Vancouver City Cemetery NE Section Inventory

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SurnameFirst NameMiddle NameMaiden NameBirth yearBirth PlaceDeath yearPlace of deathCause of Deathashes marker y/nPlot OwnerPlotFuneral HomeInternment DateCemeteryFamily: spouse; children; parentsAffliationsMilitary ServiceOccupationOther notesCemetery Maintenance issues
Abel, Jr.Charles Edward1869 May 19Adams Co., Illinois1939 Jan 13St Helens, Columbia Co., Oregonheart failureyesCharles E AbelNE 107-2 line 6Rogers Funeral Home, St Helens, Columbia Co., Oregon15 Jun 1939Vancouver City CemeteryJulia Ann Wilson (MO) - spouse; Grace May, William Reto, Ralph Paul, Wilmot (dau), Willard Edward - children; George Abel (PA) and Adeline Jones (IN) - parentsIn 1900 was a woodchopper, in 1910 merchant with a grocery store ; farmer, owned 135 acres in Fern Prairie in 1920
AbelJuliaAnnWilson1871 Feb 20Chillcothe, Livingston Co., Missouri1954 Sep 30Centralia, Lewis Co., WashingtonsenilityyesCharles E AbelNE 107-3 line 6Sticklin Chapel, Centralia, Lewis Co., Washington2 Oct 1954Vancouver City CemeteryCharles E Abel - spouse; Grace May, William Reto, Ralph Paul, Wilmot (dau), Willard Edward - children; Harry Wilson (MO) and Sarah Mace (MO) - parents1910 census 5 children/4 living; obit Tacoma News Tribune 3 Oct 1954-lived in Centralia 5 years, arrived in WA in 1899-survived by Mrs Wilmot (John) Mason, Mrs Grace (M O) Sturgeon, Willard and William
AbelRalphPaul 1894 Jun 22 Ludlow, Livingston Co., Missouri1907 Oct 28Vancouver WAgun shot wound- accidentalyesCharles E AbelNE 107-1 line 631 Oct 1907Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Edward Abel, Jr. (IL) and Julia Ann Wilson (MO) - parentsnewspaper article The Columbian 30 Oct 1907-
AckermanBenjamin "Ben"1851 Sep 10France1907 Sep 1Good Samitarian Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncancer of face and necknoNE 87-4 line 7Kirch Funeral Home4 Sep 1907Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John Ackerman (Fr) and Barbara ? (?) - parentsfarmer owned 190 acres; employee of Hidden Brick Co.had a brother Daniel. Ben was naturalized in 1872; 1875 - came to Vancouver; Obit The Oregonian 3 Sep 1907; obit The Seattle Daily Time 3 Sep 1907-1876 came to Vancouver
AdamsFrancis "Frank"C1852 JulStark Co., Ohio1917 Nov 27St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAbrights disease, nephritis, 67 yrnoJohn C MetcalfNE 139-2 S/2 line 6Beatty Funeral Home3 Dec 1917Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John Adams (PA) and Phillipina Lintson (OH) - parentsserved in US Army in 1870's from Ohioday laborer, farmerobit in the Columbian on 28 Nov and 3 Dec 1917; Death cert.; in same plot as sister Emma Metcalf; 1850 family living in Franklin Co., OH; survivor nephew Charles Richards
AdamsElla Rose1910 Feb 16Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1910 Mar 31Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonbrain hemorrhageyesMary AdamsNE 149 line 5Vancouver City CemeteryFloyd Adams (OR) and Evelyn M Harris (IL) - parentsIn 1920 Parker and Carrie Adams lived at 1415 Daniel's St., Vancouver WAbroken headstone
AdamsCarrieArneson1858 Jul 8Norway1924 Feb 9Vancouver WApneumonianoParker AdamsNE 149-2 line 5Limber Funeral Home9 Feb 1924Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Anderson (Swe)(1) and Asa Parker Adams, Jr. (1847 NY-1933 OR)(2) - spouses; Gustaf A, Charlotte - children by Anderson; Ella Rose, William Edward - children by Adams; Erik Arneson (Nor) and Ingeborg Erickson (Nor) - parentsemigrated in about 1884; married Parker in 1892; 1910 census 4 children/1 living; Step-children of Adams - Frank, Floyd, Roy, George (mother, Ella Kimbell, Asa Parker Adams first wife); same plot as son and dau Charlotte; obit The Columbian 9 Feb 1924-1905 moved to Vancouver with family, survivors husband Adams son Gusta A Anderson and 4 step sons, Frank, Floyd, Roy, George Adams; sister Ida Arneson; husband Adams in the Columbian Cemetery in Portland, Multnomah CO., OR
AdamsWilliam Edward1920 Jun 13Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1989 Aug 26Vancouver WAcancer of the lungsyesParker AdamsNE 149-1 line 5Evergreen Staples Funeral Chapel, Vancouver29 Aug 1989Vancouver City CemeteryMarilyn Edwards (WA)(1) and Nettie Jenkins (CA)(2) - spouse; William Jr., Bertha Lois, Mary, Daniel, Linda I by Marilyn; Floyd Adams (OR) and Evelyn M Harris (IL) - parentsWorld War II veteran, US Army, privatecarpenterMarried Nettie Chidester King in 1971, Vancouver; she died 2010 and buried at Park Hill Cemetery with first husband Roy Chidester; obit The Columbian 29 Aug 1989-wife Nettie, 3 daus Lois, Mary, Linda, Bill and Daniel and step-children Jimmy, Jerry and Daniel Chidester
AdamsMarian (female)L1910 Jul 10Vancouver WA1910 Jul 22Vancouver WApneumonianoNE 167-2 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Jul 1910Vancouver City CemeteryJack Cherry (TX) and Lula May Adams (OH) - parents
AddingtonWilliamHarrison1850 Mar 29Ohio1908 Apr 23St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApneumonianoNE 119 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Apr 1908Vancouver City CemeteryPhebe J Mann (NY)(1) and Cynthia Offield (OR)(2) - spouses; Henry Addington (OH) and Susannah North (OH) - parentsMethodist1880 - farmer laborer; 1900 - farmer; 1906 - laborer, brick maker (probably worked at the Hidden Brick Works) brother- Harvey Richard Addington; divorced Phebe; Cynthia had 2 children by John Fox (first marriage)
AddingtonHarveyRichard1852 Mar 12Indiana1922 Feb 7Vancouver WAapoplexynoNE 119 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Feb 1922Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Henry Addington (OH) and Susannah North (OH) - parentslaborer; 1907 - bartender for F W Bowne in Clark Co., WAintered NE 119 (the Firemen's Lot); lived in Sonoma Co., CA in 19; brother - William Harrison; obit The Columbian 10 Feb 1922-
A'HernWilliamH1859 Jul 9Vancouver WA1911 Nov 24St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WArheumatismyesNE 44-2 N/2 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Nov 1911Vancouver City CemeteryElnora Leona Wiggs (OR) - spouse; Berniece - child; Patrick A'Hern (IRE) and Nancy J Wood (VA) - parentsEpiscopalianclerk, in 1880 - paintermarried Elnora about 1891; sibling : Patrick; death cert. has 1860 as birth year; parents intered in NW 80; wife Elnora remarried (Cushing) and dau Berniece in SW 157
AirheartEthel J1913 Apr 5Vancouver WA1913 May 15at home at 615 W 10th St., Vancouver WAmitral regurgitationnoNE 130 S/2 Line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor17 May 1913Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Airheart (IA) and Jennie Smith (IA) - parentsfather Charles was a conductor for SP&S RR; siblings - Eva, Effie, Charles, infant
