Vancouver City Cemetery NW Section Inventory

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SurnameFirst NameMiddle NameMaiden NameBirth yearBirth PlaceDeath yearPlace of deathReasonashes marker y/nPlot OwnerPlotFuneral HomeInternment DateCemeteryFamily: spouse; children; parentsAffliationsMilitary ServiceOccupationOther notesCemetery Maintenance issues
AdamsMary ArmitaRedding1846 Sep 7Barry Co., Missouri1938 May 13Vancouver WAat home of acute indigestion at 107 E 28th St., Vancouver WAyes NW 119-2 line 8Hamilton Funeral Home16 May 1938Vancouver City CemeteryEdward M Tempes (LA)(1) and John W Adams (NY)(2) - spouses; Frederick WIlliam W, ? - 2 children by Tempes (in 1900); Stephen Redding (VT) and Mary Ann Beaver (TN) - parentsNation Auxillary USWVmarried in 1861 to Tempes; 1900 census 2 children/1 living; married Adams in 1924, Clark Co., WA; buried in same plot as first husband Tempes and son Frederick
AdamsSamuel1865Ireland1937 Dec 17St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAauto accidentnoH ChristNW 43-7Hamilton Funeral Home21-Dec-37Vancouver City CemeteryMary Jane Harvey (Can)(1) and Etta ? (WA)(2) - spouses; no children; ? Adams (Scot) and ? ? (Ire) - parents1920- saw mill operator; 1930 - farmer Minnehaha Area, Clark Co.,WAimmigrated in 1880; married circa 1895
AdamsMary JaneHarvey1865Ontario, Canada1927 Apr 1Vancouver WAcerebral hemmorrhage ashesyesHarveyNW 85Hamilton Funeral Home3 Apr 1927Vancouver City CemeterySamuel Adams (Ire) - spouse; no children; Christopher Harvey (Scot) and Catherine Spence (Scot) - parentsimmigrated in 1884; married circa 1895; 1910 census -no children
Ahern (A'Hern), Sr.PatrickJames1827 Mar 27Cork, Ireland1868 Jan 11Vancouver WA41 yearsyesPatrick AhernNW 80Vancouver City CemeteryNancy Jane Wood (VA) - spouse; Ellen Catherine, Patrick Jr., William H - childrenProtestant, democratSoldier - 5 yearsClark Co Audior for 14 yearscame to Vancouver WA circa 1849 by ship via Cape Horn; 3 Jan 1853 married Nancy; wife Nancy buried in same plot along with 3rd husband Weeden; son William in plot NE 44
Ahern (A'Hern)Patrick "Bob"H1857Vancouver WA1885 Nov 27Vancouver WA28 years, disabled from birthyesPatrick AhernNW 80Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Patrick Ahern (Ire) and Nancy Jane Wood (VA) - parentsdisabled from birth, mother Nancy WEEDEN buried in same plot
Ahern (A'Hern), Jr.William1860 Jul 9Vancouver WA1911 Nov 24St Josephs Hospital, Vancovuer WArheumatismnoPatrick AhernNW 80Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Nov 1911Vancouver City CemeteryNora Wiggs (OR) - spouse; one child/died before 1910; Patrick Ahern (Ire) and Nancy Jane Wood (VA) - parentsno record of William Ahern in cemetery records but shows up in Pioneer records as buried in Vancouver City Cemetery; wife Nora remarried Edwin Cushing; died in 1935 in Oregon
AirdJohn 1831Montreal, Canada1866 Jan 25Clark Co., WA35 yrs, 1 moyesTrippNW 89Vancouver City CemeterysingleMasonbutcher in 1860
AlbertsonAlexander Frank1883 Feb 19Thatcher, Cherry Co., Nebraska1962 Dec 24Vancouver WAheart failureyesAlbertsonNW 38-5Vancouver City CemeteryJessie B Brugh (Neb)(1) and Eva Cordelia Crowley (WA)(2) - spouse; no children; Rick Liffe Albertson (MI) and Imogene Sedlacek (Ind) - parents1910 - bookeeper at a saw mill; 1920 - cashier at a saw mill; 1930 - manager at saw mill; 1940 - property manager for WPA Warehousemarried Jessie Brugh 12 Sep 1911, Spokane WA; she died in 1913; married Eva Crowley circa 1916
AlbertsonEva CordeliaCrowley1892 Oct 1Clark Co., WA1967 Sep 16Clark Co., WAheart failureyesAlbertsonNW 38-4Hamilton Funeral Home19 Sep 1967Vancouver City CemeteryAlex Frank Albertson (Neb) - spouse; no children; James Crowley (WI) and Ida May Ellis (MI) - parentssibling: Josephine married Fred A Meridan; she is in same plot with sister
Anderson Frank A1877 Oct 16Ossineke Co., Michigan1969 Jan 17Clark Co., WApneumoniayesNW 214Evergreen Funeral Home21 Jan 1969Vancouver City CemeteryAugusta Anderson (MI)(1) and Pearl Turner (2)(KY) - spouses; Alfred Anderson and Mary? - parents, both in either MI or Swedenbarber - 1900, 1940lived in Portland in 1900 with Augusta and her sister, Emma - married Harry Crosby; married Pearl in 1917, Missoula MT; 1940 in Pierce Co., WA
ArbuckelMayMiller1869 MayWashington1902 May 23Washingtonconsumption, 31 y, 10 myesAbraham L MillerNW 3424 May 1902Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam H Arbuckel (IL) - spouse; Arline Alice, Mina - children; George Washington Miller Jr. (OH) and Manilla Harper (TN) - parents1900 census 2 children/2 living; 1900-living in Spokane Washington; Abraham Lincoln Miller (Superior Court Judge) is brother of George W Miller; William Arbuckel remarried in 1903; mother died 1877, buried in Goldendale, Klickitat Co., Washington
ArbuckelArline Alice1898 DecWashington1901 Dec 9Washingtonas result of an operationyesAbraham L MillerNW 34-2Dec 1091Vancouver City CemeteryWillaim Arbuckel (IL) and May M iller (WA) - parents
ArringtonHelen Eva1896 Aug 2Clark Co., WA1980 Jul 7Rhododenron, Clackamas Co., Oregonno NW 127Jul 1980Vancouver City CemeteryFrank Joseph Kane (ID)(1) and Warren M Arrington (WA)(2) - spouses; Clayton, Francis - by Kane, Kenyon (male) by Arrington; Everett McCafferty (MO) and Hattie Woolf (NEB) - parents
AtheyRita (Loretta?)BCollings1885 Jan 20Clark Co., WA1974 Mar 8Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonstroke, 88 y, 1myesH ChristNW 4313 Mar 1974Vancouver City CemeteryGordon Stuart (1) and Orley W Athey (2) (div) - spouses; no children; Arthur Collings and Loretta Siebert - parents1913 married Gordon Stuart in Clark Co., WA; 1920 in Vancouver married to Stuart - no children; 1916 married to Stuart/div; Jun 1927 married Athey; 1933 - living in Portland OR; by 1935-1940 she was in OR State Hospital for Insane, divorced from Athey.; Stuart died in 1964, WA, was a correspondent for The Oregonian (1916)
AtkinsonEdward Young1848 Jan 1Boone Co., Illinois1916 Jan 25St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAuremic poisoningyesno nameNW 127-529 Jan 1916Vancouver City CemeteryTamara Ann Holmes (Eng) - spouse; George Edward, John Berton, Charlotta May - children; Joseph Atkinson (Eng) and Mary Hazelwood (Eng) - parentsfarmer
AustinRoyal Louis1845 Apr 4Otsego Co., New York 1920 Aug 4Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesAustinNW 208Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Aug 1920Vancouver City CemeteryAmanda Lucretia Wilcox (IA) - spouse; Ruth, Henry W - children; Henry Austin (NY) and Polly Wilder (NY) - parentsreal estate agent, farmerAUSTIN family headstone
AustinAmandaLucretiaWilcox 1854 Aug 6Richland, Keokuk Co., Iowa1930 Dec 30at dau Ruth's home, Rt #3 Lakeshore area, Clark Co., WAcerebral hemorrhageyesAustinNW 208Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Jan 1931Vancouver City CemeteryRoyal L Austin (NY) - spouse; Ruth, Henry W - children; Ephraim Wilcox (TN) and May E Lovelace (TN) - parentsUnitarianhousewifeAUSTIN family headstone
BakerDaniel Boone1842 Mar 30Missouri1914 Sep 22at dau's home Margaret Coovert, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyes Baker NW 155-1 line 4Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon24 Sep 1914Vancouver City CemeteryNancy McCollum (MO) - spouse; Margaret "Maggie," Perry M, Leo - children; John R Baker and Susannah ? - parents from KentuckyCivil War Veteran, Co. F, 25 Missouri Infantry1880- teamster; 1900- R R car repairer in Vancouver WAmarried 17 June 1863, Linn, MO; children Perry and Leo buried in SW 199 line 10; newspaper article The Oregonian 23 Sep 1914; dau Margaret married E E Coovert; death cert.
BakerNancy McCollum1843 JulLinn Co., Missouri1922 Oct 10Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhagenoBaker NW 155-1 line 4Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon12 Oct 1922Vancouver City CemeteryDaniel B Baker - spouse; Margaret "Maggie", Perry M, Leo - children; Robert McCollum (KY) and Mary Hughes (SC) - parentssons Perry and Leo buried in SW 199 line 11
BakerMillardAugustus1846 Dec 21Watervale, Onondaga Co., New York 1924 Jul 29Raymond, Pacific Co., Washingtonheart diseaseyesBaker NW 173Leroy Chambers, Raymond, Pacific Co., Washington1 Aug 1924Vancouver City CemeteryHarriet M Birger (PA) - spouse; Joseph W, Millard A Jr - children; Joseph Baker (NY) and Maria J Kullard (NY) - parentsCivil War Veteran, Master Sargeant, Co. G New York, Second Calvaryretired sheriff; 1910 farmer in Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WA
BakerHarriet MBirger (sp?)1844 Nov 9Union Co., Pennsylvania1928 Jan 7Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart relatedyesBaker NW 173-2Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Jan 1928Vancouver City Cemetery? Fisher (PA)(1) and Millard A Baker (2) - spouse; George W K, Hattie J - children by Fisher; Joseph W, Millard A Jr, G W K, Hattie - children by Baker; ? Birger (PA) - parent1870-Yankton, SD; 1880-Yankton SD, as BAKER; Obit The Columbian 8 Jan 1928; 1910 living with son George and dau Hattie Fisher in Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WA
BakerMorrisRolla1826 Jan 21Tyler Co., West Virginia1883 Jan 19Clark Co., WAyesBakerNW 41-3Jan 1883Vancouver City CemeteryMatilda Jones (OH) - spouse; Alice T, Agnes A, Arthur W, Frances Isabel, Bertha O, Edwin M, Frank S, Claude Melville - children; Joshua Baker (VA) and Agnes Ingraham (PA) - parentsblacksmith, gunsmith at Ft Vancouver1853 Oregon Trail right after marriage to Matilda
BakerMatildaAnnJones1834 Sep 18Zanesville, Muskingun Co., Ohio1929 Aug 20at home of son EM Baker, Gladstone, Clackamas Co., Oregonage relatedyesBakerNW41-1Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon22 Aug 1929Vancouver City CemeteryMorris Baker - spouse; Alice T, Agnes A, Arthur W, Frances Isabel, Bertha O, Edwin M, Frank S, Claude Melville, James, Eva - children; James Jones (VA) and Prudence Morrison (PA) - parents 1900 census 9 children/7 living; Crossed in the 1853 Oregon Trail, homesteaded in Linnton area, then moved to Vancouver; Obit The Columbian
BakerArthur William 1860 JanMultnomah Co., Oregom1882 Oct 22Clark Co., WAyesBakerNW 41-5Oct 1882Vancouver City CemeteryAnnie Petrain (WA) - spouse; William Arthur - child; Morris Baker (WV) and Matilda Jones (OH) - parentsbutchermarried Annie 16 Dec 1878, Vancouver WA; obit The Vancouver Independent 26 Oct 1882 - had a hip disease over a long time, well liked citizen of Vancouver; Anne Petrain's parent - Joseph Petrain and Catherine Dolan; Anne Petrain Baker Richardson is buried in SE 72
BakerClaude Melville1870 AugClark Co., WA1916 Apr 2Manhatten Hotel, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart problemsyesBakerNW 41-2Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon3 Apr 1916 Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Morris Baker (VA) and Matilda Ann Jones (OH ) - parentsnewspaper article The Oregonian 3 Apr 1916 - had been drinking for several days, had been released days before from Rocky Butte jail due for assault; buried with parents
BakkeElmerKephus1895 Jan 25Rhinelander, Oneida Co., Wisconsin1973 Oct 21Seattle, King Co., WashingtonyesNW 217 line 8aAdams and Forkner, Seattle, King Co., WAVancouver City CemeteryElizabeth Marie Toth (OR) - spouse; Cheryl Arlene - child; Kristian Patterson Bakke (Nor) and Mary Marie Severs (WI) - parentsmasonWorld War I veteran, May 1916-Aug 19191920 - auto salesman; 1930- owner of an auto accessory store, Vancouver WA; 1940 - salesman, Seattle WAfather's name - LYSBAKKEN
BakkeElizabethMarie1895 Sep 21Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1981 Jul 2Seattle, King Co., Washingtonheart failureashesyesNW 217-37 line 8a23 Nov 1981Vancouver City CemeteryElmer Kephus Bakke (WI) - spouse; Cheryl Arlene - child; Paul Toth (Hungary) and Margaret Werle (Ukraine) - parents
BarnesWilliamJames1889 May 16Andrew Co., Missouri1957 Dec 26St Helens Hospital, Chehalis, Lewis Co., Washingtonpulmonary edemaashesyesno nameNW 127Tacoma Massoleum, Tacoma., Pierce Co., WAVancouver City CemeteryFlorence G Scolley (WA)(1)(Div) and Dosha May Grigsby (2) - spouses; William J Barnes, Sr. (OH) and Laura Irene Custer (OH) - parents bookkeeper, 1940 - warehouseman for a logging co., Ryderwood, Cowlitz Co., WAApr 1940 was married to Florence, div, 1940 married to Dosha
Barnes Florence Scolley1903 Jan 12Iowa City, Johnson Co., Iowa1949 Jan 17Deconess Hospital, Wenachee, Chelan Co., Washingtonhemorrhage yesno nameNW 127Jones and Jones Funeral Home, Wenatchee, Chelan Co., WA19 Jan 1949Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam J Barnes (MO)(div) - spouse; William H Scolley (UT) and Sadie Myers (IA) - parents1930-single, cashier, department store, Ryderwood, Cowlitz Co.,WAheadstone dates of 1905 and 1950 are wrong; dates are 1903-1949. Brother John "Jack" Scolley; in same plot as parents, bro Jack and Barnesheadstone birth date of 1905 is wrong; date is 1903
BeesonJohn Jabez1840 Oct 21Findley, Hancock Co., Ohio1915 Dec 21Corvallis, Benton Co., Oregon75y, 2m; bronchial pneumoniayesBeesonNW 77Limber Funeral Home23 Dec 1915Vancouver City CemeteryJulia DeNeveu (WI)(Div) - spouse; Gustave Edward, Mary Catherine, George, Tracy, Julia, Susan - children; Edward Beeson (PA) and Susan Bell (OH) - parentsQuaker descentprinter, father in printing business; Jan 1878 editor of Vancouver Independent; Vancouver city clerkmarried 1862, Fond du Lac Co., WI; John is divorced, living with dau Susan (also divorced), Vancouver WA; wife a sue for an inheritance and John lost everything in foreclosures, the left for California
BeesonJuliaMargaretDeNeveu1842 Nov 2Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac Co., WI1917 Oct 5Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonChronic nephritisyesBeesonNW 77Holman Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon8 Oct 1916Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Jabez Beeson (OH)(div) - spouse; Gustave Edward, Mary Catherine, George, John Tracy, Julia, Susan, - children; Gustave DeNeveu (France) and Harriet P Dousman (MI) - parentsmarried 1862 in Fond du Lac Co., WI, obit The Oregonian and Oregon Journal 7 Oct 1916; sued for an inheritance and husband lost everything in foreclosures, the left for California and divorced John
BeesonGustaveEdward1862 Dec 16Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac Co., WI1907 Dec 28Portland Sanitarium, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregondropsy (diabetes melitis)yesBeesonNW 77Dunning, McEntee and Gilbaugh Funeral Chapel, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR31 Dec 1907Vancouver City CemeteryElizabeth M Lindsay (CA) - spouse; Lindsay Gustaus - child; John J Beeson (OH) and Julia DeNeveu (WI) - parentsfuneral notice The Oregonian 30 Dec 1907
BeesonCatherineMary1865Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac Co., WI1877 Sep 27Portland, Multnomah Co., OregondiptheriayesBeesonNW 77Vancouver City Cemetery John J Beeson (OH) and Julia DeNeveu (WI) - parents
BeesonTracyJohn1881 Feb 21Vancouver WA1882 May 19Vancouver WApoisoning from laudanum yesBeesonNW 77Vancouver City Cemetery John J Beeson (OH) and Julia DeNeveu (WI) - parents
BellingerWilburMoore 1893 Sep 30Oregon City , Clackamas Co., Oregon1960 Dec 5Veterans Hospital, Vancouver WAheart failureyesIsaac ThomasNW 31-1 line 16Vancouver Funeral Chapel8 Dec 1960Vancouver City CemeteryJuanita Lulu Fernley (WA)(1) and Helen Virginia Smith (WA)(2) - spouses; Wilbur Fernley, Charles Lewis - by Juanita; Louis N Bellinger (MI) and Estella Moore (OR) - parentsWorld War I veteran, Sgt, Quartermaster Corpsengineer for US Government father Wilbur died in Clark Co., WA
BellingerHelen VirginiaSmith1902 Jul 19Spokane, Spokane Co., Washington1982 Dec 25Clark Co., WAheart failureyesIsaac ThomasNW 31-2 line 15Vancouver Funeral Chapel29 Dec 1982Vancouver City CemeteryHoward Simcox (1) and Wilbur M Bellinger (OR)(2) - spouse; Ronald - child by Simcox; William Francis Smith (KY) and Grace L Pelton (IL) - parentsmember of Baptist Church, Daughters of the Nilehomemakerobit The Columbian 27 Dec 1982
Benedict, Jr.Herbert Arthur 1918 Sep 16Davis, Tucker Co., West Virginia2007 Oct 7Clark Co., WAashesyesno nameNW 152Davies Cremation and Burial, Clark Co., WAVancouver City CemeteryMargaret Youney (1) and Mildred Rozina Blake (2) - spouses; Herbert Benedict Sr. (PA) and Zaretta Celeste Carroll (PA) - parentsWorld War II veteranmarried Margaret in PAa; married Mildred in 1973, Skamania Co., WA; parents in NW 182; obit in 24 and 17 Octc 2007 The Columbian
Benedict Mildred RozinaBlake1922 May 24Camas, Clark Co., WA2020 Apr 14Clark Co., WAyesno nameNW 152Brown Funeral Home, Camas, Clark Co., WA Apr 2020Vancouver City CemeteryHerbert A Benedict Jr (WV) - spouse; no children; Ralph Blake (KS) and Kathleen Florence Parkman (NY) - parentmarried 1973 to Benedict; obit The Columbia, 23 Apr 2020 Camas-Washougal Post Record
Benedict, Sr. Herbert Arthur1882 Jan 22Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania1964 Apr 22Clark Co., WACancerashesyesno nameNW 182Evergreen Staples Funeral Home, Vancouver WA24 Apr 1964Vancouver City CemeteryZaretta Celeste Carroll (PA) - spouse; Elizabeth, Virginia Emma, Sarah, Eunice, Herbert A Jr. - children; William Benedict (Ire) and Emma Thompson (Eng) - parents1900 - fireman, Randolph Co., West Virginia, single; 1910 - flagman for RR, Randolph Co. WVa; 1920 - RR, Davis, Tucker Co., WVa; 1930 - brakeman for RR Allegheny Co., PA; 1942 in PA, Union RR Co.married to Zaretta in 1910; son Herbert buried in NW 152; obit The Columbian 24 Apr 1964
Benedict Zaretta CelesteCarroll1887 Aug 4Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania1983 Oct 8Vancouver WAheart failureAshesnoSpencerNW 182-5Evergreen Staples Funeral Home, Vancouver WAOct 1983Vancouver City CemeteryHerbert A Benedict Sr - spouse; Elizabeth, Virginia Emma, Sarah, Eunice, Herbert Jr. - children; John A Carroll (WV) and Eunice C Ridenour (OH) - parentRoyal Neighbors of America, obit The Columbian 9 Oct 1983
BennettDavid "Big Chief"W1907 Feb 22Hondo, Medina Co., Texas 1973 Jul 25Williams Lake, British Columbia, CanadanoNW 215-2Vancouver Funeral Chapel30 Jul 1973Vancouver City CemeteryLucille "Benny" ? (NM) - spouse; Samuel - child; Mason, Shriner, Machinist Unionowner operator of Skyline Sports Shopobit 29 Jul The Columbian
BirchEric/Iric?noBeanNW 45-1Vancouver City Cemetery
BlakeLauraBelleBlake1872 Dec 22Vancouver WA1875 Jan 24Vancouver WA3 yr, 1 mo., 2 daysyesJ G BlakeNW 20-10 line 13 Jan 1875Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Grover Blake (MA) and Mary Bennett (OH) - parents(1880- John Grover Blake Civil War veteran; was a quartermaster at Vancouver Barrack)parents died in Chicago and buried in Oak Woods Cemetery, Cook Co., IL; siblings: Robert Aldon, John B
BlakerPaulM 1920-1930Vancouver WA1920-1930Washingtonnewborn, 3 daysnoA M BlakerNW 18 line 15Vancouver City CemeteryJohn L Blaker (WA) and Marjorie G Hall (MN) - parentsdied after 3 days; Blakers no children in 1930 census, John not married in 1920
BlakerLillieAnnWomelsdorf1882 DecBeardstown, Cass Co., Illinois1927 Sep 4Vancouver WApyelinephritis-kidney/pelvic inflamationnoA M BlakerNW 18- line 15Hamilton and Son Funeral Home, Vancouver WA7 Sep 1927Vancouver City CemeteryFrank W Blaker (IA) (son of Albert Blaker) - spouse; Donald Harwood, baby - children; John C Womelsdorf (IL) and Anna Janie Harwood (IL) - parents1910 census -2 children/1 living; husband Frank buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver; Womelsdorfs are buried in Lewisville Cemetery, Clark Co., WA
BlakerMarjorieGertrudeHall1892 Apr 23Minnesota1941 Jul 23Sy Joseph Hospital Vancouver WAnephritis/edema of lungyesA M BlakerNW 18-2 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Jul 1941Vancouver City CemeteryJohn L Blaker (WA) - spouse; Paul M - child; Stephen S Hall (MN) and Susan Blaker (MN) - parentsProtestanthousewifelived at 3101 K St., Vancouver WA; lived in Washington 19 years
BlakerJohn L 1894 Oct 29Lewisville, Clark Co., Washington1952 Mar 15VA Hospital, Vancouver WACancer, peritonitisyesA M BlakerNW 18-3 line 15Vancouver Funeral Chapel18 Mar 1952Vancouver City CemeteryMarjorie Gertrude Hall (MN) - spouse; Paul M - child; Albert Blaker (WI) and Estelle Varble (MN) - parentsWashington, CPL, First Co., 20th Engineers, World War I
World War I veteran, Washington, CPL, First Co., 20th Engineers
1942 worked for the City of Vancouver WA, Police Chiefsiblings Claire B Hahn and Mildred B Lieser-buried in NW 18
BlakerAlbertMahlon 1851 Apr 22Parkersville, Dane Co., Wisconsin1939 Jun 2at home at 408 W 9th St., Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrageyesA M BlakerNW 29-6 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Jun 1939Vancouver City CemeteryEstelle Varble (MN) - spouse ; Frank W, Clifford Mahlon, Jesse Edward, Albert M, Jr., Julia, Claire, John, Harland lewis, Maretha, Mildred - children; Mahlon Albert Blaker (PA) and Sarah Harrison (PA) - parentsProtestant, Exalted Ruler of the Elks in 1912-member for 35 yearsoperated a lumber company, builder; Clark Co Assessor-1880, WA state representative-1904-1908, Clark Co Commissioner-1908-1912 and State Fair Commissioner; builder of brick buildings: the Deaf School, Blind School, Odd Fellows Bldg, and a portion of U OF Oregon and St James Catholic Church; built 3 sawmills, numerous homes and Blaker Aptsmarried 15 May 1872, Sioux City IA; Mahlon and Sarah Blaker were followers of William Penn; Albert moved wife and son to San Franscisco and then to Portland OR in 1878; 1889 bought 120 acre farm on Cedar Cr. Clark Co.; sold farm moved into Vancouver; an avid fisherman; daus Mildred Lieser and Claire Hahn buried in NW 18
BlakerEstella Varble1858 Jun 29Lakeland, Goodhue Co., Minnesota1949 Dec 27Vancouver WAsenileyesA M BlakerNW 29Vancouver Funeral Chapel30 Dec 1949Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert Mahlon Blaker (WI) - spouse; Frank W, Clifford M, Jess F, Albert M, Jr., Julia, Claire, John, Harland, Mildred - children; Coleman Varble (KY) and Gillas Van Meter (IN) - parentshousewifemarried 15 May 1872 Sioux City IA; Harry M Van Zandt, Jr. - grandson in same plot; dau Mildred Lieser and Claire Hahn in NW 18
BlakerCliffordMahlon 1881 Dec 17Clark Co., WA1903 Jun 23Vancouver WAaccident at saw millyesA M BlakerNW 29 Line 15Jun 1903Vancouver City CemeteryFreda Hagan (SD) - spousesawyer in lumber millm.21 Dec 1901 in Clark Co WA
BlakerJessieEdward 1884 Aug 17Amboy, Clark Co., WA1949 Feb 15Blaker Apartments, Vancouver WAheart failure, cancer of colonashesyesA M BlakerNW 29-5 line 15Vancouver Funeral Chapel18 Feb 1949Vancouver City CemeteryPearl Nunn (CA) - spouse; Margaret, Albert - children; Albert M Blaker (WI) and Estella Varble (MN) - parents1930 - State Highway patrol man; 1940 - planer man in plywood plantPearl buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver
BlakerDonaldHarwood1908 Sep 4Washington1949 Jan 15St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAauto accidentyesA M BlakerNW 29-3 line 15Vancouver Funeral Chapel18 Jan 1949Vancouver City CemeteryGolda Willaby (OR) - spouse; no children; Frank Blaker (IA) and Lillie A Womelsdorf (IL) - parentsWorld War II veteran, US Army, Staff Sgt, 333 AAF Bomb SQD 1930 - Bookkeeper for OP&C Co., Vancouver; 1940 bookkeeper for a grain elevator in Athena , Umatilla Co., ORmarried in 1936; divorced, newspaper article The Oregonian 16 Jan 1949 - in auto accident return from Elks meeting
BlissGlennOrville1899 Dec 30Eaton, Weld Co., Colorado1960 Oct 13Vancouver WAheart failureyesTrippNW 89Hamilton Funeral Home18 Oct 1960Vancouver City CemeteryMay Florence Blakeney (OR) - spouse; Jack, Dewey Eugene, Lorna, Emma, Donald, Leona, Lois, Leta - Children; Dewey Bliss (IL) and Augusta Gibbens (KS) - parents Masonorthopedic technician
BlurockIsabelleFrancesBaker1862Clark Co., WA1890WashingtonyesNW 41Vancouver City CemeteryEdward M Blurock (PA) - spouse; Morse Baker (WV) and Matilda Ann Jones (OH) - parentshusband Edward Blurock buried in Park Hill; married 8 Jan 1885, Clark Co Wa
BoardmanElvaAnnaHidden1879 Dec 9Bay City, Bay Co., Michigan1964 Jan 14Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonstrokeyesA W HiddenNW 13-2 line 13Vancouver Funeral Chapel16 Jan 1964Vancouver City CemeteryHenry August Boardman (MN) - spouse; Henry A Jr., Margaret S - children; Oliver Moody Hidden Jr. (VT) and Margaret Steele (VT) - parentsretired bookkeeper for First National Bankobit The Oregonian 16 Jan 1964 ; buried in same plot as mother Margaret Steele Hidden
BoardmanMargaretS 1904 Mar 17Vancouver WA1908 Nov 191015 Washington St.,Vancouver WAmeningitis yesA W HiddenNW 13-3 line 13Kirch Funeral Home22 Nov 1908Vancouver City CemeteryHenry A Boardman, Jr. (MN) and Elva Ann Hidden (MI) - parentsState of Washington Death Certificate; same plot as mother and grandmother
BoardmanMartha "Mattie" BishopMerrill1860 Mar 22Otsego Co., New York1945 Jun 26Clark Co., WAheart diseasenono nameNW 180Limber Funeral Home28 Jun 1945Vancouver City CemeteryAlfred D Boardman (IA) - spouse; Helen Mildred, Danvers Merrill, Hazel M, Alfred D - children; Ephram R Merrill (NY) and Mary Mercy Roberts (NY) - parents
BoardmanAlfredD1858 MayIowa City, Wright Co., Iowa1947 Oct 16Clatskanie, Columbia Co., Oregonhypertensionnono nameNW 180Limber Funeral Home20 Oct 1947Vancouver City CemeteryMartha "Mattie" Bishop Merrill (NY) - spouse; Helen Mildred, Danvers Merrill, Hazel M, Alfred D - children; Daver Andrew Boardman (NY) and Elizabeth French (NY) - parents1900-fish commissioner, Tacoma WA; 1910-business agent for a railroad co., Portland OR; 1920 restaurantuer in San Francisco CA; 1930 landscape artist, Astoria OR; retired -Durham, Washington Co. ORobit The Columbia 17 Oct 1947
BoltonNelsonF1827 Mar 1Sumner Co, Tennessee1920 Jun 14at Blankchet House, Vancouver WAgeneral senilty and heart leisonsyesBoltonNW 47-1Knapp Funeral Parlor16 Jun 1920Vancouver City CemeteryAmazama E Rager (IN) (1) and Agnes A LaRue (IN)(2) - spouse; no children; Daniel Bolton (NC) and Dinah Schmitty (TN) - parentsCivil War veeran - Capt, 24th Indiana Infantryfruit grower, farmer, owned 87 acres in Harney Precinc, Clark Co., WA t in 1900married Sep 1848 to Amazana; married LaRue 28 Apr 1900, divorce by 1920 (she died 1927, OR under name of McConnell); 1870 Della Bolton Neice living with them and raised as a daughter
Bolton AmazanaA Rager1830 Sep 26New Albany, Floyd Co., Indiana1897 Oct 13at home, Clark Co., WAyesBoltonNW 47-1Oct 1897Vancouver City CemeteryNelson F Bolton (TN) - spouse; no children; Alfred Rager (VA) and Minerva Harper (KY) - parentsmarriedSep 1848; 1874 moved to NW for health reason; Obit, The Oregonia 17 Oct 1897-
BondAndrew Watson1875 Dec 23Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan1925 Sep 29Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart relatedyesNW 209Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1 Oct 1925Vancouver City CemeteryWinifred "Winnie" L Vrooman (dau of Myron Vrooman)(MN) - spouse; Virgil Vrooman, Wallace Walton - children; Andrew Bond (Scot) and Anna Watson (Scot) - parentsUniversity Park Congregational Church, Portalnd ORministernewspaper article, The Oregonia 4 Oct 1925
Bone Charlotte MargaretBennett1848 Jun 16Montreal, Quebec, Canada1916 Feb 16493 21st St., Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncancernoCharles L GrayNW 54-2Limber Funeral Home20 Feb 1916Vancouver City CemeteryCharles L Gray (OH)(1) and Joseph Valentine Bone (OH)(2) - spouses; William L, Blanch L, Elizabeth - children by Gray; William Bennett (Ire) and Margaret McFarfane (Scot) - parentsCharlotte married Gray in 1873, Michigan, (Gray-1849 OH-died in 1892, Clark Co., WA); married Bone in 1897, Clark Co., WA; Joseph Bone (1830-1907) was married to Rachel Bryan (1830-1890) and had 13 children; he and Rachel are buried in Brush Prairie Cem.; in same plot as Gray; headstone could be buried under grass
BowmanCarrie BOlson1872 Dec 25Wisconsin1935 Nov 18Vancouver WAheart problemsnoJohnsonNW 128Limber Funeral Home21 Nov 1935Vancouver City CemeteryWalter Hoag (Can)(1) and Harold Bowman (OH)(2) - spouses; Ernest - by Hoag; Charles Olson (Nor) and Mary Johnson (Nor) - parentsmarried Bowman in 1923 , Vancouver WA; buried with Walter Hoag; son Ernest buried t Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
BozellCharlesI1858 Jul 13Indiana1915 Feb 24Bend, Deschutes Co., Oregongastric ulceryesBozellNW 141Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Feb 1915Vancouver City CemeteryMary Louise Stahl (OH) - spouse; Fred Manford, Helena M, Joseph E, Mary, Willetta, Charles J - children; FM Bozell (VA) and Matilda Wilson (IN) - parentsChristian Scientist1910-salesman, machinery, Bend OR
BozellMarieLouise Stahl1870 Feb 10Frankfort, Franklin Co., Kentucky1947 May 1St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAheart DiseaseyesBozellNW 141Knapp Funeral Parlor4 May 1947Vancouver City CemeteryCharles I Bozell (IN) - spouse; Fred Manford, Helena M, Joseph E, Mary, Willetta, Charles J - children; Joseph Stahl (Ger) and Helen A Zeppnah (Ger) - parentsmarried Bozell 1889; 1920 living with dau Helena and Mary Willetta; obit The Oregonian 3 May 1947; parents buried in NE 33
BozellFred Manford1890 Sep 6Stanton Co., Nebraska1948 Mar 20Columbia Hospital, Astoria, Clatsop Co., OregonHodgkin's DiseaseyesBozellNW 141Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Mar 1948Vancouver City CemeteryAlice Borkman (MI)(1) and Jennie Mae Gardiner (2) - spouses; dau; Charles I Bozell (IN) and Mary Louise Stahl (OH) - parentsChristian Scientist1917-working in a saw mill, Bend OR; 1920-grocery store saleman, Bend OR; 1942 -Superindentent at O'Brien-Gramm Lumber Co, Astoria ORmarried Alice 19 Jun 1913, Pacific Co., WA; obit the Oregonian 22 March 1948
Brandel ClemenaMinniePyke1888 Feb 16 Wolfe Island, Ontario, Canada1964 Jul 31Multnomah Co., Oregonapoplexyyesno nameNW 183McGinnis and Wilhelm, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon4 Aug 1964Vancouver City CemeteryRoss Calvin Parker Jr.(NY)(1) and Otto Jacob Brandel (KS)(2) - spouses; Edna "Peggie" M - child by Parker; Thomas Pyke (Can) and Hannah Shuman (Can) - parentsnurse divorced-Parker (d. 1955, buried in Arlington Nat'l Cemetery, VA); married Brandel 1952, Portland OR; Otto Brandels' third marriage; obit The Oregonian 3 Aug 1964
BrewsterLucy LDuPuis1854 Jun 11Illinois1893 Feb 15Clark Co., WAyesVan FleetNW 56Feb 1893Vancouver City CemeteryJared Van Fleet (MI)(1), John S Moore (2), and William Holt Brewster (Eng)(3) - spouses; James F - Child by Van Fleet, Edward S, Chester Clarence, Henry - children by Moore, Robert N, William DeeHolt - children by Brewster; Nicholas Joseph DuPuis (Can) and Julenne Modeste Demers (Can) - parentsCatholicparents buried in Mother Joseph Cemetery, Vancouver WA; Van Fleet (b. 1841) 1872 census Clark Co.; VanFleet un same plot
BrittainErnestBenjamin 1880 May 14Durham, Ontario, Canada1953 May 4San Joaquin Co., CalifornianoC A CrissNW 26-4 line 1029 Jun 1953Vancouver City CemeteryLillian M Criss (OH) - spouse; Martha Jane, Charles Young - children; William Brittain (Eng) and Martha Young (Eng) - parents1918-1920-steel merchant, San Francisco CA; 1930 -salesman, hardward, Marin Co., CA
BrittainLillianMarieCriss1891 Jul 7Canton, Stark Co., Ohio1962 Nov 1Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonintestinal bleedingnoC A CrissNW 26-4 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor6 Nov 1962Vancouver City CemeteryErnest Brittain (Can) - spouse; Martha Jane, Charles Young - children; Charles Afton Criss (OH) and Martha C Klopfenstein (OH) - parentsnurseburied in same plot as parents
Brown Margaret ElizabethBrown1892 Mar 10Yankton, Yankton Co., South Dakota1971 Jan 29Vancouver WAcerebral thrombosisyesDrowleyNW 179Hamilton Funeral Home3 Feb 1971Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Hugh Finch Brown (IL) and Addie Frnaces Phelps (MN) - parents1920-1930-grocery clerk, Vancouver WA;1940 living with mother, Vancouver WA
Brown Jane CarolineParish1909 Jan 22Independence, Montgomery Co., Kansas1989 May 17Vancouver WAage relatedashesyesParishNW 185-5Hamilton-Mylan Funeral Home22 May 1989Vancouver City CemeteryWesley W Brown (CA)(div) - spouse; Dwight A Parish (IL) and Dorothy F Kincaid (IL) - parentsWorld War II veteran; US Army , Army Nurse Corps in Scotland; Vancouver Barracks after WWII becoming Major1940- field consultant, Seattle WA; registered nurse VA Medical Center, Columbia View Nursing Home1922-1926 attended Vancouver High School, Vancouver WA; married Brown 27 Nov 1931 Vacouver WA, divorce by 1940; obit The Oregonian 21 May 1989
BuchananJohn A 1865 JulPowesheik Co., Iowa1961 May 1Vancouver WApneumoniayesNW 210Knapp Funeral Parlor5 May 1961Vancouver City CemeteryMary Lena Spires (IL) - spouse; Everett Edwin, Robert Hilton - children; Andrew John Buchanan (IA) and Martha Tinker (PA) - parentsMason1910-1920 -shoe merchant; 1930 - farmingobit The Oregonian May 1961
BuchananMary LenaSpires1875 Sep 24Adams Co., Illinois1980 Feb 13Vancouver WAage related at 104 yearsyesNW 210Evergreen Staples Funeral Chapel, Vancouver WA18 Feb 1980Vancouver City CemeteryJohn A Buchanan (IA) - spouse; Everett Edwin, Robert Hilton - children; John Spires (OH) and Elizabeth Buffington (IL) - parentsEasterm Star, First Methodist Church, Rebekkah Lodgehomemakerobit The Columbian 14 Feb 1980
BuchananEverett Edwin1895 Mar 10Clark Co., WA1970 Jul 8Vancouver WAcanceryesNW 210Hamilton-Mylan Funeral Home11 Jul 1970Vancouver City CemeteryAlice Hatten (Can) (1) and Mary J Hunt (2) and remarried Alice Hatten - spouses; Robert E - child by Alice; John A Buchanan (IA) and M. Lena Spires (IL) - parentsfarmer and mechanicobit The Columbian 9 Jul 1970
BuchananRobert Hilton1893 Oct 4Clark Co., WA1922 Apr 16at home, Sara, Clark Co., Washingtonfound dead in field of natural causesyesNW 210Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Apr 1922Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John A Buchanan (IA) and M. Lena Spires (IL) - parentsUS Army, served 8 mo. as member of the Spruce Div.; 1 year as in Battery 7, 17th field Artillary at Camp Travis, Texas1920-pipefitter at the shipyards, Los Angeles Co., California, farmer in Clark Co., WA at time of deathobit The Columbian 17 Apr 1922-28 years; WA death cert
BumgardnerJohn William 1878 Jun 18Horse Cave, Hart Co., Kentucky1966 Sep 3Vancouver WAcanceryesno nameNW 182Vancouver Funeral Chapel6 Sep 1966Vancouver City CemeteryGladys Abby Battson (KS) - spouse; Julia Hazel - child; Jacob Bumgardner (KY) and Edith Brooks (KY) - parentsWorld War I veteran, WA 2nd Lt Spruce Prod. Air Service, US Army 1902-1904 Indianapolis Military`1930 in hospital as soldier in San Francisco CAmarried Gladys 1 jul 1915, Vancouver WA; dau Julia buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 5 Sep 1966
BumgardnerGladysAbbyBattson1890 Jan 30Kansas1969 Jun 20Vancouver WAheart diseaseashesyesno nameNW 182-5 line 1Vancouver Funeral Chapel23 June 1969Vancouver City CemeteryJohn W Bumgardner - spouse; Julia Hazel - child; William Hooker Battson (OH) and Almira H Brock (IL) - parentsJulia Hazel died as an infant, buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 20 Jun 1969
BurgyHenry George 1867 Jul 31Clark Co., WA1943 Feb 4at home in Vanouver WAheart failureyesSharpNW 130-1 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor6 Feb 1943Vancouver City CemeteryBertha Anna Surber/Stuber - spouse; Viola Mae - child; John Charles Burgy (France) and Mary Ann Steffen (France) -parents Order of the Redmenco-captain with brother Joseph of a steam ship on the Columbia R., Vancouver Police and Fire Depts
BurgyBertha AnnaSurber1870 Sep 19Wisconsin1944 May 21St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcanceryesSharpNW 130Knapp Funeral Parlor23 May 1944Vancouver City CemeteryHenry George Burgy -(WA) spouse; Viola Mae - child; Rudolph Surber (Switz) and Katherine Goot (Switz) - parentsObit The Columbian, 22 May 1944
CadyErnestCarlton1859 Aug 20Chittenden Co., Vermont1936 May 25Clark Co., WAedema of the lungs and heartyesCadyNW 197Limber Funeral Home27 May 1936Vancouver City CemeteryMargaret E McGlynn (CA) - spouse; Irene M, Cecil Carlton - children; Isaac Cady (VT) and Sophronia Jenne (MA) - parentscarpenter for SP&S railroad
CadyMargaretEleanorMcGlynn1876 Dec 23California1931 Dec 25Clark Co., WAheart relatedyesCadyNW 197Limber Funeral Home28 Dec 1931Vancouver City CemeteryErnest C Cady (VT) - spouse; Irene M, Cecel Carlton - children; Patrick McGlynn (Ire) and Alice ? (Ire) - parentsobit The Columbian 26 Dec 1931
CadyCecil Carlton1897 Jul 22Hydenville, Mariposa Co., California1962 Jul 3Vancouver WAcancer of the colonyesCadyNW 197Evergreen Staples Funeral Home6 Jul 1962Vancouver City CemeteryLa Rue G Osburn (OR) - spouse; Colleen, Sam - children; Earnest Cady (VT) and Margaret McGlynn (CA) - parents masonmerchant of automotive suppliesdeath cert
CadyLa RueGenevieveOsburn1901 Apr 6Dufur, Wasco Co., Oregon1999 May 21Vancouver WAheart relatedyesCadyNW 197Evergreen Staples Funeral Home25 May 1999Vancouver City CemeteryCecil C Cady (CA) - spouse; Colleen, Sam - children; Samuelle Miles Osburn (PA) and Amanda E Thompson (PA) - parentsregistered nurseobit The Columbian 25 May 1999
CahillMary "Becky"RebeccaKulper1867 Mar 30Clark Co., WA1943 Oct 31Retsil, Kitsap Co., WashingtonnoHein KulperNW 25-1 line 9Nov 1943Washington Veteran Home Cemetery, Kitsap Co., WashingtonJudge William Cahill (NY)(1) and William C Luger (2) - spouses; Kenneth, Roscoe William (Oscar) - children by Cahill; Hein Kulper (Ger) and Nancy Eaton (IN) - parents; Not in Vancouver City Cemetery, past recorded indicated she died in 1905, not correct; married Cahill 1886, Clark Co.,WA; Judge William Cahill and son Kenneth are buried in the Chelatchie Prairie Cemtery #53; Elizabeth N Dunphy-sister
CallahanJames C1878 Apr 21Lungan, Ireland1946 Nov 12Vancouver WAheart failureyesNW 111-1 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Nov 1946Vancouver City CemeteryNellie C Baldwin (IA) - spouse; Hazel - child; James C Callahan (Ire) and Rachel Uprichard (Ire/Eng) - parentsbookkeeperobit The Columbian 13 Nov 1946
CallahanNellie CBaldwin1878 Aug 28Iowa1947 Apr 18Vancouver WAheart disease, paratyphoid yesNW 111-4 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Apr 1947Vancouver City CemeteryJames C Callahan - spouse; Hazel - child; William Baldwin (IA) and Margaret Browning (IA) - parents
CarpenterAugustaMiddlestead1848 Sep 12Germany1915 Apr 29St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WASeptic philebitisno NW 127-1Knapp Funeral Parlor1 May 1915Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Burnedtt (Ger)(1) and Edward M Carpenter (MI)(2) - spouse; Adolph, Edward - 2 children by Burnedtt; Carl Middlestead (Ger) and Charlotte Akins (Ger) - parentshousewifeimigrated in 1870; married Carpenter in 1897, MIchigan; 1900 living Michigan, 1900-1910 census - 2 children/2 living; 1910 in Vancouver
CarsonIsaac Wilson1837 Nov 12Tyrone, Ireland1934 Jan 1Clark Co., WAchronic cystitis and senilityyesNW 202Limber Funeral Home7 Jan 1934Vancouver City CemeteryJane Rebecca Siler (WV) - spouse; Minnie Ellen, Calvin C, John William, Frederic Phillip, Mary Elizabeth, Arthur Washington, Charles Norman, Nancy May, Katherine - children; John H Carson (Ire) and Mary Wilson (Ire) - parents real estate agent
CarsonJane "Jennie"RebeccaSiler 1841 Jun 17Harpers Ferry (Virginia), Jefferson Co., West Virginia1925 Jan 24Vancouver WAcancer of stomachyesNW 202Limber Funeral Home25 Jan 1925Vancouver City CemeteryIsaac W Carson (Ire) - spouse; Minnie Ellen, Calvin C, John William, Frederic Phillip, Mary Elizabeth, Arthur Washington, Charles Norman, Nancy May, Katherine - children; Philip Siler (WV) and Elizabeth Robison (WV) - parents
CarsonMinneEllen1862 Feb 10Missouri1958 May 10Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAbreast canceryesNW 202Evergreen Funeral Home13 May 1958Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Isaac W Carson (ire) and Jane R Sile (WV) - parents
CassWilliam Edwin1862 Aug 5Hancock Co., Ohio1941 Feb 1Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart and age realatedyesno nameNW 180Knapp Funeral Parlor4 Feb 1941Vancouver City CemeteryKathryn B Mitchell (OH) - spouse; Daniel W Cass (OH) and Amanda E Behn (OH) - parentsSpanish American War veteran, US Army, "_TG Asst Surgeon,"; 1900-1908 at Vancouver Barracks1930-physician, Vancouover WAwife buried in New York and Cass was her 3rd marriage
ChandleeWilliam Edwin1868 May 10Henry Co., Iowa1924 Nov 17Richfield, Clark Co., Washingtonpernicious anemiayesGreenNW 94Limber Funeral Home20 Nov 1924Vancouver City CemeteryOlivia "Ollie" Green (IL) - spouse; Harry Ruel, Vonda Mount - children; Casper Chandlee (MD) and Virginia Mount (VA) - parentsfarmer, sawmill laborerin same plot as wife Ollie and son Harry and father in law Abner Green
ChandleeHarryRuel1901 Jul 29Ridgefield, Clark Co., WA1961 Jan 6Vancouver WAcanceryesGreenNW 94Vancouver Funeral Chapel10 Jan1961Vancouver City CemeteryDorothy Lenora Morgan (MN) spouse; William E Chandlee (IA) and Olivia "Ollie" M Green (IL) - parents1930 - bookkeeper at saw mill, Clark Co., WA; 1942 - Columbia River Paper Mill, married 10 Jun 1931, Vancouver WA, death cert.
ChandlerMinnieHixson1871 Mar 16Chariton, Lucas Co., Iowa1910 Jun 19at home on Rice Rd. in Vancouver, WApulmonary TBVancouver WAyesFrancis Knowles ChandlerNW 06-3 Line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor23 June 1910Vancouver City CemeteryEdward Q Douglas (IA)(1) and Francis Knowles Chandler (CT)(2) - spouse; no children; David L Hixson (OH) and Susan J Davidson (OH) - parentChristian ScientisthousewifeFrancis K Chandler was married 1. Minnie Hixson Douglas (m. 1899), 2. Frances Templeman Roberts (m. 1911), 3. Eunice Mary Beharell (m. 1933) and 4. Lila Paisley Estep (m. 1938). It appears he had no children.; obit The Columbian 23 Jun 1910; headstone has wrong birth year
ChandlerFrances Templeton1877KY or IL1932 Mar 4Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhageyesFrancis Knowles ChandlerNW 06-6 Line 11Holman & Lutz, Portland, Multnomah Co., ORMar 1932Vancouver City Cemetery? Roberts (1) and Francis Knowles Chandler (CT) (2) - spouses; no children by Chandler; Parents from Kentucky1914 - was in real estate in Portland OR; (Francis K Chandler 1872 CT- 1942) was a locomotive engineer)Francis K Chandler was married 1. Minnie Hixson Douglas (m. 1899), 2. Frances Templeman Roberts (m. 1911, Multnomah Co., OR), 3. Eunice Mary Beharell (m. 1933) and 4. Lila Paisley Estep (m. 1938). It appears he had no children.
