8Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co., Washington26 years; general paralysis of the insaneyesMrs Adele Clark HubbardSW 155-3 line 11Limber Funeral Home10 Jul 1916Van City CemEdward Putnam Clark (NY) and Adele T Burgy (WA) - parentsparents in same plot
Clark LouisaWhite1851Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac Co., Wisconsin1887 Nov 25Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co., WashingtoncancernoJarius HarmerSW 66 N/2 line 1530 Nov 1887Van City Cem? Clark - spouse; George White and ? ? - parentssister Carrie Harmer Stafford in same plot
ClarkeThomas H1841England/Ireland1899 Jan 31Clark Co., WAheart diseaseyesSW 45 line 42 Feb 1899Van City CemMary Ann Dean (Eng) - spouse; Frederick Thomas, William J, Alfred Henry, Harriet L, Gertrude Elizabeth, Margaret A, son, Bernice M, Alfred John - children1874 - laborer, Milton, Northamptonshire, England; shoemaker - 1890 Vancouver City Directory
ClassenIsabel FBlurock1862 Oct 11Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania1954 Apr 15Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisnoSW 41-3 line 12Vancouver Funeral Chapel19 Apr 1954Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WAHarry G Classen (Ger) - spouse ; Henry H, Gertrude, Elmer, Ruth M - children; John Blurock (Ger) and Margaret Sang (Ger) - parentscould be buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA. Husband buried at Park Hill Cemetery.
ClovadietePeter18361901 Sep 28suicidenoSW 149 line 5Van City Cem
CoffmanArlie (male)1892 Sep 22Washington1892 Sep 22Clark Co., WAmembranous croupnoSW 57 N/2 line 923 Sep 1892Van City CemKelly Coffman (KS) and Amy E Lee (OR) - parents
CoffmanGoldy C (male)1888Washington1 Oct 1892 Oct 1Clark Co., WAmembranous croupnoSW 57 N/2 line 92 Oct 1892Van City CemKelly Coffman (KS) and Amy E Lee (OR) - parents
Colby NellieElizabethHealey1895 Nov 3Oregon1918 Nov 8at home in Pasco, Franklin Co., WashingtonpneumoniayesElizabeth ColbySW 206-1 S/2 Knapp Funeral Home11 Nov 1918Van City CemHerman L Colby (OR) - spouse; John W Healey (MI) and Mary J Stidham (MO) - parentsChristianhousewifeparents in SE 134
Cole Ronalno Rohalso) Roslin1847 Feb 22Fredericksburg, Lennox, Ontario, Canada1928 Apr 15Chadwell, Clatsop Co., OregonapoplexynoR R ColeSW 160-3 line 16Pohl and Gilbergh, Astoria, Clatsop Co., Oregon18 Apr 1928Van City CemVina Elizabeth Gillihan (OR) - spouse; Charlotte, Eva, Edna, Charles R - children; Bernard Cole (Can) and Charlotte Parks (Can) - parents1900-farmer, Clatsop Co. OR; 1910- teamster, Seaside, Clatsop Co. OR; 1920-Expressman for the city, Seaside ORimmigrated 1866; married Vina 1869 Multnomah Co., OR
Cole Vina (Lavina)Elizabeth Gillihan1853 Jun 20Sauvie's Island, Multnomah Co., Oregon1935 Dec 21Astoria, Clatsop Co., Oregoninfection of the gall bladddernoR R ColeSW 160-3 line 16Carlson and Son, Astoria, Clatsop Co., Oregon24 Dec 1935Van City CemRonalno R Cole (Can) - spouse; Charlotte, Eva, Edna, Charles R - children; Martin Gillihan (TN) and Sarah Howell (PA) - parentsmarried Cole about 1869, Multnomah Co., OR;1900-1910 census 4 children/3 living
Cole Charlotte 1879 Nov 3Clatsop Co., Oregon1888 Apr 17Chadwell, Clatsop Co., OregoninanitionnoR R ColeSW 160 line 16Van City CemRonalno R Cole (Can) and Vina Elizabeth Gillihan (OR) - parentsnewslatter article, The Daily Astorian 18 Apr 1888- brought to Vancouver for burial
CoopeyMinnieSmiley1862 Mar 28Appanoose Co., Iowa1942 Mar 21St Joseph Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonsenilityyesAdolph SmileySW 55-2 N/2 line 7Knapp Mortuary24 May 1942Van City CemFrancis M Franklin (IN)(1) and Charles Coopey (Eng)(2) - spouses; William Curry - child by Franklin; William Smiley (TN) and Cloitia Caroline Stone (IN) - parentsProtestanthousewife, but worked on the family prune and nut orchardscame to Clark Co., WA in 1882-3 with parents; buried in same plot as first spouse Franklin; married Coopey 26 Dec 1916; 1930 in Vancouver; Coopey born about 1855
CormanLewisTerry1895 AugWashington1896 AprClark Co., WAyesFrank CormanSW 118 S/2 line 626 Apr 1896Van City CemFrank Corman (MI) and Margaret E Woolfborn (IA) - parents; siblings: Clyde, Edith
CormanEdithJanett1900 Jan 30Washington1915 Mar 22Clark Co., WApulmonary tuberculosisyesFrank CormanSW 118 S/2 line 6Knapp Funeral Home24 Mar 1915Van City CemFrank Corman (MI) and Margaret E Woolfborn (IA) - parents; siblings: Clyde, Lewis; Margaret was second wife
CormanJosephine "Josie" Hagadone1863Michigan1892 Apr 9Vancouver WApneumonianoWillis CormanSW 124 S/2 line 12Apr 1892Van City CemFrank Corman (MI) - spouse;Willington Hagadone (Can) and Elizabeth Thurston (Can) - parentshousewifemarried 14 Apr 1890, Osceola Co, MI, first wife
CormanWillis/ William A1855Michigan1889 Jun 25accidentnoWillis CormanSW 124 S/2 line 1226 Jun 1889Van City CemPhillip W Corman (PA) and Julia Courter (Can) - parentsibling: Frank
CoryellElmerDonald1897Vancouver WA1898 Oct 6Vancouver WAwhooping coughnoC E CoryellSW 47 S/2 line 27 ct 1898Van City CemCharles Elmer Coryell (PA) and Alice L Milliren (PA) - parentsFather CE Coryell (b Feb 1869 PA), a farmer with 107 acres; mother Alice (b. Mar 1870 PA) she had 5 children
CottonCharles??18271887 Oct 5heart diseasenoSW 15-6 line 66 Oct 1887Van City CemMaybe be Charles Cotton who married Rachel Roberts; possible daugther Alice Inez (married George Lewis Williams)
CouchAnnieTeary/Tary1834 Sep 3Springfield, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania1914 Apr 3at home of son H C Couch at 1339 Atlantic St., Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonbronchial pneumonianoSW 15-6 line 6Knapp Mortuary5 Apr 1914Van City CemWilliam Thompson (PA)(1) and Robert A Couch (PA)(2) - spouse; John, Clarissa, George, Samuel, Anna, William by Thompson, Sylvania, Eugene, Harry Calvin - children by Couch; parents both from PAAdventisthousewifeThompson died in 1864, buried in Richmond VA National Cemetery, VA-Civil War veteran; husband Robert was a Civil War veteran, PA, died 25 Aug 1903 in Vancouver WA, unknown burial; married Couch 1867 in PA; Couch died in 1903 in Vancouver; 1900 census 8 children/8 living; dau Sylvania in NE 26-4; obit 2 Apr 1914-
CousinsGeorge W1830 Jun 18Vermont1910 May 2Vancouver WAdropsy (diabetes)noGeo W CousinsSW 77 N/2 line 4Kirch Funeral Home4 May 1910Van City CemWealthy Fox (OH) - spouse; Sarah Agnes, Lucius, Lovel, Lucinda, Ada, George - children; Jacob Cousins (VT) and Sally McKellah (VT) - parents1870, 1880 - engineer, Missouri; 1900 - Iowa, ?married Wealthy in 1851, Cuyahoga Co. OH
CousinsWealthyFox1830 May 11Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio1894 Dec 4Clark Co., WApneumonianoGeo W CousinsSW 77 N/2 line 45 Dec 1894Van City CemGeorge W Cousins (VT) - spouse; Sarah Agnes, Lucius, Lovel, Lucinda, Ada, George - children; Aaron Fox (VT) and Susan Albert (NY) - parentsmarried Cousins in 1851, Cuyahoga Co. OH
CousinsSarah Agnes 1871 SepIowa1905 May 26Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachnoGeo W CousinsSW 77 N/2 line 428 May 1905Van City CemGeorge H Cousins (IA) - spouse; ? ? (WI) and ? ? (PA) - parentsmarried Cousins 1897 in Adair Co., Missouri under MRS. Prather; no children in 1900; George H Cousin is buried in Park Hill (1868-1953)
CoxMerleDellwin1906 Mar 15Grass Valley, Sherman Co., OR1921 May 25St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAmeningitisyesGeorge S CoxSW 200-1 line 9Knapp Funeral Home27 May 1921Van City Cemsingle; George S Cox (IN) and Emma L Augee (IA) - parentsstudentlived at home of Mr Augee; charged to Fred C Cox
Cox, SrGeorgeShelby1858 Aug 18Indiana1912 Nov 4at home in Grass Valley, Sherman Co., Oregonpneumonia; acute stomach problems for 2 weeksyesGeorge S CoxSW 200-2 S/2 line 9Knapp Funeral Home6 Nov 1912Van City CemEmma Augee (IA) - spouse; Merle Dellwin, George Shelby Jr., Vern V, Fred, Burton, Oscar, Gertrude - children; George Cox (VA) and Mellicent Ingersoll (OH) - parentsAdventistfarmerobit The Columbian 5 Nov 1912-resident of Minehaha area for many years, 1905 moved to Grass Valley; survived by wife, 4 sons, 1 daughter
Cox, Jr.George Shelby 1903 Mar 11Clark Co., WA1903 Mar 11Clark Co., WAstillbornnoGeorge S CoxSW 200 -2 S/2Van City CemGeorge S Cox (IN) and Emma Augee (IA) - parentscharged J D Augee and Fred C Cox
CrawfordHelenGAlexander1903 Aug 22Vancouver WA1987 Jan 23in hosptial, Washington Co., Oregonyes SW 155-2 line 11Vancouver Funeral Chapel27 Jan 1987Van City CemDarl B Peck (AZ) (1), Edward C Clark (WA) (2), and Forrest G Crawford (CA)(3) - spouses; no children; Charles E Alexander (WA) and Emma Cramer (WI) - parentsEastern Stardivorced Crawford; obit The Columbian 26 Jan 1987-lived in Gold Beach OR past 14 years before death; wife Forrest, a sister
CrawfordPeterW1822 Nov 22Sprouston, Roxburghshire, Scotland1889 Jun 10WashingtonyesPeter W CrawfordSW 192 line 1611 Jun 1889Van City CemZilla Patterson (OH) - spouse; Ella Jane, William P, Martha Rosabelle, Edward B, Orion J - children; parents of Scotlandsurveyorleft Valpalaiso Indiana on a Oregon Trail wagon train to OR Terr., settled in Clark Co.; married 30 Jul 1850, Clark Co. WA
CrawfordZilla HPatterson1836 Feb 3Ohio1888 Jul 26WashingtonyesPeter W CrawfordSW 192 line 16Van City CemPeter Crawford (Scot) - spouse; Ella Jane, William P, Martha Rosabelle, Edward B, Orion J - children; Ira Patterson (NY) and Rebecca Swayze (MS or PA) - parentshousewife
Crockerinfant1892 Apr 27Clark Co., WA1892 Apr 27Clark Co., WAstillbornnoCriss HarrellSW 94 N/227 Apr 1892Van City CemWilliam J Crocker (NY) and Fannie Harrell (IN) - mother
CurtisMary Henriette 1862 Oct 26 1888 Mar 4WashingtonyesRev M WilsonSW 191Van City Cemshared plot with William Mardon Wilson, son of Rev Mardon Dewees Wilson and Mary E Dewees
Curtis SilasB1812 Jan Cayuga Co., NY1885 Mar 10Vancouver WAgangrene of the footyesS B CurtisSW 20Van City CemsingleUS Army veteran, Indian Wars, 1855-1856 was promoted to 2nd LT and served in the 2nd Regiment of Mounted Volunteers during indian uprisings; Co. A First Regiment WA Mounted Riflesteacher and farmerarrived in Oregon Terr in fall of 1851, filed for Donation Land Claim for 315.6 acres on south bank of Salmon Creek; may have been an uncle to Jewett Curtis
Curtis MaryPutnam1876 Oct Knox Co., Tennessee1905 Oct 30Clark Co., WAtuberculosisnoJewett CurtisSW 08 line 9 Van City CemJewett Curtis (VT) - spouse; Clark E, James C, and Mary L , infant - children; Isaiah Putnam (MA) and Anna Reid (AR) - parentshusband buried Soldier's' Home Cemetery, Washington DC; parents buried in SE 99
Curtis Mary Lucile 1902 Sep 18Clark Co., WA1903 Oct 18Clark Co., WAheart failureyesJewett CurtisSW 08 N/2 line 9Van City CemJewett Curtis (VT) and Mary Putnam (TN) - parents
Curtis James Carlton1900 Mar Clark Co., WA1905 Mar 14Clark Co., WAmembranous croupnoJewett CurtisSW 08 N/2 line 914 Mar 1905Van City CemJewett Curtis (VT) and Mary Putnam (TN) - parents
CushingDonAlonza1828 Mar 21Royalton, Windsor Co., Vermont1918 May 3at home in East Vancouver WAcarcinoma of the stomachyesSW 93 -5 N/2 line 13Knapp Mortuary5 May 1918Van City CemSarah Jane Jacques (VT) - spouse; Mary Eliza, Edwin J, John W, Charles W - children; Josiah Cushing (VT) and Fannie Troup Ainsworth (VT) - parentspainting contractor for house, building and signsobit The Columbian 3 May 1918- survived by wife and three sons, living with dau Mrs Mary E Burrow; 40 years prior came to Clark Co., WA
CushingSarah Jane Jacques1836Windsor Co., Vermont1928 May 4Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co., WAseniltiy of the insaneashesyesSW 93 N/2 line 13Knapp Mortuary1928Van City CemDon Alonzo Cushing (VT) - spouse; Mary Eliza, Edwin J, John W, Charles W - children; Benjamin C Jacques (VT) and Grace W ? (NH) - parents
CushingEleanor "Nora"LeonaWiggs1867 Jan 18Lafayette, Yamhill Co., Oregon1935 Jun 12Jenning's Lodge, Clackamas Co., Oregonheart failureyesSW 157 Holman, Pace, and Hankins, Oregon14 Jun 1935Van City CemEdwin J Cushing - spouse (VT); Bernice - child; William J Wiggs, Sr. (MO) and Elizabeth Bartlett (KY) - parentssibling - William G Wiggs, Jr (same plot); obit The Oregonian 14 Jan 1935; mother buried in SW 157a broken head stone was lying in SW 93 (in 1990's), but the headstone is in SW 157 - maybe misplaced- mother in SW 157
DanielsSarahHHall1824 Jun 19Gowanda, Cattaraugus Co., New York1907 May 11Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonage relatedyesThurston DanielsSW 103 Line 10Finley and Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon13 May 1907Van City CemWilliam Byron Daniels (OH) - spouse; Thurston Edward, William. Byron, Jr, G. Hurbert, Horace G - children; Silas Hall (NH) and ? ? (NH) - parentsWilliam Daniels is buried in SE 117-3. William and Sarah came across Oregon Trail in 1858 to Layfette, OR and got a Donation Land Claim, then to St Helens and finally to Clark Co WA in 1874; 1900 census 4 children-2 living; obit The Oregonian 13 May 1907; husband in SE 117, sons in SW 90, SW 93, SW 95, NW 73
DanielsThurston Edward1858 Jul 10Yamhill Co., Oregon1926 Dec 8Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., Californiaangina pectorisyesThurston DanielsSW 103 Line 10Richfield Mortuary, Los Angles, CA/ Hamilton Mortuary13 Dec 1926Van City CemMollie Miller(WA) (1) and Mignon Lafave (MI)(2) - spouses; Thurston Edward, Jr., Hazel Mollie - children by Mollie; William Byron Daniels (OH) and Sarah Hall (NY) - parentsUnitarian ChurchIn 1900 he was the Lt Governor of WA, printer by trade and worked in newspapers. Was president of California Oil Company In 1926Father in SE 117, brothers in SW 90, SW 95, NW 73, mother in SW 103
DanielsMollie Miller1861 Aug 17Vancouver WA1890 Sep 4Vancouver WAapoplexy yesThurston DanielsSW 103 Line 10 Van City CemThurston Daniels (OR) - spouse; Thurston Edward, Jr. Hazel Mollie - children; Frederik Miller (Ger) and Mary Smith (Ger) - parents housewifeDau Hazel Mollie married Bessinger; mother Mary buried in SW 122 with second husband Schofield; obit The Oregonian 6 Sep 1890
DanielsMignon Lafave1879 Aug 1Marquette Co., Michigan1950 Mar 8Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart diseaseyesThurston DanielsSW 103-1 Line 10Ross Hollywood, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon11 Mar 1950Van City CemThurston Daniels (OR) - spouse; no children; Anton Lafave (Can) and Phoebe Blake (France) - parentsmarried in 1910; obit The Oregonian 11 Mar 1950
DanielsGeorge Hubert1850 Sep 16Mentor Lake Co., Ohio1890 Sep 23Vancouver WAheart and liver troubleyesHubert DanielsSW 90 line 1025 Sep 1890Van City CemAnna Frances Wintler (CA) - spouse; Horace, Sarah Bertha, Gilbert Wintler, Anna W - children; William B Daniels (OH) and Sarah Hall (NY) - parentsplumber, tinner, owned a hardware store Father in SE 117, brothers in SW 103, SW 95, NW 73, mother in SW 103
DanielsAnna FrancescaWintler1854 Sep 9San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California1920 Sep 25Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachyesHubert DanielsSW 90 line 10Limber Funeral Home27 Sep 1920Van City CemGeorge Hubert Daniels (OH) - spouse; Horace, Sarah Bertha, Gilbert Wintler, Anna W - children; Michael Wintler (Switzerland) and Albertina E Indemauer (Switz) - parentsobit The Oregonian 26 Sep 1920
Daniels Anna "Nan"W1888 Sep 20Vancouver WA1915 Mar 30at home 108 13 St., Vancouver WAepilepsyyesHubert DanielsSW 90-2 line 10Limber Funeral Home1 Apr 1915Van City Cemsingle; George Hubert Daniels (OH) and Anna Frances Wintler (CA) - parents
DanielsHoraceHubert1886 Jan 24Vancouver WA1960 May 25Vancouver WAheart failureashesyesHubert DanielsSW 90-5 line 10Knapp Funeral Home7 Jun 1960Van City Cemsingle; George Hubert Daniels (OH) and Anna Frances Wintler (CA) - parentsbankerFather in SE 117, brothers in SW 90, SW 103, NW 73, mother in SW 103
DaveyJoseph J1855 Apr 2England1904 Feb 17Clark Co., WApneumoniayesMrs. J J DaveySW 14 line 1317 Feb 1904Van City CemKatherine "Katie" Snyder (CA) - spouse; Katie J, Frederick A, George H, Joseph C, Albert (Alfred) H, Minnie - children; Richard Davey (Eng) and Elizabeth (Eng) - parents1900 - 6 children-5 living; wife Katie remarried and is buried under GALLI (3rd husband) but in same plot
DaveyFrederickA1865 Dec 2England1956 Apr 9Richfield, Clark Co., WashingtonpneumoniayesFrederick DaveySW 14-1 line 3Knapp Mortuary9 Apr 1956Van City CemSadie Estelle Frazer (IA) - spouse; Frederick, Jr - child; Richard Davey (Eng) and Elizabeth James (Eng) - parents sibling:of Joseph Davey
DaveySadieEstelleFrazer/Frazee1875 Feb 12Kilbourn, VanBuren Co., Iowa1970 Jul 15Clark Co., WashingtonsenileyesFrederick DaveySW 14-2 line3Hamilton Mylan17 Jul 1970Van City CemFrederick A Davey (ENG) - spouse; Frederick A, Jr. - child; Samuel Frazee (OH) and Virginia Talbot (VA) - parents
DavisNapoleon1848 Nov 13Mercer Co., Illinois1930 Nov 6 Butteville, Marion Co., OregonapoplexynoNapoleon DavisSW 112 S/2 line 1Miller-Tracey, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon8 Nov 1930Van City CemAlzeda Brezee (WA)(1), Phebe Davis (OH)(2) and Irene Clark (IL)(3) - spouses; Howard - child by Alzeda, Ada - by Irene; Alfred Davis (TN) and Mary M Webb (IL) - parents1880- teacher, Cowlitz Co., WA; 1900 - president of telephone company, Portland OR; 1910 - attorney at law, Portland OR; 1920- lawyer, Marion Co., OR; 1930 -retired, Marion Co ORmarried Irene 8 May 1875, Clark Co., WA
DavisIrene Clark1844 Apr 17Illinois1934 Jun 6Multnomah Co., Oregoncardio-rental vascular diseasenoNapoleon DavisSW 112 S/2 line 1Hamilton Funeral Home9 Jun 1934Van City CemNapoleon Davis (IL) - spouse; no children; Rev. John Jay Clark (OH) and Mary Rice (CT) - parentCame over the Oregon Trail in 1854 with father, step mother, father's siblings - Rosetta Long and Alvin Clark; obit The Oregoniann 8 Jun 1934
DavisMaryMarian/ MargaretRitchie1826 FebMillersville, Mercer Co., Illinois1900 Sep 12Felida, Clark Co., WashingtondysenteryNapoleon DavisSW 112 S/2 line 1Sep 1900Van City CemWilliam Alfred Davis, Sr. (TN) - spouse; Martha Ann, Napolean, Rebecca J, Alice, Sarah Emma, Charles, Francis, William Alfred Davis Jr., M.M (female) - children; ? Ritchie and ? ? - parentshusband William Sr. buried at Ft Vancouver Military Cemetery, Civil War veteran, captain, 16th Illinois Infantrymarried 26 Feb 1846, IL; 1864 travel the Oregon Trail by covered wagon from Illinois; 1870 in Clark Co., WA with Alice, Sarah, Charles, Francis, William A, M.M., husband died in 1869, Clark Co., WA; William, Jr. buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA, 1900 - had 10 children/9 living; dau Sarah Dixon is in SW 81; ibit
Davis Raymond1896 May 3Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washington1904 Apr 14Clark Co., WAdropsy of the heartyesA J DavisSW 13 line 415 Apr 1904Van City CemAlbert James Davis (KS) and Laura L Brice (WI) - parentsparents married Jul 1895 Ridgefield, Clark Co., WA; sibling: Edra; Albert James (Nov 1872 - son of Joseph Cornelius Davis)
Davis Robert E 1912 Jan 10Vancouver WA1981 Jul 11Moses Lake, Grant Co., Washingtonheart diseaseashesyesA J DavisSW 13-2 line 4 Chapel of Memories, Moses Lakes, Grant Co., Washington; Vancouver Funeral Chapel14 Jul 1981Van City CemVivian Louise Comstock (Neb) - spouse; Margaret, Marjorie, Mary - children; William Porter Davis (Neb) and Lillie Caples (WA) - parentsFruit Valley dairy farmer 20 yearsmarried Vivian 4 Nov 1934 Stevenson WA; obit The Columbian 22 Jul 1981- past 3 years in Moses Lake WA
Davis VivianLoisComstock1912 Sep 6York Co., Nebraska2015 Jul 16Columbia Crest Care Center, Moses Lake, Grant Co., WashingtonnoSW 13 line 4Kayser Chapel Chaple of Memories, Moses Lake, WA22 Aug 2015Van City CemRobert E Davis (WA) - spouse: Margaret, Marjorie, Mary - children; Rufus Comstock (SD) and Blanche Fenwick (IL) - parentsat age 6 family moved to Riverside CA; moved to Vancouver 12 years old; married 4 Nov 1934 Stevenson WA; obit Columbian Basin Herald, Moses Lake WA
DavisElmer1879 Aug 28Washington1894 Aug 15Clark Co., WAdrowning near Fisher's Landing in the Columbia RiveryesJ C DavisSW 28 N/216 Aug 1894Van City CemJoseph Cornelius Davis, Sr (PA) and Mary Elizabeth Matthews (KY) - parentsNewspaper article The Oregonian 17 Aug 1984 drown with James Putnam in the Columbia RIver; sibling : William P Davis (married Lilly Isabel Caples) and James Albert; father buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA and mother (divorced Davis 1895; married Alexander Hislop 1905) buried at Ft Vancouver Military Cem, Vancouver WA; obit The Oregonian 18 Aug 1894
Davis EdithMatthews1882Washington1889 Dec 22Vancouver WAheart FailurenoJ C DavisSW 28 N/225 Dec 1899Van City CemJoseph Cornelius Davis, Sr (PA) and Mary Elizabeth Matthews (KY) - parentssibling : William P Davis (married Lilly Isabel Caples) and James Albert; father buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA and mother (divorced Davis 1895; married Alexander Hislop 1905) buried at Ft Vancouver Military Cem, Vancouver WA
Davis, Jr.Joseph Cornelius 1885 May Washington1892 Mar 16Clark Co., WAdiphtheriayesJ C DavisSW 28 N/217 Mar 1892Van City CemJoseph Cornelius Davis, Sr (PA) and Mary Elizabeth Matthews (KY) - parentssibling : William P Davis (married Lilly Isabel Caples) and James Albert; father buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA and mother (divorced Davis 1895; married Alexander Hislop 1905) buried at Ft Vancouver Military Cem, Vancouver WA
Davis Violet Ethyl1887 Jun 13Washington1892 Mar 24Clark Co., WAdiphtheriayesJ C DavisSW 28 N/225 Mar 1892Van City CemJoseph Cornelius Davis, Sr (PA) and Mary Elizabeth Matthews (KY) - parentssibling : William P Davis (married Lilly Isabel Caples) and James Albert; father buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA and mother (divorced Davis 1895; married Alexander Hislop 1905) buried at Ft Vancouver Military Cemetery, Vancouver WA
Davis EugenePeter1862 Jun 2Golden, Jefferson Co., Colorado1937 Mar 31Vancouver WAmyocarditis, cirrhosis of liverno SW 40 N/2 line 9Hamilton Funeral Home 2 Apr 1937Vancouver City Cemetery? (1) and Eva Jane Van Slyke (IL)(2) - spouse; no children; Peter Davis (KY) and Elizabeth Gaye (WV) - parents1920-real estate salesman, Vancouver WA; 1930-in Clark Co. Jail, Vancouver WA; 1920-1934 salesman, real estate in Vancouver; chiropodist - foot doctormarried Eva in 6 May 1912, Whatcom Co., WA; buried in same plot as father-in-law Isaac Van Slyke; was listed in Gilman in SE and SW 40; 1930 indicated he was 41 at his first marriage; married Eva Jane at 47; cannot find Eva Jane after 1940.
Davis John1854 1899 Jun 10Vancouver WArailroad accidentnoG W GunningSW 45 line 412 Jun 1899Van City Cem? ? - spouse; four childrenOdd Fellow, Order of the Redmenlogger; brakeman for Portland- Vancouver-Yakima Railroad-logging
newspaper article The Oregonian 11 Jun 1899; from Kansas about 1889
Davis Mary1890 Aug1890 Oct 21Clark Co., WAcholera infantumnoCharles B DavisSW 51 S/2 line 323 Oct 1890Van City CemCharles B Davis (IL) and Parthenia Elizabeth Williams (MO) - parentsparents buried in Forest View Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon
Davis Francis E1892 Jul1892 Sep 9Clark Co., WAcholera infantumnoCharles B DavisSW 51 S/2 line 311 Sep 1892Van City CemCharles B Davis (IL) and Parthenia Elizabeth Williams (MO) - parentsparents buried in Forest View Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon
Davis Ida RosellaWillsSee ANDERSON, Ida same person
DawsonSB 18771890 Aug 7typhoidnoS B DawsonSW 91-N/2 line 119 Aug 1890Van City CemThomas Martin VanBuren Davis, Sr. (OH) and Hannah Isabel Hosford (IA) - parents ?question on parentage, Gilman report has S B Dawson JR, cannot find an S B Dawson SR, Porter Report only has S B Dawson; Thomas Martin VanBuren Davis lived in Amboy, Clark Co., WA
DeirlingHenry1862 Feb 16Germany1936 Apr 21Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonage relatedashesyesHenry DeirlingSW 110 N/2 ashesHamilton Funeral Home23 Apr 1936Van City CemPauline Bauer (Ger) - spouse; Frieda, Pauline, Adolf, Alma - children; parents of Germanytailor immigrated in 1886; last name spelled DEIRLING in death notices; headstone DIERLING??
DeirlingPaulineBauer/Baur1864 Aug 23Wurttenberg, Germany1948 Apr 9yesHenry DeirlingSW 110 N/2 line 3Apr 1948Van City CemHenry Dierling (GER) - spouse; Frieda, Pauline, Adolf, Alma - children; Jonnes Bauer (Ger) and Dorothera Schumacher (Ger) - parents
DeirlingAdolf1895 Sep 10Washington1898 Jan 6Clark Co., WAspinal meningitisyesHenry DeirlingSW 110 N/2 line 38 Jan 1898Van City CemHenry Dierling (Ger) and Pauline Bauer (Ger) - parents
DeweesWilliam Mardon1885 Mar 11Clark Co., WA1888 Aug 9 Clark Co., WAyesRev. Mardon D WilsonSW194 10 Aug 1888Van City CemRev. Mardon Dewees (PA) and Anne Wilson (Eng) - parents - only son
Dill William/ Wilhem1857 Oct 6Pratteln, Baselland, Switzerland1891 Oct 10Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregontyphoid feveryesWilliam DillSW 163 N/2 line 1312 Oct 1891Van City CemNiklaus Dill (Switz) and Maria Bielser (Switz) - parents1880 - laborer, Portland OR headstone top is in SW 158; broken headstone is mounted in concrete at base of tree - need to move to SW 163
Dixon, SrJosephH1845Fulton Co., Illinois1894 Oct 8Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesSW 81 line1 10 Oct 1894Van City CemSarah Emily Davis (CA) - spouse; Lulu A, James Walter, Jesse H, Frankie, Sara Ina, Stella G, Eunice S, Claude I, Joseph H Jr. - children; Elijah Dixon (WV) and Sarah Cadwahler (OH) - parents
DixonSarah EmilyDavis1857 Nov 29Marysville, Yuba Co., California1931 Nov 26Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonbright's diseaseyesSW 81 line1 Miller-Tracey, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon26 Nov 1931Van City CemJoseph H Dixon, Sr. (IL) - spouse; Lulu A, James Walter, Jesse H, Frankie, Sara Ina, Stella G, Eunice S, Claude I, Joseph H Jr. - children; William Alfred Davis (TN) and Mary Margaret/Marian Ritchie (IL) - parentsmother Mary Marion in SW 112; Obit The Oregonian 29 Nov 1931
Dixon, Jr.JosephH 1894 Nov 22Washington1918 Nov 10FranceKilled in battle in World War IyesSW 81 line1 18 Sep 1919Van City CemJoseph H Dixon (IL) and Sarah Emily Davis (CA) - parentsWorld War I veteran, killed in World War I battle of the Argonne Offensive by a gunshot wound. Corporal, Co. L, 305th Infantry, US Army
Doddridgeinfant1890 May 301890 Jun 4noB F DoddridgeSW 68 line13 5 Jun 1890Van City CemB F Doddridge - parent
DollarWilbur Dana1926 Nov 20Vancouver WA1927 Feb 22St Josephs Hospital ,Vancouver WApneumonianoSW 205 - baby Green SectionKnapp Funeral Home22 Feb 1927Van City CemEdgar Dana Dollar (TN) and Alice Bigsby (WI) - parents
DownieMargaretAnn Harkleroad1849 Feb 24Iowa 1919 Mar 13at home at 800 W 11th St., Vancouver WAheart lesionsnoSW 52-2 Knapp Funeral Home13 Mar 1919Van City Cem? ? (1), ? Huston (2), James G Downie (IN)(3) - spouse; no children; William Harkleroad (PA) and Susanna Heighsinger (TN) - parentshousewife
Drum, Sr.AlfredMohammon (male)1830 Jul 11Gallatin, Columbia Co., New York 1898 Sep 16Clark Co., WAnoMohammon DrumSW 188 S/2 18 Sep 1898Van City CemCaroline Phares (IL) - spouse; Alfred, Imaley, Eben H - children; Daniel M Drum (NY) and Elizabeth M Knickerbacker (NY) - parents
Drum CarolinePhares1832 Apr 9Edgar Co., Illinois1890 Oct 25Clark Co., WAnoMrs Mohammen DrumSW 188 S/2 line 1229 Oct 1890Van City CemGeorge W Bullard (MA) (1), Mohammon Drum (NY) (2)- spouse; Cary, George, Hattie(?) - children by Bullard; Alfred, Imaley, Eben H - children by Mohammon; Johnson J Phares (VT) and Hannah Haven (NY) - parents1900-census 4 children/3 living
Drum, Jr.AlfredMohammen1864 Dec 14Minnesota1938 Dec 17Railroad Hospital, Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washingtoncancer of pancreasnoMrs Mohammen DrumSW 188-1 line 12Knapp Funeral Home21 Dec 1938Van City CemRena Secrist (WA)(1), and Lulu Perkins (MI) (2) - spouses; Geneva - child by Rena; Alfred Mohammen Drum, Sr. (PA) and Caroline Phares (Eng) - parentsChristian Scientistbrakeman for the Northern Pacific RR Co.lived Portland OR
DrumAlfred Mohammon1901 DecnoDrumSW 188-1 line 1216 Dec 1901Van City CemEben Drum (MN) and Nellie Jordon (MI) - parentsJennie had 4 children/3 living in 1910
DuBoisinfant 1897 Sep 17Vancouver WA1897 Sep 17Vancouver WAstillbornnoGeorge BarnettSW 60 N/2 line 1219 Sep 1897Van City Cem
DuBoisWilliam Blair1834 Jul 3Stubenville, Jefferson Co., Ohio1905 Jul 27Vancouver WAheart disease, unexpected deathyesSW 67 S/2 line 1429 Jul 1905Van City CemMargaret Elizabeth Lockwood (Eng) - spouse; George Lockwood, Robert Lewis , Emily Loiuse, William Bedford, Mary Elizabeth, Ernest Stuart - children; John Peter DuBois (OH) and Ann Dorsey (OH) - parentsEpiscopalian founded DuBois Lumber Co. with brother Lewis W DuBois in 1883obit The Oregonian 28 Jul 1905 -survived by 6 children
DuBoisMargaret ElizabethLockwood1849 May 24Isilington, London, England1895 May 10Vancouver WAconsumptionyesGeorge BarnettSW 67 S/2 line 1412 May 1895Van City CemWilliam B DuBois (OH) - spouse; George Lockwood, Robert Lewis , Emily Loiuse, William Bedford, Mary Elizabeth, Ernest Stuart - children; Robert Barrett Lockwood (Eng) and Elizabeth Longridge Barnett (ENG) - parentsEpiscopalian obit The Oregonian 12 May 1895- son Lloyd publisher of Vancouver Independent
DuBoisinfant1902 Jul 10Clark Co., WA1902 Jul 10Clark Co., WAstillbornnoSW 67 S/2 line 1411 Jul 1902Van City CemRobert Lewis DuBois (IA) and Alma Kriesel (Can) - parents
DudrowSusanMarthaHenderson1849 DecSpringfield, Sangamon Co., Illinois1917 Nov 11Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesSW 16-2 line 1Finley and Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon13 Nov 1917Van City CemGeorge W Dudrow (MD) - spouse; Charles W, Oscar, Della, Edward Elmer, William, Grace, Mable, May - children; Moses Henderson (OH) and Mary Ann Gilpin (KY) - parents1900- farmer Yamhill Co., OR1900 census 9 children/living, widowed; obit The Oregonian 13 Nov 1917
DudrowCharles W1874 Jul 31Joseph Co., Missouri1937 Aug 14 Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregondied of injuries from an accident at a lumber millyesSW 16-3 line 1Knapp Mortuary17 Aug 1937 Van City CemLottie Druschel (OR)(1) and Pearl M Fuller (OR)(2) - spouse; Margaret - child by Pearl; George W Dudrow (MD) and Susan M Henderson (IL) - parentsworking at lumber millmarried Lottie 1902, Portland OR; by 1910 divorced Lottie (in prison 1934 harboring a criminal); obit The Oregonian 16 Aug 1937
DudrowPearlMaryFuller1884 Feb 14Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1961 Jun 6Ventura Co., Californianatural causesyesCharles DudrowSW 16-2 line 1Holman and Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon12 Jun 1961Van City CemCharles W Dudrow (MO) - spouse, Margaret - child; Jasper Fuller (NJ) and Martha Miller (KY) - parents1940 living with dau Margaret Dodson in Portland OR; mother and siblings buried SW 114; sister Maude in SW-16; Charles Dudrow's first fwife - Lottie Druschel, divorced
DudrowEdwardElmer1878 Nov 8Kansas1936 Dec 2Seattle, King Co., WashingtoncanceryesSW16-1 line 1Miller-Tracey, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon/ Knapp4 Dec 1936Van City CemDora E VanBlaircom (OR) - spouse; no children; George Dudrow (MD) and Susan M Henderson (IL) - parentswatchman for steam ship companymarried Dora 1900, divorced Dora
Dundi Albert1863 Feb 10Missouri ??1909 Apr 9St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonlockjawnoSW 34 Knapp Mortuary20 Apr 1909Van City CemChristopher Dundi (Ger) and Mary Burke (Ger) - parents Mason?railroad brakemansiblings: William, Mary, Augustus C, Louisa, Douglaslived at 1540 Columbia St., Vancouver WA; charged to J C Dundi of same address; Gus C is a farmer in Clark Co., WA (buried in Fisher Cemetery); Louisa (Lois) living in Vancouver 1901
DuPuisFerdinand1829Wurttenberg, Germany1894 Oct 4died in Cabin, Clark Co., WAfound dead, 65 yearsnoEstate of F DuPuisSW 1986 Oct 1894Van City Cemsingle?; parents Of Germanyfarmernewspaper The Oregonian 11 Oct 1894
DuPuisFrancis "Frank"Xavier1863 Aug 13Vancouver WA1929 Jun 14Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonherniayesCharles DuPuisSW 58-1 S/2 line 10Limber Funeral Home16 Jun 1929Van City CemMarvilla "Maude" Loomis (WA) spouse; James W, Julia Wallace, Herbert , Edward - children; Nicholas Joseph Dupuis (Can) and Julienne Modeste Demers (Can) - parentsbricklayerobit The Oregonian 15 Jun 1929
DuPuisMarvilla "Maude"Loomis1872 Mar 15Clark Co., WA1950 Mar 8Pacific Co., Washingtoncardiac arrestyesCharles DuPuisSW 58-1 S/2 line 10Peninsula Funeral Home11 Mar 1950Van City CemFrancis Dupuis (WA) - spouse; James W, Julia Wallace, Herbert, Edward - children; James Loomis (MO) and Rivanna Stump (MO) - parents
DuPuis James Wallace 1895 Feb 2Vancouver WA1972 Feb 23Vancouver WAstrokeyesCharles DuPuisSW 58-4 S/2 line 10Vancouver Funeral Chapel25 Feb 1972Van City CemVina Lenora Evans (OR) (1), Mary Katherine Hennings (CA) and Martha Vika Johnson (3) - spouses; no children; Francis Dupuis (WA) and Marvilla "Maude" (WA) Loomis - parentsbricklayermarried Vina 13 May 1921, Clark Co., WA; married Katherine 15 Nov 1930, divorced by 1940; married Martha 1965, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 24 Feb 1972
DuPuisMaryKatherineHennings1904 Aug 4Sawyers Bar, Scotts Valley, Siskiyou Co., California1963 Oct 23Vancouver WAheart diseaseashesyesCharles DuPuisSW 58-2 S/2 line 10Hamilton Funeral Home 25 Oct 1963Van City CemJames Wallace Dupuis (WA) - spouse; Marilyn - child unknown father; Clarence Herbert Hennings (NY) and Luella Charlotte McIntosh (CO) - parents1940 - house keeper for a private home, Aberdeen WAmarried 15 Nov 1930, Clark Co., WA; by 1940 - divorced, Aberdeen, Grays Harbor Co., WA; obit The Columbian 25 Oct 1963- survived by 2 brother and 5 sisters.