Airheartinfant1915 Mar 29Vancouver WA1915 Mar 26at home at 314 E 18th St., Vancouver WAstillbornnoNE 130 S/2 Line 15 2nd from north side ofline 15Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Mar 1915Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Airheart (IA) and Jennie Smith (IA) - parentsfather Charles was a conductor for SP&S RR; siblings - Eva, Effie, Charles, Ethel
AkersPeterMorgart1835 Dec 8Bedford Co., Pennsylvania1910 May 15at home on Fourth Plain Rd, Vancouver WAparalysis, cerebral hemorrhagenoNE 62 N/2 line 14Kirch Funeral Home17 May 1910Vancouver City CemeteryMary McMillan (PA) - spouse; Mildred, Elmer, Ida - children; John Akers (PA) and Elizabeth Morgart (PA) - parentsranchermarried Mary in 1860, Westmoreland Co., PA; Lawrence Akers signed death certificate; wife died Feb 1913 and buried in Fairview United Brethan Cem., Elk Co., KS, he might be buried with wife; obit The Columbian 24 May 1910-in Bedford Co., PA to age 30, then moved to IND for 4 years, moved to Howard, Elk Co., KS, then Eugene OR 1907, 1908 moved to Vancouver
AldermanEdwardD1885 Dec 6Minnesota1920 Mar 29Kelso, Cowlitz Co., WashingtonpneumonianoMary AldermanNE 65-4 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor31 May 1920Vancouver City CemeteryEtta Smith (Neb) - spouse; Florence E - child; Spencer Alderman (NY) and Julia Wilcox (IL) - parentslogger - worked for Bishop Log Camp at Fairfax, WAsibling: Charles
AldermanFlorenceEvelyn1912 May 7Clark Co., WA1915 Nov 2St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregongastroenteritisnoMary AldermanNE 65-5 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor4 Nov 1915Vancouver City CemeteryEdward D Alderman (MN) and Etta Smith (Neb) - parents
AldermanSpencerLincoln1908 May 11Clark Co., WA1912 Apr 19Eureka, Humboldt Co., Californiaseptic meningitisnoMary AldermanNE 65-5 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor6 May 1912Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Alderman (MN) and Mary Goodell (OR) - parents
AllisonCelia ElizabethAdams1870 Mar 10Johnsville, Frederick Co., Maryland1908 Nov 15Vancouver WAcancer-tumornoNE 152-2 line 8Hamilton Funeral Home 16 Nov 1908Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam M Allison (MO) - spouse; Edna, Harry, Blance, William B, Dorothy, William H - children; John Quincy Adams (PA) and Julia Rouser (PA) - parentshousewifeState of Washington Death Certificate; obit The Columbian 16 Nov 1908-survivors husband and 5 children, husband worked for railroad
AllisonWilliamBoyd1908 Mar 12Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1908 Dec 301210 W 15th St., Vancouver WAcroupenoNE 152-2 line 8Kirch Funeral Home31 Dec 1908Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam M Allison (MO) and Celia E Adams (MD) - parents
AlvordSerenaJennings1823 Jul 12Portage Co., Ohio1912 Feb 14at home of son P E Alvord, W 23 St., Vancouver WAold age - 88y, 5mnoNE 69-1 line 12Limber Funeral Home16 Feb 1912Vancouver City CemeterySamuel Alvord (OH) - spouse; Elbert - child; Phineas Jenning (VT) and Cleona Wilmot (CT) - parents1900 census - 1 child/1 living; obit The Columbian 17 Feb 1912-married Alvord 1847, OH;
AmesDelia1848New York1907 Mar 30St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApneumonianoNE 74-3 line 7 1907Vancouver City Cemetery? Ames - spouse??; parents born in Vermont1900- in Michigan teaching, school teacherobit The Columbian 4 Apr 1907-had a private kindergarten school in Vancouver; Note 1900 census she is single - don't know if married
AndersonCharlotteBAnderson1886 Jul 16Washington1907 May 11Clark Co., WAyesParker AdamsNE 149 line 5May 1907Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John Andersen (SWE) and Carrie Arneson (NOR) - parents; Asa Parker Adams - step father, second marriage of Carrie Arneson; in same plot as mother and brother;
AndersonJohn 18641909 Jun 9St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcerebral spinal meniningitis; 45 yearsnoJohn AndersonNE 170-4 line 7Hamilton Funeral Home 14 Jun 1909Vancouver City CemeterylaborerState of Washington Death Certificate
AndersonMary JWilliams1861 Mar 31Hazelton, Buchannan Co., Iowa1934 Dec 7atg home on SE 12th, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonspinal sclerosisyesNE 63-? line 15Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon10 Dec 1934Vancouver City CemeteryJohn A Anderson (Scot) - spouse; Roberts Williams (Wales) and Elizabeth Turnbull (Scot) - parentsAt age 16 came to Ft Vancouver, residence of Portland OR for 50 years; obit The Oregonian 10 Dec 1934
AndersonJohn A1855 Jun 5Arbroath, Angus, Scotland1913 May 10St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonaccident in shipyard; concussion of the brain and internal injuriesyesNE 63-4 line 15Finley Mortuary, Portland OR/Knapp Funeral Home14 May 1913Vancouver City CemeteryMary J Williams (IA) - spouse; Woodman of World,"captain", ship builder and contractor; working for Anderson, Crow and Company at time of death - one of best known ship builders in areaimmigrated in 1880; 1882 in Portland OR; obits The Oregonian 11 May and 12 May 1913
AndersonAcenithAlpateneHayward1857 Jul 8Royalton, Waupaca Co., Wisconsin1908 Sep 25Vancouver WAdropsy (diabetes), brights diseaseyesOrah MaynardNE 98 line 15Vancouver Undertaking Co.27 Sep 1908Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Maynard (MI)(1) and ? Anderson (2) - spouse; Orah, Frank - children by Maynard; John Hayward (NY) and Rachel Blazier (NJ) - parents1880-cook in Outagmie Co., WI1800 - living with Orah (3 mo old); 1881 - divorced from Maynard, in Wisconsin; 1900 census 2 children/2 living and widowed; Maynard headstone; State of Washington Death Certificate
AndrewsElizabeth "Eliza"FrancesWilson1843 Apr 13Market Overton, Rutland, Middlesex, England1923 May 16Vancouver WAanemiayesEliza AndrewsNE 135 S/2 line 10Limber Funeral Home18 May 1923Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Andrews (Eng) - spouse; John W, Fanny J, Anne E - children; John Wilson (Eng) and Sarah Dennis (Eng) - parentsImmigrated in 1866; married Andrews 1867, WI, 1900-1910 census 6 children/3 living; obit The Columbian 16 May 1923-14 years prior to death moved from McMinnville OR to Vancouver; survivor Son John and 5 dau- (including stepdau), note: 19100-1910 census info is confusing with no. of children living and dead.)
AndrewsWilliam1829 Dec 29Billingborough, Lincolnshire, England1911 Dec 18at home at 3012 Maine St., Vancouver WApneumoniayesEliza AndrewsNE 135-1 S/2 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Dec 1911Vancouver City CemeteryRebecca Ann Jackson (Eng)(1) and Elizabeth "Eliza" Frances Wilson (Eng)(2) - spouse; Ada, Katherine 'Kate", Amelia - by Rebecca, John W, Fanny J, Anne E - children by Elizabeth; William Andrews (Eng) and Ann Blackburn (Eng) - parentsBaptistfarmer in 1870-blacksmith in Wis, 1880-Wis,1900 - South Dakotamarried Rebecca 1864, England; family immigrated in 1866, married Eliza 1867, WI; 1870 married to Eliza; charged to J W Andrews; survivors, wife, son and 5 dau.