ChristPhilipB 1824 May 6Nassau, Germany1913 May 6at home at 28th and Vermont Sts., Vancouver WAdied on 89th birthday; general disabilitynoHenry ChristNW 48Knapp Funeral Parlor9 May 1913Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Ludwig Christ (Prussia) and Mary Elizabeth ? (Prussia) - parents; EpiscopalianUS Mexican War veteran, US Army 1st Artillery; discharged in 1853tried gold mining , then took a donation land claim, farmersailed from Antewerp Belgium to US in June 1847 with mother; 1848 went to Panama and then to Ft Vancouver as one of first troops to Pac NW; became naturalized 26 Nov 1851, brother Henry Christ
ChristMary Elizabeth?1801 Nov 28Kettersell Walback, Nassau, Germany1880 Feb 10Clark Co., WAyesHenry ChristNW 48-1Feb 1880Vancouver City CemeteryLudwig Christ (Ger) - spouse; Philip, Henry - children;Ludwig died in Germany before 1856 when Mary E came to US with son Henry and niece Mrs Anton Young
Christ FannieHPrice1868 Feb 2New Brunswick, Canada1930 Sep 1Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAinflammation of gall bladder, cholecystitisno NW 43-6Kirch Funeral Home4 Sep 1930Vancouver City CemeteryPhilip Christ (WA) - spouse; Lillian - child; James Price (Can) and ? Sharp (Can) - parents1910 census 1 child/1 living
Christ Philip 1865 Nov 12Vancouver WA1939 Jun 4Camas, Clark Co., Washingtoncerebral hemorrhageyesPeter La RockNW 52-5Swank Funeral Home, Camas, Clark Co., WA7 Jun 1939Vancouver City CemeteryFannie H Price - spouse; Christian (Henry) L Christ (Ger) and Elizabeth Proebstel (MO) - parentsfather Christian Christ was brother of Philip Christ (NW 48); sis Theresa Flanagan in NW 43
ChristyVasco1876 Dec 17Carlton, Yamhill Co., OR1944 Feb 8Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAinfluenzayesJ S P ChristyNW 07-1 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor12 Feb 1944Vancouver City CemeteryAlberta Mae McBride (WA) - spouse; Horace Melburn, Clifford, Clyde, Faye, Mildred, Homer, Lloyd Oscar - children; James S P Christy (AR) and Elizabeth Lennington (IN) - parentsMasonwas a circuit minister in 1895; worked a raft delivering slab wood; later owned a pool hall, meat market and a saw mill (in Yacolt) - mill failed in 1930; served as Mayor of Yacolt; was a Chevrolet dealer "Christy & Taylor"1886 parents moved to Yacolt WA; married Alberta7 Dec 1895 WA; gradauted from Vancouver school; wife Alberta died in Los Angeles 1965 and is buried there
ChristyJamesSylvanus Phillip 1829 Dec 20Warm Springs, Randolph Co, Arkansas1926 Jan 29Seattle, King Co., Washingtonchronic myocarditisyesNW 07-2 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor31 Jan 1926Vancouver City CemeteryElizabeth Ann Lennington (IN) - spouse; Samuel, Charles, Manford, Josiah Benton, Nancy Alice, Mary Francena, Oscar, Eunice Ann, William, Thomas Fielding, Vasco - children; James S Christy (Ire) and Nancy McGinness (OH) - parentsMason, longest standing member in WA at his time of death; services by Twin Falls Lodge of the F&AMfarmer left Missouri in 1865 on an Oregon Trail wagon train of 200 wagon and first settle in Scroggin Valley, Washington Co., OR, then moved to Carlton OR, finally to Lewis River in WA; brother Josiah's son James Washington Christy buried in SW73
ChristyElizabeth AnnLennington1837 May 5Hagerstown, Wayne Co., Indiana1909 Nov 4Yacolt, Clark Co., Washingtonsenile decayyesNW 07-3 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Nov 1909Vancouver City CemeteryJames S P Christy (Ark) - spouse; Samuel, Charles, Manford, Josiah Benton, Nancy Alice, Mary Francena, Oscar, Eunice Ann, William, Thomas Fielding, Vasco - children; Samuel Lennington (IN) and Abigail McPherson (IN) - parentsparents died when she was young , she lived with grandmother; married when 14 years old and James was 21 years; came on Oregon Trail in 1865 and lived in Yacolt area
ChumaseroMary EstelleSmith1859 Aug 12Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin1944 Sep 10Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Vancouver WApneumonia lubaryesHarveyNW 116-3 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor13 Sep 1944Vancouver City CemeteryFred Chumasero (OH) - spouse; no children, but took in nephew Alfred Otis Hill; James Otis Smith (ME) and Hannah A Jackson (Can) - parents
ChumaseroAlfredCharles1861 Dec 22Tiffin, Seneca Co., Ohio1923 Feb 23at home in Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesHarveyNW 116-4 line 6 Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Mar 1923Vancouver City CemeteryEstelle Smith (WI) - spouse; no children, but took in Estell's nephew Alfred Otis Hill; George Chumasero (Eng) and Betsy Gillette (CT) - parentsdruggist
ClarkJohn Edwin Denton1912 Feb 17Clark Co., WA1947 Sep 14Seattle, King Co., Washingtonarterio thrombosisyesA M BlakerNW 29-3 line 15Knapp Funeral ParlorSep 1947Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Edward Charles Clark (WA) and Julia Lillian Blaker (WA) - parents
ClarkMarthaRosabelleCrawford1859 Nov 30Clark Co., WA1887 Dec 8Clark Co WAyesNW 59Vancouver City CemeteryMiner Palmer Clark (OR) - spouse; no children; Peter W Crawford (Scot) and Zillah H Patterson (OH) - parentsteacher in Kalamahusband Miner Clark buried in Brush Prairie, died 1888; Martha died a year after marriage; buried in same plot as bro Orion; parents buried in SW 192, sister Ella in NW 91broken headstone
ClarkeMargaretLouise Pittock1894 Apr 19San Francisco, San Franciaco Co., California1964 Jun 11St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAheart relatedashesyesWestNW 118 line 8 Evergreen Funeral Home15 Jun 1964Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Fred F Pittock (OR) and Katherine "Katie" C West (NY) - parentsnurse?; steno in doctor's office; medical secetary and x-ray technician1910 - Vancouver living with Margaret Ann West (grandmother); 1920 still living with grandmother; 1940 single; Mother Katie divorced Pittock 1898, and married William J Clarke (in Cowlitz Co., WA), Katie dies in Pendleton OR 10 Sep 1907; father Fred remarried Bertha Leadbetter and had 4 young children by 1910; she took step father, William Clarks' name; buried in same plot as grandparents West; survived by sister; obit The Columbian 12 Jun 1964; death cert; took Clarke as last name
ClemanChester Claud1906 Jan 5Kittitas Co., Washington1995 Nov 14Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesnoneNW 92Nov 1995Vancouver City CemeteryHelen Elizabeth Stewart (WA) - spouse; Lawrence Stewart, Teddy D - children; Jacovb Cleman (WA) and Nora B Sharp (OR) - parents1930-1940-surveyor, USRS/USBRmarried Elizabeth 6 Dec 1931, Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington
ClemanHelen ElizabethStewart1906 Aug 9Washington1990 Apr 11Vancouver WAheart failure, rhuematic heart diseaseyesnoneNW 92-2 line 13Evergreen Staples Funeral Home17 Apr 1990Vancouver City CemeteryTheodore D Peters (WI)(1) and Chester C Cleman (WA)(2) - spouse; Ted Don - child by Peters, Lawrence Stewart - child -child by Cleman; William Stewart (OH) and Mary Noel (PA) - parentsschool teacherPeters died in Montana in 1930; married Cleman 6 Dec 1931, Yakima, Yakima Co., WA; death cert
ClemanLawrence Stewart1933 Jan 16 Ellensburg, Kittitas Co., Washington1955 Sep 10Rainier State School, Buckley, Pierce Co., Washington epilepsyyesnoneNW 92Knapp Funeral ParlorSep 1955Vancouver City CemeteryChester Cleman (WA) and Helen E Stewart (WA) - parents sibling - Teddy D
CloughLynnB 1850 May 12Waterbury, Washington Co., Vermont1926 Sep 6at home of sister Alma E Marshall, Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesL B CloughNW 09 line 9Hamilton Funeral Home9 Sep 1926Vancouver City Cemeterynever married; Storrs S Clough (VT) and Alma Allen (VT) - parentsMt Hood Masonic Lodge #32, Republicanprune orchardist, set up one of the first packing houses for dry prunes, managed Kelly-Clark Packing Co., Clark Co Sheriff 1885-86, first state senator from Clark Co., mayor of Vancouver 1904,brother-in-law - Frank Marshall; moved to Fairbanks Alaska in 1905, returned to Vancouver in 1922 and lived with sister Alma Marshall; mother Alma Allen died in 1854, VT, father married Jane Betsy in 1855
CloughJaneBetsySnyder1831 Mar 4Waterbury, Washington Co Vermont1908 Jul 25Vancouver WAcerebral degenerationyesL B CloughNW 09 line 9Vancouver Undertaking Co.27 July 1908Vancouver City CemeteryStorrs Soloman Clough (VT) - spouse; Harry Buckley (Dr.), John D, Fred E, Alma C, Ellen - children; John Snyder (VT) and Eunice Squires (VT) - parentsmarried circa 1 Mar 1855, VT; State of Washington Death Certificate; dau Alma Marshal in same plot
CoffinJames Henry1860 Oct 3Omro, Winnebago Co., Wisconsin1949 Apr 19Vancouver WAchronic nephritisashesyesHarveyNW 85Knapp Funeral Parlor23 Apr 1949Vancouver City CemeteryElspeth Agnes Harvey (Ont, Can) - spouse; no children; Isaac Coffin (NY) and Jeanette Richardson (Scot) - parentselectrical engineermarried 21 Nov 1894, Vancouver WA
CoffinElspethAgnesHarvey1870 Aug 8Ontario, Canada1962 Aug 8Clark Co., WAcanceryesHarveyNW 85Vancouver Funeral Chapel10 Aug 1962Vancouver City CemeteryJames Henry Coffin (WI) - spouse; no children; Christopher Harvey (Scot) and Catherine Spence (Scot) - parentsmarried 21 Nov 1894 to J H Coffin, Vancouver WA; siblings - Roy, Thomas S Harvey; Uncle/aunt - John Harvey and Martha; obit The Columbian 9 Aug 1962
Cole WilliamWilson1849 Jul 5Dorchester, New Brunswick, Canada1912 May 2at SP&S RR car shop in Vancouver WAheart failureyesColeNW 131-1 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor5 May 1912Vancouver City CemeteryMary Elizabeth Caitlin (WI) - spouse; Frank N, Leola Myrtle - childen; Rufus Cole (Can) and Dorcas Snowdon (Can) - parentsworked for SP&S railraodimmigrated in 1874 from Canada; wife remarried a Foster and buried in NW 131-3; part indigeous Canadian
Cole IlineLouella1903 Feb 5Clark Co., WA1912 Aug 4Sy Joseph Hospital Vancouver WAacute general peritonitis (appendix)noColeNW 131-2 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor4 Aug 1912Manor Bridge Cemetery, Clark Co., WALouis Martin Cole (VT) and Elsie Evelyn Nutting (OR) - parentsCole siblings - Myrtle Evelyn, Clara A, Edith Millicent moved to Manor Wilson Bridge Cemetery - Clark Co WA with parents, has marker
CollingsAbrahamD 1839 Nov 2Putnam Co., Indiana1932 May 4Vancouver WAchronic myocarditis yesCollingsNW 42-2Knapp Funeral Parlor7 May 1932Vancouver City CemeteryLoretta Siebert (Ger) - spouse; Arthur J, Susan A, Francis O, Addie, Otto, Adelbert A, Luella, Elnora Elizabeth (Gillott), Flora Mae, Loretta "Retta" - children; Abram Collings (KY) and Lydia Grimes (KY) - parents (parents could be from Germany)Civil War veteran (Union) GAR
1870 - farmer, in MO., 1880-1900 - farmer in Clark Co., WA, 1910 - bailiff for Superior Court, Clark Co., WA, 1920 retiredmarried Loretta 1862; in same plot as dau Flora M Green
CollingsLorettaSiebert1842 Mar 14Germany1930 Feb 25at home at 200 E 14th St., Vancouver WAapoplexyyesCollingsNW 42-3Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Feb 1930Vancouver City CemeteryAbraham Collings (IN) - spouse; Arthur J, Susan A, Francis O, Addie, Otto, Adelbert A, Luella, Elnora Elizabeth (Gillott), Flora Mae, Loretta 'Rita" - children; Martin Siebert (Ger) and Mary Birch (Ger) - parentsChristian Scientistimmigrated in 1855; 1862 married Collings; 1900 census 9 children/7 living; dau Elizabeth Gillott is buried in NW 42; same plot as dau Flora M Green
Collings HeathPatrick1971 Jun 6Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1971 Jul 24Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncrib death yesR H ErdmannNW 169-2 line 3Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon 13 Sep 1971Vancouver City CemeteryWallace A Collings (ID) and Bertina A Erdmann - parentstwin; grandson of Ronald Herman Erdmann and great grandson of Herman and Ida Erdmann in same plot
ConantLewis Gardner1867 Dec 1Arcadia, Trempealeau Co., Wisconsin1948 Nov 28Vancouver WApneumoniayesSohnsNW 90Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Dec 1948Vancouver City CemeteryIda A Sohns (WA) - spouse; no children; Sydney Conant (VT) and Elizabeth Lillbridge (PA) - parentsMasonteacher
ConantIda Augusta Sohns1864 Aug 12Vancouver WA1955 Aug 2Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhage; 90 yryesSohnsNW 90Knapp Funeral Parlor4 Aug 1955Vancouver City CemeteryLewis G Conant (WI) - spouse; no children; Louis Sohns (Ger) and Tirza Schuele (PA) - parentsEastern Star
ConditAlva Martin1862 Dec 23Almsville, Marion Co., Oregon1949 May 14Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesno nameNW 184Vancouver Funeral Chapel17 May 1949Vancouver City CemeteryCora Buckman (OR) - spouse; John T, Lydia Lillian, Geneva, Ralph E, Ornel, Bernice - children; Alva Condit (OH) and Mary Reasoner (IL) - parents
ConditCora Buckman1869 Oct 16Canby, Clackamas Co., Oregon1951 Oct 29Vancouver Memorial Hospital, Vancouver WAcerebrl occulsionyesno nameNW 184Vancouver Funeral Chapel31 Oct 1951Vancouver City CemeteryElva M Condit (OR) - spouse; John T, Lydia Lillian, Geneva, Ralph E, Ornel, Bernice - children; Theodore Buckman (IN) and Catherine Ashcraft (KY) - parents
ConditJohn Theodore1902 Jul 27Canby, Clackamas Co., Oregon1981 Apr 18Lincoln City, Lincoln Co., Oregonunknown diseaseyesno nameNW 184Martin Pacific Mortuary, Lincoln City, Lincoln Co., Ore21 Apr 1981Vancouver City CemeteryGeneva Davis (MO) - spouse; Betty, Alva - children; Alva Condit (OR) and Cora Buckman (OR) - parentsOdd Fellow Member, Masonworked for ALCOA Aluminum Co.moved to Lincoln City OR in 1980; obit The Columbian 29 Apr 1981
ConditGeneva Davis 1900 May 17Richhill, Boone Co., Missouri1983 Jan 20Lincoln City, Lincoln Co., Oregonheart failureyesno nameNW 184-5 Omsberg Pacific Mortuary, Lincoln City, Lincoln Co., OR24 Jan 1983Vancouver City CemeteryJohn T Condit - spouse; Betty, Alva - children; James A Davis (Wales) and Fannie Johnson (KY) - parentsRebeckah Lodgeobit The Columbian 23 Jan 1983
ConditAlva Edward 1933 Jun 7Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1934 Apr 29Doernbecher Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonbroncial pneumoniayesno nameNW 184-3Knapp Funeral Parlor1 May 1934Vancouver City CemeteryJohn T Condit (OR) and Geneva Davis (MO) - parents
ConeGeorge Robert1876 Apr 27Briggsville, Marquette Co., Wisconsin1940 May 1St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAheart failure, reanl disease, hypertensionnoNW 111-1 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor6 May 1940Vancouver City CemeteryStella Georgia Berry (Can) - spouse; Dale R, Charles J - children; David Cone (WI) and Mary West (WI) - parentsProtestanttool checker at Vancouver Barracks
Cook Alexander L 1834 Sep 2Moray, Scotland1907 Mar 9Vancouver WALe GrippeyesA J CookNW 63-2 Line 1411 Mar 1907Vancouver City CemeteryMary McDonald (Scot) - spouse; Alexander J Cook - child; William Cook (Scot) and Mary Anderson (Scot) - parents Nurseryman in partnership with S W Brown emigrated via Panama Isthmus with wife and son in 1872; obit The Columbian 14 Mar 1907
CookMary McDonald1832Scotland1900 Feb 5Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesA J CookNW 63-5 line 147 Feb 1900Vancouver City CemeteryAlexander L Cook (Scot) - spouse; Alexander J Cook - child; ? McDonald (Scot) and ? ? (Scot) - parents emigrated via Panama with husband and son in 1872, obit The Oregonian 7 Feb 1900
CookAlexander J 1856 Jan 20Aberdeen, Aberdeen Co., Scotland1912 May 12on East "B" ST., Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesA J CookNW 63-3 Line 14Limber Funeral Home14 May 1912Vancouver City CemeteryAlbertina Wintler (CA) - spouse; no children; Alexander L Cook (Scot) and Mary McDonald (Scot) - parentsNurseryman; later Clark Co. Auditor; accountantemigrated via Panama Isthmus with parents in 1872
CookAlbertinaEulalieWintler1856 Sep 5California1943 Oct 15St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesA J CookNW 63-2 Line 14Vancouver Funeral Chapel18 Oct 1943Vancouver City CemeteryAlexander J Cook (Scot) - spouse; no children; Michael Wintler (Switz) and Albertina Von Indemauer (Switz) - parentsparents buried in SE 17
CoovertMartin Luther1860 Sep 7Jackson, Elkhart Co., Indiana1925 May 17Vancouver WAcardiac failureyesTroupNW 102Knapp Funeral Parlor19 May 1925Vancouver City CemeteryNellie Maud Turnbull (WA) - spouse; Frankie, Nellie M., Charles T, Helen F - children: Johnson E Coovert (IN) and Elizabeth Fudge (IN) - parents optician; 1900-a watch repairman, 1920--optician, own store; pioneer jeweler
CoovertEleanor "Nellie"MaudTurnbull 1868 SepWashington1959 Oct 8Denver, Denver Co., ColoradoyesTroupNW 102Knapp Funeral Parlor13 Oct 1959Vancouver City CemeteryMartin L Coovert (IN) - spouse; Frankie, Nellie M., Charles T, Helen F - children; William R Turnbull (MO) and Susan ? (WA) - parents1920 - helper to husband optician, own storegrandparents was Capt James Turnbull and Mary Scott in same plot; dau Nellie buried in NW 91; obit The Oregonian 10 Oct 1959
CoovertHelen Frances "Frankie"1890 May 30Vancouver WA1903 Nov 19Vancouver WAillness, 13 yrs, 4 mo., 20 daysyesJames TurnbullNW 102at home21 Nov 1903Vancouver City CemeteryMartin L Coovert (IN) and Nellie M Turnbull (WA) - parentsobit The Oregonian 20 Nov 1903
CoovertCharles Turnbull1904 Apr 24Vancouver WA1968 Apr 24Vancouver Memorial Hospital, Vancouver WAcanceryesBurrowsNW 91Vancouver Funeral Chapel29 Apr 1968Vancouver City CemeteryHelen Hathaway (ND)(1), Dorothy Hansen (OR)(2), Hazel Leonard (3) and Nina Reeder (WI)(4) - spouse; Dean, Helen? - children by Helen; Martin L Coovert (IN) and Nellie M Turnbull (WA) - parentsAmerican Legion, ElksWorld War II veteran, TEC 5, Co. D, 804 Signal BN, Washingtonpartner in M&C Lumber Co., Portland OR; 1930- salesman for Shell Oil Co., Vancouver; 1940 - salesmanmarried Helen Aug 1928, Vancouver WA-divorced Helen; 1940 married Dorothy-divorced; married 1942 -1945-div Hazel; 1980-Nina died in Skamania Co., WA; obit The Oregonian 26 Apr 1968; buried in sister Nellie O'Callaghan
CormanFrankVincent1862 Sep 25Imlay City, Lapeer Co., Michigan1939 Jul 1at home at route 3, Vancouver WAchronitic nephritis; heart relatedyesno nameNW 181Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Jul 1939Vancouver City CemeteryMargaret E Woolf (IA) - spouse; Claude A, Terry, Edith - children; Phillip Corman (PA) and Julia Courter (MI) - parentsMason, Odd Fellow, Protestantfarmer
CormanMargaret EWoolf1872 Mar 24Sioux Co., Iowa1968 Jul 10Vancouver WAcanceryesno nameNW 181Vancouver Funeral Chapel12 Jul 1968Vancouver City CemeteryFrank Corman (MI) - spouse; Claude A, Terry, Edith - children; Peter G Woolf (OH) and Margaret E Harsh (VA) - parentson Oregon Trail; obit The Columbian 10 Jul 1968
CorneliusFranklinJ1869 JunIllinois1927 May 16St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon duodenal ulcer, died of surgery complications, 53-57 ? yearsyesLevinNW 105 Line 6Hamilton Funeral Home18 May 1927Vancouver City CemeteryAnnie?Hannah L ? (Swe) - spouse; Samuel Cornelius (IL) and Jane Clarke (IL) - parentsfarmer, police force for 2 years, Deputy Sheriff 2 years; SP&S railroad for 5 years, Columbia River Paper Mills Co. at deatharrived in Clark Co. at age of 9; Obit The Oregonian 17 May 1927; some question on actual birth year and date 1870, 1874 Aug 17??
CoulterJohnC1829 Apr 9Virginia/West Virginia1889 Dec 26yesCoulterNW 87 Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Arthur Coulter and Sarah Frame - parents ? Sibling - George W Coulter; obit The Oregonian
CoulterCharity1832 Oct 8Licking Co., Ohio1907 Apr 12Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncanceryesCoulterNW 87 14 Apr 1907Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Washington Coulter (VA) - spouse; Adaline (adopted); Jonathan Green (WV) and Susannah Mullin (Ger) - parentsmarried Coulter 11 Jun 1855, Carroll Co., IL; dau Adaline married Machado in same plot; obit The Columbian 18 Apr 1907
CoulterGeorge Washington1825 Oct 25Virginia/West Virginia1912 Oct 27Vancouver WAcerebral hemmorrhage and senility; 87 y, 0 m, 7 dyesCoulterNW 87 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor29 Oct 1912Vancouver City Cemetery Charity Green (OH) - spouse; Adaline (adopted); Jonathan Coulter (WV/VA) and Jane Armstrong (GA) - parentsMethodistcarpentermarried 11 Jun 1855, Carroll Co., IL Charity
CoulterAdaline "Addie"See Machado, Adaline
Couper Beatrice BlancheMunns1877 Jun 21Ontario, Canada1971 Nov 16Rest Haven Nursing Home, Bremerton, Kitsap Co., Washingtonheart diseaseyesHolmesNW 193Lewis Funeral Chape, Bremerton, Kitsap Co., WA19 Nov 1971 (after)Vancouver City CemeteryCharles W Holmes (KS) (1) and William Edgar Couper (MN) (2) - spouses; Beatrice Serales (b. 1909 KS) - child by Holmes; Edward Munns (Can) and Christina Clark (Can) - parentsWomens' Garden Guild Member, Episcopalian1860 - farmer in Kansas; 1863 - mechanic in Iowa; 1870-1880 - carpenter in Iowa; 1885 - carpenter in Clark Co. WAMarried Couper in CA Jan 1923; Couper was a minister. 1920- mother Christina Munns and niece Magdeline Munns (7 years) living with the Holmes; obit The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle WA 18 Nov 1971
CoxHiramB1837 Jun 14Morgan Co., Indiana1912 Nov 2at home at 615 W 13th St., Vancouver WAnephritisyesNW 47-1Knapp Funeral Parlor4 Nov 1912Vancouver City CemeteryMartha Ann McCracken (IN)(1) and Rachel E Hastings (IN) (2) - spouses; Perry, Zaporah, Armina, Arwina, John Henry, infant, Mary J - children by Martha, Flora E, Charles, Frank Lewis - children by Rachel; John Cox (PA) and Anna Matthews (NC) - parentsChristian Church, Harmony Lodge #3 AOWCivil War veteran - QM Dep, 70th Infantry Regiment Indiana, US Army blacksmith
CoxRachelEHastings1853 Feb 8Vermillion Co., Indiana1921 Apr 22Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesNW 47Knapp Funeral Parlor23 Apr 1921Vancouver City CemeteryHiram Cox (IN)(1) and John Walters (IA)(2) spouses; Charles Hiram, Frank Lewis, Flora E - children by Cox; Lewis Hastings (IN) and Sarah Adamson (IN) - parentsshe was the second wife of Hiram Cox; Walters buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; death certificate as WALTERS; parents and sister Oleva Haynes in plot NE 112; buried with first husband
CoxKennethLavern1926 Dec 2Vancouver, WA2002 Jan 20Vancouver, WAyesNW 3Jan 2002Vancouver City CemeteryAudrey L Novak (MT) - spouse; Dorothy, Kenneth, Milton, Doris, Lois - children; Harry E Cox (WA) and Elvira M Abrahamson (PA) - parentsmarried 15 Sep 1949, Seattle WA; Siblings; Dorothy, Milton
CoxAudreyLeeNovak1932 May 4Havre, Hill Co., Montana2013 Mar 7Vancouver WAashesyesNW 3Davies Cremation and Burial, Clark Co., WAMar 2013Vancouver City CemeteryKenneth Cox (WA) - spouse; Dorothy, Kenneth, Milton, Doris, Lois - children; Victor B Novak (MN) and Ruth F Van Wechel (IO) - parents;Parents married in 1931 in Montana; 1940 - living in Nome Alaska, father was a teacher; William J Van Wechel - uncle in Alaska in 1940 with family; graduated from Meadows HS, Vancouver WA; married Kenneth Cox 15 Sep 1949, Seattle WA
Craig Harry Lamphear1889 Mar 2Clarinda, Page Co., Iowa1965 Jan 25Vancouver WAheart diseaseyes NW 217Knapp Gunderson Funeral Parlor27 Jan 1965Vancouver City CemeteryNorma Sparks (WA) - spouse; Norma Ann, James Sparks - children; William Brown Craig (IA) and Cora Bell Lamphear (IA) - parents Vancoyver School Board,memberWorld War I veteran, 2nd Lt, AIR SVC SIR PDN
teacher in New Jersey, former president of Sparks Hardware Co., Vancouver,
obit The Oregonian 26 Jan 1965
CraigNorma MaySparks1893 Jun 15Vancouver, WA1980 Jul 19Clark Co., WACanceryesNW 217Vancouver Funeral Chapel21 Jul 1980Vancouver City CemeteryHarry Lamphear Craig (IA) - spouse; Norma Ann, James Sparks - children; Marshall Rowe Sparks (IA) and Alice Deborah Sharp (IA) - parents Presbyterian, YWCA, Republican operated the Gift Department for Sparks Co. for 25 yearsobit The Columbian 20 Jul 1980listed in NW 33
CrandallDavidEllery1868 Feb 8Dane Co., Wisconsin1954 Oct 3Vancouver WAsenileyesP N HarperNW 10-1 line 10Evergreen Funeral Home6 Oct 1954Vancouver City CemeteryBertha Leona Mills (WA) - spouse; Irma - child; Robert Crandall (MS) and Alice Knight (ME) - parents
CrandallBerthaLeonaMills1869 Jan 20Bay Center, Pacific Co., Washington1960 Aug 8Montgomery Co., AlabamasenileyesP N HarperNW 10-2 line 10Evergreen Funeral Home16 Aug 1960Vancouver City CemeteryDavid E Crandall (WI) - spouse; Irma - child; William Mills (OH) and Anna Clark Wilson (IN) - parents
CrandellHowardWallace1875 Jun 21Bremen, Cook Co., Illinois1972 Nov 27Vancouver WAheart relatedyesMason LodgeNW 143Vancouver Funeral Chapel29 Nov 1972Vancouver City CemeteryClara Matilda Bonge (IL) - spouse; Lorena Marie, Leonard Milford - children; Albert W Crandall (IL) and Mary Ann Stokes (Eng) - parentsmasontreasurer of Knox Co. Neb; working in bankingmoved in 1950 to Clark Co., WA; obit in Creighton News, 16 Jul 1975, Nebraska
CrandellClara MatildaBonge1877 Jan 21McLean Co., Illinois1975 Jul 5Vancouver WApneumoniayesMason LodgeNW 143Vancouver Funeral Chapel7 Jul 1975Vancouver City CemeteryHoward L Crandell (IL) - spouse; Lorena Marie, Leonard Milford - children; Claus H Bonge (Ger) and Matilda M Voss (Ger) - parentsRoyal Neighbors of AmericaLorena married Vernon Van Camp (Vancouver); obit The Columbian 6 Jul 1975
CratteFrancesEvelynRuckhaver1868 Mar 16Waukesha Co., Wisconsin1928 Nov 18at her sister's home, Rt 5., Manor, Clark Co., Washingtoncerebral hemorrhagenoNW 196-3 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Nov 1928Vancouver City CemeteryAlfred Cratte (MN) - spouse; David, Frederick - children; Benjamin Ruckhaver (Ger) and Frances Clark (VT) - parents; Episcopalian1882 married Cratte, div; lived in Wisconsin and moved to WA to be with sister; Mrs Althea (John W) Monroe - sister; obit The Oregonian 20 Nov 1928, The Columbian 19 Nov 1928
Crawford, JrJames1861 Dec 15Clark Co., WA1908 Jun 2Clark Co., WAyesJames CrawfordNW 12 line 12Jun 1908Vancouver City CemeteryLaura Lamb Tripp (1)(OH) and Fanny May Reid (KS)(2) - spouses; Agnes, William James - children by Fanny; James Crawford (Ire) and Mary Custer McCarty (NY) - parentsWoodsman of the WorldclerkMarried Laura Tripp Bateman 31 July 1888 in Vancouver WA, married Reid in 1903 in Vancouver WA; Laura father's name was Henry Lamb
CrawfordMable 1869 Oct 5Clark Co., WA1909 Apr 3Clark Co., WApulmonary embolism; 36 yr, 6 mo."yesJames CrawfordNW 12-2 line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Apr 1909Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; James Crawford (Ire) and Mary Custer McCarty (NY) - parentsEpiscopaliansibling: James, Lucy, John, William, MaryCrawford
CrawfordHarry Emmett1879 May 20Harrisburg, Linn Co., Oregon1957 Sep 6Vancouver WAcoronaryyesMCNW 133Vancouver Funeral Chapel9 Sep 1957Vancouver City CemeteryJessie May Schmidt (IA) - spouse; James Gilmore Crawford (IL) and Clara Dillon McDonald (OR) - parentsmasonlino-type operator
CrawfordJessie MaySchmidt1879 May 12Tama Co., Iowa1961 Jan 19Clark Co., WAheart relatedyesMCNW 133Vancouver Funeral Chapel 23 Jan 1961Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge? Bilyeu (OR)(1) and Harry E Crawford (OR)(2) - spouses; Aleda F (b 1896 OR) - child by Bilyeu; Frederick Schmidt (IA) and Fannie Carpenter (IA) - parents member of Chapter Oregon Eastern Stardivorced Bilyeu; married Crawford in 1902, Multnomah Co., OR; obit The Oregonian 21 Jan 1961; dau took Crawford name, also buried in same plot as RYAN; parents name shifted to SMITH
Crawford, SrJames1824 Jan 19Ireland1885 Feb 28Vancouver WAyesJ CrawfordNW 51-1Mar 1885Vancouver City CemeteryMary Custer McCarty (NY) - spouse; Lucy, James, John, (Murl) William, Mabel, Mary - children; Alexander Crawford (Ire) and Jean Pringle (Ire) - parentsMasonmerchant
CrawfordMary CusterMcCarty1830 JulNew York1879 Jan 20Vancouver WAcanceryesJ CrawfordNW 51-221 Jan 1879Vancouver City CemeteryJames Crawford (Ire) - spouse; Lucy, James, John, (Murl) William, Mabel, Mary - children; Rev John McCarty (PA) and Elizabeth Broadhead (NY) - parentRev John McCarty - chaplain at Vancouver Barracks before 1853, later was a Minister of St Luke's Episcopal Church in Vancouver WA; notice Vancouver Independent 23 Jan 1879
CrawfordMary 1866 Jun 26Clark Co., Wa1866 Aug 22Clark Co WAyesJ CrawfordNW 51-3Aug 1866Vancouver City CemeteryJames Crawford and Mary Custer McCarty - parents
CrawfordWilliam1867 Dec 4Clark Co., WA1902 Sep 5St Josephs Hospital, Vanovuer WAgastritis yesJ CrawfordNW 518 Sep 1902Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; James Crawford (Ire) and Mary Custer McCarty (NY) - parentsfish culturist; superintendent of salmon hatcheryobit The Oregonian 7 Sep 1902
CrawfordOrionJCrawford1876 Dec 10Kelso, Cowlitz Co., WA1899 Feb 21died in sanitarian in San Gabiel, Los Angeles Co., Californiatuberculosis and complicationsyesO J CrawfordNW 59-6at home of brother28 Feb 1899Vancouver City CemeteryConstance Smith - spouse; Peter W Crawford (Scot) and Zillah H Patterson (OH) - parentsmusician, electrical and mechanical engineeringgraduated with honors from Vancouver High School, student Stanford University; married to Constance 3 days death; Peter W Crawford found and laid out city of Kelso WA and platted Vancouver WA; buried in same plot as sister Martha; obit The Oregonian 28 Feb 1899; parents buried in SW 192; sis Mary R Clark in NW 59
CrawfordEllaJane1855 Dec 11Washington Territory1882 Feb 2Clark Co., WA?J CrawfordNW 61-10Feb 1882Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Peter W Crawford (Scot) and Zillah H Patterson (OH) - parentsparents buried in SW 192; sis Mary R Clark and bro Orion buried in NW 59
CrawfordHarry Henslee 1898 Mar 13Clark Co., WA1913 Feb 11at home 700 W 9th St., Vancouver WAendocarditisnoMC HensleeNW 64 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor12 Feb 1913Vancouver City CemeteryThomas J Crawford (IN) and Margaret Henslee (MO) - parentsMarjory, Minnie L, Claud C, Grace M, Earl T - siblings
CreelmanRobert G1850Nova Scotia, Canada1923 Oct 18Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co., Washingtonsenile psychosisyesRandsNW 121-5 line 6Hamilton Funeral Home19 Oct 1923Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; James C Creelman NS, Can) and Margaret Garand (ns, Can) - parents sibling: Margarant Rands
CreganClaudiusAugustus1869 Mar 27Hamilton, Bermuda1950 Sep 16Vancouver WAcoronary artery diseaseyesNW 199Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Sep 1950Vancouver City CemeteryJulia G ? (Ont, Can) - spouse; appears no children; Smith Cregan (Ire) and ? ? - parentsmason1910-1940 hotel manager, Spokane (1910), Vancouver (1920-1940) WA; bookkeeper, hotel managerimigrated 1901; married Julia in 1907
CreganJulia GGoddard1876 Feb 3York, Ontario, Canada1969 Jul 7Vancouver WAheart realtedyesNW 199Evergreen Funeral Home9 Jul 1969Vancouver City CemeteryClaudius A Cregan (Bermuda) - spouse; appears no children; William Goddard (Eng) and Susan McKenzie (Eng) - parents
CresapRobert Vinton1836 Apr 14Wyandotte Co., Ohio1911 Aug 31at son's home, Vancouver WAcancer of lymph gland in neckyesCresapNW 135Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Sep 1911Vancouver City CemeteryPhoebe Caroline Van Atta (OR) - spouse/divorced; son, Virginia Rosetta, Edward Eli, Ira Claud, Maude Mary, Harriet Ruth, Bertha Rebecca, Mabel - children; Eusebius Cresap and Hannah Sophia Martin (MD) - parentsCivil War veteran, 1st Oregon Calvary, Indian campaignsfarmer 1864 arrived in Clark Co., WA; wife Phoebe as a Groat (married George Groat) buried in B-131, Brush Prairie cemetery, Clark Co., WA and dau Mabel (Doidge) buried in Brush Prairie Cemetery in C-017
CresapIraClaud1878 Jun 30Battle Ground, Clark Co., WA1958 Oct 31Vancouver WACoronary thromobsisyesCresapNW 135Vancouver Funeral Chapel4 Nov 1958Vancouver City CemeteryViola A Gassaway (WA) - spouse; no children; Robert Vinton (OH) and Phoebe Van Atta (OR) - parentsSpanish American War veteran, stationed in Alaska and PhillipinesVancouver Chief of Police, elected Clark Co. Sheriff, dairy farmerNotations on headstone "Cuba"
CresapViola AGassaway1883 Apr 16Battle Ground, Clark Co., WA1971 Apr 20Vancouver WAuremia and kidney failreyesCresapNW 135Vancouver Funeral Chapel24 Apr 1971Vancouver City CemeteryIra Claud Cresap (WA) - spouse; no children; George W Gassaway (IL) and Mary E Foster (WI) - parentsobit The Oregonian 23 Apr 1971
CrissCharlesAfton1867 Apr 5Canton, Stark Co., Ohio1950 Jan 4Vancouver WAcardiac failureyesKulpherNW 26-2 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Jan 1950Vancouver City CemeteryMartha C Klopfenstein - spouse; Albert Earl, Joseph Ralph, Lillian Marie, ? - children; Albert J Criss (OH) and Loveth Rank (OH) - parentspainter at SP&S steam railwaydau Lillian Brittain and husband in same plot; Wa death certificate
CrissMartha CoakranKlopfenstein1870 Mar 22Canton, Stark Co., Ohio1964 Nov 19Lane Co., OregonsenileyesKulpherNW 26-3 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor24 Nov 1964Vancouver City CemeteryCharles A Criss - spouse; Albert Earl, Joseph Ralph, Lillian Marie, ? - children; Joseph Klopfenstein (Fra) and Catherine Muller/Miller (Fra) - parentsdau Lillian Brittain and husband in same plot; 1900 census 4 children/3 living
CrissHarry/Albert Earl1887 Oct 28Canton, Stark Co., Ohio1905 Feb 17Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washingtonaccident in Ridgefield noKulpherNW 26 Line 10Feb 1905Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Criss (OH) and Martha Klopfenstein (OH) - parentsobit The Vancouver Independent 23 Feb 1905
CrissJosephRalph1889 Aug 30Canton, Stark Co., Ohio1905 Aug 24Clark Co., Wadrowning in Columbia River with Ralph GillihanyesKulpherNW 26 Line 10Good and Bennett, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR27 Aug 1905Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Criss (OH) and Martha Klopfenstein (OH) - parentsobit The Oregon Journal 5 Aug 1905 - drown with Ralph Gillihan (body may not have been found)
CrosthwaitThomas Milton1847 SepIllinois1902 Apr 9Vancouver WAcirrhosis of liver yesTW AlexanderNW 02-1 Line 15Apr 1902Vancouver City CemeteryJennie Elizabeth White (IN) - spouse; Althea, George Franklin, Edna, Elmer L - children; Enoch Crosthwaite (IL) and Marguerite Craig (IL) - parentsCivil War Veteran, PVT, Co. D, 138th Infantryhotel keeper, 1880- farmer Iowa; 1900- farmer, Idahomarried Jennie May 1880, Iowa
Cunningham James Christopher1870Edinburgh, Scotland1910 Dec 1at home at 906 W 7th St., Vancouver WApulmonary tuberculosisyesCunninghamNW 153-1 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor4 Dec 1910Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Jason Cunningham (Scot) and ? ? (Scot) - parentElks, Presbyteriancivil engineerobit The Oregonian 2 Dec 1910 - was in Arizona for a while; building of the Interstate bridge and bridge at Lyle WA
CunninghamEdward1870 Mar Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota1902 Dec 28Vancouver WAdisability, 35 yrsCunninghamNW 9829 Dec 1902vancouver City CemeteryHannah E Putnam (TN) - spouse; Albert Lee - child; Thomas Cunningham (VA) and Rachel Molder (VA) - ParentsMethodist, MasonUS Military 14th Infantry1900-railroad engineer married Hannah Apr 1900, Clark Co. WA; obit stated buried in Masonic section The Oregon 29 Dec 1902; son Albert b. 1901 Vancouver; died 1973, CA
Cunningham Hannah E Putnam1878 SepKnoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee1905 May26 yrs, 8 mo, noCunninghamNW 98Vancouver City CemeteryEdward Cunningham (MN) - spouse; Albert Lee - child; Isaiah Putnam (MA) and Anne Reed (AR) - parentsspouse Edward Cunningham was a railroad engineermarried; parents in SE 99 and siblings in SE 65
CurtisBessieB18811895 Dec 18Vancouver WAdiptheriaNW 5720 Dec 1895Vancouver City CemeteryB F Curtis (father) - parent
Cushing BerthaMHaak1857 Mar 19Washington1886 Nov 14Clark Co., WAyesA A SchaebenNW 21-5 line 12Nov 1886Vancouver City CemeteryCharles W Cushing (VT) - spouse; Carl Haak (Prussia) and Augusta A Soraber (GER) - parentsmarried 1885 Clark Co., WA; siblings: Melanie, Charles, Ernest Herm, Andrew
D'AndreaTraciAlyce1958 Feb 7Buffalo, New York2018 Feb 22at home Amboy, Clark Co., WashingtonashesyesNW 111-5Laynes Funeral Home, Battle Ground, Clark Co., WA19 Mar 2018Vancouver City CemeteryLarry Vezza - spousenurse
DanielsJamesArthur1911 Jan 8La Center, Clark Co., WA1991 Mar 5Vancouver WAage relatedyesPrichardNW 19-1 line 14Evergreen Staples Funeral Home8 Mar 1991Vancouver City CemeteryEdythe J Behrend (CA) - spouse; Bruce A - child; Charles A Daniels (IA) and Annie M Jecks (CA) - parents1940 - railroad mechanist; battleion chief for Vancouver Fire Dept.obit The Oregonian 7 Mar 1991
DanielsEdythe "Etta"JBehrend 1911 May 15San Francisco, San Franciaco Co., California1984 Nov 9 at hone, Vancouver WAcancerashesyesPrichardNW 19-2 line 14Evergreen Staples Funeral Home12 Nov 1984Vancouver City CemeteryJames A Daniels (WA)- spouse; Bruce - son, more?; Arthur Behrend (Eng) and Edythe "Etta" H Brown (CA)- parentsEastern Star, Salvation Army Home Leagueobit The Oregonian 13 Nov 1984
Daniels, Jr.William Bryon1848 Dec 17Mentor Lake, Lake Co., Ohio1900 Oct 3Clark Co., WAheart relatedyesNW 736 Oct 1900Vancouver City CemeteryRosina A Jaggy (WA) - spouse; Marguerite, Lucille - children; William B Daniels (OH) and Sarah Hall (NY) - parentsMember of Washington State Legislature, mayor of Vancouverobit The Oregonian 5, 6 Oct 1900; father in SE 117, brothers in SW 90, SW 103, SW 95; mother in SE 103; son William buried in SE 117
DaughertyLeonardLewis1834 Jun 28Fairfield Co., Ohio1915 Dec 3Washington Co., Oregonpneumoniayesno nameNW 127-4Knapp Funeral Parlor6 Dec 1915Vancouver City CemeterySarah Catherine Emenhiser (OH) - spouse; Stephen Andrew, Carrie Jane, Lewis Martin, William Sherman, Charles Albert - children; Andrew Daugherty (MD) and Jane Montgomery (OH) - parentsBaptistfarmer
DavidsonJaneGraham1828Jamaica1887 Jan 29WashingtonyesNW 27 Jan 1887Vancouver City CemeteryJames Davidson Sr. (Scot) - spouse; James Jr., Nelson, Jane - children; ? Graham (Eng) and Margaret ? (Eng)- parentsJames Davidson was a wagon maker for the Gov't. She had a brother, Hamilton Graham (Ire); The Davidsons raised Frances Elizabeth Graham, who married Milton Chandler (family buried in Washougal Cem. Frances ' parents were Hamilton and Annie Graham
DavidsonJane 1856 Dec 23Washington Terr.1862 May 21Washington5y, 6m, 8d oldnoDavidsonNW 27-4 line 11Vancouver City CemeteryJames Davidson (Scot) and Jane Graham (Jamaica) - parents
Davis Andrew Fouts 1863 Dec 7Jennings Co., Indiana1931 Nov 5Vancouver WAcanceryesH ChristNW 43C H Kirch & Son8 Nov 1931Vancouver City CemeteryMatilda Crist (WA) - spouse; Mable Eleanor Helen, stillborn infant - 2 children; Luther Davis (IN) and Eleanor Brougher (IN) - parentsCounty Assessor for two terms, farmer
DavisMatildaCrist1864 May 20Clark Co., WA1938 Aug 6St Josseph Hospital, Vancouver WAdiabetesashesyesH CristNW 43Vancouver Funeral ChapelAug 1938Vancouver City CemeteryAndrew Fouts Davis (IA) - spouse; Mable Eleanor Helen, stillborn infant - 2 children; Christian "Henry" Crist (Ger) and Elizabeth Proebstel (MO) - parents
DavisJackson1845 May 15Fairplay, Polk Co, Missouri1913 Jul 14 his dau's home at 913 Tibbets St., Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonacute nephritisyesJackson DavisNW 71-5 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor16 Jul 1913Vancouver City CemeteryRuphina Blair (MO) - spouse; Louis Vernon, Austin V, Emma Edith, Fred Elmer, Charles Walter, William Arthur, George Lloyd, Clifford E - children; William Davis (TN) and Susanna Groves (TN) - parentsMt Hood Lodge No. 32 - Mason; Harmony Lodge No. 41 A.O.U.W. (Ancient Order of United Workmen) of VancouverCivil War veteran, Missouri Militiadoctor, farmerson George was a judge. Jackson and Ruphina Davis were Washington pioneers having moved to Clark Co. in 1871; obit The Oregonian 15 Jul 1913; dau Emma E buried in NW 88;
DavisRuphinaBlair1846 Jan 10Stockton, Cedar Co, Missouri1920 Jun 16Vancouver WAdiabetes mellitusyesJackson DavisNW 71 line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor18 Jun 1920Vancouver City CemeteryDr. Jackson Davis (MO) - spouse; Louis Vernon, Austin V, Emma Edith, Fred Elmer, Charles Walter, William Arthur, George Lloyd, Stella "Effie", Clifford E - children; George Blair (TN) and Sally Rock (TN) - parentsMethodisthousewifedau Emma E buried in NW 88
DavisLouisVernon1866 Dec 22Missouri1883 May 15Clark Co., WAyesJackson DavisNW 71 line 12May 1883Vancouver City CemeteryDr. Jackson Davis (MO) and Ruphina Blair (MO) - parentssibling: Fred, Emma, Charles, William, George, Clifford, Stella
DavisFred Elmer 1876 Feb 14Oregon1894 Jan 25Clark Co., WAyesJackson DavisNW 71 line 11Jan 1894Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Dr. Jackson Davis (MO) and Ruphina Blair (MO) - parentssibling: Louis, Emma, Charles, William, George, Clifford
DavisCharlesWalter1877 Dec 19Orchards, Clark Co WA1966 Dec 5Vancouver WAcanceryesJackson DavisNW 71-7 line 12Vancouver Funeral Chapel8 Dec 1966Vancouver City CemeteryMary Olive Stalnecker (VA) - spouse; no children; Adopted - Peggy Ann Burt; Dr. Jackson Davis (MO) and Ruphina Blair (MO) - parentsowned a grocery store - Page and Davis in Vancouver
DavisClifford E 1889 Sep 30Clark Co, WA1891 Sep 2Clark Co., WAyesJackson DavisNW 71 line 12Sep 1891Vancouver City CemeteryDr. Jackson Davis (MO) and Ruphina Blair (MO) - parentssibling: Louis, Emma, Charles, William, George, Fred
Davis, Jr.GeorgeH1854 Jan 20Madison Co., New York1950 May 29Battle Ground, Clark Co., WashingtonCoronary thromobsisnono nameNW 158Evergreen Funeral Home3 Jun 1950Vancouver City CemeteryHelen Otterbien (NY?) - spouse; Harry - child; George H Davis Sr (NY) and Eliza Lindsey (Can) - parents cheese maker, Cheese Factory owner 1880-NY son Harry F (B 1889-NY) never lived with parents, died and buried at Park Hill Cemtery in Vancouver WA
Davis Ralph Edward1891 Oct 17Foster, Bates Co., Missouri1982 May 4Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesA L MillerNW 34-5Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home8 May 1982Vancouver City CemeteryEdith S Atwood (VT)(1) and Mina M Arbuckle (WA)(2) - spouses; Edward Gates, Charles Atwood - child by Edith, none by Mina; Edward G Davis (KS) and Eliza Patrick (MO) - parentsWorld War I & II veteran, US Army Medical Corpsdoctor, neuro-psychiatirist
Davis Mina MArbuckel1899 Apr 20The Dalles, Wasco Co., Oregon1983 Dec 27Vancouver WAheart failureyesA L MillerNW 34-5Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home1 Jan 1984Vancouver City CemeteryUlia Powell (Neb)(1) and Ralph E Davis - spouse, Marsha - child by Powell; William Arbuckel (IL) and May Miller (WA) - parentsadministrative secetary for the Veterans AdministrationPowell was 30 years older, died in Idaho, 1944; married Davis 1957, The Dalles OR; same plot as mother Arline Arbuckel; obit The Columbian 29 Dec 1983
De NeveuGustave1811 Mar 30Savigny, France1881 Dec 27at daughter Julia's home, Vancouver WAserious ill for days beforeyesBeesonNW 77Vancouver City CemeteryHarriet Puoff Dousman (WI) - spouse; Matilda Mary, Julia Margret, Edward, Emily, Gustave, Francis Joseph, Arthur, Virginia, Harriet, George W, Lucy - children; Francois Joseph De Neveu (Fra) and Elizabeth Monnoir (Fra) - parents1834 immigrated to America; was in New York as teacher of French; 1837 - Fond du Lac, WI for 30 years; 1861 came to Vancouver til death; obit The Vancouver Independent 5 Jan 1882; brother Edward; dau Julia and husband Beeson in same plot
De SorLouisGustave 1849 Jul 6Friedrichdorf, Prussia1902 Nov 24Tacoma, Pierce Co., WashingtonyesL DeSorNW 58-31902Vancouver City CemeteryMarie Huth (Ger) - spouse; no children; Louis De Sor (Prussia) and Catherine Agombord (Prussia) - parentsVancouver Building and Loan Association member, F&AM, Regular Army and Navy Union #46 of Vancouverveteran , US Army-Indian campaigns of 1878-79, then at Vancouver Barracks Ordnance Dept - Co. G, 21 Infantry; discharged March 1883apprenticed as a tanner with his uncle as a youth. 1872 was selling wines and took up tanning in Indianapolis; after 1883 - agent and collector for Star Brewing Co in Portland OR; operated a saloon in PortlandWent to college in Paris, France and travel in Europe, enlisted in German army in 1868 and served with distinction in Franco-Prussia Was; came to US in 1872
De SorMarieHuth1857 Jul 19Germany1932 May 1Tacoma, Pierce Co., WashingtonpneumoniayesL DeSorNW 58-3Knapp Funeral Parlor4 May 1932Vancouver City CemeteryLouis Gustave DeSor (Ger) - spouse; no children; ?? Huth and Gertrude ?? -parents both of (Langenheim) Germany; brother - James Huth housewifeMarie was aunt - Gertrude Huth Lemons (Tacoma WA), Marie Huth, Kate Busby Scott (wife of Honorable Clement Scott and James A Busby-buried in SW 151) - both buried in Vancouver City Cem)
DetschArthur Sheeler1889 Dec 10Philadelpia, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania1948 Mar 25Seattle General Hospital, Seattle, King Co., Washingtonheart failureashesyesno nameNW 169 line 3Bonnie-Watson Funeral Home, Seattle, King Co., WA1948Vancouver City CemeteryMuriel Thompson (NY)(1) and Edna Erdman (NY)(2) - spouses; Norton by Muriel, Jackson Detsch (PA) and Sarah Thompson (PA) - parentsWorld War I veteran, US Army, Sgt, 361 Infantry, 91 Division, Washington,1920-salesaman for automotive parts, Portalnd OR; 1930-1940- manufcturer agent for electrical, radio and hardware - Seattle WA12 April 1928, Portland OR divorced from Muriel; Muriel and son Norton - buried Riverview Abbey Mausoleum, Portalnd, Multnomah Co., Oregon; 1940- married to Edna
DetschEdnaEvalineErdman1891 Jun 15Albany, Albany Co., New York1981 Jan 3Seattle, King Co., Washingtonheart failureashesyesno nameNW 169-3 line 3Green Funeral Home, Bellevue, King Co., Washington1981Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Zbieden (Neb)(1) and Arthur S Detsch (PA)(2) - spouse; no children; Herman Erdman (MA) and Ida R Corbin (NY) - parentsZbieden died in 1930; by 1940 married to Detsch
DeweyDellamore (male)M1908 Nov 2415th Ave NE, Seattle, King Co., Washington1908 Nov 2415th Ave NE, Seattle, King Co., Washingtonstillborn, prematurenoMillerNW 96 Line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Nov 1908Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert H Dewey (OH) and Ruth Horr (WI) - parentsparents married June, 1907, Chehalis, Lewis Co., WA; parents 1910-in Seattle living with mother-in-law Mary Horr; 1920 -parents in Clark Co., WA; Jeanette Horr Miller is baby's aunt in same plot; parents buried at Mt Crest Abbey Mausoleum, Salem, Marion Co., ORbroken headstone
DiamondMaude EMcCrady1885 Nov 1Grove Lake, Pope Co., Minnesota1970 Sep 26Vancouver WAyesNW 217Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home30 Sep 1970Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam W Poucher (MN)(1) and Harry Charles Diamond (MN)(2) - spouses; Margaret Clara, Harry Charles - children by Poucher; Charles McCrady (WI) and Clara M Clark (NY) - parentsmarried Poucher (second wife) 1905, MN; 1914 Poucher a live but injuried owith Railroad; married 1918 Diamond, Counsel Bluffs, IA
DiamondHarry Charles 1908 May 13St Paul, Ramsey Co., Minnesota1996 Jul 22Des Moines, King Co., Washingtonheart relatedyesNW 217Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home25 Jul 1996Vancouver City CemeteryAlice Roberta Boyse (WA) - spouse; Harry Robert, Charleen - children; William W Poucher (MN) and Maude E McCrady (MN) - parentsmasonVancouver Chief of Police and police officerHarry Charles took is step father's last name - Diamond; obit The Oregonian 24 Jul 1996; same plot as sis Margaret Goodale
DiamondAlice RobertaBoyse1914 Jan 1Deer Lake, Spokane Co., Washington1985 Oct 18Vancouver WAheart failureyesNW 217-2 line 9Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home22 Oct 1985Vancouver City CemeteryHarry Charles Diamond - spouse; Harry Robert, Charleen - children; Ava Boyse (MO) Mary McHugo (MN) - parentshousewifeobit The Oregonian 22 Oct 1985
DiamondHarry "Butch"Robert 1941 Dec 21Vancouver WA1996 Mar 10Vancouver WAbrain canceryesNW 217Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home13 Mar 1996Vancouver City CemeteryTerryl Mae Clark (OR) - spouse; Kim (dau), Shawen (son) - children; Harry C Diamond (MN) and Alice Roberta Boyse (WA) - parentsheavy equipment operator for Clark Public Utilities in Vancouver WAobit The Oregonian 12 Mar 1996
DickDavid Dufferin1871 May 4Kent, Ontario, Canada1932 Feb 12Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co., Washingtoncerebral hemorrhagenono nameNW 158Knapp Funeral Parlor16 Feb 1932Vancouver City CemeteryMargaret Isabelle Fyfe (Can)- spouse; Clarance, Jean - children; William Dick (Can) and Katherine Campbell (Can) - parentsMason, Christian Church memberminister of the Christian Churchmarried in 1907, Ontario, Canada
DillonArthur Jonah1847 Feb 27Muscatine, Cedar Co., Iowa1922 Sep 24at dau Sadie 's home while visiting at 800 E Salmon St., Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart relatedyesDillonNW 76Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Sept 1922Vancouver City CemeteryNancy Joella Nye (MO) - spouse; Virginia(died early), Arthur Homer, Catherine (died early), Thomas W (d. 1877), Thomas Nye died between 1922-1930), Sadie M - children 3 living in 1910; William H Dillon (Del) and Harriet Hatten (KY) - parentsfarmercame across Oregon Trail in 1847 with parent; lived in Yamhill Co., Oregon; obit The Oregonian 25 Sep 1922; parents and son Thomas Nye Dillon is buried in SE 51
DillonNancyJoella Nye1852 Nov 9Grundy Co., Missouri1930 Apr 6at dau Sadie 's home at 800 E Salmon St., Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesDillonNW 76Knapp Funeral Parlor9 Apr 1930Vancouver City CemeteryArthur Jonah Dillon (IA) - spouse; Virginia(died early), Arthur Homer, Catherine (died early), Thomas W (d. 1877), Thomas Nye (died between 1922-1930), Sadie M - children 3 living in 1910; Thomas C Nye (NC) and Frances Gess (NV) - parentsSouthern Methodisthousewife1865-came on Oregon Trail with parents; married Dillon and lived in Echo,OR for 17 years-rancher, then moved to Portland OR;1910 census 6 children/3 living; 1930 two living children - Arthur, Sadie; obit The Oregonian 8 April 1930; son Thomas Nye Dillon buried SE 51
DillonThomas W1876 JunClark Co., WA1878 Dec 242 yrs, 6 mo.yesDillonNW 76Vancouver City CemeteryArthur Jonah Dillon and Nancy Joella Nye- parentsbroken headstone, was able to read in Porter inventory
DomkeMerleRaymond1911 Jul 7Beaver Dam, Dodge Co., Wisconsin1970 Nov 25Yacolt, Clark Co., Washingtonheart diseaseyesNW 215Vancouver Funeral Chapel30 Nov 1970Vancouver City CemeteryGladys Thompson (IL)(1) and Clella Kamplain (IL)(2) - spouse; James, Earnest, Roy, Barbara, Caroline, Hazel, Judith - children; Ernst Domke (IA) and Minnie Fritz (Neb) - parents1940-laborere for a cartage co,
DomkeClellaIKamplain1920 Mar 17Flat Rock, Crawford Co., Illinois1974 Mar 19Vancouver WAheart failurenoO J CrawfordNW 59-2Vancouver Funeral Chapel22 May 1974Vancouver City CemeteryMerle Raymond Domke (Wis) - spouse; James, Earnest, Roy, Barbara, Caroline, Hazel, Judith - children; George Franklin Kamplain (IL) and Elna Wesley (IL) - parents 1940-waitress; worked at Jantzen Knitting Millobit The Columbian 20 Mar 1974; 1940 - children; son James born/died 1948
DrowleyWilliam Gilbert1864 Dec 7Caldonia, Houston Co., Minnesota1930 Feb 19Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAcardio-vascular rental diseaseyesDrowleyNW 179-1Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Feb 1930Vancouver City CemeteryLucy Bernard (IA) (1) and Jessie Floy Davidson (MO)(2) - spouses; Gilbert C, Dempster David, Lucy J, Lissa F - children by Jessie; George Drowley (MN) and Jean Brown (Scot) - parentsEpiscopalian1920-attorney general practice; farmermarried Lucy 1899, Cowlitz Co., WA, she died in WA 1915; married Jessie in 1917, Multnomah Co., OR; lived in Battle Ground, WA; "Sprague" name connected to Lucy Bernard
DrowleyJessieFloyDavidson1885 Dec 28Missouri1971 Jan 14Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesDrowleyNW 179Vancouver Funeral Chapel18 Jan 1971Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam G Drowley (MN) - spouse; Gilbert C, Dempster David, Lucy J, Lissa Floy - children; Isaac C Davidson (IL) and Melissa Braden (IL) - parentswidowed in 1930-1940; Lissa and Gilbert living with her
Du BoisNellieMayHuston1869 Jul 6Grundy Co., Illinois1959 Jun 13Vancouver Memorial Hospital, Vancouver WApulmonary emphasemayesHustonNW 112Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Jun 1959Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Lockwood DuBois (IA) - spouse; Robert Huston, Kinsley Lockwood, Jeanette - children; Charles E Huston (NY) and Marietta Brown (IL) - parentsparents buried in NW 112, same plot
Du BoisGeorge Lockwood 1868 Nov 15Dubuque Co., Iowa1949 May 6Vancouver WAcerebral thrombosisashesyesHustonNW 112 line 2Knapp Funeral Parlor May 1949Vancouver City CemeteryNellie May Huston (IL) - spouse; Robert Huston, Kinsley Lockwood, Jeanette - children; William Blair DuBois (OH/PA) and Margaret Elizabeth Lookwood (Eng)- parentslumberman
Du BoisJames Gillis1832 May 20Stubenville, Jefferson Co., Ohio1917 Mar 4at son's home at 18th and G St., Proebstel (Vancouver) WAprobable heart attack and seniltyyesDu BoisNW 117-1 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor8 Mar 1917Vancouver City CemeteryMary Elizabeth Crawford - spouse; James Edward, Charles Wilson, D D (son), George, Amelia Stuart - children; John Peter Du Bois (Ire) and Ann Dorsey (OH?) - parentsEpiscopalianin 1903 - lumber business with brothers William B and Lewis West DuBois, farmerCame to Clark Co. with family in 1883
Du BoisMary ElizabethCrawford1836 Feb 20Belmont Co., Ohio1908 Dec 6Vancouver WAchronic bronchitisyesDu BoisNW 117 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor8 Dec 1908Vancouver City CemeteryJames Gillis DuBois (OH) - spouse; Charles Wilson, Amelia Stuart, James Edward, D D (son), George - children; Matthew Crawford (PA) and Mary Ann Laws (DE) - parentsEpiscopalianhousewife
Du Bois (Rev.)Charles Wilson1865 Nov 5Dubuque Co., Iowa1927 Feb 13San Luis Obispo Co., Californiaperforated duodenal ulceryes Du BoisNW 117-1 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Feb 1927Vancouver City CemeteryMatilda A Fluegel (MI) - spouse; Charles, Ruth - children; James Gillis Du Bois (OH) and Mary Elizabeth Crawford (OH) - parentsEpiscopalianEpiscopalian ministermarried Matilda 13 Jan 1897, Spokane WA
Du BoisMatildaAFluegel1864 Jun 22Adrian, Lenawee Co., Michigan1948 Feb 17Vancouver WAsenileyesDu BoisNW 117 line 7Vancouver Funeral Chapel20 Feb 1948Vancouver City CemeteryJohn G Weisenger (MI)(1) and Rev. Charles Wilson Du Bois (IA)(2) - spouse; Mabel, Otto F - children by Weisenger, Ruth, Charles Edward - children by DuBois; Christian Fluegel (Austria) and Louisa Young (Austria)- parents married DuBois 13 Jan 1897, Spokane WA
DugganAnnaHarvey1858 Oct 26Bruce, Ontario, Canada1944 Oct 17Vancouver WAyesHarveyNW 85Vancouver Funeral Chapel21 Oct 1944Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Duggan (Can) - spouse; Hazel, 4 others - children; Christopher Harvey (Scot) and Catherine Spence (Scot) - parentimmigrated in 1887, married Duggan 24 Jan 1887, Ontario, Can; 1900-census 5 children/1 living; 1910 census 1 child/1 living; spelling on headstone wrong-should be DUGGAN
DugganWilliam1842 Nov 15Prince Edward, Ontario, Canada1936 Apr 26Vancouver WAsenilty, cerebral hemorrhageyesHarveyNW 85Hamilton Funeral Home29 Apr 1936Vancouver City CemeteryMary C Tripp (1) (NY) and Anna Harvey (Can)(2) - spouses; Blanche, Willie - children by Mary; Hazel, 4 others? - children by Anna; Alexander Duggan (Ire) and Agnes Miller (Cana) - parents1900-stone masn, Vancouver WA, 1910- brick mason, Vancouver WAimmigrated in 1868, married Anna in 24 Jan 1887, Ontario, Can
DunphyThomasMark 1901 Oct 6Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Co., New York 1969 Dec 14Vancouver WAheart failureyesHein KulperNW 25-3 line 9Evergreen Funeral Home17 Dec 1969Vancouver City CemeteryDella M Burg (SD) - spouse; no children; John Dunphy and Katherine L Sheridan - parents both of New YorkWorld War II veteran, US Army, first sargeant, 1941-19471930- soldier, Skagway AK; 1940-sargaent, Vancouver WA- probably career militarymarried 19 Jul 1937, Clark Co., WA
DunphyDellaMargaretBurg1901 Sep 4Lyman Co., South Dakota1975 May 1Vancouver WAheart failureyesHein KulperNW 25-4 line 9Evergreen Funeral Home5 May 1975Vancouver City CemeteryThomas M Dunphy (NY) - spouse; no children; Severt Burg (WI) and Anne Olson (IL) - parentsmarried 19 Jul 1937, Clark Co., WA
DurganSimeon D1852 Sep 13McHenry Co., Illinois1923 Feb 27Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesDurganNW 150Limber Funeral Home1 Mar 1923Vancouver City CemeteryGeorgianna N Nye (WA) - spouse; Metta, Joseph Wirt - children; Joseph Durgan (NY) and Catherine Amidon (IL) - parents
DurganGeorgianna "Anna"NellieNye1856 Sep 16Vancouver WA1934 Jun 4Vancouver WApulmonary edemayesDurganNW 150-1C H Kirch & Son6 Jun 1943Vancouver City CemeterySimeon D Durgan (IL)(1) and Henry C Charles (NY)(2) - spouses; Metta, Joseph Wirt - children by Durgan; John Wirt Nye (MO) and Cynthia C Switzler - parentsmarried Chales 24 May 1927, Vancouver, Chales buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WAHeadstone should be in NW 54
DurganJoseph Wirt1881 Nov 16Vancouver WA1946 Aug 26Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonheartyesDurganNW 150Vancouver Funeral Chapel28 Aug 1946Vancouver City CemeteryVictoria Ryan - spouse; Mildred, Dorothy - children; Simeon W Durgan (IL) and Georgianna N Nye (WA) - parentsMason, Odd Fellow, Elkdairy farmer with father, Clark Co., WA, -part oqwner in Ryan-Allen Lumber Co., Columbia Feed and Fuel Co., Independent Lumber Co.; director and appraiser for Vancouver Saving and Loan Assocmarried in 1910; obit The Oregonian 27 Aug 1946; parent came on the Oregon Trail
DurganVictoria Ryan1885 Jun 20Alabama1967 Nov 1Spokane, Spokane Co., WashingtonarteriosclerosisyesDurganNW 150Evergreen Funeral Home5 Nov 1967Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph Wirt Durgan (WA) - spouse; Mildred, Dorothy - children; Albert M Ryan (GA) and Margaret Dickson (AL) - parentsEastern Starmarried in 1910, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian+U229 2+U234 Nov 1967
DurganJospeh E C 1789 Mar 25Stratford Co, New Hampshire1866 Mar 25Clark Co., WAdied in sleepyes J DurganNW 57-5Mar 1866Vancouver City CemeteryUnknown woman (1) and Judiah Nancy Rowland (NY)(2) - spouses; George Washington - child by first wife; Clarissa, Emily B, Sophia Jane, Joseph EC Jr., Lafayette, Esther M, Alonzo, President (twin), Twin (died at birth), Ellen - children by Judiahfarmer, lay preacherfirst wife shortly after birth of son George W; Came over the Oregon Trail in 1854, moved from Newyork toOhio, to Illinois, to Washington Terry; 1860 received donation land claim around Burnt Bridge Cr, Clark Co., WA; son Joseph EC jr. buried in SE 12 with familyHeadstone should be in NW 53
DurganJudiahNancyRowland1798 Mar 19Rensselaer Co, New York1871 Sep 5at home of dau Clarrisa, Clark Co., WAyesJ DurganNW 57-4Sep 1871Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph E C Durgan (NH) - spouse; Clarissa, Emily B, Sophia Jane, Joseph EC Jr., Lafayette, Esther M, Alonzo, President (twin), twin (died at birth), Ellen - children10 children; crossed Oregon Terail 1854
Durgin George Washington 1820 Apr 11Stratford Co, New Hampshire1885 May 21Clark Co., WAyesG W DurginNW 61-1May 1885Vancouver City CemeteryLydia L Goodrich (NY)(1) and Elizabeth Holbrook (NY)(2) - spouses; Marthena (died at 1 yr), George Nelson, Margarett M (Etta) - children by Lydia and George Washington Holbrooke (died as infant), Charles (died as inf+Q246ant), Georgiana Helen "Nellie," Elizabeth Blanche, Elizabeth Fannie (1876-1961) and 1?? more - children by Elizabeth; Joseph E C Durgan Sr. (NH) and unknown mother (NH?) - parentsEpiscopalianClark Co Sheriff, assessor, city treasurer, director of school, Clark Co.Name spelling was changed to DURGIN; married Lydia Sep 1844 in Green Co., Wisconson; Lydia's parents - Jacob Goodrich and Betsy Ames; May 1852 Lydia died in Wisconsin; moved to Clark Co., WA 1854; married in 1861 Elizabeth Holbrook; dau Elizabeth Edwards burid in same plot
Durgin Elizabeth Holbrook1834 Feb 9Allegany Co., New York1900 Jul 20Clark Co., WAconsumptionyesG W DurginNW 61-222 Jul 1900Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge W Durgin (NH) - spouse; George Washington Holbrooke (died as infant), Charles (died as infant), Georgiana Helen "Nellie," Elizabeth Blanche, Elizabeth Fannie (1876-1961) and 1?? more - children by Elizabeth; Calvin Holbrook (VT) and Aura Olmstead (VT) - parentsSuperintendent of WCTU (Women's Temperance Union), St Lukes Episcopal Churchmarried in 1861
Durgin BlancheElizabeth 1865 Sep 25Vancouver WA1875 Oct 31Vancouver WAyesG W DurginNW 61Nov 1875Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Washington Durgin (NH) and Elizabeth Holbrook (NY) - parents
Durgin George Washington Holbrook 1867 Aug 15Clark Co., WA1867 NovClark Co., WAinfantyesG W DurginNW 61-3Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Washington Durgin (NH) and Elizabeth Holbrook (NY) - parents
Durgin Charles H 1862 Apr Vancouver WA1862 Aug 3Vancouver WA3m, 22 dyesG W DurginNW 61-4 Aug 1862Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Washington Durgin (NH) and Elizabeth Holbrook (NY) - parentsHeadstone broken lower half in NW 56, upper half in NW 57 set in the ground -- needs to be moved.