DurganRayNye1887Clark Co., WA1888 Feb 8Clark Co., WAspinal meningitisyesWilliam C DurgunSW 191 N/2 line 15Van City CemWilliam Charles Durgan (WA) and Jessie Wirt Nye (WA) - parents
DurganElizabethHelen 1897Clark Co., WA1900 May 9Clark Co., WAyesWilliam C DurgunSW 191 N/2 line 15Van City CemWilliam Charles Durgan (WA) and Jessie Wirt Nye (WA) - parents
EarlJessie 1893 Oct1893 Nov 5indigestionnoLizzie EarlSW 121 N/2 line 97 Nov 1893Van City Cem? Earl and Lizzie ? - parents
EatonMargaret "Maggie"AWilson1857 Jan 1New York1926 Apr 29at home in Oakland, Alameda Co., CaliforniaarteriosclerosisyesMrs J BraddockSW 176 S/2 line 1 Knapp Funeral Home5 May 1926Van City CemJohn Braddock (NY)(1) and Bert C Eaton (2) - spouses; Leonard, Hattie, George H - children by Braddock; parents both of Scotlandmarried Braddock 1874 MI; in same plot as first husband Braddock
Eaton, SrJoseph1814Crawford Co., Illinois1893 May 3Clark Co., WAcancernoJohn Riley EatonSW 50 N/2 line 25 May 1893Van City CemCharlotte Crist (IN) - spouse; Rebecka Jane, Jeremiah, John Riley (m. Matilda Gillihan), Margaret Ann, Isaac W, Nancy L, Charlotte Emma, Joseph Jr. - children1855-56 indian uprising was a private in the Lewis Rangercounty constable 1866-1867lived to celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary; Charlotte Crist (1814-1889); Oregon Trail in 1853 with 6 children; Chrlotte is buried in the IOOF Cemetery in Woodland WA with other family members; died on same date as grandson Joseph Eaton
EatonLelaEmilyCook1887 Nov 30Missouri1930 May 8San Francisco, San Francisco Co., Californiacarcimona of the uterusyesJohn Riley EatonSW 50 N/2 line 2Knapp Mortuary13 May 1930Van City CemJesse Thurston Eaton - spouse; infant, Velma, Chester Trenton - children; James Cook (TN) and Lauretta Blair (MO) - parentsMethodisthousewifemarried in 1906 in Clark Co., WA; lived in Castle Rock, WA; Jesse was the son of John R Eaton and Matilda Gillihan; 1910 - 2 children; only one living
Eatoninfant "Bessie"1907 Feb 24Washington1907 Feb 24WashingtonprematureyesJohn Riley EatonSW 50 N/2 line 224 Feb 1907Van City CemJesse T Eaton (WA) and Lela Emily Cook (MO) - parentsnot sure if infant is Bessie - dates are not clear for Bessie, but similar to infant dates
EatonChester Trenton1914 Jul 22Washington1915 Oct 3Camas, Clark Co., Washingtonobstruction of the bowels noJohn Riley EatonSW 50 N/2 line 2Knapp Mortuary4 Oct 1915Van City CemJesse T Eaton (WA) and Lela Emily Cook (MO) - parents
EberhardtArnold1872Germany1898 Oct 22Vancouver WAtuberculosisnoG W DunningSW 45 line 424 Oct 1898Van City Cemsibling - A Eberhard in Clark Co., 1900 b. 1873, Switzerland
Ellis Samuel1892 Feb1892 Aug 22Clark Co., WAbrain diseasenoWilliam HarperSW 134 N/2 line 1123 Aug 1892Van City Cem
ElwellEmmaFlorenceSteward1856 Feb 18LaFayette, Yamhill Co., Oregon1922 Aug 19Vancouver WAheart failureyesJohn P TooleySW 36-2 line 13Limber Funeral Home22 Aug 1922Van City CemJohn P Tooley (1) (WA)and A D Elwell (2)(IL) - spouses; Leona Fay, Anna Vida - children by Tooley; Judge George H Steward (IN) and Angeline Morgan (MO) - parentsschool teacher first husband John Tooley buried in SW 36
EmbreeClara BelleDavis1862 Jun 9Nash Co., Nebraska1936 Jun 13Everett, Snohomish Co., Washingtonheart failureyesSW 178-3 line 2Challacombe and Fickle, Everett, Snohomiah Co., WA18 Jun 1936Van City CemCharles Callaway (MO)(1) and Henry Embree (OR)(2) - spouses; Lloyd, Hattie, Stella, Roy - children by Callaway, no Embree children; Aaron Davis (KY) and Rebecca Ann Matthews (KY) - parents1900 census - 4 children/3 living; divorced Callaway; Married Embree Apr 1900; in same plot as first husband Callaway and son Roy
EnglandCharles L 1867 Nov 10Greenup Co., Kentucky1933 Dec 25Multnomah Co., OregonparalysisyesCharles L EnglandSW 147-4 line 3Jacobson Co. Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon27 Dec 1933Van City CemMargaret Ellen Mary Nolan (CA) - spouse; Earl and Charles Edward (twins), William Otis - children; William England (PA) and Sarah Ferguson? (OH) - parentsfarmerobit The Oregonian 27 Dec 1933
EnglandMargaret "Maggie"Ellen MaryNolan1868 Sep 26Placerville, El Dorado Co., California1949 Jul 11Multnomah Co., OregonsenilityyesCharles L EnglandSW 147 line 3Pearson Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon14 Jul 1949Van City CemCharles L England (KY) - spouse; Earl and Charles Edward (twins), William Otis - children; John A Nolan Sr. (IRE) and Mary Ann Sharett (NJ) - parents1900 census 3 children/2 living; William Oatis died before 1900 census was taken
EnglandCharles Edward1894 Apr 9Kelso, Cowlitz Co., WA1966 Aug 16at hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncanceryesCharles L EnglandSW 147-2 line 3Peake Memorial Chapel, Milwaukie, Clackamas Co., Oregon18 Aug 1966Van City CemCharles L England (KY) and Margaret Ellen Mary Nolan (CA) - parents1920 - marine engineer, Portland OR; chief engineer for Western Transportation Companyobit The Oregonian 18 Aug 1966
EnglandWilliam Otis1897 Jan 20Vancouver WA1900 May 6Cowlitz Co., WashingtondiptheriayesCharles L EnglandSW 147 line 320 May 1900Van City CemCharles L England (KY) and Margaret Ellen Mary Nolan (CA) - parents
EnglemanMadison1837 Apr 2Kentucky1903 Aug 10Vancouver WAapoplexyyesChristian L EnglemanSW 46 N/2 line 3Good and Burnett, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon11 Aug 1903Van City Cemsingle; Christian Engleman (KY) and Elvisa Pennington (KY) - parents1880 - raising cattle, Wasco Co., OR with brother Benjamin Franklin; was single sibling : Benjamin Franklin, Christian, Wesley plus 6 more; obit The Oregonian 11 Aug 1903; Geneviere LaFon is probably a niece; obit The Oregon Journal 11 Aug 1903
ErickenbreckArthur Edgar1914 Dec 7Vancouver WA1916 Aug 10St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WATB and meningitisnoSW 15-2 line 2Knapp Mortuary12 Aug 1916Van City CemRay Erickenbreck (MN) and Eva Raymond (MI) - parentsparents married in 1911, Clark Co., WA
ErickenbreckMildredRea 1912 JulVancouver WA1913 Jan 9at home at home at 900 W 6th St., Vancouver WAbronchial pneumonianoSW 15-2 line 2Knapp Mortuary10 Jan 1913Van City CemRay Erickenbreck (MN) and Eva Raymond (MI) - parentsparents married in 1911, Clark Co., WA
EtterAndrewAnderson1855 Aug 9Indiana1907 Oct 16St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAparaylsis of the brainyesAndrew EtterSW 79 N/2 line 2Knapp Mortuary18 Oct 1907Van City CemMary Isabel Burt (IL) - spouse; Rose Ellen - child; Samuel Etter (VA) and Ellen Robinson (VA) - parentsfarmer, wood cutter
EtterMary IsabelBurt1860 Sep 15Illinois1896 Mar 17Clark Co., WAyesAndrew EtterSW 79 N/2 line 2Mar 1896Van City CemAndrew A Etter (IN) - spouse; Rose Ellen - child; Munsell M Burt (NY) and Lucinda Tefft (NY) - parentssiblings: Rosa, William L
EvesLilly/LibbyMay1889 May1889 Aug 25cholera infantumnoS W EvesSW 158 N/2 line 1426 Aug 1889Van City CemSamuel Watson Eves (Can) and May Springer (WA) - parentparents married 9 Feb 1888, Clark Co., WA
EwingMollie AnnCrews1843 Mar 30Madisonville, Hopkins Co., Kentucky1907 Jul 8Vancouver WAcanceryesW H MetcalfSW 202 line 710 Jul 1907Van City CemDaniel Metcalf (MO)(1) and J D Ewing (2) - spouses; William H, Joseph William by Metcalf and, baby Dan - child by Ewing; John/Joseph Crews (KY) and Letitia Prather (KY) - parentsstarted a newspaper in Lamont CO, sold it, moved to Corpus Christie TX with son William started another newspaper; came to Vancouver with son William lived on Columbia and 8th St.married Metcalf in 1863; Daniel Metcalf died in 1880; married JD Ewing in 1891; obit The Oregonian 9 Jul 1907; buried with sons Joseph, and William Metcalf and baby Dan Ewing; obit The Columbian 11 Jul 1907
EwingDan1893Clark Co., WA1893Clark Co., WAyesW H MetcalfSW 202 line 71893Van City CemJ D Ewing and Mollie Crews (KY)- parents
FentonAugusta "Gussie" 1874 Dec 6Wasbasha Co., Minnesota1893 Feb 11Clark Co., WAheart failureyesSW 27 N/212 Feb 1893Van City CemPeter H Fenton (PA) and Laura ? (NY) - parentsPH Fenton married Anne Dempsy in 1919, Clark Co., WA (3rd marriage)
FikeMary Ellen 1890 Jun 11Clark Co., WA1892 Jun 5 Vancouver WAdiphtheriayesSW 134 S/2 line 116 Jun 1892Van City CemJosiah M Fike (PA) and Mary Ellen Gray (IA) - parents
FikeJosiah Levi1882 Nov 30Rooks Co., Kansas1892 Jun 13 Vancouver WAdiphtheriayesSW 134 S/2 line 1114 Jun 1892Van City CemJosiah M Fike (PA) and Mary Ellen Gray (IA) - parents
FikeNoah Irza1886 Feb 21Rooks Co., Kansas1891 Nov 29Vancouver WAcroupyesSW 134 S/2 line 1130 Nov 1891Van City CemJosiah M Fike (PA) and Mary Ellen Gray (IA) - parents
FisherJohn P1836Rochester, Monroe Co., New York1904 Oct 17Proebstel, Clark Co., Washingtonaccidental injuries - horse team ran away dragging himyesGrand Army of the Republic (GAR)SW 193 line 1619 Oct 1904Van City CemsingleCivil War Vet, Co. H, 4th New York Cavalry, privatecame to Vancouver Barracks in 1864: 1890 in Vancouver WA; obit Seattle Daily Times 20 Oct 1904
Fletcher Ezra1830Ontario, Canada1893 Aug 17Clark Co., WAaccident thrown from his horsenoD E LunsfordSW 189 N/2 line 1318 Aug 1893Van City CemMary Grooms (Can) - spouse; Burley, Melissa, Albert, Ettie - children1883 - farmer, Clark Co., WA1883 - Clark Co., WA ; 1894 wife died and buried in Michigan; newspaper articticle The Oregonian 20 Aug 1893
FlickAllieSheppard1854 MayLewis Co., New York1938 Oct 19 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CalifornianoM M NoreliusSW 119 line 3Oct 1938Van City CemJeremiah "Jerry" D Flick (PA) - spouse; Ethel, Pauline, Edna, ? - children; ? Sheppard (NY) and? ? - parents1900 census 4 children/2 living; Jeremiah Flick was a Civil War vet, 7th PA Cavalry
FlickEPauline1888South Dakota1900 Feb 5Clark Co., WAspinal diseasenoM M NoreliusSW 119 line 38 Feb 1900Van City CemJeremiah "Jerry" D Flick (PA) and Allie Sheppard (NY) - parentssiblings: Ethel, Edna, Melissa
Foley John1822Ireland1908 Apr 27at Gillihan farm, Sauvie's Island, Multnomah Co., Oregonold ageyesCharles H RamseySW 126 line 1429 Apr 1908Van City Cemsingle1860 was a private in the US Army at Vancouver Garrisonfarmer hand at Gillihan farmwill has Gillihan's daughter Rebecca; funeral notice The Oregonian 28 Apr 1908
ForakerSamuelGeorge 1824 Jul 1Monroe Co., Ohio1915 Mar 17at home at 25th and B Sts., Vancouver WApneumonia and paralysisyesSamuel ForakerSW 178-2 N/2 line 2Knapp Funeral Home20 Mar 1915Van City CemCrissa Ann Wright (VA)(1) and Annie Mary Betts (WA)(2) - spouses; Sarah M, Samuel F, James W, Laidh, Irene - children by Crissa; James Foraker (PA) and Peggy Brill (VA) - parentsCivil War veteran, Co. M, 4th Missouri SM Cavalryobit The Oregonian 19 Mar 1915; granddau Inez Pearl Miller in Brush Prairie Cemetery in C-010
ForakerCrissa AnnWright1829 Dec 23Virginia1896 Apr 19Clark Co., WAstroke and paralysisyesSamuel ForakerSW 178-2 S/2 line 222 Apr 1896Van City CemSamuel Foraker (OH) - spouse; Sarah M, Samuel F, James W, Laidh, Irene - children; John B Wright (VA) and Sarah Reed (MD) - parentsobit The Oregonian 22 Apr 1896; granddau Inez Pearl Miller in Brush Prairie Cemetery in C-010
ForbergEsther McCollum1846 Jun 25Linn Co., Missouri1927 Oct 9at home at 815 T St., Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisnoEsther BakerSW 107-4 N/2 line 6Knapp Funeral Home12 Oct 1927Van City CemLafayette Baker (MO)(1) and Sgt. Charles H Forberg (NY)(2) - spouses; John H, William Perry, George Wilbur, Marietta, Alice, Oscar Layette, Annie B - children by Baker; Isaac McCollum (KY) and Mary Englise (KY) - parentsChristianSpouse Charles Forberg is buried at Vancouver Post Military Cemetery
FosterSusanEYarnell1855 DecSt Charles Co., Missouri1897 Feb 28Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncancer of the wombnoSW 54 line 61 Mar 1897Van City CemGeorge Foster - spouse; William - child; Memory Yarnell (MO) and Mandelia Howell (MO) - parentsmarried Foster 1871, St Charles Co., MO; husband died in 1875 in MO; came to Vancouver 1896 to be with son; sister Mary Freeland buried at Park Hill Cemetary, Vancouver-sister's husband Nelson Yarnell and bro Louis Yarnell are in SW 48; obit The Columbian 5 Mar 1897; sister Mary in Felida and siblings in MO
FranklinFrancis (Frank)M1846 Sep 30Jackson Co., Indiana1906 Jun 20Clark Co., WApneumoniayesAdolph SmileySW 55 N/2 line 722 Jun 1906Van City CemMinnie Smiley (IA) - spouse; William Curry - child; Samuel Franklin (NC) and Caroline ? (IN) - parentsorchardist, had 109 acres, timber cruiser working for a company out of Boston - spent 2 1/2 years in Central America selecting mahoganyobit The Seattle Daily Times 22 Jun 1906; wife Minnie remarried Coopey, is buried in same plot
Franklin William Curry1881 Jan 1Cedar Co., Missouri1931 May 11Medical Dental Buildling, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonasthma and cardiac insufficiencyyesAdolph SmileySW 55 N/2 line 7Knapp Mortuary13 May 1931Van City Cemsingle; Francis M Franklin (Ind) and Minnie Smiley (Iowa) - parentsnut and fruit grower in Vancouver WA1930 living mother and step father Charles Coopey in Vancouver WA; Civil Enginnering degree from Univ. of Washington; buried with parents
FraserHughRoderick1830 Feb 21Nova Scotia, Canada1909 Jan 12at home of dau Mrs.Bessie McGennis, at Military Barracks, Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesSW 09 N/2 line 8Knapp Mortuary14 Jan 1909Van City CemAnna M ? (Eng) - spouse; Bessie, May - children; both parents born in CanadaChief Engineer Pacific Mail SS Co. and lived at Vancouver Military Barracks1883 - Clark Co., WA; newspaper article The Oregonian 15 Jan 1909; obit 13 The Columbian Jan 1909
FraserAnnaM1831 Feb England1903 Nov 28Clark Co., WAheart failureyesSW 09 N/2 line 81903Van City CemHugh R Fraser (Can) - spouse; Bessie, May - children; parents both born in Englanddau Bessie married John McGennis
FreelandNelsonW1846 Nov 22Montgomery Co., Missouri1914 Jul 91000 Main St., Vancouver WAnephritis, Bright's DiseasenoSW 48 N/2 line 1Beatty Funeral Home10 Jul 1914Van City CemMary Margaret Yarnell (MO) - spouse; Walter J and 4 others - children; John Freeland and Mary Edmondson (MO) - parents1900 farmer, Klickitat Co., WA1900 census - 5 children/1 living; brother-in-lawYarnell in same plot, sister-in-law Susan Foster in SW 54; wife in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
FreiwaldAlmaLousie1894 Nov 14Illinois1896 May 8Vancouver WAmeningitisnoGustav GreiealdSW 199Gustav Freiwald (Ger) and Augusta Bast (Ger) - parentsFreiwalds lived in Vancouver in 1900, Portland in 1910
FullerMarthaJ Miller1844 Sep 15Kentucky1899 May 19Clark Co., WAheart failureyesEdward J FullerSW 114 line 223 May 1899Van City CemJasper Fuller (MO) - spouse; James, Edward J, Maude, Harry and Harriet (twins), Pearl Mary (dau) - children; ? Miller (KY) and ? ? (KY) - parents dau Pearl M Dudrow buried in SW 16; funeral notice The Oregonian 24 May 1899; daus Pearl and Maude in SW 16; son Harry died in 1940; Harriet died 1880, buried in Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR
FullerEdward "Ted"J1872Oregon1922 Sep 27Portland, Multnomah Co., OregondropsyyesEdward J FullerSW 114-4 line 2Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1 Oct 1922Van City CemEffie Ellen Perdue (IA) - spouse; Paul Jasper - child; Jasper Fuller (MO) and Martha ? (KY) - parents1900 - embalmer; 1910 - teamster, Portland OR; 1922 Broadway Bridge operator for Multnomah Co., ORfuneral notice The Oregonian 1 Oct 1922
FullerEffieEllenPerdue1875 AprKansas1931 Jul 16Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonsuicide gun shot noEdward J FullerSW 114 line 2Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon20 Jul 1931Van City CemEdward J Fuller (OR) - spouse; Paul Jasper - child; Perical Perdue (IL) and Amanda Conell (OH) - parentsmarried 24 Jan 1892 in Brush Prairie WA; newspaper article The Oregonian 19 Jul 1931; The Oregonian 18 Jul 1931-"Scorned woman kills man and Self" Gus Johnson killed was roomer and suicided he was 20 years younger
FullerPaul Jasper1894 Feb 15Oregon1899 Apr 12Oregon ?meningitisyesEdward J FullerSW 114 line 213 Apr 1899Van City CemEdward J Fuller (OR) and Effie Ellen Perdue (IA) - parents
FullerMaudeFuller1875 Aug 27Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1913 Apr 28Wood Lake, Cherry Co., Nebraskaoverdose of morphineyesSW 16-5 N/2 line 1Knapp Mortuary4 May 1913Van City CemJoseph McCarty (WA)(1) and Henry B Koehn (2) - spouses; Lillian, Roy - children by McCarty; Jasper Fuller (MO) and Martha Miller (KY) - parentsEpiscopalian1910 - waitress, Seattle WAmarried McCarty in 1893, Clark Co., WA; married to Henry B Koehn 1908, Clark Co., WA, but living in Seattle; divorced by 1910 in Seattle; McCarty first wife was Lottie Druschel, (who was Maude's sister Pearl's husband Dudrow first wife- she also had a prison record for hiding a criminal) Joseph and Maude lived in Kings Co., CA 1900, by 1910 Lottie is living with Joseph, married SF 1914; Maude died as a "Clever"-found no record of marrying a Clever; Pearl Dudrow buried in SW 16; mother buried in SW 114
GalbraithJames Cosby1842 Oct 25Greene Co., Missouri1903 Apr 15Portland, Multnomah Co., OregontuberculosisyesSW 153 N/215 Apr 1903Van City CemEmaline Abigail Pyland (TN) - spouse; Charles, Robert, William "Billy" N, Jennie, Addie Liddy B, Rosa A, Mary A, King Laurel, Tedddy - children; Alex Galbraith (TN) and Jane C Hill (TN) - parentsCivil War veteran, Union GAR, Co 6th Missouri Cavalrydeath notice The Oregonian 16 Apr 1903; son King L is in SE 78
GalbraithEmaline AbigailPyland1846 Dec 10Bedford Co., Tennessee1944 Sep 21Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesAlexander J RoseSW 153-1 line 9Rose & Son Funeral Home, Portland, Mutltnomah Co., Oregon22 Sep 1944Van City CemJames C Galbraith (MO) - spouse; Charles, Robert, William "Billy" N, Jennie, Addie Liddy B, Rosa A, Mary A, King L, Teddy - children; Joseph Bennett Pyland (NC) and Elizabeth ? (NC) - children1900 census - 10 children/8 living; obit The Oregonian 21 Sep 1944 - 4 children living at time of death; son King L is in SE 78
GalbraithAddie L1872 Nov 25Missouri1912 May 30Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregontuberculosis, inflammation of the brainyesSW 153 N/2 line 9Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon31 May 1912Van City Cemsingle; James C Galbraith (MO) and Emaline Pyland (TN) - parentsobit The Oregonian 1 Jun 1912
GalbraithRosa A1882 Jul 16Polk Co., Missouri1911 Oct 20Portland, Multnomah Co., OregontuberculosisyesSW 153 N/2 line 9Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon22 Oct 1911Van City Cemsingle; James C Galbraith (MO) and Emaline Pyland (TN) - parentsseamstress
GalliKatherine Snyder1862 Sep 13California1932 May 10Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhage, paralysisyesMrs J J DaveySW14-4 line 3Miller-Tracy Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon14 Mar 1932Van City CemJoseph J Davey (ENG)(1), Hiram Stamp (NY)(2), and Fred Galli (3) - spouses; Katie J, Frederick A, George H, Joseph C, Albert H, Minnie - children with Davey; George Snyder (Ger) and Marguerite ? (Ger) - parents 1900 census - 6 children/5 living; buried in same plot with first husband Joseph Davey and son Frederick Davey
GardnerEdmondBrandon 1848 Mar 5New York1935 May 13at home, Vancouver WAcoronary thrombosisyesEdmond B GardnerSW 130-1 line 15Hamilton Mortuary15 May 1935Van City CemMarilla Eudora Anderson (WA) - spouse; Charles, Jessie E R, Edward, David - children; Charles Gardner (NY) and Catherine Brandon (NY) - parentscarpenterat age 12 crossed the Oregon Trail to CA; 1866 moved from California to Oregon; 1877 moved to Sauvie's Is; married in Clark Co. WA 4 Dec 1878; 1913 family moved to Hazeldale Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 13 May 1935 - survivors wife and son Charles
GardnerMarilla EudoraAnderson1860 Mar 14Hazel Dell, Clark Co., Washington1954 Mar 13Vancouver WAseniltiyyesEdmond B GardnerSW 130-2 line 15Vancouver Funeral Chapel15 Mar 1954Van City CemEdmond B Gardner (NY) - spouse; Charles W, Jessie E R, Edward, David - children; William Reese Anderson (VA) and Sarah Jane Sturgess (NY) - parentshousewifemarried in Clark Co. WA 4 Dec 1878; 1900-1910 census 2 children/1 living (actually lost 2 children before 1900); parents buried in SW 174; same plot as two son and dau-in-law
GardnerCharles or David 1881Clark Co., WA1890 Sep 12Clark Co., WAcongestion of the bowelsnoEdmond B GardnerSW 130 line 1515 Sep 1890Van City CemEdmond B Gardner (NY) and Marilla E Anderson (WA) - parentsThis may be David not Charles as Charles W lived to 1971 and marry Clara in same plot; family plot
GardnerJessie Edward Reese 1885 Aug 19Clark Co., WA1888 Apr 19Clark Co., WAmeninigitisyesEdmond B GardnerSW 130 line 15Apr 1888Van City CemEdmond B Gardner (NY) and Marilla E Anderson (WA) - parentsin same plot as parents and siblings; Note: Gilman Report has an Edward - this is athe same child as Jessie.
GardnerClara EffieStrong1890 Aug 4Woodland, Cowlitz Co., Washington1959 Dec 8Vancouver WAyesEdmond B GardnerSW 130 line 15Hamilton Mortuary11 Dec 1959Van City CemCharles W Gardner (WA) - spouse; Edmond W - child; Solomon Christopher Strong (OR) and Amelia Theil (GER) - parentsGrange member married Charles W Gardner 22 Dec 1911 Cowlitz Co., WA; husband buried at Evergreen Memorial Cemetery, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 10 Dec 1959; in same plot as Gardner family
GaultElizabeth "Bessie"1868 Sep 26Polk Co., Oregon1884 Nov 2Clark Co., WAyesBenjamin HowellSW 128-5 line 16Nov 1884Van City Cemsingle; Daniel M Gault (IA) and Anna Howell (MO) - parentsburied with sister Mary Gault Halstead; Joseph, Benjamin and Elizabeth Howell are family in SW 129; Daniel Gault lived in Clark Co., WA 1885
Gerding (Gerbing) GH (male)18651891 May 18drowningnoJ D EatonSW 71 S/2 line 10Van City Cemcharged to J D Eaton
GoheenEdward Rufus/ Rupert1833 Nov 22Virginia1916 Jul 28at home in Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washingtonmitral insufficiencynoMrs Edward GoheenSW 115 N/2 line 3Knapp Funeral Home29 Jul 1916Van City CemMargaret Hardman (IN) - spouse; Florence Josephine, Mary Louisa, Albert Newton, William Loren, Oscar B - children; William Goheen (VA) and Franaces Nicely (VA) - parnetswas in Clark Co. by 1886; farmer owned 10 acres in Sara area of Vancouverdau Florence married John Huff, dau married Cathey; obit The Oregonian 29 Jul 1916 - his obit mentioned buried next to wife.
GoheenMargaretHardman1826Indiana1902 Mar 12Clark Co., WAnoSW 115 N/2 line 3Mar 1902Van City CemJohn Miller (IN)(1) and Edward Goheen (VA)(2) - spouses; John, Marion, Joshua, George - children by Miller, Florence Josephine, Mary Louisa, Albert Newton, William Loren Oscar B - children by Goheen; John Hardman (PA) and Susanna Wagner (PA) - parentsmarried Miller 25 Dec 1845, Floyd Co., IA, Miller died in Nov 1856 Iowa; married Goheen 1857 Iowa, 1860-1880 lived in Bulter Co., Iowa; 1885 MN, 1900- Whipple Creek, Clark Co., WA; in same plot as sons Joshua and Marion Miller
GoodrichOrsonP1846 May 28Cortland Co., New York1908 Mar 1Lorane, Lane Co., Oregontyphoid pneumoniayesOrson P GoodrichSW 146 S/2 line 25 Mar 1908Van City CemMatilda C Duncan (Can) - spouse; Ira, Mabel, Charler W, Eva, Mark - children: Chaney Goodrich (NY) and Elizabeth Carnis (NY) - parents1880-farmer, Nebraska; 1900- farmer, Coos Co., Oregon
GoodrichMatildaC Duncan1855 Apr 30Canada1936 Feb 22at the dau Eva Wilkouse's home in Garden Home, Washington Co., OregonsenilityyesOrson P GoodrichSW 146 line 2Knapp Funeral Home25 Feb 1936Van City CemOrson P Goodrich (NY) - spouse; Ira, Mabel, Charles W, Eva, Mark - children; James Duncan (Scot) and Margaret Powell (Ire) - parentshousewifemarried Duncan in 1876; 1900 census 5 children/4 living, 1910 census 5 children/3 living; 1910 living with daus Eva and Mabel in Vancouver; 1920 living with son Ira in Portland; 1930-living with dau Eva in Portland; obit The Oregonian 24 Feb 1936- survived by Ira, Mabel and Eva
GoodrichCharles W 1895 May 11Washington1901 Oct 13yesOrson P GoodrichSW 146 S/2 line 2Oct 1901Van City CemOrson P Goodrich (NY) and Matilda Duncan (CAN) - parents
GordonLeslie18961905 Oct 9intermittent fever noWilliam J WhitemanSW 173 N/2 line 411 Oct 1905Van City Cemplot owner Whiteman in 1900 in Clark Co. WA, farm laborer
Gould Orville A1820New York1894 Oct 15Multnomah Co., Oregonheart troublenoF H GouldSW 44 N/2 line 517 Oct 1894Van City CemSarah A Heather (OH) - spouse; Fred, Ruth - children; Joseph Gould (NY) and Theda Pease (VT) - parnets1880- Saganaw MI; wife died Santa Cruz CA 1910
Gray GeorgeC1855Pennsylvania1912 Mar 9St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcancer of the stomach - mitral regurgutation of the heart and stomachnoA W GraySW 203 N/2 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Mar 1912Van City CemHazel ? (1) and ? ? (2) - spouses; Charles A - child probably by Hazel, possibly other child by second wifeMasonbridge carpenter worked for SP&S Railroad Co.1890 newspaper article - survived a landslide at a RR bridge site, Mason Co., WA; lived in Goldendale, Klictitat Co., WA prior to Portland, lived at 539 E 50th St., Portland OR; 1910 - Chehalis WA; obit The Columbian 11 Mar 1912-married with family when died; It does not appear that this George Gray is related to Alice Ann Gray Laddames and Amy Caroline Rogers who also have a father, George Gray.
Gray Hazel 1890 Oct 22sore throatnoA W GraySW 203 N/2 line 623 Oct 1890Van City CemGeorge C Gray - spouse; Charles A - sonThis could possibly be a child
Gray Charles A1890 Apr1890 Oct 28membranous croupnoF W HopkinsSW 203 N/2 line 629 Oct 1890Van City CemGeorge C Gray (PA) and Hazel - parents
GridleyFrederick C1821 Aug 21New York1903 Sep 9Clark Co., WAold agenoSW 206 N/2 line 310 Sep 1903Van City CemAdeline Amelia Humphrey (NY) - spouse; Harriet, Charles H - children; ? Gridley (CT) and ? ? (NY) - parentsfarmer
GridleyAdelineAmeliaHumphrey1822 Dec 8Ithaca, Tompkins Co., New York1901 May 17Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachnoSW 206 N/2 line 318 May 1901Van City CemFrederick C Gridley (NY) - spouse; Harriet, Charles - children; Lucius Humphrey (CT) and Lydia Chidsey (CT) - parentsmarried Gridley 31 Jul 1841; 1900 census 2 children, both died; obit The Columbian 23 May 1901
GreiserChristineBardoWagner1852 Feb 18Austria1895 Dec 6WashingtonabcessnoAugust MeubusSW 78 line 8Dec 1895Van City CemPhillip Fromboch (Austria)(1), Ferdinand Bardo (Austrai)(2) and Robert Greiser (?)(3) - spouse; John, Franz - children by Frombroch; Julia - child by Bardo; Georg Wagner (Austria) and Elizanbeth Walter (Austria) - parentsFromboch died in 1881, Ukaine; married Greiser Jun 1894, Clark Co., WA; sister-Julia Sagers lived in Yamhill Co., OR (from will); in August Muebus plot-friend and companion/not married, in will "Christine Bardo" (Muebus died 1893)
GuardPeter1836Germany1896 Jun 26Vancouver WAold gun shot woundyesHannah M GuardSW 187 N/2 28 Jun 1896Van City CemHannah M Mahoney (IRE) - spouse; Ellen, George, Mary, Laura - children; George Guard (Ger) and Laura Friend (Ger) - parentsCivil War vet, Co. K, 64th Ohio Infantry - got a gun shot wound.1880-Wyandot Co., OH; dau Mary Jeffries buried in NE 139
GuardHannahMMahoney1843 Mar 10Ireland1928 Jul 13Vancouver WAcancer of stomachnoHannah M GuardSW 187 N/2 Hamilton Mortuary14 Jul 1928Van City CemPeter Guard (GER) - spouse; Ellen, William George, Margaret, Mary, Laura - children; ? Mahoney (Ire) and ? ? (GER) - parentsimmigrated 1870; 1900 census 11 children/4 living; 1910 census 3 children/1 living; 1920 living at Blanchett House, Vancouver WA; dau Mary Jeffries buried in NE 139
GuardLaura1877-1878Ohio1896 Jul 23Clark Co., WAdrowning in Washougal River (about 17-18 years)noHannah M GuardSW 187 N/2 26 Jul 1896Van City CemPeter Guard (GER) and Hannah M Mahoney (IRE) - parentnewspaper article The Oregonian 27 Jul 1896- 4 young people died in drowning accident with Emma Young (in SW 65) and 2 soldiers; Sis Mary Jeffries (NE 139) born in 1881 in Ohio
Gunning Jesse1813 Sep 11Whitewater, Hamilton Co., Ohio1901 May 31Clark Co., WAage related, 87 y, 8m, 20dyesSW 19 S/2 line 32 Jun 1901Van City CemEmeline Shaw (OH) - spouse; William H, Sarah, Emeline, James, Duncan, Albert, John W - children; Robert Gunning (TN) and Temperance J King (TN) - parentsCivil War first Missouri Regiment and 11th Indian Calvary and Mexican War veteranSon William Gunning and wife Hannah are buried in SW 22 N/2; grandchildren Minnie and Walter; obit The Oregonian 1 Jun 1901
Gunning William H1838 Jul 25Preble Co., Ohio1897 Aug 11Vancouver WABrights diseaseyesW H GunningSW 22 N/2 line 613 Aug 1897Van City CemHannah Jesse Biggs (OH) - spouse; Walter D, James R, Lacy Minnie, Anne E, Margaret "Maggie" - children; Jesse R Gunning (OH) and Emeline Shaw (OH) - parentsCivil War vet - private, Military Co F, 85th Indiana InfantryFather Jesse is buried in SW 19 S/2 line 3; obit The Oregonian 13 Aug 1897Civil War marker needs to be placed
Gunning HannahJesseBiggs1831 Nov 4Ohio1908 May 23at home at 304 W 10th St., Vancouver WAcancer of the stomach and senilityyesSW 22 N/2 line 6Knapp Mortuary25 May 1908Van City CemWilliam H Gunning (OH)- spouse; Walter D, James R, Lacy M, Anne E, Margaret "Maggie" - children; B Biggs (NY) and Hannah ? (OH) - parentsBaptistmidwifelived at 304 W 10th St., Vancouver WA; newspaper article The Oregonian 25 May 1908
Gunther infant1912 Jun 6at home at 907 Union Ave., Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1912 Jun 6at home at 907 Union Ave., Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonstillbornnoSW 102-3 line 11Knapp MortuaryJun 1912Van City CemEdward A Gunther (WI) and Sarah Zimmerman (MN) - parents
GuptonHuldahAnnPhinney1836 Apr 6Yorkshire, Chattaraugus Co., New York1903 Nov 1Vancouver WAparalysis, 67 y, 7mnoC E LeavensSW 11 S/2 line 6Nov 1903Van City CemJohn Wesley Burch (KY)(1) and William H Gupton (NC)(2) - spouses; Cassie, Lillian, Clara I, Walter, Mary, George - children by Burch; Jirah Phinney (ME) and Mary Hollister (NY) - parentsplot bought by sister C E Leavens on 2 Nov 1903; daughter Cassie married Walters, buried in same plot
HaakGustaveEmil1877 Oct 9Germany1940 Oct 14Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachnoW W McCreadieSW 37 S/2 line 13Vancouver Funeral Chapel21 Oct 1940Van City CemJulia Baker (ND) - spouse; Hazel, Mabel, Bessie - children; August Haak (Ger) and Laura ? (Ger) - parents 1911-1921-farmer, Alberta, Canadaimmigrated from Canada in 1891; naturalization in 1928; obit The Columbian 16 Oct 1940; survived by dau Mrs. Thomas Biard, and bro in North Dakota
Hackman EllenKatherineHedlund1877 Jul 9Byske, Vasterbotten, Sweden1911 May 23St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonparalysis of the bowels yesMrs Nellie BiddingsSW 12-1 N/2Knapp Mortuary25 May 1911Van City CemCarl H Hackman (SWE) - spouse; Donna Myrtle, Thelma - children; John Hedlund (Swe) and Christine Johansdotter (Swe) - parentsLutheranhousewifeimmigrated in 1882; 1900 in Nebraska with Charles A Hadland family as servant, uses Hadland name; lived at 32nd St and Rowley Ave., Vancouver WA
Hackman Carl 1879 Dec 21Virestad, Kronoborg, Sweden1918 Mar 30Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonscarlet feverashesyesMrs Nellie BiddingsSW12-4 N/2 line 5Dunnings Undertakings, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1 Apr 1918Van City CemEllen Katherine Hedlund (SWE) - spouse; Donna Myrtle, Thelma - children; Jon Hockinson (Swe) and Ingerborg Ingemarsdotter (Swe) - parentsmilitary 28 Feb 1899living in Astoria in 1914, children not with him; Dau Donna is in Mayger, Columbia Co., OR; Thelma in Coberg OR - children were divided after mother's death; Swedish name Hakansson; changed to Hackman in US; informant on death cert was sister Mary Erickson in Mayger OR; parents living with sister; parents buried in Rainier, Columbia Co., OR in Mayger Cemetery
HainesWilliam P1827 Dec Indiana1900 Jun 2Clark Co., WAdropsy of the heart (diabetes)noWilliam P HainesSW 101 N/2 line 12Jun 1900Van City CemSophrona "Rosa" Murphy (IN) - spouse; Walter, John, Samuel, Albert, Andrew - children; Horatio Haines (TN) and Sarah ? (NC) - parents1880-1900 - capitalist, Fern Prairie Clark Co., WAMarried Sophrona 15 Oct 1854, Posey Co., IN, she died 1875-1879
HainesJohn 1868California1888 Apr 11Clark Co., WAquick consumption, complications from measles in jail noWilliam P HainesSW 101 N/2 line 1212 Apr 1888Van City CemWilliam P Haines (IN) and Sophrona Murphy (IN) - parentnewspaper article The Oregonian 29 Mar 1888-"Culprit captured"-had assault a school teacher, was awaiting trail, escaped from jail fall 1887 in Vancouver to Oregon trekked across mountains and came down with measles, captured and took back to jail
HallSarah Jane Kennedy1830 Jul 15Pennsylvania1912 Feb 4Moro, Sherman Co., OregonpneumoniayesW S HallSW 38-2 S/2 Row 11Knapp Mortuary7 Feb 1912Van City CemDr. David M Hall (OH) - spouse; Willard S, Marshall H, Arthur K, David Marshall, Lilly - children all born in Iowa; Charles Kennedy (Ire) and Elizabeth Marshall (Ire) - parentsMethodisthousewifehusband died 1887; Sarah arrived in WA Terr in 1891; 1900 in Sherman Co., OR; granddau Cleo in same plot
Hall Cleo Mae1887 Mar 30Iowa1892 Jun 25Oregon ?yesW S HallSW 38 S/2 line 11Van City CemWillard S Hall (IA) and Juliette E Childern (WI) - parents1887 died Juliette, Iowa; Williard moved to Sherman Co OR; Cleo probably died in Oregon; grandmother Sarah in same plot
Hall Allen Green1849Shelbey Co., Illinois1894 Apr 15Clark Co., WAyesAllen G HallSW 207 line 2 17 Apr 1894Van City CemHannah Jane Burt (IL) - spouse; Stella F, Laura X, John F, James Nelson, Mary, Allen - children; John Hall (NC) and Louisa Kesterson (IL) - parentsfarm laborer/ farmer
Hall HannahJaneBurt1856 Feb 2Coles Co., Illinois1928 Oct 25Randall, Lewis Co., Washingtonchronic endocarditisyesAllen G HallSW 207-3 line 2Knapp Funeral Home29 Oct 1928Van City CemAllen G Hall (IL) - spouse; Stella F, Laura X, John F, James Nelson, Mary, Allen - children; Dr. James M Burt (OH) and Xanthipe Crabb (IN) - parents1900 census 7 children/6 living
Hall James Nelson1881 Sep 5 Battle Ground, Clark Co., Washington1927 Feb 9at home brother John F Hall at 651 1/2 Union Av., Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncancer of the liveryesAllen G HallSW 207-1 line 2Knapp Funeral Home13 Feb 1927Van City CemHattie Hayes (WI) - spouse; no children; Allen G Hall (IL) and Hannah Jane Burt (IL) - parentsfishermanburied with parents; obit The Oregonian 11 Feb 1927
Hall SarahInaDixon1886 Aug 18Clark Co., WA1932 May 2Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonsarcoma (cancer) noSarah DixonSW 81-5 Eastside Funeral Directors, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon4 May 1932Van City CemEdward Hall (IL) - spouse; Joseph - child; Joseph H Dixon (IL) and Sarah Emily Davis (CA) - parents1910-saleslady, Portland OR1910 - living with mother in Portland
HalsteadCharles Cornelius 1862 Jun 20Michigan1932 Sep 23Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncanceryesEva HowellSW 128-3 line 16A J Rose & Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon26 Sep 1932Van City CemMary "May" Catherine Gault (OR) - spouse; Edna, Harry, Elmer - children; Cornelius Halstead (MI) and Mary Whipple (MI) - parents1900- day laborer, Fresno CA; 1910 carpenter in Portland OR; fruit farmer and carpentermarried Mary 15 Dec 1892, Multnomah Co., OR; obit The Oregonian 26 Sep 1932; dau Edna married F H Fowler; sister Bessie in same plot; grandparents in SW 129
HalsteadMary "May"CatherineGault1870 AprDalles, Polk Co., Oregon1918 Aug 20Brownsville, Linn Co., OregonmyocarditisyesBen HowellSW 128-3 line 16Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon23 Aug 1918Van City CemCharles C Halstead (MI) - spouse; Edna, Harry, Elmer - children; Daniel M Gault (IA) and Anna Howell (MO) - parentsobit The Oregonian 23 Aug 1918; dau Edna married F H Fowler; 1880 living grandfather Joseph Howell-plot owner; all three children in Portland in 1920, obit list place of death as Brownsville OR
HalsteadMarianMaxwell1895 Jun 8Fresno, Fresno Co., California1928 Feb 28Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumoniayesJoseph HowellSW 128-2 line 16Ross Hollywood Chapel, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon3 Mar 1928Van City CemHarry Halstead (CA) - spouse; Anna May, David, Sarah - children; Hugh Maxwell (WV) and Anna Humphries (CA) - parentsmarried Charles in 15 Dec 1892, Multnomah Co., OR; 1910-census 3 children/3 living; obit The Oregonian 29 Feb 1928; in same plot as in-laws; husband harry remarried bwtween 1930-1940, died in 1986, buried in Tumwater, Thurston CO., WA
HandyJosephB1864 DecRhode Island1928 Mar 5Napa Co., Californianatural causesnoJoe HandySW 02 S/223 June 1948Van City CemElizabeth Young (WA) - spouse; Matilda, Henry, Joseph, Bertha Augusta - children; John Handy (Eng) and Ann ? (Ire) - parentswas reburied from another cemetery and placed next to dau Matilda Handy; wife Elizabeth and dau Bertha Perry and husband in same plotheadstone base - no marker infor, at fence on south end of plot; headstone needs to be replaced
HandyMaryElizabethYoung1864 Jan Washington1931 Apr 26 San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CaliforniacancernoJoe HandySW 02 S/223 June 1948Van City CemJoseph B Handy (RI) - spouse; Matilda, Henry, Joseph, Bertha Augusta - children; Antoine Young (Ger) and Elizabeth Holtman (Ger) - parentswas reburied from another cemetery and placed next to dau Matilda Handy and spouse Joseph B Handy and dau Bertha Perry and husband
HandyMatilda1887 DecClark Co., WA1892 Feb 10Clark Co., WAdiphtherianoJoe HandySW 02 S/2 Line 1511 Feb 1892Van City CemJoseph Handy (RI) and Elizabeth Young (WA) - parents
HansenElizabeth1876 Jan 14North Williamsburg, Dundas, Ontario, Canada1897 Dec 15Clark Co., WAconsumptionyesNettie DermottSW 110 S/2 line 317 Dec 1897Van City CemJohn Hansen (Can) and Sarah Merkley (Can ) - parentsobit The Oregonian 19 Dec 1897; sister Nettie Dermott
Hansoninfant 1921 Jun 25Clark Co., WA1921 Jun 25Clark Co., WAstillbornnoOscar JohnsonSW 109-1 line 427 Jun 1921Van City Cem
HarmerJarius1843 May 3 Fond du Lac Co., Wisconsin1886 Mar 20 Clark Co., WAyesJarius HarmerSW 66 N/2 line 15Mar 1886Van City CemCarrie White (WI) - spouse; no childrenmember of the Ellsworth Post # 2Civil War veteran - Co D, 35th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry1880 in Umatilla Co., OR- farmer; had half interest in Harmer's Meat Market with John Blurockmoved to Vancouver between 1880 and death; in same plot as wife Carrie (Stafford) and sister-in-law Lousia Clark
HarperLabin/ LabanConner1862 Nov 11Thurston Co., Washington1940 Jun 16Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhagenoLabin C HarperSW 185 N/2 line 9Hamilton Funeral Home19 Jun 1940Van City CemLois McCann (WA) - spouse; William H, Reta, Vernon, Labin C Jr., Lois M - children; Pleasant H Harper (MO) and Sarah Brewer (ARK) - parents1900-1940 farmer, Whipple Creek, Clark Co., WA; orchardist1888 married Lois
HarperLois MedoraMcCann1868 Oct 9Hockinson, Clark Co., Washington1902 Jun 20Clark Co., WApneumoniayesLabin C HarperSW 185 S/2 line 1020 Jun 1902Van City CemLabin C Harper (WA) - spouse; William H, Reta, Vernon, Labin C Jr., Lois M - children; William Dudley McCann (TN) and Joanna M Smith (IL) - parents1888 married Harper; 1900 census 5 children/5 living; obit Tne Columbian 26 Jun 1902-lived in Felida, Clark Co., WA
HarperLois Medora1897 Mar 31Clark Co., WA1971 Jul 28Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureashesnoLabin C HarperSW 185-3 line 9Rose City Crematorium, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR; burial handled by Vancouver Funeral Chapel31 Jul 1971Van City CemFred Manning (WA) - spouse; no children; Labin C Harper (WA) and Lois M McCann (WA) - parents1910-1930 living father, Clark Co., WA, fruit farmer; died under name of Manning, not Harper; obit The Colmbian 30 Jul 1971-death date in error in obit; death index-28 Jul; Husband Fred (1900, Whatcom Co., WA) died in 1960, Portland OR
HarrellCalvin George 1824 Jun 2West Virginia1889 Jun 12 Clark Co., WAdrowning; fell off steameryesOtis HarrellSW 94 N/2Jun 1889Van City CemMary Alvina Stultz (IN) - spouse; Rodney, Otis R, Addie, Nannie, Amy, Josie, Fannie - children; James Harrell (VA) and Mary Thraser (VA) - parentfarmer, was the last postmaster to operate the Stoughton's Landing POgrew up in Monroe Co Indiana, About 1877 James and Mary Harrell moved their family to the Washington Terr.; newspaper The Washington Standard, Olympia WA 28 Jun 1889-body found on 27 Jun 1889
HarrellMaryAlvinaStultz1839 Sep 1Monroe Co., Indiana1919 Dec 2St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAbronchial pneumonianoOtis HarrellSW 94-2 line 4 Knapp Mortuary4 Dec 1919Van City CemCalvin George Harrell (WV) - spouse; Rodney, Otis R, Addie, Nannie, Amy, Josie, Fannie - children; J C Stultz (NC) and Mary Anderson (NC) - parents MethodisthousewifeFannie Crocker - dau;
HarrisArthur C1876 Aug 3Clark Co., WA1878 Oct 13Clark Co., WA2 yr, 2 mo, 10 daysyesSW 104Van City CemJohn D Harris (IA) and Laura D Sturgess (WA) - parentsbroken, but readable headstone; note was in NW 46, but no headstone. Is he in NW 46 or SW 104? Should the headstone be in NW 46
HarrisHolmes Gilbert1879 Jul 29Sabine Co., Texas1929 Mar 21St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcancer of the pancreas, 49y, 7m, 22d old yesSW 33 S/2 line 16Knapp Mortuary24 Mar 1929Van City CemAnna Pratt (1), Ida Weathered (TX)(2), and Norine W Waggener (WA)(3) - spouses; Ethel - child by Anna, Ida Mae - child by Ida; Henry C Harris (AL) and Virginia Cowart (GA) - parents1911 in US Armysalesman for Oregon Honey Co.