Archaubeau/Archambeau, JrEdwardLaVerege1909 Dec 24Vancouver WA1910 Feb 19at home in Blaker Flats, Vancouver WAwhooping coughnoEdward ArchaubeauNE 89-4 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor20 Feb 1910Vancouver City CemeteryEdward Archaubeau (OR) and Natalie Pennock (MI) - parentslived in Blaker Flats, Clark Co., Washington
ArmstrongIda Brimmer1865 Mar 27Michigan1913 Jul 211500 E 6th St., Vancouver WAheart failure; 48y, 3m, 24d; uremic infectionnoJ J ArmstrongNE 196-1 line 3Limber Funeral Home23 Jul 1913Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Jordan Crittendon Armstrong (MD) - spouse; Laura, and 2 others - children; Levi Brimmer (NY) and Laura Tilford (MI) - parentsMethodist missionaryhousewife, missionary in Mexicocame to Vancouver 1909 from El Paso TX; married Armstrong 1890; 1900 census 2 children/ 1 living; 1910 census 3 children/1 living; Armstrong ran a laundry in El Paso and in Vancouver, he remarried Sarah Hall, buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 21 Jul 1913
ArmstrongArthurC1882 MayWapello Co., Iowa1913 Nov 25Western State Hospital, Fort Steillacoom, Pierce Co., WashingtonparalysisnoW R ArmstrongNE 205-4 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Nov 1913Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Cyrus Armstrong (IN) and Margaret Cole (IN) - parentsBaptistwas an invalid, in 1900 was a carriage painter; 1910 - not employed living with parents in Yamhill Co., ORparents buried in Yamhill Co., OR
ArnesonEffieLouiseWhittenton1886 Jan 15Myrtle Point, Coos Co., Oregon1911 May 11Columbia Hospital, Vancouver WAacute nephritis, contributory pregnancy, 25 yrsnoMartin C ArnesonNE 58-2 line 10Grice and Beatty Undertakers13 May 1911Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Cecil Arneson (OR) - spouse; Wiley W Whittenton (NC) and Isabel Knight (IN) - parentshousekeeperobit in The Columbian on 11, 12 May 1911
ArnesonWilliamChristian1854 JanNorway1907 Sep 24paralysisnoMartin C ArnesonNE 88-1 line 8Sep 1907Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Arne Kristianson (Nor) and Bertha Arneson (Nor) - parents1900-farmer, living with brother in Silver Lake, Cowlitz Co., WAsibling: Martin Arneson; 1900- single, lived with brother Martin in Silver Lake, Cowlitz Co., Washington; sister - Carrie Lindle in NE 72
ArneyD yesNE 177 line 1Vancouver City Cemeterythere is a marker buried under the sod with only the name
AtkinsViola1911 Nov 26Clark Co., WA1922 Mar 24Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failurenoNE 108-2 line 5Limber Funeral Home25 Mar 1922Vancouver City CemeteryChester Arthur Atkins (WV) and Isabelle Viola Snyder (IA) - parents
AtkinsWilliamHenry1911 May 13Clark Co., WA1912 Aug 22at home at 600 Tenino Ave., Portland, Multnomah, Oregonmeniningitis and scarlett fevernoNE 129-2 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor23 Aug 1912Vancouver City CemeteryHenry Atkins (AL) and Rose Lally (WA) - parentslmother buried in SW 181; father buried in Walker Co., Alabama
AtkinsonClarenceAtwood1871 Oct 23Huron Co., Ohio1906 Apr 2Vancouver WAconsumptionyesAgnes AtkinsonNE 11 line 64 Apr 1906Vancouver City CemeteryAgnes A Moore (SD) - spouse; no children; Joseph Atkinson (OH) and Lydia Kies (MA) - parentsmarried Agnes in 1905
AtkinsonAgnesAMoore1873 Aug 27Vermillion, Clay Co., South Dakota1963 Jun 16Vancouver WAsenilityyesAgnes AtkinsonNE 11-2 line 6Hamilton-Mylan Funeral Home 19 Jun 1963Vancouver City CemeteryClarence Atwood Atkinson (OH) - spouse; no children; Peter Moore (Swe) and Anna Larson (Swe) - parentsschool teachermarried Atkinson in 1905; obit The Columbian 17 Jun 1963
Atwood Barbara1889 Jun1889 Dec 15died of spasmsnoPotters Field16 Dec 1889Vancouver City CemeteryFrancis Atwood and Ruth Boulter - parents??
AyersPearl Belle GraceSlawson1887 Oct 20Nashua, Chickasaw Co., Iowa1906 Jul 28Ellsworth, Clark Co., Washingtonaccidental burns from exploded canyesEdward F Ayers, Jr.NE 116 S/2 line 4Vancouver Undertaking Co.29 Jul 1906Vancouver City CemeteryEdward Francis Ayers, Jr (IA) - spouse; no children; Harris Slawson (IL) and Elizabeth Dewers (WI) - parentsmarried 4 Jul 1906 to Ayers; she was lighting a fire with kerosene when it exploded and burnt the house down; newspaper article The Columbian 2 Aug 1906 on fire; Ayers remarried twice died in 1960 in Portalnd buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
AyersFlorenceLucilleSmith1886 Sep 22Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota 1916 Oct 9Mapleton, Lane Co., Oregonpneumonia; 30y, 1m, 7dyesEdward F Ayers, Jr.NE 116-2 line 4Limber Funeral Chapel12 Oct 1916Vancouver City CemeteryEdward F Ayers, Jr (IA) - spouse; Eva, Charles Edward, Hazel, Helen - children; Daniel F Smith (ME) and Agnes Wheeler (LA) - parentssecond wife of Ayers, Mrried 10 Jul 1910; obit The Columbian 12 Oct 1916-survivors husband and 4 small children; Ayers remarried again in 1926 to Martha died in 1960 in Portalnd buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
BachmanLewis/Louis circaGermany1913 Jul 24St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAdiabetes, 77 ynoNE 197-4, Potters Field, permit #77Limber Funeral Chapel27 Jul 1913Vancouver City CemeterymarriedCivil War veteran, 32th Battery of the New York Volunteersfarmer, painterGeorge McKee informant on death certificate, widowed and bought the plot NE 197; obit The Columbiab 26 Jul 1913-leg amputated a month prior, 17 year resident of Clark Co., WA
BachmierWilliamM1830 Pennsylvania1906 Oct 6Clark Co., WAdropsy (diabetes) of the heartyesNE 56-1 line 8Oct 1906Vancouver City Cemeterysinglestock raiser1872 homestead record, Clark Co., WA; could have been born in Germany
BakerJune Marie 1938 Dec 10Seattle, King Co., Washington1946 Sep 7Longview, Cowlitz Co., Washingtoncoronary oclusionAshesnoStuart HarringtonNE 176 line 1 AshesLimber Funeral Chapel12 Sep 1946Vancouver City CemeteryRaymond Baker (WA) and Helen VanZill (WA) - parentsStuart Harrington and Amanda ? - grandparents?; obit The Columbian 11 Sep 1946- survivors mother step father Frank Rinck, brother Teddy Baker, sister Shirley
BakerDennisJames1952 Apr 18Washington1952 Apr 18Washingtonproplapse umbilical cordnoJ WebberNE 215-3 line 18Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Apr 1952Vancouver City CemeteryBill D Baker (WA) and Patricia M Webber (WA) - parentsgrandson of James Nelson Webber and great grandson of Joseph Andrew Webber
BalcomJessie (female)1885Washington??1906 May 10Oregon???pneumonianoEdmund BalcomNE 24-3 line 811 May 1906Vancouver City CemeteryEdmund Balcom (KS) - spouse; Eddie - childhusband's name Barthiaume (French Canada); 1897 in Clark Co., WA as Balcom; appears to have divorced Edmund (1910 he is divorced; 1920 widowed and son Eddie -b 1902, OR-living with him)
BannonJohn Wallace1823 Sep 12Beaver Co., Pennsylvania1905 Jan 3Clark Co., WAheart diseaseyesWiliam H BannonNE 111 S/2 line 25 Jun 1905Vancouver City CemeterySarah Holliday (PA) - spouse; Rose, James, William H, Clara, 2 others - children; John Bannon (PA) and Rosanna Wallace (Ire) - parentsCivil War veteran, Co. E, 9th Massachusetts Infantryfarmer owned 138 acres in Columbia Precinct (Camas) WashingtonMarried Sarah Aug 22 1850, Venago Co., PA; 1870- farmer in PA; 1880-1855 - farmer in Neb; 1900-Fern Prairie, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 15 Jun 1905-survivors Mrs J Hooley, James, William, Mrs Charles Porter
BannonSarahHolliday1833 Oct 12Venango Co., Pennsylvania1911 Jun 4Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonsenilityyesWiliam H BannonNE 111 S/2 line 2Holman Funeral Chapel, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR6 Jun 1911Vancouver City CemeteryJohn W Bannon (PA) - spouse; Rose, James, William H, Clara, 2 others - children; James Holliday (PA) and Almira ? (PA) - parentsmarried Aug 22 1850 to Bannon, Complanter, Venago Co., PA, living with parents; 1900-1910 census 6 children/ 4 living; 1909-1911 lived at 769 Macadam, Portland OR
BarnesHedwigSophiaKoppe1892 Feb 12Phillips, Price Co., Wisconsin1950 Apr 1Vancouver Memorial Hospital, Vancouver WAcardiac failureyesG BarnesNE 37-3 line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Apr 1950Vancouver City CemeteryClyde Barnes (MN) - spouse; no children; Frederich A Koppe (Ger) and Anna Dorothy Claussen (GerR) - parentshusband Clyde buried at Skyline Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon; obit The Columbian 3 Apr 1950
Barnie/BarneyIsaiah1835Canada1885 aboutClark Co., WAnoNE 175 line 21885Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; parents from Canadaservant, farm laborer for Daniel K Abrams in 1880 in Clark Co.