Durgin Helen "Nellie"GeorgiannaDurgin1872 Mar 9Vancouver WA1891 Feb 3Vancouver WAyesG W DurginNW 61-5Feb 1891Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Washington Durgin (NH) and Elizabeth Holbrook (NY) - parentsHeadstone broken , only DOD on bottom
DyeImoFrances Goss1881 Feb 27Clark Co., WA1907 Oct 27McMinnville, Yamhill Co., OregontuberculosisyesGT GossNW 3330 Oct 1907 Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Burt Dye (UT) - spouse; Genevra - child; James T Goss (CT) and Eliza C Kiger (OH) - parents possibly adopted a son Frank; obit The Oregonian 28 Oct 1907; married 1910, Clark Co., WA; Genevra lived with grandparent 1910-1920; husband Dye remarried in 1916 after Imo died, died 1953 in Grandview WA; buried in Renton, King Co., WA; obit The Columbian 31 Oct 1907Check headstone location NW 56 or NW 57
EastmanHiram1807 May 12Wolcott, Lamoille Co., Vermont1885 Dec 16Clark Co., WAyesL M HiddenNW 39-5Dec 1885Vancouver City CemeteryLucy B Eastman (VT) - spouse; Mary Sherburne - child; James Eastman and Esther ? - parentsdau Mary S in same plot
EastmanLucy Blake1812 Feb 22Corinth, Orleans Co., Vermont1890 Mar 3Vancouver, WAyesL M HiddenNW 39-4Mar 1890Vancouver City CemeteryHiram Eastman (VT) - spouse; Mary Sherburne - child; Nehemiah Blake and Lydia Horham - parentsdau Mary S in same plotCheck headstone location NW 56 or NW 57
EatonJohn "Jay"D1851 Nov 22Michigan1923 May 12Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonendo-carditisyesCleve EatonNW 191Holman & Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR14 May 1923Vancouver City CemeteryIda McClellan (MI) - spouse; Cleve M - child; both parents from Michiganlumberman and worked for Northwestern Electricdeath cert
EatonIda BMcClellan1865 FebAlmont, Lapeer Co., Michigan1934 Jan 2Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart relatedyesCleve EatonNW 191Holman & Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR6 Jan 1934Vancouver City CemeteryJohn D Eaton (MI) - Spouse; Cleve Eaton - child; Henry McClellan (NY) and Julia E Read (OH) - parents
EatonCleveMcClellan1884 Nov 25Saginaw Co., Michigan1929 Apr 14Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumoniayesCleve EatonNW 191Holman & Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR17 Apr 1929Vancouver City CemeteryIla Frances Corman (WA)(1) and Ida M Fassett (MN)(2) - spouses; Loraine - child by Ida; John D Eaton (MI) and Ida McClellan (MI)- parentselectricianmarried Ida Fassett in 1918, died in 1958 in Georgia under DIXON
EatonIla FrancesCorman1891 MarWashington1916 Oct 13Phoenix, Maricopa Co., ArizonatuberculosisyesCleve EatonNW 191Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Oct 1916Vancouver City CemeteryCleve Eaton (MI) - spouse; Loraine - child; Frank Corman (MI) and ? - parentsobit The Oregonian 12 Oct 1918
EatonLoraineFrances1910 Jun 29Vancouver WA1918 Oct 9Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon meninigitis, 8yyesCleve EatonNW 191Knapp Funeral Parlor12 Oct 1918Vancouver City CemeteryCleve Eaton (MI) and Ila Corman (MI) - parentsburied with mother Ila; Obit The Oregonian 7 Jan 1934; came to Oregon 1889, siblings- Jeannie, Eddie, William
EatonEdwinAlonzo 1846 Apr 16Newbury, Merrimack Co, New Hampshire1933 Oct 18at home, Yacolt, Clark Co., WashingtonsenilitynoEdwin A EatonNW 40-3Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Oct 1933Vancouver City CemeteryMargaret A Eaton (PA) - spouse; William Wilbur, Edwin R, Maude, George Frederick, Esther Marie - children; Ebenezer Eaton (NH) and Hannah Cross (NH) - parentsBaptistmerchantFamily Headstone
EatonMargaretAnnMcCarty1852 Nov 13Pennsylvania1940 Nov 5Yacolt, Clark Co., WashingtonuremianoEdwin A EatonNW 40-2Vancouver Funeral Chapel8 Nov 1940Vancouver City CemeteryEdwin Alonzo Eaton (NH) - spouse; William Wilbuer, Edwin R, Maude, George Frederick, Esther Marie - children; Dominic McCarty (Ire) and Matilda McClaren (Scot) - parentsFamily Headstone
EatonWilliamWilbur 1879 Mar 21Longwood, Clark Co., Wisconsin1947 May 14Portland, Multnomah Co., ORegoncancernoEdwin A EatonNW 40-1Vancouver Funeral Chapel19 May 1947Vancouver City CemeteryRose M Dolan (WA) - spouse; Edwin J - child; Edwin Alonza Eaton (NH) and Margaret Ann McCarty (PA) - parents1906-1930 - storekeeper, Yacolt WA; 1940 - retiredFamily Headstone; Married 25 Sep 1906, Vancouver; Rose died in 1920 in Clark Co., WA; 1940 living with brother Fred and mother in Yacolt WA; obit The Columbiab 19 May 1947
EatonMaude 1885Wisconsin1889Clark Co WA4y noEdwin A EatonNW 40-51889Vancouver City CemeteryEdwin Eaton (NH) and Margaret Ann McCarty (PA)- parentsFamily Headstone
EberleWinfield "Winn"Richard1889 Jan 9Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1951 May 2Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Vancouver WAcoronary thrombosisyesJaggyNW 194Vancouver Funeral Chapel5 May 1951Vancouver City CemeteryFrances Winsor Harlow (WA) - spouse; Elaine Frances - child; William S Eberle (OR) and Flora Elizabeth Sohns (WA) - parentsUS Navy?retail shoe merchantEBERLE family headstone; same plot as mother and step fathers Greiner and Jaggy; obit The Columbian 3 May 1951
EberleFrancesWinsorHarlow1899 Apr 13Seattle, King Co., Washington1997 Jul 3Clark Co., WAyesJaggyNW 194Vancouver Funeral Chapel10 Jul 1997Vancouver City CemeteryWinfield R Eberle (OR) - spouse; Elaine Frances - child; Frederick P Harlow (IL) and Lottie G Gillyland (MI) - parentssoroptimist of the Year in 19631918 moved to Vancouver, Obit The Columbian 8 Jul 1997
EberleGeorgeM1858 DecNew York1906 Dec 30The Dalles, Wasco Co., Oregonconsumption, heart disease1ynoPalmerNW 72 line 132 Jan 1907Vancouver City Cemetery? ? (1) and Amanda Indiana Palmer (WA)(2) - spousedruggist, Phunder Pharmacy1900-lived in Chehalis, Lewis Co., WA widowed; obit The Oregon Journal 8 Jan 1907; was traveling for several years
EberleAmanda "Ida, Ada"IndianaPalmer 1865 Dec 8Vancouver WA1929 Jan 18Good Samitarian Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonkidney failurenoPalmerNW 72-5Knapp Funeral Parlor20 Jan 1929Vancouver City CemeteryG M Eberle (NY) - spouse; Josiah Culbertson Palmer (IN) and Rebecca Poulson (KY) - parentsdress makerobit The Oregonian 20 Jan 1929; lived in Pierce Co., WA in 1889; mother died between 1870-1880 in Clark Co., WA; siblings - Louis C, Martha Brazill, Mary Margaret, William Henry, Richard Francis
EddingsWilliam Henry 1862 Feb 24Vancouver WA1897 Mar 16Clark Co., WAbrain tumoryesEddingsNW 17-1 line 16Mar 1897Vancouver City CemeteryMinnie E Goss (IL) - spouse; Minnie, Bernice Catherine - children; John M Eddings (Ire)and Sarah Nivan (NY) - parentspost master, Vancouver City Treasurerparents and Brother of John Goodhue Edding (NW 30)
EddingsMinnieEGoss1863 Oct 13Bloomington, McLean Co., Illinois1931 May 6Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAcancer/general carcinonitisyesEddingsNW 17-2 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor8 May 1931Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam H Eddings (WA) - spouse; Bernice Catherine, Minnie - children; Col. James Taylor Goss (1834-1910 CT) and Eliza C Kiger (OH) - parentsMartha Washington Chapter OES, Grand Chief of Pythian sisters1870-Bloomington IL; 1880 -Vancouver WA
EddingsHarrietBGoss1865 Oct 15Bloomington, McLean Co., Illinois1889 Feb 10Vancouver WAEddingsNW 17-6 line 16Feb 1889Vancouver City CemeteryFrancis "Frank" Eddings (WA) - spouse; Bessie C, Hazel Elice - children; Col. James T Goss and Eliza Catherine Kiger - parentsmarried 1884, Clark Co., WA; after death husband and daus lived with Clara Eddings Haven; marker "at rest", two daughters; dau Hazel Walker in NW 16
EddingsJohnMcNeil 1831 Mar 21Ballintoy, Antrim Co., Ireland1896 Mar 31Clark Co., WAheart failureyesJohn EddingsNW 30-6 line 16Mar 1896Vancouver City CemeterySarah Nivan (NY) - spouse; Josephine, Edward Frederick, Clara, John Goodhue, William Henry, Frank, Louis Allen, George Hodges, Archibald Hugh, Hurbert McNeil, Mary Lorena - children; Hugh Eddings (Ire) and Mary NcNeil (Ire) - parentsEpiscopalian1851-4th Regiment US Army, MI sent to Vancouver Barrack, Vancouver WA; fought Indian Wars in Rogue River area1880-Vancouver 2nd Post Master; 30 years in militaryimmigrated about 1842, newspaper article The Oregonian 1 Apr 1896
EddingsSarahNivan1831 Jun 19Niagara Co., New York1899 Jul 17Clark Co., WAheart failureyesJohn EddingsNW 30-6 line 16Jul 1899Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Eddings (IRE) - spouse; Josephine, Edward Frederick, Clara, John Goodhue, William Henry, Frank, Louis Allen, George Hodges, Archibald Hugh, Hurbert McNeil, Mary Lorena - children; ? Nivan (NY) and ? ? (NY) - parentsin 1852 she came to Vancouver with Capt William Kelly and family to Vancouver Barracks; married Eddings 22 Nov 1852
EddingsEdward "Eddie"Frederick 1856 Jan 17Vancouver WA1883 Nov 5Clark Co., WAheart failure yesJohn EddingsNW 30-8 line 16Nov 1883Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John Eddings (Ire) and Sarah Nivan (NY) - parentsKnights of Pythias Lodge #61880-Deputy Postmaster,
EddingsJohnGoodhue 1860 Mar 8Vancouver WA1927 Aug 19St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAperforated duodenal ulceryesJohn EddingsNW 30-6 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Aug 1927Vancouver City CemeteryMinnie C Dorman (IL) - spouse; John Eddings (Ire) and Sarah A Nivan (NY) - parentsEpiscopalianfarmer in Fern Prairiebrother of William Henry Edding (NW 17)
EddingsGeorge Hodge 1868 Jun 10Vancouver WA1888 Jul 31Clark Co., WAheart diseaseyesJohn EddingsNW 30-8 line 16Aug 1888Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John Eddings (Ire) and Sarah Nivan (NY) - parents
EddingsArchibald "Archie"Hugh 1869 Dec 12Vancouver WA1879 Jul 22Vancouver WAyesJohn EddingsNW 30-6 line 16Jul 1879Vancouver City Cemetery John Eddings (Ire) and Sarah Nivan (NY) - parents
EddyClarenceWilliam1901 May 20Victor, Ravalli Co., Montana1982 Aug 4Clark Co., WAheart failureyesno ownerNW 15-3 line 15Vancouver Funeral Chapel9 Aug 1982Vancouver City CemeteryMarguerite Irene Smith (Neb)(1) and Verna E Rodgers (CO)(2) - spouses; Edward - child by Marguerite; William Eddy (VT) and Bette M Roce (KS) - parentsMason, ShrinersClark Co. Road Dept. - retiredmarried Verna 1969, Vancouver WA-divorced in 1971; obit The Columbian 6 Aug 1982
EddyMargueriteIreneSmith1904 Apr 17Gering, Scots Bluff Co., Nebraska1961 Jun 11Vancouver WAmyocardial infractionyesno ownerNW 15-4 line 15Evergreen Funeral Home14 June 18961Vancouver City CemeteryClarence William Eddy (MT) - spouse; Edward - Child; Wilbert Smith (IA) and Viola Humphrey (IA) - parentsmarried 11 Aug 1923, Hamilton, Ravalli Co., Montana
EdwardsNancy AnnMichael1844 Mar 18Tippecanoe Co., Indiana1912 Apr 18St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAnoKricheinerNW 132Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Apr 1912Vancouver City CemeteryJohn (Joseph?)M Grigsby (IN) (1) and George Zachariah Edwards (2) - spouses; Leander, Loulla by Grigsby, James Granville, Nancy Jane "Jennie", Minnie Beatrice, Ann Laura by Edwards - children; James Michael (VA) and Catherine Breese (OH) - parentsLeander, Sarah J, George A, Andrew J, Rebecca Anna, Norton A, Jackson - Michael siblings of Nancy Ann; J E Edwards is buried in same plot - relationship, probably child?. Charged to J E Edwards. 1900 and 1910 census she had 10 children, only 5 living
EdwardsWilliam Nelson1878 Sep 30Kentucky1923 Jan 25St Vincent Sanitarium, Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregonerysipelas (Baterial skin infection, cellulitis)noNW 211-5 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor27 January 1923Vancouver City CemeteryElla Williams (MN) - spouse; Loren W - child; J B Edwards (KY) and Belinda Ward (KY) - parentslaborer
EdwardsWalter F1873 Feb 4Richmond, Wayne Co., Indiana1923 Mar 5Vancouver WAheart failureyes J D HallNW 61Limber Funeral Home7 Mar 1923Vancouver City CemeteryElizabeth Fanny Durgin (WA) - spouse; Clarence, Elizabeth - children; Jesse Edwards (IN) and Mary E Kemp (IN) - parentsheadstone moved to NW 61 -maybe should be in NW 59
EdwardsElizabethFannieDurgin1876 JulVancouver WA1961 Apr 25Vancouver WAsenilityyesG W DurginNW 61-7Mt Scott Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon28 Apr 1961Vancouver City CemeteryWalter F Edwards (IN) - spouse; Clarence, Elizabeth - children; George Washington Durgin (NH) and Elizabeth Holbrook (NY) - parentsin same plot as parents
ElliottOliver Pennell1881 Feb 1Chariton Co., Missouri1923 Jan 9Vancouver WAcancer of the liveryesno nameNW 126Hamilton Funeral Home12 Jan 1923Vancouver City CemeteryMary Alma Craig (MO) - spouse; Nathaniel Craig, Oliver Harland, Eugene Cline, Stanley C, Helen Mary, Nadine Ruth, William Arthur - children; Nathaniel Elliot (MO) and Sarah Watson (MO) - parentsMasonlocomotive fireman for SP&S Railroad
ElwellJohn Henry1864 Jan 4Hamilton Co., Indiana1934 Dec 23at 508 W 10th St., Vancouver WAstrokeyesWattsNW 147-3Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Dec 1934Vancouver City CemeteryIda Olive Leverich (WA) - spouse; Lillian J, Mark E, Dorothy P - children; Hiriam Elwell (IN) and Julie Perkins (OH) - parentsPresbyterianreal estate and insurance
ElwellIda OliveRussell/ adopted by Leverich1872 Sep 29Battle Ground, Clark Co., Washington1939 Jan 20Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAthrombosisyesWattsNW 147Knapp Funeral Parlor24 Jan 1939Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Henry Elwell (IN) - spouse; David L Russell (WV) and Nancy Ann Bybee (WV) - parents; ; adopted by Benjamin Leverich (MI) and Anna Howard (IA)mother died when she was young; father Russell member territorial legislature1880 is a Leverich in census
EnglemanChristian1865 Dec 7Kentucky1940 Jul 24at home in Ontario, San Bernardino Co., Californiafailing healthashesyesLevinNW 1221940Vancouver City CemeteryOlivia Anna Levin (IL)(1) and Daisy Garrison (MO)(2) - spouses; Genevieve, Christian J, Frank M - children by Olivia Ann; Christian Engleman (KY) and Nancy House (KY)- parentbarber, in theater businessburied in SW 46 dau Genevieve Engleman Lafon; obit The Columbian 25 Jul 1940-15 years in California, prior 40 years in Vancouver, cremated in Ontario CA
EnglemanOliviaAnnaLevin1885 Mar 20Chicago, Cook Co.,Illinois1920 Mar 10Vancouver WAinfluenzayesLevinNW 122Limber Funeral Home12 Mar 1920Vancouver City CemeteryChristian Engleman (KY) - spouse; Genevieve, Christian J, Frank M - children; Frank Levin (Swe) and Ida Freed (Swe) - parentsburied in SW 46 Genevieve Engleman Lafon
EppersonRobertArnold1900 Aug 4Iowa12 Sep 1905Clark Co., WAdysentery?ArnoldNW 100 line 12Sep 1905Vancouver City CemeteryCharles A Epperson (IA) and Mabel I Arnold (IL) - parentssibling - Charles Hugh
ErdmannHerman J1866 Nov 17Pittsville, Berkshire Co., Massachusetts1935 Sep 22Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart attack while fight a grass fireyesno nameNW 169-1 line 3Hamilton Funeral Home Sep 1935Vancouver City CemeteryIda Rosalette Corbin (NY) - spouse; Herman Harold, Edna E; William (Valentine?) Erdmann (Ger) and Maria Bertzci (?sp)(Ger) - parent1900 - house painter; 1910 - mill man in shingle millin 1910 was in Clark Co., WA; newspaper article The Oregonian 23 Sep 1935
ErdmannIda RosaletteCorbin1869 Mar 21Rensselaer Co., New York1953 Jan 19Vancouver WAheart attack, senileyesno nameNW 169-2 line 3Evergreen Funeral Home21 Jan 1953Vancouver City CemeteryHerman J Erdmann (MA) - spouse; Herman Harold - child; Nathan Corbin (NY) and Juliette A Northrup (NY) - parents
ErdmannHermanHarold1889 Oct 11Albany, Albany Co., New York1935 Aug 3Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart attack suddenly, walking along 82 Av. at workashesyesNW 169Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon5 Aug 1935Vancouver City CemeteryBertina C Koegel (KS) - spouse; Ronald H - child; Herman J Erdmann (MA) and Ida R Corban (NY) - parents1920 - laborer in city fire Dept in Portland ORobit The Oregonian 5 Aug 1935
ErdmannRonaldHerman1911 Apr 8Clark Co., WA1950 Jul 18Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart relatedyesno nameNW 169Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon20 Jul 1920Vancouver City CemeteryMary Runtz - spouse; infant, Betty, Delores - children; Herman Harold Erdmann (NY) and Bertina C Koegle (KS) - parents1929 applied for seaman's protecction certificate as a deck boy on "Hoyander"; 1930 - auto repair mechanic; living with parentsmarried in 1934, Multnomah Co., OR; 1946 Clackamas Co., OR- motor vehicle license; 1940 - lived in Clackamas Co., OR; obit The Oregonian 17 Jul 1950
Erdmanninfant (female)1935Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1935 May 6Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoninfant (first child)yesno nameNW 169May 1935Vancouver City Cemetery Ronald Erdmann (WA) and Mary Runtz - parents
FalesDavidR 1807 Feb 10Thomaston, Knox Co., Maine1885 Jul 4Clark Co., WAat home of lengthy illnessyesFalesNW 66 line 11July 1885Vancouver City CemeterySarah A Palmer (ME) - spouse; Francis M, Elthina H, Daniel P, William F, Mary (Aldridge-adopted?) - children; both parents probably from Maine?Mason, St Luke's Episcopal Church Blacksmith and machinist, engineer on boats and railroads on Hudson and East Rivers, NY, possible captain on river boats; 1858 served on Territorial CouncilCame on the Oregon Trail in 1852 arriving in October 1852 in The Dalles; 1855 on Sauvies Is; got Donation Land Grant in Clark Co., WA; child Mary may or may not be adopted??, she is buried in SW 201 as Mary Baker; son William in NE 132, Potter's Field
FalesSarahA Palmer1812 Mar 15Rockland, Knox Co., Maine1888 Apr 5Clark Co., WAyesFalesNW 66 line 12 8 Apr 1888Vancouver City CemeteryDavid R Fales (ME) - spouse; Francis M, Elthina H, Daniel P, William F - children; Palmer ? - parenthousewifeOregon Trail 1852; son William is buried in Potter's Field in NE 132 line 13; obit The Oregonian 7 Apr 1888
FalesDaniel P1846 Jan 11Hancock Co, Ill.1871 Apr 12Clark Co, WAyesFalesNW 66 line 1112 Apr 1887Vancouver City CemeteryDavid R Fales (ME) and Sarah Palmer (ME) - parentsdeath notice-The Oregonian 20 Apr 1871; Oregon Trail 1852
FalesFrancis "Frank"M 1844 AprAlabama1901 Dec 6Ridgefield, Clark Co., WAyesFalesNW 66 line 119 Dec 1901Vancouver City CemeteryVirginia Lamb (IL) - spouse; no children; David R Fales (ME) and Sarah Palmer (ME) - parentsMason, Odd Fellowfarmerlived Clark Co., Wa over 30 years; obit TheOregonian 10 Dec 1901
FalesVirginiaLamb1855 MayIllinois1922 May 31Ashland, Jackson Co., Oregonhad been ill for months; 68 yyesFalesNW 66 Dodge and Son Funeral Parlor, Ashland, Jackson Co., Oregon10 Jun 1022Vancouver City CemeteryFrancis "Frank" M Fales (AL) - spouse; no children; Henry B Lamb (VA) and Mary E Catterton (VA) - parents1870-1880 was domestic servant of David Fales household; 1871 census had brother Henry Lamb (Check SW 92); 1900 census - 0 children; obit The Ashland Tidings, 7 Jun 1922
FischerJohn H1874 Jan 8Buffalo, Erie Co., New York1917 Oct 31Lewistown, Fergus Co., Montana skull fractureyesHolmesNW138Limber Funeral Home5 Nov 1917Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Benjamin Fischer (NY) and Dorothea Behnike (Ger) - parentsmasonstaeam locomotive enginesis Carrie Fischer Holmes in same plot; changed surname from Fischer to Fish
Fish, Sr.Donald Crawford1903 May 27Coquille, Coos Co., Oregon1974 Aug 30Vancouver WAheart relatedyesNW 216Evergreen Funeral Home4 Sep 1974Vancouver City CemeteryCarolyn J Humble (MT) - spouse; Donald Crawford, Jr., Joseph - children; Donald G Fischer (OR) and Lillie D Endicott (IN) - parentsMason, Elk, Rotarianowner of Columbian Oil and Burner Co., Vancouverobit The Columbian 4 Sep 1974
Fish Carolyn Jane Humble1907 Sep 5Corvallis, Ravalli Co., Montana2003 Jan 28Vancouver WAyesNW 216Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home2003Vancouver City CemeteryDonald C Fish - spouse; Donald Crawford , Jr., Joseph - children; John Lafayette Humble, Jr. (MO) and Rose C Caple (MO) - parentslicensed antique appraiserobit The Columbian 3 Feb 2003; 1959 Pillsbury Bake Off winner; gardener, genealogist, lived Vancouver 60 years
FlaniganTheresaAmeliaChrist1874 Apr 30Clark Co., WA1957 Sep 20Columbia View River Nursing Home, Vancouver WAcancernoH ChristNW 43-2Hamilton Funeral Home24 Sep 1957Wilhelm's Portland Memorial Mausoleum, Portland, Multnomah OregonArnold Bevans (CA)(1), ? McDonald (2), Lorenzo Edward Flanagan (PA)(3) - spouses; Henry Christ - child by Bevans, Ray - child or step son?; Christian "Henry" Curtis Christ (Ger) and Elizabeth Proebstel (MO) - parents; twin-Henrietta Paulina Christ1907-married Bevans; 1920-Bevans, farmer, Potter Valley, CA, 1945-Bevans died, Mendocinco Co., CA;1930-widowed living with sister Etta, Vancouver; 1931-married Flanagan, Vancouver; 1940- living Lockhaven, Clinton Co., PA; 1945 Lorenzo died in PA and Theresa was living with him (3rd husband); widowed from 2nd marriage when marriage Flanagan; buried with sister Henriette "Etta" Adams in Portland OR; bro- Philip in NE 52
Fletcher Thomas Robert1931 Apr 16Vancouver WA2002 Sep 8 Vancouver WAkidney and heart failureNW-69?Evergreen Staples Funeral Chapel17 Sep 2002Vancouver City CemeteryBevely Joan Koppe - spouse; Marian, Elizabeth - children; Thomas G Fletcher and Lula M Wallace - parentsMasonworked at ALCOA for 41 years married Beverly 13 Apr 1962; obit The Columbian 15 and 22 Sep 2002;
FletcherBeverlyJoanStevens1931 Nov 122017 Sept 2Vancouver WANW-69?Vancouver City CemeteryRoy Stevens (WA)(1) and Thomas R Fletcher (WA)(2) - spouse; Randy, Christy - children by Stevens, Marian, Elizabeth - children by Fletcher; Walter Koppe (WI) and Christina Echtle (MO) - parentsworked at the Janzen Knitting Millgraduated from Vancouver High School; married Stevens, 1954, Vancouver WA, divorced; married Fletcher 13 Apr 1962, Vancouver; obit The Columbian 10 Sep 2017; survivors children Randy, Christy, Marian, Elizabeth; parents in NW 69; not sure Thomas and Beverly are in Koppe plot
FletcherJosephM 1831 Nov 5England1882 Mar 15Vancouver WAdrowning, body found on the back of Columbia River near Lewis RiveryesJ M FletcherNW 62-2Mar 1882Vancouver City Cemetery Rhoda Fawcett (Eng)(1) and Sarah Fawcett (Eng)(2) - spouses; Elizabeth, William by Rhoda; parents from Englandattorney at lawRhoda and Sara were sisters, newspaper article The Vancouver Independent 7 Sep 1882 - body found after he had been missing for more than three months; The Vancouver Independent 23 Mar 1882-mysterious disappearance, business affairs in order at time of death; 2 Mar 1882 The Vancouver Independent - he lost $170 but it was found.
FletcherSara AnnFawcett1828 Aug 22Leeds, West Yorkshire, England1904 Dec 7Vancouver WAyesJ M FletcherNW 62Dec 1904Vancouver City CemeteryRobert William Kidwell (VA) (1) and Joseph M Fletcher (2) - spouse; Clara Marie, Catherine, Robert F - children by Kidwell; Joseph Fawcett (Eng) and Maria Hague (Eng) - parentsimmigrated 1841; married Kidwell 29 May 1850, Montgomery Co., Maryland; Robert Kidwell died 1869; widowed again by 1900; sister Rhoda in NW 76
Fletcher WilliamM 1868 FebClark Co., WA1868 Dec 10Clark Co., WAyesJ M FletcherNW 62Dec 1868Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph M Fletcher (Eng) and Rhoda Fawcett (Eng) - parents
FletcherRhodaFawcett1832 Feb 16Leeds, West Yorkshire, England1868 Nov 3Clark Co., WAyesJ M FletcherNW 76Nov 1868Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph M Fletcher - spouse; William M, Elizabeth H - children; Joseph Fawcett (Eng) and Marie Hague (Eng) - parentssister - Sara Fletcher, second wife of Joseph M Fletcher, buried in NW 62 with Joseph; son William in NW 62
FlorineClarence1891Clark Co., WA1891 Aug 15Clark Co., WAcholeranoPorterNW 36Vancouver City CemeteryEdward Florine (CA) and Jennie Petrain (WA) - parents1900 - father Edward Florine was single
FlorineOlofNeils1832 May 17Soderala, Gavleborg, Sweden1896-1900noPorterNW 36-1Vancouver City CemeteryAnna G Hubbard (Swe) (1) and Melissa Duryea (WI)(2) - spouses; John (b, 1865 CA), Edward (1867), Clara, Florence (1876)? - children from Anna, Fred N - child by Melissa; Neils Olafsson Florin (Swe) and Cherstin Jonsdotter Vikberg (Swe) - parents1887 - mason, brick layer; 1885 - plasterer; 1870-1880 brickmason, San Francisco; 1891-1896 - brick layer, Portland OR or Vancouver
1870-1880-brickmason, SanFrancisco; 1887- mason, brick layer; 1885 - plasterer; 1891-1896 - brick layer, Portland OR or Vancouver
married Ann Hubbard 24 Sep 1855, Knox, IL; 1880-no longer with Anna with sons (presumed separated), San Francisco also brickmason; 1880-probably moved to Vancovuer WA; 1 Mar 1888, Clark Co., WA-married Melissa; 1900-Melissa is widowed
FosterMary ElizabethCatlin1858 Nov 14Elkhorn, Walworth Co., Wisconsin1936 Jul 7Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonliver cancernoColeNW 131-3 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor9 Jul 1936Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam W Cole (Can)(1), ? Stiles (2) and ? Foster (3) - spouses; Leota Myrtle, Frank N - children by Cole; Nelson (Calvin?) Catlin (NY) and Elizabeth Keys (WI) - parents 26 Sep 1880- married Cole, Walworth WI; 1900 census - 2 children/2 living; Cole died in 1912 at 62, Vancouver; 1900-tacoma, Pierce Co., WA; 1918- listed as Mary E Stiles, Vancouver WA (WWI draft); 1930-living with son, Portland OR, widowed as FOSTER
FoxRexPrentice1901 Aug 14Sugar Grove, Warren Co., Pennsylvania1970 Feb 15Vancouver WAheart diseasenoNW 214-10Vancouver Funeral Chapel19 Feb 1970Vancouver City CemeteryMabel Philips (NY) - spouse; Onolee, Nancy - children; Almon E Fox (PA) and Susan Lury Atkins (PA) - parentsreal estatewife previously married to Noble-had son Bruce Noble; could be at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
FreyLewisHenry1890 Mar 4Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas1920 Oct 25Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonmill accidentyesFreyNW 192Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon27 Oct 1920Vancouver City CemeteryLeota Pearl Spencer (OR) - spouse; Margarite Eileen, Enid, Spencer - children; Henry W Frey (PA) and Carrie Pate (IA) - parents1920-saw mill laborer1913-married Leota, Clark Co., WA; sibling:Arthur, Mrs Cecil Nelson, George, James, obit The Oregonian 27 Oct 1920; 1920 - lived in Portland OR
GallowayDavidAlbert 1865 Jan 4Avening, Nottawasaga TWP, Simcoe Co., Ontario, Canada1911 Nov 16in the Lewis River at Spelei, Clark Co, Washingtonaccidental drowning during log drive in Lewis River47 yr,yesGallowayNW 113-5 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor14 Jan 1912Vancouver City CemeteryCaroline "Cary" Rale (Rule) - spouse; Elmer, Chaunce, Myrtle Eva, Raymond, Mabel, Chester, Helen - children; James Galloway (Can) and Mary Ann Lang Gierten (Can) - parentslogger charged to George McKee, a nephew; sister Mary Elizabeth married William Sylvester McKee. Funeral home record has funeral on 14 Jan 1912, death on Nov 16 1911, but headstone states 16 Jan as death date-the headstone is wrong; newspaper The Oregonian 19 Nov 1911-lost with 6 other men in boating accident in Lewis River
GettyHerbert Charles1876 Dec 26Milan, Monroe Co.,Michigan1963 Jan 20Vancouver WAcerebral thrombosisyesNW 217Evergreen Funeral Home22 Jan 1963Vancouver City CemeteryGina Bech Iverson (Nor) - spouse; Nellie May, Bert Lloyd, Alice Marie - children; Charles H Getty (MI) and Ellen A Kirkwood (MI) - parentsPrivate, Co. I, 15 Regiment, Minnesota Volunteers Infantry, Spanish-American War1900 - stock keeper, tabacco warehouse; 1920 driver for meatsmarried Gena Feb 1899, Minnapolis, Hennepin Co., MN; 1930-living in Vancouver WA; dau Alice Marie in same plot
GettyGena Beck (Bech)Iverson1880 Sep 30Forsmoen, Nordland, Norway1977 Jun 21Vancouver WAheart failureyesGettyNW 217-6 Evergreen Funeral Home24 Jun 1977Vancouver City CemeteryHerbert C Getty (MI) - spouse; Nellie May, Bert Lloyd, Alice Marie - children; Ole Iverson (Nor) and Anna Birgitte Gullesdatter (Nor) - parentsLutheranhomemakerlived in Vancouver 52 years, obit The Columbian; dau Alice Marie in same plot
GettyNellieMay1900 Feb 7Wadena, Wadena or Ottertail Co.??), Minnesota1985 Oct 12in hospital in Vancouver WAheart failureyesNW 217-8Evergreen Staples Funeral Home15 Oct 1985Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Herbert C Getty (MI) and Gena Iverson (Nor)- parents Eastern Star, Methodistutility clerk with City of Vancouversiblings - Bert Lloyd Getty, Alice Marie; obit The Columbian, 13 and 14 Oct 1985; Alice Marie in same plot
GettyAlice MarieGettySEE: Langdon, Alice Mary - same person
GillihanThomasSummers1827 Oct 28Jackson Co., Tennessee1901 Jul 29Clark Co., WA73 yrs, 8 mo, 1 dayyesGillihanNW 81Vancouver City CemeteryJane Akins (TN) - spouse; Thomas Mitchell, John M , Ester J, Isaac Routh, Isabel, William R, Mary Jane, Emily, George W, Bertha, twin girls - children; Thomas Gilliham (NC) and Lucy Brown (Scot) - parents1850 - farmer, Missouri; 1880 - in Clark Co., WA; 1900 - farmer, Clark Co. WAFamily headstone, with individual headstones with first names; siblings - Hiram, Martin Gilliham, last name is misspelled as gilham, gillian, gillahan
GillihanJaneHAkins1826 Dec 20Tennessee1905 Aug 28at home on East Mill Plain, Clark Co., WAyesGillihanNW 81Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph Roundtree (1) and Thomas Summers Gilliham (TN)(2) - spouses; James K - child by Roundtree, Thomas Mitchell, John M , Ester J, Isaac Routh, Isabel, William R, Mary Jane, Emily, George W, Bertha, twin girls - children by Gilliham; James Atkins and Elizabeth ? - parentsMethodistMarried Roundtree in 1843 in Missouri; Gillihan in 1845 in Polk Co., Missouri; 1900 census 12 chuildren/5 living; Family headstone, with individual headstones with first names
Gillihan Thomas Mitchell1849 Oct 2Polk Co., Missouri1885 Dec 6Clark Co., WA36 yr, 2 mo, 4 daysyesGillihanNW 81Vancouver City CemeteryMary Jane Bugg (MO) - spouse; Rosa Angeline, Florine L, Leon M, Walter F, Millicent Elizabeth "Millie," Arthur, Nora Ethel - children; Thomas Summers Gilliham (TN) and Jane Akins (TN) - parentsfarmermarried Mary Jane about 1870 in Missouri; 1871 to Sauvies Island, Multnomah Co., OR; to Vancouver 1875; Family headstone, with individual headstones with first names
GillihanMaryJaneBugg1851 Feb 27Missouri1885 Jun 27Clark Co., WA33yyesGillihanNW 81Vancouver City CemeteryThomas Mitchell Gilliham (MO) - spouse; Rosa Angeline, Florine L, Leon M, Walter Franklin, Millicent Elizabeth "Millie," Arthur, Nora Ethel - children; John Bugg (TN) and Kittie Mcgee (TN) - parentsFamily headstone, with individual headstones with first names; both Thomas and Mary Jane both died in 1885; don't know who raised their children
GillihanWilliamR 1858 Feb 1Cedar Co., Missouri1881 May 11Clark Co., WA23 ynoGillihanNW 81Vancouver City CemeteryAda Flora Walker (OR) - spouse; Charles W, James T - children; Thomas Summers Gilliham (TN) and Jane Akins (TN) - parentsFamily headstone, with individual headstones with first names
Gillihan GideonBedford1823 May 19Jackson Co, Tennessee1902 Jun 14St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA78 yyesGillihanNE 65-1 line 12June 1902Vancouver City CemeteryMary Jane Hensley (Henslee) (TN) (1) and Betsy J Parriott (2) - spouses: Miranda Alberta, Robert Haywood, Thomas Bedford, Matilda Hannah, Ann Elizabeth, Keziah D, Lucy AliceN, John W, Alta, Almond, Katherine Leona - children; Thomas Gilliham (NC) and Lucinda "Lucy" Brown (Scot) - parentsMethodistCivil War veteran, Co D, 44th Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry1860 - blacksmith, Missouri; 1870 - sawyer, Missouri; 1880 - farmer, Clark Co., WA; also a lay preacher1845 married Mary Jane in Missouri; siblings: Thomas Summer Gilliham, Martin Gilliham; was a fine musician; in 1871 boarded a Union Pacific Train to San Francisco and then took a paddle boat to Sauvie's Island Oregon; 1872 he took a Homestead Claim in Chelatchie Prairie then moved to Fern Prairie in 1876; dau MIranda buried in NW 82
Gillihan Mary JaneHensley/Henslee1830 Sep 2Tennessee1885 Mar 28Clark Co., WAyesNW 65-2 line 12Mar 1885Vancouver City CemeteryGideon B Gillihan - spouse; Miranda Alberta, Robert Haywood, Thomas Bedford, Matilda Hannah, Ann Elizabeth, Keziah D, Lucy Alice, John W, Alta, Almond, Catherine Leona - children; John Henslee (NC) and Matilda Kemp (NC) - parentshad 11 children
Gillihan Robert Haywood1850 Oct 28Missouri1924 Jan 21Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumoniayesMary Jane GilliahanNW 65- line 1223 Jan 1924Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Gideon Gillihan and Mary Jane Henslee/Hensley - parentsEvangelist1880 - farmer, Multnomah Co., OR;1900 - fisherman, Ilwaco WA; 1903 - laborer, Seattle WA; Evangelist, missionaryobit The Oregonian 27 Jan 1924
Gillihan BetsyJaneCarroll1828Ohio1899 MarClark Co., WAyesNW 65-3 line 1215 Mar 1899Vancouver City CemeteryManley Parriott (OH)(1) and Gideon B Gillihan (TN)(2) - spouses; George W, Deborah, William M - children by Parriott married June 1849, Stevenson Co., IL; Parriott died 1870 in IL; 1880- living with son William, IL; married Gillihan 2 April 1891 Grass Valley, Clark Co., WA
GilloglyClarahBelleHaven1881 May 6Stockton, San Joaquin Co., California1960 Dec 16Watson Nursing Home, Battle Ground, Clark Co., Washingtonsenility, strokeyesJohn EddingsNW 30 Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Dec 1960Vancouver City CemeteryJames W Gillogly (UT) - spouse; George E Haven (CA) and Clara Eddings (WA) - parents1910 - single; married at age 32; same plot as parents
GilloglyJamesWebster1874 Sep 26Ogden, Weber Co., Utah1942 May 15Monterey, Monterey Co., CaliforniayesJohn EddingsNW 30 line 161942Vancouver City CemeteryClarah Belle Haven (CA) - spouse; no children; James Lee Gillogly (NY) and Lydia L Webster (NY) - parents1920 - bookkeeper for auto sales co.; 1930 retired in Monterey CA; 1940 Monterey CA , real estate
GillottElnoraElizabeth "Bessie"Collings1878 Jan 3Vancouver WA1942 Jan 25Vancouver WAheart failure, 64 yyesCollingsNW 42Vancouver Funeral Chapel29 Jan 1942Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert D Gillott - spouse; no children; Abram Collings (IA) and Loretta Siebert (Ger) - parentsschool teacher by 1900, in 1910 was teaching in Los Angeles Co., CA, 1920-1930 was in Vancouver taking care of parentsElizabeth married Albert D Gillott May 25, 1903 in Vancouver WA; was divorced before 1910
GoodaleChester Harold1901 Mar 11Pendleton, Umatilla Co., Oregon1972 Apr 30Multnomah Co., OregonyesNW 217Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home4 May 1972Vancouver City CemeteryMargaret Claire Poucher (MN) - spouse; James - child; Charles Chester Goodale (MI) and Lena L Alford (OR) - parentspharmacist, Goodale Pharmacy in Portland OR; 1930 - single, drug salesman; 1940 runs a drugstore
GoodaleMargaretClaire Poucher1907 Jan 2Minnesota1996 Mar 13Multnomah Co., OregonyesNW 217Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home18 Mar 1996Vancouver City CemeteryChester H Goodale - spouse; James - child; William Poucher (MN) and Maude McCardy (MN) - parents1940 - working in drugstoremarried Goodale in 1931, Clark Co., WA; Charles Diamond Step Father and took his name; obit The Oregonian 17 Mar 1996; bro Harry Charles Diamond in same plot
GortnerJohn Hopewell1861 Jul 31Muncy, Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania1927 Dec 20Vancouver WAcancer of tonguenoGortnerNW 165Limber Funeral Home22 Dec 1927Vancouver City CemeteryAnna Morrison (WI) - spouse; no children; Frederick Gortner (PA) and Julia Beever (PA) - parents1885 - farmer, Adair, WA, 1910 - real estate agent in Kansas, 1920 real estate in Montana; insurance agentsiblings: Calvin, William, Mary Ellen, Elizabeth "Hattie"; married in 1907 at 45
GortnerAnnaMMorrison1861 Mar 26Beaver Dam, Dodge Co.,Wisconsin1937 Jul 14Vancouver WAheart failurenoGortnerNW 165Hamilton Funeral Home16 Jul 1937Vancouver City CemeteryJohn H Gortner (PA) - spouse; no children; John Morrison (PA) and Sarah Baird (PA) - parents1910 - dress makermarried in 1907 at 43; Obit The Columbian 14 Jul 1937-lived with niece Mrs Highland for past 12 years
GossHarry Barnum 1876 Oct 28Illinois1923 Nov 28Seattle, King Co., WashingtonpneumoniaFrankEddings/ BessieSnipesNW 16-4 line 16Bonnie Watson Funeral Home, Seattle, ing Co., WA1 Dec 1923Vancouver City CemeteryJennie Harrison (IL) - spouse; James T, Maxine - children; James T Goss (CT) and Eliza Catherine Kiger (OH) - parentslong shoreman, expressmanAlbert N Goss -brother
GossAlbertNelson1873 Sep 20Illinois1910 Feb 14in hospital in Los Angles Co., California yesFrankEddings/ BessieSnipesNW 16-4 line 1620 Feb 1910Vancouver City CemeteryJames T Goss (CT) and Eliza Catherine Kiger (OH) - parentsmarine engineerHeadstone is BERT N Goss; sibling - Harry B Goss
GossJames Taylor1834 Jul 4Danbury, Fairfield Co, Connecticut1910 Apr 27at home 414 W "B" St., Vancouver WApneumonia and Brights Diseaseyes GT GossNW 33Knapp Funeral Parlor29 Apr 1910Vancouver City CemeteryEliza Catherine Kiger (OH)(1) and Mary A Gault (IA)(2) - spouses; Minnie E, Ida May, Harriet, Albert Nelson, Harry B, Bertie N, Margaret, Imo Frances - children by Eliza; Thomas Jefferson Goss (Eng) and Elizabath Barnum (Eng) - parentsRepublican Civil War Veteran - Co A, 117th Infantry (Union); was colonelcarpenter and builder for Northern Pacific Railroad; Vancouver CouncilmanMary married in 1884, died 1895 and buried in SE 48; dau Margaret Goss in same plot
Goss Eliza CatherineKiger 1842Ohio24-Feb-05Washingtonage 40yesGT GossNW 331882Vancouver City CemeteryJames T Goss - spouse; Minnie E, Ida May, Harriet, Albert Nelson, Harry B, Bertie N, Margaret, Imo Frances - children; Kiger (CT) and ? (OH) - parentsHeadstone dates 1842-1882
GraeffAnnaMaryWinterberger1886 Feb 1Vancouver WA1978 Mar 21Vancouver WAheart failureyesNW 219-1 line 9Vancouver Funeral Chapel24 Mar 1978Vancouver City CemeteryAdolph Graeff (GER) - spouse; Robert Charles, Cleo J - children; Stephen Winterburger and Barbara Remlinger - parentsPresbyterian, Eastern Star, Amaranth, White Shrinenurses' aide during World War IIretired LPN, Vancouverhusband Adolph died 15 May 1940 in Portland ORHeadstone broken
Gravermon, GravermoenHans1869 Aug 29Heggen, Modum, Buskerud, Norway1910 May 7TF Hospital, Yacolt, Clark Co., Washingtonpulmonary tuberculosisnoTW AlexanderNW 02-2 Line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor10 May 1910Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Carl Olsen (Nor) and Anna Halvorsdotter (Nor) - parentClear Lake Lodge #230 F&AM, Clark Lake, Wis1900 was an engineer in Chippewa Co., Wis; lumber mill worker - stationery engineerborn Hans Carlsen; immigrated through Canada, 1883; became a naturalized citizen in 1907, Portland OR; changed name - from Olsen to Gravermon (name of farm in Norway); lived -Hudson St Crois WI; father buried in Dunn Co., WI under Gravermon
GrayCaroline "Carrie"AHaak1859 Mar 17The Dalles, Wasco Co., Oregon1934 Apr 12Woodland, Cowlitz Co., WAchronic endocarditis?A A SchaebenNW 21C H Kirch & Son15 Apr 1934Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert W Gray (OR) - spouse; Lurlyn J (son), Augusta, William A - children; Carl A Haak (Ger) and Augusta D (?) (Ger) - parentshusband A W Gray was a Columbia River pilot - born in Oregonmother Augusta (Soraber-Ger) remarried a Schaeben; husband died in Portland OR- divorced, 1920 living with dau Augusta
GrayIsaacNewton1865 Jul 17Currituck Co., North Carolina1907 Dec 15Vancouver WAacute nephritisyesIsaac N GrayNW 22-4 line 11C H Kirch & Son17 Dec 1907Vancouver City CemeteryMargaret McLean (Can) - spouse; Charles Fletcher, Richard Newton - children; John F Gray (NC) and Helen L Snowden (VA) - parentsPresident of PN&Y Railway - 1900; independent surveyor in Clark Co. - 1900-1902; manager of North Fork Logging Company.death cert has birth 1866
GrayMargaretElizabethMcLean1878 Jan 30Ashfield, Huron, Ontario, Canada1952 Aug 8Columbia View Nursing Home, Vancouver WAdiabetisyesIsaac N GrayNW 22-4 line 11Vancouver Funeral Chapel11 Aug 1962Vancouver City CemeteryIsaac Newton Gray (NC) - spouse; Newton McLean, Charles Fletcher - children; Charles McLean (Can) and Anna Crawford (Can) - parentsmusic/piano teachermarried 29 1900, St. Louis Co., MN
GrayCharlesFletcher 1901 Sep 22Vancouver WA1909 May 22Vancouver WAspinal bifibiayesIsaac N GrayNW 22-3C H Kirch & Son24 May 1909Vancouver City CemeteryIsaac Newton Gray (NC) and Margaret McLean (Can) - parents
GrayRichardNewton1944 Nov 16New York City, New York1962 Mar 19Seattle King Co., WApneumoniaashesyesIsaac N GrayNW 22-5 line 11Bleitz Funeral Home, Seattle, King Co., Washington23 Mar 1962Vancouver City CemeterySingle; no children; Newton McLean Gray (WA) and Evelyn Gladys McCartney (NJ) - parentsfather-Newton McLean Gray (1907-1984) graduated Vancouver HS 1925, 1928 Newton was a mill worker, attended university in 1931, by 1940 was teaching college in New York City - was single in 1940; parents in married in NY; grandson of Isaac Newton Gray and Elizabeth McLean in same plot; funeral notice Seattle Daily Times 22 Mar 1962
GrayCharlesL1849 Oct 22Lancaster, Fairfield Co., Ohio1892 Jan 17Vancouver WAcryptyesC L GrayNW 54 Vancouver City CemeteryCharlotte M Bennett (Can) - spouse; William L, Blanche L, Elizabeth - children; parents born in OhioMasonentrepenuer in Michigan, wealthyCharlotte's second husband Joseph C Bone in NW 54;
GreenEdwin M1863 Feb 11Delaware Co., Iowa1911 Apr 27Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co., WashingtonyesGreenNW 108-5 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Apr 1911Vancouver City CemeteryEva J Van Slyke (OH) - spouse; no children; A H Green (PA) and Sarah Spurgeon (OH) - parentsChristian, Woodsman of the Worldattorney
GreenFlora Mae 1896 May 22Vancouver WA1961 Jun 24Friday Harbor, San Juan Co., Washingtonheart failureyesCollingsNW 42Vancouver Funeral Chapel29 Aug 1961Vancouver City CemeteryStephen Harry Green (Eng) - spouse 1900 living with aunt Lou Coakran, Vancouver WA; same plot as grandparents???; original buried in Whatcom Co., Washington, moved to Vancouver City Cemetery in Aug 1961; Stephen was married prior to Zella-he is buried in Whatcom Co., WA with Zella; married Green after 1943
GreenAbner Hazel1828 Feb 28Licking Co., Ohio1898 May 21Vancouver WAyesGreenNW 94May 1898Vancouver City CemeterySabrina Coulter (VA)(1) and Phoebe Ann Boley (2)(MO) - spouse; John, Martin Hazel, Nora, Melvina, Phidella, Ebalina, Lotta "Lottie," Susie by Sabrina; Albert, Abner, James W, Olivia "Ollie," Bessie Ann, Lydia L - by Phoebe - children; Jonathan Hazel Green (WV) and Susannah Mullin (PA) - parents1860 - laborer in Ohio, 1865 laborer in Missouriin 1851-1854- in Ill, 1856-1858 in Mo., 1860 in Neb; 1865 in MO; Sabrina dies in 1867 in Iowa; married Phoebe Ann about 1867-8-(this was her 2nd marriage, about 1860-m. Porter Johnson, had dau Caroline),Phoebe-1900 census-8 chilcren/8 living, in Clark Co., WA, Phoebe died in 1908, buried in Los Angeles Co., CA; dau Ollie M and grandson Harry Chandlee in same plot
GreinerFlora Elizabeth Sohns1867 Nov 18Vancouver WA1948 Aug 17Vancouver WAcanceryesJaggyNW 194Vancouver Funeral Chapel20 Aug 1948Vancouver City CemeteryWinfield W Eberle (OR)(1), Jacob Henry Jaggy (WA)(2), and Alvia H Greiner (IN)(3) - spouses; Winfield R, Sydney Sohns - children by Eberle; Louis Sohns (Ger) and Tirza Schuele (PA) - parentsdivorced Eberle; married Jaggy-died in 1922; married Greiner - Sept 1926; son Winfield Eberle, husbands Jaggy and Greiner in same plot with her
GreinerAlvia H1873 Aug 12Johnson Co., Indiana1942 Feb 16St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcanceryesJaggyNW 194Vancouver Funeral Chapel18 Feb 1942Vancouver City CemeteryIda Smith (MI)(1), ? (??2), Orpha Henningsen (OR)(3), and Flora Elizabeth Sohns (WA)(4) - spouses; Isaiah Greiner (IN) and Martha Adair (IN) - parentsSpanish-American War veteran, Sgt, Co C, 19 Infantry Indiana1910 -barber, Portland OR; 1920-barber, Clark Co., Wamarried Ida Smith May 1898 in Alabama; was with Orpha Henningsen (married 1913 Albany OR;) from 1918-1923? WA (she remarried in Oct 1923); married Flora Sept 1926 Vancouver WA; GREINER family headstone
GrigsbyLeanderJ1868 May 3 Oregon1912 Aug 19St Mary's Hospital in Astoria, Clatsop Co., OregonsepticarcemianoKricheinerNW 132Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Aug 1912Vancouver City CemeteryGracie Michael (WA) - spouse; John/Joseph? M Grigsby (IA) and Nancy Ann Michael (IN) - parents1895-1900 - logger in Aberdeen WAMother married to John/Joseph? M Grigsby before George Z Edwards; Loulla Grigsby - sister; 1/2 sibs Edwards: James Granville, Nancy "Jennie" Jane, Minnie Beatrice, Ann L. Charged to J E Edwards (relationship??)