HaskinsDecimaVirginia Currie/Carry1858Illinois1892 May 2Vancouver WAconsumptionnoH C HaskinsSW 59 N/23 May 1892Van City CemHenry C Haskins (KY) - spouse; Mary, Anna - children; Alonzo Currie (IL) and Matilda/Rebecca ? (IL) - parents married Haskins 30 Jun 1874 MO; daughters born in Texas; Haskins remarried 1896
HathawayMarshallRoot1823 Jan 1Russia, Herkimer Co., New York1896 May 2Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregona stroke in 1887 caused paralysis and eventually his deathyesMarshall R HathawaySW 127 line 155 Mar 1896Van City CemMarie Lucy Smith (NY) - spouse; Maria, Homer Marshall, Melissa Jane, Henry Lewis, Matilda Lucinda, Caroline Miranda - children; Nadah Hathaway (MA) and Abigail Beebee (NY) - parentsIOOf - Odd Fellows; was a patriarch and member of the Oregon Grand Lodge; founder of Clark Co. Agriculture and Mechanical Society1855-1856 was a private in Capt William Strong's company of mounted riflemen, was elected Orderly Sargeanton as Master of Steven's Ferry across Columbia; took a Donation Land Claim for 317.74 acres; was postmaster at Fales' Landing, WA; taught school at first school in Clark Co.; 1854-1857 was Superintendet of Clark Co Schools; 1865 elected to WA Terr Legislature; employee of the Oregon Railway and Navigation and Northern Pacific Railroadmarried Marie 1848; 1852, Marshall, wife Maria and dau Maria and bro Jeremiah joined wagon on Oregon Trail; dau Maria died 6 Dec 1852 in Oregon
HathawayMariaLucySmith1830 Jun 11Paris, Oneida Co., New York1907 Jun 15at dau Mrs Gridley' s home; Clark Co., WAyesMarshall R HathawaySW 127 line 1516 Jun 1907Van City CemMarshall R Hathaway (NY) - spouse; Maria, Homer Marshall, Melissa Jane, Henry Lewis, Matilda Lucinda, Caroline Miranda - children; Shubal Smith (CT) and Lucy Trowl (CT) - parentPresbyterian, member of the Oneonta Rebekah Lodge of IOOF housewifemarried Hathaway 1848; obit The Oregonian 16 Jun 1907
HauschFrancesElizabethAnderson1871 Mar 24Clark Co., WA1912 Jul 7at home at 709 Franklin St., Vancouver WApneumonianoSW 148 N/2 line 4Knapp Funeral Home9 Jul 1912Van City CemFrederick Pressler (NY)(1) and George Hausch (Austria)(2) - spouses; William Reese Anderson (VA) and Sarah Jane Sturgeon (NY) - parentsEpiscopalianhousewifeFrances married her sister Minnie's husband George Hausch after Frances' husband Pressler and Minnie died in 1902; Minnie married Hausch 1892, Clark Co., WA; married Fannie in 1904, Multnomah Co. OR
Hayden Melinda "Linda"Ruth Sexton1821Wisconsin1842 Feb 7Jefferson Co., Wisconsindid not die in Clark Co., WAyesMary Jane HaydenSW 97 S/2 line 16 Gay Hayden Sr. (NY) - spouse; Melinda S - child; Ebeneezer Sexton (WI) and ? ? -parentsmarried to Hayden in 1840, Jefferson Co.,Wisconsin, first wife of Gay Hayden Sr.; Vancouver City Cem opened in 1869, she died prior, probably buried in Jefferson Co., WI; name on headstone; Gay Hayden b. 1819, NY; Gay Hayden died in 1902 at Green's Sanitorium, Hazel Dell, Clark Co., WA, Dunnings Undertaking, cremated. burial ??
Hayden MarianW 1848 Dec 31Jefferson Co., Wisconsin1861 May 4Clark Co., WAscarlet fever; 14y, 3m,6dyesMary Jane HaydenSW 97 S/2 line 16May 1861 Gay Hayden Sr. (NY) and Mary Jane Bean (ME) - parents Mary Jane was second wife of Gay Hayden Sr.; twin of Mary Dalinda, brother Gay Jr.; name on headstone only
Hayden Mary Dalinda1848 Dec 31Jefferson Co., Wisconsin1849 May 5WisconsinyesMary Jane HaydenSW 97 S/2 line 16 Gay Hayden Sr. (NY) and Mary Jane Bean (ME) - parents; twin of Marionthere is some question about Mary and Marion being twins. Mary could have been born in 1842 or 1849; name on the headstone only
Hearshel (Heashel)Henrietta LouisaMunsell1854 Aug 21Illinois1917 Jan 19St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAmitral heart diseasenoHenrietta McIrvinSW 161-5 line 16Knapp Funeral Home21 Jan 1917Van City CemSamuel T McIrvin (PA)(1) and William L Hearshel (OH)(2) - spouses; Mary, Mellisa Stella, Brutus, Florence, James by McIrwin, Ethel Jane by Hearshel; Alfred E "Red" Munsell (OH) and Sarah Martha Scoville (NY/NH)- parents
HelmanCatherina18511892 Sep 12consumption, 41 ynoWilliam HelmanSW 166 N/2 line 1013 Sep 1892Van City CemWilliam Helman - spouse??
HendershotKatiePatterson1876Wisconsin1899 Dec 24Clark Co., WAtuberculosisnoSW 49 N/2 line 126 Dec 1899Van City CemCalvin Hendershot (WI) - spouse: James F Patterson (OH) and Mary E Bodyfelt (IA) - parentsmarried Apr 1899, Clark Co., WA
HenrichsenJensJacob1831 Nov 2Denmark1902 Dec 28Vancouver WAyesFrederick E PresslerSW 98 S/2 line 1529 Dec 1902Van City CemHannah Khristina Hansen (Denmark) - spouse; Henrietta, Neils, Ellen Christina, Hannah, Tobey L, Lawson C, Jens Jacob Jr., Eloise "Elsie" W - children; Henrich Christoffersen (Denmark) and Maren Andersdatter (Denmark) - parentsServed in Danish Armyworked for his bro Neils making cabinets, coffins; acted as an undertaker; cooper, worked at Vancouver Barrracks arrived in Clark Co., WA 1857; sibling - Neils H Henrichsen; funeral notice The Oregon Journal 29 Dec 1902; in same plot as dau Henrietta Pressler and grand dau Fredrica; dau Elsie Garretsen in SE 107
HenrichsenHannah KhristinaHansen1838 Sep 19Denmark1893 Feb 12Vancouver WAyesF E PresslerSW 98 S/2 line 15Feb 1893Van City CemJens Jacob Henrichsen (DEN) - spouse; Henrietta, Neils, Ellen Christina, Hannah, Tobey L, Lawson C, Jens Jacob, Eloise "Elsie" W - children; arrived in Clark Co., WA 1857; in same plot as dau Henrietta Pressler and granddau Frederica; dau Elsie Garretsen in SE 107
HenrichsenNeils H1863 Sep 6Oregon1911 Sep 21106 E 16th St, Vancouver WAhemorrhage of lungs, consumptionyesF E PresslerSW 98 line 15Grice and Beatty Undertakers24 Sep 1911Van City Cemsingle; Jens Jacob Henrichsen (Denmark) and Hannah Khristina Hansen (Denmark) - parentsIOOF membercontractor and brick masonVancouver resident since 1868; obit The Oregon Journal 22 Sep 1911;
HickeyJames1842Ohio1902 Jun 17Clark Co., WAsuicide, drank strychnine after shooting wifenoSW 198 S/2 line 1119 Jun 1902Van City CemEllen Carmody (WI) - spouse; Johanna, Marguerita, William, Morris, John, Henry, Lloyd, Nellie, Steven - children; both born in Ireland Catholicwife Ellen buried in Mother Joseph Catholic Cemetery; newspaper article Seattle Daily Times 18 Jun 1902-death of wife and self-jealousy killed wife and poisoned himself; drank and abused wife making her life hard
HiddenJackson1832 Aug 3Albany, Orleans Co., Vermont1912 Jan 26at home at 722 Wasco St., Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonsenilityyesJackson HiddenSW 154-3 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Jan 1912Van City CemMaria Louise Trenholm (Can) - spouse; Maurice Jackson, Beatrice Charlotte, Edward Trenholm, Reginald Loomis - children; Oliver Moody Hidden, Sr (VT) and Louisa M Wood - parentsCongregational Churchmerchant - general store in VT; bought 10 acres in Vancouver and became a builder in Portland ORarrived in Vancouver in 1889; siblings: Arthur, Oliver Moddy, Lowell; dau Beatrice married Frank Eichenlaub; bros Arthur and Oliver in NW 156, bro Lowell in NW 39
HiddenMaria LouiseTrenholm1847 Jun 14Kingsley, Quebec, Canada "born in Trenholm Province of Quebec, Canada"1924 May 30Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonsenilityyesJackson HiddenSW 154-2 line 10Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon2 Jun 1924Van City CemJackson Hidden (VT) - spouse; Maurice Jackson, Beatrice C, Edward Trenholm, Reginald Loomis - children; Edward Trenholm (Eng) and Mary Ann Ridley (Ire) - parentsCongregational Churchnoted poet, writer and lecturer in the Suffragette and Temperance Movementsobit The Oregonian 31 May 1924
HiddenMaurice Jackson1873 Feb 8Craftsbury, Orleans Co., Vermont1901 Mar 5Vancouver WAyesJackson HiddenSW 154Van City CemJackson Hidden (VT) and Maria Louise Trenholm (Can) - parents
HiddenEdwardTrenholm1868 Sep 6Craftsbury, Orleans Co., Vermont1893 Dec 16Vancouver WAyesJackson HiddenSW 154Van City CemJackson Hidden (VT) and Maria Louise Trenholm (Can) - parents
HiddlesonClaybournDenzil1886 Jun 5Vancouver WA1890 Dec 21Vancouver WAdiphtheriayesW P HiddlesonSW 104 S/2 line 922 Dec 1890Van City CemWilliam Pinkney Hiddleson (IL) and Hattie E James (WI) - parents1885 William Hiddleson family in Clark Co. WA; William and Franklin were brothers; siblings: Lillian, Chrystal, Vivian, Vibart, Juanita; Franklin married Delia who is buried in SW 89 with son and grandson- she is under McKechnie
HiddlesonJuanitaNancy1888 Nov 26Vancouver WA1890 Dec 14Vancouver WAdiphtheria?yesW P HiddlesonSW 104 S/2 line 915 Dec 1890Van City CemWilliam Pinkney Hiddleson (IL) and Harriett "Hattie" Elizabeth James (WI) - parents1885 William Hiddleson family in Clark Co. WA; William and Franklin were brothers; siblings: Lillian, Chrystal, Vivian, Vibart, Claybourn
HiddlesonLillian1879Kansas1882Vancouver WAW P HiddlesonSW 104-1 S/2 line 91882Van City CemWilliam Pinkney Hiddleson (IL) and Harriett "Hattie" Elizabeth James (WI) - parents1885 William Hiddleson family in Clark Co. WA; William and Franklin were brothers; siblings: Claybourn, Chrystal, Vivian, Vibart, Juanita
Hiddleson Frank Carroll1889Washingtom1891 Jul Washingtonmembranous croupyesF W HiddlesonSW 89 N/2 line 94 Jul 1891Van City CemFranklin Wick Hiddleson (IL) and Delia May Lansing (NY) - parentssiblings: Harold, Roy; buried with mother Delia McKechnie
Hiddleson Richard "Dick"S 1910 Sep 18Mountain Home, Elmore Co., Idaho1929 May 11Vancouver WAnephritisyesF W HiddlesonSW 89-3 N/2 line 9Hamilton Funeral Home 1 May 1929Van City CemHarold Hiddleson (KS) and Nellie Stewart (KS) - parentsburied with uncle and grandmother DeliaHiddleson McKechnie and Franklin Hiddleson
Hiddlesonchild1893 FebnoJames W CharltonSW 102 S/2 line1122 Feb 1893Van City Cemnot a child of William P or Franklin W Hiddleson or Harold Hiddleson
HighEveline EJohnson1854 Sep 20Quebec, Canada1911 Sep 27Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonapoplexyyesSW 152 line 8Zeller Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon2 Oct 1911Van City CemCharles High (NY) - spouse; no children; Charles S Johnson (VT) and Eveline Richards (Can) - parentshousewife1910 census living in Portland OR; father and husband buried in same plot
HighCharles1847 Oct 23Washington Co., New York1915 Feb 10Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral apoplexyyesSW 152 line 8 R Byrnes Funeral Parlor, Portlalnd, Multnomah Co., Oregon13 Feb 1915Van City CemEveline E Johnson (WI) - spouse; no children; Charles High (NY) and Angeline Tinney (NY) - parentscarpenter1910 census living in Portland OR; newspaper article The Oregonian 12 Feb 1915 - died at funeral of father in law Charles Johnson, they were buried on same day in same plot
Hill George P1908 May 4Vancouver WA1908 May 15Vancouver WAbronchitis, 11 dnoSW 161Vancouver Undertaking Co.16 May 1908Van City CemGeorge Hill (CA) and Myrtle Featherstone (Ark) - parentsdeath cert for George H Hill - 11 days old, birth year was wrong in Gilman, not mentioned in Porter Report, death cert said buried in Vancouver, assumed Old City Cemetery.
Hokanson (Hockanson)John1820 Sep 15Linneryd, Kronoberg, Sweden1894 Dec 8Clark Co., WAbladder troubleyesHokansonSW 168 S/2 line 910 Dec 1894Van City CemEllen Johansdotter (Pehrsson) (SWE)- spouse; Helena, John F, Johanna, Gustava, Emma, Albert, August, Alice - children; Johannes Hakansson (SWE) and Elin Johansdotter (SWE) - parents
Hokanson (Hockanson) EllenEllin Jonasson1821 Sep 20Sodra Sandsjo, Kronoberg, Sweden1902 Apr 13Clark Co., WAold ageyesAugust E HokannonSW 168 S/2 line 914 Apr 1902Van City CemJohn (Johnes) Hokanson (SWE) - spouse; Helena, John F, Johanna, Gustava, Emma, Albert, August, Alice - children; Jonas Pehrsson (SWE) and Stina Mansdotter (SWE) - parentsborn Ellin Johansdotter
HuthGertrudeRudolph1829 Jan 1Hessen, Germany1895 Jan 24Vancouver WAbronchitisnoGeorge MockelSW 34Jan 1895Van City CemJohan Phillip Huth (Ger) - spouse; John, Marie, Gertrude, Anna Katherina "Kate", Antone, Margaret, infant, Conrad - children; Phillip Rudolph (Ger)and Gertrude Schneider (Ger) - parentsdau Margaret married George H Mockel
HopkinsWalter1903 Jun1906 Dec 14Tillamook, Tillamook Co., Oregonexposure after wandering from home; 3 and half years oldnoSW 124 N/2 line 12 19 Dec 1906Van City CemWilliam F Hopkins (WI) and Jennie Scott (IL) - parents Jennie Scott Hopkins - 1900 census - 3 children; 1910 census 7 children/6 living; newspaper article The Oregon Journal 6 Dec 1906 - lost in the woods after wandering away; buried with grandparents Lawrence and Frances Scott
HopkinsFrank W1847Quebec, Canada1899 Jun 15Vancouver WAheart failureyesF W HopkinsSW 21 N/2 line 5June 1899Van City CemAnna Jensen (Nor) - spouse; William, Ginnie, Cornelius, Walter, Mabel - children; Harrison Hopkins (NJ) and Mary Church (France) - parentsCivil War veteran - Co. K, 16th Wisconsin Infantry, private
HopkinsAnna Jensen1851 Mar 11Norway1922 May 2at home in Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonCarcinoma of the thyroidnoF W HopkinsSW 21-5 N/2 Knapp Mortuary5 May 1922Van City CemFrank W Hopkins (Can) - spouse; William, Ginnie, Cornelius, Walter, Mabel - children; Jens Jensen (Nor) and Sarah ? (Nor) - parentsPresbyterianhousewife1900-1910 census - 5 children/3 living; lived at 1165 Conmmercial St. Portland OR; 1910 living with dau Mabel Miller in Vancouver WA
Hopkins Ginnie1874 Nov Wisconsin1890 Nov 4Vancouver WAdiphtherianoF W HopkinsSW 21 N/2 line 55 Nov 1890Van City CemFrank Hopkins (Can) and Anna Jensen (Nor) - parents
Horatzinfant (female)1899 Sep 27Woodburn, Marion Co., Oregon1900 Mar 24Clark Co., WApneumonianoPeter HoratzSW 115 S/2 line 325 Mar 1900Van City CemPeter Horatz (WI) and Susan A Kelly (OR) - parents father was a farmer, owned 125 acres; 1900 - Harney, Clark Co., WA; mother Susan 1900 census 5 children/3 living
HowellBenjamin1794 May 8Hunterdon Co., New Jersey1886 Aug 17Clackamas Co., Oregonold ageyesJoseph HowellSW 129-3 line 16Aug 1886Van City CemPolly Kelly (NJ)(1) and Elizabeth Mathews (NJ)(2) - spouse; Daniel - child by Polly, Joseph, John, Thomas, Sarah Catherine - children by Elizabeth; Joseph W Howell (NJ) and Sarah Rittenhouse (NJ) - parentsfarmerfarmer; Pioneer of Washington Territory of 1850; lived on Sauvie's Island OR; Oregon Trail on 1850; sister of John Henry Matthews, also pioneer
HowellElizabethMatthews1801 Nov 24New Jersey1887 Dec 18Sauvie's Isalnd, Multnomah Co., Oregona rupture and old ageyesJoseph HowellSW 129-4 line 1620 Dec 1887Van City CemBenjamin Howell (NJ) - spouse; Joseph, John, Thomas, Sarah Catherine - children; ? Matthews -and ? ? - parentsOregon Trail in 1850 ; pioneer of Washington Territory of 1850; dau Sarah Catherine was 2nd wife of Martin Gilliham, buried in Gillihan plot, SE 111; lfuneral lnotice The Oregonian 25 Dec 1887
HowellJoseph1829Millerstown, Perry Co., Pennsylvania1912 Oct 14Multnomah Co., Oregonobstruction of the bowelsyesJoseph HowellSW 129-1 line 16Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon16 Oct 1912Van City CemEva Browning (IA) - spouse; Benjamin Howell (NJ) and Elizabeth Matthews (NJ) - parents farmer, noted botanist "AFlora of the Northwest" coauthored with brotherPioneer of Washington Territory of 1850; Oregon Trail 1851; moved to Sauvies' Island; sibs Joseph and Thomas; Eva married 1895 Multnomah Co., OR
HowellEva Austin1861 Apr 18Keokuk, Lee Co., Iowa1932 May 25Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhageashesJoseph HowellSW 129 line 16Eastside funeral Parlor, Portalnd, Mulnomah Co., Oregon28 May 1932Van City CemJoseph Howell (PA) - spouse; no children; Samuel Austin (PA) and Editha Hoffstatter (OH) - parentsinvolved in social causessocial worker, teacherliving on Sauvie's Island OR; married Howel 1895, Multnomah Co., OR; obit The Oregonian 28 May 1932 stated buried in family plot in Vancouver; parents buried in Iowa; 1900 census 0 children; 1910 living with Joseph and mother in Portland OR; mother remarried to Browning, step dau of Browning in 1870
HowellThomas J1842 Oct 8Missouri1912 Dec 3St. Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonseptic infection associated with enlarged prostatenoJoseph HowellSW 129-1 line 16Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon5 Dec 1912Van City CemEffie Hudson (OH) - spouse; Bertha, Dorcy (son), Richard - children; Benjamin Howell (NJ) and Elizabeth Matthews (NJ) - parentsMerchant author of "A Flora of Northwest Of America"; Pioneer of Washington Territory of 1850; obit The Oregonian 4 Dec 1912; marker said 1841 birth year; Effie married 3 times McIlwain, Howell, Faust, she died in 1941 ID
HowellJohn1830 Dec 28New Jersey1917 Nov 16Sauvie's Island, Multnomah Co., Oregonold ageyesJohn HowellSW 162-3 line 15Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon19 Nov 1917Van City CemAmelia Rulifson (IL) - spouse; Joseph Willis, Mabel A, Benjamin, Raymond - children; Benjamin Howell (NJ) and Elizabeth Matthews (NJ) - parentspioneer farmer arriving about 1850 bought a 640 acre donation land claim on Sauvies IS from Martin GillihamOregon Trail in 1850 with parents; Pioneer of Washington Territory of 1850; obit The Oregonian 18 Nov 1917; buried with dau Mabel
HowellMaria AmeliaRulifson1855 Mar 3Illinois1907 Sep 18Sauvie's Island, Multnomah Co., OregonapoplexyyesJohn HowellSW 162-4 line 1520 Sep 1907Van City CemJohn Howell (NJ) - spouse; Joseph Willis, Mabel A, Benjamin, Raymond - children; Bangs Rulifson (NY) and Sarah Glenn (NY) - parentsobit The Oregonian 21 Sep 1907; buried with dau Mabel
HowellJoseph William "Willie"1883 Apr 15Sauvie's Island, Multnomah Co., Oregon1892 Sep 22Sauvie's Island, Multnomah Co., OregondiptheriayesJohn HowellSW 162-3 line 15Van City CemJohn Howell (NJ) and Amelia Rulifson (IL) - parents
HoytGeorge Washington1834 Dec 7Monroe Co., New York1925 Aug 7at bro Edgar's home, Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WAold ageyesSW 18 N/2 line 2Hamilton Funeral Home10 Aug 1925Van City Cemsingle; Orrin Hoyt (NY) and Sarah Jane Lockwood (MA) - parentsChristianCivil War veteran - Co I, 20th Michigan Volunteer Infantry; capture and held in Andersonville prison 18 monthfarmer in Fruit Valley Clark Co., WA- 20 yearsbrother Edgar Newman Hoyt (b.Jul 1854 Michigan) and wife Mary R (Circle) are buried in Mother Joseph Catholic Cemetery; nephew Ernest Hoyt; obit The Oregonian 9 Aug 1925
HoytClarence1891 SepWashington1902 Sep 1 Aurora, Marion Co., Oregonthroat infection-tonsilitisnoSW 18 N/2 line 23 Sep 1902Van City CemEdgar Newman Hoyt (MI) and Mary R Circle (IA) - parentsobit The Seattle Daily TImes 7 Sep 1902- died in hops field
HoytFlorence1892Washington1900 Mar 17Clark Co., WAdiphtherianoSW 18 N/2 line 219 Mar 1900Van City CemEdgar Newman Hoyt (MI) and Mary R Circle (IA) - parents
HubbardRichardE1849EnglandyesMrs Adele Clark HubbardSW 155 line 11Van City Cem Civil War veteran, Co. G, 14 US Infantry1870-1875-clerk in a store, Port Townsend, Jefferson Co., WA"Richet A Hubbard" is name in 1870 census; could be brother of Benjamin
HubbardBenjaminF 1862Montello, Marquette Co., Wisconsin 1899 Mar 20 Manilla, Phillipines Islanddied of diseasenoMrs E P Clark HubbardSW 155 N/2 line 11Feb 1900Van City CemAdele Theresa Burgy - spouseOd FellowUS Army veteran, 1892-Sargeant, Ft Spokane WA; Spanish-American War veteran, US Army, Co. H and G, 14th Infantry; was on third enlistment when diedcareer soldiermarried Adele 2 Jan 1895, Clark Co., WA; obit The Oregonian 15 Feb 1900; The Vancouver Independent 15 Feb 1900; could be brother of Richard
HubbardAdeleTheresaBurgy1865 May 12Vancouver WA1920 Sep 29Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesMrs Adele Clark HubbardSW 155-5 line 11Limber Funeral Home2 Oct 1920Van City CemEdward Putnam Clark (NY)(1) and Benjamin Hubbard (2) - spouses; Edward Charles, Frederick Putnam - children by Clark; John Charles Burgy (Fr) and Mary Ann Steffen (Fr) - parents from Alsace, Lorranine, FranceCatholicmarried Benjamin Hubbard 2 Jan 1895 in Vancouver WA; 1900 census 2 children/2 living; first husband Clark and two sons in same plot and second husband Hubbard
Huberinfant (male)1932 Aug 2Vancouver WA1932 Aug 2Vancouver WAstillbornnoSW 205 - baby Green SectionKnapp Funeral Home3 Aug 1932Van City CemAlbert Huber (WA) and Ida Hill (WA) - parents
HudsonEdwardA1852 NovCayuga Co., New York1903 Feb 2Vancouver WAdebilitynoMrs Alice HudsonSW 169 S/2 line 83 Feb 1903Van City Cemunknown (1) and Alice Schofield (NY) (2) - spouses; Myrtle May, Edward A Jr. - children; Edward Hudson (NY) and Ellen Basset (NY ) - parents1871 US Army1900- forage master for the US government";married Alice 1888, Multnonmah Co. Oregon
HudsonAlice GSchofield1863 Sep 2New York1939 Mar 15Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart problemsnoMrs Alice HudsonSW 169 S/2 line 8Morelan Funeral Hoe, Portland, Multnomah Co., Portland18 Mar 1939Van City CemEdward Hudson, Sr. (NY) - spouse; Myrtle May, Edward A, Jr. - children; Nathan Scholdfield (NY) and Helena Woolsey (NY) - parents1900 census 2 children/2 living-this is wrong probably 0 living, Myrtle died prior to 1900; Oregon State Death Certificate said she was buried in Vancouver City Cemetery-assume she is in this plot; there was some confusion about Edward, Jr.'s death and burial date with hers
HudsonMyrtleMay1891 Nov 14Washington1891 Dec 27Washingtonerysipelas - bacterial infection of the skinnoGeorge MetcalfSW 60 S/2 line 1228 Dec 1891Van City CemEdward Hudson, Sr.(NY) and Alice Schofield (NY) - parentsmother Alice died 15 Mar 1939, Portland Oregon
HeustisSarahMinervaRussell1849 JanIowa1919 Apr 17Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregontuberculosis, 70 y, 3m, 14 dnoSW 118 S/2 line 6Breeze and Snook, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon21 Apr 1919Van City CemTrowbridge Jewell (MI)(1) and Dr. John H Heustis (IN)(2) - spouses; Eunice, Marion, Charlotte, Phillip, Hattie, Miles - children by Jewell; Miles Russell (NY) and Jane Randall (NY) - parentsmatron of School For Defected Youth 1904-19141856- living in Jones Co.,IA; 1870- SD; 1876 moved to WA; 1897 husband Jewell died (in same plot); 1910 - 9 children, 4 living; married Heutis in 26 Sep 1906; obit The Oregonian 18 Apr 1919; 4 living children at time of death; buried with first husband; Heustis died in 1921, Portland OR and buried in Hubbanrd OR with first wife Mary A.
HuffOlive1899 Jan 14Clark Co., WA1899 Feb 5Clark Co., WAgripe (influenza)noS B DawsonSW 91-N/2 line 116 Feb 1899Van City CemHoratio Huff (Can) and Zora Dawson (MO) - parents1900 census 7 children/6 living, parents living in Harney, Clark Co., WA; and Olive is in Dawson plot
Hulse Granville Reed1867 Jul 31Sabina, Clinton Co., Ohio1940 Sep 3Vancouver WAapoplexyyesW B WellsSW86-1 line 6Vancouver Funeral Chapel5 Sep 1940Van City CemMollie Brock (IL) - spouse; Margaret J, Martha P, child - children; Paul Hulse (OH) and Mary J Lyons (OH) - parentsfruit farmer1910 - 3 children/2 living; wife died in California
Hunter infant (female)1927 Mar 4St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA1927 Mar 4St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAprematurenoSW 205 - baby Green Section 4 Mar 1927Van City CemJ N Hunter (MN) and Maud Price (ID)- parentslived at 1000 W 10th St., Vancouver WA
HuntsberryThomas Henry1855 Feb 12Virginia 1930 Apr 16St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonprosthetic hypestrophic diseaseyesThomas HuntsberrySW 42-4 line 7Knapp Funeral Home19 Apr 1930Van City CemMollie B Chandlee (IA) - spouse; Josephine - child; Jacob Huntsberry (VA) and Katherine Bowman (Ger) - parentsfarmer1893- settle in Fruit Valley; moved about 1925- lived in Redmond, Deschutes Co., OR; obit The Oregonian 18 Apr 1930; buried with father-in-law Casper Chandlee
HustonJohn Moreland1827 Oct 2Utica, Tippecanoe Co., Indiana1910 May 15at home at 1114 Harney St., Vancouver WAapoplexyyesJohn M HustonSW 41 line 8Knapp Mortuary20 May 1910Van City CemAmanda Herald (PA) - spouse; Pearl, William, James, Emma, John, Frank L, Charles W, Eliza Ellen, Harry - children; William Huston (KY/ME?) and Eliza Ellis (OH) - parents1880-lumber manager, IN; surveyor, farmer
HustonAmandaHerald1837 Dec 26Pennsylvania1898 Nov 25at home Vancouver WAdropsy; liver diseaseyesJohn M HustonSW 41 line 827 Nov 1898Van City CemJohn M Huston (IN) - spouse; Pearl, William, James, Emma, John C, Frank L, Charles W, Eliza Ellen, Harry - children; John Herald (PA) and Sarah Kunkle (PA) - parentschildren Frank C and John L are buried in NW 134; obit The Oregonian 27 Nov 1898; 1893 moved to Vancouver; 7 children living at time of death
Huston Charles W1867 Jan 4Washington Co., Iowa1895 Apr 24La Center, Clark Co., WAkilled by a boiler explosion at sawmill owned by familyyesJohn M HustonSW 41 line 826 Apr 1895Van City CemJohn M Huston (IN) and Amanda Herald (PA) - parentsoldest child of John and Amanda Huston; arrived in Clark Co., 6 months prior; sawmill owned by father and two brothers; news paper article The Oregonian 25 Apr 1895
HustonHarry W1875Elm Grove, Louisa Co., Iowa1898 Aug 29at parents home, Vancouver WAstricture of the bowels, 6 day illness; 23 y, 5m, 5 dyesJohn M HustonSW 41 line 831 Aug 1898Van City CemJohn M Huston (IN) and Amanda Herald (PA) - parents attorney in Vancouvergraduated from University of Oregon with honors in 1896 and practiced in Vancouver since; on same monument as Charles W Huston; obit The Oregonian 31 Aug 1898
HuthJohn1848 Jan 18Langenheim, Germany1897 Mar 22at home, Vancouver WAcancer of the faceyesJulia HuthSW 151 line 724 Mar 1897Van City CemJulia Kopp (GER) - spouse; Mary, Louis, Katherine "Kate"- children; Phillip Huth and Gertrude Rudolph - parents both of Germany15 years businessman in Vancouverobit The Oregonian 23 Mar 1897
HuthJulia Kopp1857 May 13Langenheim, Germany1937 Sep 8at home at 207 E 7th St., Vancouver WAheart failureyesJulia HuthSW 151-2 line 7Knapp Funeral Home10 Sep 1937Van City CemJohn Huth (GER) - spouse; Mary, Louis, Katherine "Kate" - children; Antone Kopp (Ger) and ? ? (Ger) - parents Lutheran Dau Katherine married Clement Scott by SW 151; brother Louis Kopp in SW 139
Huth LouisConrad1883 Mar 11Vancouver WA1922 Mar 7at home at 205 E 7th St., Vancouver WAnephritisyesJulia HuthSW 151-3 line 7Knapp Funeral Home9 Mar 1922Van City Cem? ? - spouse; no children; John Huth (Ger) and Julia Kopp (Ger) - parents Lutheranclerk for Red Ash Coal CompanyNote: Headstone said died 7 APR, not MAR; single in 1910 but by 1920 is divorced
HylanJames 1844Illinois1900 May 14Vancouver WABrights diesaseyesSW 18 S/216 May 1900Van City CemMary E Springer (IL) - spouse; Jesse S, Hannah, James Leroy, May, Lester, Grace - children; James Hylan and ? ? - parentsCivil War vet - Co F, 45th Illinois InfantryCivil War headstone
HylanJames Leroy1887 Feb 25Brown Co., Nebraska1911 May 13Richfield, Clark Co., WashingtontuberculosisnoSW 18 S/2Grice and Beatty Undertakers15 May 1911Van City Cemsingle; James Hylan (IL) and Mary E Springer (IL) - parents cleaner in sawmill
IngallsEmily BarrettLockwood1852 May 1England1886 May 21Echo, Umatilla Co., OregonconsumptionnoOrlo Perry IngallsSW 67 S/2 line 1424 May 1886Van City CemOra Perry Ingalls (WI) - spouse; Claude, Gordon - children; Robert B Lockwood (Eng) and Elizabeth Longridge (Eng) - parents1871 - storekeeperOra Perry Ingalls (1854 WI-1928 KS), 1880 in Iowa, farmer; 1885 in Clark Co.; Emily Lockwood - spouse (sister of Margaret Lockwood DuBois); the Gilman inventry has a OP?/Rufus Ingalls married to Emily and possibly buried in Old City Cem. - do not believe Rufus Ingalls in Old City Cem - his wife was Adeline Furrows.
JacksonPhilemon1809Vermont 1893 Nov 13Vancouver WABrights diseasenoJ O SmithSW 02-N/2 line 15Nov 1893Van City CemSarah Hill (VT) - spouse; Hannah, Jane, Hezekiah, Julius, Louisa, David, Emma - children; Hezekiah Jacksobn (CT) and Sarah Allen (NY) - parentsrelated by marriage to J O Smith
JacksonMerey?Jane18721898 Sep 10typhoid fever noP WatsonSW 108 N/2 11 Sep 1898Van City Cem
JacksonMinnie 1857 1894 Jun 29Vancouver WAsuicide drinking carbolic acidnoThomas JacksonSW 76 S/2 line 51 Jul 1894Van City Cem? Dunlap - spouse"inmate of house of ill repute" (whore)newspaper article The Oregonian 30 Jun 1894-went by Mrs. Dunlap divorced and died as Minnie Jackson, worked in house of ill repute
JennyZetaEMiller1893 Jun 3Vancouver WA1920 Jun 13at home at 2409 Kauffman Ave., Vancouver, WAtuberculosisyesWilliam MillerSW 123-5 line 11Knapp Funeral Home15 Jun 1920Van City CemTheodore J Jenny (OR) - spouse; Theodore M - childs; William M Miller (WA) and Louella Princess Woolf (IA) - parentsBaptisthousewife
JewellTrowbridgeR1841 Dec 24Calhoun Co., Michigan1897 Apr 19Clark Co., WAapoplexyyesSarah Minerva JewellSW 118 line 620 Apr 1897Van City CemSarah Minerva Russell (IA) - spouse; Eunice, Charlotte, Philip, Hattie Elizabeth, Miles - children; Philip Jewell (NY) and Eunice ? (NY) - parents1890 - in Vancouver WA, US Army, private, First Dakota1875- farmer South Dakota; 1880-farmer, Mollala, OR; 1889- engineer, Portland OR1860- in Dakota Territory with parents; 1880 in Clackamas Co., OR; Sarah is widowed in 1900 in Clark Co., WA; sibling : Isaac P Jewell; parents buried in Clay Co., South Dakota; in same plot as wife Sarah (Huestis)
JewellMalvina1856Illinois1958Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon This woman is not in Vancouver City Cemetery. There is a Malvina Dupuis Jewell Franklin buried in Skyline Memorial, Portland OR. - This is a mistake.
JohnsonOscar1878Iowa1897 May 23Clark Co., WAtyphoid fevernoAugust JohnsonSW 04 N/2 line 1325 Mar 1897Van City Cemsingle; August Johnson (Finland) and Marie ? (Finland) - parents
JohnsonGeorge F 1846 Jul 4Hjelmeland, Rogaland, Norway1940 Feb 23Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co., WAfracture of the femurnoGeorge JohnsonSW 144 line 1Limber Funeral Home27 Feb 1940Van City CemLaura E Bicknell (WI) - spouse; Joseph - son; George Olson Johnson (Nor) and Malinda Goodman (Nor) - parents1880-farmer, Kansas; 1920-carpenter; 1940 - janitor, Clark Co., WAfather's name - Jorgen Olsen, mother Mallene Gudmundsdr in Norway
JohnsonLauraEBicknell1848 DecRacine Co., Wisconsin1901 Nov 3heart failurenoGeorge JohnsonSW 144 N/2 line 15 Nov 1901Van City CemGeorge F Johnson (Nor) - spouse; Joseph - son; Lansing Bicknell (CT) and Elizabeth Secor (NY) - parentshousewife1900 - 1 child /1 living
JohnsonJoseph1871 Aug 30Muskegon Co., Michigan1948 Jun 24Vancouver WAchronic myocarditisnoGeorge JohnsonSW 144-3 N/2 line 1Knapp Funeral Home29 Jun 1948Van City Cemsingle; George F Johnson (Nor) and Laura Bicknell (WI) - parents1900 day laborer
JohnsonCharles Saxton1824 Mar 31Putney, Windham Co., Vermont1915 Feb 8Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonnephritisyesCharles S JohnsonSW 152 line 8 R Byrnes, Undertaker, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon13 Feb 1915Van City CemEveline A Richards (Can) - spouse; Sarah, Stephen, Mary, Emma, Alice, Albert, George, Fred, Charles, Herbert, Frank, Eveline "Ella" - children; Samuel Johnson (VT) and Electa Saxton (VT) - parentsmillwrightobit The Oregonian 14 Feb 1915; son-in-law Charles High died the day before funeral-both buried on same day.