BarsosGust18701908 Aug 302 miles north of Felida, Clark Co., Washingtonaccidentally killed by trainnoPotters FieldKnapp Funeral Parlor2 Sep 1908Vancouver City CemeterymarriedGreek Catholiclaborer
BatesWilliamA1849 Aug 20Erie Co., New York1911 Sep 27Clark Co., WAbrights disease (kidney)noNE 90-2 line 10Limber Funeral Chapel30 Sep 1911Vancouver City CemeteryCarrie Dalton (NY) - spouse; Roland, Hubert, Gladys -children; Ansel Bates (NY) and Julia Fulton (NY) - parentsmining engineerwife Carrie died in Oakland.Almeda Co., CA and buried there
BattostellaGuilio 1861Italy 1909 Jul 26at the Columbia Contract Company Quarry, Camas, Clark Co., Washingtonsuffocation by gasnoAntonio Del GrossoNE 40-4 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor29 Jul 1909Vancouver City Cemeterymarriedlaborerobit The Columbian 29 Jul 1909-was hurt at quarry and sent to hospital, cause of death uncertain
BaulLoyal1937 May 12Vancouver WA1938 Feb 15at home at 602 E 18th St, Vancouver WAbroncial pneumonia noNE 205 Baby Green line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor17 Feb 1938Vancouver City CemeteryAdopted by Roque C Baul (Phillipines) and Elsie Bixby (MN)father was born in the Phillipine Islands and was in US Army Band, 7th Infantry stationed at Vancouver Barracks; father in 1951 lived in Redwood City CA
BayleyDonaldF1904 Jun 17Washington1907 Oct 26Washingtontuberculosis of the glands, whooping coughnoB W BayleyNE 105-4 line 828 Oct 1907Vancouver City CemeteryBen Wade Bayley (IA) and Flora E Lane (NEB) - parentsfather buried in Brush Prairie
BayonishNicholas18621907 May 4pneumonianoPotters Field6 May 1907Vancouver City Cemetery
BeachElmer Franklyn1868 Oct 7Iosco, Livingston Co., Michigan1910 Dec 23Western State Hospital, Fort Steillacoom, Pierce Co., WashingtonemphysemanoG W MenklerNE 153-3 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Dec 1910Vancouver City CemeteryEdie Minkler (OH) - spouse; Sybyl - child; Ethan Beach (MI) and Adeline Robbins (MI) - parentsdentist lived at Western State Hospital at Fort Stillicoom, Pierce Co., Washington; obit The Oregonian 29 Dec 1910-was at Western State Hospital a month before death
BeamsDavidMendel1839 Apr 9Clearfield Co., Pennsylvania1930 Apr 30Vancouver WAangina pectorisyesDavid M Beams NE 68-4 line 13Hamilton Funeral Home 3 May 1930Vancouver City CemeteryLemontine Beightol (PA) - spouse; Arthur Edward, Adda and Ella (twins), Johanna, William - children; John Beams (PA) and Susannah Goss (PA) - parentsMethodistCivil War veteran: Co. E, 165 Pennsylvania Infantry1860-teacher, Clearfield Co., PA; 1870-minister, Des Moies, Pocahontas Co., IA; 1880-minister, Sac Co., IA1900-farmer, Woodbury Co., IA; 1910-1930-not working, Vancouver WAjopined Methodist church at age 17, moved to Iowa in 1868,active minister in Iowa for 30 years; married Lemontine 1859, Brady, Clearfield Co., PA; 1902 in Goldendale Wa, 1908 to Vancouver; dau Ella Toenjes buried in same plot; obit The Columbian 1 May 1930-living at dau Mrs. Ella Toenjes
BeamsLemontine "Tina"Beightol1839 Oct 29Clearfield Co., Pennsylvania1920 Aug 14Vancouver WAold age and senilityyesDavid M Beams NE 68-2 line 131920Vancouver City CemeteryDavid M Beams (PA) - spouse; Arthur Edward, Adda and Ella (twins), Johanna, William - children: John Beightol (PA) and Julia Yargar (PA) - parentsMethodist1900 census 4 children/4 living; 1910 census 5 children/3 living; dau Ella Toenjes buried in same plot; obit The Columbian 15 Aug 1920-survivors husband, son Arthur, 2 dau Ella Toenjas of Chicago and Mrs Johanna Dale of Vancouver
BeamsAdda1866 Mar 29Clearfield Co., Pennsylvania1910 Feb 1 Seattle, King Co., WAanemiayesDavid M Beams NE 68 line 133 Feb 1910Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; David M Beams (PA) and Lemontine Beightol (PA) - parentsSibling: Arthur Edward and twin sister Ella (Toenjes)(in same plot), in same plot Joanna Dale
BeamsArthurEdward1878 Jan 30Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa1935 Jul 13at home, Vancouver WAcancer and heart failureyesDavid M Beams NE 68-5 line 13Hamilton Funeral Home 16 Jul 1935Vancouver City CemeteryAdaline McClusky (IA) - spouse; Vera (Clara), Gertrude, Adaline - children; David M Beams (PA) and Lemontine Beightol (PA) - parents1910-teamster, 1920-fireman for railroadMarried Adaline Dec 1900, IA; obit The Columbian 13 Jul 1935- in Vancouver past 7 years; survivors sister Ella Toenjas and 3 dau.; wife Adaline budied in 1925 in Sioux City IA and buried there
Beck WilliamSidney1830 Dec 15Kentucky1914 Aug 22at home at 1512 Franklin St.,Vancouver WAheart diseasenoLafayette BeckNE 211-1 line 18Knapp Funeral Parlor24 Aug 1914Vancouver City CemeteryMary R Fox (MO) - spouse; Mary Catherine, Francis P, Lafayette M, Willie, J McGarvey - children; Asa Beck (VA) and Mary Polly Williams (KY) - parentsChristian Church memberfarmer - 1860 in Lafayette Co., MO, 1880 in Ness Co., KS, Ozark Co., MO; 1910 not working in Potter Co., TXmarried Mary Fox 7 Oct 1855, Lafayette Co., MO; in 1860-63 lived in LaFayette Co, MO, 1910 in Texas with dau Mary Gurces/Guerye? and family. Son Lafayette lived in Vancouver in 1909; 1900-1910 census-wife Mary had 8 children/2 living-Mary and Lafayette; wife Mary died 15 May 1918 in Randall Co., TX and is buried there; obit 24 Aug 1914 Oregon Journal; oin same plot as dau Joanna Dale
Beck RaymondV1904 May 7Minnesota1906 Dec 18at home on Columbia St, Vanocuver, WApneumoniayesNE 55-1 line 719 Dec 1906Vancouver City CemeteryOliver Frederick Beck (MO) and Viola Elizabeth Duryea (MI) - parentsMother buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver under Mitcham name; obit The Columbian 20 Dec 1906-family moved from Minnesota 6 months prior
Beckettinfant (male)1932 Jan 7Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WA1932 Jan 7Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAstillbornnoNE 205 Baby Green line 4 Potter's Field permit #50Knapp Funeral Parlor8 Feb 1932Vancouver City CemeteryFred George Beckett (WA) and Beverly V Hatch (WA) - parentsin 1920 Fred (and Grace, first wife) was a barber and lived in Yacolt, divorced by 1930; Fred remarried before 1934 to Beverly V Hatch and had dau Barbara Lee in 1933; Fred is buried in Park Hill Cemetery., Vancouver WA; Grace Woodland remarried Witter and is buried in Willamette National Cemetery., Portland OR
BedfordStellaEStrong1874 Apr 9Cowlitz Co., Washington1918 Nov 14Western State Hospital, Fort Steillacoom, Pierce Co., Washingtoninsanity, influenza, heart failurenoNE 140-4 line 518 Nov 1918Vancouver City CemeteryFrank Smith Bedford (MO) - spouse; Franklin Gilson, Emory Lynn, dau, Leonard Elsworth - children; George Washington Strong (IA) and Melissa Lucinda Gilson (OR) - parentsprobably born in Cowlitz Co as father died in 1876 there; 1900-husband Frank and 3 kids are living in Cowlitz Co., WA with mother Amanda Bedford-Stella is not there; Frank marries Dottie Coopin/Cook 1907; in 1910 Stella was at Western WA Hospital for the Insane, Ft Steilacoom, Pierce Co WA; death cert name misspelled (Beckford)