Grimshaw Emma Sluman1859 Sep 21Wolf Island, Ontario, Canada1930 Feb 9Rockwood, Multnomah Co., OregonstrokeashesyesSluman/StaleNW 157Gable Funeral Home, Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon11 Feb 1930Vancouver City CemeteryMiles Grimshaw (Can) - spouse; Lloyd Sluman, Oriel Lewilla, Frances M - children; Arnold Sluman (Eng) and Olive Gee (NY) - parentsdau Oriel Lewilla Millard name is commonly misspelled Arial, Leuella, etc., buried in same plot; obit The Oregonian 11 Feb 1930
Grimshaw Miles1857 Oct 29Wolf Island, Ontario, Canada1933 Jan 31Rockwood, Multnomah Co., Oregoncancer of stomachashesyesSluman/StaleNW 157Gable Funeral Home, Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon2 Feb 1933Vancouver City CemeteryFrances Abbott (Ont, Can)(1) and Emma Sluman (Can)(2) - spouse; Herbert A - child by Frances; Lloyd Sluman, Oriel Lewilla , Frances M - children by Emma; Thomas Grimshaw (Can) and Anna Lathrop (PA) - parentsfruit farmer in Rockwood area in East Multnomah County ORfirst wife died in Canada in child birth, dau Oriel Millard buried in same plot
HaakCharles1860 Oct 18Vancouver WA1889 Jun 12Vancouver WANW 21Vancouver City CemeteryCarl Andrew Haak (Ger) and Augusta D Soraber (Ger) - parentsthere is a broken headstone
HaakMelanie1853 May 15Oregon1861 May 22Vancouver WAyesA A SchaebenNW 21-1 line 12May 1861Vancouver City CemeteryCarl Andrew Haak (Ger) and Augusta D Soraber (Ger) - parents
HaakCarlAndrew1827 Mar 16Hanover, Germany1869 Dec 7Vancouver WAyesA A SchaebenNW 21-2 line 12Dec 1869Vancouver City CemeteryAugusta D Soraber (Ger) - spouse; Andrew H, Bertha, Melanie, Caroline A, Charles, Ernest Herm - children; parents both born in GermanyBand Master, 9th US Infantry, 1860 stationed at Ft Walla Walla WA, signed up on Mar 28, 1860 for 5 years, discharged 7 Apr 1865;enlisted 23 Mar 1868 ar Ft. Vancouver as Band Leader until 6 Oct 1868river pilot/captain?Carl Andrew Haak was 5' 6" with grey/hazel eyes and black/brown hair, dark complexion; sibling:?? David Haack
HaakErnestHerm1862 Jun 12California1890 Mar 24Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesA A SchaebenNW 21-7Mar 1890Vancouver City CemeteryMary Ramsey Sparks (IA) - spouse; L S (dau)(b. 1885 WA), Ruby May, Pearl E - children; Carl Andrew Haak (Ger)and Augusta A Soraber (Ger) - parentsconfectionery1885 - laborer in Yakima; 1890 lived and worked in Portland OR
HaakAndrewH1855 Jan 14New York1887 Nov 16Vancouver WAyes A A SchaebenNW 21-9 line 12Nov 1887Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Carl Andrew Haak (Ger) and Augusta A Soraber (Ger) - parentsenlisted at Ft Vancouver as a musician in the Ft Band on 26 Mar 1868 - discharged 8 Nov 1868; enlisted 20 Jan 1870 in 23 Inf, deserted-20 Jul 1871, apprended 20 Nov 1871, dishonorable discharge 18 Dec 1871musician in service
HahnClaireBerniceBlaker1893 Feb 19Hopewell, Clark Co., WA1984 Apr 29Vancouver, WAarteriosclerosisashesyesA M BlakerNW 18- ashesHamilton Mylan Funeral Home4 May 1984Vancouver City CemeteryHarry Moorehead Van Zandt (PA)(1) and Ralph Hahn (OR)(2) - spouse; Harry M - child by Van Zandt; Albert M Blaker (WI) and Estella Varble (MN) - parentsmarried Van Zandt 6 Nov 1916; divorced Van Zandt, buried at Riverview Cemetery, Portland OR; married Hahn 17 Sep 1924; lived in Seattle in 1929; siblings- Mildred B Lieser, John L Blaker, Harlan L Blaker; in same plota s sis Mildred; parents and bro John in NW 29
HakesDevillo1831 Apr 7Pitcher, Chenango Co., New York1886 Sep 11Clark Co., WAheart diseaseyesHakesNW 78Vancouver City CemeterySarah J Wood (NY) - spouse; appears no children; Harry Hakes (NY) and Nancy Finch (NY) - parentsmasonCaptain, river pilot, 1870 - retired, 1880 - steam boat captaincrossed the Plains by wagon in early gold rush time; married 4 July 1859 Portland OR; well respected citizen
HakesSarah JWood1828New York1887 Aug 31Clark Co., WAheart diseaseyesHakesNW 786 Sep 1887Vancouver City CemeteryDevillo Hakes (NY) - spouse; dau Mrs W. I. Sanborn - child; Elisha Wood (NY) and Altaina ? (CT)- parents 1847 crossed the plains by wagon; married 4 Jul 1859, Portland OR; obit The Oregonian 5 Sep 1887
HaldermanRalphMcDowell1894 Apr 4Newark, Licking Co., Ohio1955 Dec 4Vancouver WAheart failureyesP N HarperNW 10-3 line 10Hamilton Funeral Home10 Dec 1955Vancouver City CemeteryIna B McClellan (Martin-1)(OH) (1) and Edna S Hale (West-1, Long-2) (IL)(2) - spouses; no children; Clement Halderman (OH) and Trella McDowell (OH) - parents1917 - assembler at Peerless Auto Co, Ohio; 1920 - boilmaker at shipyard Indianapolis; 1930 - worked for John Hancock Ins, Indianapolis; 1932 - custodian; 1936 - mtc man; 1940-1942 - advertising, business directory, Indianawas married 16 Aug 1918 in Ohio to Ina B Martin (nee McClellan), she had two children Esther and Mildred Martin; divorced Ina; married Edna Long in 1939 in Indiana, dau Merle West
HallWilliam Butler1888 Jan 20Mt Sterling, Montgomery Co., Kentucky1861 Feb 8San Mateo Co., Californiaheart failurenoStephen KentNW 01-3 Line 16Stroller Mortuary, Camas, Clark Co., WA14 Feb 1861Vancouver City CemeteryTheodosia Suares (OK) - spouse; William S - child by Theodosia; Powell Hall (KY) and Louise Frances Leggett (KY) - parents1917 - paper co, California, 1920 Machinist in shipyard and paper mill, Clark Co. WAmarried Theodosia on 3 Oct 1912 Clark Co., WA, divorced. In 1920 William B is living with mother; by 1930 Theodosia married John Milliken in CA; son William S is probably William Butler's son, b. July 1916, probaby adopted by Milliken and used his name; Siblings - Edward E Hall, Ruth Chandler Budde; mother was widowed by 48
Hall EdwardElliott1883 Oct 20Kentucky1954 Dec 4Vancouver WAheart failurenoStephen KentNW 01-2 Line 16Hamilton Funeral Home8 Dec 1954Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Powell Hall (KY) and Louise F Leggett (KY) - parents1910 - Machinist at paper mill, Camas WA;1920 machinist, shipyard, Clark Co WA - machinist at shipyard or paper mill - 1930-1940'ssiblings - William B Hall, Ruth Chandler Budde; mother was widowed by 48
HallJosephDennen 1834 Nov 2Shirley, Piscataquis Co., Maine1892 July 15Vancouver WAyesNW 68-5 line 10July 1892Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Hatevil Hall (ME) and Eleanor Dennen (ME) - parents1870 - farmer, Vancouver,1885 farmer, Cathlapotle, Clark Co., WA, acquired property in Vancouversiblings - Elbridge D, John, Sarah, Cyntha, Rhoda, Lucy, Rupus, Ottis Cushman, Ruth, Sylvina, John H
HammondWilliam McKinley1900 Sep 3Comstock, Custer Co., Nebraska1972 Nov 17Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesNW 217Vancouver Funeral Chapel20 Nov 1972Vancouver City CemeteryAlice E Sargeant (MN) - spouse; Grace E, Marian, Kathyrn- child; Frank Wallace Hammond (IA) and Linnie Gilstrap (CO or MO) - parentsmasonlineman for Pacific Power and Light, Portland ORobit The Columbian 19 Nov 1972
HardinSarahMargaretStillwell1852 Jan 14Weston, Platt Co., Missouri1929 Jul 22Vancouver WAnatural causesyesHardinNW 144Hamilton Funeral Home24 Jul 1929Vancouver City CemeteryDaniel William Hardin (IA) - spouse; Sarah F, William F, John O, Danial E, Charles E, infant girl, infant boy, George O, Arthur A, Gertrude R - children; John Dixon Stillwell (KY) and Susanna James (IN) - parents1910 census 10 children/8 living; siblings: Lucinda, Dixon, Susan J, William T, Samuel, Charles, Sarah, Francis, George Washington, Nancy; husband Daniel buried in Junioer Haven, Prineville, Crook Co., Oregon
HardinCharles Elmer1883 May 11Red Bluff, Tahoma Co., California1916 May 5Astoria, Clatsop Co., OregontuberculosisyesHardinNW 144Limber Funeral Home8 May 1916Vancouver City CemeteryDaniel W Hardin (IA) and Sarah M Stillwell (MO) - parents1910 - mining engineer, Shasta Co., CA1905- attended University of Oregon; siblings: Sarah F, William F, John Oscar, Ernest Daniel, George O, Arthur A, Gertrude Ruth; obit The Columbian 6 May 1916
HardinArthur Almin1888 Oct 19Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Oregon1941 Jan 17Vancouver WAheart failureyesHardinNW 144Vancouver Funeral Chapel20 Jan 1941Vancouver City CemeteryLetta Mary Dooley (OR) - spouse; no children; Daniel W Hardin (IA) and Sarah M Stillwell (MO) - parents1917 - bricklayer, Vancouver WA - mason-1940Letta's 1st marriage to Watson ended in divorce, had Adelene J Watson, Joseph G Watson; she divorced Hardin and remarried in Feb 1941; siblings: Sarah F, William F, John Oscar, Ernest Daniel, George O, Charles Elmer, Gertrude Ruth
HardinDaniel Ernest1879 Aug 26Bellevue, Blaine Co., Idaho1961 Apr 19Vancouver WAarteriosclerosis, had a long illness prior to dyingyesHardinNW 144Hamilton Funeral Home21 Apr 1961Vancouver City CemeteryKatherine "Katie" Elizabeth Fauble (WA) - spouse; no children; Daniel W Hardin and Sarah M Stillwell - parentsmason, life member of Washington Lodge No. 4 F&AM1910 - bookkeeper, passed the Oregon State Bar in 1910,1918 - 1942 lawyer, Vancouver WA, practiced law in Vancouver from 1914-19581905-1910 attended University of Oregon; siblings: Sarah F, William F, John Oscar, Arhur Almin, George O, Arthur A, Gertrude Ruth; married 12 Jun 1910 Clark Co., WA
HardinKatherine "Kate"ElizabethFauble1879 Sep 5Washington1969 Dec 8Vancouver WApneumoniayesHardinNW 144Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home11 Dec 1969Vancouver City CemeteryDaniel E Hardin (ID) - spouse; no children; Andrew Fauble (GER) and Sarah Neer (OR) - parentsmarried 12 June 1910, Clark Co., WA
HarlanWilliam Thomas1895 Jun 5Mosier, Wasco Co., OR1971 Mar 16Vancouver WAstrokeyesWallaceNW 140Vancouver Funeral Chapel19 Mar 1971Vancouver City CemeteryHazel May Wallace (MN) - spouse; Vernon, Genevieve, Bonnie J, William Thomas Jr. - children; Newell Harlan (IA) and Ellen G Stammers (Eng) - parentsprinter, painter
HarlanHazelMayWallace1901 Mar 24Baker, Clay Co., Minnesota1996 Mar 31 Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesWallaceNW 140Vancouver Funeral Chapel3 Apr 1996Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam T Harlan (OR) - spouse; Vernon, Genevieve, Bonnie J, William Thomas Jr. - children; George H Wallace (IA) and Carrie Baker (IA) - parentsobit The Columbian, 4 Apr 1996, lived in Vancouver 1909 to daeth; marrid in 1921 Clark Co., WA
HarperThomasJefferson1816 Jun 10Clairborne Co., Tennessee1908 May 6Vancouver WAsenilitynoPleasant N HarperNW 10 line 10Vancouver Undertaking Co.10 May 1908Vancouver City CemeteryElizabeth Ann Nordyke (VA) - spouse; Manila Anna, Pleasant Howard (son), Elmira M, John Calloway, Nancy Ellen, William, Sarah L, Millery, Theodosia, Thomas Jefferson Jr- children; John C Harper (SC) and Sarah Hurst (VA) - parents1870-frarm laborer; Methodist Minister1870- Klictitat Co.; wife Elizabeth died 1883, Goldendale, Klickitat Co., WA; grandson Thomas D in same plot
HarperIraHartzel1881 Apr 12Clark Co., WA1932 Nov 14at brother S R Harper's home in Sandy, Clackamas Co., Oregonbronchial pneumoniayesPleasant N HarperNW 126-5 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor17 Nov 1932Vancouver City CemeteryLillian E Christ (WA)(1) and Bertha Huckins (WA)(2) - spouses; Phillip Augustus - child by Lillian; William Ralph Harper (IL) and Louisa Jane Garrett (IL) - parentsfarmerdivorced Lillian; maaried Bertha Feb 1927 Clark Co., WA (remarried 1933 Lawson); siblings: Charles, William C, Sigel R, Robert F, Rufus O, Amos L
HarperThomas D1884 Apr 12Clark Co., WA1909 Sep 7Vancouver WAtuberculous; 25 yearsnoPleasant N HarperNW 10 line 10Hamilton Funeral Home9 Sep 1909Vancouver City CemeteryPleasant Howard Harper (TN) and Coloma N McCann (IL) - parents1907 - laborer, Vancouver WAfather Pleasant Howard Harper was a Baptist minister; was living with father in 1909; not sure if buried in NW 10; grandparents Thomas Jefferson Harper (in same plot) and Elizabeth Nordyke
HarrisMorris H1911 Nov 23Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa1980 Sep 30Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonHeart failureyesNW 214-8 line 9Vancouver Funeral Chapel3 Oct 1980Vancouver City CemeteryJuneale K Baker (OR) - spouse; Kathleen, Susan - children; Morris A Harris (OH) and Clara McDonald (IA) - parentsIBEW member, Masontruck driver; electrician, foreman with Clark County PUD, Vancouver WAmarried 11 Feb 1934, Clark Co., WA; sibling : Jesse (fem), John (with dau mildred), Meriam, Katherine, Frank, Margaret; obit The Oregonian 2 Oct 1980
HarrisJuneale "June"KatherineBaker 1917 Feb 11Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1974 Mar 16Vancouver WAsuicide - drug overdosenoNW 214Vancouver Funeral Chapel19 Mar 1974Vancouver City CemeteryMorris Harris (IA) - spouse; Kathleen, Susan - children; Clifford Baker (WI) and Hele Foster (MN) - parentsMethodist, Eastern Starmarried 11 Feb 1934, Clark Co., WA; death cert.; obit The Columbian 18 Mar 1974
HarrisArthur C 1876 Aug 3Clark Co., WA1878 Oct 13Clark Co., WAno SW 104Oct 1878Vancouver City CemeteryJohn D Harris (IA) and Laura D Sturgess (WA) - parentsCorrection: His headstone is in SW 104; siblings: Clyde L, Roy David
HarrisonMary AnnMollyTroup1861 Dec 27Washington1897 Dec 20Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregontubersulosis, 35 yrs, 1 moyesTroupNW 102-2 line 1323 Dec 1897Vancouver City CemeteryRandolph B Harrison (VA) - spouse; Bessie Cary, Mary Louise, Virginia - children; William H Troup (Eng) and Eliza Turnbull (OH) - parentsburied in same plot as parents and dau Bessie; obit The Oregonian 23 Dec 1897
HarrisonBessieCary1883 Oct 12Vancouver WA15-Mar-05Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesTroupNW 102Vancouver City CemeteryRandolph B Harrison (VA) and Mary Troup (WA) - parentssibling: Mary L, Virginia; buried in same plot as mother and grandparents William and Eliza Troup
HartleyJosphine1925 May 22Vancouver WA1931 Jun 14St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAskull fractureyesF BeesonNW 77Knapp Funeral Parlor16 Jun 1931Vancouver City CemeteryOrla Hartley (KS) and Helen Beeson (KS) - parents
Harvey John 1860 Dec 17 Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada1910 Oct 13Felida, Clark Co., Washingtonfrom injuries after hit by a train near Felida yesno nameNW 114-1 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor16 Oct 1910Vancouver City CemeteryMartha McCann (WA) - spouse; Joseph O, John H, Joanna C- children; Christopher Harvey and Catherine Elspeth Spencer - parents both of Scotlandbaptist1900-stationary engineer; 1910 lumber mill owner-North Fork Logging Companysiblings: Christopher, Catherine, James, Margaret, Elizabeth, Anny, Malcolm, Mary, Alsbet Agnes, Joseph Richard; obit The Oregonian 14 Oct 1910, wealthy; bro Joseph R buried in NW 212, bro James S buried in NW 85
HarveyMartha McCann 1873 Apr 26Prune Hill, Clark Co., WA1933 Nov 3Vancouver WAcancernoNW 114-2 line 4Hamilton Funeral Home5 Nov 1933Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Harvey (Can) - spouse; Joseph O, John H, Joanna C- children; William Dudley McCann (TN) and Joanna M Smith (IL) - parentspast preseident of Vancouver Women's Club, member of Chapter 42 Order of Eastern Starsibling: Mary (twin), buried with son John H
Harvey Joseph Oscar1897 Jun 2Clark Co., WA1932 Jan 22Vancouver WApulmonary tuberculosisyesNW 114-5 line 4Hamilton Funeral Home24 Jan 1932Vancouver City CemeteryThelma Loretta Allen (WA) - spouse; Suzette - child; John Harvey (Can) and Martha McCann (WA) - parents1918 - working for uncle Joseph R Harvey, logging co.; 1923 - lumber buyer; 1930 - farm laborermarried Thelma 27 Nov 1923 Stevenson WA; divorced by 1930 and living with sister Joanna and husbnd Robert Moon with mother; sibling: John Hamilton, Joanna Colton; wife remarried 3 more times -died in San Diego, CA under VIRGIL
HarveyJohnHamilton1899 Oct 28Clark Co., WA1930 Jan 2Prescott, Yavapai Co., ArizonatuberculosisnoNW 114Hamilton Funeral Home8 Jan 1930Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Harvey (Can) and Martha McCann (WA) - parentsWorld War I veteran, Officer's Training Camp when Armistice signedCPAsibling Joseph Oscar, buried with parents, obit The Oregonian 4 Jan 1930; obit The Columbian 7 Jan 1930; graduated University of Washington 1921
HarveyJoseph Richard1868 Jul 12 Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada1952 Jun 18Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WApneumoniayesNW 212Hamilton Funeral Home21 Jun 1952Vancouver City CemeteryElna Sarah Smith (WI) - spouse; Helen Fay, Anna F (?) - children; Christopher Harvey (Scot) and Catherine Spenser (Scot) - parentsMasonManager at Portland General Electric Co.; co-owner of Vancouver's first electric lighting plantobit The Oregonian 21 Jun 1952; bro John buried in NW 114; bro James S buried in NW 85
HarveyElna SarahSmith1869 Sep 26 Mill Center, Brown Co., Wisconsin1933 Jan 10Vancouver WAinfluenzayesNW 212Hamilton Funeral Home12 Jan 1933Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph R Harvey (Can) - spouse; Helen Fay, Anna F (?) - children; James Otis Smith (NH) and Hannah A Jackson (Can) - parents
HarveyJames Spencer1852 Nov 26 Kincardine, Bruce, Ontario, Canada1907 Aug 29St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAtuberculosisnoHarveyNW 85S N Wilkins, Undertaker30 Aug 1907Vancouver City CemeteryMary Holmes (Can) - spouse; James H, Roy, Thomas H - children; Christopher Harvey (Scot) and Catherine Elspeth Spencer (Scot) - parents married 8 Jun 1887, Ontario Canada; Mary died 1900, Warrenton OR; 1900 living with brother John and family Vancouver WA; siblings: Christopher, Catherine, Joseph Richard, Margaret, Elizabeth, Anny, Malcolm, Mary, Alsbet Agnes, John; death cert has birth date Oct 9 1852; John buried in NW 114, bro Joseph buried in NW 212
HarveyRoy1889 Oct 29Canada1913 Feb 3St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAlogging mill accident -septic infection after an injury; 23 yrs, 3 mo, 5 daysyesHarveyNW 85Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Feb 1913Vancouver City CemeteryMarjory Chapin (WA) - spouse; Marjory Jean Winifred - child; James Spencer Harvey (Canada) and Mary Holmes (Canada) - parentsMethodistsawmill foreman North Fork Logging Companybrother Thomas S Harvey; John and Martha Harvey - Uncle/aunt
HasbrookShermanSanford1904 May 4Page, Cass Co., North Dakota1949 Feb 17Coulee City, Grant Co., Washingtoncancer of the throatyes no nameNW 17423 Feb 1949Vancouver City CemeteryEdith Fern Marshall (ND)(div) - spouse; Ethel Fern - child; Sanford Hasbrook (WI) and Lepha E Legge (Ont, Can) - parents police officer
HathawayEmma EdithDavis1871 Aug 17Oregon1910 Jan 4at home, Vancouver WApneumonia and Bright's diseaseyesJackson DavisNW 88 + NW 93 (merged plots)Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Jan 1910Vancouver City CemeteryAlpha Beebe Hathaway (WA) - spouse; Estella Ruth, Herbert Lloyd, Edith Anita - children; Dr. Jackson Davis (MO) and Rufina Blair (MO) - parentsMethodisthousewifedau Estella Ruth buried in NW 93 wit husband Mercer.
HavenClaraEddings1858 May 30Ft. Vancouver, Vancouver WA1942 Jun 15Monterey, Monterey Co., Californiaafter 7 year illnessyesJohn EddingsNW 30 line 16Jun 1942Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge E Haven (NY) - spouse; Clarah Belle, John Cyrus, Sarah Frances - children; John M Eddings (IRE) and Sarah Nivan (NY) - parentsEpiscopolian, life memberof Martha Washington Chapter of Eastern Star, Vancouversibling: Frank; took in Frank's children - Bessie and Hazel Eddings - after mother Harriet Goss died; same plot as dau Clara B Gillogly; 1900 on is widowed; 1910 census 3 children/1 living; obit The Columbian 14 Jul 1942
HavenJohn Cyrus 1877 Oct 20Clark Co., WA1880 Nov 30Clark Co., WApossibly died of childhood disease, died within 4 days of siblingyesJohn EddingsNW 30 line 161880Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge E Haven (NY) and Clara Eddings (WA) - parents3 years, 1 month, 10 days
HavenSarahFrances1879 Nov 28Clark Co., WA1880 Nov 20Clark Co., WApossibly died of childhood disease, died within 4 days of siblingyesJohn EddingsNW 30-1 line 16Nov 1880Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge E Haven (NY) and Clara Eddings (WA) - parents
HayesElizaMelvinaWarden/Worden1850 JulCanada1901 Jun 6Vancouver WAyesNW 74Jun 1901Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert Hayes (Wales) - spouse; Albert (Bertie), Milton, Celia - children; Ezra Warden (Can) and Margaret Bucks/Bush (Can) - parentsgrandchild buried in same plot
HayesAlbert W1872 Jun 9Sumpter, Wayne Co., Michigan1893 Jan 23Vancouver WA20 yr, 7 mo., 14 daysyesNW 7425 Jan 1893Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert Hayes (Wales) and Eliza M Warden (Can) - parentsbelong to the Sons of Veterans, Christiansiblings: Milton, Celia; obit The Columbian 27 Jan 1893
HealdEvelyn ElizabethStaples1905 Nov 23Osceola, Polk Co., Wisconsin1955 Nov 7St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcanceryesTW AlexnderNW 02-3 line 15Vancouver Funeral Chapel10 Nov 1955Vancouver City CemeteryClarence S Heald (WI) - spouse; Anita Eileen, Clarice Evelyn - children; Roscoe Charles Staples (WI) and Elizabeth Marie Agrell (MN) - parents1930-Clarence works in railraod warehouse, Wisconsin
HelmickAudleyAnthony1880 May 2New Harmony, Posey Co., Indiana1961 Feb 26Vancouver WApneumoniayesA CameronNW 47-5Vancouver Funeral Chapel3 Mar 1961Vancouver City CemeteryVerna Mae Jones (KS) - spouse; Audrey Alice (b 1926, OK) - child; Allen C Helmick (OH) and Anna Clayton (Eng) - parents1910 - farm laborer , family farm, KS; 1930 - deputy sheriff, Edwards Co., KS; 1940 - WPA worker, Bremerton WA1900-1925 living with parents, Kearny KS, single; wife Verna died in 1929, burid in Wichita, KS; 1942 - Bremerton WA, dau Audrey Todd listed as contact
HennellHenryWalter1854 Feb 4Kent or Camden, Middlesex Co., England1892 Nov 6Osborne Hotel, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesHennell/ThompsonNW 35-5Nov 1892Vancouver City CemeteryNellie ? - spouse; Edith Edna Hennell - child; Robert George Hennell (Eng) and Emma ? (Eng) - parentsMason, St Luke's Churchwas a tailor; 1887 - enlisted in US Army, Co B, 14th Infantry, discharged 31 Dec 1887, second enlistment, Vancouver Barracks; reenlisted Jan 1890-Vanc Barr., private 1st class, excellent character1891-1982 - clerk for US Army at Vancouver Barracks, WA in Chief of Ordinance HQfather was a diamond merchant in 1854; obit The Oregonian 9 Nov 1892
HensleeMurline Columbus1827 Jul 9Jackson Co, Tennessee1903 Sep 26Vancouver WAyesMC HensleeNW 64 line 13Sep 1903Vancouver City CemeteryLeanah Metcalf (KY) - spouse; Cordelia Jane, John W, Margaret Elizabeth, Matilda C, Cosby A, James W, Emmett Alonzo, Edward Franklin, Bedford Amos, Charles Newton, Ella W - children; John Henslee (NC) and Matilda Kemp (NC) - parents Republican (prominent)Civil War veteran - major, 7th MO Cavalary as private promoted by 1864 to MajorFarmer with 38 acres in Preston 1900; Chelatchie Prairie sheep rancher, became a Clark Co. real estate agentmarried in May 1850 in Missouri; came to Clark Co. in 1871, settled in Chelatchie Prairie as sheep rancher; 1893 moved to Vancouver; obit Seattle Daily Times 29 Sep 1903
HensleeLeanahMetcalf1831 Jun 26Laurel Co., Kentucky1911 Feb 11at home at 409 W 9th St.,Vancouver WAlesion of the heartyesMC HensleeNW 64-5 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Feb 1911Vancouver City CemeteryMurline Columbus Henslee (TN)- spouse; Cordelia Jane, John W, Margaret Elizabeth, Matilda C, Cosby A, James W Emmett Alonzo, Edward Franklin, Bedford Amos, Charles Newton, Ella W - children; William Metcalf (KY) and Elizabeth Elkins (KY) - parentsMethodist 1900-1910 census -11 children/ 6 living ; 1910 lived with dau Margaret Crawford and family
HensleeEllaW 1875 Dec 23Clark Co, WA Territory1876 Apr 12Clark Co., WAyesNW 64 Line 13Apr 1876Vancouver City CemeteryMurline Columbus Henslee (TN) and Leanah Metcalf (KY) - parentsyoungest of 11 children
HenwoodJohn Thomas 1866 Jun 4England1940 May 30Kellogg, Shoshone Co., IdahoyesStegertNW 83 + NW 86Hamilton Funeral Home4 Jun 1940Vancouver City CemeteryAda Grace Stegert (WA)(1) and Hannah Knutkey (Eng)(2) - spouses; Arthur Brenton (ID), child died (1900-1910) - children by Grace; John Henwood (Eng) and ? ? (Eng) - parents1900-1910 - galena (lead ore) miner, Idaho; 1920 - smelter man, IDimmigrated 31 Oct 1887; married Grace Stegert 19 Oct 1895, Clark Co., WA, she died 1922; 1925- married to Hannah, 1935-30 living with son Brenton, ID; obit The Columbian 4 Jun 1940
HenwoodAda GraceStegert1865 Nov 23Washington1922 May 19Wallace, Shoshone Co., Idahomyocarditis, canceryesStegertNW 83 + NW 861922Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Thomas Henwood (Eng) - spouse; Arthur Brenton, child died (1900-1910) - children; C Richard Stegert (Ger) and Elthina Fales (IA) - parents; death cert
HenwoodArthur Brenton1896 Nov 24 Murray, Shoshone Co., Idaho1968 Apr 19Kellogg, Shoshone Co., Idahoheart failureyesNW 66 line 11Evergreen Funeral Home25 Apr 1968Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John Thomas Henwood (Eng) and Ada Grace Stegert - parents1918-Bunker Hill Mining and Smelting Co., Kellogg ID; 1930-1940 - foreman, zinc smelter, ID
HenwoodHannahKnutkey1867 Jul 1St. Austell, Cornwall, England1948 Jul 21Kellogg, Shoshone Co., IdahocanceryesStegertNW 83 + NW 86Knapp Funeral ParlorJul 1948Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph Coombs (1) and John Thomas Henwood (Eng)(2) - spouses; no children; Ismael Knutkey (Eng) and Elizabeth Boswarthick (Eng) - parents1891-1922 lived in Jackson, Amador Co., California1891 - immigrated; 1899 father (widowed ) immigrated - was living with Hannah in 1900; first husband Coombs died in California, was miner; married Henwood in Spokane 1925
HerdmanHelenAnderson Herdman1836 Nov 7St. Cuthberts, Edinburgh, MidLothian, Scotland1905 May 27Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregondeath caused by fall on train on was to Portland; encephalitisnoHossackNW 84Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Alexander Herdman (Scot) and Margaret Hassock (Scot) - parents1900 -teacher - governess, Kansas; active Womens Sugffage Movement; involved with Womens' Tribune publicationname in Scotland was "Helen"; 1870 - Kankakee, Il with with Archibald and Isabel Hossack; 1880- Neb living with William Amos; 1900-Kansas governess /teacher of Irving and Amos families; Alexander Herdman is a nephew of Archibald Hossack. Alexander's mother Margaret Hossack (had a brother George who lived with them in 1841 in Scotland); appears that Ellen Herdman is Alexander Herdman's sister; death notice The Oregon Journal 27 May 1905; obit Highland Vidette Highland, Kansas 22 Jun 1905
HerschmanCharlottaLevinLarrson/Larsdotter - changed to Levin1864 Mar 30Flistad, Skaraborg, Sweden1918 Dec 27Vancouver WAbreast cancer, 54 yr, 8 mo, 27 daysyesLevinNW 105-4 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Dec 1918Vancouver City CemeteryHerman Herschman (IL) - spouse; Lillian H - child; Johannes Larrson (Swe) and Maja Stina Pettersdotter (Swe) - parents1909-1911 - polisher/ironer at Elite Laundry, Vancouver WAmarried 28 Jan 1893, Cook Co., IL; widowed in Chicago IL, 1902; buried with dau Lillian
HertelJacob L1862 Apr 27France/Germany1923 Apr 12St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcornary oclusionyesYatesNW 176Limber Funeral Home14 Apr 1923Vancouver City CemeteryNettie C Green (MO) - spouse; Philip E, Bedford M, Louis J, Mary J, Theodore R - children; John Hertel (Ger) and Anna Schubert (France) - parents1900 - saw mill edger; 1910 - sawmill foreman, Clark Co., WA, 1920 foreman for SP&S Railroad, Vancouver WAimmigrated in 1879
HertelNettie CoraGreen1865 Mar 11Jefferson City, Cole Co., Missouri1959 Oct 13Zenith, King Co., WashingtonpneumoniayesYatesNW 176Wright & Son Funeral Home, Seattle, King Co., Washington; Hamilton Funeral Home17 Oct 1959Vancouver City CemeteryJacob Hertel (Ger)- spouse; Philip E, Bedford M, Louis J, Mary J, Theodore R - children; Andrew J Green (KY) and Lucinda Blizzard (VA) - parentsobit The Columbian 15 Oct 1959
Hidden, JrOliver Moody1843 Jan 14Craftsbury, Orleans Co., Vermont1899 May 24San James Hotel, San Jose, Santa Clara Co., Californialiver, kidney and heart problemsyesBoardman NW 1561899Vancouver City CemeteryMargaret Steele (VT)- spouse; Elva Anna, child died before 1900 - children; Oliver Moody Hidden and louisa M Wood - parentsMason1870 - carpenter, Michigan; worked in Kansas; 1880 - architect and superintendent, Michigan; Propriator of Columbia Hotel In Vancouver WA lived in Vancouver for 10 years; obit The Oregonian 15 May 1899 - died traveling; built the Columbia Hotel with bro Lowell and Arthur
HiddenMargaretSteele1844 Jan 10Craftsbury, Orleans Co., Vermont1915 Sep15Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart relatedyesBoardman NW 13Edward Holman Funeral Company, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon18 Sep 1915 Vancouver City CemeteryOliver Moody Hidden, Sr. (VT) - spouse; Elva A, child died by 1900 - children; William Steele (Scot) and MargaMoody (Scot) - parentsmarried by 1870 with no children, living in Clinton MI; obit The Oregonian 17 Sep 1915;b. 1879 dau Elva m. Henry August Boardman (MN) 1903, Clark Co.,WA, in Same plot with mother and dau Margaret; 1900 census - 2 children/ 1 living;
HiddenLowellMason 1839 Dec 16Craftsbury, Orleans Co., Vermont1923 Dec 26Vancouver WAangina pectoris and acute indigestionyesL M HiddenNW 39Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Dec 1923Vancouver City CemeteryMary Sherborn Eastman (VT)(1) and Grace E Hulin (NY)(2) - spouses; William Foster, Julia, Oliver Moody, Lucy - children by Mary S; Oliver Moody Hidden, Sr (1801 VT-1843 VT?) and Louisa M Wood (Hovey - 2nd husband) (d.1880) - parentsMethodist, Masonfarmer; started Hidden Brick Co, 1916 - vice-president of The United States National Bank of Vancouverat age11 1850 was not living with family, VT; 1870 - farmer in Clark Co WA; 1880-owned brickyard; 1910 - banker, Vancouver; 1880 retired; married Mary S - Craftbury VT, 22 Dec 1869; married Grace in 1915, Clark Co., WA
Hidden MarySherbornEastman1847 Apr 30Orleans Co, Vermont1913 Oct 25at home at 100W 13th St., Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesL M HiddenNW 39-4Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Oct 1913Vancouver City CemeteryLowell M Hidden - spouse; William Foster, Julia, Oliver Moody, Lucy - children; Hiram Eastman (VT) and Lucy Blake (VT) - parentsMethodistmarried Lowell 22 Dec 1869, Craftbury VTparents in same plot
HiddenGrace Hulin1869 May 9Ilion, Herkimer Co., New York1933 Aug 21Vancouver WAdiabetesyesL M HiddenNW 39-5Hamilton Funeral Home23 Aug 1933Vancouver City CemeteryLowell M Hidden (VT) - spouse; no children; John Hulin (NY) and Mary Passorus (NY) - parents mother's maiden could be POSSON
HiddenOliver Moody 1874 Jul 28Vancouver WA1940 Mar 12St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcarcinoma of the stomachyesHiddenNW 206Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Mar 1940Vancouver City CemeteryLouisa "Lulu" I Moore (Neb) - spouse; No children; Lowell Mason Hidden (VT) and Mary Sherbon Eastman (VT) - parentsProtestant, Odd Fellow member, Elks MasonHidden Brickyards - proprietor; retired in 1929attended Washington Sate College to be a vetinarian, 22 Dec 1924 married Lulu
HiddenLouisa "Lulu"InezMoore1883 Apr 29Blair, Washington Co., Nebraska1954 Jul 24Fairlawn Hospital, Portalnd, Multnomah Co., Oregon3 year illnessyesHiddenNW 206Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Jul 1954Vancouver City CemeteryOliver Moody Hidden (WA) - spouse; no children; Jacob Richard Moore (OH) and Grace M Bergman (Neb) - parentsEastern Starobit The Oregonian 27 Jul 1954
HiddenWilliam Foster1871 Jul 8Vancouver WA1963 Mar 7Vancouver WApneumoniayesHiddenNW 206Vancouver Funeral Chapel9 Mar 1963Vancouver City CemeteryEdith N Nickerson (CT) - spouse; Robert Arthur, Helene Mary - children; Lowell Mason Hidden (VT) and Mary Sherburne Eastman (VT) - parentsMethodist, Rotary Hidden Brickyards - proprietor; cattle raisingobit The Oregonian 9 Mar 1963; dau Helene married Van Buren, buried in NW 217
HiddenEdith N Nickerson1878 Oct 15Norwalk, Fairfield Co., Connecticut1947 Dec 19Vancouver WAcirrhosis of liver and heart problemsyesHiddenNW 206Vancouver Funeral Chapel23 Dec 1947Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Foster Hidden (WA) - spouse; Robert Arthur, Helene Mary - children; Jasper Pryer Nickerson and Emily Eudora Schofield - parentsdau Helene married Van Buren, buried in NW 217
HiddenRobertArthur1910 Jul 26Vancouver WA1992 Oct 25Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesHiddenNW 217-11 line 8Vancouver Funeral Chapel29 Oct 1992Vancouver City CemeteryMargaret Ada Sheppard (WA) (1) and Pauline Shurr (2) - spouses; Roberta Helene, Oliver Moody, William Foster, Richard Montezuma "Monte," Elizabeth Ann - children by Margaret; William Foster Hidden (WA) and Edith Nickerson (CT) - parentsMethodistHidden Brick yardmarried Margaret 1937, Bellingham, WA; married Pauline in Seattle 1960;
Hidden MargaretAdaSheppard1910 Feb 9Bellingham, Whatcom Co., Washington 1957 Apr 4Vancouver WAcanceryesHiddenNW 217Vancouver Funeral Chapel6 Apr 1957Vancouver City CemeteryRobert A Hidden (WA) - spouse; Roberta Helene, Oliver Moody, William Foster, Richard Montezuma "Monte", Elizabeth Ann - children; Osmond Montezuma Sheppard (FL) and Melissa Ireland (IA) - parents
HiddenLucyMabel1878 Sep 18Vancouver WA1953 Jan 12Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co., WashingtonpneumoniayesHiddenNW 206Vancouver Funeral Chapel17 Jan 1917Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Lowell Mason Hidden (VT) and Mary Sherburne Eastman (VT) - parentsbrokebn headstone
Hidden Arthur William 1832 Aug 3Craftsbury, Orleans Co., Vermont1910 Nov 30at home at 100 W 13th St., Vancouver WApneumoniayesBoardman NW 156 Row 3Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Dec 1910Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Oliver Moody Hidden, Sr (VT) and Lousia M Wood (VT) - parents1870-1880 - carpenter in Vancouver WA, 1900 - fruit grower - prune dryer and aorchardist1860 - Vermont; planted one of the first prune orchards Clark Co.,; bro Jackson buried in SW 54; bro Oliver buried in NW 156
HigbeRalphHunter1876 Jun 2Mantorville, Dodge Co., Minnesota1953 Mar 26Vancouver WAcornary oclusionyesNW 213Evergreen Funeral Home30 Mar 1953Vancouver City CemeteryEthyl Kate Porter (MN)(1) and Della Anna Rook (IA)(2) - spouses; Gilbert Allen - child by Ethyl; Gilbert J Higbe (NY) and Julia A Hunter (NY) - parents1900 - farmer, MN; 1910 - farmer, MT, 1917-1920 - farmer, Montana, 1922- carpenter, Seattle WA, 1928-1939 - car repairer, NP Railroad shop - Tacoma WA1900 - was living with mother Julia (widowed) and grandfather James Hunter (Feb 1814, MA), 1901 married E Kattie Porter, Chehalis WA, 1910 - mother Julia and grandfather James H Hunter was living with family, Montana - Ralph was homesteading; 1920 was living with mother Julia; married Della 1927, Pierce Co.,WA
HigbeDella Anna Rook1880 Dec 10Chariton, Lucas Co., Iowa1967 Jul 5Vancouver WAcerebral thrombosisyesNW 213Layne's Funeral Home, Battle Ground. Clark Co., WA7 Jul 1967Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam McMannama (IL)(1) and Ralph H Higbe (MN)(2)- spouse; Marie - child by McMannama; David C Rook (PA) and Martha A Pettys (NY) - parentsmarried Higbe in 1927, Pierce Co., WA; divorced McMannama who died in 1930 in Pierce Co., WA; obit The Columbian 6 Jul 1967
HighAugustus1844 Sep 7New Columbia, Union Co., Pennsylvania1927 Sep 22Vancouver WAheart failure and acute bronchitisyesHighNW 69-1 line 9Hamilton Funeral Home28 Sep 1927Vancouver City CemeteryIda V Richardson (PA) - spouse; no children; Henry High (PA) and Mary Fisher (PA) - parents1880 - surveyor, Dakota Terr, Wahpeton Indian Reservation; 1900 - farmer/rancher in Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WA; former WA State Senator1877 - married, PA?, 1907 - lived on RFD 1, Clark Co., WA; 1909-1916 -lived at 300 W 13th, Vancouver; divorced by 1910
HighIda V Richardson1857 Nov 9Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania1920 Feb 8Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhageyesHighNW 69-2 line 9Chambers Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon11 Feb 1920Vancouver City CemeteryAugustus High - spouse; no children; Member of The Grange; Rebekah Lodgemarried in 1877, PA?; divorced by 1910; obit The Oregonian 10 Feb 1920
HillAugusta ElizaChrist1870 May 12Clark Co., WA1956 Oct 30St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcerebral thrombosisnoH ChristNW 43-2Hamilton Funeral HomeNov 1956Portland Memorial (Riverview Abby/Mausoleum), Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonJohn H Hill (NY) - spouse; no children; Christian "Henry" Christ (Ger) and Elizabeth Proebstel (MO) - parents1896 - married; 1920-lived in Santa Cruz CA; John Hill was a state game warden; 1930 - Vancouver, 1935-Santa Cruz, 1940- Vancouver; buried intially in Vancouver City Cemetery and then moved to Portland Memorial (name changed over time), Portland OR with husband (Death cert)
HinkleLeslie "Bill"A1909 Feb 21Castle Rock , Cowlitz Co., Washington1974 Jun 8Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesNW 60Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home11 Jun 1974Vancouver City Cemetery ? (1) and Hattie E Parker (MT)(2) - spouse; no children; Harvey M Hinkle (WI) and Nellie A Bird (MO) - parentsWorld War II veteran, US Navy, CMM1930 - laborer for Weyerhauser Co., 1940 - shovel operator, road construction; 30 years for Bonneville Power Adm.siblings: Roy E, Earl E, 1930 - living with parents Cowlitz Co., WA, 1940 - with parents, but married??, then divorced; 23 Apr 1945 - married Hattie E Parker (previously married to Kerr); obit The Columbian 9 Jun 1974
HinkleHattieElizabethParker1906 May 4Big Fork, Flathead Co., Montana1995 Feb 10Vancouver WAheart relatedyesNW 60Memorial Gardens Funeral Chapel, Vancouver WA15 Feb 1995Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Vern Hale (OR)(1), Albert Nathan Kerr (OR)(2) and Leslie A Hinkle (WA)(3) - spouses; no children; Carol Stanton Parker (TN) and Ida Whitworth (KY) - parents1930 - waitress, deli shop; 1940 - housewife; worked in Vancouver Shipyards during WWII1927 - married Hale/divorced; 1934 - married Kerr/divorced; 1945 - married Hinkle; obit The Columbian 14 Feb 1995
HixonEdwardFelix1855 Jun 21Caradaoc, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada1926 Apr 26Vancouver WApneumoniaashesyes BodleyNW 163 line 4Limber Funeral Home28 Apr 1926Vancouver City CemeterySarah Amelia Hixon (Can)(1) and Sarah Adeline Bodley (Can)(2) - spouses; Jonathan Hixon (Can) and Sarah Ann Goodwin (Can) - parents1884-1920 -physician and surgeon, Vancouver WA; attended school at Hamilton Coll. Inst, Toronto Can, and Victoria University Medical Dept, Colburg, 1884; Married Sarah Amelia Hixon 24 Jun 1885, Ontarion, Can, she died 17 Feb 1909, Portland OR; married Adeline 27 Oct 1910, Vancouver BC, Can.; immigrated 1889; obit The Oregonian 28 Apr 1926
HixonSarahAdeline Bodley1869 Aug 9Mount Forest, Ontario, Canada1926 Jul 21Vancouver WAcancer of liveryesBodleyNW 163 line 4Limber Funeral Home24 July 1926Vancouver City CemeteryEdward Felix Hixon (Can) - spouse; Charles Bodley (Eng) and Mary J Whitman (Can) - parentsEastern Starsibling: Agnes; immigrated in 1910; married Edward 27 Oct 1910
HoagWalterJohn1870 Nov 2 Ontario, Canada1917 Feb 28Vancouver WApneumoniayesJohnsonNW 128Knapp Funeral Parlor4 Mar 1917Vancouver City CemeteryCarries Olson (Nor) - spouse; Ernest - child; Thomas Hoag (Can ) and Martha Riley (Can) - parents masonEngineer for Northern Pacific Railroadimmigrated in 1888; son buried at ParkHill Cemetery Vancouver WA; Carrie remarried BOWMAN and buried
HodgesBlancheZennaPepper1878 Nov 19Kosiusko Co., Indiana1968 Jul 3Vancouver WAsenileyesno ownerNW 15-2 line 15Evergreen Funeral Home5 July 1968Vancouver City CemeteryFred/Frank E Lynn (IN)(1) and Harry C Hodges (MI)(2) - spouses; Frederica H and Winifred (twins) by Lynn, Virginia - child by Hodges; William L Pepper (OH) and Sarah E Hoover (IN) - parentshad Frederica and Winifred in 1900; divorced Lynn; , married Hodges 10 Jan 1908, Indiana; Frederica married ? Thomas - widowed by 1940 with child Stanley Thomas; sibling: Mary P, Indiana, Dora Alice, Rebecca E "Nellie", James William, Dora Maud, Cleve Pepper
HodgesHarold "Harry"Carlyle1885 Mar 5South Haven, Van Buren Co., Michigan1964 Mar 14Vancouver WAheart failureyesno ownerNW15-1 line 15Evergreen Funeral Home17 Mar 1964Vancouver City CemeteryBlanche Z Pepper (IN) - spouse; Virginia - child; Luther A Hodges (Ont, Can) and Clarissa Edwards (OH) - parentsmason1910-1920 - brick mason, contractor, Indiana; 1930 - contractor, house, Indiana 1940 - brick layer, construction work, Vancouverbroken marker base
HollenbeckEmma AliceJohnston 1853 Apr West Bend, Washington Co., Wisconsin1930 May 21Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncirrhosis of liver yesHollenbeckNW 154Wilson Chambers Chapel, Portland, Multnomah CO., Oregon23 May 1930Vancouver City CemeteryCharles E Hollenbeck (NY) - spouse; Ralph S - child; Samuel B Johnston (NY) and Hester Ann Ruscoe (NY) - parents married Charles about 1873; son Ralph died before 1910; 1920 - living with brother Russell and wife, Portland OR; 1930 living with nephew Ralph S and wife , Portland OR; sibling: Russell; obit The Oregonian 22 May 1930
HollenbeckCharlesE1848 Sep 29Cape Vincent, Jefferson Co., New York1914 Jul 2Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonuremiayesHollenbeckNW 154Limber Funeral Home5 Jul 1914Vancouver City CemeteryFranzula Everhard (WI)(1) and Emma A Johnston (WI)(2) - spouse; Lena - child by Franzula, Ralph S - child by Emma; William Hollenbeck (NY) and Sophia ? (NY) - parentsCivil War veteran - Co. H, 11th Wisconsin Infantry1879 - laborer, Thurston Co., WA; 1910-farmer, Vancouver WAmarried Franzula in 1867, Adams Co., WI; Franzula died in 1874 in Wisconsin; married Emma about 1874; son Ralph died before 1910;
Hollis (Hollies)EdwardWilliam 1834 Feb 14Dudley, Worchester, England1917 Aug 6Puyallup, Pierce Co, WashingtonnoHollisNW 99-1 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Aug 1917Vancouver City CemeterySarah Doody (Eng)- spouse; Edward Frederik, John D, Alice Minnie, Jesse, Edward, Ellen - children; Edward Hollies (Eng) and Mary ? (Eng) - parentsschool teacherHollis/Hollies are both used
Hollis (Hollies)SarahDoody1835 Jun 13England1914 Dec 29at Homewood Rooming house, 207 W 4th St., Vancouver WAchronic gasitis and inanitionnoHolliesNW 99-2 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Jan 1915Vancouver City CemeteryEdward W Hollis (Eng) - spouse; Edward Frederik, Alice Minnie, Jesse, Edward, Ellen - children; Joseph Doody (Eng) and Mary Humane (Eng) - parentshousewife
HolmesClifford William1868 May 24Creston, Union Co., Iowa1937 Feb 28Vancouver WAmyocarditisyesHolmesNW 138Hamilton Funeral Home3 Mar 1937Vancouver City CemeteryCarrie M Fischer (NY) - spouse; Mable - child; Emil Holmes and Mathilda Peterson - parents both of SwedenMason1900 - quartz miner, Montana; 1910 - machinist at round house, Vancouver WAmarried about 1895
HolmesCarrieMFischer1875 Sep 11Buffalo, Erie Co., New York1961 Jan 10Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesHolmesNW 138Vancouver Funeral Chapel12 Jan 1961Vancouver City CemeteryClifford W Holmes (IA) - spouse; Mable - child; Benjamin Charles Fischer (NY) and Dorothea "Dora" Behnke (Ger) - parentsEastern Starbro John Fischer in same plot; married 1895
HolmesMable1900 Apr 6Marysville, Lewis and Clark Co., Montana1912 Oct 8515 ?? St, Vancouver WAtyphoid feveryesHolmesNW 138Limber Funeral Home10 Oct 1912Vancouver City CemeteryClifford W Holmes (IA) and Carrie M Fischer (NY) - parents;
HolmesCharles William1867 May 6 Blue Rapids, Marshall Co., Kansas1921 Jan 19Vancouver WAcancer prostateyesHolmesNW 193Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Jan 1921Vancouver City CemeteryBeatrice Blanche Munns (Can) - spouse; Beatrice Serales - child; Charles Holmes (Eng) and Mary Norton (Eng) - parentsbusiness man in Chicago before being ordained; episcopal minister/reverand - 1910 - Minnesota; 1920 - Vancouver WAmarried 1902; Beatrice died 1971, Bremerton, WA; 1930- Beatrice living with step father Couper, Marshfield, Coos Co., OR; buried with siblings: L Grace Holmes and Gertrude Holmes Moonheadstone on ground
Holmes LGrace1870 Sep 2Waterville, Marshall Co., Kansas1960 Jan 8Multnomah Co., OregonpneumoniayesHolmesNW 193Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon11 Jan 1960Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Charles Holmes (Eng) and Mary Norton (Eng) - parents1910 - head nurse at the Wisconsin State Tuberculosis Sanitarium, WIHad TB in 1910; buried with siblings-Charles W Holmes and Gertrude Holmes Moon; obit The Oregonian 10 Jan 1960
HopkinsMargaretMcEnany1893 Apr 28Vancouver WA1957 Dec 19Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co. WashingtonpneumoniayesABS LowellNW 04-1 Line 13Vancouver Funeral Chapel23 Dec 1957Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Evans Hopkins (UT) - spouse; Ouida J, Jean, Susan - children; William H McEnany (NY) and Amy V Harrell (IN) - parentsmarried in 1925, Tacoma Pierce Co., WA; divorced by 1940; obit The Columbiab 23 Dec 1957
HossackArchibald1833 Aug 5Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland1911 Dec 17at home at 1100 E C St., Vancouver WAheart attack suddenly, 78y, 4m, 12d; noHossackNW 84Limber Funeral Home21 Dec 1911Vancouver City CemeteryIsabelle Nisbet (Scot) - spouse; Isabella Jane, Margaret Herdman - children; Archibald J Hossack and Jane Naismith (Nasmyth) - parents, both of Midlothian, ScotlandMason, Elder in First Presbyterian Church1870- farmer, Kankakee, IL; 1900 - banker, Vancouver WA; accountant, served as a councilman in Vancouver, 1868 - immigrated; 1882n to Vancouver; prominent citizen in Vancouver; lived in Kankakee Ill; obit in The Columbian 21 Dec 1911; obit The Oregonian 19 Dec 1911
Hossack Isabella Nisbet1830Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland1899 Mar 29Vancouver WAyesHossackNW 841 Apr 1899Vancouver City CemeteryArchibald Hossack - spouse; Isabella Jane, Margaret - children; possible parents - Alexander Nisbet and Margaret ? - parents?, MidLotian, ScotlandPresbyteriansibling: Margaret C Nisbet(b. Nov 1826, Edinburgh, Scot, never married), Hossack family marker; obit The Oregonian 1 April 1899; there is a small headstone with "I N H 1899"
Hossack MargaretHerdmanHossack1863 Apr 10Hamilton, Ontario, Canada1931 Apr 22Vancouver WApneumonia, influenzayesHossackNW 84Limber Funeral Home24 Apr 1931Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Archibald Hossack (Scot) and Isabella Nisbet (Scot) - parentsHossack family marker; lived with sister Isabella
Hossack IsabellaJaneHossack1861 Nov10Hamilton, Ontario, Canada1931 Apr 5Vancouver WApneumonia, influenzayesHossackNW 84Limber Funeral Home9 Apr 1931Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Archibald Hossack (Scot) and Isabella Nisbet (Scot) - parentsdressmakerHossack family marker; lived with sister Margaret
HoyerAimee"Madame"Lueber1849 Oct 8Tours, France1914 Feb 19Savoy Sanitarium Vancouver WAacute indigestionyes NW 142-1Beatty Funeral Home21 Feb 1914Vancouver City CemeteryJohn H Hoyer (Ger) - spouse; ? - children; Joseph Lueber (France) and Pauline? (France) - parentshouse maid at Savoy Sanitarium, husband John - proprietormarried 1884 Hoyer; 1900-Spokane - lodging house, 1906- living Portland, sister living in Paris Frances; obit in The Columbian on 26 Feb 1914; 1900 census - no children; 1910 census 1 child/1 living
HudsonWalter Raleigh1871 Jun 2Boscobel, Grant Co., Wisconsin1948 Apr 3Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncornary thrombosisyesHudsonNW 136Colonial Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon7 Apr 1948Vancouver City CemeteryAddie Lois Palmer (SD) - spouse; Loring Gardner, Ruth Catherine - children; John Gardner Hudson (NY) and Nancy Ellen McDaniel (IL) - parents1900- Hotel keeper, Bridal Veil, OR; 1910 - lumberman, mill superintendent; 1920 - foreman at a clay plant, Clark Co. WA; 1930 - foreman, lumber mill; 1940 - retiredwife Addie's parent Loring C Palmer (IA) and Catherine A? (IL); Loring Palmer was Pres of Bridal Veil Lumber Co.; living with parents 1900; 1940 living with dau Ruth Volhard and family, Portland OR; Addie is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, Seattle WA
HuffHenry Russell1892 Sep 14Afton, Union Co., Iowa1963 Nov 19Vancouver WAheart and respiratory problemsyesYatesNW 176Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home22 Nov 1963Vancouver City CemeteryMyrtle Edna Clute (CA)(1) and Maudine Palmer (KS)(2) - spouses; Marion Eleanor - child by Myrtle; Sherwood Eason Huff, Sr. (OH) and Mary Elizabeth Bolinger (OH) - parents1917 - electrician helper; Portland OR; 1920 - auto parts salesman, Portland OR; 1930 - life insurance salesman, Portland ORsiblings: Sherwood E, Jr., May B; father was a blacksmith, 1900, 1910, Iowa; 1920 living with parents, Portland; married and widowed between 1910-1915; daughter Marion married Lyle Lee Laughlin (OR); 1924 married Maudine, Portland OR
HuffMaudinePalmer1884 Jan 7Superior, Mc Pherson Co., Kansas1974 Jan 19Emerald Terrace Convalescent Home, Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesYatesNW 176Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home23 Jan 1974Vancouver City CemeteryHenry Russell Huff (IA) - spouse; Eugene Palmer (OH) and Rachel Coonce (MO) - parentsmarried Huff 1924 Portland, OR
HustonCharles Enos1841 Feb 16Lebanon, Madison Co., New York1917 Sep 1Hood River, Hood River Co., Oregon76 year; automobile accident off overpass of railroad with another passengeryesHustonNW 112Limber Funeral Home4 Sep 1917Vancouver City CemeteryMarietta Brown (VT) - spouse; Arthur Lynn, Nellie Mae, Harry Lee, John C - children; Charles Huston (NY) and Mary Jane Enos (NY) - parentspast commander of GAR PostCivil War veteran - 33rd Illinois Infantry1882 member of South Dakota Legislature; 1900 - hotel keeper, Dakota Terr, 1907 - surveyor, 1909,1910 - civil engineer, 1911 - sawyer, DuBois Lumber Co.,Vancouver WAmarried 1865, McHenry Co., IL;, IL; died 1913; dau Nellie DuBois in same plot; newspaper The Oregonian 2 Sep 1917
Huston MariettaBrown1842 Dec 9Vermont1913 Jan 2314 Franklin St., Vancouver WApneumonia 71y, 20 d; yesHustonNW 112Limber Funeral Home7 Jan 1913Vancouver City CemeteryCharles E Huston (NY) - spouse; Arthur Lynn, Nellie Mae, Harry Lee, John C - children; Hosea Ballou Brown (VT) and Sabrina Lockwood (VT) - parentsmember of Fist Baptist Church married about 1865 McHenry Co., IL; dau Nellie DuBois buried in same plot; Obit The Oregonian 5 Jan 1913
HustonHarry Lee1873 Sep 24Mazon, Grundy Co., Illinois1960 Jan 27Vancouver WApneumoniayesHustonNW 112-1 line 2Knapp Funeral ParlorJan 1960Vancouver City CemeteryKathryn J Blake (NV) - spouse; Raymond Sylvester - child; Charles E Huston(NY) and Marietta Brown (VT) - parentsSpanish American War veteran, 18971910-1930 - mining engineer, Berkeley, California, (1910 in Ill)attended Stanford University 1895; married about 1909
HustonFrank L 1867 Oct Iowa1927 Oct 2Oregon State Hospital, Salem, Marion Co., OregonarteriosclerosisashesnoHustonNW 13415 Oct 1927Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John Moreland Huston (b Oct 1827-1910)(IN) and Amanda Harold (PA) - parents1900-1911 - Civil Engineer (Huston &O'Keane, lumberman, Dole Lumber Co. (1916)siblings: John C, William, James, Emma, Charles W, Ella, Pearl, Harry; Family headstone HUSTON; funeral notice The Columbian 15 Oct 1927
HustonJohn C1863 Apr 1Louisa Co., Iowa1910 May 26St Vincent Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonaccidental fall from a Flume in Yacolt, Clark Co., WAyesHustonNW 134Kirch Funeral Home29 May 1910Vancouver City CemeteryGrace Edna Turner (IA) - spouse; appears to had no children; John Moreland Huston (b. 1827-1910)(IN) and Amanda Herald (PA) - parentsMason, Elks, IOOF, Knights of Pythias1910 - Lumberman, saw mill; mill owner1884 arrived in Clark Co., WA; married Grace (b 1874 IA) 1890, Clark Co., WA; siblings: Frank L, William, James, Emma, CharlesW, Ella, Harry, Pearl; married about 1896-no children by 1910; 1900 census no children; wife Grace Sears in same plot
HyltonLeota PearlSpencer1892 NovLogan Co., Oklahoma1979 Jan 12Camas, Clark Co., WAheart failureyesFreyNW 192-4 line 7Gardner Funeral Home, White Salmon, Klickitat Co., Washington16 Jan 1979Vancouver City CemeteryLewis H Frey (KS)(1) and John Adam Hylton (VA)(2) - spouses; Spencer Lewis, Enid Leota, Margaret Eileen - children by Frey; Charles H Spencer (IA) and Velma A Viem (OH) - parentsmarried Frey 6 Aug 1913, Clark Co., WA; Frey died 25 Oct 1920, Vancouver; married Hylton in 1922 (previously married with children)
Jack Clifford W1906 Mar 1Deering, McHenry Co., North Dakota1966 Jan 4Vancouver WAcereberal thrombosisyesNW 53Evergreen Funeral Home7 Jan 1966Vancouver City CemeteryLeona Louise ? (CA)(1) and Agnes Jones (Alb, Can)(2) - spouses; William Jack (Can) and Gertrude Edman (IL) - parentsMason1930-1940 - truck driver, California; engineer for barge company at time of deathmarried Leona before 1930, before 1957 she died; Clifford married Agnes 12 Jan 1957, Skamania Co., WA, living Wasco Co., ORheadstone covered by Clara Snodgrass headstone
JaggyJacob Henry1862 Jun 14Clark Co., WA1922 Jul 8Seaside, Clatsop Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhageyesJaggyNW 194 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor13 Jul 1922Vancouver City CemeteryFlora Elizabeth Sohns (WA) - spouse; John J Jaggy (Switz) and Margaret Wintler (Switz) - parentsmanagement of family mercantile storemarried Flora about 1895; she was previously married to Eberle, had 2 sons - Winfield, Sidney; JAGGY family headstone; Flora was married 3 times - Eberle, Jaggy, Greiner - son Winfield, husband Alvin Greiner are all buriied in Jaggy plot.