JohnsonEvelineARichards1827 May 25Huntington, Ontario, Canada1894 Jun 14Vancouver WAgangreneyesCharles S JohnsonSW 152 line 8 16 Jun 1894Van City CemCharles S Johnson (VT) - spouse; Sarah, Stephen, Mary, Emma, Alice, Albert, George, Fred, Charles, Herbert, Frank, Eveline "Ella" - children; John Richards (Can) and ? Rodgers (OH) - parents
JohnsonCharles "Charlie"This appears to be Charles JENSEN in NE 152.
JohnsonWilliam D1847 Feb 6Buchanan Co., Missouri1903 Jul 20Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachnoH A EvansSW 201 -1 S/2 line 821 Jul 1903Van City CemMarian/Mary? ? (NY) - spouse; child; John K Johnson (MO) and Mary Ellen Stephens (KY) - parentsteamster1900 living at Multnomah Co., Poor Farm; 1 child/1 living
JohnsonSophiaE1859 Mar 9Sweden1890 Aug 5Clark Co., WAyesJohn JohnsonSW 70 N/2 line 116 Aug 1890Van City CemJohn Johnson - spouse; first wife?
JohnsonCatherine 1860Finland1904 Dec 27Clark Co., WAcancer of the stomachnoJohn JohnsonSW 70 N/2 line 1128 Dec 1904Van City CemJohn Johnson - spouse; second wife?married John Johnson 1890, Clark Co., WA
JohnsonFlorina18951895 Aug 23bowel trouble, 6 mo.noVictor JohnsonSW 77 S/2 line 425 Aug 1895Van City CemVictor Johnson and ? ? - parents
Johnson John1823Ireland1898 May 22yesJohn JohnsonSW 105 N/2 line 825 May 1898Van City CemSarah Wilmont (KY) - spouse; Peter - child?1880-farmer, Idahomarried Sarah 29 Feb 1872 Clark Co., WA
Johnson SarahF Wilmont1820 Mar 11Allen Co., Kentucky1893 Mar 9in the hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonapoplexyyesJohn JohnsonSW 105 N/2 line 811 Mar 1893Van City CemJohn Johnson (Ire) - spouse; Richard Wilmont (MD) and Eleanor Robinson (VA) - parentshousewifemarried Johnson in 29 Feb 1872 Clark Co., WA; obit The Oregonian 11 Mar 1983; siblings William S, Nicholas B and Priscilla A (How, Farnsworth)
Johnson Oscar1866 Mar 19Illinois1936 Jun 3Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesOscar JohnsonSW 109-3 S/2 line 4Knapp Funeral Home6 Jun 1936Van City CemAlma Bengtsson (SWE) - spouse; Sidney Oscar, Edmund - children; Gustav Johnson (Swe) and ? ? (Swe) - parents BPOE1900-agent for a steam boat co.; 1910-agent for boat company; 1930 dock superintendent of the Port of Vancouver; connected to transportation for 50 yearscame to Vancouver at age 20 and stayed; married Alma 1894 in Clark Co.WA; son Sidney in same plot; obit The Columbian 5 Jun 1936 and 4 Jun 1936 survived and one son, Edmund (died in 2001 in Pacific Co., WA)
Johnson AlmaBengtsson1876 Jun 20Stafsinge, Halland, Sweden1970 Mar 4Longview, Cowlitz Co., Washingtonheart diseaseyesOscar JohnsonSW 109-3 S/2 line 46 Mar 1970Van City CemOscar Johnson (IL) - spouse; Sidney Oscar, Edmund - children; Bengt Bengtsson (Swe) and Anna Bengtdotter (Swe) - parentsimmigration 1894; married 1896, Clark Co., WA;1910 census 1 child/0 living in Vancouver WA; child Sidney died-in same plot. Son Edmund is 15 in 1930; 1940 - in Vancouver, living alone; Edmund died in Pacific Co., WA in 2001
Johnson Sidney Oscar1896 Dec 4Washington1898 Nov 4WashingtonyesOscar JohnsonSW 109 S/2 line 4Van City CemOscar Johnson (IL) and Alma Bengtsson (Swe) - parentsin same plot as parents
JohnsonAdye1877 Dec 14Wales1918 Dec 13Lyle, Klickitat Co. Washingtonrailroad accident - crushed by an overturned locomotivenoSW 128 line 2Knapp Funeral Home15 Sep 1918Van City CemAgnes Ruth Conners (WI) - spouse; Evelyn Jane - child; Aaron Johnson (Wales) and Jane Jones (Wales) - parentsimmigrated in 1891; married Agnes 12 Sep 1905, Tacoma WA; wife Agnes remarried in 1919 Lewis Raby, Pierce Co., WA and died in 1939, King Co. WA
Johnson EvelynJane 1911 Oct 30Clark Co., WA1914 Apr 14at home at 403 E 28 St., Vancouver WAcorenelsisnas??noSW 128-3 line 2Knapp Funeral Home15 Apr 1914Van City CemAdye F Johnson (Wales) and Agnes Ruth Connors (WI) - parents
JohnstonMatilda "Katie"WBallard1861 Nov 27Franklin, Des Moines Co., Iowa1948 Sep 23Santa Cruz Co., CaliforniaarteriosclerosisashesyesDillonSW 190 line 14 ashesKnapp Funeral HomeJun 1949Van City CemWilliam H Johnston (WA) - spouse; Dean Dillon, Paul D, Ruth N, Neal, Ward B, Neil - children; Andrew Devillo P Ballard (NYA) and Mary Agnes Ward (MI) - parents1899-moved to Capitola CA; 1910 - clerk in grocery store1880 - Iowa with parents, not married - probably 1885+/-; 1900 - 6 children/ 3 living; 1910 divorced in Santa Cruz; William H died 1927, Tacoma WA; 1900 living in Santa Cruz Co., CA; initially in Odd Fellow Cremated in Santa Cruz Co., CA; mother Mary Agnes Ballard, dau Ruth Boughton and four sons is in same plot; obit The Santa Cruz Sentinel 24 Sep 1948; she went by Mattie, Katie, but may be Martha J (1870)
JohnstonDean Dillon1886 Sep 11Clark Co., WA1946 Jul 8Stockton, San Joaquin Co., Californiaheart failureashesnoDillonSW 190 line 14 ashesDeJong Memorial Chapel, Stockton, San Joaquin Co., California6 Aug 1946Van City Cemsingle; William H Johnston (WA) and Matilda Ballard (IA) - parentssalesman; shoe clerknative of Vancouver WA; same plot as grandmother Mary A Ballard, mother, aunt, and brothers
JohnstonNeal1881Clark Co., WA1882 Aug 14Clark Co., WAnoW H JohnsonSW 190-2 line 1414 Aug 1882Van City Cemsingle; William H Johnston (WA) and Matilda Ballard (IA) - parentssame plot as grandmother Mary A Ballard, mother, aunt, and brothers
JohnstonWard Burton1884Clark Co., WA1889 Jan 2Clark Co., WAyesW H JohnsonSW 190-2 line 14Jan 1889Van City Cemsingle; William H Johnston (WA) and Matilda Ballard (IA) - parentssame plot as grandmother Mary A Ballard, mother, aunt, and brothers
JohnstonNeil1891Clark Co., WA1892 Sep 1Clark Co., WAcholera infantumnoW H JohnsonSW 190 line 14Van City CemWilliam H Johnson (WA) and Matilda Ballard (IA) - parentssame plot as grandmother Mary A Ballard, mother, aunt, and brothers
Johnston GlennLincoln11 Dec 1895Vancouver WA1918 May 6Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonpulmonary TuberculosisnoSW 104-4 line 9Knapp Funeral Home8 May 1918Van City Cemsingle; William C Johnston (Can) and Maude Taylor (Can) - parentsclerk for Southern Pacific RRGlenn's grandparents and brother are in SW 106, he has no headstone and may be in SW 106 also
Johnston JohnAlexander Barry1827 Nov 13Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada1913 Dec 20at son's home at 1075 Cleveland Ave., Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoninflammatory rheumatismnoWilliam C JohnstonSW 106-2 line 7Knapp Funeral Home24 Dec 1913Van City CemJane Ellen Weddleton (NS) - spouse; John D, Nanette, Mabel, Grace, Isabella, William Charles, Andrew S, Andrew L - children; James G Johnston (Scot) and Catherine Bower (NS) - parentsBaptistgold miner; fishing industry in Astoria OR; retired merchant; owner of Walnut Park Groceryimmigrated in 1849 around Cape Horn for gold rush; re-immigrated in 1878 ; father could have been Capt John Johnston; obit The Oregon Journal 20 Dec 1913; grandson in same plot
Johnston EllenJaneWeddleton1827Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada1902 May 21at son's house, Vancouver WAheart failurenoWilliam C JohnstonSW 106 line 723 May 1902Van City CemSamuel R Bridges (Can)(1) and John A B Johnston (Can)(2) - spouses; John D, Nanette, Mabel, Grace, Isabella, William Charles, Andrew S, Andrew L - children; John Weddleton (MA) and Sarah Gardner (NS, Can)Baptistmarrield 1844, Yarmouth NS, Can; 1948 arried Johnson in NS, Can; obit The Seattle Daily Time 26 May 1902; 1892 moved to Vancouver; mother of former mayor Andrew L Johnson; grandson in same plot; 1900 census 3 children / 2 living; 1910 censu 4 children/3 living
Johnston Harold1894 Jun1894 Sep 9spinal troublenoWilliam C JohnstonSW 106 line 710 Sep 1894Van City CemWilliam C Johnston (NS) and Maude Taylor (Can) - parents in same plot with both sets of grandparents John AB and Ellen Johnston and Eliza Taylor
Jones Thomas1842 Jun 30Middleport, Schuylkill Co., Pennsylvania1903 Aug 1Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregondislocation of spineyesThomas JonesSW 176 line 1Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon3 Aug 1903Van City CemKatherine Addie (NY) - spouse; Katherine "Kate", Edith, Emma, Sarah, Bessie, Margaret E, Benham, Edith - children; John Jones (Wales) and ? ? (Wales) -parentsPresbyterian Civil War veteran, Co. I, 48th Reg., Pennsylvania Volunteersbutcher; 1880-grocer in PA; 1900-odd jobs at machine shop, Portland OR1880 - Luzerne Co., PA; married in 20 Dec 1870, Mahanoy City, PA; son Benham, Margaret in same plot; obit The Plain Speaker, Hazelton PA 6 Aug 1903 - lived in Hazelton, also sister-Mrs David Ruddick in Hazelton
Jones Katherine "Kate" Addie1848 Mar 28New York, New York 1931 Sep 12Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral apoplexyashesyesThomas JonesSW 176 line 1 ashesFinley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonVan City CemThomas Jones (PA) - spouse; Katherine "Kate", Edith, Emma, Sarah, Bessie, Margaret E, Benham, Edith - children; Richard Addie (Scot) and Elizabeth Fulton (Scot) - parentsPresbyterian 1930-dau Kate was a clerk in department store; living with daughter Kate and niece Mary J Kernmarried in 20 Dec 1870, Mahanoy City, PA; 1900 census 8 children/5 living; son Benham, Margaret in same plot; cremation 16 Sep 1931; information in Find- a-grave is wrong-death cert has 1931 death date, born 1848.; obit The Oregonian 16 Sep 1931
Jones MargaretE 1871Shamokin, Northumberlin Co., Pennsylvania1893 Dec 12Vancouver WAconsumptionyesThomas JonesSW 176 N/2 line 113 Dec 1893Van City CemThomas Jones (PA) and Katherine Addie (NY) - parentsbook binder at time of deathsame plot as parents; obit The Oregonian 13 Dec 1893
Jones Benham1920 Feb 14Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1920 Feb 14Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonstillbornyesSW 176 N/2 line 1Van City Cemprobable grandson of Thomas Jones (PA) and Katherine Addie (NY)
KammerBonnie Jean1934 Nov 30Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1934 Dec 15at home Vancouver WApneumonianoSW 205 - baby Green SectionKnapp Funeral Home16 Dec 1934Van City CemJoe Kammer (SD) and Murriel Runyan (WA) - parents
KatzdoblerLouis1842 NovGermany1903 Aug 2Washingtonself inflicted gunshot woundnoSW 149 line 54 Aug 1903Van City Cemmarried; parents both of Germany1890-cabinet maker, 1893 - laborer in Portland OR farmer1880 - immigrated; 1890's lived in Portland OR, laborer; 1900 widowed, in Skamania Co., WA; newspaper article The Columbian 6 Aug 1903-suicide, visiting sister Mrs Frank Jordan
KearnLenaMEggen1879 Mar 11Morsil, Jamtland, Sweden1913 Apr 2810 X St., Vancouver WA cyst of the liver, 34y,1m, 17dyesSW 189-4 N/2 line 13Limber Funeral Home29 Apr 1913Van City CemJames Judson Kearn (MI) - spouse; Ervin (11), Chester, Violet, Winona, Constance, James (3 mo) - 6 children; Gunnar Nelsson Eggen (Swe) and Kristina Andersdotter (Swe) - parents (possibly Norweigan)1899 - student, Seattle WAmarried about 1901; 1910 - family came from Douglas, Alaska; obit in The Columbian; born Karolina Matilda Eggen
KienastMatildaElizabethFah1873 Aug 2Kewaunee Co., Wisconsin1939 Apr 28Vancouver WAbreast canceryesSW 182Vancouver Funeral Chapel2 May 1939Van City CemRuduloph Probst (Switz)(1) and Edward Kienast (NY)(2) - spouse; Elizabeth, Ruduloph - children by Probst; Jacob Fah (Switz) and Elizabeth Slagel (Switz) - parentsburied with first husband Probst; Kienast buried in Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland OR
KingAlbionP1862 Jul 1Washington 1896 Dec 12Clark Co., WAconsumptionyesIda KingSW 23 S/2 line 7Limber Funeral Home14 Jul 1896Van City CemIda Mae Rosalina McCormick (NY) - spouse; Hazel Viola - child; John P King (IL) and Melinda J Love (MO) - parents
KinneyCharles William1858 Jan 9Ft Fairfield, Aroostook Co., Maine1934 Oct 8at hospital, Fallon, Churchill Co., Nevadaheart attack; nephritisyesC W KinneySW 25 N/2 line 9Rowe-Kiser, Fallon NV; Limber Mortuary11 Oct 1934Van City CemClara Jane Bishop (Can)(1) May ? (NV)(2), and Wennona Mounta(OR)(3) - spouses; Percy Bishop, Richard "Dick," Viola - children by Clara; ? Kinney (Can) and ? Crabbe (Can) - spousesfarmer, then borax-salt flat miner, NVin Nevada from 17 years; married May ? in May 1900; obit Reno Gazette Journal 8 Oct 1934; 1920 married to a Winona Mount (OR) in Fallon; 1930 divorced; Obit The Columbian 11 Oct 1934 - lived in Vancouver as a boy
KinneyClara JaneBishop1858 May 30Victoria, New Brunswick, Canada1896 May 29Vancouver WAtuberculosis yesC W KinneySW 25 N/2 line 931 May 1896Van City CemCharles W Kinney (ME) - spouse; Percy Bishop, Richard "Dick," Viola - children; James L Bishop (NB, Can) and Mary Hallet (NB, Can) - parents
KinneyViola Peral1893 Dec 26Clark Co., WA1896 Jun 11Clark Co., WAspinal meningitisyesC W KinneySW 25 N/2 line 912 Jun 1896Van City CemCharles W Kinney (ME) and Clara Jane Bishop (Can) - parents
Kinney Percy Bishop1886 Sep 24Ft Fairfield, Aroostook Co., Maine1962 Apr 18San Francisco, San Francisco Co., Californiahit by a car - pedestrian accident yesC W KinneySW 25-1 N/2 line 9Halstead and Co., San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California1 May 1962Van City CemDid Baker (CA) - spouse; Raylyn - child; Charles W Kinney (ME) and Clara Jane Bishop (Can) - parents1920-Reno NV, Asst manager of supply house; office manager of San Francisco Stock Exchange at time of death.was in auto accident with wife Did
KinneyElla "Did""CatherineBaker1886 Aug 8Siskiyou Co., California1962 Apr 21San Francisco, San Francisco Co., Californiaheart attackyesC W KinneySW 25-2 N/2 line 9Halstead and Co., San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CaliforniaApr 1962Cypress Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Colma, San Mateo Co., CAPercy Kinney (ME) - spouse; Raylyn - child; Issac Lee Baker (IA) and Ella Preston Ackerly (WV) - parentswas injuried and died from auto accident that killed husband Percy; she is NOT buried with him-her name is on the headstone; newspaper article obit The San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco CA 23 Apr 1962 -
KleberFranzHaver1856 Jan 23Frankaw, Bavaria, Germany1894 Aug 22Clark Co., WAdrowning in Columbia RiveryesSW 83 line 324 Aug 1894Van City CemJane Allen (NY) - spouse; no children;appointed Post Master, Cowlitz Co., 18861880-85 -in Yellow Medicine Co., MN; 1886-Cowlitz Co., WA; obit The Oregonian 24 Aug 1894
KnowlesPhilip1897 Dec 31Washington1898 Jan 6Washingtonbrain diseasenoSW 195 line 14Van City CemCharles Knowles (RI) and Hannah Slocum (OR) - parents
KnowlesMary 1900 Sep 27Washington1900 Oct 3Washingtonlack of vitalitynoSW 195 N/2 line 14Van City CemCharles Knowles (RI) and Hannah Slocum (OR) - parents
KoppLouisAntone1849 Oct 26Frankfurt, Germany1930 May 17at son's home in Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonintestinal obstruction and heart problems, senility noLouis KoppSW 139-1 line 6Knapp Funeral Home19 May 1930Van City CemAmanda Petsinger (IA) - spouse; Antone H, Edith, Jacob, Ed, Julia, John, and George - children; Antone Kopp (Ger) and ? ? (Ger) - parentsGerman Lutheranlaborer-gardener1888-came to Portland OR; 1872 immigrated in Iowa; obit The Oregonian 18 May 1930; sister Julia Huth is in SW 151
KoppAmandaPetsinger1855 Oct 30Iowa1931 Nov 19Western State Hospital, Ft Steilcoom, Pierce Co., Washingtoncerebral arteriosclosis noLouis KoppSW 139-6 line 6Knapp Funeral Home25 Nov 1931Van City CemLouis A Kopp (Ger) - spouse; Antone H, Edith, Jacob, Ed, Julia, John, George - children; Jacob E Petsinger (Ger) and Elizabeth Kopp? (Ger) - parentsLutheran1900 census - 7 children/6 living; obit The Oregonian 21 Nov 1931- 14 year at Ft Steilacoom
KoppAntoneHenry1872 Jun 18New London, Henry Co., Iowa1931 May 20Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland ORpneumonianoLouis KoppSW 139-3 line 6Knapp Funeral Home23 May 1931Van City CemAlice Kopp (WA)(1) and Ethyl A Clark (KS)(2)- spouse; Earl - son by first wife; Louis Kopp (Ger) and Amanda Petsinger (Iowa) - parentsLutheranjanitor at Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland OR1920-widowed, Baker OR with son; married Ethyl in 1925; son Earl buried at Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR
KoppEdithEola1878 Feb 9New London, Henry Co., Iowa1896 Jun 14Clark Co., WAyesLouis KoppSW 139-1 line 7Jun 1896Van City Cemsingle; Louis A Kopp (Ger) and Amanada Petsinger (IA) - parentsLutheran
KoppJacob1881 Aug 12New London, Henry Co., Iowa1942 May 29at Clark County Poor Farm, Vancouver, WAasphyxiation, asperation of the stomachnoLouis KoppSW 139 line 6Knapp Funeral Home2 Jun 1942Van City Cemsingle; Louis Kopp (Ger) and Amanda Petsinger (IA) - parentsLutheranlaborer
LaFonGenevieveChristineEngleman1901 Jan 18Vancouver WA1990 Oct 19Bellevue, King Co., Washingtonheart arrestashesyesChristian Engleman SW 46-2 N/2Flintoft's Issaquah Funeral Home, Issaquah, King Co., Washington9 Nov 1990Van City CemRaul Ortiz LaFon (Mex) - spouse; Lemore, Michele - children; Christian Engleman (KY) and Jessie Kirkwood (IL) - parentssecretaryhusband born in Chihuahua MX; died in 1974 CA; married in 1935, Chicago, Cook Co.,IL; parents are in NW 122; Madison Engleman is probably a great uncle
LallyWilliam G 1851 Oct Ireland1900 Jun 12Vancouver WAparalysisyesMary LallySW 180 line 4 13 Jun 1900Van City CemJanet Smith (Scot)(1) and Mary Wellman (MN)(2) - spouses; Isabel - child by Janet; Rose, Blanche, Cimon - children by Mary; Spanish-American War veteran; Co. E, 14 th US Infantry at Vancouver Barracksemigrated to the US in 1870; William and Mary married about 1888; grandson Ralph Atkins in same plot; dau Rose in SW 181-1?; obit The Oregonian 14 Jun 1900-died on leave from regiment in Manilla Phillipines
LambMarianJ1873Washington1884Clark Co., WAyesSW 80 line 11884Van City CemArchie Lamb (NC) and Ellen Kennedy (UT) - parents
LambHenryAlexander1862 Nov 15Auburn, Baker Co., Oregon1936 Apr 24Vancouver WAinflamation of the bowelsyesH A LambSW 92 N/2 line 12Kirch Funeral Home27 Apr 1936Van City CemIda High (IN) - spouse; Robert R, Cecil L, Kendick A, Pearl L, child - children; Henry B Lamb (WV) and Lavina Hopkins (WV) - parentsfarmer rented 62 acres1880 was ward of David R Fales (buried in NW 66); married Ida in 1885;
LambIda HHigh1868 Apr 28Greenwood Co., Kansas1942 Nov 1Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesH A LambSW 92-2 N/2 line 12Vancouver Funeral Chapel4 Nov 1942Van City CemHenry A Lamb (OR) - spouse; Robert R, Cecil L, Kendrick A, Pearl, child - children; Austin High (IN) and Mary Wooding (PA) - parentsmarried Lamb in 1885; 1900 census -5 children/3 living; obit The Columbian 2 Nov 1942 - came west at age of 15 years, survived by sons Robert and Kendrick
LambPearl L Clark Co., WA1889 Oct 11Clark Co., WAbilious diarrheanoH A LambSW 92 N/2 line 1212 Oct 1889Van City CemHenry A Lamb (OR) and Ida High (KS) - parentbro Kendrick born Jan 1897, Ridgefield, Clark Co., WA
Lancaster Columbia Thomas1803 Aug 26New Milford, New Haven Co., Connecticut1893 Sep 15Vancouver WAold ageyesMrs. Columbia LancasterSW 177 line 117 Sep 1893Van City CemRosannah Jones (OH) - spouse; infant dau (died), Sarah A, Hannah, Wait Heitman (male) - children; Benjamin Lancaster (NY) and Hannah Knowles (CT) - parentsstudied Law and taught school; 1830 practiced law in Michigan; appointed Supreme Judge of the Provisional Government (OR or WA?); delegate to Congress from WA's first Terr. Convention; JudgeIn 1830 lived in Michigan; 1837 married in Canfield Ohio, 1847 captained a wagon trail to Oregon City OR; 1849 moved to Donation Land claim 644.24 acres on the Lewis R, Cowlitz Co., WA
Lancaster RosannahSusanJones1823Canfield, Mahoning Co., Ohio1903 May 31dau's home, Bachelor's Island, Clark Co., WAold ageyesMrs. Columbia LancasterSW 177 line 11 Jun 1903Van City CemColumbia Lancaster (CT) - spouse; infant dau (died), Sarah A, Hannah, Wait Heitman (male) - children; Thomas Jones (MD) and Sarah Wilson (Eng) - parents married Lancaster 23 Aug 1837, Canfield OH; 1847 Oregon Trail wagon train, moved to Cowlitz Co. WA 1849
LangdonLouiseLuzelle1912 May 12Vancouver WA1913 Jan 14vancouver WAbronchial pneumonianoSW 15-3 line 2Knapp Mortuary15 Jan 1913Van City CemLambert Lucius Langdon (OR) and Myrtle Munn (OR) - parents parents buried in Twin Falls ID; sibling - Lynn Lucius, Archibald David, Dorothy
LanpherMabel A Howell1876 Dec 16Sauvie's Island, Multnomah Co., Oregon1965 Jan 20Longview, Cowlitz Co., WashingtonstrokeyesJohn HowellSW 162 line 15Ditlevsen-Moore Chapel, Longview, Cowlitz Co., WA; Vancouver Funeral Chapel23 Jan 1965Van City CemJack Lanpher (VT) - spouse; Theodore, Benjamin, Alice - children; John Howell (NJ) and Amelia Rulifson (IL) - parentsMusic teacher on Sauvie's Island; 1920- tacaretaker, Cowlitz Co., WA1910-living with parents, Sauvie's Is', Multnomah Co., OR; 1910 census 3 children/3 living; Divorced by 1920 census; buried with parents; 1930 Portaland living with son Benjamin; 1940 in Cowlitz Co., WA with son Benjamin; obit Longview Daily News, Longview WA 22 Jan 1965- survivors all three children , living in Cowlitz Co., 60 years
Langhan/ LanganJames 1843Ireland1901 May 10Chelatchie, Clark Co., WAsuicide by hangingnoSW 149 N/2 line 1315 May 1901Van City Cemsingle1871-farmer, Clark Co., WA; 1880-single farmer La Center WAnewspaper article The Oregonian 14 May 1901-found body not sure of exact death date
LauterbackJohnB1832Germany1890 Feb 25Vancouver WAaccidentally crushedyesGrand Army of the Republic (GAR)SW 193 line 1626 Feb 1890Van City CemElizabeth Wheeler - spouseCivil War veteran, Co. C, 3rd US Calvary1890 - laborer, Vancouver WAmarried Elizabeth on 8 Jan 1872, Clark Co., WA; was issued a land patent in Clark Co WA T2N, R2E, Sec15 on 20 May 1884; newspaper article The Oregonian 26 Feb 1890 - died at A Young and & son Brewery - crushed by large iron boiler
LeachAlden D1830 Jul Leon, Cattaraugus Co., New York 1901 Apr 12Clark Co., WAkidney failureyesD Fletcher LeachSW 144 S/2 line 113 Apr 1901Van City CemEunice B Hersey (ME) - spouse; Charles H, D Fletcher, Lucius H, Ira B, child - children; Isaac H Leach (MA) and Chloe Rideout (NH) - parents Civil War veteran Co. I, 3rd Wisconsin Calvary and 22 Wisconsin Infantryfarmer
Leach Eunice BradburyHersey1833 AprMaine1903 Oct 1Clark Co., WAdropsy (diabetes)noD Fletcher LeachSW 144 S/2 line 13 Oct 1903Van City CemAlden D Leach (NY) - spouse; Charles H, D Fletcher, Lucius H, Ira B, child- children; Ira Hersey (ME) and Omittee Fletcher (ME) - parents1900 census - 5 children/ 3 living; funeral notice The Oregonian 3 Oct 1903
LeeCatherine "Katie"WellsYarnell1876 Oct 16Mokane, Callaway Co., Missouri1923 Feb 4at home at 1204 Esther Ave., Vancouver WAcancer of the uterusnoYarnellSW 54 N/2 line 6Hamilton Funeral Home 6 Feb 1923Van City Cem? Orr (1) and Merton S Lee (MI)(2) - spouse; William C Yarnell (MO) and Mary Cushow (MO) - parentschristianhousewifesingle in 1900 living with parents, MO; married Lee in Aug 1922 Skamania Co., WA as an Orr; obit The Columbian 5 Feb 1923- 1920 came to Vancouver from Kansas City, survived by parents and siblings
LeglerAdalettia "Lettie"Foreman1859 Oct 26Oregon1907 May 19Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregondropsy (diabetes)yesEdward J FullerSW 114 line 2Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon21 May 1907Van City CemJohn M Hamilton (IN)(1) and Jacob Legler (Switz)(2) - spouse; Effie Ellen, child - children; Thomas C Foreman (NY) and Martha Jane Miller (OH) - parentsmarried Hamilton 1879 in Portland OR; 1895 married Legler in Portland OR; 1900 census - 2 children/0 living
LemmonPeter1821Illinois1894 Apr 14Washingtonold agenoPeter LemonSW 39 N/2 line 1016 Apr 1894Van City Cemsingle; Peter Lemmon (Eng) and ? ? (KY/VA) - parents1880-farming, Scotland Co., MO with sister and familysister - Hannah Boyer (1826-1916) lived in Scotland Co., Missouri (married Andrew Boyer 1846, MO; buried in Scotland Co., MO)
LeverEmma JeanPender1862 Aug 18Canada1956 Oct 7San Francisco, San Francisco Co., Californiaheart failureyesEdward PenderSW 188 N/2 line 12Ashley and McMullen, San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California10 Oct 1956Van City CemRichard Lever (Switz) - spouse; Horace Venton, Basil E, Kenneth M - children; William Pender (Can) and Elizabeth McClelland (Ire) - parentsMother Elizabeth buried SW 188; obit the San Francisco Examiner 9 Oct 1956-interred initially in Woodlawn Memorial Park, San Francisco Co., CA; buried in same plot as mother Elizabeth Pender and bro Benjamin
LeverHoraceVenton1890 Feb 22Napa, Napa Co., California1983 Jan 30San Mateo Co., Californiaheart failureyesWilliam PenderSW 188-428 Feb 1983Van City Cemsingle; Richard Lever (Switz) and Emma J Pender (Can) - parents1917-1940 1910- hat maker, Oakland CA,1940-hat maker San Francisco 1940-1950 living with mother and brother; in same plot as mother, grandmother Elizabeth Pender and uncle Benjamin Pender
LeverBasilElden1885 Aug 12Vancouver WA1971 Feb 11San Francisco Co., Californiaold ageyesWilliam PenderSW 188-5 line 12Olivet Memorial Park, California11 Nov 1971Van City Cemsingle; Richard Lever (Switz) and Emma J Pender (Can) - parents 1940-salesman, automobile parts, 1950-real estate broker1940-1950 living with mother and brother; in same plot as mother, grandmother Elizabeth Pender and uncle Benjamin Pender
LewisJamesR1810Vermont 1896 Feb 22 Vancouver WAold age, La GrippenoJames R LewisSW 61 S/224 Feb 1896Van City CemMargaret Bloxom (OH) - spouse; no children; ? ? (RI) and ? ? (NY) - parentsMexican-American War veteran; 1839 Seminole War (Florida); 1844-enlisted; lost left arm in Monterrey Mexico discharged 18471860 - farmer, Sauvies Island1871 - married Margaret in Clark Co., WA; obit The Oregonian 25 Feb 1896-pioneer of area
Lewis MargaretBloxom1815 JulOhio1900 Aug 25Clark Co., WAold agenoJames R LewisSW 61 S/2 line 13Aug 1900Van City CemMalen Warner (1), Daniel Ellis Rohrer (MD)(2), and James R Lewis (VT)(3) - spouses; Steven, Hannah, Carrah, Eleanor, Jane - children by Warner; Mary, Eliza, Amelia C - children by Rohrer; ? Bloxom (PA) and ? ? (MD) - parents1870-retired house keepermarried Warner 1835, Marion Co., Ohio; 1870 Forest Grove, Washington Co., OR as a Rohrer, divorced; married 1871 Lewis in Clark Co., WA; Daniel Rohrer remarried in 1873, died in 1891, buried in Kansas
LivingstonE (male)O18521896 Jan 9Vancouver WAnoP FerrellSW 166 S/2 line 10Dunnings Undertakings, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon13 Jan 1896Van City Cemdruggist - graduated from Notre Dame, Indiananotice The Oregonian 11 Jan 1896
LuithleKarl Christian1870 Nov 28Aldingen, Wurttemberg, Germany1938 Sep 18Vancouver WAcancer of the liverashesyesMary YoungSW 138Knapp Funeral Home20 Sep 1938Van City Cem? (Ger)(1), Lena Shoenig (IA)(2) and Katie C Young (Ger)(3) - spouse; no children; John William Luithle (Ger) and Christiana Magdalena Fritz (Ger) - parentscarpenter for railroaddivorced Lena; 1882 immigrated; mother buried in SW 84
LuithleKatieCYoung1870 Jan 4Langehain, Hessen, Germany1951 Nov 15St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcoronary thrombosis, heart diseaseyesKatie LuithileSW 138-5 line 7 Knapp Funeral Home20 Nov 1951Van City CemJacob Schaffer (Ger)(1) and Karl C Luithle (Ger)(2) - spouse; John, Louis - children by Schaffer; John Young (Ger) and Laura Huth (Ger) - parentsin same plot as parents; obit The Columbian 16 Nov 1951-survived by son John Schaffer; death cert.
LuithleGest (Christiana)MagdalenaFritz1834 Apr 4Wurttenberg, Germany1900 Apr 11Clark Co., WAheart failureyesJohn LuithleSW 84 S/2 line 4 13 Apr 1900Van City CemJohn William Luithle (Ger) - spouse; Karl Christain, Paul William, Jack, Henry G - children; Christian Fritz (Ger) and Elizabeth D Haberlen (Ger) - parentsin same plot as son Paul; son Karl in SW 138
LuithlePaul William1877 Oct 13Wurttenberg, Germany1898 Oct 20 Clatsop Co., Oregondied in a steamboat accident on Columbia River near AstoriayesJohn LuithleSW 84 S/2 line 4 23 Oct 1898Van City Cemsingle; John William Luithle (Ger) and Christian Magdalena Fritz (Ger) - parentTurn Verein memberiron workertorpedo boat "Davis" disaster victim-boiler room explosion, 7 men burned to death ; obit in The Oregonian 24 Oct 1898
LunsfordMerita1907 Sep 23Clark Co., WA 1907 Nov 6Clark Co., WAWhooping cough (pertussis)noAndrew J BarkerSW 181 line 5Kirch Funeral Home7 Nov 1907Van City CemDavid E Lunsford (IN) and Alice L Barker (WI) - parentsnote: 1900 census a sister-in-law Lucy Barker (1884) living with David and Alive Lunsford; 1910 - 6 children/4 living; in same plot as grandfather Andrew Barker
LunsfordEdward1890 AprClark Co., WA1890 Aug 8Clark Co., WAcholera infantumnoD E LunsfordSW 189 N/2 line 139 Aug 1890Van City CemDavid E Lunsford (IN) and Alice L Barker (WI) - parentsnote: 1900 census a sister-in-law Lucy Barker (1884) living with David and Alive Lunsford; 1910 - 6 children/4 living; in same plot as grandfather Andrew Barker
LutzEunice Grace1911 Aug 8Alberta, Canada1913 Jun 18at home at 29th and "O" Sts., Vancouver WAscarlet fever, spinal meningitisnoSW 113-2 S/2 line 1Knapp Funeral Home19 Jun 1913Van City CemSamuel Lutz (MO) and Frances Gates (Neb) - parentssiblings - Jewel, Lauren, Audry, Basil; parents and family in Alberta in 1911 Canadian census
MachadoAntone /Antonio1863 Oct 12Azores Islands, Portugal1936 Apr 18at home at 115 W 39th St., Vancouver WApulmonary tuberculosisyesEdward F WhiteSW 135-2 line 10Knapp Funeral Home21 Apr 1936Van City CemAdaline Coulter (IA) - spouse; Antonio J - child; Joao Machado (Azores) and Maria Coraco de Jesus (Azores) - parentspainter for SP&S Railway Co.Adaline is buried in NW 87 with parents
MadsenKnuteP1872 May 1Denmark1939 May 28Vancouver WAheart failureyesH D BurrowsSW 93 N/2 line 13Limber Funeral Home2 Jun 1939Van City CemEliza C Cushing (IL) - spouse; no children; Arman Madsen (Den) and Mary Knutsen (Den) - parentscabinet maker; 1930 - gen. caretaker building maintainence, carpenter obit The Columbian 29 May 1939-30 years ago immigrated from Denmark, 12 years in Vancouver- survived by wife and two-step sons
MadsenEliza CCushing1870 Oct 13Galesburg, Knox. Co., Illinois1945 Nov 27Vancouver WAcancer, intestinal obstructionashesyesH D BurrowsSW 93 N/2 line 13Lincoln Memorial for cremation, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon; Limber Funeral Home29 Nov 1945Van City CemHarry D Burrows (Eng)(1) and Knute P Madsen (Den)(2) - spouse; infant, Louise Jean, Harry D, Benjamin C - children by Burrows; Don A Cushing (VT) and Sarah J Gites (VT) - parentsboth husbands Burrows (died in 1925) and Madson in same plot; obit The Columbian 28 Nov 1945-survived by sons Ben and Harry, funeral record she is buried in Old City Cemetery
MaitlandMaryJSmith1857Berrien Co., Michigan1890 Oct 22Clark Co., WAcancernoJohn A MaitlandSW 121 S/2 line 929 Oct 1890Van City CemJohn W Maitland (NY) - spouse; Cora, Ida, Albertie - children; Luther Smith (NY) and Mary M ? (NJ) - parents Pvt John W Maitland intered in Post Military Cemetery #966, on 17 Oct 1931; Ida Pender and Albertie Wendlick - daugtherss
MaltbieElsieIoneSmith1881 Mar 29Dixon Co., Nebraska1901 Nov 3Clark Co., WAtyphoid feveryesJames P SmithSW 142 N/2 line 35 Nov 1901Van City CemPercy Granger Maltbie (IA) - spouse; Fannie Aleise - child; James P Smith (IA) and Sarah Mitchell (IA) - parentsFannie b. 6 Jun 1901, Waterville, Douglas Co., WA, died in 1902, Wenatchee Co., WA; husband Percy died in 1943This heastone is loose - needs cement
ManneyJohn Peter1808Quebec, Canada1887 Dec 1Clark Co., WApneumonianoH ManneySW 95 S/2 line 152 Dec 1887Van City CemJane Montgomery (NY) - spouse; Sylvia, Walter, Rebecca, John, Elizabeth, Cornelius, Gordon - children; Peter Manney (France) and Sylvia Caldwell (VA) - parents married 1836 in Ontario Canada; dau Rebecca buried in SW 17; grandsons: Horatio, John
ManneyJaneMontgomery1811 Jul 1Clinton, Duchess Co., New York1891 Mar 8Vancouver WAparalysisnoH ManneySW 95 S/2 line 1511 Mar 1891Van City CemJohn Manney (Can) - spouse; Sylvia, Walter, Rebecca, John, Elizabeth, Cornelius, Gordon - children; Hugh Montgomery (NY) and Rebecca VanWicklen (NY) - parentsmarried 1836 in Ontario Canada; dau Rebecca (m. Brock) buried in SW 17; grandsons: Horatio, John
MarquisAndrew 1845 Feb 14Canada1916 Sep 7at home at 1605 Railroad Ave., Vancouver WAlobar pneumonia and artiosclerosisnoJohn S PaynterSW 74-3 line 7Knapp Funeral Home10 Sep 1916Van City CemMary/Margaret Matilda Haws (CA) - spouse; Mary (Paynter), Andrew J, Maria, Frank L, William, Mina (Fletcher), Verna (Collier) - children; John Marquis (OH) and Eleanor Croy (OH) - parentsretired blacksmith and miller; 1880- blacksmith in La Plata Co., Colorado; 1900-Sacremento, Californiadau Mina married a William Fletcher; dau Verna married Frank Collier; dau Mary married John T S Paynter; John Paynter was step-son of Absolom Swank and Mary M Firestone (mother); obit The Columbian 8 Sep 1916-survived by 3 sons and 3 daughters; wife remarried George Lynch and she died 20 Dec 1920; wife Mary is buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver; 1900 census 6 children/ 6 living (actually 7 children)
MarsanCharlesC1841Quebec, Canada1922 Jul 21at dau Nettie Swain's home, Oakland, Alameda Co., CaliforniayesCharles C MarsonSW 186 line 10buried under the auspices of the GAR1922Van City CemSusan Harvey (MO) - spouse; Charles, John, Mary Veronica, Annie "Nettie", Odelle Victoria "Olive", Henry, Lucy, Martha, Orpha - children; Jean Marie Marsan (Que, Can) and Martha Martel (Can) - parentsCivil War veteran1880-farmer, Kansasdaughters Nettie Swain and Orpha are buried in SW 186; obit Oakland Tribune 24 Jul 1922-survived by 3 dau- Nettie Swain, Odelle Humberg, Vera Marsan; Lucy and Martha were twins born Dec 1879- 1887 census "Noel" age 7, probably one of the two twins, the other died.