BedingerKathryn "Katie" Jones1865 Sep 8Normal, Mc Lean Co. , Illinois1956 Nov 17Vancouver WAheart failurenoJ D McCartyNE 91-1 line 11Vancouver Funeral Home20 Nov 1956Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Reid (IL)(1) and John Bedinger (IL)(2) - spouse; Hazel J - child by Reid; Noah Nicholas Jones (MA) and Jane Munden (IN) - parents1900-stenographer, Lake Co., Indianamarried circa 1885-1886; 1900 census- 1 child/1 living; Dec 1907 arrived in Mexico City, Mexico to work as stenographer, was widowed; 1920 was a patient at National Psychological Institute in Los Angeles CA; 1928-1934 lived on E 10th St., Vancouver WA, 1940 lived with dau Hazel on Evergreen Hwy, Vancouver; obit The Columbian 19 Nov 1956-survivor one grandson - Courtney; dau Hazel Kroger in same plot
BeebeEdithEstelle1912 Dec 10Vancouver WA1913 May 7Vancouver WAheart failurenoEarl BeebeNE 194-2 line 15Grice and Beatty Undertakers8 May 1913Vancouver City CemeteryMartin Earl Beebe (MO) and Myrtle May Smith (MO) - parentsparents divorced between 1910-1920; father remarried 1919, Vancouver; dau Hazel in
Beldeninfant (female)1910 Apr 19at home at 309 E 14th St., Vancouver WA1910 Apr 19at home at 309 E 14th St., Vancouver WAprematurenoNE 169-6 line 8 (Potters Field)Knapp Funeral Parlor20 Apr 1910Vancouver City CemeteryBenjamin Harris Belden (WI) and Martha M Bowen (WI) - parentsparents married 28 Aug 1909, Vancouver WA
BenderLeonardA 1863Minnesota1913 Apr 8Columbia River off Main St dock, Vancouver WA drowning, alcoholnoNE 194-1 line 15Limber Funeral Chapel11 Apr 1913Vancouver City CemeteryEmma Mae Swegle (OR) - spouse; Ada, Jessie E (Fem), Lester, Leonard - children; Hiram Bender (OH) and Frances French (MI) - parents1880-1892-farmer Walla Walla Co., WA- with parentsmarried Emma 10 Jan 1882, Walla Walla Co., WA; Emma divorced before 1900, remarried Bennet Loomis, died in 1934, buried in Spokane Co., WA; 1910 had 4 children/3 living; obit The Columbian 10 Apr 1913-survivor Jessie, Ada, Lester
BensonAugust "Gus"1851Varo?, Sweden1911 Mar 26St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAparalysis, alcoholism, lonernoLouis BensonNE 39-3 line 10Grice and Beatty Undertakers28 Mar 1911 Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Johann Ludwig Bernardsson (Swe) and Anna B Andersdotter (Swe) - parents??plumberLouis (Ludwig) Benson - brother, buried in Park Hill Cem., Vancouver WA; Death notice in Columbian 28 Mar 1911; 1910 living with brother
BersieRuthMargretta1896 Feb 21Wisconsin1912 Dec 6at father's home, Vancouver WAepilepsynoNE 129-4 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor8 Dec 1912Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Alfred Bersie (MN) and Louise A Wolfram (WI) - parentsstudentLauretta L - sibling; family was living in Vancouver WA in 1910; obit The Columbian 7 Dec 1912
Billington AliceHeckman1882 Aug 25Holdrege, Phelps Co., Nebraska1904 Aug 27Clark Co., WAchildbirthnoNE 47 N/2 line 228 Aug 1904Vancouver City CemeteryBud Theodore Billington (OH) - spouse; infant - child; David Heckman (OH) and Mary Sandusky (MO) - parents1900-Bud single; in Colorado; married 8 Jul 1903, Delta CO; funeral notice The Oregon Journal 29 Aug 1904
Billington infant1904 Aug 27Clark Co., WA1904 Aug 27Clark Co., WAchildbirthNE 47 N/2 line 228 Aug 1904Vancouver City CemeteryBud Theodore Billington (OH) and Alice Heckman (Neb) - parentsassume child buried with mother
Bilyeuinfant (male)1910 Jun 30Kelso, Cowlitz Co., Washington1910 Jun 30Kelso, Cowlitz Co., WashingtonsuffocationnoGillihanNE 07 line 1030 Jun 1910Vancouver City CemeteryCortis Bilyeu (OR) and Cora Gillihan (OR) - parentsBilyeus living with Cora's parent in Kelso, Cowlitz Co., WA, Cora was pregnant at time of census Cortis worked as a launch operator (lumber industry)
BinderEva PearlPulver1883 Nov 4Perry, Tama Co., Iowa1938 Dec 13Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonsarcoma of left shoulder and axillayesQuimby Martin SnookNE 158 line 14Bruning Mission Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co. Oregon15 Dec 1938Vancouver City CemeteryMartin Quimby Snook (IL)(1) and Charles Albert Binder (KS)(2)- spouses; Lloyd Martin, Lester H, Violet R - children by Snook, Charles A, Jr - child by Binder; James Frederick Pulver (IN) and Lillian M Whitman (IL) - parentsQuimby M Snook died in 12 Sep 1909; married Charles Binder 27 Oct 1910-buried in Hermiston, Umatilla Co., OR; Martin Quimby Snook is buried in Vancouver City Cemetery in same plot; obit The Oregonian, Dec 15 1938
BinderLloydMartin1905 Jun 19Ramona, Lake Co., South Dakota1966 Mar 13Wasco Co., Oregonheart failureyesEva SnookNE 158-4 line 14Rose & Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon16 Mar 1966Vancouver City CemeteryQuimby Martin Snook (IL) and Eva Pulver (IA) - parents1930-laborer, railroad, Moro, Sherman Co., OR
Binder, JrCharles 1911 Jul 25Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1911 Aug 30at home at 26th & James, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoninanitionnoEva SnookNE 158-3 line 14Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Aug 1911Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Binder, Sr. (KS) and Eva Pulver (IA)- parents death certificate
BirdsellStanfordA1864 May 27Frankville, Winneshiek Co., Iowa1908 Nov 25Clark Co., WAtyphoid feveryesM Mabel BirdsallNE 145 N/2 line 127 Nov 1908Vancouver City CemeteryM Mabel Havirland (IA) - spouse; no children; Daniel Birdsell (NY) and Helen Kenyon (NY) - parents1900-farmer in So. Dakota; prominent business man in Vancouver at time of deathwife remarried to Edgard Tritt in 1913, she is buried at Park Hill Cemetery Vancouver WA; father in Umatilla Co., OR at time of death; obit The Oregonian 26 Nov 1908-resident of Vancouver for 5 years prior to death
BlackRobert 1839 Feb 6White Deer, Union Co., Pennsylvania1908 Feb 3St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WALa Grippe (flu)noRobert BlackNE 106-4 line 7Kirch Funeral Home/ Vancouver Undertaking5 Feb 1908Vancouver City CemeteryEllen Flick (PA) - spouse; Daisy, Alice, Bessie, Lettie - children; James Black (Ire) and Matilda Ludwig (PA) - parentsGARCivil War veteran, First Pennsylvania Light Artillary, sergeantfarmerEllen buried in Yankton, SD; State of Washington Death Certificate; obit The Colmbian 6 Feb 1908-resident of Vancouver 5-6 years prior to death, survivors dau Mrs W F Cash of Underwood WA
BlackNicholas18661906 Oct heart failure; 40 ynoNicholas BlackNE 56-2 line 8 16 Oct 1906Vancouver City Cemetery
BlairFrameWesley1843 Jul 23 Polk, Dade Co., Missouri1911 Sep 18at home, Fisher area, Mill Plain, Clark Co., Washingtonangina pectorisyesFrame W BlairNE 18 line 2Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Sep 1911Vancouver City CemeteryLouisa Ann Pyland (TN)(1) and Mary E Nerton(WA)(2) - spouses; Frame W Jr, Edgar Hamlin, Lucy Ann, Lloyd, Kate E - children by Louise, Dola Ruth, Sadie Lucretia, Lotty Mae, Lulu Blanch, Sydney Kyle, Chester Clyde - children by Mary; George W Blair (TN) and Sarah "Sally" Rook (TN) - parentsEllsworth Post of the GAR memberCivil War veteran, 6th Missouri Volunteer Cavalry (Union)farmer, prune orchard and a dairymarried to Louisa 1867, mo; 1873 Frame and 4 brothers (Pinkney, Jasper Marion, Hannibal, Isham) and families took the Central Pacific RR to San Francisco and then a ship to Clark Co WA. He bought land and a prune orchard; had 2 sisters - Ruphina and Laurette (Berrilla?) - 38 years in Clark Co.WAand brother Noah; obit The Columbian 21 Sep 1911; 1973 in Fern Priaire and then to Orchards; survivors wife and 4 sons and step-son William Calder, 5 dausbase with no headstone next to Frame W Blair