JamisonBrooks William 1895 Oct 16Bridgewater, McCook Co., South Dakota1982 Jan 25Vancouver Memorial Hospital, Vancouver WAintestinal bleedingnoNelson(NW 160???)Vancouver Funeral Chapel29 Jan 1982Park Hill CemeteryGeil Lilly Molmsten (Neb) - spouse; Daniel, Esther - children; D G Jamison (PA) and Ada Andrews (Eng) - parentsfarmer; retired Crown Zellerbach Co night Superintendent of waxing division for 25 yearsobit The Oregonian 27 Jan 1982 - buried at Park Hill Cemetery with markers, Vancouver WA; wrong- Porter and Gilman reports have him in NW 160; obit The Columbian 26 Jan 1982; He is buried in Park Hill Cemetery with wife and children
JohnsonCharles Nelson1860 Oct 10Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1923 Sep 28Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregonheart relatedyesBowlesNW 195Forest Grove Undertaking, Forest grove, Washington Co., Oregon1 Oct 1923Vancouver City CemeteryAnnie Jesse Bowles (OR) - spouse; Bertha Cordelia, Ann Minerva, Carrie Nelson, Nancy Isabel, Jessie Alleyn, Charles Nelson Jr. - children; Arthur Johnson (Eng) and Cordelia St. Clair (IN) - parents Mason, Scottish Rite, ShrinerMayor and city counselman of Forest Grove, Washington Co., ORJOHNSON family headstone; obit The Oregonian 30 Sep 1923
JohnsonAnnie JessieBowles1867 Sep 27Tillamook, Tillamook Co., Oregon1956 Nov 8at dau home, San Diego Co., CaliforniayesBowlesNW 195Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon13 Nov 1956Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Nelson Johnson (OR) - spouse; Bertha Cordelia, Ann Minerva, Carrie Nelson, Nancy Isabel, Jessie Alleyn, Charles Nelson Jr. - children; Jesse Bowles (MO) and Minerva Wilson (MO) - parents graduated from St. Mary's Academy, Washington Co., OR; obit The Oregonian 10 Nov 1956
JohnsonBertha "Bertie" CordeliaJohnson1886 Sep 8Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1967 May 29Selah, Yakima Co., Washingtonheart diseaseyesBowlesNW 195Keith and Keith, Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington2 Jun 1967Vancouver City CemeteryChester E Johnson (OR) - spouse; Huston B - child; Charles Nelson Johnson (MO) and Annie Jesse Bowles (MO) - parents
JohnsonChester E1881 Aug 16Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon1934 Feb 9at home, Beaverton, Washington Co., Oregonheart relatedyesBowlesNW 195Forest Grove Undertaking, Forest grove, Washington Co., Oregon12 Feb 1934Vancouver City CemeteryBertha Cordelia Johnson (OR) - spouse; Huston B - child; Huston B Johnson (OR) and Amy Frances Dempsey (OR) - parentselectricianobit The Oregonian 11 Feb 1934
JohnsonSophiaEvelyna (Evelina)Tolppi1877 Oct 4Overtornea, Orjasjavi, Norbotten, Sweden1956 Feb 11Coulumbia View Nursing Home, Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesNW 199Vancouver Funeral Chapel15 Feb 1956Vancouver City CemeteryBurt Johnson (MN) - spouse; Hannah Sofia Tolppi (Finland) - parent; born out of wedlock
JohnsonBurt1873 Jan 23Albert Lea, Freeborn Co., Minnesota1950 Feb 8St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesNW 199Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Feb 1950Vancouver City Cemetery? (1) and Sophia Eleyn Tolppi (Swe)(2) - spouses; Michael Johnson (Nor) and Olima Olson (Hendrickson)(Nor) - parentspoultry farmer, tavern ownermarried Evelyn in Spokane, WA 1915
Johnson Peter 1857 Mar 21Sweden1922 Oct 23St Josephs Hospital Vancouver WAlobar pneumonianoLevinNW 105-3 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Oct 1922Vancouver City CemeteryEmma Christina Levin (Swe)(1) and Anna Sophia Hampusdotter Fried (Swe)(2) - spouse; no children; parents both both in SwedenUnited Brethren Churchfarmer owned 9 acres in Manor, Clark Co., WA1882 immigrated, may be in Mountain View Cemetery, Amboy, Clark Co., WA???
Johnson Emma ChristinaLevin1859 Apr 4Flistad, Skaraborg, Sweden1908 Apr 19at home at 2014 E B St., Vancouver WAbreast cancer, 49 yr, 0 mo, 15 day;yesLevinNW 105-5 line 6Knapp Funeral ParlorApr 1908Vancouver City CemeteryPeter Johnson (Swe) - spouse; no children; Johannes Larsson Levin (Swe) and Maja Stina Pettersdotter (Swe)- parentshousewifesibling: Charlotta Herschman on same headstone; brother Frank Levin buried in NW 122
JohnsonAnnie SophieFried 1854 June 20Skede, Jonkoping, Sweden1949 Oct 15Clark County Hospital, Vancouver WAheart problemsyesLevinNW 122Vancouver Funeral Chapel18 Oct 1949Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Upman (Swe)(1) and Peter Johnson (Swe)(2) - spouses; no children; Hampus Fried (Swe) and Anna Magnusdotter (SWE) - parentsimmigrated in 1885; married Upman between 1901-1905; Charles had Joseph (b. 1984 IL) by first wife, was step son of Anna Sophia; Charles died in 1905 in Chicago IL; death cert birth date May 17 is wrong, June 20 is from Swedish birth record; married Johnson Sep 1908, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 17 Oct 1949-resident of Vancouver many years;
Keller Willard Dickerson1889 Jul 20Marion Co., Kansas1968 Sep 1Clark Co., WAheart failureyesNW 217-28 line 8Evergreen Funeral Home4 Sep 1968Vancouver City CemeteryIsabelle Burnett (MO) - spouse; no children; Louis Keller (PA) and Mary Lavinia Dickerson (OH) - parentscivil engineerMarried Isabel in 1917, Note: his name is on a family plot headstone in Marion Co., Kansas
KellerBurney (female)IsabelleBurnette1888 Sep 8Jamestown, Morgan Co., Missouri1978 Oct 6Vancouver WAheart failureyesNW 217-28 line 8Evergreen Staples Funeral Home10 Oct 1978Vancouver City CemeteryWillard Dickerson Keller (KS) - spouse; no children; Roland Burnette (MO) and Sarah Carroll (MO) - parentsFirst Presbyterian Church Womens' Clubretired nurseObit The Columbian 8 Oct 1978
KentStephen1834 DecEngland1901 Dec 12St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver, WAyesStephen KentNW 16 line 1613 Dec 1901Vancouver City Cemeterymarried, widowed by 1880; parents from Englandsheep shearer/farmerobit The Columbian 19 Dec 1901 - lived in Battle Ground area
KidwellRobertF1857 NovMontgomery Co., Maryland1876 Jun 21Vancouver WAyesJ M FletcherNW 62-5 Line 15June 1876Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Joseph M Kidwell (Eng) and Sara A Fawcett (Eng) - parents father died before 1870, mother remarried to Joseph M Fletcher, sibling - Clara
KinneyJohn J 1836 Jul 22Mt Vernon, Knox Co., Ohio1908 Oct 1Clark Co., WAheart disease; 72 yearsyesKinneyNW 106 line 5Vancouver Undertaking Co.3 Oct 1908Vancouver City CemeterySarah S Cooper (PA) - spouse; Freeman Wallis, William J, Charles F, Arthur Roger - children; Jasper Kinney (Ger) and Emily ? (Ger) - parentsfarmerState of Washington Death Certificate; son Charles William in SW 25
KinneySarah S Cooper1836 Jul 7Pennsylvania1916 Sep 5at home at 2914 K St., Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesKinneyNW 106-4 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor6 Sep 1916Vancouver City CemeteryJohn J Kinney (OH) - spouse; Freeman Wallis, William J, Charles F, Arthur Roger - children; William Cooper (PA) and Lucy S Thomas (PA) - parentsEpiscopalianhousewifesames plot as son Charles F; son Charles William in SW 25
KinneyWilliam J 1868 May 31Metz, Stuben Co., Indiana1933 Jun 16St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAchrontic intestinal nephritis; heart related - illl for 7 monthsyesKinneyNW 106-2 line 5C H Kirch & Son18 Jun 1933Vancouver City CemeteryBelle Boyle (MI) - spouse; Eleanor K - child; John J Kinney (OH) and Sarah S Cooper (PA) - parentslife insurance agent with NW Mutual Insurance Co.married Jackson Co., MI; obit The Columbian 17 Jun 1933 - well thought of individual; chairman of school board, president of Chamber of Commerce and Vancouver Port Commission; College education and Faculty at Angola Unversity, Indiana
KinneyBelle Boyle1870 Dec 17Quincy, Branch Co., Michigan1953 Oct 24Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failure and acute bronchitisyesKinneyNW 106-1 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor29 Oct 1953Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam J Kinney (IN) - spouse; Eleanor K - child; John Boyles (Ire) and Elizabeth Coon (MI) - parentsmarried Jackson Co., MI; lived in Vancouver 34 years, moved to Portland 1944; obit The Oregonian 29 Oct 1953
Kinney Charles F 1872 May 17Stuben Co., Indiana1928 Jun 26Mountain View Sanitarium, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonnervous breakdown and alcoholismyesKinneyNW 106-3 line 5Hamilton Funeral Home28 Jun 1928Vancouver City CemeteryAnna Baggis - spouse; Margaret, Helen - children??; John Kinney (OH) and Sarah Cooper (PA) - parentspaper mill employee in Camas WA1900 - single living with parents; married Anna in 1903 Indiana; Anna was previously married to White;1920 - divorced
KirbyStephen Judson1847 May 10North Westport, Bristol Co., Massachusetts1922 Jan 10Barberton, Clark Co., Washingtonarteriosclerosisnono nameNW 126Limber Funeral Home12 Jan 1922Vancouver City CemeteryMarguerite J Jackson (Can) - spouse; Anna A - child; Davis R Kirby (RI) and Augusta G Tripp (MA) - parentsMasonfarmer, retired accountant
KirchingViola Ann 1912 MayVancouver WAnoKnapp Funeral HomeNW 158 14 May 1912Vancouver City Cemetery
KlopfensteinJohnE1871 Dec 23Canton, Stark Co., Ohio1922 Sep 25Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonappendicitisyesCharles A CrissNW 26-4 line 10Miller Tracey, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon27 Sep 1922Vancouver City CemeteryAnna Johnson (Eng) - spouse; Mary E, Hazel M, Claire L - children; Joseph Klopfenstein (France) and Catherine Muller (France) - parents1900-laborer at paper mill, 1920-truck driver for transfer co. in Portland ORMarried 1899, sibling: Martha C Criss
KlopensteinAnnaJohnson1879 Mar 17England1934 Dec 15Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncarcinomaashesyesCharles A CrissNW 26-5 line 10Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon17 Dec 1934Vancouver City CemeteryJohn E Klopfenstein (OH) - spouse; Mary E, Hazel M, Claire L - children; Thomas Johnson (Eng) and Mary Chadwick (Eng) - parents 1930 - telephone co, Portland ORmarried 1899; 1930 living Claire, Portland OR
KnappRush Grimes1882 Dec 11Garden Grove, Decatur Co., Iowa1929 Feb 12at home 2000 Washington St., Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesNW 212Knapp Funeral Parlor14 Feb 1929Vancouver City CemeteryLola Montez Smith (WA) - spouse; Harriet H - child; Thomas Jefferson Knapp (NY) and Sylvia Fellows Mudgett (IN) - parentsEpiscopalianinsurance agent for Metropolitan Life; associated with Knapp Funeral HomeWilliam J Knapp - brother - local businessman
KnappLolaMontezSmith1876 Feb 29Vancouver WA1959 Feb 10Lake Oswego, Clackamas Co., Oregonheart relatedyesNW 212Knapp Funeral Parlor12 Feb 1959Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam J Hill (CA)(1) and Rush G Knapp (IA)(2) - spouses; Alfred - by Hill, Harriet H by Knapp - children; James Otis Smith (ME) and Hannah A Jackson (CAN) - parentsSt. Lukes Church, Daughter Of the American Revolutionobit in The Columbian Feb 11, 1959; The Oregonina 12 Feb 1959
KnappJabezBurrell1821 Aug 2Geneva, Ashtabula Co, Ohio1900 Apr 17Lake River, Clark Co., WashingtoncanceryesJ B KnappNW 50-219 Apr 1900Vancouver City CemeteryLucy Ann Wells (MS)(1) and Caroline HT ? (NY)(2) - spouses; Martha Ellen, Lucy Jane - by Lucy; Jabez Burrell, Jr - child by Caroline; ? Knapp and ? ? - parentsMasonQuartermaster Dept during Indian Wars 1855-1856dairy farmerLucy died in The Dalles after crossing Oregon Trail along with dau Martha Ellen; 1854 settled in Pacific Co., WA then moved to Clark Co; took Donation Land Claim
KnappCaroline H T 1833New York1893 Mar 14Clark Co., WAyesJ B KnappNW 50-2Mar 1893Vancouver City CemeteryDavid Wand (Ger)(1) and Jabez Burrell Knapp (OH)(2) - spouses; Minnie - child by Wand, Jabez B Jr. - by Knapp
KoppeChristina A Echtle1889 Jun 16St Louis, Missouri1956 Jul 1Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesW KoppeNW 69-3 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Jul 1956Vancouver City CemeteryWalter Koppe (WI) - spouse; Beverly Joan - child; Louis Echtle (Ger) and Mary Schultz (Ger) - parents
KoppeWalterHenry1890 Jul 29Phillips Co., Wisconsin1962 Feb 7Vancouver WAcoronary thrombosisyesW KoppeNW 69-3 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor12 Feb 1962Vancouver City CemeteryChristina A Echtle (WI) - spouse; Beverly Joan - child; Frederick August Koppe (Ger) and Anna Dorothea Classen (Ger) - parentsdriver for creamery; salesman in petroleum industryobit The Oregonian 10 Feb 1962; parents in NE 137; dau Beverly (Koppe) in NW
Koppe ReneElaineFoster1953 Apr 11Seattle, King Co., WA2002 Mar 16Vancouver WAcanceryesGortnerNW 165Vancouver Funeral Chapel21 Mar 2002Vancouver City Cemetery? Ruthford (1), ? Helgerson (2), and Clifford Frederick Koppe (OR)(3) - spouse; Angie - child by Rutherford , Ryan, Tyler - children by Helgerson; John Foster and Betty ? - parentsaccountantobit The Columbian 19 Mar 2002, was barrel racer
Koppe Clifford Walter1902 Jan 14Phillips, Price Co., Wisconsin1959 Dec 11Providence Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonashesyesno nameNW 182Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Dec 1959Vancouver City CemeteryWaldena Goley (OK) - spouse; Clifford Frederick, Gretchen - children; Frederick August Koppe (Ger) and Anna Dorothea Classen (Ger) - parentsmason1940-auto wrecker, Vancouver WA; 1942 - Oregon Shipbuilding, Portlnd ORmarried 1926, Bellingham, Whatcom Co., WA; obit The Oregonian 15 Dec 1959; parents in NE 137
Koppe Waldena Goley/Golie1905 Aug 3Perry, Noble Co., Oklahoma1989 Mar 29at home, Vancouver WAcanceryesno nameNW 182Vancouver Funeral Chapel31 Mar 1989Vancouver City CemeteryClifford W Koppe (WI) - spouse; Clifford Frederick, Gretchen - children; Alfred M Goley (NC) and Nettie Raushbarger/Ranabarger (MO) - parentsteachermarried, 1926, Bellingham, Whatcom Co., WA; obit The Oregonian 31 Mar 1989
Koppe Clifford Frederick1939 Apr 6Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon2018 Jan 11at home 20417 NE Dole Valley Rd., Yacolt, Clark Co., WashingtonashesyesGortnerNW 166-2Evergreen Memorial GardensVancouver City CemeteryTrici Posey (1), Pamelina Weems (2), Shirley Madison (3)and Rene Elaine Foster (WA)(4) - spouse; Audrey, Clifford Walter - children by Pamelina; Clifford Walter Koppe (WI) and Waldena Goley (OK) - parentsauto wrecking businessgraduated Vancouver High School, attended University of Washington; obit The Columbian 21 Jan 2018; adopted Lori Weems; married Pamelina 1967, div 1978; married shirley 1982 (son Jace Madison(?) from previous marriage) div 1990; married Dec 1990 Rene, also into horses; obit The Longview Daily News , 22 Jan 2018
KramerGeorge Frank1852 Aug 24Germany1913 Jan 30700 E 18th St., Vancouver WAaneurism of the aorta; 60y, 4mo, 6 d; yesKramerNW 109 line 2Limber Funeral Home1 Feb 1913Vancouver City CemeteryIda Marie Foster (Ger) - spouse; Lena, Adolph, Frederick, Olga, Charlotte, George F - children; Jacob Kramer (Ger) and ? ? (Ger) - parents1900- farmer, Texas; 1910- wholesale merchant, chemical , Vancouver WAdau Olga in same plot
KramerIda MarieFoster/Foerster1862 Mar 11Germany1952 Aug 21 at the Faith Foundation Home in Vancouver WAsenile; 90 yrs, 5 moyesKramerNW 109-4 line 2Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Aug 1952Vancouver City CemeteryFrederdich J Leuschner (Ger)(1) and George Frank Kramer (Ger)(2) - spouse; Carl J, Kurt J - by Leuschner, Lena, Adolph, Frederick, Olga, Charlotte, George F - children by Kramer; both parents born in Germany1900 census- 9 children/7 living in 1900; 1910-10 children/ 8 living; German spell - FOERSTER; dau olga and family in same plot
KressIdaAliceKress1878 Nov 4Washington ?1880 Feb 19Clark Co., WA?1 year, 3 months, 10 daysnoA M BlakerNW 29 line 13Feb 1880Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Kress (PA) and Lydia Frances Homet (PA) - parentscousin - Lulu, father is brother of John Kress also stationed in military and stationed Vanocuver; John Kress was major in US Army stationed at Ft Vancouver WA, then Brig General buried in Arlington Cemetery, Virginia; mother 1887 buried in St Louis, MO
KressLuluB Kress1865Valpariso, Porter Co., Indianaafter 1880?noA M BlakerNW 29 line 13Vancouver City CemeteryHorace Norton Kress (PA) and Julia Gogan (Ire) - parentscousin of Ida; father is brother of John Kress; father in military stationed at Vancouver Barracks, Vancouver WA
KirchheiserGuyScott1891 Feb 24Idaho1912 Feb 26at home at 506 W 11th St., Vancouver WAtuberculosisnoP A KricheinerNW 132-1Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Feb 1912Vancouver City Cemeterysingle?; G D Glenn (Neb?) and Florence Howell (OR);Lutheranlaborermother married Glenn in 1888, Idaho; took Peter Kirchheiser (Denmark) name from Stepfather; charged to P A Kirchheiser ; 1900-in Antelope OR; 1910 - mother and Peter Kirchheiser in Vancouver WA; uncle Thomas G Kirchner
KulperElizabethNancy1907 Apr 25Vancouver WA1909 Sep 4Vancouver WAdysentery, 2y 4m, 9dnoHein KulperNW 25Hamilton Funeral Home7 Sep 1909Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph H Kulper (WA) and Jane Stewart (Scotland) - parents
La RockPeter Siemon1836 Jan 16French Canada1924 Jan 23Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co., WashingtonarteriosclerosisnoP S La RockNW 52-2Hamilton Funeral Home26 Jan 1924Vancouver City CemeteryClarissa "Clara" Whitney (NY) - spouse; Daniel Whitney - child; Felix La Rock (Can) and Amelia/Esther? (Can) - parentsCivil War veteran, US Army, Co. B, 29th Wisconsin Infantry1870-RR machinist, WI; 1910 - retired, Vancouver , machinist, lived in Camas WA; 1920 living in Malibu, CA1914- widowed; 1914- admitted to Sawtelle Military Home; 1920-at National Military Home, Malibu CA orginal name spelled LE ROCQUE
La RockCaroline "Carrie" MinervaSmith1860 Oct Farmington, Dakota Co., Minnesota1933 Mar 30Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Co., CalifornianoP S La RockNW 52-11933Forest Lawn, Glendale, Los Angeles Co., California? McReynolds (1) and Daniel Whitney La Rock (2) (b.1861,WI) - spouses; Bessie - child by McRanolds, Edna Beatrice, Claire Minnesota - children by La Rock; Thomas Smith (Eng) and Catherine Adams (NY) - parents1910-dressmaker, Vancouver WA; 1920-in Santa Barbara living with brother Charles Stoddard (b 1848, IL)22 Aug 1888 married LaRock, St Croix, W, probably died 1902 in Saginaw MI in a fight; 1900-family in Clark Co. living with father-in-law, Peter La Rock, Daniel is dead., 1900 census 3 children/3 living; Peter S La Rock - father-in-law; probably at Forest Lawn Cemetery, no marker, Glendale, Los Angeles Co., CA
Langdon Alice MarieGetty1913 Aug 10Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota1980 Jun 7Sequim, Clallum Co., Washingtonheart failureyesNW 217-7Evergreen Staples Funeral Home10 Jun 1980Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert Wellington Langdon (ID) - spouse (buried in Park Hill Cem.); no children; Herbert C Getty (MI) and Gena Bech Iverson (Nor) - parents1940 - Vancouver City librarian, Vancouver WAGraduated from University of Washington in library sciences; 1925-1966 in Vancouver; 1966 moved to Sequim, WA; Siblings: Nellie M, Bert L; married Langdon 19 July 1974, Clark Co., WA. Langdon is buried at Park Hill Cemetery; she is buried in Getty plot with parents and sister as Alice Marie GETTY; obit The Columbian 8 Jun 1980
LangsdorfJesseGuthrie1911 Feb 28Salmon, Lemhi Co., Idaho1994 Mar 14Vancouver WAage- relatedyesNW 217Vancouver Funeral Chapel17 Mar 1994Vancouver City CemeteryDorothy Sylvia Jackson (OR) - spouse; Michael G, Jay K, Linda - children; Jesse Gaynor Langsdorf (UT) and Margaret Huggins (IL) - parentsmason; board of director WA State Hospital, Deaf School. Chairman Clark Co Republican Committeee, ElksWorld War II veteran - Lt Col., US Army Air Corps, China, Burma, India; Bronze Star recipient1940 - lawyer, Vancouver WA; 1955-1976 Superior Court Judge, Clark Co., Vancouver WA; WA State Supreme Court Justice Pro Tem (1965-1966)Married Dorothy 18 June 1938, Vancouver WALANGSDORF family headstone; Obit The Oregonian 16 Mar 1994; obit The Columbian 16 Mar 1994
LangsdorfDorothy SylviaJackson1912 Apr 11Silverton, Marion Co., Oregon2001 Mar 28Vancouver WAyesNW 217Vancouver Funeral Chapel31 Mar 2001Vancouver City CemeteryJesse Guthrie Langsdorf (ID) - spouse; Michael G, Jay K, Linda - children; Orrin Linn Jackson (OR) and Bertha C Kaser (OR) - parentsGraduated from University of Portland in Library Scences, Portland OR, founding Presiden of the Ft. Vancouver Library Foundation; "teacher, visionary, catalyst", 1940 - teacher, Vancouver WA; siblings: Ruth B, Naomi E, Ethel H, Audry T; married Langsdorf 18 June 1938, Vancouver WA; obit The Oregonian 30 Mar 2001
LawsRaymond Arthur1900 May 6Vancouver WA1997 Feb 24Vancouver WAyesNW 45-1Evergreen Staples Funeral Home1 Mar 1997Vancouver City CemeteryFlorence Mary Evans (Neb)(1) and Thelma L Olson (IA)(2) - spouses; Lucille, Florence Mary, Marjorie Jean, Robert K, Richard E - children all by Florence; Clement D Laws (IL) and Rosa D Wieland (Ger) - parentscofounder and president of Clark Co. Dentail Society, Kiwanis Club president1930-1940 - dentist, Vancouver WA- 45 years; graduated from North Pacific Dental College (now OSHU), Portland, ORmarried Florence 26 June 1923, Vancouver WA, married Thelma 25 September 1976, Vancouver WA-died in 1987, buried Evergreen Memorial Gardens, Vancouver WSA; sibling Frederick S; obit The Oregonian 28 Feb 1997
LawsFlorenceMaryEvans1898 Aug 12Grafton, Fillmore Co., Nebraska1976 Jan 20Laguna Hills, Orange Co., Californiaheart failureyesLawsNW 45-3Evergreen Funeral Home23 Jan 1976Vancouver City CemeteryRaymond A Laws (WA) - spouse; Lucille, Florence Mary , Marjorie Jean, Robert K, Richard E - children; George A Evans (Wales) and Lydia Heyser (WI) - parentsPresbyterian Church, Dental Auxilliary, American Association of University Women, Clark Co.Women's Club of Vancouver, Laguna Hills Athenaeum Club, Laguna Hills, CAteacher; dental assistant in officegraduated from Washington State College; obit The Oregonian 22 Jan 1976; The Columbian 21 Jan 1976
LawsFrederickS1894 Sep 8Vancouver WA1974 May 30Vancouver WAcanceryesLawsNW 45-5Evergreen Funeral Home3 Jun 1974Vancouver City CemeteryElizabeth E Williamson (TX) - spouse; Eulalie E, Eileen F, Freddyann, Elonia - children; Clement D Laws (Wales) and Rosa D Wieland (Ger) - parents1920 - technical man, Montgomery Wards Co., Clark Co., WA, 1930 - electrical engineer, construction, Vancouver; 1940 - civil engineer in aluminum industrymarried Elizabeth about 1919, Clark Co., WA; sibling: Raymond Arthur
LawsElizabeth CorrieWilliamson1896 Feb 14Panola Co., Texas1980 Sep 13Vancouver WAheart failureashesyesLawsNW 45-6Evergreen Staples Funeral Home18 Jun 1980Vancouver City CemeteryFrederick S Laws (WA) - spouse; Eulalie E, Eileen F, Freddyann, Elonia - children; George Williamson (TX) and Laura Lister (TX) - parentsmarried Frederick about 1919, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 16 Sep 1980
LayJohnMontgomery1864 Apr 2Geneva, Ontario Co., New York1912 Aug 12at home at 1109 East "B" St., Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesNW 123-1 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor14 Aug 1912Vancouver City CemeteryMarian Grace White (NJ) - spouse; Marian D - child; Jonathan Lay (Eng) and Sarah Madden (OH) - parentsEpiscopalian 1900 - grain industry, New York ; 1905 - real estate, New Jersey; 1910 - real estate, Vancouver WAgraduated from Hobart College, and Law Dept, University Of Wisconsin; married Marian 1894, New Jersey; obit The Oregonian 15 Aug 1912
LayMarianGraceWhite1871 May 7Hoboken, Hudson Co., New Jersey1945 Jun 7Los Angeles Co., CaliforniayesLayNW 123Hamilton Funeral HomeJun 1945Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Montgomery Lay (NY) - spouse; Marian D - child; John White (NJ) and Mary J Coddling (Eng) - parentsmarried John 1894, New Jersey; husband John died 1912
LeamanElla PProebstel1870 Nov 29Clark Co., WA1936 Nov 17Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumoniayesRowlandNW 148-4A J Rose & Sons, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon19 Nov 1936Vancouver City CemeteryJohn W Rowland (OR)(1) and George Cyril Leaman (New Zealand )(2) - spouse; David M child by Rowland; Jacob Proebstel, Jr. (MO) and Louisa Jane Nye (WA) - parentsPioneer Records show name as Harriet Ella; obit The Oregonian 18 Nov 1936; buried with first husband Rowland and parents and sister Estalla
LeeHannahC1879 Oct 31Minnehaha Co., South Dakota1960 Jul 8Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesConantNW 187Evergreen Funeral Home13 Jul 1960Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John T Lee (Nor) and Christina Nelson (Swe) - parentsbookkeeper
LeverHorace Vinton1890 Feb 22Napa, Napa Co., California1983 Jan 30El Granada, San Mateo Co., CaliforniaashesnoSparrowNW 188-428 Feb 1983Vancouver City Cemeteryappears single; Richard Lever (Switzerland) and Emma J Pender (Can) - parents1917-1942 - a hat making/block shop, San Francisco
LevinFrank Emil1856 Dec 14Filstad, Skaraborg, Sweden1909 Aug 7at home at 605 Main St., Vancouver WAheart failureyesLevinNW 122-1 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor9 Aug 1909Vancouver City CemeteryIda Charlotta Frid (Swe) - spouse; Earl O, Olive A, William, Bernhard - children; Johannes Larsson (Levin) (Swe)and Maja (Mary) Stina Pettersdotter (Swe) - parentsPresbyterianfarmerimmigrated in 1880 to Chicago IL; 1 Jun 1882- married Frank Levin, Chicago IL; sister Emma Johnson buried in NW 105
LevinIda CharlottaFrid1859 Aug 30Skede, Jonkoping, Sweden1951 Nov 6Clark County Hospital, Vancouver WAdiabetes, gangrene of the footyesLevinNW 122Vancouver Funeral Chapel8 Nov 1951Vancouver City CemeteryFrank Emil Levin (Swe) - spouse; Earl O, Olive A, William, Bernhard - children; Leonard Frid (Swe) and Anna Catherina Magnusdotter (Swe) - parents 1 Jun 1882- married Ida Frid, Chicago IL
LevinEarlO1899 Mar 30Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois1954 Dec 3Vancouver WAheart failureyesLevinNW 122Hamilton Funeral Home7 Dec 1954Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Frank Emil Levin (Swe) and Ida Charlotta Frid (Swe) - parent1930-1940 - steam railroad painter, SP&R Railroad1930-1940 - living with widowed mother, Vancouver WA
LieserMildred Blaker 1899 Feb 22Hopewell, Clark Co., Washington1984 Nov 29Vancouver WAheart failureashesyesA M BlakerNW 18 ashesHamilton Mylan Funeral Home7 Dec 1984Vancouver City CemeteryRichard K Engle (IA) (1) and Clyde Lieser (WA)(2) - spouses; Patricia G - child by Engle; Albert M Blaker (WI) and Estella Varble (MN) - parentsdivorced Engle; siblings-Claire B Hahn, John L Blaker; parents are buried in NW 29, sis Claire Hahn in Same plot
LilieAdolphA1854 Oct 12Seligenstadt, Thuringen, Germany1921 Oct 1Vancouver WAcancer of the throatyesLilieNW 161Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Oct 1921Vancouver City CemeteryJohanna Oppenheimer (Ger)- spouse; William, Albert, Emelia - children; Herz Lilien (Ger) and Gerda Baer (Ger)- parents1900 - butcher, Colorado; 1909 - sausage maker, Vancouver WA; 1920 - owner of a wood yard, Vancouver WAimmigrated June 1881; 1 Jun 1882- married Frank Levin, Chicago IL; 1909 -moved to Vancouver WA fromColorado Springs CO
LilieJohannaOppenheimer1853 Jan 28Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany1930 Feb 4St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcardial renal diseaseyesLilieNW 161Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Feb 1930Vancouver City CemeteryAdolph Lilie - spouse; William, Albert, Emelia - children; ? Oppenheimer (Ger)and ? ? (Ger) - parentshousewifeimmigrated in 1880; 1 June 1882,Chicago IL
LilieWilliamEmil1882 Jul 13Leadville, Lake Co., Colorado1955 Mar 26Vancouver WApancreatitisyesLilieNW 161Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Mar 1955Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Adolph Lilie (Ger) and Johanna Oppenheimer (Ger)- parentsmasonship yards; worked as an Engineer for the Masonic Temple-custudian
LonctotLeon John1908 Dec 4Clark Co., WA1912 Jul 4Yacolt, Clark Co., Washingtonbronchial pneumonia noColeNW 131 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Jul 1912Vancouver City CemeteryHoward Lonctot (PA) and Elsie Kerr (PA) - parentssibling - Howard Mevin, Wilbert, Bernard
LoraasGerhardChristian1873 May 29Trondheim, Norway1944 Dec 17Vancouver WAmyocarditisyesNW 201 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor20 Dec 1944Vancouver City CemeteryJohanna Regina Johnson (Nor) - spouse; Olaf Nicholas, Reidum, Gyda, Marie Ingeborg, Harold, Lilly Eldora, Florence E, Arnold - children; Olaus Olsen Loraas (Nor) and Ingeborg Monset (Nor) - parents 1910-1917 - farmer in North Dakota1930 - laborer at electric power co, Clark Co WAmarried in 1891; immigrated in 1902
LoraasJohanna ReginaJohnson1871 Apr 2Norway1941 Aug 17Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhage and cardiac failureyesNW 201-4 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor20 Aug 1941Vancouver City CemeteryGerhard Cristian Loraas (Nor) - spouse; Olaf Nicholas, Reidum, Gyda, Marie Ingeborg, Harold, Lilly, Florence E, Arnold - children; Niels Johnson and ? ? - parentsLutheranhousewifemarried in 1891; immigrated in 1902; father in same plot
LoraasOlafNicholas1891 Oct 14Trondheim, Norway1947 Feb 18Kalama, Cowlitz Co., Washingtonheart failureyesNW 201-3 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Feb 1947Vancouver City CemeterySusan M Plummer (MN) - spouse; Gerhard Loraas (Nor) and Johnanna R Johnson (Nor) - parentsWorld War I, US Army, PFC, 164th Infantry, 41 Division, North Dakota,electrician; 1931 -foreman for NW Electric Co., Vancouvertimmigrated in 1902; married Susan 20 Aug 1920, Montana
LoraasSusan MinettaPlummer1886 Apr 13Ortonville, Big Stone Co., Minnesota1985 Apr 8Multnomah Co., OregonashesnoNW 201-3 line 3Mt Scott Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon11 Apr 1985Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam F Dauber (WI)(1), Fraser Gillis (Can)(2) and Olaf Nicholas Loraas (Nor)(3) - spouses; James William - child by Dauber, Mary Abigal. John Rowland - children by Gillis Roy/? James W Plummer and Mary A Benedict parentsmarried Dauber before 1903-divorced by 1910 living with father in ND; married Gillis before 1916, divorced Gillis in 1920, Cass ND; married Loraas 20 Aug 1920, Montana; obit The Oregonian 10 Apr 1985
LowCharles August1864 Feb 26Armstrong, Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania1913 May 29Meadow Glade Sanitarium, Meadow Glade, Clark Co., WAheart and kidney complications from dropsynono nameNW 142Knapp Funeral Parlor1 June 1913Vancouver City CemeteryLeeta Rebecca Enos (PA) - wife; Charles R - child; John Norton Low (PA) and Victoria Stopper (Ger) - parentsrailroad conductor, 1910 - switchman, Vancouver WAmarried Lettie 16 Aug 1896, Missouri; Leeta died in Tacoma WA in 1950, buried in New Tacoma Cemetery,Tacoma WA
LowellElicyFrancesMitcheltree1823 Nov 15Pennsylvania1910 May 10Vancouver WAnephritisnoABS LowellNW 04-2 Line 13Kirch Funderal Home12 May 1910Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph R Walker (IL)(1) and Abram Jay Lowell, Sr. (NY)(2) - spouses; Frank James, George - children by Walker, Abram Jay, Jr., Katie - Children by Lowell; Willota (adopted); Jason Mitcheltree (Scot) and ? ? - parenthousewife1910 - living with son Frank, and adopted dau Willotta, Vancouver WA; son George Walker buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA, son Frank buried in NE 211
Lowell, Jr.Abram B Jay1864 Aug 6Iowa1908 Nov 25Amboy, Clark Co., Washingtonbullet wound noABS LowellNW 04-3 Line 13Hamilton Funeral Home28 Nov 1908Vancouver City CemeteryBertha L Chapman (MI)(1) and Mary Carver (MT)(2) - spouses; Abram J Lowell and Elison "Elicy" Frances Mitcheltree - parentsmarried Bertha 7 Apr 1894, Olympia WA; married Carver 1900 in Clark Co., WA; bullet wound possibly shot out of jealousy by Fred Swiegle
LoweryCharles James 1901 Apr 2Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania1990 Apr 27Ridgefield , Clark Co., WashingtonAlzheimer's Diseaseashesyesno nameNW 152Evergreen Staples Funeral Home1990Vancouver City CemeteryBertha Meredith (PA)(1) and Eunice F Benedict (WV)(2) - spouse; Norma Jean, Leona Mae - children by Bertha; Charles Lowery (Eng) and Polly Hambury (Eng) - parentsWorld War II veteran - US Navy, 27 May 1942-29 Aug 1944by 1940, divorced Bertha and she is remarried; obit The Columbian 29 Apr 1990
LoweryEuniceF Benedict1911 Jan 16Elkins, Randolph Co., West Virginia1997 Mar 13Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washingtoncancerashesyesno nameNW 152Davies Cremation and Burial Services, Vancouver WAVancouver City CemeteryCharles J Lowry (PA) - spouse; no children; Herbert Benedict (PA) and Zaretta C Carroll (WV) - parentsWorld War II veteran - US Army, 111th Infantry, 28th Div., privateowned and operation at grocery and eat market on Bonneville, Skamania Co., WA; realtorobit The Columbin 16 Mar 1997
MacFarlaneHenryWilliam1872 Apr 20Osceola Co., Michigan1930 Sep 1at farm and home, Oregon City Clackamas Co., Oregonheart failureyesNW 200Knapp Funeral Parlor4 Sep 1930Vancouver City CemeteryCharlotte "Lottie" Ann Woolf (IA) - spouse; Ernest T, Harry J - children; David Mac Farlane (NY) and Julia Courter (Purdy?) (MI) - parentslogger, Worked for SP&S Railroadmarried in 1893-94, Clark Co., WA; parents David and Julia buried in NE 01
MacFarlaneCharlotte "Lottie"AnnWoolf1874 AugSioux Co., Iowa1969 Apr 1Gladstone, Clackamas Co., OregonyesNW 200Holman-Hankins-Rilance, Oregon City, Clackamas Co., OregonApr 1969Vancouver City CemeteryHenry William McFarlane (MI) - spouse; Ernest T, Harry J - children; Peter Garnet Woolf (OH) and Margaret Harsh (VA) - parents salesladymarried in Aug 1893, Clark Co., WA
MacFarlaneEsther Courter1850 Jun 6Lapeer, Lapeer Co., Michigan1944 Jan 20Alameda Co., Californiaheart failureyesMacFarlaneNW 70-2 line 10Vancouver Funeral Chapel20 Jan 1944Vancouver City CemeteryPeter Clark MacFarlane (Quebec, Can) - spouse; Charles Edward, Frederic, Joseph S, Clara H - children; William Courter (NJ) and Philinda Purdy (Ontario, Can) - parents1900 - living in Vancouver with children, Charles married Annie about 1891, (kids -Edwin and Margery); 1907 -1912 - living with children Charles, Fred and Clara, Portland OR; Charles is manager of Columbia Tie and Lumber Co.; 1912-1924 - living in Seattle, 1924 living with son Fred and wife Angeline, Fred is Manager of Andron Logging Co., Seattle;dau lara was an osteopath doctor; grandson in same plot
MacFarlanePeter Clark1848 Aug 27Beauharnois, Quebec, Canada1898 Mar 12Corbett, Multnomah Co., OregonyesNW 70-2 line 10Mar 1898Vancouver City CemeteryEsther Courter (MI) - spouse; Charles Edward, Frederic, Joseph S, Clara H - children; Andrew McFarlane (Scotland) and Mary J Bryden (Scotland) - parents1870 - farmer, MI; 1880 - lumberman MI; 1891 -Vice Pres and Manager of McFarlane & Wells, Michigan Lumber Co., Vancouver WAgrandson of Peter Esther MacFarlane, in same plot
MacFarlanePerryC 1907 Apr 12Washington1909 Feb 5Cowlitz Co., WashingtonyesNW 70-3 line 10Feb 1909Vancouver City CemeteryFrederic "Fred" MacFarlane (MI) and Angeline La Belle (WA) - parentsparents were living in Cowlitz Co., WA; grandson of Peter and Esther MacFarlane in same plot
MachadoAdaline "Addie"Coulter1859 May 15Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio1936 Sep 16Vancouver WAcerebral HemorrhageyesCoulterNW 87 Knapp Funeral Parlor18 Sep 1936Vancouver City CemeteryAntone Machado (Azores Is.) - spouse; no children; George Washington Coutler (WV) and Charity Green (OH) - parents; Adaline was adopted by CoultersAntone Machodo died April 1936 and buried in SW 135; parents George and Charity in same plot; on Coulter family headstone is listed as Addie Coulterwas noted to be in Potter's Field, but has headstone in NW 87
MacLeodJohn Sinclair1844 Jul 1Ontario, Canada1914 Jan 29St Vincent Hospital Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncirrohosis of the liveryesNW 35Limber Funeral Chapel30 Jan 1914Vancouver City CemeteryIsabelle Parks (Ont, Can) - spouse; Esther, Mary Ann, William, Agnes, Jean A - children; James MacLeod (Scot) and Agnes Dawood (Scot) - parentsrailroad engineer; 1910 - stationary engineer, Vancouver WA, 1911 - bridge tender for SP&S RRmarried Esabelle about 1871, immigrated in 1901 with family; 1910 living in Vancouver
MacLeodIsabella Parks1853 Aug 22Ontario, Canada1937 Oct 13Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncardiac failureyesNW 35Holman and Son, Portland, Multonomah Co., Oregon16 Oct 1937Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Sinclair MacLeod (Ont, Can)- spouse; Esther, Mary Ann, William, Agnes, Jean A - children; William Parks (Scotland) and ? (Can) - parents1901 - immigrated with family; 1929 - living in Portland OR; 1910 census 5 children/5 living; obit The Oregonian 15 Oct 1937
MannersonHenry?NW 217 There is no MANNERSON- it was Mongerson and he is buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
MarkleyPaulJefferson1909 Jan 7Richwood, Nicholas Co., West Virginia1957 Jul 13Vancouver Memorial Hospital, Vancouver WAcardiac failureyesSmithNW 189Vancouver Funeral Chapel17 Jul 1957Vancouver City CemeteryGeraldine Miller (OR)(1) and Gertrude Louise Hodgkinson (CA)(2) - spouses; does not appear to had children; George F Markley and Arminta May Cougar - parens , both of West VirginiaUS Navy1928-1931 - in San Quentin State Prison for grand theft; 1930 - laborer, prison road camp, Plumas CA; 1940 - crane man, lumber mill, Grays Harbor WA; Clark Co. Deputy at time of death1910-1920 parents moved to Grays Harbor WA, married Gertrude 2 Aug 1943, Clark Co., WA; siblings: Hugh, Georgia, step brother - Charkes Markley; obit The Oregonian 15 July 1957-died during an arrest had a heart attack
MarshallFrankNewcome 1856 Jun 9Waterbury, Washington Co., Vermont1923 Apr 8at home at 415 W 13th St., Vancouver WA heart failureyesL B CloughNW 09-2 line 9Hamilton Funeral Home11 Apr 1923Vancouver City CemeteryAlma E Clough (VT) - spouse; no children; Lucius Marshall (VT) and Pernalia Allen (VT) - parentsMason, Methodist, Knights of Pythiasfirst worked for Charles Slocum, then a merchant of groceries and hardwarewas in business with John Conrad in Marshall-McCall Hardware- bought McCall's interest
MarshallAlmaEClough1859 Jun 21Waterbury, Washington Co Vermont1934 Feb 3at home at 415 W 13th St., Vancouver WA cerebral hemorrhage and senility, died after 18 mo. confirmed to bedyesL B CloughNW 09-3 line 9Hamilton Funeral Home7 Feb 1934Vancouver City CemeteryFrank N Marshall (VT) - spouse; no children; Storrs Solomon Clough (VT) and Jane Betsy Snyder (VT) - parentEastern Star, Delphian Society, Athenacum and Vancouver Woman's Clubteacher in Vancouver Schools for many yearsattended school in Roxbury VT and graduated from Montpelier Seminary (VT); 1886 moved to California then with mother and brothers came to Clark Co.; married Frank Marshall about 15 Feb 1893, Clark Co., WA; siblings: Guy A, John D, Fred S, Ellen E, Harry B, L. B. Clough (Brother); mother Jane Clough in same plot
MaschkeEdwin J 1839 Feb 1Germany1921 Dec 9St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAasthmanono nameNW 126 line 1Limber Funeral Home12 Dec 1921Vancouver City Cemeterymarried; Fredrick Maschke (Ger) and Dorothy Shoeman (Ger) - parents1869 - teacher of music, MA; 1870 - works in core factory, Vermont; 1874 - musician, Troy NY; 1900-1910 - musician living at National Military Home for disabled veterans, Ohio1859 - immigrated; widowed by 1920, Vancouver WA; 1920 living in Vancouver with Thomas McNutt - census says edwin is McNutt's uncle
McCaffertyNyeLeary 1901 Apr 24Clark Co WA1906 Nov Clark Co., WAyesJ DurganNW 5714 Nov 1906Vancouver City CemeteryCharles E McCafferty (MO) and Metta Clair Durgan (WA) - parentsafter father died mother remarried Walter Sparks
McCartyElizaMcCarty1843 Oct 8New York1872 Jan 11Vancouver WAyesJ CrawfordNW 51-4Jan 1872Vancouver City Cemeterynever married; Rev. John McCarty (NY) and L W ? (MA) - parents sibling: Mary McCarty married James Crawford; father was US Army Chaplain at Vancouver Barracks, she was given a military burial
McKinleyHugh1887 Sep 24Fulton, Hanson Co., South Dakota1919 Mar 6St Josephs Hospital, Vanovuer WAsepticimia from appendix surgeryyesNW 204Knapp Funeral Parlor8 Mar 1919Vancouver City CemeteryElla B Jewel (NY) - spouse; Frederick N - child; Charles L McKinley (KS) and Harriet E Bull (WI) - parents1914-1917 - bank clerk/teller, Vancouver WA; accountant for Harvey Mill Co.married Ella, 9 Jun 1914, Clark Co., WA; siblings: Cecile May, Charles Lincoln, Jr., Harriet "Hattie" M, Elizabeth; parents buried in NW 205
McKinleyCharles Lincoln1861 Mar 17Neosho Rapids, Lyon Co, Kansas1945 Aug 26Washougal, Clark Co., WashingtonaneurismyesNW 205Vancouver Funeral Chapel28 Aug 1945Vancouver City CemeteryHarriet "Hattie" Emma Bull (WI) - spouse; Cecile May, Hugh, Charles Lincoln, Jr, Harriet M, Jr., Elizabeth, one more - children;William McKinley (Scot) and Elizabeth Stallard (Eng) - parents1900 - general city agent railway, Iowa; 1910-1940 - farmer, Vancouver WAmarried Harriett 16 Dec 1882, WI; had 6 children-5 alive in 1910; son Hugh buried in NW 204
McKinleyHarriet "Hattie"EmmaBull1862 Jun 12Hixton, Jackson Co., Wisconsin1942 Nov 9Clark General Hospital, Clark Co., WAmyocarditisyesNW 205Vancouver Funeral Chapel11 Nov 1942Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Lincoln McKinley (KS) - spouse; Cecile May, Hugh, Charles Lincoln, Jr, Harriet M, Jr., Elizabeth, one more - children; Dr. John Adams Bull (OH) abnd Harriett Fidelia Newell (NY) - parents1910-census 6 children/ 5 living; son Hug buried in NW 204
McMullen Mildred Watts1894 Jan 19Washington, Litchfield Co., Connecticut1947 Jun 3Vancouver Memorial Hospital, Vancouver WAcancer - breastyesWattsNW 145Knapp Funeral Parlor6 Jun 1947Vancouver City CemeteryDale McMullen (MI) - spouse; Robert, Nancy - children; Robert J Watts (CT) and Frances E Morey (CT) - parents
McMullen infant1901Clark Co., WA1901 Jan 20Clark Co., WAyesR G McMullenNW 74Jan 1901Vancouver City CemeteryRobert R McMullen (WI) and Celia Hayes (MI) - parents1910 census shows Celia with 4 children and 2 alive; 1900 parents in Clark Co. WA; grandparents Albert and Eliza Hayes in same plot
MelickWinifred LynnHodges1899 Sep 16Warsaw, Kosciusko Co., Indiana1976 Dec 3Vancouver WAauto accident-hit by an oxygen tank truckyesA W HiddenNW 13-1 1/4 line 13Vancouver Funeral Chapel7 Dec 1976Vancouver City CemeteryGlenn D Melick (IN) - spouse; Zenna, Glenna - children; Harry Hodges (IN) and Blance Lynn (IN) - parentsMember of the Lady ElksCook for the State School for the Deafobit in the Columbian Dec 5, 1976; The Oregonian 4 Dec 1976
MercerJohn Arvel1896 Jan 25Jefferson, Marion Co., Texas1965 Aug 25Vancouver WAstrokeyesJackson DavisNW 93 Vancouver Funeral Chapel30 Aug 1965Vancouver City CemeteryAdeline Weidner (1) and Ruth Estella Hathaway (WA)(2) - spouses; Joseph D Mercer (IL) and Sarah Nancy Liverman (LA) - parentsWorld War I veteran, US Army, Co. D, 1st infantry Washington, sergeant, enlisted 1915-discharged 19361920-sargeant, Ft Lewis, Pierce Co., WA; 1930 - laborer for steam railroad, TX; 1940- Vancouver City policeman; 1942 - Kaiser shipyards, Vancouvermarried Adeline in 1924, Klicitat Co., WA; 1930- living with brothers George and Thomas, TX; 1930 - divorced; married Estella 26 Dec 1934, Skamania WA; siblings: George, Euclid, Toni, Thomas
MercerRuthEstellaHathaway1899 Jul 17Vancouver WA1981 Apr 19Vancouver WAheart failure, 81 yr.yesJackson DavisNW 93-3Vancouver Funeral Chapel23 Apr 1981Vancouver City CemeterySemri Keiski (WA)(1) and John Arvel Mercer (TX)(2) - spouses; Robert Stanley - child by Keiski; Alpha Beebe Hathaway (WA) and Emma Davis (OR) - parentsFirst United Methodist Churchson Robert Stanley took step father name MERCER when married in 1946-buried in Park Hill Cemetery Vancouver WA; married John 26 Dec 1934, Skamania WA; mother Emma Edith Hathaway buried in NW 88; obit The Columbian 21 Apr 1981
MeridanJosephineCrowley1884 Oct 17Bassett, Rock Co., Nebraska1962 Dec 6Clark Co., WAsenileyesDan CrowleyNW 38-3Hamilton Funeral Home8 Dec 1962Vancouver City CemeteryFred A Meridan (WA) - spouses; no children; James Crowley (WI) and Ida Mae Ellis (MI) - parentsclerk for US Postal Servicemarried Meridan 14 Jun 1929, Vancouver WA; sister Eva C. (married Alex F Albertson) in same plot; husband Fred buried in SW 132
MeyersAlma Mills1872 May 16Bon Homme, Bon Homme Co., South Dakota1960 Apr 9Oregon State Hospital, Salem, Marion Co., OregoncystitisashesyesMillsNW 124Apr 1960Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam H Meyers (IL) - spouse; no children; Andrew J Mills (IL) and Maria McCollum (IL) - parentsteacherdivorced by 1920 census
MillarHoward Leo 1895 Apr 30Vancouver WA1962 Apr 25Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesA L MillerNW 11-4 line 11Evergreen Funeral Home28 Apr 1962Vancouver City CemeteryMargary Miller (WA) - spouse; Stacy M, Donald, Thomas Allan - children; William Millar (Can) and Julia McPherson (Can) - parentsHeadstone spelling is MILLAR; parents,brother, sister buried in NE 131; obit The Oregonian 27 Apr 1962
MillarMargery MerleMiller 1895 Nov 27Clark Co., WA1976 Jul 22Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesA L MillerNW 11-3 line 11Evergreen Funeral Home26 July 1976Vancouver City CemeteryHoward Leo Millar (WA) - spouse; Stacy, Donald, Thomas Allan - children; Abraham L Miller (WA) and Ellen Stapleton (IA) - parentsteacherHeadstone spelling is MILLAR, obit The Oregonian 25 Jul 1976
MillardOrielLiewellaGrimshaw1902 Sep 2Limington, Essex Co., Ontario, Canada1920 Nov 28Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonchild birth relatedyesSluman/StaleNW 157Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon30 Nov 1920Vancouver City CemeteryErving Lee Roy Millard (Neb) - spouse; Eva L - child; Miles Grimshaw (Can) and Emma Sluman (Can) - parentsFranklin High School; married 23 March 1919; obit from The Oregonian 30 Nov and 4 Dec 1920; in same plot as parents Grimshaw; Eva Bird, died 2005 in New York
Miller, Sr.George Washington1833 Aug 24Clinton Co., OH1909 Oct 19at home at 16th and Hoffman Sts., Vancouver WAheart diseasenoG W MillerNW 08-3 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor20 Oct 1909Vancouver City CemeteryManila A Harper (TN)(1) and Sarah Harper Wright (TN)(2) - spouses; Mary Jane, Thomas, Letilia, Benjamin F, Bothena, Abraham Lincoln, George W Jr, William Sheridan, Manila, May, Catherine "Kate", Samuel, Edward - children by Manila and Rue, Harry C, Ada Belle, Blanche Claire, Hazel - children by Sarah; William S Miller (PA) and ? McFarland (PA) - parents1860-1880-farmer in OR and WA; 1900-superintendent of US Mail Route, The Dalles, Wasco Co., OR; George W Miller Sr. was member of the first Washington territorial governmentCrossed on the Oregon Trail in 1851; Sarah Harper and Manila Harper were half sisters. Manila is buried in Goldendale, Klickitat Co. WA; married Sarah 6 Mar 1878, Klickitat Co., WA; Sarah is buried in King Co., WA; was married prevuously to Wright
MillerHazel/Hattie1895 Jul 25The Dalles, Wasco Co., Washington1911 Nov 12at home at 15 East "B" St., Vancouver WAtuberculosisnoNW 08-2 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor14 Nov 1911Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; George Washington Miller (OH) and Sarah L Harper (WA) - parentsChristianstudentparents married 6 Mar 1878 Klickitat Co., WA, Gilman Report has her in NE 08-typo mistake; listed on headstone with father in NW 08
Miller, JrGeorge Washington 1865 JanGate City, Thurston Co., Washingon1907 May 13St Josephs Hospital, Vanovuer WApneumonianoA L MillerNW 341 May 1907Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; George W Miller Sr (OH) and Manila Harper (OH) - parents1900-mail carrier, work for US Mail, Tygh Valley, Wasco Co., OR1900-single; Abraham Lincoln Miller was brother buried in NW 11; father buried in NW 8; obit The Olympia Daily Recorder (WA)15 May 1907
MillerAbrahamLincoln1863 Mar 29Olympia, Thurston Co., WA1927 Nov 15died at 19th and E Broadway, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonthrombosis while he was driving yesA L MillerNW 11-1 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor18 Nov 1927Vancouver City CemeteryEllen Stapleton (IA) - spouse; Cedric "Hap," Margery - children; George Washington Miller (OH) and Manilla Catherine Harper (TN) - parentsMason, past Grand MasterJudge of Clark Co. Superior Court, prosecuting attorney in Clark Co., WAObit in the Skamania Co. Pioneer Newspaper, Skamania WA; bro Geo. Washington buried in NW 34; Father buried NW 8; newspaper article The Oregonian 16 Nov 1927; obit The Columbian 17 Nov 1927
MillerEllen Stapleton1860 Aug 18Lowden, Cedar Co., Iowa1941 May 4Vancouver WAchronic mycarditis and senilityyesA L MillerNW 11-2 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor6 May 1941Vancouver City CemeteryAbraham Lincoln Miller (WA) - spouse; Cedric "Hap," Margery - children; John Stapleton (OH/Can) and Josephine Sloper (OH) - parents Protestantsibling: James P Stapleton; could have been born in Davenport, Scott Co., Iowa
MillerWilliamSheridan 1867 Mar 18Tumwater, Thurston Co., Washingon1950 Oct 11Vancouver WAcancer of the colon, pneumonia senileyesWilliam MillerNW 23-4 line 10Evergreen Funeral Home13 Oct 1950Vancouver City CemeteryEmma O Hartley (OR)(1) and Louise Dundi (MO)(2) - spouses; Randal, Harold, Alfred - children by Emma; Edith L child by Louise; George W Miller (OH) and Catherine Harper (TN) - parentsbutcher, meat market ownerMoved??