MarsanSusan Harvey1843Missouri1897 Jun 24Clark Co., WAcancer of the stomachyesCharles C MarsonSW 186 N/225 Jun 1897Van City CemCharles Marson - spouse; Charles, John, Mary Veronia, Annie "Nettie", Olive, Henry, Lucy, Martha, Orpha - children; ? Harvey (KY) and ? ? (TN) - parentsdaughters Nettie Swain and Orpha are buried in SW 186; Nettie Swain, Odelle Humberg, Vera Marsan; Lucy and Martha were twins born Dec 1879- 1887 census "Noel" age 7, probably one of the two twins, the ot
MarsanOrpha1885Washington1898 Apr 7Clark Co., WAheart failureyesCharles C MarsonSW 186 line 109 Apr 1898Van City CemCharles Marsan (Que, Can) and Susan Harvey (MO) - parents
MathewsJames1830 Nov 16North Carolina1889 Feb 7Clark Co., WAlung feveryesJames MathewsSW 99 N/2 line 149 Feb 1889Van City CemJane Warren (TN)(1) and Sarah Elizabeth Martin (Eng)(2) - spouses; John W B - child by Jane; James E, Richard, Robert Nelson, Annie - children by Sarah1887- farmer, WA Territorywife Sarah E (Seymore) in NE 79 with son James E
MathewsJohn W B1850 Jan 3Dickon Co., Tennessee1932 Jun 8Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisnoJames MathewsSW 99-3 N/2 line 14Limber Funeral Home11 Jun 1932Van City Cemsingle; James Mathews (NC) and Jane Warren (TN) - parentsfarmer with 81 acres
MathewsRobertNelson1886Clark Co., WA1902 Jul 31Roy, Pierce Co., Washingtonaccident with companion hit by train while walking tracksnoJames MathewsSW 99 N/2 line 143 Aug 1902Van City CemJohn Matthews (NC) and Sarah Elizabeth Martin (Eng) - parentsNewspaper article in the Washington Standard, Olympia WA 8 Aug 1902
MatlackGertrude "Gertie"Emma McMullen1867 Sep 7Milwaukie, Milwaukie Co., Wisconsin1895 Nov 13Clark Co., WAconsumptionyesB W MatlackSW 87 line 715 Nov 1895Van City CemBenjamin W Matlack (NJ) - spouse; Dorothy, Richard, Faith - children; Joseph Franklin McMullen (NY) and Mary Emery (PA) - parentsin same plot with bro Augustus McMullen and parents and dau.
MatlackDorothy1893 AugClark Co., WA1894 May 26Clark Co., WAinherited diseasenoB W MatlackSW 87 line 728 May 1894Van City CemBenjamin W Matlock (NJ) and Gertrude McMullen (WI) - parentsin same plot as mother and uncle, and grandparents McMullen
McCabeEulalieBonitaWilcox1931 May 24Vancouver WA2000 Dec 17Medford, Jackson Co., OregonyesSW 172Rogue Valley Funeral Home, Medford, Jackson Co., OregonDec 2000Van City CemJoseph Walter Schrick (MO)(1), Robert Earl McCabe (MO)(2), and Ferron L Miner (UT)(3) - spouses; no children; Melvin E Wilcox (MN) and Ethel Wirt (IA) - parentsmarried Schrick 1950, Portland OR; married McCabe 1955, Vancouver WA; divorced Schrick and McCabe; married Miner in 1976, San Bernadino Co., CA; buried with mother Ethel Wirt Wilcox, in Wirt plot;
McCannDudley William 1829 Jan 1Mt Vernon, Jefferson Co., Illinois1912 Aug 8at son Oscar's home, Kelso, Cowlitz Co., Washingtonheart failureyesLabin C HarperSW 185 S/2 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Aug 1912Van City CemSarah Virginia Springer (TN)(1) and Joanna M Smith (IL) (2) - spouses; James T - child by Virginia; Coloma Nevada, Charles H, Malinda Frances Adaline, Sarah Elizabeth, William Hamilton, Lois Medora, Minnie Annis and Mary (twins), Martha, Dudley Oscar - children by Johanna; James McCann (GA) and Sarah Peacock (SC) - parentsBaptistfarmer - dairy, gold miner, ran a trading post, delved into politicsfirst wife died in 1855, IL; went to Colorado and Pike's Peak for gold the returned to Illinois married Joanna. 1864 came on the Oregon Trail to Grass Valley Oregon; 1865 moved to Clark Co. and homesteaded in Hockinson area; then in 1879 moved to Felida; buried in plot with son-in-law Harper, dau Lois, wife Johanna, gr dau Lois Harper; dau Frances McCann buried at Brush Prairie Cemetery, Clark, WA in A-007-06
McCannJohannaFaunaSmith1836 Oct 25Jefferson Co., Illinois1901 Jul 26at home, Felida, Clark Co., Washingtonheart failureyesLabin C HarperSW 185 S/2 line 928 Jul 1901Van City CemWilliam D McCann (TN) - spouse; Coloma N, James T, Charles, Malinda, Sarah E, William H, Lois M, Minnie and Mary (twins), Martha, Dudley O - children; Anderson Smith (TN) and Elizabeth C Hopper (TN) - parents1900 - living in Fruit Valley; 10 children/8 living; obit The Oregonian 27 Jul 1901; dau Frances McCann buried at Brush Prairie Cemetery, Clark, WA in A-007-06
McClaflinSarahCrawford1863Iowa1892 May 28Clark Co., WAintermittent fevernoG L McClaflinSW 1651892Van City CemClark J McClaflin (IL) - spouse; no children; A Crawford (PA) and Mary Thompson (PA) - parents
McClanahanLutilia "Lute"18561894 Oct 17poison, 38 yrnoMrs J McClanahanSW 85 N/2 line 5Oct 1894Van City Cem
McCredieHugh1890Clark Co., WA1892 Feb 8Clark Co., WAdiphtherianoW W McCreadieSW 37 S/2 line 138 Feb 1892Van City CemWilliam Wallace McCredie (PA) and Mary Alice Higgins (IA) - parents
McCurdyMartin Van Buren1838 MarVermont, Fulton Co., Illinois1901 Mar 6Vancouver WAyesGrand Army of the Republic (GAR)SW 193 line 1611 Mar 1901Van City CemDora (Dorcas) E Walrod (WI) - spouse; Arthur, Lily, Lida, Loren E, Jane A, Emma A, Clarence E, Ora, Walter A, Mildred B - children; William McCurdy (PA) and Nancy Andrews (PA) - parentsCivil War veteran, Co. A, 16th Illinois Infantryfireman and farmer1900 census 10 children/7 living, wife Dorcas is buried in NE 136; obit The Columbian 22 Mar 1901
McDowellHallet1893 Oct 24Washington1910 Dec 31St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesSW 108 line 5Knapp Funeral Home2 Jan 1911Van City Cemsingle; E W McDowell (MO) and Nellie Scott (WA) - parents1900 - student at WA School for the Blindcharged to father E W McDowell, Mansfield, Benton Co., WA; obit The Columbian 5 Jan 1911
McCoolMichael1860 Feb 14Pennsylvania1927 Jul 5Vancouver WAheart failurenoF NottsSW 06 line 10Limber Funeral Home7 Jul 1927Van City Cemsingle; Patrick McCool (Ire) and ? ? (Ire) - parents1910- blacksmith helper, Olympia WA; 1920 -janitor at bakeryobit The Columbian 16 Jul 1927
McGurnJohn1854 Apr 17Louisville, Jefferson Co., Kentucky1913 Sep 10111 Franklin St., Vancouver WAapoplexy, cerebral hemorrhageyesJohn McGurnSW 156-3 line 12Limber Funeral Home12 Sep 1913Van City CemShanna Janette Walberg (Nor) - spouse; Ethel, Edith R, William - children; US Army veteran, Co. D, 14th Infantry, color sargarent soldier; member of Custer's soldiers, was sent to rear for supplies by Custer and survive1900 - policeman in Clark Co WA, 1910 - steward, clerkmarried - 1879, Salt Lake City, UT; obit The Oregonian 12 Sep 1913; moved to Clark Co., WA before Mar 1890
McGurnShannaJanetteWalberg1860 Apr 15Norway1924 Apr 27Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonacute myocarditis; 64 y, 12 daysyesJohn McGurnSW 156-4 line 12 Limber Funeral Home30 Apr 1924Van City CemJohn McGurn (KY) - spouse; Ethel, Edith R, William A - children; ? Walberg (Nor) and ? ? - parentsmarried - 1879 in Salt Lake City UT; 1900- 3 children/2 living; dau Ethel married James Padden (1912, Vancouver )
McGurnWilliam A 1881Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah1890 Mar 6Clark Co., WAheart failureyesJohn McGurnSW 156 N/2 line 12 7 Mar 1890Van City CemJohn McGurn (KY) and Shanna J Walberg (Nor) - parentssibling - Ethel, Edith
McGurnEdith Rebecca1883 Oct 4Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah1964 Mar 6Vancouver WAsenilitynoJ PaddenSW 156-6 line 12Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home11 Mar 1964Van City Cemsingle; John McGurn (KY) and Shanna J Walberg (Nor) - parentstelephone girl - 1900funeral home notice The Oregonian 9 March 1964
McIrvinMary "Martha"JaneFox1843 Oct 8Illinois1872 May Kalama, Cowlitz Co., Washingtonconsumption, possibly complications of child birthnoMary Jane McIrvinSW 161 line 16prior burial in church cemetery, Kalama; reinterined 9 Jan 1885Van City CemWilliam Smith McIrvin (PA) - spouse; Marion E, Samuel E, Amanda E, Virginia B, William W, Florence L, Emmett J, Watt E, Frances H - children; Peter Fox (IL?) and ? ? - parents(husband William McIrvin, Civil War veteranCo. H, IBN Washington Territory)married McIrvin 1859, Putnam Co., MO; William Smith McIrvin Civil War vet, stationed in Walla Walla WA until 1863, then moved to Linn Co., OR; after 1865 homesteaded in the Battle Ground area; it appears that Mary Jane died from complications of child birth of an infant girl, Frances H, born 1872; 1880-William was a logger in Lewis Co., WA; William buried in SE 11; buried with brother-in-law Samuel T McIrvin and his three children; most of the McIrvin are buried at Salmon Creek Cemetery, Vancouver; Jim Fox was her brother, Ft Vancouver Military Cemetery
McIrvinSamuel T1842 Mar 9Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania1891 DecVancouver WAnoMrs. McIrvinSW 161 line 16Henrietta Louisa Munsell (IL) - spouse; Mary, Melissa, Brutus, Florence, James - children; Edward IcIrvin (PA) and Mary Smith (PA) - parents 1860-farmer, Putnam Co., MO;1880-wood chopper, Clark Co.,1860 living with parents, MO; married Henrietta in 1872 in Clark Co., WA; NOTE: Adding Samuel T McIrvin to Vancouver City Cemetery with sister-in-law Mary Jane and his 3 children; William Smith and Jaret Watt are his brothers.wife Henrietta in same plot under Heashel; brother William buried in SE 11
McIrvinBrutusL1877 Sep 9Vancouver WA1891 Sep 29Vancouver WAconsumption or beaten to death?noMrs. McIrvinSW 161 line 1630 Sep 1891Van City CemSamuel T McIrvin (WA) and Henrietta Louise Munsell (IL) - parentsburied with mother Henrietta, aunt Mary Jane, Samuel T McIrvin, father died in 1956, buried in Salmon Creek Cemetery, Clark Co., WA
McIrvinFlorence /FloraL1879Washington1908 MayClark Co., WAnoMrs. McIrvinSW 161 line 164 May 1908Van City CemSamuel T McIrvin (WA) and Henrietta Louise Munsell (IL) - parentsburied with grandmother Mary Jane, Samuel E McIrvin, father died in 1956, buried in Salmon Creek Cemetery, Clark Co., WA
McIrvinMaryA1873Washington1886 Oct 30Clark Co., WAconsumptionnoMrs. McIrvinSW 161 line 161 Nov 1886Van City CemSamuel T McIrvin (WA) and Henrietta Louise Munsell (IL) - parentsburied with grandmother Mary Jane, Samuel E McIrvin, father died in 1956, buried in Salmon Creek Cemetery, Clark Co., WA
McKechnieDelia "Mary"MayLansing1863 May 1Windsor, Dane Co., Wisconsin1934 Oct 21Portland Medical Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesF W HiddlesonSW 89 N/2 Hamilton Funeral HomeOct 1934Van City CemFranklin W Hiddleson (IL)(1) and Archie McKechnie (2) - spouses; Harold, Roy, Frank Carrol - children by Hiddleson; Robert Lansing (NY) and Lydia Keeler (NY) - parents1920 - Post Office worker, Boise ID1882 son Roy born in Walla Walla WA; 1883 son Harold born in Kansas, 1900 living in Brooklyn, New York; 1900 census 3 children/2 living, Frank Carrol died in 1891; 1920 census, Boise ID, "widowed", probably divorced; 1920 husband Franklin was a musician, died 1926, Des Moines Co., Iowa; married McKechnie 1930, Vancouver; correction she is in SW 89, not SW 104; buried with son and grandson; obit The Columbian 22 Oct 1934-
McKeeCharles Westley1876 Nov 4Lapeer Co., Michigan1890 Jul 17Vancouver WAhit in the head with a baseball noWilliam S McKeeSW 194 line (or SW 124?)18 Jul 1890Van City Cemsingle; William Sylvester McKee (Can) and Mary Elizabeth Galloway (Can) - parents Gilman and Porter reportes uncertain on plot location, SW 124 or SW 194? SW 194 is with brother William, plot bought by Father.
McKeeWilliam Arthur1886 Feb 7Vancouver WA1956 Dec 19Vancouver WAcoronary thrombosisyesWilliam S McKeeSW 194 line 15Swank Funeral Home, Camas, Clark Co., Washington22 Dec 1956Van City CemEthel Mae Beaver (SD) - spouse; Florence Elizabeth, William John, Herbert Westley - children; William Sylvester McKee (Can) and Mary Elizabeth Gallaway (Can) - parents WWI & II Worked as a pipe fitter in the Vancouver Shipyards; dairyman, sold firewood; obit The Columbian 21 Dec 1956-lived in county all his life
McMasterHugh1900 Dec 21Clark Co., WA1901 Sep 22Clark Co., WAbowel troubleyesDonald McMasterSW 145 S/2 line 125 Sep 1901Van City CemDonald McMaster (Scot) and Julia Ruth Webster (WA) - parents
McMasterinfant1907 Jan 13Clark Co., WA1907 Jan 13Clark Co., WAstillbornnoDonald McMasterSW 145 S/2 line 115 Jan 1907Van City CemDonald McMaster (Scot) and Julia Ruth Webster (WA) - parents
McMullenJoseph Franklin1829 Aug 26New York1914 Dec 11Spokane, Spokane Co., Washingtoncancer of the stomachyesB W MatlackSW 87-3Knapp Mortuary14 Dec 1914Van City CemMary Emery (PA) - spouse; Augustus, Edward, Gertrude "Gertie," Robert, Samuel, Anna, Joseph - children; Patrick McMullen (Ire) and Ellen McCarty (Ire) - parents1870 - scholar, Milwaukie, WA; 1880-lawyer, Milwaukie WA; 1910- sawyer own business, Spokane WAin same plot as wife, son Ausutus, and dau Gertrude Matlack
McMullenMary Emery1838 Dec 13Pennsylvania1913 Aug 24Utica, Oneida Co., New Yorkacute dilation of the heartyesB W MatlackSW 87-2 line 7Knapp Mortuary23 May 1914Van City CemJoseph F McMullen (NY) - spouse; Augustus, Edward, Gertrude "Gertie," Robert, Samuel, Anna, Joseph - children; ? Emery (Can) and Margaret ? (Eng?) - parentshousewife1880- mother Mary Emery living with family; 1910 census 7 children/ 4 living, Spokane WA; in same plot as husband, son Ausutus, and dau Gertrude Matlack
McMullenAugustus Montague1869 July 24Milwaukie, Milwaukie Co., Wisconsin1920 Apr 17at hospital, Honolulu, HawaiipneumoniayesB W MatlackSW 87-4 line 7Knapp Mortuary17 May 1920Van City Cemappears single; Joseph Franklin McMullen (NY) and Mary Emery (PA) - parentsUS Army-Spokane WA about 1900; 1912 assigned to Honolulu and given rank of captain, clerk working for UA S Army, Captain (US Quarter Master Corps), lived in Honolulu Barracks, Hawaii1910 - working for War Dept, Spokane WA1910 - living with parents and Richard and Mildred Matlack, grandchildren of Joseph and Mary McMullen; sibling: Gertrude Matlack; obit The Oregon Journal Journal 15 May 1920; in same plot as parents, and sister Gertrude Matlack
McPhersonSidneyFay1891 Apr 30Vancouver WA1892 Dec 7Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncroupyesMcPhersonSW 31 S/2 line 157 Dec 1892Van City CemRufus King McPherson (IN) and Margaret Elizabeth Buster (MO) - parents
McPhersonEtta Marie1894 Jan 14Vancouver WA1902 Apr 5Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonaccidentyesMcPhersonSW 31 S/2 line 15Holman and Son, Portaland, Multnomah Co., Oregon8 Apr 1902Van City CemRufus King McPherson (IN) and Margaret Elizabeth Buster (MO) - parentsfuneral notice The Oregonian 8 April 1902
McWilliamsRobert Andrew1852 May 23Armstrong Co., Pennsylvania1928 Jan 9St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAheart failureyesRobert A McWilliamsSW 186 S/2 line 10Knapp Funeral Home12 Jan 1928Van City CemElizabeth Alcorn (PA) - spouse; George, May, Charles, Harry, Frank, Edith - children; William McWilliams (PA) and Mary Ann Lytle (PA) - parentsPresbyterianfarmerlived in Richfield WA
McWilliamsElizabethAlcorn1851 Jul 19Waterford, Erie Co., Pennsylvania1925 Jun 2Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washingtonapoplexy and pernicious anemiayesRobert A McWilliamsSW 186 S/2 line 10Knapp Funeral Home6 Jun 1925Van City CemRobert A McWilliams (PA) - spouse; George, May, Charles, Harry, Frank, Edith - children; James Alcorn (Ire) and Elizabeth McKinley (Ire) - parents 1900 census - 6 children/4 living
McWilliamsMayFlorence1876 Jan 10Waterford, Erie Co., Pennsylvania1895 Jan 29Clark Co., WAtuberculosisyesRobert A McWilliamsSW 186 line 1031 Jan 1895See notesRobert A McWilliams (PA) and Elizabeth Alcorn (PA) - parentsobit The Columbian 1 Feb 1895
MelvilleCatherine Quaglia1853 Apr 5New York1908 Oct 29St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachyesSW 24 N/2 line 8Knapp Mortuary30 Oct 1908Van City CemClinton D Nichols (1) and George M Melville (Scot)(2) - spouse; 3 children by Nichols; Gottardo Quaglia (Spain) and ? ? (Maine) - parentsCatholichousewifemarried Nichols 1880-1885?; Nichols died in 1888 in Battle Ground, Clark Co., WA; 1900 census - 3 children /0 living; father was a tailor
Merdian George1847 May 11Henry, Marshall Co., Illinois1939 Jul 23Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesSW 132-5 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Jul 1939Van City CemLoney Heide (OH) - spouse; Anna, Frederick, Mary (Reid), George - children; Johan Merdian (France) and Mary Ursula Barguen (France) - parents, Protestantfruit farmer son Fred and dau Mary Reid in same plot
Merdian LoneyHeide1848 Apr 9 Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio1937 Nov 5at home Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonseniltiyyesSW 132-4 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Nov 1937Van City CemGeorge Merdian (IL) - spouse; Anna, Frederick, Mary (Reid), George - children; Jacob Heide (Ger) and ? ? (OH) - parents housewifeson Fred and dau Mary Reid in same plot; obit The Columbian 5 Nov 1937-survived by all 4 children and husband
Merdian Frederick "Fred"Antone1886 Jun 7Vancouver WA1959 Nov 5 Western State Hospital, Ft Steillacoom, Pierce Co., Washingtonpulmonary embolism - fracture of neck after fallingyesSW 132-3 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor9 Nov 1959Van City CemJosephine Crowley (Neb) - spouse; no children; George Merdian (IL) and Apollonia "Lonia" Heide (OH) - parentsWorld War I veteran Co.A, 13th Ammunition Train Washington, private1920- work for auto company; 1929-machinist, Vancouver; 1940-owner of automobile garage, Vancouvermarried Josephine 14 June 1929, Vancouver WA; parents in same plot; wife Josephine buried in NW 38 with sister; obit The Columbian 6 Nov 1959; collected native American artifacts
MetcalfWilliam H1866 Dec 31Trenton, Grundy Co., Missouri1905 Feb 26Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncancer of the stomachyesW H MetcalfSW 202 line 71 Mar 1905Van City CemElizabeth Bessie Welch (MO) - spouse; Melvin W - child; Daniel Metcalf (MO) and Mary/Mollie Ewing (KY) - parentsOrder of the Redman, Elks, Knights of Pythiaslawyer; worked with mother in newspaper businessesWilliam H Metcalf is listed on a headstone with Mollie Ewing (his Mother) in SW 202 along with brother Joseph Metcalf and baby Dan Ewing
MetcalfMelvinWelch1894 Jul 17Vancouver WA1967 Nov 24Seattle, King Co., WashingtondiabetesashesnoSW 202 ashesAdams Forkner, Seattle, King Co., WA; Hamilton Funeral Home Vancouver Nov 1967Van City CemAda Grace Wiren (MN) - spouse; Elizabeth, Lousie - children; William H Metcalf (MO) and Elizabeth Bessie Welch (MO) - parentsaccountant, CPA
MetcalfJoseph William1864 Dec 6Grundy Co., Missouri1899 Feb 8The Dalles, Wasco Co., OregonyesW H MetcalfSW 202 line 7 (reburied)originally in IOOF Cemetery, The Dalles OR; interred in 1904 in Vancouver City CemeteryLouisa M ? - spouse; male child - died young; Daniel Metcalf (MO) and Mollie Ewing (KY) - parentsattorney in practice with brother WilliamJoseph W Metcalf is listed on a headstone with Mollie Ewing (his Mother) in SW 202 along with brother William Metcalf and baby Dan Ewing
MetcalfGeorge Miller1858 Dec 25Kentucky1910 Aug 8at home at 2309 Markle Ave., Vancouver WAsuicidenoGeorge MetcalfSW 60 S/2 line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Aug 1910Van City CemMagalena M Olson (WI) - spouse; Mabel, Maude, Genevieve, Alice G, George - children; George Metcalf (NS, Can) and ? ? (Scot) - parentsSpanish American War veteran Co. B & K, 14th Corps Ordi. Dept. and Co A, 27th US Infantrylaborer, employeed by city street departmentMagdalena 1900-census 4 children/3 living - died Alice G; 1910 census 5 children /3 living - George died in same plot and dau Alice and son George; wife's mother Hannah Olson in NE 198; obit The Columbian 8 Aug 1910 - suicide, served in Army most of life, "always slept in a tent in his yard"
MetcalfGeorge 1897 Feb Clark Co., WA1904 Oct 22Clark Co., WAtonsillitisnoGeorge MetcalfSW 60 S/2 line 1223 Oct 1904Van City CemGeorge Metcalf (KY) and Magalena M Olson (MO) - parentsin same plot as father and sister Alice
MetcalfAlice G 1890 MarClark Co., WA23 May 1891 Clark Co., WAinfantile typhoidyesGeorge MetcalfSW 60 S/2 line 1224 May 1891Van City CemGeorge Metcalf (KY) and Magalena M Olson (MO) - parentsin same plot as father and bro George
MeyerLouis1832Wurttenberg, Germany1888 AugClark Co., WAnoSW 49 line 116 Aug 1888Van City CemElizabeth ? (Ger) - spouse; Louis Jr, Anna, Ricka, Estella - childrenUS Military Post L. C. in 1880
MeyersFrederick1815Germany1893 Jan 6Vancouver WArupture of blood vessel; hemorrhage of the lungsnoKatie MeyersSW 50 S/E line 28 Jun 1893Van City Cemmarried; ? Meyer (Ger) and ? ? (Ger) - parentslaborer at time of deathcould be MAYERS
MickelsonNeils18721898 Oct 10typhoid pneumonianoW B WellsSW 86 N/2 line 613 Oct 1898Van City Cem
MillarDonald Stapleton1925 Oct 1Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada2017 May 14at home at 1211 NW 43rd St., Vancouver WA?SW 197-3Evergreen-Staples Funderal Chapel30 May 2017Van City CemMary Jean Clow (OR) - spouse; Curtis John, Julia Ann, Mary Susan - children; Howard L Millar (WA) and Margery M Miller (WA) - parentsWorld War II veteran, US Air CorpsWilliam Stanford is uncle in same plot also in plot dau Julie; father Howard L buried in NW 11
MillarMaryJeanClow1927 Mar 19Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon2018 Jan 14at home at 1211 NW 43rd St., Vancouver WA?SW 197-3 above husbandVancouver Funeral Chapel27 Jan 2018Van City CemDonald Stapleton Millar (Can) - spouse; Curtis John, Julia Ann, Mary Susan - children; Ellsworth C Clow (MN) and Jean B Bain (Scot) - parentsmedical stenographer for Kaiser Hospitalhusband and dau Julie in same plot; obit The Columbian 21 Jan 2018
MillarJulia "Julie"Ann1954 Mar 9Vancouver WA1955 May 30Vancouver WAinfluenzayesWilliam MillarSW 197-5 N/2 line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor31 May 1955Van City CemDonald Stapleman Millar (Can) and Mary Jean Clow (OR) - parentsparents in same plot and great uncle William S
MillarWilliam Stanford1882 Feb 25Canada1929 Aug 22at 3rd and Flanders, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonacute and chronic alcoholismyesWilliam S MillarSW 197-5 N/2 line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Aug 1929Van City CemEthel Dinsdale (Eng)(1) and Ada ? (2) - spouse; William Millar (Can) and Julia McPherson (Can) - parents both of Canadagrocery in Vancouver at 39 and Main; auto salesmanmoved to Vancouver with parentws at 6 years old; wife Ethel died in 1914,Vancouver; divorced Ada; obit The Columbian 22 Aug 1929 - survivers-mother, two bro J C and H L Millar; Donald is nephew; parent, siblings and wife Ethel buried in NE 131; bro Howard in NW 11
MillerMarionW 1852 Sep 17Indiana1899 Jun 11Clark Co., WAyesMrs Edward (Margaret) GoheenSW 115 N/2 line 3Van City CemJ H Miller (IN) and Margaret Hardman (IN) - parentsburied same plot as mother Margaret Goheen (and husband Edward) and brother Joshua
MillerJoshuaD1856 Nov 23Butler Co., Iowa1918 Oct 19Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washingtonheart relatednoMrs Edward GoheenSW 115 N/2 line 3Knapp Funeral Home22 Oct 1918Van City CemJ H Miller (IN) and Margaret Hardman (IN) - parentschristianfarmer in Sara area of Vancouverburied same plot as mother Margaret Goheen (and husband Edward) and brother Marion
MillerWilliamM1853Oregon1896 Mar 17Clark Co., WAliver failurenoWilliam MillerSW 123 line 111 Apr 1896Van City CemLuella Princess Woolf (IA) - spouse; Zeta E, Sylvester, Harle May - children; ? Miller and ? ? - parents1898- Merchant, Clark Co., WAmaried Luella Jun 1888, Clark Co., WA; Luella remarried to Douglas Caples buried in SW 99; CLEANED UP past information: (note the Gilman report has him in SW 115 with a 11 Jun 1899 death -move to SW 123, with children also duplicate "William M Muller", Potter Field NE); wife buried in SW 99 under Luella Caples; Porter Report interred 1 Apr 1896
MillerSylvester1896Vancouver WA1899 Oct 8Vancouver WAtuberculosis of the brainnoWilliam MillerSW 123 line 11Oct 1899Van City CemWilliam M Miller (OR) and Louella Princess Woolf (IA) - parentsmother Luella remarried as Caples in SW 99
MillerHarle May1892 May 24Clark Co., WA1892 May 25Clark Co., WAnoWilliam MillerSW 123 line 1125 May 1892Van City CemWilliam M Miller (OR) and Louella Princess Woolf (IA) - parentsmother Luella remarried as Caples in SW 100
MillerJohn1833 1898 Apr 25Vancouver WAconsumptionnoJohn MillerSW 47 N/2 line 227 Apr 1898Van City Cemmarried? ; possible sons (in Portland at tie of death)may have been removed from Old Pioneer Cemetery; death notice The Columbian 29 Apr 1898 - Sisters Hospital, Vancouver WA
Miller AmandaBarnettLindsay1845 Jun 21Wellsburg, Brooke Co., Virginia1890 Aug 18Clark Co., WAblood poisoningyesJ C MillerSW 91 S/2 line 1119 Aug 1890Van City CemJohn Carlton Miller (VA) - spouse; Carrie, Eva, Edward W - children; Elisha Lindsay (VA) and Elizabeth Pennington/Henderson (OH) - parents
MillsAaronF1843 Mar 24Merickville, Ontario, Canada1926 Oct 24at hoome, Vancouver WAapoplexy , sick for 3 years prioryesA F MillsSW 29 N/2 line 13Hamilton Funeral Home26 Oct 1926Van City CemSusan Bellrose (Can) - spouse; Emily, William, Ida, Edward, Robert, Etta, Frank - children; Joseph Mills (Eng) and Jemima Potter (Eng) - parentsPresbyterianmillwright; Justice of the Peace and Post Master in Camas; supervised construction of Saw Mill on Columbia River near Vancouver and Clark Co Courthousemarried Susan 1 Jan 1865; obit The Columbian 25 Oct 1926 - cae to Vancouver 37 years prior to death; survivors son Edward H, Robert P, Frank P
MillsSusan BBellrose1842 Mar 14Ontario, Canada1900 Mar 19Clark Co., WAconsumptionyesA F MillsSW 29 N/2 line 1321 Mar 1900Van City CemAaron F Mills (Ont, Can) - spouse; Emily, William, Ida E, Edward, Robert, Etta, Frank - children; John Bellrose (Can) and Nancy Bonesteel (Can) - parentsmarried Mills 1 Jan 1865; obit The Columbian 23 Mar 1900- 7 children born to Susan 3 died at time of death
MillsEtta A1876 Sep 5Michigan1892 Jan 24Clark Co., WAdiphtheriayesA F MillsSW 29 N/2 line 13Van City CemAaron Mills (Can) and Susan Bellrose (Can) - parents
MillsWilliam F1867 Jan 27Ontario, Canada1892 Feb 5Clark Co., WAquick consumptionyesA F MillsSW 29 N/2 line 137 Feb 1892Van City CemJessie McMaster (Scot) - spouse ; Hazel - dau; Aaron Mills (Can) and Susan Bellrose (Can) - parentswife Jessie (1868-1898) interred in Camas Cemetery with her brother Hugh and parents; Elizabeth McMaster, mother of Jessie and Hugh. Grandaughther Hazel lived with Elizabeth after parents died.
MinschMatthew Ammon1879 Dec 9Onaga, Pottawatomie Co., Kansas1904 Oct 31Clark Co., WAconsumptionyesMyrtle MinschSW 05 line 123 Nov 1904Van City CemMyrtle May Stenger (b Aug 1883, Kansas) - spouse; John R Minsch (Swit) and Elizabeth Ammon (Switz) - parents (b.1868, Switz.)Order of Eagles, Episcopalianmother Elizabeth Minsch and sister Hattie buried in SW 164 (Switzerland); sibling - Leonard (in SW 136); newspaper article The Columbian - death notice
MinschLeonard1868 Jan 17West Bend, Washington Co., Wisconsin1902 Jun 4San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CaliforniatuberculosisyesD A MinschSW 136 N/2 line 97 Jun 1902Van City CemUrsula L Hageman (Swtz) - spouse; Edward Leonard, Hattie M - children; John Minsch (Switz) and Elizabeth Ammon (Switz) - parents Episcopalian; Sons of Hermann (German society)propietor of the Abbington Saloon, Clark Co., WA, liquor dealersiblings - Matthew (in SW 05), William; obit lin June 11 1902 Columbian WA and in Onaga Herald KS; Sep 10, 1892 married Minsch in, Clark Co., WA; immigrated 1879; mother and sister Hattie in SW 164; obit The Columbian 11 Jun 1902
MinschUrsula/ UrshlaLHageman /Hagman1873 Dec 7Switzerland1902 Feb 7San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CaliforniaappendicitisyesD A MinschSW 136 S/2 line 912 Feb 1902Van City CemLenard Minsch (WI) - spouse; Edward Leonard, Hattie Marie - children; ? Hageman (Switz) and ? ? (Switz) - parentsimmigration 1880; children Leonard and Hattie adopted bro Jacob Minsch - Hattie died in 1922
MinschHattieE1884 May 211892 May 6Clark Co., WAbrain feveryesMrs John MinschSW 164 S/2 line 138 May 1892Van City CemJohn Minsch (Switz) and Elizabeth Ammon (Switz) - parentssister of John Minsch
MinschElizabethAmmon1842 Apr 17Switzerland1893 Jan 27Vancouver WAbrain feveryesMrs John MinschSW 164 S/2 line 13Jan 1893Van City CemJohn R Minsch (Switz) - spouse; A B, Leonard, Jacob, John Rudolph, Jacob, Matthew Ammon, Andrew, Hattie E - children; ? Ammon (Switz) and Anna B Grob (Switz) - parentshusband John buried in Kansas, died in 1907; Elizabeth and Hattie E are on same headstone; son Leonard in SW 136; son Mathew in SW 5
MitchellWarner Benjamin1833 JulSmithfield, Madison Co., New York1896 Jan 11Clark Co., WAheart failureyesJ MitchellSW 187 S/2 line 1014 Jan 1896Van City CemCaroline Bullard (OH) - spouse; Warner Burton, Gillespie, Pruella, Mary, Edgar, Frank, Edith, Arthur, Mark - children; Samuel Mitchell, Jr. (MA) and Elizabeth Fennelly (MA) - parents 1880- farmer in Wisconsinwife Caroline is buried in Minnesota
MitchellWarner Burton1861 Feb 14Loyal, Clark Co., Wisconsin1934 Oct 20Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washingtonstomach abcessyesJ MitchellSW 187 S/2 line 10Hamilton Funeral Home25 Oct 1934Van City Cemsingle, Warner Benjamin Mitchell (NY) and Caroline Bullard (OH) - parents1900 farmer, 1910 worked at shingle mill, 1930 general grocery; store keeper in Fair Acres, Clark Co.,WA for 22 yearsobit The Columbian 23 Oct 1934-lived in Clark Co., since 1893; survivors 2 bros and 2 sisters
MockelGeorge Henry1858 Mar 1Langenhaim, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany1916 Jun 30Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washingtonacute Brights diseaseyesGeorge H MockelSW 34-1 Line 15Knapp Mortuary2 Jul 1916Van City CemMargaret Huth (Ger) - spouse; Henry Louis, Louis Casper, Rudolph Lawrence, Mrs Gertrude (m. Lemons), Anton Gustav - children; Castper Mockel (Ger) and Marie Lena ? (Ger) - parentsSons of Hermann (Germany society)1880 - worked in a brewery in Vancouver WA; 1900 - saloon keeper, Vancouver WA; 1910 - saloon keeper and pawn broker in Tacomasibling - Lawrence (b 1876); obit The Columbian 1 Jul 1916-arrived 40 years prior to death, then 10 years ago moved to Tacoma
MockelMargaretHuth1859 Sep 18Langenhaim, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany1907 Nov 29Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washingtonhemmorhage of the brain at a danceyesGeorge H MockelSW 34 line 152 Dec 1907Van City CemGeorge Henry Mockel (Ger) - spouse; Henry Louis, Louis Casper, Rudolph Lawrence, Gertrude, Anton Gustav - children; Louis Huth (Ger) and Gertrude Rudolph (Ger) - parentssister Marie Huth De Sor interred in NW 58-3; brother John Huth in SW 151; 1900 census 5 children/ 4 living; Gilman records had other possible children?? - Carlton and Kate; obit The Oregon Journal 30 Nov 1907
MockelAntonGustav1887 Oct 25Vancouver WA1888 May 15Vancouver WAyesGeorge H MockelSW 34 line 15Mar 1888Van City CemGeorge H Mockel (Ger) and Margaret Huth (Ger) - parents
MooreValentine (male)1908 Feb 11at home at 704 E 17 St., Vancouver , WA1908 Feb 11at home at 704 E 17 St., Vancouver , WAstillbornnoSW 124 line 12Knapp Funeral Home12 Feb 1908Van City CemJ N Moore (MO) and Annie Gunnell (MO) - parents
Moore Vida AnnaTooley1886 Dec 16Vancouver WA1931 Oct 28Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesJohn P TooleySW 36 line 13Hamilton Funeral Home30 Oct 1931Van City CemGraydon Cecil Moore (OR) - spouse; Roberta, Barbara Anna - children; John P Tooley (WA) and Emma Steward (OR) - parentsin same plot as parents; obit The Columbian 28 Oct 1931-2 year illness, aunt Aunt Mrs Elwell Olympia WA, married Moore Jan 1916 Vancouver WA. Survivors Roberta, Barbara Ann; Graydon C Moore b. in 1892 Roseburg OR, died 1945 Vancouver WA; buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
MorganLaura EstherWilliams1869 Jan 5Berrien Co., Michigan1887 Mar 24Clark Co., WA18yr, 2m, 19dnoW E MorganSW 95 line 15Mar 1887Van City CemWillis Edgar Morgan (NH) - spouse; Violet - child; Albert W Williams (IN) and Caroline Inglewright (MI) - parentshousewifemarried Apr 1885, Clark Co., WA; child Violet born 11 Jun 1886, Buchanan Co., Michigan, 1900 Voilet living with grandparents in Buchanan Co., MI and married a Herran, died in Indiana; siblings of Laura: Guy, Adelia, Burl, Gracie - all born in Michigan
Morris John D1826 May 4Ohio1908 Aug 18Vancouver WAparalysisyesEmma MorrisSW 54 S/2 line 6Vancouver Undertaking Co.19 Aug 1908Van City CemMargaret Brown (OH) - spouse; James, Ona, Frank, Willie, Mimie - children; Jack Morris (Del) and Katherine Sauer (PA) - parentsfarmerState of Wasington Death Certificate
Morris MargaretBrown 1833 Aug 27Ohio1916 Apr 9at daughter's home in Ridgefield, Clark Co., WAprobable chronic endocarditisyesEmma MorrisSW 54 S/2 line 6Knapp Mortuary11 Apr 1916Van City CemJohn D Morris (OH) - spouse; James, Ona, Frank, Willie, Mimie (Emma) - children; David Brown (Ire) and Ann White (Ire) - parents housewifeobit The Columbin 10 Apr 1916-parents moved from Ohio to Iowa married 1852 to Morris in Iowa, 1852 on Oregon Trail in Portland, 1882 moved to Vancouver WA- survivors 2 sons William C and Frank and 2 dau Mrs C A (Ona) Holman and Emma A Blackmore
Morris James 1852Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1896 Jul 27Vancouver WAyesEmma MorrisSW 54 S/2 line 629 Jul 1896Van City CemJohn D Morris (OH) and Margaret Brown (OH) - parents
MorrisonFred Eugene1856 Jun 29Ottawa Co., Michigan1941 Sep 3Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesF E MorrisonSW 125-5 line 13Hamilton Funeral Home5 Sep 1941Van City CemLulu C Hutches (IL)(1) and Augusta Caroline Bruns (Ger)(2) - spouse; James, Jonathan, Laura, Fred, Josiah - children by Lulu; Alma - child by Augusta; James L Morrison (Can) and Mary Ellen Bowen (Can) - parents1880-farmer, baker, Custer Co., Neb; 1885- Myrtle, Custer Co., NEB; 1930- shinder, buildings , Clark Co.,WAmarried Lulu in about 1882, Custer Co., Neb; James was only child to live pass 1895; married Augusta 1903, Alliance, NEB; 1935 Lulu died??; 1940 - living with dau Alma Hartman, Burnt Bridge., Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 4 Sep 1941-arrived in Vancouver 50 years prior to death; survivors son James and dau Alma
MorrisonAugustaCarolineBruns1866 Aug 14Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany1927 Jul 24at home at 600 W 26th St, Vancouver WAangina pectorisyesF E MorrisonSW 125-5 line 13Knapp Funeral Home26 Jul 1927Van City CemAugust Demke (Ger)(1) and Fred E Morrison (MI)(2) - spouse; Albert, Martha, Lydia, George, 2 more - children by Demke, Alma V - child by Morrison; Johann H Bruns (Ger) and Justine Vosage (Ger) - parentshousewifeimmigrated in 1875; lived in Vancouver 17 years prior to death; 1900 census 6 children /4 living, married Morrison 1903 in Alliance Neb.; obit The Columbian 25 Jul 1927-survivors 2 daus Mrs Harry Dunsmore and Alma Morrison and 2 sons George and Albert Demke
MorrisonSamuel G18441892 Jul 11Clark Co., WAbowel complaintnoMrs Samuel MorrisonSW 164 N/2 line 1312 Jul 1892Van City Cemmarried with two children in Eastobit The Columbian 15 Jul 1892 - land in Fern Prairie built house, family still in "East"
MossJames "Jimmie"1887 June 281890 Dec 18Clark Co., WAyesJ H MossSW 61 N/2 Line 13Dec 1890Van City CemJ H Moss and S J ? - parentsnew base on marker placement; should be in SW 61, not SW 68
MoulinSarahGoudy1828 Sep 15Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio1916 Dec 30Fruit Valley, Clark Co., Washingtonsenile paralysisyesSW 148 S/2 line 4Beatty Funeral Home2 Jan 1917Van City CemJoseph Moulin (Eng) - spouse; Jennie, Josephine, Edwin, Jane, Walter H, Thomas G, Frank, William - children; Thomas H Goudy (OH) and Mary A McWilliams (PA) - parentsmarried Moulin 1 Jan 1846, Linn Co., IA; 1900 census 8 children/ 7 living, Fruit Valley WA; 1910 8 children/ 6 living, living with dau Josphine Shaw in Vancouver; obit The Oregon Daily Journal 31 Dec 1916 - survivied by Jennie, Josephine, Walter, Thomas, 4 children died before her; husband Joseph died 1898 and buried in Iowa; dau Josephine (Shaw) buried in SW 120
MoulinJennieMargaretMoulin1852 Nov 16Marion, Linn Co., Iowa1925 Jun 8at home at 311 W 25th St., Vancouver WArheumatism and neuritisyesSW 148 line 4Knapp Funeral Home10 Jun 1925Van City Cemsingle; Joseph Moulin (Eng) and Sarah Goudy (OH) - parentsMethodisthouseworkercharges to Mrs Josephine Shaw (sister)
MoulinFrank M1863 Oct 16Marion, Linn Co., Iowa1902 Jan 4Clark Co., WAyesSW 148 line 4Jan 1902Van City Cemsingle; Joseph Moulin (Eng) and Sarah Goudy (OH) - parents1880-1885 - farmer worker, living with parents, Woodbury Co., Iowa
Muebus/ MiebusAugust 1834 Jun 16Germany-Austria1893 Aug 12Clark Co., WAcarbunkle of his neckyesAugust MebusSW 78 line 314 Aug 1893Van City CemAnna Hiebel (Austria) - spouse; August, John, Frank, William, Theresa, Barbara - children, all born in Austriafriend/companion in will-Christine Bardo Greiser in same plot, 1880-living Wisconsin, possibly Anna died in Wisconsin; William buried in Washington Co., OR; John and Frank buried in Portland OR
Mulder, Sr.John D Baver1858 Jan 17 Elmore Co., Alabama1900 Nov 29Clark Co., WAla gripe (flu) yesJohn B D MulderSW 140 N/2 line 51900Van City CemEmma Moore (AL) - spouse; Harris, Nevada, Jennie, John, D Jr., William, Annie (Kakanie), Elmer Huston, Robert Harris, Jackson H - children; William Mulder (GA) and Mary Ann Jackson (AL) - parentsday laborer
MulderRobertHarris1885 Mar 13Wetumpka, Elmore Co., Alabama1953 Feb 20Vancouver WAheart failurenoNE 140 N/2 line 5 (Mulder plot - probably in SW 140)Vancover Funeral Chapel23 Feb 1953Vancouver City CemeteryMary "Mamie" Catherine Dunigan (TX)(1), Winona "Nona" ? G Moon (WA)(2) and Helen M ? (WA)(3) - spouses; Bernice - child by Winona; John D Mulder, Sr (AL) and Emma Moore (AL) - parents1910-brakeman on SP&S Railroad, Clark Co., WA; 1918-1920 - brakeman, Grays Harbor Co., WA; 1940-WPA laborer, road project, Clark Co., WAmarried Mary 3 Feb 1909, Salmon Creek, Clark Co., WA; by 1920 married Winona 23 Dec 1914, Vancouver WA, by 1940 divorced Winona, living with mother Emma in Yacolt, Clark Co., WA; father John D buried in SW 140
Mulderinfant (male)1941 Jul 8Vancouver WA1941 Jul 8Vancouver WAnoNE 140 line 5 (Mulder plot-probably in SW 140)8 Jul 1941Vancouver City CemeteryElmer Huston Mulder (AL) and Clara Chilling (CO) - parentsfather worked for RR, 1940 janitor in Yacolt, Clark Co., WA, father buried at Park Hill Cemtery, Vancouver WA
MunnRosaBurt 1844 Oct 11Paris, Edgar Co., Illinois1928 Jul 26Vancouver WAapoplexynoSW 79-3 S/2 line 2Knapp Funeral Home29 Jul 1928Van City CemAllen Munn (OH) - spouse; John, Della, Samuel, Edward- children; Munsell M Burt (OH) and Lucinda Tefft (NY) - parents1900 census 6 children/4 living; husband died 1905 and buried in Adair Co., MO; buried in same plot as parents and sister; obit The Columbian 27 Jul 1928-survived by dau Della and sons J C and Dr W E Munn
NelsonAndrew1822 Apr 16Sweden1897 May 1Vancouver WAheart failureyesMrs A NelsonSW 22 S/2 line 62 May 1897Van City CemAugusta Martha Christensen (Nor) - spouse; no children by Augusta; parents both born in Sweden1871 - carpenter; 1880 - farmer, singleheadstone has "Captain Andrew Nelson"; married Augusta in 1881 in Oregon
NelsonAugustaMarthaChristensen1836 Jan 5Aal, Buskerud, Norway1899 Feb 4Oregon City, Clackamas Co., OregonyesMrs A NelsonSW 22 S/2 line 66 Feb 1899Van City CemMartin Pedersen (Nor)(1) and Andrew Nelson (Swe)(2) - spouses; Pauline, Bernhardt, Anna, Charles, Emelia, Julius, Clara - by Pedersen; no children by Nelson; Christian Olsen (Andersen) (Nor) and Berthe Hensdotter (Nor) - parentsmarried Nelson in 1881 in Oregon; obit The Columbian 17 Feb 1899-
NelsonBeulahSWirt1892 Aug 26Kingsley, Plymouth Co., Iowa1918 Oct 15Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesSW 172Limber Funeral Home17 Oct 1918Van City CemHarry W Nelson (WY) - spouse; James Wirt (IA) and Lillian "Lilly" Adams (NY) - parentsburied in same plot as father James Wirt, mother and sis Eulalie
NertonFrancis (Frank)Robinson1853 Feb 24St Helens, Columbia Co., Oregon1909 Jul 4Clark Co., WAcerebral hemorrhagenoFrancis NertonSW 04 S/2 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor6 July 1909Van City CemMary "Molly" Wampler (IN) - spouse/divorced; Frank Cleveland, Thomas, Edith, Dick, 2 other children - children; Thomas T Nerton (Eng) and Elizabeth Lockin (Eng) - parentsfirst a farmer, later a partner with William Proebstel in the Exchange Hotel, later operated a tavernhis parents crossed on the Oregon Trail arriving in Columbia Co., OR 18 Oct 1852; bro - Henry Cecil Nerton; married Mary 25 Mar 1882, Clark Co., WA; divorced Mary between 1900-1904; remarries Elmer Wolf in 1904 in Vancouver, dies in 1961 buried at Park Hill Cemetery Vancouver - on new headstone sons Thomas and Frank C are listed. Not clear where Frank C is buried, died in 1930 and was creamated at Lincoln Memorial Crematorium, Portland OR.