BlairLouisa AnnPyland1844 Dec 8Marshall Co., Tennessee1874 May 29Clark Co., WAnoFrame W BlairNE 18-2 line 2May 1874Vancouver City CemeteryFrame W Blair (MO) - spouse; Edgar Hamlin, Lucy Ann, Lloyd, Kate E - children; Joseph Bennett Pyland (NC) and Elizabeth Louise ? (TN) - parentsmarried in 1867 in Missouri; 1873 the Blair families took a train to San Francisco and then steamer to Northwest and settled in Clark Co WA
BlairLloydW 1872 Feb 18Missouri1873 Jul 28yesFrame W BlairNE 18 line 2Jul 1873Vancouver City CemeteryFrame W Blair (MO) and Lousie A Pyland (TN) - parents
BlairKateE1874 Apr 6Fern Prairie, Clark Co., Washington1881 Jun 20Clark Co., WAyesFrame W BlairNE 18 line 2Jun 1881Vancouver City CemeteryFrame W Blair (MO) and Lousie A Pyland (TN) - parents
BlairMary ENerton1855 Sep 15Orchards on Nerton family farm, Vancouver WA1929 Nov 7Vancouver WAapplexyyesFrame W BlairNE 18-4 line2Merrill Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co.,Oregon9 Nov 1929Vancouver City CemeteryEdward Calder (WA)(1) and Frame W Blair (MO)(2) - spouses; Clara, William, Florence, Charles - children by Calder, Dola Ruth, Sadie Lucretia, Lotty Mae, Lulu Blanch, Sydney Kyle, Chester Clyde - children by Blair; Thomas T Nerton (Eng) and Elizabeth Larkin (Eng) - parentsCalder and children burtied in Sifton Cemetery, Clark Co., WA; Thomas and Elizabeth Nerton crossed the Oregon Trail in 1852; Thomas and Elizabeth Nerton in Sifton Cemetery; obit The Coumbian 9 Nov 1929
BlairLuluBlanch1892 Apr 13Vancouver WA1920 Sep 9Vancouver City Hospital, Vancouver WAstreptococcus angina, diptheriayesFrame W BlairNE 18-5 line2Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Sep 1920Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Frame W Blair (MO) and Mary E Nerton (WA) - parentsobit The Columbian 9 Sep 1920-survived by mother, 4 bro and 4 sis
BlairPinkney1838 Nov 8Jackson TWP, Randolph Co., Missouri1929 Nov 16at dau Bertha Robinson;s home at Rt #1, Box 188, Fern Prairie (Camas), Clark Co., WashingtonsenilityyesNE 19-2 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor18 Nov 1929Vancouver City CemeteryMelissa Lunsford (MO)(1) and Nancy Ellen Lunsford (MO)(2) - spouses; Asa Alonzo, Columbus Seigle - children by Mellisa; Minnie Mae, Julia Etta, Sarah Bertha, Isham M, Frankie N - children by Nancy; George W Blair (TN) and Sarah "Sally" Rook (TN)- parentsMethodistCivil War veteran, Cavalryman, Commissary Sargeant (Union)farmer, prune orchards, first postmaster of Fern Prairie area of Camas, Clark Co., WA1873 Blair families came across by train to San Francisco and then by steamer to Sauvie Island and into Clark Co., WA; Jasper Marion Blair, brother, buried in Fern Prairie Cem, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 16 Nov 1929-survovors sons Asa and Columbus and 2 dau Julia Etta, Sarah Berthafamily headstone with four names: Pinkney, Nancy Ellen, Melissa, Isham
BlairMelissaLunsford1840 Jan 12Polk Co., Missouri1874 Jun 4Clark Co., WAyesNE 19 line 3 9 Jun 1874Vancouver City CemeteryPinkney Blair (MO) - spouse; Asa Alonzo, Columbus Seigle - children; Littleton Lunsford (NC) and Nancy Strain (NC) - parentsmarried Blair Aug 1856, Polk Co., MO; Melissa was sister of Nancy Ellen (who was Pinkney's second wife); Pinkney Blair was Frame Wesley Blair's brother and came west in 1873 with families to San Francisco and the by steamer to Sauvie Island
BlairNancy EllenLunsford1846 Apr 23Polk Co., Missouri1915 Aug 31St Josephs Hospital,Vancouver WAgall bladder operationyesNE 19-5 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Sep 1915Vancouver City CemeteryPinkney Blair - spouse; Minnie Mae, Julia Etta, Sarah Bertha, Isham M, Frankie N - children; Littleton Lunsford (NC) and Nancy Strain (NC) - parentsmarried Blair 1876, Clark Co., WA; sister of Melissa and second wife of Pinkney; obit The Columbian 9 Sep 1915
BlairIshamN1886 Oct 18Vancouver WA1906 Jan 12Clark Co., WAtuberculosis of the bowelsyesNE 19 line 3 1906Vancouver City CemeteryPinkney Blair (MO )and Nancy Ellen Lunsford (MO) - parentsseparate headstone
BlainAlfredE1880 Aug 5Allegan Co., Michigan1908 Jan 24Clark Co., WA noNE 31-3 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Jan 1908Vancouver City CemeteryHarriet Smith (MI) - spouse; Ruth - child; Samuel Blain (Can) and Mary Hinton (OH) - parentscould be in Potter's field #134
BlevansGeorgeDuncan1854 Sep 7Newtonia, Newton Co., Missouri1939 Jun 18Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAapoplexy and arteriosclerosisnoGeorge D BlevinsNE 202-5 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor20 Jun 1939Vancouver City CemeteryVirginia Clay clifford (KY) - spouse; Hope Lyle, Harry Clifford - children; Jonathan Blevans (TN) and Julia Ann Coats (KY) - parentProtestantlaborer of various trades. 1900, 1920 a grocery salesman in 1900-on 18th St., Vancouver; in 1910-1920 lived at 1208 W 21 St., Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 19 Jun 1939
BlevansVirginia Clay Clifford1859 Sep 22Harrison Co., Kentucky1937 Aug 4Emanual Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncancernoGeorge D BlevinsNE 202-4 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor6 Aug 1937Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Duncan Blevans (MO) - spouse; Hope Lyle, Harry Clifford - children; Lindsay Clifford (KY) and Octavia Berry (KY) - parentsMethodisthousewifeobit The Columbian 5 Aug 1937-38 years resident of Vancouver coming from Stokesburry MO, survivors by husband and son Hope
BlevansHarryClifford1886 Mar 1Newtonia, Newton Co., Missouri1913 Sep 25Seattle, King Co., WAan accident at Seattle, Renton and Southern Railway Co. street car shop, head crushedyesGeorge D BlevinsNE 202-3 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Sep 1913Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; George Duncan Blevans (MO) and Virginia Clay Clifford (KY) - parentsin 1907 - store keeper, Vancouver; 1911 - electrician, Portland ORSibling - Hope Lyle; obit The Columbian 27 Sep 1913-survivors parents and bro Hope
BleyEnno1855 Apr 14Germany1907 Dec 31`St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAspinal menningitis yesEnno BleyNE 120-1 line 8Kirch Funeral Home2 Jan 1908Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Enno Bley (Ger) and ? ? - parentsrancher, fruit growerimmigrated 1883; obit The Columbian 9 Jan 1908-sudden death, F Jenson was heir to personal property and real estate