MillerLouiseDundi1857 Dec 10Princeton, Mercer Co., Missouri1932 Jun 21Richfield, Clark Co., Washingtoncardio-renal diseaseyesWilliam MillerNW 23-3 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Jun 1932Vancouver City CemeteryJohn W Cochran (Del)(1) and William S Miller (WA)(2) - spouses; Edith L - child by Miller; Christopher Dundi (Ger) and Mary Harper (Ger) - parents
MillerRandallE 1893 Dec 4Goldendale, Klicitat Co., Washington1919 Apr 15Glendale, Los Angeles Co., CaliforniatuberculosisyesWilliam MillerNW 23-3 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Apr 1919Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Sheridan Miller (WA) and Emma Hartley (OR) - parentsobit The Oregon Journal 20 Apr 1919
MillerEdithL1903Washington1904 Dec 14WashingtonyesWilliam MillerNW 23 line 10Dec 1904Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Sheridan Miller (WA) and Louise Dundi (MO) - parents
MillerSarahEmeline "Emma"Welton1875 Feb 7Wharton, Potter Co., Pennsylvania1918 Dec 22St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAinfluenzayesHein KulperNW 24-3Knapp Funeral Parlor24 Dec 1918Vancouver City CemeterySamuel J Miller (WA) - Spouse; Teddy, Helen, Frances, Samuel, Robert Dean - children; Frank Welton (NY) and Helen Leach (PA) - parentsburied with dau Frances Perry, sons Teddy and Robert
MillerRobert Dean1914 Jul 23Vancouver WA1966 Aug 15Husum, Klickitat Co., Washingtonheart relatedyesSamuel J MillerNW 24 line 9Gardner Funeral Home, White Salmon, Klickitat Co., Washington19 Aug 1966Vancouver City CemeteryHelen Fehrenbacher (OR) - spouse; Kathy, Bill - children; Samuel J Miller (WA) and Sarah "Emma" Emeline Welton (PA) - parents1940-working as asst. clerk in a cannery, Walla Walla, WA; 1947 moved to White Salmon and operated a dry cleaners, then small general store in Husummarried 2 Mar 1940, Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co., WA; wife remarried Kenneth Mitchell and died in 2008, Hoquiam, Greys Harbor Co., WA; wife remarried Kenneth Mitchell and died in 2008, Hoquiam WA; buried with mother, bro Teddy and sis Frances Perry
MillerTeddy1904Clark Co., WA1905 Mar 19Clark Co., WAyesSamuel J MillerNW 24-2 line 9Mar 1905Vancouver City CemeterySamuel J Miller (WA) and Sarah "Emma" Emeline Welton (PA) - parentsburied with sis Frances Perry, bro Robert
MillerHarvey Virgil1881 Jun 15Hillsboro, Washington Co., Oregon1950 May 21Alameda, Alameda Co., CaliforniaapoplexyyesPeter McFarlaneNW70-2 line 10Vancouver Funeral Chapel26 May 1950Vancouver City CemeteryDr Clara McFarlane (NY) - spouse; Esther, Marjorie M, Harvey V Jr. - children; John Miller (Can) and Alice Clara Brown (OR) - parents1910-minister, Ferndale OR;1920-clergyman, Sacramento CA; 1930-clergy, Contra Costa Co., CA; 1940- pastor, Alameda Co., CAmarried about 1909
MillerClara MacFarlane1885 Apr 2St Regis Falls, Franklin Co., New York1963 Jan 21Alameda, Alameda Co., CaliforniastrokeyesPeter McFarlaneNW 70-2 line 10Vancouver Funeral Chapel26 Jan 1963Vancouver City CemeteryHarvey V Miller (OR) - spouse; Esther, Marjorie M, Harvey V Jr. - children; Peter Clark McFarlane (Can) and Esther Courter (MI) - parentsdoctor of Osteopathyin same plot as parents
MillerFloyd Peterson1874 Sep 11Kansas City, Wyandott Co., Kansas1934 Oct 10St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncardiac and uremia illnessesyesMillerNW 96-4 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor14 Oct 1934Vancouver City CemeteryJeanette A Horr (WI) - spouse; Ruth, Esther, Keith, Jean Monroe (son) - children; Abner Miller (NB, Canada)and Hulda Dickenson (VT) - parents1909-1912-logger in Clark Co., WA; 1918-30-fruit orchard farmer, Falida, Clark Co., WAmarried 30 Jun 1896, Winnebago, WI; obit The Oregonian 13 Oct 1934
MillerJeannetteAinsworth Horr1874 Jul 13Winnebago Co., Wisconsin1941 Jun 2Vancouver WA cancer of the uterusyesMillerNW 96-3 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor4 June 1941Vancouver City CemeteryFloyd P Miller (KS) - spouse; Ruth, Esther, Keith, Jean Monroe (son) - children; Austin M Horr (NY) and Mary Ainsworth (WI) - parentsProtestanthousewifemarried 30 Jun 1896, Winnebago, WI
MillerRuth Hulda1898 Oct 14Oshkosh, Winnebago Co., Wisconsin1952 Mar 24Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co., Washingtontuberculosis, 53 yrs, 3 mo.yesMillerNW 96-2 Line 9Knapp Funeral ParlorMar 1952Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Floyd P Miller (KS) and Jeannette A Horr (WI) - parents1930-living at home; 1940 at Ft Steillacomom
MillerJean (son)Monroe1900 Dec 5Clark Co., WA1932 Jun 2at home at Rt 3 Box 105, Vancouver Clark Co., WAcerebral tumor and pulmonary tuberculosisyesMillerNW 96-5 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Jun 1932Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Floyd P Miller (KS) and Jeannette Horr (WI) - parentsPresbyterianLaborer on fruit farm, farmer
MillerKeith1907 Sep 26Felida, Clark Co., WA1907 Sep 28at home in Felida WAbirth defectsnoMillerNW 96 Line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Sep 1907Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Floyd P Miller (KS) and Jeannette A Horr (WI) - parents
MillsAndrew Jackson1841 May 8Wauconda, Lake Co., Illinois1925 Dec 25Vancouver WAaccidental fall yesMillsNW 124Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Dec 1925Vancouver City CemeteryMaria McCollum (IL) - spouse; Alma, Edmonia, George M, Chapin A, Marion F, Clarence A, child - children; Peter Mills (NY) and Fannie Wickhaus (NY) - parentsCivil War Veteran, sargeant Co., H, 12th Illinois Calvary1866 married in Chicago, IL
MillsMariaMcCollum1841 Sep 20McHenry Co., Illinois1926 Dec 27St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA shock of a broken hipyesMillsNW 124-2Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Dec 1927Vancouver City CemeteryAndrew J Mills (IL) - spouse; Alma, Edmonia, George M, Chapin A, Marion F, Clarence A - children; George McCollum (WV) and Elinda Dukes (OH) - parents1900 census - 6 children, 5 living
MillsChapin Arthur1880 Jan 8Bon Homme, Bon Homme Co., South Dakota (Territory)1967 Feb 13Vancouver WAgall bladder bacterial infectionyesAustinNW 208Vancouver Funeral Chapel15 Feb 1967Vancouver City CemeteryRuth Austin (WA) - spouse; Shirley, Mary, Austin Kenneth - children; Andrew J Mills (IL) and Maria McCollum (IL) - parentsSpanish American War veteran,First Washington Infantry 1898, stationed in The Phillipines Is.orchard farmer2 terms as state senator of Washington, Son Austin in same plot, 1888 came to Vancouver
MillsRuth Austin1894 Aug 16Washington1972 Sep 11Clark Co., WAkidney diseaseyesAustinNW 208Vancouver Funeral Chapel14 Sep 1972Vancouver City CemeteryChapin A Mills (sd) - spouse; Shirley, Mary, Austin Kenneth - children; Royal A Austin (NY) and Amanda L Wilcox (IA) - parentsobit The Oregonian 26 Aug 1927
MillsAustin Kenneth1915 Jul 27Vancouver WA1927 Aug 25Hazel Dell, Clark Co., Washingtonaccidental crushing by a truckyesAustinNW 208Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Aug 1927Vancouver City CemeteryChapin A Mills (SD) and Ruth Austin (WA - parentsstudentobit The Oregonian 13 Sep 1973
MinorLeeRoy1891 Nov 6Ponder, Ripley Co., Missouri1969 Jul 31Vancouver WALeukemia; 77 yrs, 8 mo.yesKramerNW 109-2 line 2Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home5 Aug 1969Vancouver City CemeteryOlga S Kramer (TX) - spouse; Le Monte George, Maxine, Lois, Evelyn - children; Davis Minor (TN) and Mary Wilson (GA) - parents World War I veteran, US Army1930-molder, RR Co., Vancouver WA; 1940 - foreman at a brass foundry, Vancouver WA1900- in Ripley Co., MO; married 15 May 1915 to Olga in Clark Co. WA; obit The Columbian 18 Apr 1978
MinorOlga SophiaKramer1895 Dec 9Waco, McLennan Co., Texas1978 Apr 16Vancouver WAheart failureyesKramerNW 109-3 line 2Hamilton Funeral Home19 Apr 1978Vancouver City CemeteryLeroy Minor (MO) - spouse; Le Monte George, Maxine, Lois, Evelyn - children; George Kramer and Ida M Foster (Springer?) - parents, both from GermanyLutheran, retired nursemarried 15 May 1915, Clark Co., WA; parents ion same plot
MinorLa MonteGeorge1916 Apr 19Clark Co., WA1943 Sep 3at home in Vancouver WAendocarditis, strep infection of the heartyesKramerNW 109-1 line 2Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Sep 1943Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Lee R Minor (MO) and Olga S Kramer (TX) - parentsLutheranworked at The Columbian Newspaper
MitchellEstellAnna Proebstel1878 Jul 19Vancouver WA1932 Sep 15Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncanceryesRowlandNW 148Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon17 Sep 1932Vancouver City CemeteryHedley Ernest Mitchell (CA) - spouse; no children; Jacob Proebstel, Jr. (MO) and Louisa Jane Nye (WA) - parentsmarried in 1909 WA; buried with parents; obit The Oregonian 16 Sep 1932; Husband Mitchell buried in Lincoln Memorial PRK, Portland, Multonmah Co., OR, died 1949(river boat purser), remarried after Estell died to Iva.
MoffattEdith AnnGoodhue1863 Jun 12Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co., Washington1944 Oct 4Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart relatedyesTroupNW 102Holman-Lutz. Portland, Multnomah Co., OR6 Oct 1944Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Moffatt (VA) - spouse; William Phillip, Mary, Edith - children; James P Goodhue (MA) and Anna Turnbull (IL) - parentshusand died 1890 buried in Arlington National Cemetery; niece of William Richard (b.1877) in same plot
MonroeJohn Weagant1862 Feb 28Wabasha Co., Minnesota1932 Feb 12at home in Battle Ground, Clark Co., Washingtoncerebral hemorrhageyesMonroeNW 196Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Feb 1932Vancouver City CemeteryAlthea Ruckhaller (MN) - spouse; no children; Peter Monroe (Canada) and Catherine Wiggins (Canada) - parentsMason
MonroeAltheaRuckhaber1866 Sep 26Wabasha Co., Minnesota1944 Oct 15Masonic Home, Zenith, King Co., Washingtonheart diseasenoMonroeNW 196Oct 1944Vancouver City CemeteryJohn W Monroe (MN) - spouse; no children; Benjamin Ruckhaber (Ger) and Frances Elvira Clark (VT) - parents
MoonRobert1897 Sep 8Amboy, Clark Co., Washington1946 Oct 12Clark Co., WAsuicide by gun shot, lung diseaseashesnoNW 114Hamilton Funeral Home16 Oct 1946Vancouver City CemeteryJoanna Colton Harvey (WA) - spouse; no children; Kingsley Moon (MI) and Carrie Mause Wethered (MO) - parentsMasonfarmer - 1930
MoonJoanna ColtonHarvey1901 Aug 10Clark Co., WA1966 Oct 31Vancouver WAheart failureyesNW 114-6 line 4Vancouver Funeral Chapel14 Nov 1966Vancouver City CemeteryRobert Moon (WA) - spouse; John Harvey (Can) and Martha McCann (WA) - parentpast worthy matron of the Martha Washington Chapter No 42 Order of Eastern Starsiblings: Joseph Oscar Harvey and John Hamilton Harvey (both in NW114 with parents)
MoonGertrudeHeleneHolmes1870 Sep 2Marshall Co., Kansas1946 Oct 22Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhageyesHolmesNW 193Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon25 Oct 1946Vancouver City CemeteryMorris R Moon (OH) - spouse; Charles W Holmes (Eng) and Mary Ann Norton (Eng) - parentshouse mother for nurses' home at Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland; was a missionary nurse in Alaska with sister; 1931 - house mother, School for the Blind, Vancouver; 1940- working for the School for the Blind, Vancouver WA; 1914 married Moon; 1940 - divorced; buried with siblings Grace and Charles; obit The Oregonian 25 Oct 1946; obit The Oregon Journal 24 Oct 1946 - survived by siblings Sidney, L Grace, Mrs W W Savage
MooreEdwardS 1877 Oct 5Oregon1899 Feb 28/Mar 6Manilla, The Phillipine Islandinjuies received as soldier in waryesJatred Van FleetNW 56Mar 1899Vancouver City CemeteryJohn S Moore (Ire) and Lucy I DuPuis (WA) - parentsSpanish-American War veteran, private, 1st Montana Volunteer Infantrymoved to Montana 1989, then joined miltary; siblings: Harry, Chester; half siblings: James Van Fleet, Robert N Brewster, William Holt Brewster; obit The Oregonian 9 Mar 1899; 25 Mar 1899-body sent home for burial; buried in same plot as mother Lucybroken headstone - lower half in NW 56; upper half in NW 57
Moore Robert C1894 Nov 6Dover, Pope Co., Arkansas1966 Oct 20Vancouver WAheart relatedyesNW 53Evergreen Funeral Home24 Oct 1966Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; James A Moore (Ark) and Vertie Reed (Ark) - parentsWorld War I veteran; CPL, US Army,Washingtonserviceman for NW Gas Company
MorganHarveyCaleb1889 Aug 19Holdingford, Holding TWP, Stearns Co., Minnesota 1968 Oct 25Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesno nameNW 183Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home29 Oct 1968Vancouver City CemeteryFrances D Millette (MN) - spouse; Harvey F, Thomas S - children; Thomas L Morgan (OH) and Orpha A Crabtree (OH) - parents1910-farmer, MN; 1920-1943+ worked for Northern Pacific RR in Minn and North Dakota as signal maintainer and brakeman
Morgan Frances DorothyMillette1891 Jan 17Lake Elmo, Washington Co., Minnesota1962 July 20Vancouver WAcoronary thrombosisyesno nameNW 183Knapp Gunderson Funeral Parlor24 Jul 1962Vancouver City CemeteryHarvey Caleb Morgan (MN) - spouse; Harvey F, Thomas S - children; Isaac Millette (Can) and Selina ? (Can) - parentsmarried 1914 Morgan in St Paul MN
MorrisonLeonard Glenn1893 Apr 9Galena, Cherokee Co., Kansas1970 Apr 5Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesNW 217Vancouver Funeral Chapel10 Apr 1970Vancouver City CemeteryVernice Josephine Duree (KS) - spouse; Leonard Jack, Cora Caoline, Naomi Estelle - children ; Robert R Morrison a (IL)nd Caroline Dickey (IL) - parentsmason1910-miner, KS; 1920-zinc miner, OK; 1930-truck drier, TX;by 1930-divorced, Josephine remarried in 1934
Marsellus (Marselus)David Harmon1866 Jun 16Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., New York1942 Jan 5Clark County, General Hospital, Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhage noNW 111-2 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Jan 1942Vancouver City CemeteryMarian Douville - spouse; David Marselus (NY) and Sarah E Knights (NY) - parentsProtestant, WA Lodge F&AMfarmermarried in 1912; single by 1930
MoseleyEdwardNorthrup1861 Jan 17Springfield, Sangamon Co., Illinois1925 Oct 5Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesMoseleyNW 162Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Oct 1925Vancouver City CemeteryMary L Peckenpaugh (IA) - spouse; Roswell Charles - child; Spencer Moseley (MA) and Francis Northrup (MA) - parentsWoodman of the World1880 - hotel clerk, 1910 - farmer, Linn Co. OR; 1920-engineer, clay plant, Vancouver WA,married Mary Peckenpaugh May 1884, Missouri
MoseleyMary LPeckenpaugh1864 Jun 26Iowa1930 Oct 12Vancouver WAcoronaryyesMoseleyNW 162Limber Funeral Home15 Oct 1930Vancouver City CemeteryEdward N Moseley (IL) - spouse; Roswell Charles - child; ? (PA) and ? (NY) - parentsmarried David Moseley May 1884, Missouri; 1920 Marguerite Moseley (living with grandparents)
MyrenBlancheClaireMiller1889 Jul 17The Dalles, Wasco Co., Oregon1917 Dec 5Seattle, King Co., WashingtontuberculosisnoG W MillerNW 08-1 line 9Butterworth and Sons, Seattle, King Co., WADec 1917Vancouver City CemeteryFrank Curtis (IA)(1) and Erik Johan Myren (Swe)(2) - spouses; George Washington Miller (OH) and Sarah Harper (TN) - parentsmarried Frank Curtis 1909, he died in 1915; Married Erik Myren Jan 1917; same plot as parents
NeffRobert J1902 Aug 5Blue Canyon, Whatcom Co., Washington1995 Apr 20Clark Co., WAage- relatedyesSharpNW 186 Evergreen Staples Funeral Home24 Apr 1995Vancouver City CemeteryCora Zelia Dickinson (WA) - spouse; no children; ? (TX) and ? (MI) - parentsOdd Fellow, Mason1930-highway patrolman, Pacific Co., WA; `940-shop machanic, Goldendale, WAobit The Columbian 21 Apr 1995; married 30 Jul 1926 min South Bend WA
NeffCora ZeliaDickenson1907 Jul 14Pasco, Franklin Co., Washington1991 Mar 19Vancouver WAheart problemsyesSharpNW 186 Evergreen Staples Funeral Home22 Mar 1991Vancouver City CemeteryRobert J Neff (WA) - spouse; no children; George Dickinson (CO) and Cora Goldsby (KS) - parentsEastern Star and Rebekah Lodgeworked in Vancouver Shipyards during WWIInative of Pasco; obit The Oregonian 21 Mar 1991
NelsonLeanderSimon1884 Jun 15Balaton, Lyon Co., Minnesota1965 Sep 19Santa Clara Co., CaliforniayesNelsonNW 160Sep 1965Vancouver City CemeteryElizabeth C McMillan (MI) - spouse; Mark Lee, Linda, Maxine, Carlotta, James M - children; Lats Nelson (Nor) and Sarah Stark (Nor) - parentsmasonworked for SP&S Railroad, train dispatcherobit The Columbian 4 Oct 1965
NelsonElizabeth CampbellMcMillan1880 Nov 12Mears, Oceana Co., Michigan1945 Mar 27Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesNelsonNW 160Little Little Chapel of the Chimes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon30 Mar 1945Vancouver City CemeteryLeander S Nelson (MN) - spouse; Mark Lee, Maxine, Carolota, James M - children; Robert Mc Millan (Scot) and Mary ? (Ire) - parentsAmerican Train Auxillary, Methodist, Eastern Star, member of Maccabees1906 married Nelson in Grants Pass OR; obit The Oregonian 30 Mar 1945
NelsonJames M1917 Jan 3Vancouver WA1917 Jan 4at home at 22 and Reserve Sts., Vancouver WApneumoniayesNelsonNW 160Limber Funeral Home5 Jan 1917Vancouver City CemeteryLeander L Nelson (MN) and Elizabeth M McMillan (MI) - parents
NeppachCatherine "Kate"MarySohns1860 May 6Vancouver WA1924 Apr 21Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonrenal diseasenoSohnsNW 90McEntee, Hennessey and Cherry, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon28 Apr 1924Vancouver City CemeteryAnthony Neppach (WI) - spouse; no children; Louis Sohns (Ger) and Tirza Schuele (PA) - parentshusband buried at Portland Mausoleum, Portland OR; obit The Oregoniian 27 Apr 1924; buried with parents
NicholsGeorge E1866 Jul 4Iowa1938 Jul 21Clark County Hospital, Vancouver WAprostate cancerashesyesJohn EddingsNW 30-4 line 16Hamilton Funeral Home22 Jul 1938Vancouver City CemeteryMary Lorena Eddings (WA) - spouse; no children; Joseph H Nichols (Can) and Addie F Phillips (WI)- parentsmerchant
NicholsMaryLorena Eddings1876 Oct 2Clark Co., WA1952 Sep 20Vancouver WAcerebral thombosisashesyesJohn EddingsNW 30-4 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor23 Sep 1952Vancouver City CemeteryEarl Burditte Waterman (OR)(1) and George E Nichols (IA)(2) - spouses; No children; John McNeil Eddings (Ire) and Sarah Niven (Nivan) (NY) - parentssibling: Josephine, Edward Frederick, Clara, John Goodhue, William Henry, Frank, Louis Allen, George Hodges, Archibald Hugh, Hurbert McNeil Eddings
NyeAdam Wirt1842 Mar 3Boone Co., Missouri1917 Nov 1at home of dau Jessie Shults, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonYesNyeNW 149Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon4 Nov 1917Vancouver City CemeteryHarriet Jane Switzler (MO) - spouse; Anna Maude, William W, Jessie M (fem), Thomas C, Mabe N, Harry - 6 children; James Madison Nye (NC) and Nancy Calaway (VA) - parentsteacher - 1860 MO; sheriff and stock grower in Umatilla Co., OR; 1910- own income, Pendleton ORfather James Madison Nye was a doctor, died in 1851 (Neb?); 1860 in Missouri with Mother Nancy, widowed, and sister Margaret E; by 1862 in Oregon, lived in Oregon for 55 years; married Harriet 1862 siblings: Thomas Calaway, John, William, Martha Jane, Elvira, Sarah, Margaret; obit The Oregonian 3 Nov 1917; dau Jessie W married William Durgan and buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
NyeHarriet Jane Switzler1844 Jan 30Saline Co., Missouri1913 Aug 15Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral softening of the brainYesNyeNW 149-2 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor18 Aug 1913Vancouver City CemeteryAdam Wirt Nye (MO) - spouse; Anna Maude, William W, Jessie M (fem), Thomas C, Mabel N, Harry - 6 children; John Switzler (VA) and Sara Maria Robinson (MO) - parentsEpiscopalianJohn Switzler was in the War of 1812. family moved to Oregon in 1845-46; Siblings - Cynthia, Joseph, Jehu (male), William, John, Mary, Martha; 1/2 siblings - Elizabeth, Sarah,
NyeJohnWirt 1829Wythe Co., Virginia1866 Feb 12WashingtonyesB F ShawNW 28-1 line 14Feb 1866Vancouver City CemeteryCynthia Charity Switzler (MO) - spouse; Louisa Jane, Georgianne, Minnie Agnes, May Adele, Jessie Wirt (dau) - children; James Madison Nye (NC) and Nancy Calloway (VA) - parentsmember of St Luke's EpiscopalWagon train in 1849 to Oregon; married Cynthia 14 Aug 1851 in OR; Cynthia C Switzler Nye remarried to Shaw (buried in NW 28); siblings: Thomas Calloway, John, William, Martha Jane, Elvira, Sarah, Margaret, Adam; same plot as wife Cynthia
NyeThomas Calloway1827 May 14Ashe Co., North Carolina1906 Sep 11at home of granddau, Dalles, Polk Co., OregonyesDillonNW 76Vancouver City CemeteryFrances Gess (MO) - spouse; Nancy, Katherine - children; James Madison Nye (NC) and Nancy Calloway (VA) - parentsdemocratmoved to Missouri in 1840; 1847 in company with father and 2 brother went to Mexico for US Gov't; 1850 married to Frances; came to Oregon 1865 to Umatilla Co until 1900, 1903 in Polk Co., siblings: John, William, Martha Jane, Elvira, Sarah, Margaret, Adam W; obit Polk County Observer, 14 Sep 1906
NyeFrancesElizabethGess1830 Sep 11Howard Co., Missouri1922 Nov 14at home of granddau Kitty Miller, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonsenilityyesDillonNW 76Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Nov 1922Vancouver City CemeteryThomas C Nye (NC) - spouse; Nancy, Kathereine - children; William H Gess (Eng) and Sarah Ann Hulen (Scot) - parentsobit The Oregon Journal 19 Nov 1922; father William Gess Capt in Confederate Army; 1865 came to Oregon by ox train; first home in Vancouver; mothered 8 orphan children.; 1900 census 2 children/1 living
O'CallaghanNellieCoovert1901Clark Co., WA16-May-05Denver, Denver Co., ColoradoyesBurrowsNW 91Vancouver City CemeteryClaud Victor O'Callaghan (ID) - spouse; Claudia C - child; Martin L Coovert (IN) and Nellie Turnbull (WA) - parentsCatholic1930, Portland OR - air mail tranportation; 1940, IL - Claud O'Callaghan was assistant flight operator, 1950-1953-worked for airlines, Denver COmarried 17 Nov 1929 in Vancouver WA; husband - Catholic - 1992, died in California; parents buried in NW 102,
OdellMalcolmK?1909 Oct 30Vancouver WA1909 Oct 30Vancouver WApremature at childbirthyesOdellNW 120-4 line 7Hamilton Funeral Home31 Oct 1909Vancouver City CemeteryMalcolm W Odell (MO) and Kate Inman (KS) - parentsWA death certificate states death "30 Oct 1909"; funeral home records "8 Oct 1909" in childbirth"; headstone date "8 Oct 1909"
O'NeilNina MaudTroup1867 Sep 4Vancouver WA1957 Jun 25Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncancerashesyesTroupNW 102Colonial Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1 Jul 1957Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph F O'Neil (NY) - spouse; William H Troup (Eng) and Eliza Jane Turnbull (OH) - parentshusband in military, Brigadier General, US Armyhusband died in 1938 buried in Arlington National Cemetery, DC; she requested burial in DC and her name is on marker with husband - actual burial place uncertain, funeral on 1 Jul 1957 in Portland OR; obit The Oregonian 30 Jun 1957
Oyler)livia "Ollie"MGreen1877 Sep 5Springfield, Sangamon Co., Illinois1957 Nov 2Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesGreenNW 94Vancouver Funeral Chapel4 Nov 1957Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Edwin Chandlee (IA) (1) and Stanley A Oyler (Eng)(2) spouses; Harry Ruel, Vonda Mount - children by Chandlee; Abner H Green (OH) and Phoebe Ann Boley (MO) - parentshusands Chandlee and Oyler and son Harry in same plot
OylerStanleyAlbert1890 Jul 14Marden, Kent Co., England1968 Feb 14Longview, Cowlitz Co., Washingtonheart relatedyesGreenNW 94Laynes Funeral Home, Battle Ground, Clark Co., Washington17 Feb 1968Vancouver City CemeteryOlivia "Ollie" M Green (IL) - spouse; no children; Edward Oyler (Eng) and Edith Honess (Eng) - parents1930-fireman at single mille, Ridgefield WA; 1942-Colmbia River Paper, Vancouver WA1906-in Alberta Canada with parents; married in 1927, Ridgefield Clark Co., WA;
PageErnest1893 May 29Martin, Allegan Co., Michigan1963 Jul 25Vancouver WAheart failureyesMonroeNW 196-4 line 3Vancouver Funeral Chapel29 Jul 1963Vancouver City CemeteryHazel May Marble - spouse; Roy, Robert - children; Reuben Page (Eng) and Emma Welty (PA) - parents1920-truck driver, Fruit Valley; 1930-1940-mechanic for state highway dept
PageHazelMayMarble1897 Oct 18Vancouver WA1986 Feb 19Clark Co., WAheart relatedyesMonroeNW 196-5 line 3Vancouver Funeral Chapel24 Feb 1986Vancouver City CemeteryErnest Page - spouse; Roy, Robert - children; Ansil G Marble (WA) and Mary Louise Selby (OR) - parents
PaisleyFrankLeroy1888 Oct 30Fayette Co., West Virginia1955 Oct 16Oregon State Penitentiary, Salem, Marion Co., Oregonheart diseasenoF K ChandlerNW 06-1 Line 11Holman & Son19 Oct 1955Vancouver City CemeteryHelen Bays (OH)(1), Gertrude Louise Baker (MI)(2) and Winifred Augusta Ansell (Eng)(3) - spouse; Lila - child by Helen, possibly two other children; Frank Lester Paisley (NY) and Elizabeth Downey (OH) - parentsin military and appears to have disserted (newspaper aticles); claimed to be a disabled veteran.artist-painter, engraver; life time criminal and served most of his life in prison; 1914 on and off in prison for forgery and robbery in No Dakota, Ohio, California, Washington and Oregon; 1944- in Folsom State Prison in CA, discharged Oct 29 1950; was in San Quentin prior to Folsommarried Helen in 1909 Charleston WV; married Gertrude in 1924, Boise, Ada Co., ID, divorced; Married Winifred Dec 1927 in Snohomish Co., WA; Gertrude (1886) marriage Josep Gogan in MI 1920 and div in 1922 MI; Paisley is in the Chandler plot as his sister Marie Laila Pailsey married Francis K Chandler; went by numerous aliases.