NertonThomas1886Vancouver WA1909 Jul 26Vancouver WAtuberculosisnoFrancis NertonSW 04 S/2 line 13Jul 1909Van City CemFrank Nerton (OR) and Mary Wampler (IN) - parentsobit The Columbian 27 Jul 1909 - 23 years born in Vancouver father Frank and mother Molly, believe he is buried with father as they died within weeks of each other, may have been moved to Park Hill Cemetery with mother.
NertonDickie1890Vancouver WA1895 May 22Vancouver WAscarlet fevernoFrancis NertonSW 04 S/2 line 13Van City CemFrancis Nerton (OR) and Mary Wampler (IN) - parentsburied in same grave as father
NordstromEmmaSofia 1865 Jun 9Tavaaker, Halland, Sweden1894 Dec 25Vancouver WApneumonia, 29y, 6m, 6dno S O BensonSW 40 S/2 line 927 Dec 1984Van City Cemsingle; Anders Nordtrom (Swe) and Anna Svensdotter (Swe) - parentsEvangelical Lutheransibling - Augusta Benson (b 1861 Apr, Ronneby?, Bleking?, Sweden), possible sister Erika (b. 1870 Sweden); in same plot as sister's husband Sven Benson
NoreliusMathiasNathaniel1831 Aug 30Borstil, Stockholm, Sweden1900 Dec 25Clark Co., WAyesSW 119 line 7Dec 1900Van City CemMargarite Ericksson (Swe) - spouse; Nathaniel Mathias, John E, Ephriam, Emanuel, Anita, Mary Magdalena - children; unknown (Swe) and Cajsa Andersdotter Ytterberg (Swe) - parents mother Cajsa took Ytterberg name later (her father's name); Mathias was born out of wedlock; married Margarite 1854, Stockholm, Sweden; wife was born 26 Jun 1822 in Mora, Dalarna, Sweden, buried in Clay Co. SD
NoreliusJohn E1857 Apr 4Gavle, Gavlebrog, Sweden1923 Jun 24at home at 3416 Kauffman Ave., Vancouver WAdropsy (diabetes), 66y, 2m, 20dyesSW 119 line 7Hamilton Funeral Home27 Jun 1923Van City CemAnna J Anderson (Swe) - spouse; Lenore, Elida, John Oswald - children; Mathias Norelius (Swe) and Margarite Eriksson (Swe) - parentshorticulturistAnna was born in Gagnef, Kopparberg, Sweden
NoreliusJohn Oswald1911 May 20Vancouver WA1912 Jan 22Vancouver WAscarlet fever and endocarditisnoSW 119-3 line 7Knapp Funeral Home23 Jan 1912Van City CemJohn E Norelius (SWE) and Anna J Anderson (SWE) - parents
NoreliusEphriamAbiel1862 Aug 31Gavle, Gavlebrog, Sweden1934 Dec 25Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAcarcinoma of the stomachnoSW 119-1 line 7Knapp Funeral Home29 Dec 1934Van City Cemsingle; Mathias Norelius (Swe) and Margarite Eriksson (Swe) - parentstinner and painter, photographer
NoreliusMary Magdalena1855 Jun 2Gavle, Gavlebrog, Sweden1916 Sep 2near Etna, Clark Co., Waashingtondiabetes, 61y, 3m, 0dnoSW 119-3 line 7Knapp Funeral Home5 Sep 1916Van City Cemmarried(divorced); one child; Mathias Norelius (Swe) and Margarite Eriksson (Swe) - parents1900 divorced; 1900 census -1 child/ 0 living; lived with Mathias Norelius family, Kauffman Av., Vancouver WA
NoreliusAnitaElida1864 Jan 4Gavle, Gavlebrog, Sweden1893 Nov 30Vancouver WA29y,10m, 26dnoSW 119-5 line 7Dec 1893Van City Cemsingle; Mathias Norelius (Swe) and Margarite Eriksson (Swe) - parents
OsbornCharles B1840 Nov 5St Joseph Co, Michigan1919 Jul 3Vancouver WAinternal injury caused by accidental fallyesSW 62 N/2 line 14Limber Funeral Home5 Jul 1919Van City CemMary Ann McElheney (NY) - spouse; Theodore, Carrie, Ursula "Luella", William, Alice - children; Benjamin Osborn (NY) and Matilda Scaley (Eng) - parents1870, - farmer, NY; 1880-carpenter, NY, 1900-farmer owned 201 acres; carpenter, real estate agentmarried Mary Ann Jan 1866, Montcalm, MI; obit The Columbian 10 Jul 1919
OsbornMary Ann McElheney1842 Jan 9Steuben Co., New York1936 May 14Vancouver WAchronic nephritisyesSW 62-4 N/2 line 14Limber Funeral Home18 May 1936Van City CemCharles B Osborn (MI) - spouse; Theodore, Carrie, Ursula, William, Alice - children; Theodore McElheney (NY) and Eliza Churchill (NY) - parentsmarried Osborn Jan 1866, Montcalm, MI; 1910 census 5 children/5 living; obit The Columbian 15 May 1936 -
PageAlexander E1820 Aug 11Kentucky1896 Jun 1Vancouver WAparalysisnoSW 93 S/2 line 132 Ju 1896Van City CemRuth Ann Clark (IN)(1) and Eliza Inglehart (China)(2) - spouses; Mary Jane, Lydia, Sarilda, Martha, William, John, Morris, Lorenzo, James, Alva - children by Ruth Ann; James Page (VA) and Sarah Hancock (VA) - parents 1870-1880 farmer, Jasper Co., MOmarried Ruth 1846, Knox Co., IL; she died in 1871, Jasper Co., MO; married Eliza 1872 Jasper Co., MO; family moved to Vancouver after 1880, dau Lydia (Boyer) was in Vancouver in 1880; children living in Vancouver and Portland area in 1900; newspaper article The Columbian 5 Jun 1896;
PalmerMartinVan Buren1862 Jan 19Cass Co., Nebraska1917 Mar 25at home in Fruit Valley area, Clark Co., WAvascular heart diseaseyesMartin PalmerSW 10-1 line 7Knapp Mortuary27 Mar 1917Van City CemSarah Emma Russell (IA) - spouse; Chester, Blanche Maude - children; Martin V Palmer (KY) and Nancy Jane Robinson (KY) - parentsSpiritualisthorticulturist, owned 11 acres in Clark Co.married Sarah in 1885; obit The Columbian 29 Mar 1917-raised nuts, fruits and berries in Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WA;
PalmerSarahEmma Russell1862 Jul 19Iowa1947 May 1Clark Co., WAintestinal infectionyesMartin PalmerSW 10-2 Knapp Mortuary5 May 1947Van City CemMartin VanBuren Palmer (Neb) - spouse; Maude B, Chester M - children; James Russell (ME) and Sarah Meeker (IL) - parentshousewifemarried Palmer in 1885; 1910 census - 2 children/1 living; obit The Columbian 2 May 1947-498 years in Vancouver prior to death
PalmerBlancheMaude1885 JanOregon1905 Jul 11Clark Co., WAtuberculosisyesMartin PalmerSW 10 line 713 Jul 1905Van City Cemsingle; Martin Van Buren Palmer (Neb) and Sarah Emma Russell (IA) - parents
PalmerRussell Higdon1921 Mar 2Vancouver WA1949 Jan 2Seattle, King Co., Washingtonaccident - died of burns from airplane accident at Boeing AirportyesG PalmerSW 10-4 line 7Knapp Mortuary5 Jan 1949Van City Cemsingle; Chester M Palmer (WA) and Grace C Zimmerman (WA) - parentsWorld War II veteran, US Navy Washingon Yeoman second class US NR student at Yale Univ.; plane full of students returning to school; bad weather and plane crashed at airport- newspaper article The Oregon Journal 3 Jan 1949 and others
PalmerJean (male)Delund 1909 Jun 16Vancouver WA1953 Jul 9The Dalles, Wasco Co., Oregonheart attack, heart diseaseyesSW 10-3 line 7Vancouver Funeral Chapel16 Jul 1953Van City CemFrances Williams (MT) - spouse; Jean Michel (male) - child; Chester M Palmer (WA) and Grace C Zimmerman (WA) - parentsdentistgrandson of Martin VB Palmer and Sarah Emma Russell; obit The Columbian 15 Jul 1953-
PancoastFredElmer1884 Mar 3Clark Co., WA1938 Jan 27Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonpneumonia; chronic alcoholismnoA BrazierSW 205-3 line 4Pearson Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon29 Jan 1938Van City Cemsingle; Francis L Pancoast (NJ) and Virginia "Jenny" Conlin (VA) - parentspainter; 1930-laborerhalf sister - Anna Conlin Brazier, she married Harry Brazier (in same plot); not sure where Anna is buried; obit The Oregonian 29 Jan 1938; State penitentary Walla Walla for burglery
PattersonJames F1844 Dec 22Ohio1926 Jun 3St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAheart disease; 81y, 6mnoJames F PattersonSW 49 N/2 line 1Limber Funeral Home5 Jun 1926Van City CemMary Ellen Bodyfelt (OH) - spouse; Charles, Louis/Lewis, Catherine - children; Joseph Patterson (KY) and Eleanor Smock (OH) - parentsCivil War veteran, US Army serving at Vancouver Barracks1880 - 1900 - day laborer, owned 137 acres, farmer1870 - Indiana with son Charles (1869 IN and d. WA, buried in Wenatchee); obit The Columbian 4 Jun 1926
PattersonMary Ellen Bodyfelt1840 Feb 14Ohio1916 Dec 4Hockinson, Clark Co., WashingtonnephritisnoSW 49 N/2 line 1Limber Funeral Home6 Dec 1916Van City CemElnathan Davis (OH)(1) and James F Patterson (OH)(2) - spouse; Rachel M, Nathan, Mary Rosa, W E - children by Davis; Charles, Louis/Lewis, Catherine - children by Patterson; Daniel Bodyfelt (PA) and ? Forney (OH) - parents1857 married Elnathan Davis (OH) in Marion Co., Iowa; married Pattersoncirca 1869 in Indiana; divorced from Patterson by 1910; 1910 census - 7 children/2 living - Charles and Lewis; lived in Hockinson
PaulEmmaBerthaPaul1871 Oct 20Germany1921 Jun 26at sister's in Fruit Valley, Clark Co., Washingtoncancer of the uterusyesSW 105-5 S/2 line 8Knapp Funeral Home28 June 1921Van City Cemsingle; Fred Paul and Mary Herman - parents, both of Germany bookkeeper for the Alaska Packing Co. of Portland ORMrs Margaret Dietrick, Mrs L L Valentine, Mrs W H Harschberger, Mrs W N Neil and Mrs C B Miller - sisters
Paynterinfant (male)1910 Feb 20at home ar 1605 Railroad Ave., Vancouver WA1910 Feb 20at home ar 1605 Railroad Ave., Vancouver WApremature and inanitionnoJohn S PaynterSW 74 line 7Knapp Mortuary25 Feb 1910Van City CemJohn Theodore Sigel Paynter (MO) and Mary Marquis (NV) - parents same grave as brother William
PaynterWilliam A 1892 May 8Clark Co., WA1892 Oct 31Clark Co., WAyesJohn S PaynterSW 74 line 7Van City CemJohn Theodore Sigel Paynter (MO) and Mary Marquis (NV) - parentssame grave as brother infant
PaysonFrancis ArthurSee NE 205 - this is a duplicate entry
PearsonOlafPeter1838 Oct 29Grevie, Kristianstad, Sweden1915 Aug 1at home at Hazel Dell Ave. and Main St, Vancouver WAcancer of the stomach and chronic rheumatism noP PearsonSW 159-2 line 15Knapp Funeral Home3 Aug 1915Van City CemMaria Johansdotter (SWE) - spouse; Axel, Matilda, Johannes - children; ? ? (Swe) and Ingrid Olsdotter (Swe) - parentsSwedish Lutheran Churchfarmer1872 - immigrated; rest of family followed in 1876; Swedish name spelling - Ola Petter Persson; Olaf was born out of wedlock - father unknown; Corrected birth date from actual Swedish records
PearsonMariaJohansdotter1835 Nov 19Forslov, Kristianstad, Sweden1922 Jun 25at home at Hazel Dell Ave. and Main St, Vancouver WASenility and mitral insufficencynoP PearsonSW 159-4 N/2 line 15Knapp Funeral Home27 Jun 1922Van City CemOlaf Peter Pearson (Swe) - spouse; Axel, Matilda , Johannes - children; Johannes Jonsson (Swe) and Ingrid Olsson (Swe) - parentsSwedish Lutheran Churchhousewife1876 - immigrated with family; 1900 - 3 children/ 2 living; dau Matilda married Andrew Quarnberg; Corrected birth date from actual Swedish records
Pearson (Persson)AxelPaulus1867 Aug 1Grevie, Kristianstad, Sweden1888 Aug 6Clark Co., WAintermittent feveryesP PearsonNW 159 line 158 Aug 1888Van City CemOlaf P Pearson (Swe) and Maria Johnsdotter (Swe) - parentsSwedish name spelling - Persson; Corrected birth date from actual Swedish records
PenderElizabethMcClelland1840 Sep 15Ireland1907 Oct 19at home of dau Emma, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncirrhosis of the liveryesWilliam PenderSW 188 N/4 line 12Zeller-Byrnes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon21 Oct 1907Van City CemWilliam Pender (Ont., Can) - spouse; John James, Benjamin, Emma Jean, William - children; S M McClelland (Scot) and Mary Whitecraft (Ire) - parents1900 census - 4 children/2 living-Emma and John; William Pender died Nov 5 1916 and buried in Mother Joseph Cemetery, Vancouver WA, son John J also in Mother Joseph Cemetery, died 1955; buried with dau Emma Jean Lever and son Benjamin; obit The Oregonian 22 Oct 1907; 1885 census Benjamin (b. 1864, Can) and John (b 1874, Can) in Clark Co., WA, son William probably died in Canada
PenderBenjamin1863 Nov 10Ontario, Canada1890 Sep 8Vancouver WAconsumptionyesWilliam PenderSW 188 N/2 line 129 Sep 1890Van City Cemsingle; William Pender (Can) and Elizabeth McClelland (IRE) - parentsburied in same plot with mother and sister Emma Jean Lever and two nephews
PerkinsZenoiaAlbert (male)1863 Feb 20Wisconsin1915 Jan 21at home Glenwood, Vancouver WAcarcinoma of the face and neck; 51y, 11m, 1dnoNW 92-3 line 12Knapp Mortuary24 Jan 1915Van City Cemsingle; Henry Perkins (Can) and Christine Dunlop (Can) - parentsgrain elevator manager in Kamiah, Idaho1887 Terr census - Whitman WA; in same plot as sister Anna Schmidt; obit The Columbian 23 Jan 1915- survived 1 brother and 3 sisters
PeeryAlonzoT1870 Oct 19Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., California1929 Jan 22Alameda Co., CaliforniayesJoseph HandySW 02 line 15Fowler-Lowman Funeral Home, Alameda, Alameda Co., California25 Jan 1929 in CA, later reinterredVan City CemBertha A Handy (OR) - spouse: Norman, Victor, Warren Neil - children; Thomas Peery (VA) and Sarah Smith (OH) - parentsOdd Fellow1910-steam vessel engineer, Alameda CA;married Bertha in 1906 Alameda Co., CA; buried with wife and in-laws; obit San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco CA 24 Jan 1929
PeeryBerthaAugustaHandy1884 Jun 2Oregon1946 Dec 14Alameda Co., CaliforniayesJoseph HandySW 02 line 15Van City CemAlonzo T Perry (CA) - spouse; Norman, Victor, Warren Neil - children; Joseph B Handy (RI) and Mary Elizabeth Young (WA) - parents1930-bookkeeper, Alameda CAmarried Peery 1906, Alameda Co., CA; 1930-1940 - living with sons in Alameda CA; same plot as father, mother and sister Matilda
PfirterEdward1888 Sep 181889 Aug 26Clark Co., WAdysentry; 11myesEdward PfirterSW 158 N/2 line 1428 Aug 1889Van City CemEdward Pfirter (Switz) and ? ? (Switz) - parentsfather widowed by 1907 when drown in Willamette River, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR, buried at Riverview Cemetery, Portland OR; possibly PFISTER spelling; father was a cement worker
PfirterMinnie1890 Sep 51892 May 3Clark Co., WAspinal disease; 1y, 8myesEdward PfirterSW 158 N/2 line 144 May 1892Van City CemEdward Pfirter (Switz) and ? ? (Switz) - parentsfather widowed by 1907 when drown in Willamette River, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR, buried at Riverview Cemetery, Portland OR; possibly PFISTER spelling; father was a cement worker
PhilbrickCharles W1817 Mar 2New Hampshire1907 May 28Clark Co., WAkidney failure; 92y, 26dyesC W PhilbrickSW 116 N/2 line 4J T Boweles29 Mar 1907Van City Cem? ? (NY)(1) and Ellen Spout (2) - spouse; E J (fem), M E (Fem), George B - children by first wife; ? Philbrick and ? ? parents1850 - printer; 1900-farmer, Harney, Clark Co., WA1850 - Chicago IL; 1880 - Jefferson Co., WA; 1900 - widowed, Harney (Vancouver), Clark Co., WA
PhilbrickEllenProut ?1846Canada1899 Feb 19Camas, Clark Co., WA53yyesC W PhilbrickSW 116 N/2 line 4 21 Feb 1899Van City CemCharles W Philbrick (NH) - spouse; ? ? (Ire) and ? ? (Eng) - parentsProut may not be maiden name; married Philbrick, 1875, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
PierceBessieElizabethProbst1892 Jan 19Vancouver WA1946 Aug 7at home Vancouver WAcanceryesR G PierceSW 182-2 line 6Vancouver Funeral Chapel9 Aug 1946Van City CemEdward R Gunter (TX)(1) and Lester E Pierce (IN)(2); Margaret - child from Gunter; Amanda, Florence, Virginia - children by Pierce; Rudolph Probst (Switz) and Matilda Fah (WI) - parents1911 married Edward Gunter, Clark Co., WA; divorced Gunter; 1921 married Lester Pierce, Clark Co., WA; 1930 - Vancouver, husband not at home; 1940 - Vancouver WA; husband Pierce buried in Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland OR; obit The Columbian 8 Aug 1946-survivors husband and 4 daughters
PincusFranklinAdolph1875 Dec 12Clark Co., WA1885 Dec 8Clark Co., WAbrain diseaseyesAdolph P PincusSW 100 line 13Dec 1885Van City CemAdolph Pincus (GER) and Lorena Zeek Stamp (MI) - parentsMOVE - headstone from SW 125 to SW 100
PinerOwen1834Fayetteville, ?? Co., North Carolina1899 Mar 17Clark Co., WAnoSW 63 S/2line 15Mar 1899Van City CemHarriet "Hattie" Baker (MO) - spouse; Mary, Edith - children; both parents born in North Carolinasoldier US Ordinance Department, Vancouver Barracksenlisted 1857-harnessmaker; 1862-1870 - stationed at Vancouver Barracks; saddlermarried Harriet 1876, Clark Co., WA; Harriet remarried Emery Closson in 1899; 1900 in Alameda CA, 2 children/1 living-Edith; 1910 divorced and in Clark Co. WA
PinerMaryO1879Idaho1886 Mar 15Clark Co., WA noSW 63 S/2 line 15Mar 1886Van City CemOwen Piner (NC) and Harriet "Hattie" Baker (MO) - parents
PoatesThomas1897 AugnoTug WilsonSW 52 N/2 line 426 Aug 1897Van City Cem
Poulson/ PoulsenJonathan Leonard1848Ohio1898 Apr 12Clark Co., WABright's diseaseyesLeonard PaulsonSW 48 S/2 line 1Apr 1898Van City CemSarah ? (IN)(1) and Anna Mary Betts (WA)(2) - spouses; parents both in VirginiaCivil War veteran, Co. G, 178 Infantry Ohio1876 - stage coach driver, Colusa Co. CA; 1800 - soda manufacturing, Colusa Co. CA; 1887-farmer, Clark Co., WA1871-Yuba Co., CA; 1876 - Colusa Co., CA; 1880 married to Sarah in Colusa Co., CA; 1887- in Clark Co., WA, single; 1888 married Anna M, Multnomah Co., OR; assumption - Mary Waggoner is his mother, she is buried in same plot
PresslerM M HenriettaHenrichsen1863 Feb 1Oregon1887 Jan 27Clark Co., WAyesF E PresslerSW 98 line 15Apr 1887Van City CemFrederick Ernest Pressler (NJ) - spouse; Frederica - child; Jens J Henrichsen (Denmark) and Hannah C Hansen (Denmark) - parentshusband Pressler married Kittie Trainor in Clark Co., WA in 1882, she dies 1882; then married Henrietta, 1884, Clark Co., WA; in same plot as parents
PresslerFrederica1885 Nov 12Clark Co., WA1886 Apr 20Clark Co., WAlung diseaseyesF E PresslerSW 98 line 1522 Apr 1886Van City CemFrederick E Pressler (NJ) and Henrietta Henrichsen (OR) - parents
Price John E1875 Mar 7Wilson Co., Kansas1914 May 28Schneider Farm?, Clark Co., Washingtonheart failure; 39y, 2m, 21d; noJ E PriceSW 108 S/2 line 5Limber Funeral Home31 May 1914Van City CemEsther E Martin (KS) - spouse; Roland, Anita, "Teddy" - children; James S Price (OH) and Elizabeth Wolfe (OH) - parentsday laborer, farmermarried in 1897 Clark Co., WA; death certificate - divorced; newspaper The Oregonian 29 May 1914; obit The Columbian 29 May 1914-survivors children-Anita 14 , Merwin ("Teddy") 8; 1910 census wife Esther 3 children/2 living
Price Roland1898 Sep 13Clark Co., WA1898 Sep 13 in Clark Co., WAnoJ E PriceSW 108 S/2 line 414 Sep 1898Van City CemJohn E Price (KS) and Esther E Martin (KS) - parentsfather owned a plot on SW 108 think baby is in szme plot as father
Price JamesSmith1831Ohio1886 Feb 1Vancouver WAinflammation of the bowelsnoMrs J S PriceSW 63 N/2 line153 Feb 1886Van City CemElizabeth Wolf (OH) - spouse; Lemuel, Robert, Sarah, Jay, Orlen, John - children; John Smith Price (PA) and Susan Laughlin (PA) - parents1880 - Kansas farmer; 1885 - in Clark Co., WA; married Elizabeth in 1854 in Henry Co., IL; Gilman Report this is G L Price (male)-same person.
Price ElizabethWolf1838Ohio1901 Mar 26Clark Co., WAliver diseasenoMrs J S PriceSW 63 N/2 line1528 Mar 1901Van City CemJames Smith Price (OH) - spouse; Lemuel, Robert, Sarah, Jay, Orlen, John - children; Peter Wolf (PA) and Jane Biggs (OH) - parentsmarried Price in 1854 in Henry Co., IL; In the Gilman report is J S Price (female)-same person.
Price infant1927 Sep 181927 Sep 18stillbornnoMrs J S PriceSW 63 N/2 line15Hamilton Funeral Home 19 Sep 1927Van City CemVerner Price (WA) and Gertrude Wall (WA) - parents ??maybe great grandchildren of James Smith and Elizabeth Price; possible grandchild of Orlen Price-son Verner Price and Gertrude Wall married in Jan 1927 in Vancouver, also could be son Robert Price and Myrtle Hardthart (OR), married in 1920
ProbstRudolphC1861 Feb 26Basel, Switzerland1904 Aug 29Vancouver WAconsumption and severe attack of lumbagoyesMrs.R C ProbstSW 182 S/2 line 630 Aug 1904Van City CemMatilda Elizabeth Fah (WI) - spouse; Bessie, Rudolph - children; parents from SwitzerlandOrder of the Redman; Army and Navy UnionUS Army veteran, enlisted in 1886; hostler1900 - bartender, Vancouver WA1879 - immigrated; obit The Oregon Journal 29 Aug 1904; wife Matilda buried in same plot under Kienast
ProebstelAndrew Jackson1854 Feb 26Clark Co., WA1942 Dec 16at home at 2309 Miller St., Vancouver WAcerebral thrombosisyesSW 171 line 6Knapp Funeral Home18 Dec 1942Van City CemMinnie Agnes Nye (OR) - spouse; Minnie, Elsie; Edna - children; Jacob Proebstel (Ger) and Margaretta Knogt (Ger) - parentsSt Luke's Episcopal Church, member of the Elks farmer, owned an auto dealership, baliff of the court, deputy cpunty treasure, general store ownerParents cameon Oregon Trail. in 1852 and are buried in NW 67 line 10; in same plot as dau Minnie (wilox)
ProebstelMinnie Agnes Nye1858 Dec 7The Dalles, Wasco Co., OR1931 Dec 18Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhage; paralysisyesSW 171 line 6Knapp Funeral Home22 Dec 1931Van City CemAndrew Jackson Proebstel (WA) - spouse ; Minnie, Elsie, Edna - children; John Wirt Nye (VA) and Cynthia Charity Switzler (MO) - parentsEpiscopalianhousewifeparents came on Oregon Trail in 1849; married Proebstel 1878, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 19 Dec 1931- survivors 2 dau- Mrs Minnie (Frank) Wilcox and Mrs E G Selby; same plot as dau Minnie (Wilcox)
ProebstelEdna1889 Jun 14Clark Co., WA1894 May 28Clark Co., WAyesMrs W D SmithSW 171 -3 line 629 May 1894Van City CemAndrew Jackson Proebstel (WA) and Minnie A Nye (OR)- parents
ProudfootTassie NNorval1846London, Ontario, Canada1915 Jul 14Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncirrhosis of the liveryesSW 76 Dunnings and McEntee, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon16 Jul 1915Van City CemRobert A Proudfoot (Can) - spouse; no children?; John Norval (Scot) and Elizabeth Proudfoot (Scot) - parents1913 - living in Portland (directory); obit The Oregon Journal 15 Jul 1914; 1858 parent immigrated to US; 1882 married Proudfoot; in 1898 moved to Oregon; sister Mrs Belle Page; 1900 census - no children
ProulxEdward1861Washington1907 Oct 31Vancouver WAtubercuosisnoMrs Mary ProulxSW 59 S/2 line 11Kirch Funeral Home1 Nov 1907Van City Cemsingle; Charles Francois Proulx (Can) and Mary Amelia Chehalis (WA) - parentsfather born in Montreal Canada, worked for Hudson Bay Company; mother was Native American; headstone spelling is PRUELX, name is actually PROULX; mother Native American; brother Isadore, Charles and Joseph by Proulx; mother married three times.