BlinnSarahAnnMartin1842 Jun 3Ohio1914 Jan 17at Son Philander's home at 418 W 25th, Vancouver WAmitral insufficiencynoP E BlinnNE 206-2 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor18 Jun 1914Vancouver City CemeteryRoger Blinn (OH) - spouse; Elmer, John, Philander E, Clara E, Mary - children; Paul Martin (OH) and Mary Welsh (OH) - parentsBaptistRoger Blinn died in 1909 in Michigan (Allegan Co., MI); moved to live with son Philander in Clark Co., WA; 1900 census 6 children/2 living; obit The Columbian 17 Jan 1914-survived by son Philander and 1 dau, suffered from dropsy and bright's disease for several years
BlonellA190? Nov 28noPotters FieldVancouver City Cemeterynot in Porter's Inventory
BodyfeltSamuelF1852 Oct 15Adams Co., Indiana1943 May 24Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonsenilitynoMrs S F BodyfeltNE 146-5 line 2Zeller Chapel of the Roses, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon27 May 1943Vancouver City CemeteryMelissa L Gilson (IN) - spouses; Moses Bodyfelt (OH) and Mary Rice (OH) - parents1914- solicitor; 1920-Dristrict manager for The Telegraph; 1927-saleman; 1930 -not workingmarried Melissa 1893, Multnomah Co., OR; 1914-1943 lived in Portland OR; obit in The Oregonian 27 May 1943
BodyfeltMelissaLucindaGilson1852 Feb 24Mahaska Co., Iowa1938 Apr 29Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failurenoSamuel F BodyfeltNE 146-3 line 2Limber Funeral Chapel30 Apr 1938Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Washington Strong (1)(IA), Mark Taylor (VA)(2), William B Willoughby (KS)(3) and Samuel Bodyfelt (IN)(4) - spouses; Stella - child by Strong, Ruby M - child by Taylor, Charles H Jr., Oliver L, Ida - children by Willoughby; Allen Gilman (VT) and Elizabeth John (OH) - parentsmarried to Strong 1873-he died in 1876, Pekin, Cowlitz Co., WA; married Taylor in 1877; married Willoughby in 11 Dec 1883, Clark Co., WA; married Bodyfelt in 1893, Multnomah Co., OR; in 1887 married with Stella, Ruby, Ida, but not with husbsand Cowlitz Co., WA; 1900 census- 4 children/3 living; appoint postmaster in Feb 1882 in Pekin, Cowlitz Co., WA; obit The Columbian 30 Apr 1938-survivors, husband dau Ida, sister Harriet Caples and brother
BoesenMadge LucilleLamb1911 Feb 18Vancouver WA1985 Jan 10Vancouver WAheart failureyesMadge L BoesenNE 107-4 line 6Vancouver Funeral Home15 Jan 1985Vancouver City CemeteryLeo J Bodvin (WA)(1), James L Helmer (OR)(2), Adolph C Pietz (IA)(3), John F Fox (4) and John N Boesen (5) - spouses; Mary Margaret - child by Bodvin ; Charles E Lamb (WI) and Reatha K Bailey (WA) - parentshouswifemarried to Bodvin in 24 Dec 1928, Clark Co., WA and div (he died in 1978, buried at Mother Joseph Cemetery in Vancouver WA); married Helmer 16 Apr 1935, Clark Co. WA and div; married Adolph Pietz in 10 Jul 1944 Clark Co., WA, he died in 1955; married Fox 8 Sep 1960, Skamania Co., WA and div; married Boesen in 27 Aug 1968, Clark Co., WA; Headstone is Adolph and Madge PIETZ but she died under Boesen name; obit The Columbian 13 Jan 1985-lived in Vancouver entire life; in same plot as husband #3 Adolph Pietz.
BoisReda/Reta1900 Aug 1900 Sep 24bowel complaintnoPotters Field, permit #9024 Sep 1900Vancouver City Cemeterycould be a Dubois child??
BolinJohannaAndersdotter1830 Feb 10Film, Uppsala, Sweden1910 Mar 13Vancouver WAsenilityyesAndrew A BolinNE 43 N/2 line 6Hamilton Funeral Home 15 Mar 1910Vancouver City CemeteryAndrew A Bolin (Swe) - spouse; no children; Anders Persson (Swe) and Catherina Andersdotters (Swe) - parentsMarried Bolin in 1854 in Sweden; immigrated/ naturalized citizen in 1869; obit The Columbian 17 Mar 1910-18 year resident of Vancouver
BolinAndrew (Anders) A1831 Apr 21Valbo, Gavleborg, Sweden1911 Jan 30at home Kauffman Ave., Vancouver WApneumoniayesAndrew A BolinNE 43 N/2 line 6Grice and Beatty Undertakers1 Feb 1911Vancouver City CemeteryJohanna Andersdotters (Swe) - spouse, no children; Anders Andersson (Swe) and Stina Andersdotter (Swe) - parents1880-farmer in South Dakota; 1900-farmer, owned 6 acres in Fruit Valley area, Clark Co. WAmarried in 1854, Sweden; immigrated/naturalized citizen in 1869; death notice in Columbian 2 Feb 1911; Anders Andersson was is Sweden name
BonesteelElizabeth "Eliza"AnnStone1849 Apr 12Ontario, Canada1912 Sep 15St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApneumonianoNE 129-3 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor16 Sep 1912Vancouver City CemeteryJack Bonesteel (IN) - spouse; Robert, George M, Ermine "Minnie" Lenore, Nina Mae, James Albert, Hazel Irene, Munel M, another - children; David Madison Stone (VT, Civil War vet) and Sarah Cunningham (Eng) - parentBaptisthousewifeemigrated in 1854; lived in Iowa in 1880; 1900 in Wisconsin; 1905- widowed with dau Nina; husband died in 1929 and buried in Cowly Co., KS
Boone infant1911 Aug 6at home at 1415 E "D" St., Vancouver WA1911 Aug 6at home at 1415 E "D" St., Vancouver WAasphyxianoM H BooneNE 71-2 line 106 Aug 1911Vancouver City CemeteryM H Boone - parent
BormanCalvinAldin1942 Sep 6Enterprise, Wallowa Co., Oregon2014 Dec 21Aumsville, Marion Co., OregonyesNE 32 - against the outside edgeWeddle Funeral Services, Marion Co., OR27 Dec 2014 (services)Vancouver City CemeteryMary Weitzel (OH)(1), Nancy Gammond (Can)(2) and Kathleen Jo Swiatek (3) - spouses; Floyd A, Nikki Jo, W… - children?; Floyd Borman (OR) and Violet Land (OR) - parentsattended Pendleton High School, Pentdelton OR; married Mary in 1961, Union Co., OR/divorced in 1965, Umatilla Co., OR; 1966 married Nancy in Moro Co., OR/divorced in 1973, Marion Co., OR; married Kathleen 1976, Clackamas Co., OR; 1993 lived on Waller Rd, Tacoma WA; 1996 lived on Silverton Rd, Salem OR
BormanKathleen Jo Swiatek1946 Apr 11Salem, Marion Co., Oregon2020yesNE 32 -against the outside edgeVancouver City CemeteryDonald L Owens (1) and Calvin Aldin Borman (2) - spouses; Richard Leo - child by Owens, Floyd A, Nikki Jo, W… - children??; John Edward Swiatek (NY) and Ruby V Kuenzli (OR) - parentsattended South Park High School, Buffalo NY; married Owens 24 Apr 1965, Clark Co., WA; lived on Waller Rd., Tacoma WA; also lived in Salem OR; 1976, Clackamas Co., OR married Borman; 2020 lives in Aumsville OR; husband, son Richard Leo Owens and mother Ruby V Swiatek in same plot
Bowdeninfant (female)1937 Jan 24St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA1937 Jan 24St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApremature birthnoNE 205 Baby Green line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Jan 1937Vancouver City CemeteryMajor Edwin Turner Bowden, Sr., (TN) and Allie Goodwin Myrick (GA) - parentsfather was a major in the US Army stationed at Vancouver Barracks; parents buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia; Gilman Report has child listed in Potter Field permit No. 73 and in SW 205 Baby green
BoweLesterFairbanks1914 Aug 31Vancouver WA1914 Sep 14at home at 609 East B St., Vancouver WAintussuscipiens (part of the intestines)noCapt. E BoweNE 212-4 line 17Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Sep 1914Vancouver City CemeteryCapt. Edward "Eddie" C Bowe (Nova Scotia, Can) and Anna Laidlaw (Nova Scotia, Can) - parentsfather was a captain in the Salvation Army