Palmer, Sr.Loring Curtis 1846 Jul 9Iowa1912 Aug 20at home 3 1/2 miles east of Vancouver, Clark Co., WAsenility and paralysisyesW R HudsonNW 136-1 Line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Aug 1912Vancouver City CemeteryCatherine "Katie" A Judd (IL) - spouse; Addie L, Bertha F, Clarence A, Loring Jr., Della, Roy, Elvie, Faust, Hazel - children; William Palmer (OH) and Jane Gill (OH) - parentsCivil War veteran - corporal, 3rd Wisconsin Infantry1880 - working in sawmill; later (1890's?) 1900-President of Bridal Veil Lumber Co, OR, 1910-farmer in Willamina OR1874 (Addie) - Iowa; 1876 (Bertha) - South Dakota; 1878 (Clarence) - South Dakota; 1880 Vancouver WA; 1890 - living at Rooster Rock, Multnomah Co., OR; father buried in SE 40 and children Loring Jr., Roy, Della in SE 40
PalmerCatherineAnnJudd1855 Feb 24Palmrya Co., Illinois1941 Dec 30Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonarteriosclerosisyesW R HudsonNW 136Holman Lutz, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonJan 1942Vancouver City CemeteryLoring Curtis Palmer (IA) - spouse; Addie Lois, Bertha F, Clarence A, Loring Jr., Roy, Della, Elvie, Faust, Hazel - children; Luman N Judd (NY) and Elvira Trask (NY) - parents1900, Bridal Veil OR; 1910, Wilmenia OR; 1920, Portland with dau Elvie; 1930, Portland with dau Bertha McMilan; 1900-1910 census 9 children/6 living; Loring Jr., Roy and della all buried with grandfather in SE 40
PalmerElvie1882 Apr Oregon1921 Jun 16Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesW R HudsonNW 136Breeze and Snook Funeral Chapel, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon20 Jun 1921Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Loring Curtis Palmer (IA) and Catherine Ann Judd (IL) - parents 1901 in Bridal Veil OR; 1910 in Wilmenia OR; 1920 in Portland still living with widowed mother; obit The Oregonian 19 June 1921
PalmerHazel1893 Oct Palmer, Multnomah Co., Oregon1929 Nov 29McMinnville, Yamhill Co., Oregonbroken neck from auto accidentyesW R HudsonNW 136Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Dec 1929Vancouver City Cemeterysingle Loring Curtis Palmer (IA) and Catherine Ann Judd (IL) - parentswas a bookkeeper for McMilan Bros. Lumber Co., Willamina, Oregon at time of death, 1902 in Bridal Veil OR; 1910 in Wilmenia OR; 1920 in Portland still living with parents; newspaper article the Oregonian 1 Dec 1929
Palmer Clarence Aubrey1878 Mar 6South Dakota (Dakota Territory)1938 Jan 11Los Angeles Co., CaliforniayesW R HudsonNW 136Jan 1938Vancouver City CemeteryEthel N McCain (OR) - spouse; Loren - child; Loring Curtis Palmer (Iowa) and Catherine Ann Judd (IL) - parents1918-contractor, Independence OR; 1930-window cleaner, CAmarried Ethel 9 Nov 1907, Portland, OR; 1930 - Gardena, Los Angeles Co., CA; 1910 census-wife Ethel 1 child/1 living-living in Willamina OR with parents
PalmerAlice "Allie"SareptaSpencer1868 Mar 14Princeton, Mercer Co., Missouri1930 Apr 14 at home at 928 E 29th St., Vancouver WAmyrial-cardio degeneration 60yrs, 11 mo, 3 daysNoSpencerNW 82Knapp Funeral Parlor17 Apr 1930Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Moon (MI)(1) and Horace Theodore Palmer (IN)(2) - spouses; Hazel by Moon; Ira Eddie Spencer (MI) and Miranda Alberta Gillihan (MO) - parentsAlice is listed on the Spencer headstone in NW 82 as "Allie S"
ParishCharlesArmistead1856 Aug 25Taylorville, Christian Co., Illinois1929 Feb 21at home at 214 W 23rd St., Vancouver WAangina pectorisyesno nameNW 185-1Knapp Funeral Parlor24 Feb 1929Vancouver City CemeteryCaroline "Carrie" Elizabeth Huntoon (IL) - spouse; Dr. Dwight A - child; Eli Hobbs Parish (IL/VA?) and Mary Hesser Leachman (VA) - parentsPresbyterianSpanish American War veteran, captain, Co. B, Illinois Infantry 1898merchant, jeweler
ParishCaroline "Carrie"ElizabethHuntoon1862 Jul 14Brighton, Macoupin Co., Illinois1946 Sep 8Vancouver Memorial Hospital, Vancouver WApneumoniayesParishNW 185Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Sep 1946Vancouver City CemeteryCharles A Parish (IL) - spouse; Dr. Dwight A - child; Jacob F Huntoon (NH) and Mary E Ash (PA) - parent
ParishDwightArmistead1883 Feb 8Taylorville, Christian Co., Illinois1956 Feb 5Vancouver WAuremiaashesyesParishNW 185Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Feb 1956Vancouver City CemeteryDorothy Frances Kincaid (IL) - spouse: Jane Caroline - child; Charles A Parish (IL) and Caroline E Huntoon (IL) - parents physician/optomologist
ParishDorothyFrancesKincaid1882 Mar 24Glenarm, Sagnamon Co., Illinois1953 May 29Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncancerashesyesParishNW 185Portland Memorial Masoleum, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon4 Jun 1953Vancouver City CemeteryDwight A Parish - spouse; Jane Caroline - child; John Kincaid (VA) and Mary Meredith (IL) - parents
PattersonIra1800Ulster Co, New York1875 Sep 30Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co., WashingtonyesIra PattersonNW 60-33 Oct 1875Vancouver City CemeteryMartha Halstead (1) and Rebecca A Swayze (2) - spouses; Ashel Halstead, Ann Eliza, William Denman, Zillah H, Susan, Edward Cramstrom, Sarah Rebecca by Martha; William Patterson (NY) and Sarah Matilda Denman - parentsWashington Lodge No. 4 AF&AM - founder and charter memberfarmer, Probate Judge, WA Territorial RepresentativeMarried Martha 1 Jul 1827 OH; Rebecca Swayze Brown Patterson married 27 May 1857, Multnomah Co., OR, then, she left Ira and he disowned her. Obit in Vancouver Independent
PearsonJames Algot1894 Oct 5Lockne, Jamtlands, Sweden1973 Jan 29Western State Hospital, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co., WashingtonstrokeyesNW 215-35 line 15Vancouver Funeral Chapel2 Feb 1973Vancouver City CemeteryAlice Hansen (WA) - spouse; Erick, Dolores - children; Per Olof Ersson (Swe) and Carolina Jonsson (Swe) - parents emigrated in 1916; he was born Jons Algot Persson
PerryFrancesGeorgianaMiller1907 Sep 19Vancouver WA1931 Sep 28Omak, Okanagan Co., Washingtonstretococcus infection from accidental abortionyesHein KulperNW 24-1Ed Yarund(?) undertaker, Okanagan, WA; Kirch and Son1 Oct 1931Vancouver City CemeteryGrant Perry (WA) - spouse; Samuel J Miller (WA) and Sarah Emeline "Emma" Welton (PA) - parentsnurse working in Walla Walla WAmarried Perry 1929, WA; buried with motherand brothers Teddy and Robert
PhillipsFrances "Fannie"CCarpenter1863 May 22Fayette Co., Iowa1910 Sep 9Vancouver WAcardiac arrestnoMCNW 133Wilkins, Undertaker, Vancover WA11 Sep 1910Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph Neff (1), John Spalinger (Switz)(2) and Alonzo A Phillips (IL)(3) - spouse; Mrs H E Crawford and Mrs Charles McDonah - childrens; Marshall Carpenter (NY) and Chloe Baldwin (Can) - parentsBaptist, Member of Women's Christian Temperance Union, The Women of Woodcraft, Rathbone Sister Lodge of Camas and Lady Maccabees of Albany ORhousewifemarried Neff 1891 Iowa; married Phillips in 1910 in Vancouver; obit in The Columbian 10 Sep 1910; lived in Linn Co.; she was Alonzo Phillips fifth wife; Spalinger buried in Linn Co., OR
PlaiceWallaceJoseph 1909 May 1Multnomah Co., OR1909 May 12at home at 526 Tioga St., St John, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumonianoO N FlorineNW 37-2Knapp Funeral Parlor12 May 1909Vancouver City CemeteryErnest W Plaice (SD) and Susan Lindley (OR) - parentssibling : Evelyn
PlummerJames William1848 May 3Plummer Point, Winnebago Co., Wisconsin1931 Nov 8Rainier, Columbia Co., Oregonheart failurenoLoraasNW 201-2 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Nov 1931Vancouver City CemeteryMary Anne Benedict (WI) - spouse/widowed; Mark, James William, George A, Charles Roland, Susan, Johanna Regina - children; Mark Plummer (Eng) and Elizabeth Barker (Eng)- parentsEpiscopalianfarmerlived in Rainier OR; obit in the Oshkosh Northwestern Newspaper, Oshkosh WI - dau Johanna Loraas in same plot
PlummerCharles Roland1882 Mar 16Clinton Co., Minnesota1931 Jul 27Las Vegas, Clark Co., Nevadafractured skull - auto accidentnoLoraasNW 201-1 line 3 Knapp Funeral Parlor4 Aug 1931Vancouver City CemeteryHannah Edlund (1) and Bertha ? (Nor)(2) - spouses; James W Plummer (WI) and Mary A Benedict (WI) - parentsEpiscopalian, Masonsteam shovel engineer, worked on the Great Northern Tunnelliving in Las Vegas NV; siblings: Charles R, Susan, Johanna R; father and sister Johanna Loraas buried in same plot; 1915 living in Clay Co., MN with Hannanh; widowed in 1920; 1930 in Skagit Co., WA married to Bertha; obit The Oregonian 30 Jul 1931
PoeEmmyMargueriteNaegeli1924 May 12Tillamook Co., OR2002 Jun 19Portland Adventist Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesCM DavidsonNW 03 Line 14Evergreen Staples Funeral Home24 Jun 2002Vancouver City CemeteryMilton V Poe (NM) - spouse; Cheryl, Alex, Elvan, Vern - children; Alexender Naegeli (Switz) and Marguerite Anderfuhren (Switz) - parents obit The Oregonian 22 Jun 2002
PoeMiltonV1923 Dec 10Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., New Mexico1975 Jul 1Clark Co., WAcanceryesCM DavidsonNW 03-1 line 14Evergreen Staples Funeral Home5 Jul 1975Vancouver City CemeteryEmmy Naegeli (OR) - spouse; Cheryl, Alex, Elvan, Vern - children; Olin V Poe (KS) and Mabel E Twitchell (CT) - parentsChristian Church memberinstaller for Pacific NW Bell Co.obit The Columbian 3 Jul 1975
PopeArthur Thomas1894 Jun 22East Greenwich, Kent, England1964 Dec 1Vancouver WAcerebral vacular accidentyesO J CrawfordNW 59-1Vancouver Funeral Chapel4 Dec 1964Vancouver City CemeteryBarbara Laurie (Scot)(1) and Evelyn Grace Fletcher (ID)(2) - spouses; Stephen Pope (Eng) and Mary E Gamble (Ire) - parentsUK Royal Navy 1910-19141942 working at Kaiser Shipyardsmarried Barbara in Canada, died in 1943 buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver Wa; married 1944 Evelyn in Clark Co.,WA
PopeEvelynGrace Fletcher1897 Jun 17Nampa, Canyon Co., Idaho1974 May 2Seattle, King Co., Washingtonheart failureyesO J CrawfordNW 59-2Yarrington's Funeral Home7 May 1974Vancouver City CemeteryThomas A Lassiter (KY) (1) andArthur T Pope (Eng)(2) - spouses; Eveline, Iona - children by Lassiter; Emroy Fletcher (WI) and Abbie M Ball (WI) - parentsmarried Lassiter in Nampa ID 1 May 1915, divorced; married Pope 14 June 1944 in Clark Co., WA
Popham Alice Hansen1901 Jun 3Seattle, King Co., Washington1982 Apr 10Clark Co., WAheart failureyes NW 214-34 line 12Vancouver Funeral Chapel13 Apr 1982Vancouver City CemeteryJames Algot Pearson (Swe)(1) and Ward G Popham (IA)(2) - spouses; Erick, Dolores - children by Pearson; Edward Hansen (Nor) and Alma Dahl (Swe) - parentsmember of Eagles Lodge, Moose Loyal Order Aux.her headstone is with James Algot Pearson and not Ward Popham; married Ward Popham in 1979; obit The Columbian 11 Apr 1982
PorterGeorge G 1841 Nov Kennebeck Co., Maine1902 Oct 25Clark Co., WAsuicide by shootgun after domestic problemsyesGeorge G PorterNW 36Oct 1902Vancouver City CemeteryJulie Jane Russell - spouse; Oroville , Frank - children; Nathan Porter (ME) and Harriet Ann Grove (ME) - parentsCivil War veteran, Co. B, 8th Infantry Maine1900 - farmer in Fruit Valley WAnewspaper article The Oregon Journal 25 Oct 1902
PorterJulia JaneRussell1859 Jan 28Dixon Co., Nebraska1933 Feb 12Sellwood Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumoniayesGeorge G PorterNW 36-4Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Feb 1933Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Porter (1) and John F Rowe (2) - spouses; Oroville, Frank - children by Porter; Miles Russell (SD) and Jane Randal (IA) - parents buried as Julia J Porter, not as Rowe
PorterOrvilleG1879 Dec 2Vermillion, Clay Co., South Dakota1936 Feb 1at home Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumonianoGeorge G PorterNW 36-3Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1 Feb 1936Vancouver City CemeteryCora Martin (NY) - spouse; no children; George G Porter (ME) and Julia Jane Russell (SD/NEB) - parents1930 - civil engineer in shipyard1900 living with parents in Fruit Valley WA; married 15 Oct 1916 Portland OR;sibling - Frank; obit The Oregonian 2 Feb 1936; Porter was Cora's 2nd marriage
PorterFrank Llewellyn1881 Aug 27Vermillion, Clay Co., South Dakota1956 Apr 28Kaiser Hospital, Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesGeorge G PorterNW 36Little Little Chapel of the Chimes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1 May 1956Vancouver City CemeteryBessie Lewis (WI) - spouse; George R, Burton L, Dorothy E - children; George G Porter (ME) and Julie J Russell (SD) - parents1910 - storekeeper for railroad, California, 1930 - longshoreman, foreman, public docks, Portland OR1900 living with parents in Fruit Valley WA; sibling - Oroville
PowellNathan Wilbur1853 Feb 28Indiana1914 Apr 28at 712 W 15 St., Vancouver WAsplenic leukemiayesPercivalNW 139Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Apr 1914Vancouver City CemeteryAnnie Effie Stock (WA) - spouse; Ada Effie, Gladys B, Ora Dell - children; N W Powell (NY) and Elizabeth Wickman (OH) - parentsPatriotic Sons of Americaretired contractorobit in Kelsonian Newspaper, Kelso, WA 2 May 1914; 2 brothers
PowellEffie "Annie"AnnStock1864 Jan 11Cowlitz Co., WA1921 Mar 24Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregondied after two operationsyesPercivalNW 139Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Mar 1921Vancouver City CemeteryNathan Wilbur Powell (IN) - spouse; Ada Effie, Gladys B, Ora Dell - children; John Stock (Ger) and Charlotte Flood (IL) - parentsobit The Oregonian 26 Mar 1921; dau married Percival
PritchardJames Morris1851 Apr 21Missouri1927 Feb 10Vancouver WAangina pectorisyesJ M PritchardNW 14 line 14Limber Funeral Home13 Feb 1927Vancouver City CemeteryMary Anna Luik (OH) - spouse; Harry, ?, William, Alton, Bernice - children; William B Pritchard (VA) and Eliza Jane Morris (TN) - parents1887-blacksmith, Clark Co., WA1900- Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WA; 1910
PritchardMary AnnaLuik1858 Feb 16Cincinnati, Ohio1930 Aug 12Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesJ M PritchardNW 14-4 line 14Limber Funeral Home15 Aug 1930Vancouver City CemeteryJames M Prichard (MO) - spouse; Harry, ?, William, Alton, Bernice - children; William Luik (Ger) and Mary Anna Myers (Ger) - parents1900 census - 5 children/4 living; 1910 census 5 children/3 living
PritchardHarry 1877Missouri1907 Nov noJ M PritchardNW 19 line 1430 Nov 1907Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; James M Prichard (MO) and Mary anna Luick (OH) - parents1887 census-10 years old, bros- William 5, Alton 1
PritchardWilliam Frederick1881 Jun 11Missouri1916 Nov 5Pasco, Franklin Co., WAsuicide by carbolic acidnoPrichardNW 19 line 14Knapp Funeral Parlor9 Nov 1916Vancouver City Cemeterymarried; son; James M Prichard (MO) and Mary anna Luick (OH) - parentsbarbernewspaper The Oregonina 8 Nov 1916
Proebstel, Jr.Jacob 1846 Feb 16Clay Co., Missouri1913 Sep 21Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart attack yesRowlandNW 148Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon23 Sep 1913Vancouver City CemeteryLouisa Jane Nye (WA) - spouse; Harriet Ella, Eva Maud, Anna Estella, Bessie, Herbert Nye, Jacob Robertston - children; Jacob Proebsgtel (Ger) and Margaret Knogt (Ger) - parentsDeputy US Marshall, Deputy Sheriff, merchant1852 Oregon Trail wagon train; 1876 moved to Weston OR wan dbuilt a steam flour mill, destroyed by fire; Tacoma then Vancouver as a merchant; daughters Ella and Estell buried in same plot; obit The Oregoniab 22 Sep 1913
ProebstelLouise Jane Nye1854 Mar 11Clark Co., WA1938 Feb 22Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrageyesRowlandNW 148Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon24 Feb 1938Vancouver City CemeteryJacob Proebstel Jr (MO) - spouse; Harriet Ella, Eva Maud, Anna Estella, Bessie, Herbert Nye, Jacob Robertston - children; John Wirt Nye (VA) and Cynthia Switzler (MO) - parentsdaughters Ella and Estell buried in same plot and Ella's first husband Rowland
Proebstel, Sr.Jacob1817 Nov 17Bingin, Germany1888 Apr 21Clark Co., WAyesJacob ProebstelNW 67 line 10Apr 1888Vancouver City CemeteryMargaretta Knogt (Ger)(1) and Sarah Huffman (IN)(2) - spouses; George Washington, Elizabeth P, Jacob, Jr.,Frederick, Casper, Margaret C, Andrew Jackson, Catherine, Robert - children by Margaret, Florence - child by Sarah; Wendelin Proebstel (Ger) and Anna Stieb (Ger) - parentsfarmer, raised grain and clover and had vineyardsEmigrated about 1840 with spouse and parents and 8 brothers settled in Missouri; Oregon Trail in 1852 with parents and two brothers - Valentine, Andrew;
ProebstelMargaretta (Margaret)Knogt1818 Mar 7Bingin, Germany1861 Dec 28Clark Co., WA yesJacob ProebstelNW 67 line 10Dec 1861Vancouver City CemeteryJacob Proebstel Sr. (Ger)- spouse; George Washington, Elizabeth P, Jacob, Jr.,Frederick, Casper, Margaret C, Andrew Jackson, Catherine, Robert - children; ? Knogt - parent, Germanyhousewifeemigrated to US with husband about 1840; Oregon Trail in 1852
ProebstelFrederickFritz1848 Apr 15Clay Co., Missouri1873 Aug 28Clark Co., WAyesJacob ProebstelNW 67 line 10Vancouver City Cemeterynever married; Jacob Proebstel and Margaretta Knogt - parents, both of Germanyfarmer
ProebstelWilliam "Bob"Wendel1858 May 8Clark Co, WA 1920 Sep 28St Josephs Hospital, Vanovuer WABright's disease, nephritesnoJacob ProebstelNW 67-1 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Sep 1920Vancouver City CemeteryHarriet Rosella Nerton (WA) - spouse/divorced; Ona P - child; Jacob Proebstel Sr. (Ger) and Margaretta Knogt (Ger) - parentsBuilder; owner of the Exchange Hotel in Vancouverobit The Oregonian '30 Sep 1920; Rosella remarried to Charles Kent
PykeWalter Vinton1879 Sep 15Kingston, Ontario, Canada1958 Nov 3Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesno nameNW 183Vancouver Funeral Chapel10 Nov 1958Vancouver City CemeteryLeda Green (1), Marie H Allquist (IA)(2), and Sadie Hall (KS )(3) - spouses; Thomas W Pyke (NY) and Hannah M Sluman (NY) - parents grocery clerkdivorced Leda
Pyles Roy Jacob1905 Dec 28Des Moines, Oak Co., Iowa1953 Jan 30Medical Dental Building Hospital, Seattle, King Co., Washingtoncerebral thrombosisyes NW 198Bonnie Watson Funeral Home, Seattle, King Co., WA; Vancouver Funeral Chapel3 Feb 1953Vancouver City CemeteryDella Marie Hoernemann (MN) - spouse; Leroy, Louise, Eugene - children; Jacob Pyles (IA) and Sylvia Pryor (IA) - parentsMason1930-1942 - Twin City Tile Co., MNDella Marie Pyles Syverson - remarried; funeral notice Seattle Daily Times, Seattle WA
RandsEdwardMcKeever1856 Jun 2Marshall Co., Iowa1922 Apr 13at brother's home in Oregon City, Clackamas Co., Oregon ORchronic nephritisyesRandsNW 121-1 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Apr 1922Vancouver City CemeteryMargaret Creelman (Nova Scotia, Can)- spouse; Edward Thurlow, Eulalie Margaret - children; Edward P Rands (ENG) and Jane Campbell (ENG) - parents1900-1910-lawyer, Vancouver WA, politician and capitalistFamily headstone RANDS
RandsMargaret Creelman1853 Nov 15Nova Scotia, Canada1925 Sep 23Vancouver WAbronchial ailment, pneumoniayes RandsNW 121-2 line 6Limber Funeral Home25 Sep 1925Vancouver City CemeteryEdward McKeever Rands (IA) - spouse; Edward Thurlow, Eulalie Margaret - children; James C Creelman (CAN) and Margaret Gammell (CAN) - parents1900 census 3 children/2 living
RandsEdwardThurlow1882 Oct 19Iowa1910 Feb 8at home in Vancouver WAtuberculousyesRandsNW 121-4 line 6 Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Feb 1910Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Edward McKeever Rands (IA) and Margaret Creelman (NS) - parentsPresbyterianstudent; sister - Margaret Eulalie
RandsMargaretEulalieRands1886 Sep 15Oregon1914 Sep 13at the Cottage Sanitarium, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregongastroenteritis, invalidyesRandsNW 121-4 line 6 Knapp Funeral Parlor16 Sep 1914Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Edward McKeever Rands (Iowa)and Margaret Creelman (NS)- parentssibling - Edward Thrulow Rands
ReedWalterS 1839 Sep 10Bradford Co., Pennsylvania1908 Jan 14at home in Fourth Plain area, Vancouver WAcatarrh of the stomach and atheromia; 68 yr, 4 mo, 4 dayyesKellie/ReedNW 104 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor17 Jan 1908Vancouver City CemeteryKittie C Hudson (MN) - spouse; Raymond - child; John Reed (NY) and Alida Stuart (NJ) - parentsEpiscopalianCivil War vet, Co. G, Old First Minnesota Volunteer Infantryfarmer
RichardsonWilmont Brookings 1884 Apr 12Sioux Falls, Minnehaha Co., South Dakota22 Aug 1943Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesWilliam SmileyNW 32- 1 line 14Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Aug 1943Vancouver City CemeteryNema Smiley (WA) - spouse; James Stuart, June Rebecca, Phillip W - children; Frank L Richardson (ME) and F Grace Howard (ME) - parentsChristian Scientistparole officer of the Superior Court
RichardsonNema Smiley1890 Apr 2Vancouver WA1976 Dec 23King Co., WAheart failureyesNW 32-2 line 14Dyer Mortuary, Tacoma, Pierce Co., WA28 Dec 1976Vancouver City CemeteryWilmont Richardson (SD) - spouse; James Stuart, June Rebecca, Phillip W - children; Adolph Smiley (IA) and Rebecca Jane Thompson (MO) - parents
RitterSophieLouise1881 Jun 6Ft Smith, Sebastian Co., Arkansas1972 Feb 17Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesL DeSorNW 58-6Hennesee-Goetsch-McGee Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon22 Feb 1972Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; parents both born in ArkansasOral Hull Organization for the Blind charter member, Portland Womens' Forumnurse at Veterans Hospital obit The Oregonian 20 Feb 1972
RorisonWilfred Edwin1894 Oct 13Ypsilanti, Washtinaw Co., Michigan1922 Aug 7Stevenson, Skamania Co., Washingtongunshot during a moonshine raid by federal prohibition agents on Paul HickeynoNW 202Limber Funeral Home10 Aug 1922Vancouver City CemeteryNancy Catherina (Catherine) Carson (MO) - spouse; Wilfred A, Clarice - children; Edwin P Rorison (MI) and Clara C Coleman (MI) - parentsKlu Klux Klan member1917-1920- carpenter; Clark County Sheriff mother buried in SW 06; obit The Columbian 10 Aug 1922
RorisonNancyCatherina (Catherine)Carson1885 May 4Missouri1936 Jun 12St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAbreast cancernoNW 202Limber Funeral Home14 Jun 1936Vancouver City CemeteryWilfred Edwin Rorison (MI) - spouse; Wilfred A, Clarie - children; Isaac W Carson (Ire) and Jane R Siler (VA) - parents1910-1930 music teacher, Vancouver WA
RossBetsyRaeLightbody1891 Jan 6Stratton, Edgar Co., Illinois1956 May 24Vancouver WAcerebral thrombosisashesyesWestNW 118 line 8 Hamilton Funeral Home28 May 1956Vancouver City CemeteryClarence Oscar Ross (IL) - spouse; Raymond W - child; Robert Lightbody (Scot) and Mary Nelson (Scot) - parent 1930 - insurance agent, Vancouver WA; 1940 housemother for the School for the Blind, Vancouver; nursemarried in 1910 to Ross; 1920 in Colorado, 1930 Vancouver WA; by 1940 divorced
RowlandJohn William1858 Oct 20Lane Co., Oregon1927 Mar 9north of Lyle, Klictitat Co., Washingtoncerebral paralysisyesRowlandNW 148C C Anderson, Hood River, Hood River Co., OR11 Mar 1927Vancouver City CemeteryElla Proebstel (WA) - spouse; David M - child; Lory B Rowland (KY) and Elizabeth McCall (IL) - parentsMasonburied iwht wife Ella,and her parents and sister Estella
RundquistFrankO1887 Dec 3Sturgeon Bay, Door Co., Wisconsin1979 May 28 Vancouver WAheart failureyesRundquistNW 170 line 4Vancouver Funeral Chapel30 May 1979Vancouver City CemeteryLeta M Browne (IL) - spouse; Madeline Anita , George H - children; Frank Runquist (Swe) and Cecilia Mansdotter (Swe) - parents1910-clerk, dry goods store; 1920 time keeper at shipyard; 1930-timekeeper at bag company; 1940 private chauffer for Charles Pratt family, Chicago ILObit The Columbian 29 May 1979, married 9 Mar 1910, Chicago IL
RundquistLeta MargueriteBrowne1892 Feb 26Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois1972 Apr 7Vancouver WAheart failureyesRundquistNW 170-2 line 4Vancouver Funeral Chapel12 Apr 1972Vancouver City CemeteryFrank O Rundquist (WI) - spouse; Madeline Anita, George H - children; George Hamilton Browne (Eng) and Rose B Budd (IL) - parents1940- housekeeper for Charles Pratt family, Chicago ILmarried in 9 Mar 1910, Chicago IL
RundquistMadelineAnita1911 Jan 14Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois1929 Aug 14Vancouver WAspinal fracture auto accidentyesRundquistNW 170-1 line 4Hamilton Funeral Home16 Aug 1929Vancouver City CemeteryFrank O Rundquist (WI) and Leta M Browne (IL) - parentstelephone operatorsibling; George
RundquistGeorgeH1912 Jun 11Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois1994 Aug 24 Vancouver WAlung canceryesRundquistNW 17031 Aug 1994Vancouver City CemeteryEvelyn McQueen (WA) - spouse; Ronda, Jan, Julia, George Jr - children; Frank O Runquist (WI) and Leta M Browne (IL) - parentsWorld War II veteran , US Army, Warrant Officer1940 - working in paper mill, Vancouver WA; postal clerk-retired;played golf; sibling - Madeline; obit The Columbian 28 Aug 1994
RyanAlbertParker1887 Aug 3Grove Oak, DeKalb Co., Alabama1966 Aug 12 Vancouver WAcanceryesElliotNW !03-3 Line 8Hamilton Funeral Home16 Aug 1966Vancouver City CemeteryAmy Amelia Elliot ( OH) - spouse; Doris Ray, Beatrice, infant - children; Albert M Ryan (GA) and Margret Dickson (AL) - parents1920-1940-dentist (DDS) in Vancouver married in 1910 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., WA; Asa Ryan nephew buried in NW 133; nephew Clyde in NW 217
RyanAmyAmelia Elliott1888 Jun 11Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co.,Ohio1975 Dec 18Vancouver WAheart failure, 87 yr, 6 mo.yes ElliotNW 103-3 line 8Hamilton Funeral Home22 Dec 1975Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert P Ryan (AL) - spouse; Doris Ray, Beatrice, infant - children; Thomas Elliot Ryan (Eng) and Emeline M Bowden (Eng) - parentsFirst United Methodist Churchmarried in 1910, Tacoma. Piecrce Co.,WA; husband was a dentist, died in 1966; father Vancouver Methodist minister; obit The Columbian 19 Dec 1975
Ryaninfant (female)1915 Jul 11at home 1911 Columbia St., Vancouver WA1915 Jul 11at home 1911 Columbia St., Vancouver WAstillborn yes ElliotNW 103-5 line 8Knapp Funeral Parlor12 Jul 1915Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert P Ryan (AL) and Amy Amelia Elliott (OH) - parents
RyanAsaWallace1896 Aug 12Parsons, Labette Co., Kansas1946 Oct 26Vancouver WAcoronary occlusionyesMCNW 133Vancouver Funeral Chapel29 Oct 1946Vancouver City CemeteryAleda F Crawford (OR) - spouse; Lynn A (male), Patricia Mae - children; Cicera W Ryan (AL) and Eva Marie Hancock (KS) - parents1930 foreman at lumber millsibling: Clyde H buried in NW 217; Albert P Ryan is his uncle buried in NW 103
RyanAledaF Crawford1896 Feb 1Scio, Linn Co., Oregon1985 Sep 26Clark Co., WAheart FailureyesAleda RyanNW 133-2 line 7Vancouver Funeral Chapel30 Sep 1985Vancouver City CemeteryAsa W Ryan (KS) - spouse ; Lynn A (male), Patricia Mae - children; ? and Jessie May Schmidt (IA) - parentshomemakerwas adopted by Harry E Crawford when mother married; lived in Hood River and father ran Hood Confectionery, then moved to Salem where he was in the printing business; mother in same plot; obit The Columbian 27 Sep 1985in vault
RyanClydeH1908 Sep 16Vancouver WA1989 Apr 18at home, Vancouver WAcancerashesyesNW 217-30Vancouver Funeral Chapel22 Apr 1989Vancouver City CemeteryElizabeth C Camerson (OR) - spouse; Cecila - child; Cicero Ryan (AL) and Eva W Heacock (KS) - parentsFirst United Methodist Church; Kwanis, Mason, American Legion, Goodwill board; Clark Co. Dential Association president twiceWorld War II veteran, Major US Army Dental Corps, 46th General Hospital in North Africa and Francedentistsibling-Asa Wallace buried in NW 133; uncle Albert Ryna in plot NW 103; obit The Oregonian 21 Apr 1989
RyanElizabeth CCameron1912 Feb 1Astoria, Clatsop Co., Oregon2001 Jun 18at a Portland hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesNW 21729 Jun 2001Vancouver City CemeteryClyde H Ryan (WA) - spouse; Cecila - child; Donald Cameron (OR) and Ina C Maunula (OR) - parentsAmerican Field Service, Columbia River Girl Scout Council, nursegraduated from St Mary's School of Nursing, was in a nurse in Alaska before marrying, worked with husaband; obit The Columbian 26 Jun 2001
RyanNeilCarnegie1870 Oct 4Pembroke, Ontario, Canada1962 Aug 28Multnomah Co., Oregoncoronary thrombosisyesNW 38Little Little Chapel of the Chimes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon31 Aug 1962Vancouver City CemeteryJessie I Bacon (WI) - spouse; Audrey E, Kenneth, Mary G - children; John Ryan (Can) and Mary Carnegie (Scot) - parnetsRailroad Veterans AsssociationSP&S Railroad locomotive engineer - 50 yearsobit The Oregonian 30 Aug 1962
RyanJessieIoneBacon1882 Dec 5Ellsworth, Pierce Co., Wisconsin1961 Nov 16at a Portland hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhageyesNW 38Little Little Chapel of the Chimes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon20 Nov 1961Vancouver City CemeteryNeil C Ryan (Can) - spouse; Audrey E, Kenneth, Mary G - children; Omar Bacon (IN) and Florence Thomsen (IL) - parentsEastern Star, Women's Auxillary Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineersmarried in 1906, Tacoma Pierce Co., WA; came to Portland in 1940; obit The Oregonian 18 Nov 1961
RyanAudreyE1916 Oct 2Spokane, Spokane Co., Washington1938 Sep 8St Lukes, Hospital, Spokane, Spokane Co., WAendocarditis due to streptococcusashesyesNW 38Hazen and Jaeger Company, Spokane, WASep 1938Vancouver City CemeteryNeil C Ryan (Can) and Jessie I Bacon (WI) - parents
SandersonWilliamGeorge1851 Aug 1New York1913 Jan 13at home at 203 E 10th St., Vancouver WAheart failure; 61y, 5 mo, 12 dyesMillsNW 125Limber Funeral Home15 Jan 1913Vancouver City CemeteryFlora C Barnhardt (MN) - spouse; Maurice B, Hannah Editha Belle, Bessie C, Morland George, child - children; Arthur Sanderson (Eng) and Hannah Groves (Eng) - parentsmerchantdau Editha Wilson, husband Phillip Wilson and four children in same plot
SandersonFloraCorneliaBarnhardt1862 Mar 3Austin, Mower Co., Minnesota1941 Dec 26Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesSandersonNW 125-4Limber Funeral Home29 Dec 1941Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam George Sanderson (NY) - spouse; Hannah Editha Bell, Maurice B, Bessie C, Morland George, child - children; Ashbel H Barnhardt (NY) and Ediatha (Edith?) Spaulding (OH) - parents1900 census - 4 children/3 living, 1910 census - 5 children/4 living; dau Editha Wilson, husband Phillip Wilson and four children in same plot
SandersonMauriceBarnhardt1888 May 1Salem, McCook Co., South Dakota1957 Apr 21Clark County Hospital, Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesMillsNW 125-1Evergreen Funeral Home23 Apr 1957Vancouver City CemeteryVictoria Malagamba (OR)(1) and Minnie Jarrett (Neb) (2) - spouses; Theresa - child by Victoria; William G Sanderson (NY) and Flora Cornelia Barnhardt (OH) - parents1910-1920 - plumber,owns shop; 1917 - auto truck businessmarried Victoria 1909, Astoria Clatsop Co., OR; married 24 Oct 1914 to Minnie, Clark Co., WA
SchaebenAugust A1838 Aug 22Hamburg, Germany1874 Oct 19Clark Co., WAA A SchaebenNW 21-3 line 12Oct 1874Vancouver City CemeteryAugusta A Soraber (Ger) - spouse; no children; parents from PrussiaCivil War veteran, Washington State Infantrylife insurance agent
SchaebenAugustaASoraber1833 May 2Hanover, Germany1900 Mar 5Clark Co., WAyesA A SchaebenNW 21-4 line 12Mar 1900Vancouver City CemeteryCarl A Haak (Ger) (1) and August A Schaeben (Ger)(2) - spouses; Andrew, Bertha, Melanie, Caroline, Charles, Ernest Herm - children by Haak; both parent Germandressmaker, 1880 ran a boarding house in Vancouver WAwidowed in 1869 and again by 1880; first husband buried iat the Vancouver Post Cemetery (military)
SchlichtingClaus (male)Henry 1907 Nov 12WA1909 Apr 5at home Manor, Clark Co., Washingtonpneumonia; 1y, 5m, 23dnosee notesKnapp Funeral Parlor7 Apr 1909Fisher's Cemetery, Vanocuver WAHenry Schlichting (Ger) and Emma Stouh (Neb) - parentlived at Manor, Clark Co., WAThis child is buried in Fisher's Cemetery with parents; Knapp funeral records mistakenly has in buried in Old City Cemetery
SchueleDavidFrederick1838 Jan 29Phillipsburg, Centre Co., Pennsylvania1908 May 31at home at 714 Esther St.,Vancouver WAcerebral atrophyyesSchueleNW 75 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor2 June 1908Vancouver City CemeterySophronia Ollis (IA) (1) and Josephine Eddings (WA)(2) - spouses; Louis Frederick, Charles Henry, Frank, George Edward - children by Josephine; Adam Schuele and Katherine ? - parents from Baden Baden, GermanyEpiscopalian, Masonretail merchant, 1900-capitalist, Vancouver WA; Clark Co. Treasurer, City Council Member and County CommissionerMarried Sophronia 10 Feb 1873, Vancouver; married 1 Sep 1875 married Josephine, Clark Co., WA; 1856 family came by ship through Panama Isthmus to San Francisco, 1857 came to Vancouver; business with brother- in law Louis Sohn; Sohns are in NW 90, Tirza Sohns is is his sistera tree taken over plot
SchueleSophroniaEOllis1851Iowa16-Feb-05Clark Co., WAyesSchueleNW 75Vancouver City CemeteryDavid Frederick Schuele (PA) - spouse; no children; Daniel Ollis and Sally Ann ?
SchueleJosephineEddings1853 Dec 20at Vancouver Barracks, Vancouver WA1913 Aug 26Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failure at Keller's Institute - she was there for a massageyesSchueleNW 75-4 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Aug 1913Vancouver City CemeteryDavid F Schuele (PA) - spouse; Louis Fredreick, Charles Henry, Frank, George Edward - children; John McNeil Eddings (IRE) and Sarah Nivan (NY) - parentsEpiscopalian, Order of the Eastern Starhousewifemarried 1 Sep 1875, Clark Co., WA; 1900-1910 census 4 children/3 living; obit in The Columbian 28 Aug 1913, The Oregonian 27 Aug 1913 - there is a plaque on Evergreen Blvd stating she was first white child baptist in Clark County; niece Bernice Secrist in NW 17, brother William Henry in NW 17
SchueleFrank1880Clark Co., WA1884 Sep 28Clark Co., WAyesSchueleNW 75 line 16Vancouver City CemeteryDavid Frederick Schuele (PA) and Josephine Eddings (WA) - parents
ScolleyWilliamHerbert1881 Feb 17Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah1963 Jun 18Longview, Cowlitz Co., Washingtoncancerashesyesno nameNW 127Portland Memorial and Crematorium, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon24 Jun 1963Vancouver City CemeterySadie Ione Myers (IA) - spouse; John Richard, Florence, Myrta (adopted) - children; John Scolley (MA) and Mary Catherine Greenig (IA) - parents1910-1920 machinist at ship yards, Vancouver WA, 1930-1940-machinist in Ryderwood, Cowlitz Co., WA for a logging companymarried Sadie 30 Dec 1900, Spokane Co., WA, in same plot as dau Florence and ex-husband Barnes and son Jack; obit The Columbian 21 Jun 1963
ScolleySadieIoneMyers1881 Jun 14Springfield, Brown Co., Minnesota1966 Jan 6Vancouver WAage related deathashesyesno nameNW 127Evergreen Funeral Home8 Jan 1966Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam H Scolley (UT) - spouse; John Richard, Florence, Myrta (adopted) - children; Richard Myers (IN) and Mary S Chinn (IL) - parentsmarried Scholley 30 Dec 1900, Spokane Co., WA; in same plot as dau Florence and ex-husband Barnes and son Jack
ScolleyJohn "Jack"Richard1913 Mar 30Vancouver WA1915 Aug 20at home at 705 W 17th St., Vancouver WAsepticemiayesno nameNW 127-2Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Aug 1915Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam H Scolley (UT) and Sadie Myers (MN)) - parentsin same plot as parents and sis Florence and ex-husband BARNES
SearsGraceEdnaTurner1874 Feb 15Butler Co., Iowa1937 Jan 21St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAparalysis and cerebral hemorrhagenoHustonNW 134-5 Knapp Funeral Parlor23 Jan 1937Vancouver City CemeteryJohn C Huston (IA) (1) and Charles Brodt Sears (CA)(2) - spouses; no children; Dr LeRoy Turner (IL) and Mary Johnson (WI) - parentsmarried Huston 1890, Clark Co., WA; married Sears 1 Aug 1911, Clark Co., WA; husband Huston in same plot; Sears died in 1929, Washougal WA, buried in Riverview Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR-buried with first wife and two children
SecristWilliam Henry 1878 Nov 11Vancouver WA1958 Nov 28Vancouver WAcerebral thrombosisnoEddingsNW 17-3 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor1 Dec 1958Vancouver City CemeteryBernice C Eddings (WA) - spouse; Seth N Secrist (IN) and Nancy Elizabeth Odem (IN) - parent1900-1940- fruit farmer, Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WAparent in SE 83; married Bernice 1924, Clark Co., WA
SecristBerniceCatherineEddings1890 Aug 16Vancouver WA1964 Jun 26Vancouver WAheart failurenoEddingsNW 17-4 line 16A J Rose & Sons, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon30 Jun 1964Vancouver City CemeteryFrederick D Archibald (Ont., Can)(1) and William Henry Secrist (WA)(2) - spouse; William H Eddings (WA) and Minnie Goss (IL) - parentsparents in NW 17; aunt Josephine Schuele in NW 75 ; obit The Oregonian 30 Jun 1964
SelgJLyesArnoldNW 100 Vancouver City CemeteryCivil War veteran (marker), Co. H, 2nd Iowa Infantryenlistment, 38 years, Floyd TWP, Hospers, Sioux Co.,Iowa ?? John Adam Selig??
SewellEarlElijah1888 Jun 1Garnett, Anderson Co., Kansas1971 Sep 3Vancouver WAheart failureyesBurrowsNW 91Sep 1971Vancouver City CemeteryHarriet "Hattie" McLaughlin (KS) - spouse; Jean E, Earl E - children; Elijah L Sewell (IND) and Mary Jane Thomas (ME) - parentsMasonUS Navy veteran1920-real estate, Garnett, KS; 1930- farmer, KS; 1940-Remington Arms Co., Denver Co.1917- Garnett, KS, has railroad pension
SewellHarriettElizabethMcLaughlin1887 Oct 15Garrett, Anderson Co., Kansas1961 Jul 5Multnomah Co., OregonyesBurrowsNW 91Jul 1961Vancouver City CemeteryEarl Elijah Sewell (KS) - spouse; Jean E, Earl E - children; James McLaughlin (PA) and Anna CLark (IN) - parentsEastern Star
SharpCharlesRoss1890 Jan 21McMinnville, Yamhill Co., Oregon1967 Sep 12Vancouver WAstrokeyesSharpNW 130-3 line 418 Sep 1967Vancouver City CemeteryVoila M Burgy (WA) - spouse; Hera May, infant - children; William Sharp (IA) and Elizabeth Houston (IA) - parents1910 - bookkeeper at a lumber mill, Clark Co., WA; 1940 - asst manager of UGUA storesiblings: William A, Lynne Houston
SharpViolaMBurgy1892 May 23Clark Co., WA1955 Sep 21Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., Oregonheart failureyesSharpNW 130-4 line 4Vancouver Funeral Chapel24 Sep 1955Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Ross Sharp (OR) - spouse; Hera May, child - children; Henry George Burgy (WA) and Bertha Anna Surber (WI) - parentslost child at birth 12 Oct 1913 because of instruments, in same plot; Hera died 1992, Medford OR under Finch name; obit The Columbian 23 Sep 1955
Sharpinfant 1913 Oct 12Clark Co., WA1913 Oct 12at Burgy residence at 1715 "D" St., Vancouver WAdamage from instruments at birthyesSharpNW 130-5 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor12 Oct 1913Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Ross Sharp (OR) and Viola M Burgy(WA) - parentsparents in same plot
SharpLynneHouston1892 Sep 18Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1968 May 31Clark Co., WAheart relatedyesSharpNW 186 Vancouver Funeral Chapel4 Jun 1968Vancouver City CemeteryViola Lilliam Jones (WA) - spouse; Lynne (male), Ruth, Merle, Beryl, Robert, William, infant - children; William W Sharp (IA) and Elizabeth L Houston (IA) - parentsWorld War I veteran, US Navy, WA BKRI heavy equipment operator for road departmentsiblings: Charles Ross, William A
SharpViola LillianJones1903 Aug 5Amboy, Clark Co., Washington1976 Nov 27Vancouver WAheart failureyesSharpNW 186-5Memorial Gardens Funeral Chapel, Vancouver WA30 Nov 1976Vancouver City CemeteryLynne H Sharp (OR) - spouse; Lynne (male), Ruth, Merle, Beryl, Robert, William, infant - children; O J Jones (IL) and Jennie Wright (WA) - parentsobit, The Columbian 28 Nov 1976
Sharpinfant1924 Aug 8St Josephs Hospital, Vanovuer WA1924 Aug 8St Josephs Hospital, Vanovuer WAyesSharpNW 186 Aug 1924Vancouver City CemeteryLynne H Sharp (OR) and Viola L Jones (WA) - parents
Shattuck FrancesMaudeManary1899 Dec 3Troutdale, Multnomah Co., Oregon1995 Jan 9Beaverton, Washington Co., OregonashesyesNW 213Hamilton Mylan Funeral HomeJan 1995Vancouver City CemeteryWesley Allen Shattuck (OR) - spouse; James, Denny, Lewis - children; James Manary (Can) and Esther J McKerrow (Can) - parentsobit The Columbian 11 Jan 1995
Shattuck Wesley Allen1898 May 19Gresham, Multnomah Co., Oregon1978 Aug 8Apache Junction, Maricopa Co., ArizonaashesyesNW 213-1 Hamilton Mylan Funeral Home27 Nov 1979Vancouver City CemeteryFrances Maude Manary (OR) - spouse; James, Denny, Lewis - children; Lewis Shattuck (OR) and Olive Barbara Sleret (OR) - parentsWorld War I veteranVP of Shattack-Dickson Motors (Ford) dealership; Clark County Commission
Shattuck Lewis1868 Dec 21Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1948 Aug 25Vancouver WAmyocarditisyesNW 213Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Aug 1948Vancouver City CemeteryOlive Barbara Sleret (OR) - spouse; Wesley Allen, Hazel Marie - children; John Wesley Shattuck (IL) and Mary C Allen (MO) - parentsmerchant
Shattuck OliveBarbaraSleret1874 Jul 21Gresham, Multnomah Co., OR1963 Oct 23Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesNW 213Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Oct 1963Vancouver City CemeteryLewis Shattuck (OR) - spouse; Wesley Allen, Hazel Marie - children; George Sleret (Ger) and Barbara Bumgardner (Ger) - parentsEastern Star , American Red Cross. Last member of the Sleret family, pioneers settled Gresham in 1865obit The Oregonian 25 Oct 1963
ShawCalvinGerrish1843 Aug 15Merrimack Co., New Hampshire1916 May 8Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesShawNW 207Knapp Funeral Parlor10 May 1916Vancouver City CemeteryAbbie M Lawton (ME) spouse; Gerry L, Leon A - children; Abraham Shaw (NH) and Hanna Fifield (NH) - parents1910- fruit farmer, Vancouver WA
ShawAbbie MLawton1850 Aug 23Maine1930 Oct 13Ashland, Jackson Co., OregonsenilityyesShawNW 207Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Oct 1930Vancouver City CemeteryCalvin Gerrish Shaw (NH) - spouse; Gerry L, Leon - children; Joseph H Lawton (ME) and ? (ME) - parnets1900-1910 census 3 children/2 living
ShawGerry L 1885 Aug 18Vermillon, Clay Co., South Dakota1963 Aug 4Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral vacular accidentyesShawNW 207Ross Hollywood Chapel, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon8 Aug 1963Vancouver City CemeteryClaire A Thompson (OR)(1) and Claire E Mollet (CA) - spouses; no children; Calvin G Shaw (NH) and Abbie M Lawton (ME) - parents;insurance companyburied notice The Oregonian 6 Aug 963
ShawBenjaminFranklin1829 May 8Missouri1908 Feb 3Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonhemorrhage of the lungsyesB F ShawNW 28 line 14Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon; Vancouver Undertaking6 Feb 1908Vancouver City CemeteryCynthia Charity Switzler (MO)(1) and Agnes B Baker (WA)(2) - spouses; Benjamin F, Jr., John William - children by Cynthia, Frank G - child by Agnes; William Shaw (TN?) and Sarah Gilliam (VA/TN?) - parentsDemocratLt Colonel-NW Cayous Indian wars, 1846; last survivor of the Yakima Inidan War-1855-561849-1850 owned brig "Orbit" transporting oil; Elected official in WA-Clark Co. Treasurer; state senator; registrar of land officecrossed the plains in 1844 and settled in Marion Co., OR; 1845 in Puget Sound; worked for Hudson's Bay Company at Ft Vancouver at at age 15; 1879-came to Clark Co raising farm stock; married Cynthia 1871, Clark Co.; married Agnes 1890-Clark Co.; funeral charged to William A and Fred Sluman; grandfather John Shaw - Revolutionary War veteran; father was in War of 1812; obit The Oregonian 4 Feb 1908
ShawCynthia Charity Switzler1836 Feb 28Saline Co., Missouri1881 Aug 6at home, Vanouver WAyesB F ShawNW 28-2 line 14Aug 1881Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Wirt Nye (1) and Benjamin Franklin Shaw (2) - spouses; Louisa Jane, Georgianne, May A, Jessie Wirt (dau), Minnie Agnes - children by Nye; Benjamin (Jr), John William - children by Shaw; John Switzler (VA) and Sara Maria Robinson (MO) - parentsWagon train ato Oregon in 1845-46 Oregon side of Columbia; Siblings - Harriet Jane, Joseph, Jehu (male), William, John, Mary, Martha; 1/2 siblings - Elizabeth, Sarah; first husband Nye in same plot; obit The Oregonian 12 Aug 1881
ShawAgnes ABaker1856 Oct 30Vancouver WA1927 Mar 16Pendleton, Umatilla Co., OregonapoplexyyesB F ShawNW 28-3 line 4Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon19 Mar 1927Vancouver City CemeteryBenjamin F Shaw (MO) - spouse; Fran G - child; Morris Baker (VA) and Matilda Ann Jones (OH) - parentsdressmaker married Shaw 1890, Clark Co., WA; funeral notice The Oregonian 19 Mar 1927
ShermanWilliam Davis 1879 Oct 17Plainfield, Waushara Co., Wisconsin1963 Nov 2Vancouver WAcerebral vacular accidentyesNW 203Vancouver Funeral Chapel5 Nov 1963Vancouver City CemeteryMary "Mamie" E Lampert (MN) - spouse; Leroy Arden, Leon Everett - children; Benson O Sherman (OH) and Jennie Thomas (WI) - parents1940 - clerk at railroad (railroad pension) in Vancouver
ShermanMary "Mamie" ELampert1882 Mar 2Rice, Benton Co., Minnesota1978 Dec 23Vancouver WAstrokeyesNW 203-3 line 5Vancouver Funeral Chapel26 Dec 1978Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam D Sherman - spouse; Leroy Arden, Leon Everett - children; John Lampert (IA) and Mary Haskamp (MN) - parentsobit The Columbian 24 Dec 1978
ShermanLeroy Arden1905 Jun 9Melrose, Stearns Co., Minnesota1920 Jun 29Vancouver WAdrowning in Vancouver LakeyesNW 203Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Jul 1920Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam D Sherman (MO) and Mary "Mamie" E Lampert (MN) - parents
ShoreRalphJames1918 Apr 8Fairview, Major Co., Oklahoma1956 Aug 22Newport, Lincoln Co., Oregonlogging accidentyes NW 198Parker Funeral Home, Newport, Lincoln Co., OregonAug 1956Vancouver City CemeteryDoretta E Plummer (OK) - spouse; Donald Owen, Ralph Dewayne, Donna R, Dale L - children; Walter W Shore (KS) and Lillie Mae Cowan (MO) - parentsmason1935, Oklahoma, 1940-farm laborer, living with bro Eugene in Idaho; 1950-logging truck driver, Rock Creek, Lincoln Co., OregonMarried 15 Mar 1940, Oklahoma; 1942 in Oklahoma; son Donald attended Hudson's Bay HS, Vancouver 1957
ShoreDorettaE Plummer1918 Mar 4Logan, Blaine Co., Oklahoma2013 Aug 24Redmond, Deschutes Co., Oregonyes NW 198Aug 2013Vancouver City CemeteryRalph J Shore (OK) - spouse; Donald Owen, Ralph Dewayne, Donna R, Dale L - children; Charles O Plummer (KS) And Elsa Nicolai (OK) - parents1995-1997 in Redmond OR
ShultsWilliamC1857 Jun 17St Johnsville, Montgomery Co., New York1916 Jan 4St Vincent Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonnephritisYesNyeNW 149Finley Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon6 Jan 1916Vancouver City CemeteryJessie Nye (OR) - spouse; Clark Nye - child; Daniel D Shults (NY) and Abigail Union Chandler (MA) - parentsmasonOWRN Railroad, yard master in Albina, Portland OR-worked for railroad in various place1887 came to Oregon ; 1893 married Jessie Nye, Pendleton OR; obit The Oregonian 25 Jan 1916; buried in Nye plot with father-in-law Adam W Nye; son Charles (b. 1896) buried in Arlington National Cemetery
SlumanOlive Jane Gee1828 Jul 7Sackets Harbor, Jefferson Co., New York1915 Apr 1at home, Vancouver WApneumonia and senilityyesSluman/StaleNW 157-1Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Apr 1915Vancouver City CemeteryArnold Sluman (Eng) - spouse; William Arnold, Fred, Euretta, Hannah Mary, Thomas Vernon, Fannie Amelia, Ida Kate, Emma, Maud Laura - children; John Gee (Eng) and Hannah Evidon - parents1900 census 10 children/ 8 living1900-living with son William, Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WA; charged to William A and Fred Sluman; husband Slyman burid in Jefferson Co., New York, died 1886
SlumanMaudLaura1864 Jun 25Wolf Island, Ontario, Canada1953 May 4Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesSluman/StaleNW 157Vancouver Funeral Chapel8 May 1953Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Arnold Sluman (Eng) and Olive Gee (NY) - parentsSiblings: William Arnold, Fred, Euretta, Hannah Mary, Thomas Venton, Fannie Amelia, Ida Kate, Emma
SmileyWilliamH1833 Mar 1Hawkins Co., Tennessee1903 Jan 30Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WAheart failireyes?NW 321 Feb 1903Vancouver City CemeteryCloita Caroline Stone (IN) - spouse; Adolph, Walter E, Minnie, child - children; Jacob Smiley (Ger) and Catherine Morlan (TN) - parentsMaster of WA Lodge #4 AF&AMCivil War War veteran - Co. I, 36th Iowa Volunteer Infantry (Union)designed prune dryers and sold custom packages for European royalty1882 came to Clark Co., WA to join son Adolph; pioneer in prune industry; obit The Oregonian 1 Feb 1903
SmileyCloitaCarolineStone1837 Feb 16Indiana1919 Apr 13St Josephs Hospital, Vanovuer WAsenility and arteriosclerosisyes?NW 32Knapp Funeral Parlor17 Apr 1919Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Smiley - spouse; Adolph, Walter E, Minnie, child - children; William Stone (NC) and Jane Henry (?) - parentsUniversalisthousewifelived in Fruit Valley WA; 1900 census 4 children/ 3 living
SmithJames Otis1833 Apr 15Calais, Washington Co., Maine1909 Jan 25at home at 1008 E "B" St., Vancouver WAheart failureyesHarveyNW 116-1 line 6 Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Jan 1909Vancouver City CemeteryHannah A Jackson (Can) - spouse; Lola, Mary, Estelle, Elna, Otis, Jerome, Sarah, plus 3 more - children; William Peabody Smith (NH) and Mary Emily Knight (NH) - parents 1860-laborer, WI; 1870 farmer, WI; 1880-stable livery man, Vancouver WA; 1900-pensioner1850 married Hannah, Wisconsin; 1873 moved from Wisconsin to California then to Vancover; lived at 1008 E "B" St., Vancouver WA.; son Otis buried in SE 101; child Otis and family buried in SE 101
SmithHannah AzubaJackson1834London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada1911 Dec 22at home of dau Mrs. Elna Harvey, Vancouver WAyesHarveyNW 116-2 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor24 Dec 1911Vancouver City CemeteryJames O Smith (ME) - spouse; Lola, Mary, Estelle, Elna, Otis, Jerome, Sarah, plus 3 more - children; Philomen Jackson (VT) and Sarah F Hill (VT) - parentsmarried 1850 Smith, Wisconsin; 1910-living with dau Elna, 1900 census 9 children /5 living, 1910-9 children/4 living; son Otis buried in SE 101; obit The Columbian 28 Dec 1911-survived by son Otis and 3 daus
SmithJabezRalph1862 Sep 16Franklin, Merrimack Co., New Hampshire1942 Apr 19Vancouver WAaccident pedestrian hit by autoyesSmithNW 189Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Apr 1942Vancouver City CemeteryFannie F Fellows (NH) - spouse; Alice Maud, Ned Fellows, one more - children; John C Smith (NH) and Vesta L Shaw (NH) - parents1900-steam fitter, NH; 1910-farmer, New Hampshire; 1920-1930-steam railroad, car repaiman; 1940-SP&S railroad, sheet metal workermarried Fannie 28 Dec 1887, Franklin NH
SmithFannie FellowsFellows1866 Apr 29Franklin, Merrimack Co., New Hampshire1921 Dec 5Vancouver WAcancer of the spine, myelitis (inflammation of spinal cord)yesSmithNW 189Knapp Funeral Parlor8 Dec 1921Vancouver City CemeteryJebez Ralph Smith (NH) - spouse; Alice Maud, Ned Fellows, one more - children; Joseph Fellows (NH) and Angeline Smith (NH) - parentsmarried Smith 28 Dec 1887 Franklin NH
Smith Alice Maude1890 Nov 19Franklin, Merrimack Co., New Hampshire1978 Jan 9Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., Californiaheart failureyesSmithNW 18916 Jan 1978Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Jebez R Smith and Fannie Fellows - parents1920-bookkeeper, railroad, Vancouver WA; 1930-student at NW Training School, Seattle WA
Smith Knute1861 Dec 18Denmark1948 Dec 8Vancouver WAcoronary thrombosisyesno nameNW 168Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Dec 1948Vancouver City CemeteryHanne Paulsen/Gerrig? (Den)- spouse; Jennie, Mathilda, Harry S, Alice E, Dorothy G - children; both of Denmark1900-day laborer, MN; 1910- machinist,SP& S Railroad Vancouver WA; RR storekeeper/workeremigrated in 1882
Smith Hanne/HannahPaulsen/Gerrig?1866 Aug 30Gammel Haderslev Sogn, Denmark1946 Apr 19Vancouver WAbronchial pneumoniayesno nameNW 168Knapp Funeral Parlor23 Apr 1946Vancouver City CemeteryKnute Smith (Den) - spouse; Jennie, Mathilda, Harry S, Alice E, Dorothy G - children; Jorgen Paulsen (Den)and Maren Steffensen (Den) - parents baptism 30 May 1867, Denmark; imigrated 1880; married Smith 22 Jan 1887, MN; living in Clark Co 36 years at death; 1910 census 7 children/5 living; 1910- Vancouver WA
Smith Wilson Daniel1847 Nov 9Mentor, Lake Co., Ohio1928 Feb 25at home 400 W 13 St., Vancouver WAheart failurenoSmithNW 171Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Feb 1928Vancouver City CemeteryMary Angier (NH) - spouse; Jay, D. Montgomery, Wilson L - children; James M Smith (NY) and Huldah Wilson (OH) - parents1900-1910-general contractor, Vancouver, WAmarried Mary 9 Apr 1873, Lake Co., OH
Smith Mary DAngier1850 Mar 19Littleton, Grafton Co., New Hampshire1938 Aug 24at home Franklin County Apts, Vancouver WAheart diseasenoSmithNW 171-2Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Aug 1938Vancouver City CemeteryWilson D Smith (OH) - spouse; Jay Angier, D. Montgomery, Wilson L - children; James Harvey Angier (NH) and Cynthia Page Heath (NH) - parentsmarried Smith 9 Apr 1873, Lake Co., OH; 1900- 3 children-2 living (Jay died)
SmithJay Angier1875 JanOhio1894 May 5Washingtondrown in Columbia River; sail boating accident-boat found at mouth of Lewis RivernoSmithNW 171-3 May 1894Vancouver City CemeteryWilson D Smith (OH) and Mary Angier (NH) - parentsoriginally in SW 197-4 then transferred to NW 173-3 with father; obit The Oregonian 10 May 1894
SmithRaymond Francis 1903 Nov 6Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., Idaho1974 Jul 9Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesSmithNW 44-5Little Little Chapel of the Chimes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon14 Jul 1974Vancouver City CemeteryMinerva G Tarleton (WA) - spouse; Floyd, Robert - children; William Smith (KY) and Grace L Pelton (IL) - parentsWorld War II veteran - US ArmyUS Corp of Engineers 1945-retirementobit The Oregonian 12 Jul 1974
Smith Minerva GeorgeanaTarleton1910 May 20Vancouver WA1978 Dec 24Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesSmithNW 44-6Little Little Chapel of the Chimes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon29 Dec 1978Vancouver City CemeteryRaymond F Smith (ID) - Spouse; Floyd, Robert - children; Arthur H Tarleton (WA) and Florence Dunning (CA) - parents
SnodgrassJames A 1841 Mar 3Wheeling, Marshall Co., West Virginia1917 Mar 25St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesJ A SnodgrassNW 53-3 Limber Funeral Home27 Mar 1917Vancouver City CemeteryEsther A Bone (IA) - spouse; Florence, Clara, Ernest, Herbert, Effie, Frederick, Lennie - children; Francis Snodgrass (Ire/VA?) and Mary McGee (Ire) - parentsCivil War veteran, Quarter Master Sgt, Co. H, 1st Colorado Cavalry - Civil War Marker1890 - Clark Co Auditormarried Esther about 1866; came to Vancouver 1882
SnodgrassEstherA Bone1851 Mar 28Homer, Mahaska Co. Iowa1916 Feb 8602 W 13th St., Vancouver WAcanceryesJ A SnodgrassNW 53 line 9Limber Funeral Home11 Feb 1916Vancouver City CemeteryJames A Snodgrass (WV) - spouse; Florence, Clara, Ernest, Herbert, Effie, Frederick, Lennie - children; Joseph Bone (OH) and Rachel Bryan (OH) - parents married Snodgrass about 1866; 1900-1910 census -7 children/ 6 living unknown headstone in NW 105 - Needs to be moved???
SnodgrassClara Josephine 1868Webster City, Hamilton Co., Iowa1894 Mar 27Vancouver WAtuberculosis/consumption yesJ A SnodgrassNW 53-1 line 531894Vancouver City CemeteryJames A Snodgrass (WV) and Esther A Bone (IA) - parents unknown headstone in NW 105 - Needs to be moved???
SohnsLouis1827 Apr 29Beerfeltden, Germany1901 May 17Vancouver WAyesSohnsNW 90-319 May 1901Vancouver City CemeteryTirza Schuele (PA) - spouse; Sam William, Louis Rudolph, Katherine Mary, Ida Augusta, Flora Elizabeth, Anna E - children; ? Sohns and ? - parents, parent of GermanyMasonServed in US Army, infantry regimant Vancouver Regiment, tuba playerMayor of Vancouver, Store ownerobit The Oregonian 20 May 1901; Large Sohns Family headstone
SohnsTirzaSchuele1834 Aug 2Phillipsburg, Centre Co., Pennsylvania1922 Jan 27Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesSohnsNW 90-4Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Jan 1922Vancouver City CemeteryLouis Sohns (Ger) - spouse; Sam William, Louis Rudolph, Katherine Mary, Ida Augusta, Flora Elizabeth, Anna E - children; Adam Schuele (Ger) and Katherine Wagner? (Ger) - parentsdau Catherine buried in same plot; brother David Schuele is in NW 75
SohnsLouisRudolph1858 Oct 3Vancouver WA1940 Mar 24Coffee Memorial Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonauto accident-pedestrain hit by caryesSohnsNW 90Holman and Son, Portland, Multonomah Co., Oregon27 Mar 1940Vancouver City CemeteryIda Plummer (WA)(1) and Carrie Dunn (OH)(2) - spouse; George - child by Ida; Louis Sohns (Ger) and Tirza Schuele (PA) - parents1900-pressman, Portland OR; 1920-grocer owned store, 1930-1934 salesman RL Polk Company, publishing company, Portland ORmarried Ida 1881, Seattle WA, divorced Ida by 1884, Seattle; Married Carrie 21 Sep 1916, Portland OR; newspapaer article The Oregonian 17 Mar 1940
SorensenSorenMagnus1889 Sep 16Silkeborg, Jutland, Denmark1975 Jan 25Clark Co., WAheart failureyesNW 97-2 line 9Vancouver Funeral Chapel28 January 1975Vancouver City CemeteryEleanora "Nora" Christine Jensen Kodhel (Denmark)(1), Esther Mary Miller (WI)(2) and Gladys Abelsen (WA)(3)- spouses; Florence, Folmer, Harald - children by Eleanora; Magnus Sorensen (Den) and Agneta Nelsen (Den) - parentsfarmer; 1920- farmer King Co., WAmarried Eleanora , but divorced by 1930, King Co. WA;Esther died in 1938; married Gladys in 1940, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 27 Jan 1975
SorensenEstherMaryMiller1897 May 9Winneconne, Winnebago Co., Wisconsin1938 Dec 28St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAchronic nephrites and uremic poisoningyesNW 97-2 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Jan 1939Vancouver City CemeterySoren M Sorensen (Den) - spouse; no children; Floyd P Miller (KS) and Jeannette Horr (WI) - parentsPresbyterianhousewife
SparksWalter Winfield1852 Dec 22Dubuque, Dubuque Co., Iowa1937 Feb 12at home in Vancouver WAmyocarditisyesSparksNW 172Knapp Funeral Parlor14 Feb 1937Vancouver City CemeteryEmma Jane Goddard (WA)(1), Mary E Poe (OR)(2) and Metta Durgan McCafferty (WA)(3) - spouses; Ernest Ray by Mary; Edwin Sparks, Sr. (OH) and Priscilla Spurgeon (OH) - parentsIOOF, Knights of Pythias, Mt Hood Lodge of F&AM, Vancouver Chap. RAMtaught school and studied to be a lawyer; lawyer with Sparks and Nanney Attys Arrived in Vancouver on 18 June 1873 by train to San Francisco and ship to Portland OR; married Emma Jane Goddard - 1877, died in 1878, buried in SE 4-1 with Walter's parents in SE 4; married Mary Poe in 1883; married Feb 1927 Metta Durgan McCafferty (WA), died 1964,OR; death certificate has birth yeara as 1853; parents buried in SE 4; siblings: Marshall Rowe, Leo Clark, Mary Ramsey (Haack), Mabel Nancy (Bacon) and Sarah Zulima (Sharp).