ProulxEmma Olive1892 Jan 4Clark Co., WA1900 Jul 11Clark Co., WAscarlet feveryesMrs Mary ProulxSW 59 S/2 line 11Jul 1900Van City CemIsadore Proulx (WA) and Eudore Angeline Purdue (IA) - parentsniece of Edward in same plot; headstone spelling is PRUELX, name is actually PROULX
MarshallM1804EnglandyesJ P PutnamSW 156 S/2 line 12Van City Cem ? ? (1) and Elizabeth Martin? (Scot)(2) - spouses; Henry H, Liquora - children by first wife1860- plasterer, Knox Co., TN Marshall and Elizabeth in same grave; headstone reads "Marshall and Putnam"; 1860 living with Isaiah and Ann Putnam and Christorpher Reid (Anna's brother)
MarshallElizabethMartin?1820Scotland1890 Sep 22Clark Co., WAyesJ P PutnamSW 156 S/2 line 1223 Sep 1890Van City Cem? Reid (1) and M Marshall (Eng)(2) - spouses; Anna, Christopher - children by Reid; ? Martin?? And ? ? - parents Marshall and Elizabeth in same grave; headstone reads " Marshall and Putnam"; Anna (Putnam) buried in SE 99
PutnamKatie1871Tennessee1890 Mar 22consumptionnoSW 156 S/2 line 1224 Mar 1890Van City CemIsaiah Porter Putnam (MA) and Anna Reid (AR) - parentparents in SE 99; Elizabeth Marshal is granmother and in same plot
PutnamJames18811894 Aug 15Clark Co., WAdrowned near Fisher's Landing in the Columbia RiveryesA P PutnamSW 26 N/2 line 1016 Aug 1894Van City CemIsaiah Porter Putnam (MA) and Anna Reid (AR) - parentnewspaper article The Oregonian 17 Aug 1894 - drown with friend Elmer Davis in Columbia River
QuagliaRatard1840Italy1896 Jul 14dropsy (diabetes)noSW 24 N/2 line 816 Jul 1896Van City CemCatherine Nichols - spouse1880 - tailor in Clark Co. WA and Portland OR1889 married Catherine in Clark Co., WA; think the Gilman info is incorrect
QuarnbergRobertWalter1881 Feb 10South Dakota1915 Jun 17at home Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WashingtontuberculosisyesSW 113-1 line 1Knapp Funeral Home16 Jun 1915Van City CemIda Norgen (SD) - spouse; Theron - child; James E Quarnberg (Swe) and Elizabeth Erickson (Swe) - parents Baptistfruit grower in Fruit Valley area
QuarnbergAndrewJonsson1821 May 19Rattvik, Dalarna, Sweden1897 Dec 20Vancouver WAyesA A QuarnbergSW 117 line 5Dec 1897Van City CemAnna Jonsdotter (SWE) - spouse; Anna Marguerite, Christine, Bertha , Andrew Anderson, Hans, James (Jonas), Eric, Per, Anna (2) - children; Jons Jonsson and Carin Jonsdotter - parents both of Swedenfarmer1869 the AJ Quarnberg family emigrated from Sweden to Clay Co SD where they homesteaded. They moved to Clark Co to be near eldest son. Swedish name: Anders Jonsson - changed name
QuarnbergAnna Jonsdotter1826 Jan 22Rattvik, Dalarna, Sweden1906 Mar 31at home of daughter; Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesA A QuarnbergSW 117 line 52 Apr 1906Van City CemAndrew J Quarnberg (SWE)- spouse; Anna Marguerite, Christine, Bertha , Andrew Anderson, Hans, James (Jonas), Eric, Per, Anna(2) - childrenhousewife1869 the AJ Quarnberg family emigrated from Sweden to Clay Co SD where they homesteaded. They moved to Clark Co to be near eldest son. Death notice 1 Apr 1906 The Oregonian
QuarnbergAnnaMarguerite1866 Apr 21Rattvik, Dalarna, Sweden1909 Jan 17Clark Co., WApulmonary tuberculosisyesA A QuarnbergSW 117 line 5Vancouver Undertaking Co.Jan 1909Van City Cemsingle; Andrew J Quarnberg and Anna Jonsdotter - parents both from Rattvig, Dalarna, SwedenSwedish name Anna Andersdotter
QuarnbergBertha1869 Jan 9Rattvik, Dalarna, Sweden1914 Jan 21Open Air Sanitarium, Milwaukie, Clackamas Co., Oregonpulmonary tuberculosisyesA A QuarnbergSW 117 line 5Knapp Funeral Home23 Jan 1914Van City Cemsingle; Andrew J Quarnberg and Anna Jonsdotter - parents both from Rattvig, Dalarna, Swedendressmaker1869 emigrated to US- Clay Co. SD. Sister Christine married Joseph Connon; 9 total siblings; death notice The Oregonian 22 Jan 1914
QuarnbergRuth Elida 1892 Apr 8Vancouver WA1918 Aug 9at home of her parents, Vancouver WApulmonary tuberculosis; 26 yrnoA J QuarnbergSW 117 line 5Knapp Funeral Home11 Aug 1918Van City Cemsingle; Andrew Anderson Quarnberg and Lydia M Norelius - parents both from Swedengranddaughter of Andrew J and Anna Quarnberg; obit The Oregon Journal 10 Aug 1918
RamseyCharles Huston1860 Dec 19Missouri1888 Oct 27Multnomah Co., Oregondropsy (diabetes)yesCharles H RamseySW 126 N/2 line 1429 Oct 1888Van City CemRebecca Ann Gillihan (OR) - spouse; Martin James - child; John Ramsey (PA) and Nancy Wilkinson (NC) - parents
RamseyRebecca AnnGillihan1862 Nov 13Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1947 Sep 19Coulmbia Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncardio vascular renal diseasenoCharles H RamseySW 126-2 line 14Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon23 Sep 1947Van City CemCharles H Ramsey (MO) - spouse; Martin James - child; Martin Gillihan (TN) and Sarah Catherine Howell (PA) - parentsparents buried in SE 111; newspaper article The Oregonian 23 Sep 1947; sister Presley Gillihan
RamseyMartinJames1886 Aug 15Multnomah Co., Oregon1961 Oct 6Medical School Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncancer of the stomach, cardiac arrestyesCharles H RamseySW 126-3 line 14Unger Funeral Home, Reedsport, Douglas Co., Oregon13 Oct 1961Van City CemElizabeth Holmes (NY) - spouse; no children; Charles H Ramsey (MO) and Rebecca Ann Gillihan (OR) - parentsmarine engineer; watchman for lumber mill1913 married Elizabeth and divorced; obit The Eugene Oregon Guard 11 Oct 1961-lived in Reedsport OR
RanckWilliam 1829 Jul 30Butler Co., Pennsylvania1908 Sep 10at home of dau; Vancouver Sanitarium, Vancouver WAgallstonesyesMrs R L AustinSW 208 line 1Vancouver Undertaking Co.13 Sep 1908Van City CemKate Neer (PA) - spouse; Lulu, Bertha, Glenn - children; Johannes Ranck (PA) and Nancy Bowman (PA) - parenthad a prune orchard; elected as a Clark Co. Commissioner and Republican to the WA State Legislature; was a probate judge; Chief of the Fire Dept.1852 crossed Oregon Trail and took California Cutoff to gold fields of California; moved 1858 to Clark Co.; 1864 married Kate, Clark Co., WA; State of Washington Death Certificate; obit The Seattle Daily 12 Sep 1908
RanckKateNeer1844 Aug 30Butler Co., Pennsylvania1892 Nov 25Clark Co., WAgeneral debilityyesSW 208 line 127 Nov 1892Van City CemJudge William Ranck (PA) - spouse; Lulu, Bertha, Glenn - children; Caleb Neer (GER)and Elizabeth King (Ger) - parentsmarried Ranck in 1864, Clark Co., WA
RandolphJohn Vance1845Pennsylvania1893 Apr 2Clark Co., WAdropsy of the heart yesJohn VanceSW 03 S/2 3 Apr 1893Van City CemEllen (Ella) McClain (IA) - spouse; no children, adopted Arthur Gillihan; Harrison Randolph (PA) and ? ? (PA) - parents1870 - laborer; 1880 - farmer in Kansas1880 - Smith Co., KS; 1885 WA census in Clark Co.; Wife Ellen b. 1849, married 1873 in Iowa; in Gilman inventory was "G W Randolph"- is a mistake; 1900 - Ellen is in Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WA widowed with adopted son Arthur Gillihan (b. 1884)
Rasmussen, Sr.Myers (Morris)Peter1867 May 9Denmark1940 Aug 8Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washingtoncerebral hemorrhageyesM W RassmussenSW 200 N/2 line 9Vancouver Funeral Home10 Aug 1940Van City CemHelene K ? (Den)(1) and Jenny Listen (Den)(2) - spouse; Anna, Jacob, Christian, Cecelia - children by Helene, Myers Peter Jr (aka Robert P), Marion, Theodore, Lasr C - children by Jenny; Ramus Rasmussen (Den) and Jacobina ? (Den) - parents 1900 - day laborer in OR; fisherman on death certificate1887 - immigrated; 1900 - in Union Co., OR; 1903 moved to Ridgefield WA; obit The Columbian 8 Aug 1940-survived by 6 sons, 2 daughters and wife Jenny
RasmussenHeleneK1864 Sep 26Denmark1903 Mar 3St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAconsumptionyesM W RassmussenSW 200 N/2 line 95 Mar 1903Van City CemMyers W Rasmussen (DEN) - spouse; Anna, Jacob, Christian, Cecelia - children; parent of Denmark1901 - in Union Co., OR; 1900 census - 4 children/4 living; obit The Columbian 5 Mar 1903-survivors husband and 4 children
RasmussenJennyListen1883 Feb 21Denmark1952 Feb 13Clark County Hospital, Vancouver WAcoronary thrombosisashesyesJenny RasmussenSW 200 N/2 line 9Vancouver Funeral Home21 Apr 1952Van City CemMyers W Rasmussen (DEN) - spouse; Myers Peter Jr (aka Robert P ), Marion, Theodore, Lars C - children; ? Listen (Den) and ? ? (Den) - parentsmarried Rasmassen after 1903; possibly buried at Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland OR, death cert indicated Lincoln Mem. Park.; has headstone at Vancouver City Cemetery; son Theodore buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 15 Feb 1952
Rasmussen, Jr.Robert (Myers)Peter1912 Oct 20Ridgefield, Clark Co., WA1974 Feb 8Klamath Co., OregonstrokeyesM W RassmussenSW 200 N/2 line 9Vancouver Funeral HomeFeb 1974Van City CemHazel Hollingsworth (OR)(1) and Margaret Layman(?)(?)(2) - spouses; Myers Rasmussen (Den) and Jenny Listen (Den) - parents World War II veteran, US Army, private1942 - self employed, Ridgefield WABorn Myers Peter Rasmussen Jr. went by Robert Pete; married Hazel in 28 Sep 1935 in Vancouver WA; ?? divorced 1936 in Wayne Co., MI??; married Margaret May 1942, Clallum Co., WA
Ray Oscar1870 Jan 1Raleigh, Wake Co., North Carolina1940 Jun 8died in Elwell Hotel, Vancouver WAheart failure, 70y, 5myesSW 86 N/2 line 6Vancouver Funeral Chapel13 Jun 1940Van City Cemsingle; ? Ray and ? ? - parentsSpanish-American War veteran, US Army, corporal, 1st Washington infantry, Co. Gcould be born in Grayson, Ashe Co., NC on US Armry inlisgtment records; obit The Oregon Journal 13 Jun 1940; obit The Columbian 11 Jun 1940-no family
RayburnJuliaVesta1883 Mar 14Altamont, Labette Co., Kansas1914 Jan 2at home at 209 W 11th St., Vancouver WApulmonary tuberculosisnoSW 172-3; moved to SW 172-5Knapp Funeral4 Jan 1914; 7 Mar 1935Van City Cemsingle; Josiah Rayburn (OH) and Mary Taylor Drenner (OH/VA) - parentsChristian Scientistclerk for railway officeinvalid; lived with Mrs. W H Medaris; siblings - Leva, Edward Arthur, John Henry
ReederBurnie19101912 Jun 112ynoSW 136 line 9 - body removed and buried elsewhereJun 1912 James Lawrence Reeder (IN) and Mary Ruth Peck (IL) - parentsno longer in Vancouver City Cemetery; probably related to Minsh family, was in Minsh plot
ReederArchie 1890 Jan 1 1892 Jun 13Sauvie's Island, Multnomah Co., OregonnoSW 136 S/2 line 913 Jun 1892Van City CemJames Lawrence Reeder (IN) and Mary Ruth Peck (IL) - parentsprobably related to Minsh family, in Minsh plot
ReidMary Merdian1873Illinois1963 Jan 14Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesSW 132 -6 line 13Caldwell Colonial Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR18 Jan 1963Van City CemAlexander Reid (Scot) - spouse; no children; George E Merdian (IL) and Applelonian "Loney" Heide (Hyder) (OH) - parents1880 family in Iowa; 1883 in Clark Co., WA; parents and bro Fred buried in same plot; funeral notice The Oregonian 17 Jan 1963; widowed at time of death-Alexander (b Jan 1, 1872) died in 1940, Portland, buried at Riverview Cemeter, Portland OR
RemingtonAndrew Jackson1832 Nov 29Savoy, Berkshire Co., Massachusetts1923 Aug 30Los Angeles Co., Californiasenility, 90y, 10mnoAndrew J RemingtonSW 62 line 14Limber Funeral Home9 Sep 1923Van City CemEllen Wilcox (NY)(1), Mary Eaton (NY (2) and Harriet "Hattie" Long (CA)(3) - spouses; Frank, Emma - children by Ellen; Benjamin J Remington (MA) and Lydia Rice (MA) - parentsOdd Fellow, Democratfamer, carpenter, superintendent of ?? Could be man called "Judge Remington"1858 - came to Oregon; Ellen divorced Andrew, she died in 1929, buried at Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland OR; married Mary April 1887 in Clark Co., WA; married Harriet Long in Aug 1890 Clark Co., WA; 1910 - Ellen Remington is living with brother Jewett Wilcox and dau Emma in Portland OR (married/divorced a Franklin); obit The Colmbian 7 Sept 1923-funeral on Sun Sep 9
RemingtonMary TEaton1839 Feb 6New York City, New York Co., New York1890 Mar 29Clark Co., WApleurisy yesAndrew J RemingtonSW 62-1 line 14Mar 1890Van City CemAndrew J Remington (MA) - spouse; ? Eaton and ? ? - parentsmarried Remington Apr 1887, Clark Co., WA
RemingtonHarriet "Hattie"Long 1861 Jul 26 Yureka, Humboldt Co., California1914 Feb 13at home, Hover, Benton Co., Washingtonbrain hemorrhageyesAndrew J RemingtonSW 62-1 line 1414 Feb 1914Van City CemAndrew Jackson Remington (MA) - spouse; Charles Long (NB, Can) and ? ? (NB, Can) - parents Rebekah Lodgemarried Remington in 1890 Clark Co., WA; 1900 census 0 children/o living; obit, The Kennewick Currier, Kennewick WA 20 Feb 1914; Obit The Columbian 23 Feb 1914-interment in ?? Hover Cemetery, Benton Co., WA??-has marker in Old City, probably in Old City
ReynoldsBertha May Bond1881 Mar 23Newton, Calhoun Co., Michigan1902 Jul 8at home with mother, Vancouver WAconsumption, 21y, 3m, 16d yesW BurdueSW 174 S/2 line 39 Jul 1902Van City CemRobert Henry Reynolds (MO) - spouse; Robert Nathan - child; Brazzila M Bond (MI) and Harriet Hoyt (MI) - parentsmarried Reynolds 2 Jun 1900 in Clark Co., WA; buried in same plot with mother Harriet Burdue; father died in Calhoun Co. MI in 1903 (divorced); husband soldier at Vancouver Barracks
ReynoldsEllenRhodes1846 Dec 7Upshur Co., Texas1924 May 20at home at 28 11th St, Vancouver WAobstruction of the bowelsnoCharles A RhodesSW 111 N/2 line 2Knapp Funeral Home25 May 1924Van City CemReed Burrett (1) and Silas Reynolds (IN) - spouse; Robert, Katie, Nellie, Silas, Nathan, 1 other - children by Reynolds; Robert B Rhodes (VA) and Jane C Teal (OH) - parentsmarried Burrett 1869, Macon, MO; 1900-1910 census - 6 children/3 living; husband Silas died in 1889 in KS; parents and brother in same plot; Obit The Columbian 20 May 1924-last 35 years in Vancouver, survivors - 2 dau (Mrs KatieDay and Mrs Nellie Brock) and 1 son, Robert; 1910- widowed in Vancouver WA with dau Katie Day and family
RhodesRobertBenjamin1811 Jul 14Virginia1904 Feb 14at home, Burnt Bridge Creek, Clark Co., WAcancer noCharles A RhodesSW 111 N/2 line 216 Feb 1904Van City CemJane C Teal (OH) - spouse; Ellen, George, Charles, Lavina, Robert A, Lafayette, Eliza - children; Anderson Rhodes ( VA) And Lavinia Strange (VA) - Parentsfarmer 1850 -Texas, 1860 - Missouri; 1880 , Nebraska, 1900 - Harney, Clark Co.,WAmarried Jane 1830; 1880 - Nebraska; son George buried in NE 9; dau and son in same plot; obit The Oregonian 16 Feb 1904
RhodesJane ClementinneTeal1819 Apr Ohio1902 Feb 24Clark Co., WAold agenoCharles A RhodesSW 111 N/2 line 225 Feb 1902Van City CemRobert B Rhodes (VA) - spouse; Ellen, George, Charles, Lavina, Robert A, Lafayette, Eliza - children; William Teal (Eng) and Ellen Clements (NY) - parentsmarried in 1830, 1900 census 9 children/7 living; son George buried in NE 9; dau and son in same plot
RhodesRobertA1852 Jun 28Texas1899 Mar 23Clark Co., WArailroad accident at Turnbull Spur, crushed yesCharles A RhodesSW 111 N/2 line 226 Mar 1899Van City CemMary E Smith (KY) - spouse; adopted son - John; Robert B Rhodes (VA) and Jane C Teal (OH) - parentsconductor for Portland, Vancouver and Yakima Railroad.1900 wife Mary has an adopted child - Johnny Rhodes; parents and sister in same plot; newspaper article The Times Mountaineer, The Dalles OR 25 Mar 1899 -
RickerCharles H1841 Dec 18Bangor, Penobscot Co., Maine1905 Jan 10at National Soldiers' Home Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., Californiacancer of the stomachnoC H RickerSW 132Jan 1905Los Angeles National Cemetery, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA Matilda A Williams (OH) - spouse; Mattie T, Mabel E, Mary C - children; Benjamin Ricker (ME) and Sophonia Branch (ME) - parentsCivil War veteran, 9th Minnesota Voluntee Infantry, honorably dischange Jun 1865 1900-farmer owned 15 acres in the Fruit Valley area1864 newspaper article The Columbian 26 Jan 1905-will filed and information, was an invalid suffering from cancer stomach, was a soldier and applied to live at the National Soldiers' Home, in Los Angeles CA since Oct 1904 and died there. (now called Los Angeles National Cemetery)
RickerMatilda ArmestaWilliams1847 Dec 20Clint Co., Pennsylvania1927 Apr 12at home Vancouver WAstrokeashesyesC H RickerSW 132-2 line 13Hamilton Mortuary15 Apr 1927Van City CemCharles H Ricker (ME) - spouse; Mattie T, Mabel E, Mary C, child - children; John Williams (VT) and Mary Turner (MI) - parents1900 census - 4 children/one living; dau Mattie 1907 to Orin Perry, dau buried in Mt Calvery Cemetery, Portland OR; obit The Columbian 14 Apr 1927-had several strokes before finally dying
RickerMabel E1887 Jan 30Oregon/Washington1890 Dec 25Clark Co., WAdiphtheriayesC H RickerSW 132 line 1326 Dec 1890Van City CemCharles H Ricker (ME) and Matilda A Williams (OH) - parents
Ricker Mary C1884 Jul 24Oregon/Washington1890 Dec 21Clark Co., WAdiphtheriayesC H RickerSW 132 line 1325 Dec 1890Van City CemCharles H Ricker (ME) and Matilda A Williams (OH) - parents
RiggsRodenaMStewart1874 Nov 30North Branch, Lapeer Co., Michigan1899 Mar 22Vancouver WAacute consumptionyesM StewartSW 17 N/2 line 1 23 Mar 1899Van City CemGeorge Riggs (KS) - spouse; Harvey George - child; Murdock Cameron Stewart (Scot) and Martha H Davis (MI) - parentsson Harvey G - died as infant; headstone is in SW 11 but Gilman and Porter inventories says SW 17; plot 17 owned by father Murdock C Stewart
RinehartAlbert Corbett1851 Aug 19Hancock Co., Ohio1918 May 24St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonapoplexyyesA C RinehartSW 140-2 S/2 line 5Dunnings, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon26 May 1918Van City CemClarissa J Bone (IA)(1)and Ella Adelia Knapp (WA)(2) - spouses; Alice Myrtle, Charlie L, Maude, Harry Lloyd, Arthur - children by Clarrisa; Helen Juanita - children by Ella; Adam Rinehart (PA) and Esther Corbin (OH) - parentsteacher, was Clark County Superintendent of SchoolsElla was previous married to Schwochel (?); and had 2 children; Ella b 11 May 1862 in Grass Valley, Clark Co., WA; married Ella July 19, 1897, Calrk Co., WA; Ella had 6 children/4 living in 1900 census; obit The Columbian 30 May 1918-survivors Maude, Juanita, Lloyd, Arthur; Ella died in 1915, Fisher's Cemetery, Clark Co., as Ellla Schwoebel buried in Schwoebel plot; Adam Schwoebel GER)died in 1895; son Charlie buried in Brush Prairie Cemetery, CLark Co., WA in plot A-020-10
RinehartClarissaJosephineBone1855 Sep 12Montezuma, Poweshiek Co., Iowa1893 Jul 29Vancouver WAyesAlbert C RinehartSW 107 S/2 line 630 Jul 1893Van City CemAlbert Corbett Rinehart (OH) - spouse, first wife; Alice Myrtle, Charlie L, Maude, Harry Lloyd, Arthur- children; Joseph Bone (OH) and Rachel Bryan (OH) - parentsmarried Rinshart in Webster City IA 15 Jun 1856; dau Alice buried in SW 140; obit The Columbian 4 Aug 1893-suvrvivors husband and 4 children; son Charlie buried in Brush Prairie Cemetery, CLark Co., WA in plot A-020-10
RinehartAlice Myrtle1881 Sep 21Clark Co., WA1899 Sep 29Clark Co., WAconsumptionyesA C RinehartSW 140 S/2 line 5 1 Oct 1899Van City CemAlbert C Rinehart (OH) and Clarissa J Bone (IA) - parentsmother buried in SW 107
RobinsonJuliette "Julie"EttaArmstrong1849Sommerset Co., Pennsylvania1899 Sep 23Fern Prairie, Clark Co., WashingtonconsumptionnoL RobinsonSW 49 S/2 line124 Sep 1899Van City CemThomas Watt Robinson (OH) - spouse; Frank, George, John, Reed, Thomas Ward Jr. - children; Samuel Armstrong (PA) and Catherine Barrett (PA) - parents married Robinson in 1866, Clark Co., WA; must have divorced as husband remarried on Oct 8, 1886 in Clark Co., Johanna Christiana Henk (b.1869 Ger, has 5 children by Robinson, remarried after Robinson's death to Ira Welch Dec 1901, has twins and divorced by 1910; buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA); husband dies in 1901, Clark Co., WA; son Thomas W, Jr buried at Fern Prairie, Clark Co., WA
RorisonClaraColeman1863 Nov 19Ypsilanti, Washtenaw Co., Michigan1927 Jun 16Vancouver WAcanceryesSW 06-3 line 11Limber Funeral Home19 Jun 1927Van City CemEdwin Platt Rorison (MI) - spouse; Wilfred, Carl - children; Jonathan Coleman and (NY) and Clarrise Tompkins (NY) - parentsmarried Rorison in Ypsilanti MI Dec 15, 1886; 1905 moved to Seattle, 1919 moved to Vancouver; son Wilfred in NW 202; obit The Columbian 17 Jun 1927-survivors husband and 2 grandchildren; husband remarried, died 1943, buried in Washtenaw, MI
RosenbergEdwardL1869 Sep 12Bastra Karup, Kristianstad, Sweden1916 Aug 26Western State Hospital, Ft Steillacoom, Pierce Co., Washington46 yearsnoSW 159-3 line 15Limber Funeral Home29 Aug 1916Van City Cemsingle; Peter Olfa Rosenberg and Christina Jonsdotter - parent both of Sweden1910 - janitor, Portland ORSwedish Edvard Magnus Rosenberg; immigrated in Mar 1889; bro Ollaf immigrated 1883
RossMary Agnes Breckenridge1857 Jan 19Washington Co., Ohio1891 Feb 12consumptionyesA L RossSW 32 line 1614 Feb 1891Van City CemAaron Lundy Ross (IN) - spouse; Archibald, Glenn, Clifford Ray - children; Andfrew Breckenridge (Scot) and Jean McKay (Scot) - parentsmarried Ross Dec 1879 in Washington Co., OH; 1900 husband living with mother in Nevada widowed, druggist, died in 1930 in Los Angeles CA
RossCliffordRay1890 May 241890 Sep 30yesA L RossSW 32 line 16Van City CemAaron Lundy Ross (IN) and Mary Agnes Breckenridge (OH) - parents
Ross John 1804Scotland1897 Aug 19Clark Co., WAsarcoma (cancer)noSamuel K RossSW 53 N/2 line 520 Aug 1897Van City CemJanette ? (Scot) - spouse; Samuel, Jane, Martha, Margaret - children; ? Ross (Eng) and ? ? Scotland - parents1870-1880- farmer, Harmony, Rock Co., WI1870 living in Wisconsin with Margaret Mowett (25 yr, b. Scotland)(probably dau)
RossSamuelK1834 AprNew York1907 Jun 19Clark Co., WAchronic bronchitisnoSamuel K RossSW 53 N/2 line 520 Jun 1907 Van City Cemsingle; John Ross (Scot) and Janette ? (Scot) - parents both of Scotlandfarmer with 62 acres1900 living with sister Jane Murphy (wid) in Clark Co.; Martha Jones - sister
RussellJames Clay1825St. Charles Co., Missouri1895 Sep 29Californiaheart failure, 70ynoZachary RussellSW 43 S/2 line 6Van City CemElizabeth Twitty Steel (MO) - spouse; Awilda Jane, Henry John, Elizabeth, Middleton Stonewall, Honorable Lightfoot, Zachery Stevenson, Belleriah, James Clay Jr., Medora, Joseph - children; Henry Russell (VA) and Sabrina Clay (MO) - parents1870-1880 - farmer, CA1850 - Eldorado Co., California; 1870 - San Luis Obispo CA; 1880 - Umatilla OR
RussellZachary Stevenson1853 Feb 24California1912 Oct 27at home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncarcinoma of the neck and jawnoZachary RussellSW 43-2 S/2 line 6Knapp Mortuary29 Oct 1912Van City CemCevilla (Cerilla?) Jane Nerton - spouse; Loren Earl, Hubert Tilman - children; James Clay Russell (MO) and Elizabeth Twitty Steel (MO) - parentsClark County Assessor and Deputy Sheriff; real estate dealersiblings - Awilda Jane, Henry John, Elizabeth, Middleton Stonewall, Honorable Lightfoot; death notice The Oregonian 29 Oct 1912; Obit The Columbian 26 Oct 1912-survived by wife and 2 sons; moved to Portland in 1905; wife Cerilla buried at Sifton (Fourth Plain) Cemetery, Clark Co. WA-remarried in 1914 to Austin Barnes in CA and buried as Barnes
RussellAmeliaCatherineRoher1850 Feb 8Noble Co., Indiana1919 Feb 15Vancouver WAhemorrhage of the lungsnoSW 61 line 13Limber Funeral Home18 Feb 1919Van City CemJohn W Russell (1) and Henry Dore Wilson (MI)(2) - spouses; Charles, Stephin - children, Russell, Thomas, George, Harry (Henry), Emma - children by Wilson; Daniel Roher (MD) and Margarite Biloxom (IN) - parentsSeventh Day Adventist1910 census: children-5/4-living (think these are Wilson children); John W Russell was stationed at Vancouver Barrack; Amelia buried under Russell name, not Wilson; Henry Dore Wilson (d. 1928) is buried at Salmon Creek Cemetery, Clark Co., WA with first wife, Marena Marble; Amelia divorced at time of death; obit The Oregonian 17 Feb 1919
Sabin James1889 Jan1889 Aug 4cholera infantumnoMartin SabinSW 131 S/2 line 145 Aug 1889Van City CemMartin H Sabin (NY) and Minnie Schryer (NY) - parentsMartin H and Minnie Sabin were residents of Juneau Alaska 1900-1930); does not appear that James Sabins and Hannah May Matthews are the parents as in Gilman Report; they were married in 1891 (1900 census she had 2 children and 2 living) doesn't fit with this child
SabinMaude1891 Feb1891 Jun 10natural causesnoMartin SabinSW 131 S/2 line 1411 Jun 1891Van City CemMartin H Sabin (NY) and Minnie Schryer (NY) - parentsMartin H and Minnie Sabin were residents of Juneau Alaska 1900-1930); does not appear that James Sabins and Hannah May Matthews are the parents as in Gilman Report; they were married in 1891 (1900 census she had 2 children and 2 living) doesn't fit with this child
SandstromJacobinaCFunnermark1864 Jun 5Olso, Norway1901 Aug 17Clark Co., WAtyphoid feveryesJacobina C SandstromSW 170 N/2 line 717 Aug 1901Van City CemCharles Sandstrom (Nor) - spouse; Arthur, Christina, Frederick L, George, William, ? - children; ? Funnermark (Nor) - parents both born in Norwayhousewifeemigrated to US in 1882; first went to New Mexico; 1900 census 6 children/5 living; husband Joachim is birth name in Norway
SandstromGeorge W1896 Sep 5Bergen, Norway1912 Nov 5body found near Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington22 rifle gun shot wound to the head (murder or suicide)noJacobina C SandstromSW 170-2 N/2 line 7Knapp Funeral Home13 Dec 1912Van City Cemsingle; Charles Sandstrom (NOR) and Jacobina Funnermark (Nor) - parentsAt 14 was in Tacoma as a boarder; Nov 26 1912 services in Tacoma; newspaper The Oregonian 24 Nov 1912- adopted,
SchmidtAnna LetitiaPerkins1868 Feb 18Eauclaire Co., Wisconsin1935 Apr 28Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncancer of gall bladder, 68yashesyesSW 92 S/2 line 12A J Rose & Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1935 Apr 30Van City CemJohn Wesley Abbott (OH)(1) and William A Schmidt (MI)(2) - spouses; Berenice, Raymond, Winifield - children by Abbott; Henry Perkins (Can) and Christine Dunlop (Can) - parents1900-1910 housekeeper1885 married Abbott in WI; married Schmidt in 1921; children Berenice and Raymond added to her headstone; 1900-1910 census 3 children/1 living; sister Ella Perkins Bills in Brush Prairie Cemetery, Clark Co., WA; 1900 widowed, in Portland living with niece Clara (Bills) Carnine and family; 1910 living with dau Winifield, Portland OR; obit The Oregonian 29 Apr 1935
SchmidtCharles Arthur1887 Jun 17Ft Klammath, Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., Oregon1943 Jun 5Clark Co., WAheart failure yesSW 95-3 line 15Vancouver Funeral Chapel8 Jun 1943Van City CemNora C Nolan (WA) - spouse; George Schmidt (Ger) and Ellen Sharp (IA) - parentsWorld War I veteran, US Army, private, Washington 13 Supply Tn., 13th Divisiontruck driver1900 - living with Stowell family as a lodger; obit The Columbian 7 Jun 1943-35 years in Clark Co., WA prior to deathbase with no headstone next to Charles and Nora Schmidt
SchmidtNora CNolan1883 Jul 19Vancouver WA1968 Mar 25Clark Co., WAstrokeyesSW 95-4 line 15Vancouver Funeral Chapel27 Mar 1968Van City CemCharles A Schmidt (OR) - spouse; John Nolan (Ire) and Mary Ann Sharett (Ger) - parentsworked for Evergreen Laundryobit The Columbian 25 Mar 1968-survived by sister and neices and nephews, apparently no childrenbase with no headstone next to Charles and Nora Schmidt
Schofield Nicholas 1838 Apr 19Tipperary, Ireland1897 Apr 28Clark Co., WAdropsy (diabetes), blood poisoning with a severe attack of influenzayesMary E SchofieldSW 122 line 1030 Apr 1897Van City CemMary Elizabeth Smith (Ger) - spouse; Kate, Mary, Edward - children; Edward Schofield (Ire) and Mary Delaney (Ire) - parentsCatholicveteran US Army, 1865, private in 9th Infantry, US Army in Californiaoperated a general merchandize store and brickyard.Emigrated to US as a young man; 1861 came to Vancouver. Was one of the leading merchants in early Vancouver; obit in 29 Apr 1897 in Vancouver Independent
Schofield Mary ElizabethSmith1821 Oct 10Wein, Bavaria, Germany1902 Nov 2Vancouver WAheart failureyesMary E SchofieldSW 122 line 1010 Nov 1902Van City CemFrederick Miller (Ger)(1) and Nicholas Schofield (Ire)(2) - spouses; Charlotte, John, Mollie - children by Miller; Catherine "Kate", Mary, Edward - children by Schofield; parent of GermanyCatholicmarried Miller in Germany and came to US when 26 (circa 1847); by 1855 settled in Vancouver WA, 1860 - Miller was a merchant, must have died 1862, Mary is married to Schofield by 1870 with Mary Schofield 8 years old; 1900 census - 6 children/2 living; at time of death she 6 children, only one living - Edward/Edmond Richard Schofield; dau Mollie in SW 103
Schofield Edward Richard1864 Oct 19Vancouver WA1920 Jun 8Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonfatty degeneration of the heartyesMary E SchofieldSW 122-4 line 10Knapp Funeral Home11 Jun 1920Van City CemMary Elizabeth Conboie (CA) - spouse; Edward Patrick, James Patrick - children; Nicholas Schofield (Ire) and Mary Smith (Ger) - parentsSt Luke Episcopal Church, Elkscapitalist, member of the city council for 11 years, Mayor of Vancouver, 25 years secretary of Volunteer Fire Dept.; during WWI was secretary of Home Missions section of American Red Cross married 7 Feb 1907, Vancouver WA; obit The Oregonian 10 Jun 1920
Schofield Mary ElizabethConboie1876 Oct 16San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California1954 Aug 30Vancouver WAcerebral thrombosisyesMary E SchofieldSW 122-5 line 10Knapp Funeral Home2 Sep 1954Van City CemEdward Richard Schofield (WA) - spouse; Edward Patrick, James Patrick - children; George Conboie (NY) and Elizabeth Smith (WA) - parentsbusiness woman, first woman made a bank director in Washington State; housewifemarried 7 Feb 1907, Vancouver WA; 1930 - living in Vancouver with son; Washington death records show she died in Vancouver; mother and brother Harry George Conboie buried SE 81
SchultzAugust1860Germany1925 Apr 4at home, 5 mi east of Salmon Creek Bridge, Clark Co., Washingtonsuicide by shotgunnoSW 06 S/2 line 11Limber Funeral Home9 Apr 1925Manor Wilson Bridge Cemetery, Clark Co., Washington (see notes)Loretta Johnson (IN) - spouse; Peter Schultz (Ger) and Amelia Petrioch (Ger) -parentsfarmer has marker with wife Loretta buried in Manor Wilson Bridge Cemetery, Clark Co., WA; probably not in Vancouver City Cemetery, death certificate indicates Manor Wilson Bridge Cemetery; obit The Columbian 8 Apr 1925
SchultzGladysEEmery 1920 Feb 13Vancouver WA1980 Feb 19Vancouver WArenal failurenoSW 191Vancouver Funeral Chapel22 Feb 1980Van City CemKenneth S Turner (1), Emil W Schultz (MN)(2), and Norval Storey (ID)(3) - spouses; George Emery (MO) and Anna Staley (WA) - parentsmarried Turner Mar 1938, Vancouver WA, died in 1978 OH, divorced; in Oct 1942 - married Emil Schultz-divorced; and married Norval Storey 1964, Vancouver, divorced 1968, Multnomah Co., OR
SchumacherHenry1824 AugGermany1902 Apr 18St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAapoplexy, debilitynoHenry SchumacherSW 168 N/2 line 918 Apr 1902Van City CemElizabeth ? (Ger) - spouse1885-farmer, Clark Co., WAobit The Oregonian 20 Apr 1902, pioneer resident and came to Clark Co. WA about 1840
SchumacherElizabeth1835Germany1895 Jan 5Clark Co., WAinjury from fallingnoHenry SchumacherSW 168 N/2 line 97 Jan 1895Van City CemHenry Schumacher (Ger) - spouse
SchuylerChristinaTemplin1848Prussia/Germany1896 Apr 28at dau Mrs C R Merrill, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonparalysis, Brights disease, 48ynoW SchuylerSW 43 N/2 line 62 May 1896Van City CemChristian Roncoski (1) and W Schuyler (2) - spouses; Anna Augusta and at least three others; parents of Germanyhousewifeimmigrartion 1873; obit The Columbian 8 May 1896- visiting dau at time of death, survivors 4 children, was living in Amboy, Clark Co., WA
ScottLawrence William1848 Mar 12Kenosha Co., Wisconsin1925 Jun 3at dau Jennie Hopkins' home in Seattle, King Co., Washingtonbronchial pneumoniayesLawrence W ScottSW 124 N/2 line 12 Knapp Funeral Home7 Jun 1925Van City CemFrances Copley (Eng) - spouse; Jennie, Fannie, Annie, Laurie, Matthew, Frederick, James W, Lawrence W Jr., Laura May - children; Mathew Henry Scott and Jane Barclay - parents both of ScotlandPresbyterianCivil War verteran, 153rd Illinois Volunteer Infantrycarpenterdau Jennie married William Hopskins (Seattle WA); WA death index shows died in 1925; headstone has 1921 (wrong); five children in same plot; obit The Columbian 5 Jun 1925-survived by 3 dau and 2 sons; lived in Vancouver 37 years, prior to living with dau in Seattle for a year
ScottFrancesCopley/Cropley?1848 May 15Lincolnshire, England1921 Jun 4Vancouver WApneumonia, senilityyesLawrence W ScottSW 124 N/2 line 12 Limber Funeral Home6 Jun 1921Van City CemLawrence George W Scott (WI) - spouse; Jennie, Fannie, Annie, Laurie, Matthew, Frederick, James W, Lawrence W Jr., Laura May - children; Henry Cropley (Eng) and Jane Baldwin (eng) - parents1900 census 9 children/5 living; three children in SW 124 and son in same plot; obit The Columbian 9 Jun 1921- survivors - husband and 5 children
ScottAnnie "Bonnie"1877Illinois1899Clark Co., WAmeaslesyesLawrence W ScottSW 124 line 12 30 Jun 1889Van City CemLawrence W Scott (WI) and Frances Copley (Eng) - parents 1900 parents living in Harney, Clark Co., WA; parents in same plot
ScottLaurie1879Wisconsin1889 Jun 29Vancouver WAmeaslesyesLawrence W ScottSW 124 N/2 line 12 29 Jun 1889Van City CemLawrence W Scott (WI) and Frances Copley (Eng) - parents 1900 parents living in Harney, Clark Co., WA; parents in same plot
ScottMatthew1881Wisconsin1889 Jun 26Vancouver WAmeaslesyesLawrence W ScottSW 124 N/2 line 12 27 Jun 1889Van City CemLawrence W Scott (WI) and Frances Copley (Eng) - parents 1900 parents living in Harney, Clark Co., WA; parents in same plot
ScottFrederick1883Wisconsin1889 Jul 1Vancouver WAmeaslesyesLawrence W ScottSW 124 N/2 line 12 1 Jul 1889Van City CemLawrence W Scott (WI) and Frances Copley (Eng) - parents parents in same plot
ScottJames Edson1904 Apr 2Clark Co., WA1904 Apr 21Clark Co., WAbowel troublenoLawrence W Scott 22 Apr 1904Butteville Cemetery, Marion Co., ORJames W Scott (SD) and Lucy M Pugh (OR) - parenthas marker and buried in Butteville Cemetery in Marion Co., Oregon with sister; Lawrence W Scott (WI) and Frances Copley (Eng) - grandparents; Parents married Jun 1903, divorced; Porter and Gilman reports are wrong, could have been moved????
ScottClement 1876 Apr 6Scotland1931 Jan 12on the floor of the WA State Legislature, Olympia, Thurston Co., Washingtoncerebral hemorrhageashesyesJulia HuthSW 151-1 line 12 ashesKnapp Funeral Home15 Jan 1931Van City CemKatherine "Kate" Huth (CA) - spouse; Clement Scott and Elizabeth Robb - parents both born in ScotlandEpiscopalian, BPOE Elk- exlated ruler in 1917-1918, member of the Shriners; President of the Vancouver Chamber of Commerce 1919-1920worked for the SP&S Railway, seed merchant, member of the WA State Legislaturesister Mrs Tom Wallace and bro James Scott, stepchildren James Busby, Janette
ScottKatherine "Kate"Huth1880 Sep 1San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California1964 Mar 23El Cajon, San Diego Co., CaliforniayesJulia HuthSW 151-2 line 7Knapp Gunderson Funeral Home1 Apr 1964Van City CemJames Alexander Busby (MI)(1) and Clement Scott (Scot)(2) - spouse; James A, Janette - children by Busby; John Huth (Ger) and Julia Kopp (Ger) - parents Clark Co. Superior Court bailiffsister Marie Huth De Sor is buried NW 58-3; obit The Columbian 24 Mar 1964-survived by son James
SearsGeorgeP 1840Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio1893 Oct 29Clark Co., WAsuicide, overdose of morphinenoP FerrellSW 166 S/2 line 101 Nov 1893Van City CemUS Army, 1871-1877, Vancouver Barracks, clerk1882- city treasurer; business ownerobit The Oregonian 31 Oct 1893 - had been robbed and shanghaied to Californian, business in Vancouverwas sold at sheriff's auction; was without means and killed himself
SeymourMalvina/OlivineProulx1843 Dec 6Quebec, Canada1902 Jul 1Clark Co., WAheart failureyesM O SeymourSW 173 S/2 line 42 Jul 1902Van City CemJoseph Louis Barbeau (Can) (1) and Mark O Seymour (Can)(2) - spouses; Mary Louise, Victoria, Rosalie, Ann, Charles, Josephine, Albert - children by Barbeau; Anton Proulx (Can) and Ilabel DeRoschers (Can) - parentsmarried 1861 Barbeau in Quebec; 1885 in Clark Co., WA with Barbeau; Barbeau died about 1886; married Seymore 1892; 1900 census 7 children/5 living; at time of the death 5 daughters alive; divorced Seymour; obit The Seattle Daily Times 5 Jul 1902
SeymourMark Odell1857 Oct 22Quebec, Canada1941 Nov 17Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAauto accident, struck by car in Portland ORnoM O SeymourSW 173-2 line 4 Limber Funeral Home22 Nov 1941Van City CemMalvina Proulx (Can)(1), Sarah Elizabeth Martin (Eng)(2), and Marie Menke (MN)(3) - spouse; no children; Francis Seymour (Can) and Eleanor ReLau (Can) - parentsworked for SP&S railroad; 1910- deck hand on a boatimmigrated in 1886; to Clark Co., WA in 1888; married Melvina in 1892, divorced; married Sarah 1905 Vancouver (she had 12 children/6 living in 1910, prior marriage); may have a prior marriage to Malvina??; wife Sarah in NE 79; newspaper article The Oregon Journal 19 Nov 1941; 1882 immigrated; obit The Columbian 20 Nov 1941-survivor wife Marie
Shaw Amos F1839 Jan 14Salisbury, Merrimack Co., New Hampshire1898 May 16Clark Co., WAheart disease, 54y, 4m, 2dyesAmos F ShawSW 120 line 818 May 1898Van City CemJosephine Elizabeth Moulin (IA) - spouse; Agnes, Frank, dau - children; Abraham Shaw (NH) and Hannah Fifield (NH) - parentsMember of the Methodist Episcopal ChurchCivil War veteran, private in 3rd Battalion, Co A, Dakota Calvary 1862-1865teacher, sheriff in SD, warden at SD State Penitentiary, served in the Dakota Territory Legislature in 1860; farmer with a prune orchard, Clark Co., Wa; was Speaker of the House in WA State Leg., and WA State Surveyor General1881 settled in Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WA. He returned to SD in 1880's and was warden of SD State Pen.. 1890 back in Clark Co., WA. Agnes A Shaw (dau) married Clarence A Atkinson - intered in NE 11-2 line 6; obit The Oregonian 17 May 1898
Shaw JosephineElizabethMoulin1846 Nov 20Linn Co., Iowa1927 Mar 11St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAbroken hip, heart failure, senility, 80yyesAmos F ShawSW 120 line 8Knapp Funeral Parlor13 Mar 1927Van City CemAmos F Shaw (NH) - spouse; Agnes A, Frank, dau - children; Joseph Moulin (France) and Sarah Goudy (OH) - parentsMember of the Methodist Episcopal Church teacher, housewifeSarah Goudy Moulin (mother) intered in SW 148 S/2; dau Agnes is buried in NE 11 with husband Clarence A Atkinson; obit The Columbian 12 Mar 1927-1881 came to Clark Co. from So. Dakota, returned to SD, earlier 1890's return to Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WA
Shaw Frank "Frankie"1877 Jun 13South Dakota1892 Aug 8Clark Co., WAconsumptionyesAmos F ShawSW 120 line 85 Aug 1892Van City CemAmos F Shaw (NH) and Josephine E Moulin (IA) - adopted parentsnewspaper article The Oregonian 5 Aug 1892 -adopted by Amos and Josephine
SheldonFrank W18561890 Jul 20Washingtonmorphine overdosenoSW 62 S/2 line 1421 Jul 1890Van City Cem
ShepardJohn Charles1867 Mar 16Jamestown, Ottawa Co., Michigan1947 Jan 25Astoria, Clatsop Co., Oregonsenility, prostate problemsnoEstate of William RanckSW 208Hug-Ransom, Astoria, Clatsop Co., OR28 Jan 1947Van City CemBertha Ranck (WA) - spouse; Hazel Irene, Graydon, Mildred - children; George A Shepard and Meribah Baird (MI) - parents1910- building contractor, vancovuer; at time of death building contractorDeath certificate indicated he was buried in "Pioneer Cemetery" but does not say which pioneer cemetery.; obit The Columbian-20 year resident of Vancouver, living in Seaside OR at time of death, survived by dau Mildred and son Graydon
ShepardBerthaRRanck1867 Apr 26Vancouver WA1954 Sep 28Battle Ground, Clark Co., Washingtonsenility, cerebral thrombosisashesnoEstate of William RanckSW 208-4 line 1 Knapp Funeral Home1 Oct 1954Van City CemJohn Charles Shepard (MI) - spouse; Hazel Irene, Graydon, Mildred - children; Judge William Ranck (PA) and Katherine "Kate" Neer (PA) - parents in 1852 with parents came over the Oregon Trail; obit The Oregonian 1 Oct 1954- funeral service on 1 Oct 1954; husband died in Clatsop Co., OR 21 Feb 1947, says widowed - probably divorced; obit The Columbian 29 Sep 1954-survivors Mildred and Graydon
ShepardHazel Irene1888 SepClark Co., WA1893 Mar 8Clark Co., WApneumoniayesEstate of William RanckSW 208 line 1 11 Mar 1893Van City CemJohn C Shepard (MI) and Bertha R Ranck (WA) - parents
ShepardMildredMeriba1901 Jul 12Clark Co., WA1987 Sep 9Vancouver WAheart failureashesyesEstate of William RanckSW 208-4 ashesat Woodburn OR crematium12 Sep 1987Van City CemNikola T Tower (CA)(1), Leo R Briggs (MI)(2), and Eugene R Spencer (IA)(3) - spouses, Marjorie, Bettina - children by Tower; John C Shepard (MI) and Bertha Ranck (WA) - parentsdieticiangrand dau of William and Kate Ranck, dau of Bertha Ranck Shepard; married Tower 21 Jun 1919, Clark Co., WA, divorced Tower; married Briggs 17 Jun 1930, Clark Co., WA; married Spencer 7 Oct 1938, Clark Co., WA; initially thought buried in SE 208-error in Gilman Report; death cert-divorced at time of death but under name Mildred Spencer informat - Marjorie Brooks (dau)
SheroWardGlenn1883 Apr 8St Cloud, Benton Co., Minnesota1940 Oct 7in hospital, Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesW B WellsSW 86-4 line 6Vancouver Funeral Chapel10 Oct 1940Van City CemFlorence Nelson (ID) - spouse; Edna, Glenn, Clifford, Bud Leroy, Alta, Leona - children; Charles H Shero (NY) and Frances Martin (WI) - parentslaborerwife Florence died 1974 in Flathead Co. Montana and buried there; obit The Columbian 9 Oct 1940-lived Minn til 21, then to Spokane, to Montana, then Battle Ground, Clark Co., WA, ill for 4 years prior to death, survivors- wife, 3 dau, 3 sons
Shoateinfant1933 Jan 2Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WA1933 Jan 2Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAprematurenoSW 205 - baby Green SectionKnapp Funeral Parlor4 Jan 1933Van City CemW J Shoate (WA) and Mary Hynad (Can) - parents
SkarstedtAnnaGottfridaHult1859 Apr 25Foss, Goteborg och Bohus, Sweden1888 Sep 28Clark Co., WAtyphoid feveryesSW 11 N/2 line 629 Sep 1888Van City CemErnst Toefil Skarstedt (Swe) - spouse; Esther, Marcus, Wilma - children; Gustaf Magnus Hult (Swe) and Marie Elizabeth Evie (Swe) - parentshusband -well known newspaper businessmanmarried - 25 July 1881; emigrated to America in 1881. (Note: not sure about child Wilma); Spouse Ernst died in 1929 in Seattle WA; Ernst was a newspaper publisher in California and Washington
SliderbergWilliam1865Macon Co., Missouri1890 Nov 23Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonliver and kidney failurenoWilliam WebberSW 100 N/2 line 1324 Nov 1890Van City CemJennie Ferrell (CA) - spouse; Charles, George - children; George Sliderberg (MD) and Anna Childers (KY) - parents1880-single living in Clark Co with arents; married Jennie in 1886, Clark Co.-Jennie died 1924,buried in Mother Joseph Cemetery, Vancouver WA remarried Michael Boyhan (Ire); parents buried at Sifton Cemetery, Clark Co., WA; sibling Georgianna Suhl buried in same plot
SlocumEdwardAnthony1838 Dec 2Wickford, Washington Co., Rhode Island1893 Feb 26Clark Co., WAcerebral hemorrhageyesEdward SlocumSW 192 line 1628 Feb 1893Van City CemSarah Rebecca Patterson (IL) - spouse; Hannah S - child; Edward Slocum , Sr. (RI) and Renewed Stanton Hazard (RI) - parentscarpenter and landlord; twice elected Justice of the Peace for Vancouver; appointed city justice; Deputy Sheriff1857 came to the Northwest, married Sarah 1863, Vancouver, went to Kootenai ID because of his ill health, then moved back to Vancouver; obit The Oregonian 1 Mar 1893
SlocumSarah RebeccaPatterson1844 Aug 11Springfield, Sangamon Co., Illinois1926 Sep 15Vancouver WAbowel obstructionyesEdward SlocumSW 192-5 line 16Knapp Funeral Home18 Sep 1926Van City CemEdward A Slocum (RI) - spouse; Hannah S - child; Ira Patterson (NY) and Zella Halstead (VT) - parentsmarried Slocum 1863, Vancouver, went to Kootenai ID because of husband's ill health, then moved back to Vancouver; obit The Columbian 15 Sep 1926-pioneer resident came on Oregon Trail with parents at age 4 to Knapp's Landing, Clark Co.,WA then to Vancouver, survived by dau Hannah
SmileyWalter 1861 Apr 26Iowa1940 Feb 28Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonarteriosclerosisnoWalter Smiley Brunning Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1 Mar 1940Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland ORMartha Ewing (IA)(1) and Hattie Ronkowsky?(PA)(2) - spouse; Myrile and Earl (twins), Frank Marshall - children by Martha, James Walter, Harold, Donald - children by Hattie; William Smiley (TN) and Cloita Caroline Stone (IN) - parentscontractor, 1900-1910- house carpenter in Portland ORmarried Martha 1885, Jefferson Co., Ark; married 26 Oct 1895, Clark Co.,WA marriage record to Hattie Ronkosky, divorced Hattie in 1926, (she died 1961 in Newport OR, buried in Corvallis OR); siblings: Adolph, Francis M; funeral notice-buried in Lincoln Memorial Park, not Vancouver City Cemetery; obit The Oregonian 1 Mar 1940; parents William and Cloita buried NW 32
SmileyMartha "Mattie"Ewing1861Dalles Co., Iowa1892 Dec 31Clark Co., WAconsumptionyesWalter SmileySW 137 line 83 Jan 1893Van City CemWalter Smiley (IA) - spouse; Myrle and Earl (twins), Frank Marshall - children; James Ewing (IL) and Mary Wilcox (OH) - parentsmrried Smiley 1885, Jefferson Co., Ark; Nov 1882 will written for Martha listed children ages 6 and 4, married to Walter Smiley; same plot as son Frank
SmileyFrank "Frankie"Marshall1888 Jun 23Vancouver WA1918 Dec 11Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesWalter SmileySW 137 N/2 line 8 Limber Funeral Home12 Dec 1918Van City Cemsingle; Walter Smiley (IA) and Martha Ewing (IA) - parentstruck driver for Pioneer Auto Truck Co.1900 lived with uncle Francis M and Minnie Smiley in Fruit Valley, Clark Co. WA; headstone says "1888-1919"; obit The Columbian 12 Dec 1918-survived by father, 3 bros and 1 sis, same plot as mother
SmileyAdolph1858 Dec 12Appanoose Co., Iowa1914 Aug 10St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcerebral syphilis, strokesyesAdolph SmileySW 55 N/2 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Aug 1914Van City CemRebecca Jane Thompson (MO)- spouse; Roy, Minnie, William, Nema - children; William Smiley (TN) and Cloita Caroline Stone (IN) - parentsOdd Fellowscarpenter, 1900 farmer, Fruit Valley WAmarried 21 Jul 1882 Clark Co., WA to Rebecca; siblings Walter, Francis M; 1900 lived in Fruit Valley; obit The Columbian 10 Aug 1914-pioneer resident 32 years, was in hospital for 13 mo . Prior to death with strokes; survived by mothe C Smiley, 2 sons and 2 dau
SmileyRebecca Jane Thompson1867 Jul 21Cedar Co., Missouri1895 Feb 11Clark Co., WAyesAdolph SmileySW 55 N/2 line 7Feb 1895Van City CemAdolph Smiley (IA) - spouse; Roy, Minnie, William, Nema - children; Young W Thompson (KY) and Mary M Firestone (MO) - parentsCrossed the Plains on Oregon Trail with mother Mary M Firestone Thompson Swank and step father Absolom Swank in 1880; mother and step-father Swank in SW 74
SmithGay1890 (After)1894 JunnoSW 197 N/2 line 126 Jun 1894Van City CemWilson D Smith (OH) and Mary Angier (NH) - parents1900 - mother Mary had 3 children, 2 living
Smithinfant 1927 Jul 18St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA1927 Jul 18St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAstillbornnoSW 205 - baby Green SectionKnapp Funeral Home18 Jul 1927Van City CemF D Smith (WI) and Ruby Raynes (OR) - parents
Smith June Ellen (Ella?)1911 Sep 21at home at 28th and Washington Sts., Vancouver, Clark Co., WA1913 Mar 3at home at 28th and Washington Sts., Vancouver WAbroncial pneumonia and whooping coughyesJ O SmithSW 02-3 N/2 line 15Knapp Funeral Home4 Mar 1913Van City CemOdis H Smith (WI) and Ella Bronston (KS) - parents
Smith infant1903 Jul 211903 Jul 21stillbornnoSW 153 S/2 line 921 Jul 1903Van City CemMiles Smith - parent
Smith DeanHenry1904 May1904 Oct 6noSW 153 S/2 line 97 Oct 1904Van City CemMiles Smith - parent
Smith John W1828Ohio 1899 May 25Clark Co., WAconsumptionnoMary E SmithSW 179 line 326 May 1899Van City CemMary Elizabeth Mason (Eng) - spouse; Ida Laura, Annie, John P, Louisa, Nettie, Charles Wesley, Reta May - children; ? Smith and ? ? (VA) - parents 1850-1860-farmer in Indiana; 1870-stock raising, Humboldt Co., CA, 1880 -farmer, Clark Co., WA
Smith Mary ElizabethMason1846England1907 Jul 6at homee, Vancouver WAtuberculosis, heart diseasenoMary E SmithSW 179 line 38 Jul 1907Van City CemJohn W Smith (OH) - spouse; Ida Laura, Annie, John P, Louisa, Nettie, Charles Wesley, Reta May - children; ? Mason and ? ? - parent, both of EnglandRebekah Lodge1900 census-7 children/5 living; appears to be another child in SW 58; obit The Columbian 11 Jul 1907-31 years a resident of Vancouver, survivors 3 dau and 1 son
Smith John P 1872 Jun 6Humboldt Co., California1910 Dec 18at home at 205 W 12th St., Vancouver WApulmonary tuberculosisnoMary E SmithSW 179 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor20 Dec 1910Van City Cemsingle; John W Smith (OH) and Mary E Mason (Eng) - parentsChristian Scientistlaborerobit The Oregon Journal 20 Dec 1910 - 30 years in Clark was an invalid for nearly 8 years while living in Vancouver
Smith IdaLaura1867Humboldt Co., California1898 Sep 27at home, Vancouver WAconsumptionnoMary E SmithSW 179 line 329 Sep 1898Van City CemFrederick Smith - spouse; John W Smith (OH) and Mary E Mason (Eng) - parents1885 WA census - Ida Laura, single, Clark Co., with parents; obit The Columbian 30 Sep 1898
Smith Tessie/Hessie1898 AprWashington1900 OctClark Co., WAnoMary E SmithSW 179 line 311 Oct 1900Van City CemFrederick Smith and Ida Laura Smith (CA) - parents?; Ida Laura Smith maybe her mothergrandchild of John W and Mary Elizabeth Smith
Smith Nettie1877Washington?1880Clark Co., WAnoMary E SmithSW 179 line 327 Sep 1898 body was reburied in this plotVan City CemJohn W Smith (OH) and Mary E Mason (Eng) - parents
Smith AnnaMary 1840Illinois1891 Dec 22Vancouver WAtyphoid fevernoS A SmithSW 31 N/2 line 1524 Dec 1891Van City Cem This is not Sylvanus Smith's wife.
Smith Mary Ann1883 Kansas1892 Sep 30Vancouver WAdiphtherianoS A SmithSW 31 N/2 line 151 Oct 1892Van City CemS. A. Smith (WI) and S Hardman (WI) - parentsDeath Return for State of WA
Smith Odessie 1890 DecVancouver WA1891 Aug 22Vancouver WAcholera infantum noS A SmithSW 31 N/2 line 1523 Aug 1891Van City CemS. A. Smith (WI) and S Hardman (WI) - parentsDeath Return for State of WA
Smith Infant (male)1890Clark Co., WA1892 Aug 29Clark Co., WAmalaria dysenterynoJ W SmithSW 58 N/2 line 1031 Aug 1892Van City CemJohn W Smith (OH) and Elizabeth Mason (Eng) - parentsJohn and Elizabeth are in SW 179
Smith ElizabethA Proudfoot1819 Aug 23Errol, Perth Co., Scotland1895 Jul 26Washingtondropsy (diabetes)yesSW 76 N/2 line 528 Jul 1895Van City CemJohn Norval (Scot)(1) and Alex Smith (2) - spouses; Tassie, Belle - children by Norval; William Proudfoot (Scot) and Elizablla Aitchison (Scot) - parentsmarried Norval 1835, Ontario, Can; dau Tassie Married Robert Proudfoot (grandson of William Proudfoot)
Smith Walter Allen1893 Feb 22Wellfleet, Lincoln Co., Nebraska1980 Jul 20Sunnyside Medical Hospital, Clackamas Co., OregonnoSW 85-7 line 5Mt Scott Funeral Home, Multnomah Co., ORJul 1980Van City CemOleta J Sanders (Neb)(1) and Florence Janet Blackmon (MI)(2) - spouses; Lyle, Darrell, Joyce - children by by Oleta; William Smith (Ger) and Anna Davis (WI) - parents1920-1930 in Neb; farmer, 1940- works for ALCOA, Vancouver WAmarried Oleta about 1914, Neb; married Florence in 1962 OR;
Smith OletaSanders1895 Jun 15Buchanan, Lincoln Co., Nebraska1957 Sep 2Kaiser Hospital, Vancouver WAcancer of the breastnoSW 85-8 line 5Evergreen Funeral Home5 Sep 1957Van City CemWalter Allen Smith (Neb) - parents; Lyle, Darrell, Joyce - children; Charles Sanders (OH) and Ida E Furnish (Neb) - parents - married Smith in 1914 Neb; obit The Columbian 3 Sep 1957-17 year resident in Vancouver, survivors dau Joyce, sons Darrell and Lyle
SnodgrassNoraYoung1885 Oct 22Vancouver WA1912 Jun 11 Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington eclampsia (toxemia during childbirth), 26 ynoPaul YoungSW 175 line 2 Limber Funeral Home15 Jun 1912Van City CemJames Vernon Snodgrass (WA) - spouse; Irwin Arnold - child; Paul Young (NY) and Elizabeth "Betsy" Garrow (NY) - parentshusband died 1951 at Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co. WA
Soderlundinfant (male)1925 Sep 10Vancouver WA1925 Sep 12Vancouver WAinstrument debility-birth relatednoSW 63 N/2 line15Hamilton Mortuary14 Sep 1925Van City CemCarl Soderlund (CO) and Elizabeth Price (WA) - parents
SparksJohnOliver1871 Feb 7Irvington, Kossuth Co., Iowa1894 Jun 24Vancouver WAconsumptionyesElla SparksSW 56 N/2 line 826 Jun 1894Van City CemHarriett Ella Proebstel (WA) - spouse; Edwin Sparks (OH) and Priscilla Spurgeon (IA) - parentsobit The Oregonian 25 Jun 1894
Spaulding Alice Emma (Emeraldtina?)Hall1846 MayMaine10 Mar 1901Vancouver WAheart failureyesC F SpauldingSW 141 N/2 line 513 Mar 1901Van City CemAi Parlin Spaulding (ME) - spouse; Percy, Manford Kenwood , Claude Franklin - children; ? Hall and ? ? -parents1900-Vancouver Lumber Mill - husband worked theremarried Spaulding May 1866 in Maine, he died 1917, buried in Kitsap Co., WA, was a Civil War veteran; 1880- Saganaw MI; obit The Oregonian 13 Mar 1901; 1900 - living with son Claude in Portland OR
SpeddenRosaCCaples1857 Apr 11Vancouver WA1939 Feb 8at dau's home, Walla Walla, Walla Walla, Washingtoncerebral hemorrhageyesSW 88-4 line 8Knapp Mortuary11 Feb 1939Van City CemHarrie Thompson Spedden (MO) - spouse; Margaret, Henry, William - children; Henry Laffer Caples (OH) and Margaret Kuhn Staley (MD) - parentsCongregational Churchhousewife, school teacherHarrie is buried in Highlands Cemetery, Stevens Co., WA; died in 1925; Henry Spedden was in the Washington State Legislature; obit The Columbian - survived by 2 sons and dau
Spieringinfant1941 Feb 18Washington1941 Feb 18WashingtonyesWilliam C DurgunSW 191-3 N/2 line 1520 Feb 1941Van City CemChet Spiering (OR) and Virginia Watkins (WA) - parents?father was a draughtsman at court house in 1940 in Vancouver, sister Beverly
SpringerJohn 1821 Jan 31Brown Co., Ohio1905 Jul 14South Bend, Pacific Co., Washingtonheart relatedyesMrs Nellie BiddingsSW 12-1 N/216 Jul 1905Van City CemLouisa A Johns (OH)(1) and Henrietta Redding (AR-KS?)(2) - spouses; Uriah, Mary Ann - children by Louisa; Dortha May, Sarah, Ida Belle and Edith Belle (twins), Emma I, Cora A, Clara A, Lillie R, Alice - children by Harriet; Job Springer (VA) and Dorothy Parker (VA) - parentsServed under Captain William Braton's "Lewis River Rangers" during indian uprisingsfarmer, teacher in Woodland WAcame to Oregon Terr on Oregon Trail in 1852; settled in 1852 on a Donation Claim on the south fork of the Lewis River; lived in Portland and Vancouver (14 years); obit The Oregonian 20 Jul 1905; obit The Columbian 27 Jul 1905
SpringerHenriettaRedding1841 Oct 20Kansas/Arkansas1905 Feb 27home of dau, Helena, Lewis and Clark Co., Montanaheart failure, old age, 63yyesMrs M SchofieldSW 12 S/21905 Nov 8 (reinterred here)Van City CemPhilander Cunningham (MO)(1), Francis David Martin (OH)(2), and John Springer (OH)(3) - spouses; Jane, William F - children by Martin, Dortha May, Sarah, Ida Belle and Edith Belle (twins), Emma I, Cora A, Clara A, Lillie R, Alice - children by Springer; Stephen H Redding (TN) and Mary Ann Beaver (TN) - parents1900 - running a restaurant in Vancouver WA1900 census - 8 children living; living with daughter Alice (16) in Vancouver W; obit The Oregon Journal 7 Nov 1905-body brought from Montana; The Oregonian 3 Mar 1905
SpurgeonMathias "Matt"1838 Apr 22Muscatine Co., Iowa1918 Mar 11at home 800 W 12th St., Vancouver WAparalysis yesMatt SpurgeonSW 56 S/2 line 8Knapp Mortuary14 Mar 1918Van City CemNancy Olive Dillon (OR) - spouse; Ella Ann, Mary Jane, John Randolph, Mathias Oliver, Leo Clyde, Theo Claudia, Gerald Vernon - children; Elias Spurgeon (OH) and Jane Likens (OH) - parents1855-56, indian uprising served under Capt William Kelley in Company A farm on Vancouver Lakeorphaned at 13 and cross the Oregon Trail with uncle George Spurgeon and family; brother of Priscilla Spurgeon Sparks and Sevilla Spurgeon Sparks; 1863 purchased land on Vancouver Lake; 1877 married Olive in Vancovuer; death cert year of death 1838; obit The Columbian 12 Mar 1918- early pioneers; survivors wife, 5 children
SpurgeonNancy OliveDillon1856 Mar 22Hillsboro, Washington Co., Oregon1940 Sep 24Monrovia, Los Angeles Co., CaliforniayesMatt SpurgeonSW 56-2 S/2 line 8Knapp Mortuary28 Sep 1940Van City CemMathias Spurgeon (IA) - spouse; Ella Ann, Mary Jane, John Randolph, Mathias Oliver, Leo Clyde, Theo Claudia, Gerald Vernon - children; Jeremiah William Dillon (OH) and Roxy Ann Brooks (Ont., Canada) - parentsProtestantschool teacher, then housewife1877 married Spurgreon, Vancouver WA; obit The Oregon Journal 26 Sep 1940 - survived by 2 dau and 3 sons; obit The Columbian 26 Sep 1940
SpurgeonLeo Clyde1895 Jan 18Clark Co., WA1912 Jun 15at home in Fruit Valley, Clark Co., Washingtonaccidental gun shot - self inflictedyesMatt SpurgeonSW 56-3 S/2 line 8Knapp Mortuary18 Jun 1912Van City Cemsingle: Mathias Spurgeon (IA) and Nancy O Dillon (OR) - parentsfarm laborernewspaper article The Oregonian 16 Jun 1912; obit The Columbian 20 Jun 1912
Spurgeon Theo Claudia1896 Aug 11Vancouver WA1898 Sep 14Vancouver WAyesMatt SpurgeonSW 56-2 S/2 line 817 Sep 1898Van City Cemsingle; Mathias Spurgeon and Nancy O Dillon - parents
StablerMelindaSylvia1841 Feb 4Jefferson Co., Wisconsin1869 Aug 7Clark Co., WAcomplication from child birthyesMary Jane HaydenSW 97 S/2 line 16Aug 1869van City CemWebster L Stabler (PA) - spouse; Minnie - child; Gay Hayden Sr (NY) and Linda Ruth Sexton (WI) - parents same plot as dau
StablerMinnie Hayden 1869 Aug 4Clark Co., WA1869 Oct 9Clark Co., WA2m, 5dyesMary Jane HaydenSW 97 S/2 line 16Aug 1869Van City CemWebster L Stabler (PA) and Melinda S Hayden (WI) - parents mother in same plot
StaffordWilliam J1838 NovLogan Co., Illinois1904 Sep 4Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachyesGAR SW 193 line 1625 Sep1904van City CemEllen Julia Tifft (IL)(1), Carrie Harmer (WI)(2), Matilda Anna Bienick (Ger)(3) and Sarah Gray (Grindel) (ME(4) - spouses; Charles, Roland, Ida, Florence, Nettie, Harriet, Winiford, Ralph by Ellen; infant - child by Carrie; Martin Stafford (KY) and Josephine ? (KY) - parents Civil War veteran - Union Army Co E 7th Illinois Volunteers infantry1880- farmer in Illinois; photographermarried Ellen 1868 IL, div, died 1923; 1887 married Carrie, Clark Co., WA, died 1888; married Matilda 1901 in Clark Co., WA; married 1902 Sarah in Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 8 Sep 1904 - 20 years in Vancouver, conducted first photo gallery in Vancouver, survived by wife but no children
StaffordCarrieWhite1850Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac Co., Wisconsin1888 Jan 6Vancouver WA childbirth yesJarius HarmerSW 66 N/2 line 158 Jan 1888Van City CemJarius Harmer (WI)(1) and William G Stafford (IL) - spouses; infant - child by Stafford; George White (WI) and ? ? (WI) - parents housewifefirst husband Harmer and sister Louisa Clark in same plot; Harmer died 1886; married Stafford 5 Apr 1887, Clark Co., WA; second husband Stafford in SW 193
Staffordinfant1888 Jan 6Vancouver WA1888 Jan 6Vancouver WA in childbirthyesJarius HarmerSW 66 N/2 line 158 Jan 1888Van City CemWilliam Stafford (IL) and Carrie White (WI) - parentsburied with mother Carrie White (WI)
StangerJohn1812 MayOrkney Islands, Scotland1900 Oct 5Vancouver WAfeveryesJohn StangerSW 198 N/2 line 11Oct 1900Van City CemEllen (Kiskista) Thomas (OR) - spouse; Sophia, James,William, Thomas, Jacob, Matilda and 3 others - children1840's worked for the Hudson Bay Company as a hunter, trader, carpenter; was a miller (Flour) in Clark Co., WA1838 came with an immigrant train to NW; Donation Land Claim of 13 acres west of Fisher Are in Vancouver - divided land among 9 children; obit The Oregonian 11 Oct 1900 - 5 children surviving at time of death
StangerEllen (Kiskista)Thomas (Kiskista Native American name)1826The Dalles, Wasco Co., Oregon1901 Mar 21Vancouver WAold ageyesJohn StangerSW 198 line 1123 Mar 1901Van City CemJohn Stanger (Scot) - spouse; Sophia, James,William, Thomas, Jacob, Matilda and 3 others - childrenNative American name Kiskista and was named "Thomas" by the Whitman Mission; 1900 census - 8 children/5 living
StanleyWilliam Nelson1846 May 2 Hamilton Co., Ohio1920 Nov 14Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhage, general debilitynoJ W StanleySW 183 S/2Limber Funeral Home16 Nov 1920Van City CemSidelia Gant (IL) - spouse; Ira, Penelope, Ella, James - children; George Stanley (NC) and Penelope ? (OH) - parentsCivil War veteran - 30th Illinois Infantry served 18651880-farmer, Kansas1869 married Sidelia, Randolph Co., IL; 1900 - divorced; 1910 - living alone; Sidelia remarried Anker, died 1903 in same plot
StanleyElla1875 Apr 11Scandia, Republic Co., Kansas1904 Jun 18paralysis of the brainyesElla BakerSW 183 S/2 line 7 20 Jun 1904Van City CemJohn Baker (OR) - spouse; Emil, Gertrude, Everett, Bessie - children; William N Stanley (OH) and Sidelia Gant (IL) - parents1900-farming in Columbia Co., WA24 Dec 1890 married Baker, Clark Co.,WA; 1900-Pine Grove, Columbia Co., WA, farming; 1900 census - 3 children/ 3 living; in same plot as parents; newspaper article The Oregonian 23 Oct 1903-granted divorced from J H Baker (George Baker-father)
StanleyJames W1877Kansas 1908 Jan 2St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA32 years; chronic brights disease, alcoholismyesJ W StanleySW 183 S/2 line 7Kirch Funeral Home5 Jan 1908Van City Cemsingle; William N Stanley (OH) and Sidelia Gant (IL) - parentssaloon keeperState of Washington Death Certificate; obit The Columbian 9 Jan 1908
SteeleOscarW1875Atlanta, Fulton Co., Georgia1902 Feb 28Tacoma, Pierce Co., WAmeningitisyesW L SteeleSW 72 line 9 Robert's Chapel, Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington3 Mar 1902Van City CemNellie Eberman (OR) - spouse; Helen - child: Wellington Steele (Can) and Nellie Bridges (NC) - parentsModern Woodmen1900-manager of farm, Seaside, Clatsop Co., ORmarried Nellie in Astoria OR 1898, she died 1938, buried in MI; 1900-living with in-law; dau and brother- William L Steele in same plot; obit The Tacoma Daily Ledger 3 Mar 1902- survived by mother and wife
SteeleHelenG1899 FebSeaside, Clatsop Co., Oregon1910 Aug 22Tacoma, Pierce Co., WAdiphtheriayesW L SteeleSW 72 line 9Hoska/ Buckley Funeral Home, Tacoma, Pierce Co., WA24 Aug 1910Van City CemOscar W Steele (GA) and Nellie Eberman (OR) - parents 1900-living with grandparents and parents, Seaside OR; newspaper article The Columbian 25 Aug 1910; same plot as father and uncle
SteeleWilliam L 1867 Jan 1Pennsylvania1891 Aug 4Vancouver WAlung diseaseyesW L SteeleSW 72-4 line 9Jan 1891Van City Cemsingle; Wellington Steele (Can) and Nellie Bridges (NC) - parents1880-family in Nez Perce Co., ID; brother Oscar W Steele and niece in same plot
StewartMurdockCameron1836 Feb 15Edinburgh, Scotland1920 Apr 7Vancouver WAsenilitynoSW 17 N/2 line 1Knapp Funeral Home9 April 1920Van City CemMartha H Davis (MI) - spouse; Rodena, Kenneth, Amos, James - children; Kenneth Stewart (Scot) and ? ? (Scot) - parentsfarmer who owned 194 acresobit The Columbian 8 Apr 1920 - 1884 came to Washington, 1904 came to Vancouver , survived by wife and 2 sons R H and James W
StewartMartha HDavis1852 Jul 25Lapeer, Lapeer Co., Michigan1942 Oct 30Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart FailurenoSW 17 N/2 line 1Miller-Tracy, Portland, Multnomah Co., ORegon3 Nov 1942Van City CemMurdock Stewart (Scot) - spouse; Rodena, Kenneth, Amos, James - children; Henry Davis (NY) and Mary Lenman (Eng) - parents1910 census - 4 children/2 living
StewartInfant 1891 FebClark Co., WA1891 Oct 31Clark Co., WAinflammation of the bowelsnoJames StewartSW 30 S/21 Nov 1891Van City CemJames H Stewart (CA) - parent1880 - father James, single, laborer in Vancouver WA
StoddardElizabeth HIrwin?1833 Jan 25Wlliamsburg, Ontario, Canada1905 Feb 24Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncancer of gall bladder, old ageyesElizabeth StoddardSW 25 S/2Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon25 Feb 1905Van City Cem? Campbell?? (1) and Asa A Stoddard (CT)(2?) - spouse; Ada Francis, ? - children by Campbell; ? ? (Ire) and ? ? (Can) - parents1900 census 2 children/2 living; married Stoddard 29 Ju 1888 in Cowlitz Co., WA; Ray Stoddard (b.1890, OR) - grandson; funeral notice The Oregonian 25 Feb 1905
StoddardAsaA1823 Apr 28Watertown, Litchfield Co., Connecticut1893 Aug 22Hockinson, Clark Co., Washingtonparalysis yesElizabeth StoddardSW25 S/2 line 927 Aug 1893Van City Cem ?? and Elizabeth Irwin (Can)(2??) - spouseMexican War veteran, 1848 - , 1st Lt., 9th US Infantry and was honored for bravery by the Legislature of the Connecticut1866-1880 - Nevada; married Asa Stoddard 29 Jun 1888, Cowlitz Co., WA
SturgeonWilhemia "Minnie"HenriettaHeisen1862 Dec 3Oregon1909 Apr 20at home at 807 W 10th St., Vancouver WAcanceryesJ C SturgeonSW 38 N/2 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Apr 1909Van City CemJohn C Sturgeon (OH) - spouse; J C, Mary Alice, Agda, Marion - children; Alexander Rheinhardt Heisen (GER) and Mary Reylea (NY) - parentsmember of Salvation ArmyhousewifeAlexander Heisen crossed the Oregon Trail in 1853 to WA Terr- died of paralysis; Mother came to OR Terr via Panama with parents; Town of Heisen is named after Alexander Heisen; obit The Oregon Journal 22 Apr 1909; Husband John C is buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
SturgeonMaryAlice 1886 May 8Clark Co., WA1892 May 29Clark Co., WAdiphtheriayesJ C SturgeonSW 38 N/2 line 1130 May 1892Van City CemJohn C Sturgeon (OH) and Wilhemia H Heisen (OR) - parents
SturgessAndrew Jackson1834 Jun 4Allegheny Co., NY1898 Mar 22Vancouver WAparalysis yesSW 52 S/2 line 424 Mar 1898Van City CemSusan Patterson (IL)(1), Amanda "Rosa" Armstrong (WA)(2) and Anna M Fields (3) - spouses; Laura D, Walter, Edith Lillian, Mary, Jesse, Frank (Andrew), Asa, Mabel - children by Susan; Frank, Frederick, Sadie - children by Rosa; David Sturgess (NY) and Adelaide Minton (NY) - parentsfarmermarried Susan in 1855, Clark Co., WA, died 1876, buried in NW 60 with her father; married Rosa 1877, she died in 1885 (probably in childbirth of Sadie) and buried in Ridgefield Pioneer Cemetery, Clark Co., WA; married Anna Nov 1886, Clark Co., WA
StutzHermanJohann1830 Feb 16Hamburg, Germany1902 Feb 22Clark Co., WAasthmayesPauline StutzSW 143 S/2 line 224 Feb 1902Van City CemPauline Christina Freiwalt (Ger) - spouse; Johann, Marie Margret Eliza (1860), Charles - children; parents of GermanySt Paul Lutheran Churchglass blower in Germany; farmer in Clark Co., WAemigrated to US 1881 with wife Pauline and son, John (wife and granddau Maria); 1886 arrived in Clark Co.,WA
StutzPauline ChristinaFreiwalt1832 Dec 8Germany1909 Oct 25At home at 200 W 16th St., Vancouver WAuremic poisoning comayesPauline StutzSW 143 S/2 line 2Knapp Funeral Home26 Oct 1909Van City CemHerman J Stutz - spouse (Ger); Johann Charles, Marie Margaret Eliza - children; ? Freiwalt and ? ? - parent both of GermanySt Paul Lutheran Churchhousewifeemigrated to US 1881 with husband Herman, son John (wife and granddau Maria); 1886 arrived in Clark Co.; obit in The Oregonian, 26 Oct 1909; 1900 census - 2 children/1 living (dau Marie died 1895 and buried in SW 85 under Wenzel)
SuhlGeorgiannaSliderberg1863 JanMissouri1905 May 29Clark Co., WAexhaustion and debilityyesWillam W WebberSW 100 N/2 line 1330 May 1905Van City CemWilliam Wollenwebber (Ger)(1) and Frank Suhl (IL)(2) - spouses; Fred, Gay (son), Etheyln - children by Wollenwebber; George Sliderberg (MD) and Anna Childers (KY) - parentsmarried Wollenweber in 18 Aug 1883, Clark Co., WA; 1900 census-3 children/2 living (son Fred died 1884) in Vancouver; married Suhl in Oct 30 1892, Clark Co., WA; buried in same plot as brother William Sliderberg; parents in Sifton Cemetery, Clark Co., WA; first husband Wollenbeber in same plot with son Fred
SummersEarnest A 1897 Aug Nebraska1900 Oct 14Vancouver WAcroupyesAbner SummersNW 141 S/2 line 415 Oct 1900Van City CemAbner Summers (IA) and Bessie Hackenberg (Neb) - parents
SutherlandMargaretElizabeth1901 May 30Edinburgh, Scotland1913 Jul 3at home in Fourth Plain, Clark Co., WashingtonmeningitisyesSW 15-4 line 2Knapp Mortuary5 Jul 1913Van City CemDonald Sutherland (Scot) and Elizabeth Ernest (Scot) - parentssiblings - Elizabeth C, George
Swain NettieMarsan1880 Aug 28Bloom, Clay Co., Kansas1936 Oct 29Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonsepticemiaashesyesSW 186 N/2 line 10Holman Lutz Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR2 Nov 1936Van City CemGeorge M Harrell (IN)(1) and Llewelyn Swain (2) - spouses; Pursebell - child by Harrell; Charles C Marson (Can) and Susan D Harvey (MO) - parents married 21 Oct 1891 to Harrell, Clark Co., WA; 1900 - married, living with dau in Hood River OR; divorced first Harrell, buried in Sonoma Co., CA; siblings: Charles, John, Mary, Annie, Olive, Henry, Lucy, Martha, Orpha; buried with sister Orpha and parents in SW 186
SwanWilliam H1832 Jul 9Oakland Co., Michigan1895 May 29Clark Co., WAbowel obstructionyesWilliam H SwanSW 205 N/2 line 431 May 1895Van City CemElizabeth Lewis (MI) - spouse; Franklin, Mary L - children; Ziba Swan Jr. (CT) and Esther Ball (NY) - parents1860 - farmer, Saganaw Co., MI; 1865-1887 was in il business; 1890's - prune farmer, Clark Co., WAmarried Elizabeth 1854, Michigan; 1865 moved to Canada in interest of Oakland Oil Co., then became interested refining business; 1887 moved to Portland, then to Minnehaha WA; obit The Columbian 7 Jun 1895
SwanElizabethLewis 1833 Michigan1893 Nov 18Clark Co., WApneumoniayesWilliam H SwanSW 205 N/2 line 49 Nov 1893Van City CemWilliam H Swan (MI) - spouse; Franklin, Mary L - children; ? Lewis and ? ? - parentsmarried Swan 1854, Michigan
SwanMary L1857Saganaw Co., Michigan1894 Dec 19Clark Co., WAerysipelas (streptococcus infection)yesWilliam H SwanSW 205 N/2 line 420 Dec 1894Van City Cemsingle; William H Swan (MI) and Elizabeth Lewis (MI) - parents
SwankAbsalom1840 Jan 11Montgomery Co., Ohio1915 Apr 14at home of dau Mrs C Fleet, Vancouver WAmyocarditisyesJohn S PaynterSW 74-4 line 7Swank Funeral Home, Camas, Clark Co., Washington16 Apr 1915Van City CemBarbara E Heffleman (OH)(1) and Mary M Firestone (VA)(2) - spouses; Effie Eleanor, Frost, Oscar, Jacob David - children by Barbara; Michael, Hiram Newton, Merna (Jemima), Alpha F, Wilmer - children by Mary; Jacob Swank (OH) and Eleanor Niswanger (OH) - parentsMember of Ellsworth Post #2 and GAR Civil War veteran - Co. K, 184th Ohio Infantry1870-farmer in MO; 1880-farmer, Wyo; orchard, raised stock and hay; went into business with William Smiley and T M Franklin and acquired the Washington Gulch Gold mine in Baker ORmarried Barbara 1860 in Ohio, 1870 with Barbara, dies in `1871 in MO; 1872 married Mary in MO; 1880 with Mary in Wyo; crossed the plains in The Oregon Trail 1880 by ox team to Baker OR, then 1881 to Clark Co WA; obit The Columbian 15 Apr 1915-35 yearssettled in Fruit Valley-suvived by 5 sons and 2 dau
SwankMaryMargaret Firestone1839 Jul (Sep?) 1Amsterdam, Botetourt Co., Virginia1909 Jul 9at home at 715 Columbia St., Vancouver WAcancer of the stomach, 70yyesJohn S PaynterSW 74-5 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Jul 1909Van City CemJohn H Paynter (VA)(1), Young W Thompson (KY)(2) and Absalom Swank (OH)(3) - spouses; Jeremiah, Sherman Johnson (twin) and John Theodore S (twin) - children by Paynter; Rebecca Jane - child by Thompson; Michael Elger, Hiram Newton, Merna (Jamina), Alpha F, Wilmer - children by Swank - 9 total children; Michael E Firestone (VA) and Rebecca Brown (VA) - parentsBaptisthousewifecame across on Oregon Trail in 1880 with family, lived in Clark Co. 18 years at time of death, in same plot with dau Rebecca Smiley; obit The Columbian 9 Jul 1909-survivors - husband, 8 children and 3 sisters
SwinehartIdaALoomis1853 Feb 1Peoria, Peoria Co., Illinois1903 Oct 9of Fourth Plain, Clark Co., WAheart failurenoW H SwinehartSW 07 line 10Oct 1903Van City CemWilliam H Swinehart (OH) - spouse; Mabel, Ernest L, Ida H, 2 others - children; William Loomis (OH) and Narcissa "Nancy" Upshaw (IL) - parentsmarried Swinehart 2 Mar 1871 McLean Co., IL; 1880 - living in Kansas with three children; 1900 census - 5 children/ 3 living, Otero CO; William H Swinehart (1849, OH) in 1910 census, widowed in Portland OR; newspaper article The Columbian 15 Oct 1903-came from Denver CO one year before
Tatten (Tattin)Nelson18661889 Aug 7perionitis-appenditisnoLizzie Earl??SW 131 N/2 (could be SW 121)9 Aug 1889Van City CemNote: there is a Nelson Tatton in Ontario Canada with similar birth/death dates.
TaylorElizaWhite1835 Oct 2Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada1913 Jul 23Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhagenoWilliam C JohnstonSW 106-4 line 7Knapp Funeral Home24 Jul 1913 (see note) Edmund Taylor (ME) - spouse; Mary, Maude, Harriett , Frank, Janet , Charles, Thomas - children; Andrew Craigy White (MA) and Eliza ? (NS, Can) - parentsBaptisthousewifeWas disinterred 25 Oct 1916 and moved to Shelbourne, Nova Scotia with husband; dau Maude (wife of William C Johnston); death cert has birth date as 2 Oct 1835-informant Mrs Johnston; in same plot as grandson Harold Johnston and in-laws of John AB Johnston (father of William C)
TaylorRobert Jeram1855 Dec 8Hamilton Heights, Wentworth, Ontario, Canada1910 Feb 13at home at 900 W 9th St., Vancouver WAparalysis and strokeyesRobert J TaylorSW 167 line 10Knapp Funeral Home15 Feb 1910Van City CemEmma Gustava Hockinson (IL) - spouse; John Randolph, George F (adopted), Robert Joel, Gertrude G, Alice Helen, Lillian G - children; David Grant Taylor (Scot) and ? (Can) - parentsin logging businessmarried Emma 1878, Washington Co., Minn; dau Alice married Thibodeau buried in NE 51; obit The Columbian 14 Feb 1910-in 1883 settled in Lake Shore area in logging business for over 20 years; survived by wife, 3 dau and one son (Robert); dau Mary/Gertrude (Smith) in Brush Prairie cemetery in C-034
TaylorEmma GustavaHockinson1855 Feb 13Pecatonica, Winnebago Co., Illinois1942 Feb 23at home at 1920 Broadway, Vancouver WAcerebral sclerosis - affects central nervous systemnoRobert J TaylorSW 167 line 10Knapp Funeral Home25 Feb 1942Van City CemRobert J Taylor (Can) - spouse; John Randolph, George F (adopted), Robert Joel, Gertrude G, Alice Helen, Lillian G - children; John Hockinson (SWE) and Ellen Jonasson (SWE) - parentsProtestanthousewifemarried Taylor 1878, Washington Co., Minn; 1900 - 6 children/4 living; in same plot as husband and parents and 2 sons; parents buried in SW 168; dau Mary/Gertrude (Smith) in Brush Prairie Cemetery C-034
TaylorGeorge Franklin1888 Jan 22Oregon1905 Jul 31Clark Co., WAdrown at Siousan Creek near Tumtum Mt, Clark Co., WAyesRobert J TaylorSW 167 line 10Good and Burnett, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1 Aug 1905Van City CemRobert Jeran Taylor and Emma Hockinson - an adopted sonnewspaper article The Seattle Daily Times 5 Aug 1905, obit The Columbian 10 Aug 1905
TaylorJohn Randolph1894 Feb 8Clark Co., WA1895 Jan 16Clark Co., WAyesRobert J TaylorSW 167 S/2 line 10Jan 1895 Van City CemRobert Jeran Taylor (Can) and Emma Gustava Hockinson (IL) - parents
TeatzMay EBecker1875 May 7Le Mars, Plymouth Co., Iowa1942 Jul 21Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesJ C BeckerSW 75-3 McGinnis and Wilhelm, Milwaukie, Clackamas Co., OR23 Jul 1942Van City CemCharles Teatz (MI) - spouse; no children; John C Becker (NY) and Martha S Piper (OH) - parentsmarried Teatz in 18918, Imperial Co., CA; he is buried at Riverview Cemetery, Portland OR, May buried in same plot as parents and brother; funeral notice The Oregon Journal 21 Jul 1942-sister Frances Becker
ThorntonLouisPhilip1854 Sep 24Oregon City, Clackamas Co., Oregon1925 Jul 8Kelso, Cowlitz Co., WashingtonnephritisyesThomas ThorntonSW 150 line 6N R Smith, undertaker, Kelso, Cowlitz Co., WA10 Jul 1925Van City CemMartha Anna Brinn (WA) - spouse; Thomas Jackson, Luella, Grover T - children; Thomas J Thornton (VA) and Louisanna Cleophine Le Blanc (LA) - parents1920- filer, sawmill, Cowlitz Co., WAWashington State Pioneer, lived the Kelso area, Cowlitz Co., WA. Parents are buried in St John's Catholic Cemetery, Clark Co., WA; obit The Oregonian 10 Jul 1925
ThorntonMartha AnnaBrinn1861 Apr 8Vancouver WA1942 Sep 8Kelso, Cowlitz Co., Washingtonheart failureyesThomas ThorntonSW 150 S/2 line 6Ditlevsen Funeral Home, Kelso, Cowlitz Co., WA10 Sep 1942Van City CemLouis Philip Thornton (OR) - spouse; Thomas Jackson, Luella, Grover T - children; Andrew Jackson Brinn and Matilda Jane Weigle - parents both of Illinois1931 in Kelso, WA
ThorntonThomasJackson1878 MayVancouver WA1898 Mar 19Dyea, Skagway, Alaskaspinal meningitisyesThomas ThorntonSW 150 S/2 line 6Apr 1898Van City CemLouis Philip Thornton (OR) and Martha Ann Brinn (WA) - parentWas in Alaska during the Gold Rush; obit The Oregonian 31 Mar 1989; buried after body was embalmed in Skagway, shipped by boat and train to Vancouver
TiedeHenry1843 Mar 29Germany1912 Feb 14Glenwood area, Vancouver WAheart failureyes SW 110 S/2 line 3Knapp Funeral ParlorFeb 1912Van City Cemsingle; parents of Germany1910-farmer, Vancouver Hts, WAnaturalized in 1885 in Oregon; found dead in bed at a Mr. Gregory's where he had stayed several nights after being held up and robbed, Vancouver WA; half brother's son Fritz Dunkel of Germany (Obit in Seattle Daily Times)
TolerJosephH1811Nova Scotia, Canada1891 Dec 31Clark Co., WAyesJoseph TolerSW 89 S/2 line 91 Jan 1892Van City CemHarriet Rynor (NS, Can) - spouse; no children; parents from Nova Scotia, Canada1865 in Middlesex Co., MA -engraver, 1880-Clark Co., WA; goldsmithmarriet Harriet Nov 1847 Boston MA; obit The Oregonian 19 Jan 1892
TolerHarriet Rynor1823Nova Scotia, Canada1900 Apr 24Clark Co., WAyesJoseph TolerSW 89 S/2 line 926 Apr 1900Van City CemJoseph H Toler (NS, Can) - spouse; no children; parents of EnglandhousewifeMarried Toler Nov 1847, Boston MA
TooleyJohn Pembroke1863 Jun 6Washington1891 Aug 25Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesJohn P TooleySW 36 line 1326 Aug 1891Van City CemEmma Florence Steward (OR) - spouse; Leona Faye, Anna Vida - children; George James Tooley (IN)