SparksMary ElizabethPoe1855 May 2Harrisburg, Linn Co., Oregon1925 Jan 22Vancouver WAcanceryesSparksNW 172Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Jan 1925Vancouver City CemeteryHenry Spurgeon (IA)(1) and Walter W Sparks (IA)(2) - spouses; Martha Matilda, George Henry - children by Spurgeon and Ernest Ray - child by Sparks; William Poe (IL) and Jane Van Atta (IL) - parentsmarried Spurgeon 1873 Clark Co., WA, he died 1880, buried in Brush Prairie Cemetery, Brush Prairie WA; married in 1883
SparksMarshall Rowe 1860 Oct 7Peosta, Dubuque Co., Iowa1946 Dec 3Vancouver WAnephritisyesno nameNW 177-1Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Dec 1946Vancouver City CemeteryAlice Deborah Sharp (1) (IA) and Florence Snodgrass (IA) (2) - spouses; Leslie Clay, Harry, Marshall Rene, Norma May - children by Alice; Edwin Sparks (OH) and Priscilla Spurgeon (OH) - parentsMasonmerchant, family business; 1910- hardware storemarried Alice in 1884; married Florence 1935;parents buried in SE 4
SparksAlice DeborahSharp1856 Oct 17Dubuque, Dubuque Co., Iowa1933 Feb 27St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonpneumoniayesno nameNW 177-2Knapp Funeral Parlor1 Mar 1933Vancouver City CemeteryMarshall Roe Sparks - spouse; Leslie Clay, Harry, Marshall Rene, Norma May - children; William B Sharp (IA) and Mary Paul (IA) - parentsRebeccas, Eastern Star, Women's Club, Presbyterianhousewifemarried Sparks in 1884
SparksFlorence MSnodgrass1867 Apr 5Webster City, Webster Co, Iowa1943 Dec 10Vancouver WAbreast cancer mastasisyesJ A SnodgrassNW 53-4Knapp Funeral Parlor13 Dec 1943Vancouver City CemeteryMarshall Roe Sparks - spouse; no children; James A Snodgrass (WV) and Esther Bone (IA) - parents school teachermarried Sparks in 1935
SpatzWardBohner1892 Jun 27Clay Co., Nebraska1980 Jul 7Jackson Co., Oregonheart failureashesyesA M BlakerNW 18 ashesLittle Chapel of the Chimes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon, 19 Aug 1980Vancouver City CemeteryJulia Lillian Blaker (WA) - spouse; no children; Joseph E Spatz (PA) and Lulu Sherwood (WI) - parentsWorld War I veteran, 1st LT, US Armyorchardistmarried 8 Dec 1920, Clark Co., WA
SpatzJuliaLillianBlaker1890 Dec 22Vancouver WA1990 Feb 20a nursing home in Vanocuver WAage related deathashesyesA M BlakerNW 18-3 ashesHamilton Mylan Funeral Home16 Apr 1990Vancouver City CemeteryEdward Charles Clark (WA)(1) and Ward Bohner Spatz (NEB)(2)- spouse; John Edward Denton Clark by Frederick; Albert M Blaker (WI) and Estella Varble (MN) - parentsFrederick and Edward Clark are buried in SW 155; married 20 Jun 1908 to Edward Clark, divorced Edward Clark by 1920; 1920-living in Medford with son Edward; married Spatz, 8 Dec 1920, Clark Co., WA; parents in NW 29
SpencerIraEddy1842 Sep 17Niles, Berrien Co, Michigan1922 Apr 8St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonBright's diseaseyesSpencerNE 82-3 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Apr 1922Vancouver City CemeteryMiranda Alberta Gillihan (MO)(1) and Mary J Cabral (CA)(2) - spouses; Charles, Alice Serepta, Fred Ira, Sara Jane, Lewis Frank, Cora Annie, Beatrix Miranda - children by Miranda; Albert Spencer (CT) and Caroline Lilly (OH) - parentsMethodistCivil War Veteran, private Co. D, Merril's Horce Calvary, Missouri; reinlisted at Brownsville Ark. until 1865farmer, Justice of the Peace and County Assessor, Representative of the first Territorial legislator in 1889.Family headstone; married Miranda 1865, Missouri; married Mary J Cabral in 1913; son Fred Ira Spencer and wife Mary Amelia Gregory are buried in Lewisville Cemetery; Alice Serepta (buried in NW 82), married Horace Palmer, who is not buried in Old City Cemetery
SpencerMirandaAlbertaGillihan1847 Oct 14Missouri1898 Sep 15Clark Co., WA50 yrs, 11 mo, 1 dayYesSpencerNW 82 line 11Vancouver City CemeteryIra Eddy Spencer (MI) - spouse; Charles, Alice Serepta, Fred Ira, Sara Jane, Lewis Frank, Cora Annie, Beatrix Miranda - children; Gideon G Gillihan (TN) and Mary Jane Henslee (TN) - parentsmarried Spencer in 1865, Missouri; son Fred Ira Spencer and wife Mary Amelia Gregory are buried in Lewisville Cemetery; Alice Serepta and in (buried in NW 82), married Horace Palmer, who is not buried in Old City Cemetery; parents buried in NW 65
SpencerLewisFrank1873Portland , Multnomah Co., OR1887 Apr 10Lewisville area, Clark Co., WAaccidental gun shot wound, hunting accidentYesSpencerNW 82 13 Apr 1887Vancouver City CemeteryIra Eddy Spencer (MI) and Miranda Alberta Gillihan (MO) - parentsnewspaper article The Oregonian 14 Apr 1887
SpencerMaryAmeliaGregory1872 Sep 28Jackson Co., Wisconsin1953 Mar 16Brush Prairie, Clark Co., WAcoronary thrombosisLewisville Cemetery, Clark Co., WashingtonFred Ira Spencer - spouselisted in Gilman Report - no headstone, she is buried in Lewisville Cemetery, Clark Co., WA with Spencer family
Spencer Valma AngelineViers1872 Feb 18Akron, Summit Co., Ohio1957 Nov 27Tillamook Co., Oregonheart failureyesFreyNW 192Lundberg and Son, Tillamook, Tillamook Co., Oregon30 Nov 1957Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Homer Spencer (IA) - spouse; Leota, Stella, Lester, Harry, Virgil, Homer, Ethel, Ronald, Doris, Bessie - children; Charles W Viers (OH) and Harriet Delana Sanford (PA) - parentsMarried Spencer 1889; 1900-10 census 10 children/10 living
Spencer Charles Homer1864 Jun 25Linn Co., Iowa1941 May 17Trout Lake, Klickitat Co., Washingtoncerebral hemorrhageyesFreyNW 192O F Gardner, White Salmon, Klictitat Co., Washingotn19 May 1941Vancouver City CemeteryVelma Angeline Viers (OH) - spouse; Leota, Stella, Lester, Harry, Virgil, Homer, Ethel, Ronald, Doris, Bessie - children; Webster M Spencer (NY) and Emily N McMin (MI) - parents1900-farmer, OK; 1920- farmer WAmarried 1889 Valma
StanchfieldHattieCrosson1841 Jul 29Cinncinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio1924 Jul 3Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhagenoSparrowNW 188 Limber Funeral Home10 Jul 1924Vancouver City CemeteryDaniel Stanchfield (ME) - spouse; Clark, Albert, Belle, Ada S, William Irving - children; William Crosson (VA) and Sophia Clark (MA) - parentsmarried 9 Nov 1963, Davenport, IA; Daniel died in 1908, buried in Denver CO, 1870-1880 dealer in lumber, IA; 1900-Minneapolis MN; 1910- Hattie in Minneapolis as a boarder; 1920- Vancouver WA
StanleyJulia "Della"KristineHendrickson1896 Jun 8Fosston, Polk Co., Minnesota1973 Nov 26Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesConantNW 187Evergreen Funeral Home30 Nov 1973Vancouver City CemeteryAustin McIver (MN)(1) and Albert Newell Stanley (CA)(2) - spouse; Margaret, Marjory - twin children by McIver; John Hendrickson (Swe) and Anna Garson (Nor) - parentsElks, Republican , PTAcourt baliff, Clark Co., WA ; trainned as a nursemarried McIver in 1921, Minnesota, divorced McIver after 1940, he died in 1950, buried in Camas Cemetery, Clark Co., WA; married Stanley in 1947, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 27 Nov 1973; lived in Vancouver since 1928
StanleyAlbertNewell1891 Mar 30Oakland, Alameda Co., California1976 Apr 14Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesConantNW 187Evergreen Funeral Home17 Apr 1976Vancouver City CemeteryMinnie Elvah Miller (WV)(1) and Della K Hendrickson (MN)(2) - spouses; Jack Wilbur, Elizabeth Ruth - children by Minnie; Newell Avery Stanley (MI) and Annie S Rowan (Can) - parents Elks, Mason, appliance store owner, Mayor of Vancouver 1938-1942, County Commissioner after being mayormarried Minnie 8 Aug 1913, Clark Co., WA; 1940- with Minnie, divorced, she died 1977, Umatilla Co., OR; married Della 1947, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 15 Apr 1976
Stegert/ SteggertCRichard1824Saxony, Germany1900 Mar 22at son's home in Sara, Clark Co., WA76 yrsyesStegertNW 83 + NW 8624 Mar 1900Vancouver City CemeteryElthina Fales (IL) - spouse; Ada Grace, Cora, Minnie F, Sarah, Daniel Rufus - children; ? Steggert (Ger) - parentMasonproprietor of a hotel in Vancouver; ran meat market/butcher; City Council of VancouverStegert family headstone; obit The Oregonian 23 Mar 1900
Stegert/ SteggertElthina "Elna"HFales1842Illinois1891 Nov 30Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washingtonconsumption; 50 yrs, 9 moyesStegertNW 83 + NW 86Vancouver City CemeteryC Richard Steggert (Ger) - spouse; Ada Grace, Cora, Minnie F, Sarah, Daniel Rufus - children; David R Fales (ME) and Sarah Palmer (ME) - parentsStegert family headstone; Parents in NW 66; obit The Seattle Daily Intelligencer 2 Dec 1891
Stegert/ SteggertDaniel Rufus1876Clark Co., WA1880 Jan 15Clark Co., WA3 yr, 1 mo, 15 daysyesStegertNW 83 + NW 86Vancouver City CemeteryC Richard Steggert (Ger) and Elthina Fales (IL) - parentsStegert family headstone
Stevenson HenryL 1874Iron Co., Missouri1897 Mar 8Cascades, Skamania Co., Washington23 yrsyesStevensonNW 44Mar 1897Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Henry Stevenson (MO) and Margarette George (MO) - parentssibling: George H Stevenson. "highly thought of"-obit The Oregonian 11 Mar 1897
StoddardJohnJ1871 Jun 3Elks Falls, Elk Co., Kansas1937 Sep 12Spokane, Spokane Co., WashingtoncancerashesyesMillsNW 124Turnbull-Merager Funeral Home, Spokane, WashingtonSep 1937Vancouver City CemeteryIda V Lattimer (OR)(1), Eleanor Altheia Kane (Eng)(2) and Edmonia Mills (SD)(3) - spouses: Ethel, Alveda Gladys, Frederick A - children By Ida; Frederick Stoddard (NY) and Laura Butler (OH) - parentslawyer, court reportermarried Ida 1895, she died 1907; married Altheia by 12 May 1909, Seattle, WA, divorced; married 1917 Edmonia in Walla Walla, WA
StoddardEdmonia "Edda"Mills1873 Jul 12Bon Homme Co., South Dakota1955 May 22Watson Nursing Home, Battle Ground, Clark Co., Washingtonheart diseaseyesMillsNW 124Knapp Funeral Parlor26 May 1955Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Stoddard (KS) - spouse; Andrew J Mills (IL) and Maria McCollum (IL) - parentsmarried Stoddard 1917 in Walla Walla ,WA
StuderLillianHHerschman1895 Mar 25Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois1941 Mar 3Webster Groves, St Louis Co., Missourisleeping sicknessashesyesLevinNW 105-5 line 6Oak Grove Chapel, St. Louis Co., MissouriMar 1941Vancouver City CemeteryClarence Studer (TN) - spouse; Herman Herschman (IL) and Charlotta Levin (Swe) - parentsburied with mother Charlotte; husband buried at Jeffereson Barracks National Cemetery, St Louis Co., Missouri WW I vweteran
SturgessSusanPatterson1839 Aug 14Illinois1876 Apr 18Clark Co., WAnoI PattersonNW 60-4Apr 1876Vancouver City CemeteryAndrew Jackson Sturgess (NY) - spouse; Laura D, Walter, Lillian Edith, Mary, Jesse (male), Asa, Mabel S - children; Ira Patterson (NY) and Martha Halstead (OH) - parentsmarried 30 Aug 1855; husband Andrew buried in SW 52; buried with father Ira
SutherlandAbigaleMonfries1860 Feb 2Scotland1913 Dec 2at home of brother-in-law, Donald Sutherland, on Fourth Plain, Vancouver WApulmonary TByesno nameNW 152-2 line 7 Knapp Funeral Parlor4 Dec 1913Vancouver City CemeteryJohn H Sutherland (Scot) - spouse; no children; James Monfries (Scot) and Marian Melrose (Scot) - parentsPresbyterianhousewifeimigrated in 1900; came to Clark Co. WA in 1913; obit
SuttonLewisWells1839 Nov 12Guernsey Co., Ohio1914 Jul 23210 NE 14 th St., Vancouver WAparalysis of the bowels and bladdernoJason R MasonNW 211-4Beatty Funeral Home24 Jul 1914Park Hill CemeteryJemima Alice Thomas (OH) - spouse; Freeman, Paul - children; Phillip Sutton (NJ) and Elizabeth Hoffman (MD) - parentsMason, Odd Fellow, Grand Army of the Republic memberCivil War, 14th Iowa Infantry, Co. I, sargeant-Majorpainting contractor1900 census 2 children/ 2 living; moved to Park Hill Cem. in 1915 with wife Jemima (under Alice); obit The Columbian 23 Jul 1914
SuttonMargaretGoss1878 JulBloomington, McLean Co., Illinois1906 Nov 8home of sister Mrs Eg Crawford, Vancouver WAheart failurenoNW 3312 Nov 1906Vancouver City CemeteryPaul Sutton (IA) - spouse; Louis Goss - child; James Taylor Goss (CT) and Eliza C Kieger (OH) - parentsburied in same plot as parents; Obit The Oregonian 11 Nov 1906
Swanson Carl 1891 Sep 14Sweden1953 Dec 21Vancouver WAheart failure and pneumoniayesNW 199Hamilton Funeral Home23 Dec 1953Vancouver City CemeterysingleWorld War I veteran, US Army, WA Wagon Co #4-23 Engineerslongshoremandeath cert has birth date as 17 Sep 1892; obit The Columbian 22 Dec 1953
Sweet EdwardBerry1880 Jan 8Dunlap, Harrison Co., Iowa1930 Feb 4at the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonStretococcus infection of sinusyesNW 205Knapp Funeral Parlor6 Feb 1930Vancouver City CemeteryCecile May McKinley (IA) - spouse; Edward McKinley, Harriet Emma, Lola May - children; William H Sweet (MN) And Emma L Gard (WI/IA) - parentsfarmer in Washougal WA
Sweet Edward McKinley1908 Apr 11Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co., Washington1915 Nov 16died at grandparents' home at 57th and Broadway, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumoniayesNW 205Knapp Funeral Parlor18 Nov 1915Vancouver City CemeteryEdward Berry Sweet (IA) and Cecile May McKinley (IA) - parentssiblings: Harriett Emma, Lola May
SyversonDella MarieHoernemann1909 May 14Lester Prairies, McLeod Co., Minnesota1999 Jan 2Clark Co., WAyes NW 198Memorial Gardens Funeral Chapel, Vancouver WA7 Jan 1999Vancouver City CemeteryRoy Jesse Pyles (IA)(1) and Roger Syverson (MN)(2) - spouses; Leroy, Louise, Eugene, John, Betty, Donna - children by Pyles; Fred T Hoernemann (MN) and Caroline Gohlke (MN) - parentsEastern Starco-owner of Universal Marble Tile Company, Vancouver WAmarried Syverson 1954, Clark Co., WAobit The Columbian 5 Jan 1999; son Leroy died in 1970
SyversonRoger "Mike"Milton1914 May 30Winger, Polk Co., Minnesota1994 Jul 8Clackamas Co., Oregonyes NW 198Memorial Gardens Funeral Chapel, Vancouver WA12 Jul 1994Vancouver City CemeteryCharlotte Irene Thompson (1) and Della M Hoernemann (MN)(2)- spouses; Shirley Irene, Milton Baernard - children by Charlotte; Barney Syverson and Sarah Moen - parentsElks, Bricklayer and Mason International Uniontile settermarried Charlotte and divorced, died in 2000, buried in Coos Co., OR; married Della 1954, Clark Co., WA
TamiesieVictorJoseph1866 Apr 6Iowa1943 Dec 2Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhageyesno nameNW 137 line 6Pearson Funeral Chapel, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon6 Dec 1943Vancouver City Cemetery? (1) and Christine L Wagenblast (OR)(2)- spouses; Ruth L - child by Christine; John Baptiste Tamiesie (NY) and Philipine Goffett (Belgium) - parents1910-farm laborer, 1920- decorator; 1930 contractor, painting; 1940-interior decorator, own shopmarried Christine 1909 , Clark Co. WA
TamiesieChristine LouiseWagonblast1875 Nov 29Government Island, Multnomah Co., Oregon1941 Mar 9Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonbroken hipyesNW 137-4 line 6Pearson Funeral Chapel, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon13 Mar 1941Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert Ruhnke (Ger)(1) and Victor J Tamiesie (IA)(2) - spouses; Ruth L - child by Tamiesie; Jacob Wagenblast (MO) and Margaret C Proebstel (MO) - parentsmarried Ruhnke1895, Pendleton OR; divorced Rhunke in 1908, Oregon for cruelty; married Tamiesie 1909, Clark Co., WA; obit The Oregonian 11-12 Mar 1941; brothers Jacob and James Wagonblast; father buried in SW 179; mother buried in in same plot
TamiesieRuth Elaine1911 Mar 5Oregon1991 Jul 26Multnomah Co., Oregon80 yrnoNW 137-1 line Pearson Funeral Chapel, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon30 Jul 1991Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Victor J Tamiesie (IA)and Christina Wagenblast (OR) - parents1940-living with parents, Portland OR
TeelMary ElizabethTeel1837 May 3Franklin Co., Virginia1913 Sep 19at home at 33rd and Drummond Aves, Vancouver WAheart disease, paralysis nono nameNW 142Knapp Funeral Parlor20 Sep 1913Vancouver City Cemetery? Teel (PA) - spouse; Henry C, Guy Yedd (adopted) - children; Mankin Chester Teel (VA) and Amelia Ferguson (VA) - parentschristian1880-servant, Athens, OH1880-husband not in household; Mary was widowed before 1900, living in Vancouver WA 1900; 1900 census 1 child/1 living; adopted Guy Yedd (b 22 Nov 1891 OR- d. 1951 CA);1910- son Henry b. 1869, West Virginia; Adopted Guy (1895 Ft Stevens OR)
TempesJessie (female)BBaker1875 May 6King George Co., Virginia1962 May 11Arcadia, Los Angeles Co., Californiayesno nameNW 119-4 line 7Vancouver Funeral Chapel15 May 1962Vancouver City CemeteryFrederick W Tempes (WA) - spouse; Frederick Lyttleton - child; William E Baker (VA) and Elizabeth A Crocker (VA) - parentsMarried Tempes 1904, Vancouver WA
Tempes Frederick William1877 Oct 19Vancouver WA1950 Apr 30Vancouver WAheart failureyesno nameNW 119Vancouver Funeral Chapel2 May 1950Vancouver City CemeteryJessie B Baker (VA) - spouse; Frederick Lyttleton - child; Edward F Tempes (LA) and Mary A Redding (MO) - parentsSpanish American War veteran, Cpl, First Regiment, Washington Infantry, 1900-day laborer at woolen mills; 1910-1930 attorney, Vancouver married Jessie 1904, Vancouver WA; birth year could be 1876
TempesEdwardF 1829 Oct 19New Orleans Parish, Louisiana1909 Jun 27Vancouver WAapoplexyyesno nameNW 119-1 line 8Hamilton Funeral Home29 June 1909Vancouver City CemeteryMary Armita Redding (MO) - spouse; Frederick William - child; parents both from Francenurseyman and farmerwife Mary A under ADAMS in same plot
ThomasIsaac 1842 Mar 17Missouri1890 Nov 14Sauvie's Island, Multnomah Co., Oregonaccident death caused by cave-in of a drain he was diggingyesIsaac ThomasNW 31-4 line 15Nov 1890Vancouver City CemeteryMary ? (Ire) - spouse; Alex, ? - children; Henry Thomas (VA) and Mary Kopland (OH) - parentsMason, Methodist, Knights of Pythias Captain, engineer on river steamboatsibling: Sarah; arrived in Clark Co., WA in 1852 on Oregon Trail-mother died on Oregon Trail; took a Donation Land Claim 160 Acres, then moved to Sauvies Island; newspaper article The Seattle Daily Intelligencer 15 Nov 1890
ThomasMary1841 Aug 9Ireland1892 Oct 21Sauvie's Island, Multnomah Co., Oregonaccidental gun shoot - self inflectedyesIsaac ThomasNW 31-5 line 1524 Oct 1892Vancouver City CemeteryIsaac Thomas (MO) - spouse; Alexander, ? - children; parents both in Scotlandnewspaper article The Oregonian 23 Oct 1982
Thomas Florence1909 Mar 22Vancouver WA1909 Aug 1Vancouver WA4 mo., 11 daynoThomasNW 115 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Aug 1909Vancouver City CemeteryCharles H Thomas and Maud Louise Shaffer - (IA) parents
Thomas Maud LouiseShaffer1873 Sep 12Iowa1910 May 13St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApneumonianoThomasNW 115 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor15 May 1910Vancouver City CemeteryM B Havens (IA)(1) and Charles R Thomas (IN)(2) - spouse; Vivian Adel, John H, Ethel, Florence, boy, girl, child (triplets) - children; Solomn M Shaffer and Mary Martin - parentsmarried Havens Sep 1891, Neb; married after 1900; in 1910 census Vivian, John and Ethel are listed; also noted that Maud had 5 children but 3 were alive - should have been 6 children. All tree triplets died, possibly third was stillborn???; 1920 John and Ethel are living with grandparents John E and Jennie A Thomas, Portland OR and Vivian married to Lee
Thomas infant girl1910 Apr 22Vancouver WA1910 Apr 22at home at 205 W 4th St., Vancouver WAat child birth - a triplet, lived 2 hoursnoThomasNW 115 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Apr 1909Vancouver City CemeteryCharles H Thomas and Maud Louise Shaffer (IA) - parents
Thomas infant boy1910 Apr 22Vancouver WA1910 Apr 23at home at 205 W 4th St., Vancouver WAat child birth - a tripletnoThomasNW 115 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Apr 1909Vancouver City CemeteryCharles H Thomas and Maud Louise (IA) - parents
ThompsonGeorge A 1857 Jun 6Pennsylvania1918 Jul 14at home St. Johns, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregondiabetes, heart diseaseyesO N FlorineNW 37-3Zeller and Company, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon16 Jul 1918Vancouver City CemeteryMelissa S Dwyed (WI) - spouse; William A Thompson and Anna E Faury - parents, both of PArailroad and train operations; farmer in Fruit Valley WAobit The Oregon Journal 16 Jul 1918- lived in St. Johns, OR for 13 years
ThompsonMelissa S Duryea1855 Jun 24Wisconsin1921 Dec 25Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumoniayesO N FlorineNW 37-4Dec 1925Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Plaice (ME)(1) , Wyatt Coffie (TN)(2), Olof Florine (SWE)(3), and George A Thompson (PA) (4) - spouses; Ernest, William - children by Plaice, Florence - child by Coffie, Fred - child by Florine, no children by Thompson; Horace Duryea (NY) and Frances Eames (NY) - parentsmarried Coffey 1885, husband Coffey and dau Florence buried in NE potter's field, both died 1887; married Florine 1888, Clark Co., WA; Husband Florine buried in NW 36, died before 1900; Wallace Plaice (grandson) in same plot; day of death is Dec 26, OR death index is Dec 25
Thurmaninfants1913 Jan 16St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA1913 Jan 16St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAstillborn twinnoDu BoisNW 117 line 7Jan 1913Vancouver City CemeteryCharles H Thurman (KS) and Nellie T Pittman (MO) - parentsSiblings: Janette, Charles H. There is a DuBois family connection.; parents buried Medera Co., California
Thurmaninfants1913 Jan 16St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA1913 Jan 16St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAstillborn twinnoDu BoisNW 117 line 7Jan 1914Vancouver City CemeteryCharles H Thurman (KS) and Nellie T Pittman (MO) - parentsSiblings: Janette, Charles H. There is a DuBois family connection.; parents buried Medera Co., California
ThurstonConradWalter1855 Feb 26Frederiksburg, Prince Edward Island, Canada1900 May 8St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multonomah Co., OregonappendicitisyesHennell/ThompsonNW 3510 May 1900Vancouver City Cemeterysingle?; John Thurston (Eng) and Lydia Bongard (Can) - parents1880-quartz miner, Dakota Terr.death notice 10 May 1900; Clark Co., WA probated no wife or child listed, parents inherited.
Todd, SrJohn Wesley1879 Jan 22Winterset, Madison Co., IA1958 May 12Victoria, British Columbia, CanadacancernoNW 219-2Vancouver Funeral Chapel15 May 1958Vancouver City CemeteryJulia Hidden (WA) - spouse; John Wesley, Lowell, Margaret, Mary - children; John W Todd and Minerva Payne (IL) -parentsteachermarried Julia 1905, Clark Co., WA
ToddJulia Hidden1882 Feb 24Vancouver WA1957 Jun 16Vancouver WAsenile yesNW 219-3 line 5Vancouver Funeral Chapel19 Jul 1957Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Wesley Todd (IA) - spouse; John Wesley, Lowell, Margaret, Mary - children; Lowell Mason Hidden (VT) and Mary Sherbon Eastman (VT) - parentsson John Westley Todd Jr. buried in NE 30
Tompkins, Jr.James Roy1920 Sep 12Coldwater, Branch Co., Michigan2002 Apr 17Clark Co., WAyesJaggyNW 194Apr 2002Vancouver City CemeteryElaine Frances Eberle (WA) - spouse; James Roy, Roger Wynn - children; James Roy Tompkins, Sr. (MI) and Ruby Pratt (NY) - parentsCapt, USNR, World War II and Korea
TompkinsElaineEberle1921 Oct 18Vancouver WA2009 Mar 18Vancouver WAyesJaggyNW 194Vancouver Funeral ChapelMar 2009Vancouver City CemeteryJames R Tompkins (MI) - spouse; James Roy, Roger Wynn - children; Winfield R Eberle (OR) and Frances L Harlow (WA) - parents
TrebilcockAgnesMcLeod1875 Dec Elgin, Ontario, Canada1961 Jan 26Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonsenilenoW ThurstonNW 35-2Bateman Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon31 Jan 1961Vancouver City CemeteryAlfred Edward Trebilcock (Can) - spouse; John McLeod, Edward George - children; John S McLeod (Can) and Bella Park (Can) - parentssister of Mrs. M J O'Rourke; obit The Oregonian 30 Jan 1961
TrippAbelGrinnell1811 Feb 15Tiverton, Newport Co., Rhode Island1875 Sep 17Vancouver WAcongestive chills; in critical condition for daysyesTrippNW 89Sep 1875Vancouver City CemeteryRuth Atwood (RI) - spouse; William, James - children; James Tripp (RI) and Elizabeth Grinnell (RI) - parentcolonelMayor of Vancouver; wa a representative of Clark Co. in Territorial Council; in 1867immigrated to the Pacific Coast 1849, was a resident of Vancouver from 1857-1875; obit The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA 25 Sept 1875; Vancouver Independent 11 Sep 1875
TroupWilliam H1827London, England1882 Apr 8Clark Co., WAtuberculosis, paralysisyesTroupNW 102Bonney-Watson, Seattle, King Co., Washington11 Apr 1882Vancouver City CemeteryEliza J Turnbull (OH) - spouse; James William, Charles T, Mary Ann, Fannie, Claude, Nina Maud - children; machinist; established the first steamboat line between Portalnd and Vancouver; captain/engineer on steam boatscame to Washington in 1850; married Eliza in 1854 Portland OR; son James is buried in Seattle, King Co., WA; 5 children oin same plot; obit The Oregonian 10 Apr 1882
TroupEliza JaneTurnbull 1836 Oct 6Cinncinati, Hamilton Co., Ohio1920 Jun 5Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonage related deathyesTroupNW 102Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Jun 1920Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam H Troup (Eng) - spouse; James William, Charles T, Mary Ann, Fannie, Claude, Nina Maud - children; James A Turnbull (Eng) and Mary Scott (Eng) - parentsmember of St Mark's Churchcame to the Oregon Territory in 1852; married Troup 1854, Portland OR; 5 children in same plot; son James William , buried in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada; obit The Oregonian 7 Jun 1920
Troup, SrCharlesT1858Washington1882 Oct 28Reno, Washoe Co., Nevadapulmonary consumption, 24 yr, 6 mo, 8 days, on trip with motheryesTroupNW 1023 Nov 1882Vancouver City CemeteryNellie Meacham (CA) - spouse; Charles T, Jr - child; William Troup (Eng) and Eliza Turnbull (OH) - parentsCaptain of river steamboats; first Captain of the steamboat "Washington"married Nellie in 1881, Portland OR; wife remarried John Redington (MA), she buried at Mt Pleasant Cemetery, King Co., WA; obit The Oregonian and Daily Intelligencer 31 Oct 1882; Vancouver Independent 1 Nov 1882
Troup, JrCharlesT1882 DecVancouver WA1883 Jan 21Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon4 mo., 27 dayyesTroupNW 102Jan 1883Vancouver City CemeteryCharles T Troup, Sr. (WA) and Nellie Meachem (CA) - parents
TroupClaude1865 Nov 25Vancouver WA1896 Apr 22British Columbia, CanadaconsumptionyesTroupNW 10226 Apr 1896Vancouver City CemeteryLena Hawkins (KY) - spouse; William Howard, Helen Mary - children; William Troup (Eng) and Eliza Turnbull (OH) - parentsCaptain/owner/chief Engineer for "Greyhound" Steamboat; co-owned Seattle Navigation Co with brother James in Puget Sound areaobits Daily Intelligencer, Seattle, King Co., WA 23 Apr 1896, The Oregonian 26 Apr 1896
TroupWilliam "Will"Howard1889 Feb 8Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1910 Jan 1Seattle, King Co., Washingtonconsumption, 20 yrs, 10 mo., 23 days, yesTroupNW 102Bonney-Watson, Seattle, King Co., WashingtonJan 1910Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Claude Troup (WA) and Lena Hawkins (KY) - parentsobit Seattle Daily Times 2 Jan 1910, graduated from Walla Walla Co., WA; funeral held in Seattle 3 Jan and body was sent to Vancouver for burial
TroupHelen Mary1891 Jan Vancouver WA1893 May 30Seattle, King Co., Washington2 yr, 4 mo., 21 daysyesTroupNW 1021 Jun 1893Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Claude Troup (WA) and Lena Hawkins (KY) - parentsSeattle Daily Intelligencer 2 Jun 1893 - could be buried in Lake View Cemetery Seattle, King Co., WA
TroupFannie1863 Nov 11Vancouver WA1937 Oct 2Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonnephritisyesTroupNW 102Holman and Lutz, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon5 Oct 1937 Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; William Troup (Eng) and Eliza Turnbull (OH)- parentsobit The Oregonian 5 Oct 1937
TruesdellLouiseF Adams1855 Jan 1New York, New York1916 May 15at 153 E "B" St., Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesWager/TruesdellNW 146Limber Funeral Home17 May 1916Vancouver City CemeteryJacob Truesdale (NS, Can) - spouse; Galen, Janette - children; Josiah Adams (Eng) and Sarah Barker (Eng) - parents
TurnbullJames T1810Durham, England1874 Nov 5Vancouver WAlingering illness of 4 monthsyesTroupNW 1028 Nov 1874Vancouver City CemeteryMary Scott (Eng) - spouse; Eliza Jane, William R and 5 others - children1853-operated a machine shop and foundry in Portland with David Monastes; established the Oregon Steam Navigation Ocmpany, Captain of a merchant ship; 1860 in Clark Co. WA; 1870 - retired captainmarried 26 Nov 1831, Bishop-Wearmouth, Durham, England; 1837- immigrated to Philadelphia then St. Lousi Mo, came across on Oregon Trail in 1852; obit The Oregonian 7 Nov 1874
TurnbullMary Scott1815 JanNorth Shields, London, England1896 Dec 7Clark Co., WA (?) yesTroupNW 10210 Dec 1896Vancouver City CemeteryJames T Turnbull (Eng) - spouse; Eliza Jane, William R and 5 others - children; ? Scott (Eng) and ? ? (Eng) - prensEpiscopalian1900 census 7 children 1 living; obit Than Vancouver Independent 10 Dec 1896married 26 Nov 1831, Bishop-Wearmouth, Durham, England; 1837-immigrated at age 22; came across on Oregon Trail in 1852; obit The Oregonian 10 Dec 1896
TurnbullWilliam Richard18411874 Dec 15 Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregontubercular consumption no TurnbullNW 10217 Dec 1874Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Richard Turnbull (Eng) and ? ? (Eng) - parentsnephew of James T and Mary Turnbull; obit The Oregonian 17 Dec 1874
TurnbullWilliam Richard1842St Louis, Missouri1877 Dec 2Vancouver WAcancerno TurnbullNW 1025 Dec 1877Vancouver City CemeterySusan Ryan (WA) - spouse; Ellen Mabel, James W R, May Mary, Susie - children; James T Turnbull (Eng) and Mary Scott (Eng) - parentsCatholicStreamboat captainsiblings: Thomas Richard (in plot SE 91), Ellen, Hannah Anna (m. James Goodhue, had dau Edith Moffett); funeral notice The Oregonian 5 Dec 1877; Vancouver Independent 6 Dec 1877
TurnbullSusan ElizabethRyan1849 Jan 27Washington1877 Jan 7Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonpuerperal fever, infection of uterus, complication of child bithno TurnbullNW 1028 Jan 1877Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Richard Turnbull (MO) - spouse; Ellen "Nellie"Mabel, James W R, May Mary, Susie - children; William Ryan (Ire) and Susannah Harless (KY) - parentsCatholicmusic teacherparent buried in Mother Joseph Catholic Cemtery, Vancouver WA; children lived with grandparents; obit The Oregonian 8 Jan 1877, Vancouver Independent 13 Jan 1877
TurnbullSusie 1877 Jan 1Vancouver WA1877 Jul 10Vancouver WA; 6m, 10d oldno TurnbullNW 102Jul 1877Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Richard Turnbull (MO) and Susan Ryan (WA) - parentsnot sure if buried here
Van Buren Helene MayHidden1911 Sep 24Vancouver WA2001 May 22Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesNW 217Vancouver Funeral Chapel25 May 2001Vancouver City CemeteryEvans W Van Buren (OR) - spouse; Evans W Jr., John, Paul Mason - children; William Foster Hidden (WA) and Edith Nickerson (CT) - parentsmember of First Unitarian Church, Portland ORsocial worker for the WPA; property manager for the Hidden family buinessgaraduated from Vancouver High School, third generation Hidden; attended University of Washington (Seattle) and reed College (Portland) parents buried in NW 206; obit The Oregonian 3 Jun 2001
Van Buren EvansW1903 Apr 1Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1961 Feb 22Good Samitarian Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonbrain tumoryesNW 217Vancouver Funeral Chapel25 Feb 1961Vancouver City CemeteryDorothy Maude Fraley (OR)(1) and Helene Hidden (WA)(2) - spouses; Evans W Jr., John, Paul Mason - children by Helene; Elmer C Van Buren (IL) and Rose Boehm (Ger) - parentsMultnomah Athletic Clubmember, MasonWorld War II veteran, Capt, 74 Airway A Communication System; GP Army Air Corps; Air Force IntelligenceLawyer; Manager at GMAC 1929-1957gradute of Jefferson High School, Portland OR; University of Oregon got a Law degree from NW College of Law in 197; married Dorothy Maude 7 Nov 1929 Portland OR, divorced 1941 Clackamas Co., OR; Ft MacPherson, Atlanta GA; obit The Oregonian 25 Feb 1961
Van FleetJared1840 May 5Ridgeway, Lenawee Co., Michigan1871 Aug 16Vancouver WAyesVan FleetNW 56-4Aug 1971Vancouver City CemeteryLucy DuPuis (WA) - spouse; James - child; Peter P Van Fleet (NY) and Lois swarthout (NY) - parentsLucy in same plot under Brewstertop half of headstone in NE 57; bottom half in NW 56
Van FleetJames F 1870 Oct 9Clark Co., Wa1888 Apr 28Clark Co., WAdrowningyesVan FleetNW 56-5May 1888Vancouver City CemeteryJared Van Fleet (MI) and Lucy DuPuis (WA) -parents
Van ZandtHarryMoorhead 1917 Aug 15Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan1945 Jun 1Pacific Arena - monument in Honolulu, Hawaiikilled and missing in action, body never recoveredyesA M BlakerNW 29 line 15Vancouver City CemeteryHarry M Van Zandt, Sr. (PA) and Claire Bernice Blaker (WA) - parentsWorld War II veteran, 47th Fighter Squadron, 15th Fighter group, 2nd Lt.grandparents Albert and Estelle Blaker in same plot; monument in Honoulu HI with name
VezzaLarry James1948 Feb 5Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio2012 Oct 29at home Amboy, Clark Co., WashingtoncanceryesNW 111-5Laynes Funeral Home2 Nov 2012Vancouver City CemeteryTraci Alyce D'Andrea - spouse; Mario Roy Vezza (PA) and Eloise Swope (OH) - parentsMason "York Rite"married 2 Nov 2002 Traci; Traci was in the medical profession
VezzaTraciA1958 Feb 7married Vezza 2 Nov 2002; still alive (Mar 2024)
VroomanMyron 1842 Aug 7Bradford Co., Pennsylvania1922 Oct 8Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonuremiayesNW 209Knapp Funeral Parlor14 Oct 1922Vancouver City CemeteryCordelia R King (WI) - spouse; Winifred, Ada, Anna G, Freddy V, Laura B, William Harley - Children; William Vrooman (PA) and Eliza Pratt (PA) - parents Civil War Veteran - 38th Wisconsin Infantrydeath notice Oregon Journal 18 Oct 1922
VroomanCordeliaRoxannaKing1849 Dec 20Maquette, Green Lake Co., Wisconsin1923 Jan 30at home, Wygant St., Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonsemility; shock from husband's deathyesNW 209Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Feb 1923Vancouver City CemeteryMyron Vrooman (PA) - spouse; Winifred, Ada, Anna G, Freddy V, Laura B, William Harley- Children; Harley King (NY) and Susanna Cook (NY) - parentscould have been born in Wisconsinobit The Oregonian 8 Feb 1923
VroomanWilliamHarley1881 Jul 16Wantowan Co., Minnesota1935 Sep 11Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhageyesNW 209A J Rose and Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon13 Sep 1935Vancouver City CemeteryMarie Louise Lemay (MN) - spouse; Velma, Irene, Howard, Mary Lou - children; Myron Vrooman (PA) and Cordelia R King (WI) - parents1930-cook in sandwich shop with wife, Portland ORobit The Oregonian 13 Sep 1935; 1940-wife Marie, seamster, with dau Mary Lou (b. 1923) in Portland; obit The Oregonian 13 Sep 1935
WagenblastMargaretCProebstel1852 Feb 6Fishing River, Clay Co., Missouri1913 Oct 26at dau Christina Tamiesie' home at 795 Haight Av., Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonamenia and nitral regurgitationyesNW 137-3 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor29 Oct 1913Vancouver City CemeteryJacob Gottieb Wagenblast (MO) - spouse; Clara, James Henry, Christina, Minnie F, Frank E - children ; Jacob Proebstel (Ger) and Margaretta Knogt (Ger)- parentsEpiscopalianhousewifesis Elizabeth P in same plot; husband Jacob buried in SW 179
WagerHester CSutton1857 Dec 26Rush Co., Indiana1933 Sep 5St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failure - shock from automobile accidentyesWager/TruesdellNW 146-2Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Sep 1933Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Henry Wager (NY) - spouse; Edward/Edwin, Frederick, Arthur, Maud, Leroy, Ada - children; David D Sutton (IN) and Christina Bowles (KY) - parentsMethodisthousewife1860 - family in Rush Co., IN; 1900 census 4 children/4 living; 1910 census 5 children/4 living; Leroy (1881-1881) and Ada (1884-1886) died young-there were 6 children; 1920-1930-Columbia Co., OR
WagerJohn Henry1843 Feb 8Tompkins Co., New York1916 Mar 22Vancouver WAbronchitisyesWager/TruesdellNW 146Knapp Funeral Parlor24 Mar 1916Vancouver City CemeteryHester C Sutton (IN) - spouse; Edward, Fred, Arthur, Maud, Leroy, Ada - children; John D Wager (NY) and Nancy Ann Kelly (NY) - parentsCivil War veteran - 8th Minnesota Infantry1880-makes rustic chains, Scott Co., MN; 1900-1910 day laborer, Wright Co., MNArthur died 1947 Vancouver, 1920-Spokane, 1930 in Vancouver; Edwin died in Vancouver 1957 , 1930 living with sister Maud Davidson, Vancouver; Frederick died in Vancouver 1961, 1910-living with sister Maud in Portland, 1920 in Vancouver
WalkerHazelEliceEddings1887 AugVancouver WA1917 Dec 5at aunt's place Ida May Crawford's, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonpulmonary tuberculosisyesFrankEddings/BessieSnipesNW 16-2 line 167 Dec 1917Vancouver City CemeteryTheodore D Walker (MN) - spouse; Frank Eddings (WA) and Hattie Goss (IL) - parentsChristian Scientist, First Church of Christmarried 1910; graduated from Vancouver High School; married Walker in 1910, mother was sister of Harry, Albert and Minnie Goss; mother buried in NW 17; obit The Oregonian 6 Dec 1917
WallaceGeorgeHerbert1868 Dec 27Cedar Co., Iowa1919 Mar 23Vancouver WAappendicitisyesWallaceNW 140Limber Funeral Home25 Mar 1919Vancouver City CemeteryCarrie Alta Baker (IA) - spouse; George Lester, Merle F, Hazel M, Robert Baker - children; Joseph Wallace (OH) and Eliza Ann Herr (IA) - parentselectrician1880-Grant, Union Co., IA; married Carrie 1899, MN
WallaceCarrie AltaBaker1874 Jul 13Jackson Co., Iowa1955 Mar 8St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApancreatic canceryesWallaceNW 140Vancouver Funeral Chapel9 Mar 1955Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Wallace (IA) - spouse; Merle Frank, George Lester, Hazel M, Robert Baker - children; Lester H Baker (IL) and Jane Henderson (PA) - parentsmarried George 1899, Clay Co., MN; 1900 1 child/1 living; 1910 census 3 children/3 living
WallaceGeorge Lester1904 Oct 21Minnesota1914 Oct 4at home E 9th and T Sts., Vancouver WAHeart disease, rhumatic feveryesWallaceNW 140-5Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Oct 1914Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge H Wallace and Carrie A Baker - parents, both of Iowa siblings: Merle F, Hazel M, Robert Baker
WallaceDonaldMerle1925 Feb 13Vancouver WA1925 Jun 16Vancouver WAwhooping couch, pertussis; 4 monthsyesWallaceNW 140Limber Funeral Home19 Jun 1925Vancouver City CemeteryMerle Frank Wallace (MN) and Agnes Nowlan (WA) - parentsparents buried in Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon; mother 1982, father 1957-died; Gwendelyn (m. Adams)-sister, buried at Evergreen Memorial Garden Vancouver WA
WallaceGeraldMartin1924 Feb 10 Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington1924 Mar 31Seattle, King Co., Washingtonacute gastritis, 6 weeksashesyesWallaceNW 140Bleitz Funeral Home, Seattle, King Co., Washington1 Apr 1924Vancouver City CemeteryMerle F Wallace (MN) and Agnes Nolan (WA) - parentsparents buried in Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon; mother 1982, father 1957-died; Gwendelyn (m. Adams)-sister, buried at Evergreen Memorial Garden Vancouver WA
WardWashington1852 Aug 15Covington, Kenton Co., Kentucky1930 Apr 20Vancouver WAarteriosclerosis, acute nephritisyesWardNW 164-1 line 3C H Kirch & Son22 Apr 1930Vancouver City CemeteryJennie Tracy (NJ) - spouse; Charles W, child - children; ? Ward (MA) and ?? (OH) - parentsMasonUS Army enlist Nov 1878, 1886, 1899, 1900-sargeant, career soldierworked for water companyobit The Oregonian 22 Apr 1930
WardJennieTracy1843 Mar 21Trenton, Mercer Co., New Jersey1927 Aug 31at 511 W 13th St., Vancouver WAstenosis of the spine, malignancy, anemiayesWardNW 164-1 line 3Hamilton Funeral Home2 Sep 1927Vancouver City CemeteryWashington Ward (KY) - spouse; Charles W, child - children; Charles Tracy (Scot) and ? Hager (PA) - parentsLutheranhousewife1900 census 2 children/1 living
WaitFrank Francis 1870 Nov 27Northhamptonshire, England1955 Nov 11Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesNW 52Hamilton Funeral Home15 Nov 1955Vancouver City CemeteryMollie Schiffner (KS) - spouse; Esther, Elsie, Lilly, Edith, Gladys - children; Robert Wait (Eng) and Elizabeth Hines/Winckle (Eng) - parents florist
WattsRobert John1858 Jan 31Washington, Litchfield Co., Connecticut1931 Aug 26Multnomah Co., OregonmyocarditisyesWattsNW 145Hamilton Funeral HomeAug 1931Vancouver City CemeteryFrances Emily Morey (CT) - spouse; Charles A, Robert Stewart, Mildred - children; Adam Watts Ire) and Nancy Stewart (Ire) - parentsshop foreman for SP&S railroad - 18 yearsmarried Frances 1889, in Connecticuttobit The Oregonian 28 Aug 1931; obit The Columbian 27 Aug 1931
WattsFrancesEmilyMorey1865 Apr 4Sharon, Litchfield Co., Connecticut1942 Apr 30Clark Co. General Hospital, Vancouver WApneumoniayesWattsNW 145-2 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor1 May 1942Vancouver City CemeteryRobert John Watts (CT) - spouse; Charles A, Robert Stewart, Mildred - children; Charles Morey (CT) and Henretta St John (CT) - parents married Watts 1889, CT; son Charles in NW 147 with wife and infant son
WattsRobertStewart1892 Jan 22Litchfield Co., Connecticut1950 Jan 27San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CaliforniayesWattsNW 1451950Vancouver City CemeteryAlice Mae Beretta (TX) - spouse; Robert J Watts (CT) and Frances E Morey (CT) - parents civil engineerby 1940-married to Alice in Monterey CA; son Charles in NW 147 with wife and infant son
WattsAlice MaeBeretta1889 May 22San Antonio, Bexar Co., Texas1973 May 9Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., CaliforniayesWattsNW 145Eggen and Lance Mortuary, Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., CAMay 1973Vancouver City CemeteryClement McSpadden (OK)(1) and Robert Stewart Watts (CT)(2) - spouses; no children; John Beretta (AR) and Sally Ward (TX) - parentsTeacherMarried McSpadden 1912, Los Angeles Ca; 1930 widowed in San Francisco CA; by 1940 married to Watts in Monterey CA; mother Sally 1964 in San Antonio TX
WattsCharles A1890 Feb 25Washington, Litchfield Co., Connecticut1925 Aug 21Vancouver WAsuicide by gun shotashesno no nameNW 147Knapp Funeral Parlor24 Aug 1925Vancouver City CemeteryLillian J Elwell (WA) - spouse; infant, Elizabeth J - children; Robert John Watts (CT) and Frances Emily Morey (CT) - parentoffice manager/worked at Columbia River Paper Mills, Camas Clark Co., WAhandled money for the Cententennial Funds, nothing irregular was found; obit The Oregonian 22 Aug 1925; parents in NW 145
WattsLillian JElwell 1891 Jul 12Clark Co., WA1974 Jul 11Vancouver WAcanceryesWattsNW 147Evergreen Funeral Home15 Jul 1974Vancouver City CemeteryCharles A Watts (CT) - spouse; infant, Elizabeth J - children; John H Elwell (IN) and Ida Olive Leverich (WA) - parentsretired music teacherobit The Columbian 14 Jul 1974; dau married Jolly; Parents in same plot
Wattsinfant (male) 1915 July 13Vancouver WA1915 Jul 13Vancouver WAstillbornnoWattsNW 147Limber Funeral Home14 Jul 1915Vancouver City CemeteryCharles A Watts (CT) and Lillian J Elwell (WA) - parentsgrandparents in plot NW 145
WeaverWoodrowWilson1913 Feb 5Bartlesville, Washington Co., Oklahoma1981 May 10Vancouver WAcancer caused by asbestosyesno nameNW 167-1Vancouver Funeral Chapel13 May 1981Vancouver City CemeteryAune Kevinen (MN) - spouse; Jerry - child; Norman J Weaver (PA) and Clara O Smith - parentspipe fitter; 1942-worked for Vancouver Plywood and Veneerobit The Columbia 11 May 1981
WeaverAuneKevinen1917 Jan 4Osage, Becker Co., Minnesota1982 Oct 18Vancouver WAheart failureyesno nameNW 167-2Vancouver Funeral Chapel21 Oct 1982Vancouver City CemeteryWoodrow Wilson Weaver (OK) - spouse; Jerry - child; David A Kevinen (Finland) and Hilda Marie Bakkila (Finland) - aprentsobit The Columbian 19 Oct 1982
WebbInezSSalo1907 Aug 6Sebeka, Wadena Co., Minnesota1984 Jun 1at a health care center, Salem, Marion Co., OregonyesNW 214Youngs Funeral Home, Tigard, Washington Co., Oregon6 Jun 1984Vancouver City CemeteryJohn H Webb (Switzerland) - spouse; Douglas, Norman - children; Nels Salo (Fin) and Hattie Aho (Fin) - parents owner and operator Stage Coach Inn in Vancouver WAin 1920 she is living as foster child with Happala family in Minnesota; obit The Oregonian
WebbJohn H1906 Aug 30Lucerne, Switzerland1972 Feb 25Aurora, Clackamas Co., OregoncanceryesNW 214-20 line 12Youngs Funeral Home, Tigard, Washington Co., Oregon28 Feb 1972Vancouver City CemeteryInez Salo (MN) - spouse: Douglas, Norman - children; Alios Weibel (Switzerland) and Anna Marie Schwerzman (Switz) - parents1930-desk clerk, DC; 1931 - Chicago IL; 1942-self employed framer, Battle Ground WA; 1954 - wholer and importerbirth name was Johann Wiebel then changed to Webb; obit The Oregonian 26 Feb 1972; immigrated 1 Apr 1954 to New York; married Inez 31 Apr 1928, Chicago IL;
WeedenGeorge 1815-1817Rhode Island1881 JulWashingtonheart disease, 66 yearsyesPatrick A'hernNW 80Jul 1881Vancouver City CemeteryNancy Jane Wood (VA) - spouse; Ellen, Patrick, William - children; ? Weeden (RI) and ? ? (MA) - parentsCivil War veteran, Union Army First Washington Regimant Companies E and I; 1863-1865 in military at Ft Vancouver1870- livery stable helper, Vancouver WA; 1880-Landlord, owner of the Columbia Hotel in Vancouver WA1863-sick in hospital at Vancouver Barracks; married Nacy 9 Oct 1869, Clack Co., WA
WeedenNancy JaneWood1824 Oct 12Lynchburg, Virginia1904 Oct 20Vancouver WAsenile decayyesPatrick A'hernNW 80Oct 1904Vancouver City CemeteryMoses Hale (OH)(1), Patrick A'hern (Ire)(2), and George Weeden (RI)(3) - spouses; Mary C (b,1848, IA), John Riley - children by Hale, Patrick, Ellen, William - children by A'hern; ? Wood - parentmarried Hale 1844, Ohio; Hale died 1852 on Oregon Trail, buried in Boise Co., ID; 3 Jan 1853-married Ahern, Clark Co., WA; 1860-in Clark Co. WA; 9 Oct 1869 married Weeden, Clark Co., WA; 1885-widowed with sons Patrick and William Clark Co., WA; buried in same plot with 2nd husband A'hern and son Patrick; obit The East Oregonian (published for Eastern Oregon) 21 Oct 1904; dau Mary married William Switzler, died 1972; William Switzler married dau Ellen, 1873, her second husband was David Livermore; obit The Columbian 27 Oct 1904-survived by dau Ellen and son William
WeeksBessieCorneliaSanderson1890 Jan 28McCook Co., South Dakota1972 Sep 29Clark Co., WAcardio-vascular diseaseashesyesSandersonNW 125Evergreen Funeral Home1972Vancouver City CemeteryOlin A Weeks (IA) - spouse; Robert O - child; William P Sanderson (NY) and Flora C Barnhart (MN) - parentsmarried 16 May 1928 married Weeks
Weeksinfant1915 Oct 30Vancouver WA1915 Nov 332 and M Sts., Vancouver WAconvulsionsyesno nameNW 127-3Limber Funeral Home3 Nov 1915Vancouver City CemeteryH Paul Weeks (IA) and Malvia Alexander (WA) - parents
WeigleOpheliaJ 1899 Jun 5Vancouver WA1905 Jul 4St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAshooting accidentnoT J WilsonNW 49Jul 1905Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge M Weigle (Ger) and Marie Hermann (Austria) - parentsboth parents buried at Park Hill Cemetery and she is on the marker there; newspaper article The Seattle Daily Times 6 Jul 1905
WeltonFrancis "Frank"E 1848 Mar 22Broome Co., New York1916 Sep 8Lewis Co., Washingtondilation of the heartyesMillerNW 159L R Catternole, undertaking, Lewis Co., Washington11 Sep 1916Vancouver City CemeteryHelen Leach (PA) - spouse; Sarah Emmeline, Charles Dewitt - children; Joseph Welton (CT) and Betsy Ann Boutwell (NY) - parents1880-farmer, mail contractor, PA; 1900-farmer, Napavine, Lewis Co., WAmarried Helen 1875; dau Sarah buried in NW 24
WeltonHelen MLeach1856 Feb 21Potter Co., Pennsylvania1936 Feb 24Centralia, Lewis Co., WashingtoncancernoMillerNW 159L R Catternole, undertaking, Lewis Co., Washington27 Feb 1936Vancouver City CemeteryFrancis Welton (NY) - spouse; Sarah Emmeline, Charles Dewitt - children; Ira Leach (NY) and Clarissa Lancaster (NJ) - parentsmarried Welton 1875; 1910 census 2 children/2 living; obit The Oregonian 28 Feb 1926; dau Sarah married a Miller, had two William and Robert Miller; dau Sarah buried in NW 24
West Charles Smith1847 Mar 24Lee