BowersArthur1890 MarAllegheny Co., Pennsylvania1913 Dec 13St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApolio melitis, 23 yrnounknownBeatty Funeral Home15 dec 1913Vancouver City CemeteryParis A Bowers (PA) and Maria Rugh (PA) - parentsciger standnot sure where in the Vancouver City Cem he is buried, maybe in Masonic section
BowneHarrold1904 Oct 27Vancouver WA1904 Nov 28Vancouver WAhad been ill since birthyesNE 141 line 429 Nov 1904Vancouver City CemeteryFred Wheeler Browne (NJ) and Alice May Pancoast (WA) - parentsNot in Gilman Report; in Porter as BROWN; BOWNE is correct; father in Riverview Cemetery, Portland OR; mother in Rose City Cemetery Portland OR; obit The Columbian 1 Dec 1904-buried on previous Tuesday
BowesThomasA1896 Oct 17Clark Co., WA1910 Oct 9at lower Orin Bates Hathaway Ranch, Clark Co., Washingtonaccidental shooting, 14 yr.noMrs A M BowesNE 102, see notesKnapp Funeral Parlor11 Oct 1910Chelatchie Cemetery???Edward Bowes (Ire) and Anna Maria Hendrickson (Norway) - parentsPresbyterianstudentAnna M Bowes' children: Edward, Julia, John H, Charles E, William A, Thomas A and Harry E; obit The Oregonian 10 Oct 1910; Chelatchie Cemetery, Amboy WA has a family plot. Father Edward is in Chelatchie Cemetery, plot 61 with Charlas and Thomas on headstone. There is a headstone in Chelatchie Cem with dates 1896-1909 with Thomas A; death cert says he is buried in Old City Cemetery, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 10 Oct 1910-3rd child to die violently - John (body not found) and Charley drowned 10 years prior. eldest brother died back East
BoydThomasMarion1838 Aug 19Yorkshire, Darke Co., Ohio1929 Jan 9Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesThomas Marion BoydNE 143-5 line 2Mt Scott Mortuary, Portland , Multnomah Co., Oregon11 Jan 1929Vancouver City CemeterySarah A Shamo (PA)(1) and Josephine Priestly (MO)(2) - spouses; Elinor E, William, Daniel Francis, Elmer E, Roy J, Kennie Marie, Bertha E, Marion Thomas - children; William Boyd (PA) and Mary Jane Edinger (OH) - parentsmember of the Masonic Lodge, Member of GARCivil War veteran, Co G, Ohio 40th Infantry Regiment, Sergeant1865-farmer in Ohio, 1870-day laborer in Ohio, 1880-farmer in Iowa, 1921-carpentermarried Sarah Dec 1865, Greenville, Darke Co., OH and moved to Iowa for 20 years ;married Josephine in 1921 in Clark Co., WA; lived in Camas WA; 1910-living with dau Kennie and family in Vancouver WA; 1920 lived with son Marion in Vancouver WA; obit 10 Jan 1929 The Oregonian; in same plot as ife Sarah, son ELmer and dau Bertha Gillihan
BoydSarahAShamo1843 Sep 27Annville, Lebanon Co., Pennsylvania1908 Mar 30at home, Grass Valley, Clark Co., WAheart failureyesThomas Marion BoydNE 143 line 2 1 Apr 1908Vancouver City CemeteryThomas M Boyd (OH) - spouse; Elinor E, William, Daniel Francis, Kennie Marie, Elmer E, Roy J, Bertha E, Marion Thomas - children; Henry Shamo (PA) and Elizabeth Shuey (PA) - parentshousewifemarried Boyd Dec 12 1865, Greenville, Darke Co., OH; and moved to Iowa for 20 years, 1885 moved to Eugene OR, 1886 move to Lacama WA then 1887 moved to Grass Valley; husband, dau Bertha Galligan and son Elmer and spouse is in same plot; obit The Columbian 16 Apr 1908-Roy (d. 1892) and Bertha died while in Grass Valley; survivors husband, children-William, Daniel, Elmer, Marion and Elinor
BoydElmer Ellsworth1866 Oct 7Earlham, Madison Co., Iowa1957 Nov 10Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesThomas Marion BoydNE 143-1 line 2Ross Hollywood Chapel, Portland, Multnomah Co.,Oregon13 Nov 1957Vancouver City CemeteryMary E Hardenbrook (OR) - spouse; Elmer Ralph, Kenneth T - children; Thomas M Boyd (OH) and Sarah A Shamo (PA) - parentsMason, Woodsman of the World1900-express agent in Douglas Co, OR; 1910-1930-S A Railroad station agent in Linn Co., Oregonin same plot as parent, spouse and sister Bertha Gillihan; obit The Oregonian 12 Nov 1957
BoydMaryEuniceHardenbrook1867 Apr 7Wilbur, Douglas Co., Oregon1948 Apr 25Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncanceryesThomas Marion BoydNE 143 line 2Ross Hollywood Chapel, Portland, Multnomah Co.,Oregon28 Apr 1948Vancouver City CemeteryElmer E Boyd (IA) - spouse; Elmer Ralph, Kenneth T - children; Bradford George Hardenbrook (OH) and Sarah Ann Wilson (MO) - parentsEastern StarOregon Death index, obit The Oregonian 28 Apr 1948
BoydCharlesE1894 Mar 19South Dakota1915 Jan 9at home on Fouth Plain Rd., Vancouver WAdied of internal injuries yesJohn EatonNE 214-2 line 17Beatty Funeral Home11 Jan 1915Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Henry Boyd (NY) and Mary Carver (MT) - parentsstudent1896 father died in Lake Co., SD; 1910-lived with mother Mary Lowell in Chelatchie, Clark Co., Washington; mother buried in Billings MT under Eaton nameJohn Eaton was stepfather; obit in the Columbian in 9 Jan 1915; (story: he was kicked by horse in stomach and died of injuires); headstone birth date is wrongbroken headstone
Boyer Harold1911 Sep 11Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1911 Oct 11Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonstomach trouble-gastroentroisisnoW C BoyerNE 90-4 line 10Finley and Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon12 Oct 1911Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam C Boyer (WA) and Ada "Addie" M Prutzman (WA) - parentsfamily living in Portland OR in 1910; siblings, Myrtle, Pearl, Lona, Jacob, Howard
BraceWilliamS1881 Jan 1Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah1913 Jun 22/23?under railroad track bridge near Vancouver Military Barracks, Vancouver WAsuicide by carbolic acid poisoning yesMrs S BraceNE 195-2 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Jun 1913Vancouver City CemeteryEdith Bracy (KS) - spouse; no children; Solomon Brace (CT) and Ida Burke (NY) - parentsrailroad conductorsiblings - Edwin, Hattie, Arthur. Lived in Green Acres WA; obit The Oregonian 25 June 1913 describes situation around his death; death cert not sure of exact date;
BraceMargaretMaryettaKeith1823 Apr 28Brookfield, Madison Co., New York1911 Jul 12Vancouver WA death caused by broken hip from a fallnoNE 38-3 line 11Limber Funeral Chapel14 Jul 1911Vancouver City CemeteryOresmus Brace (MA) - spouse; Sylvester N, John, Eveline, Norman M, Mary, Myron, child - children; Abner Keith (ME) and Ruth Garnett (CT) - parentsSeventh Day Adventistnursemarried Brace in NY; moved to IL;1870-Chicksaw Co., Iowa farming; widowed in 1878; 1883 came with son Norman to Portland ; by 1889 was in Portland OR; 1900-1910-lived at 4102 SE 18 St., Vancouver WA; 1910 census 7 children/3 living; obit The Columbian 13 Jul 1911-survivors children Myron O, Norman M, Mrs Eveline J Conner
BradleyJosephineMcBride1868 Mar 16Carroll Co., Missouri1891 Sep 18Clark Co., WAbright's diseaseyesOscar McBrideNE 83 line 3 (moved)Sep 1891Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WAIra Bradley (IL) - spouse; no children; Gabriel McBride (IN) and Edna Virginia Gowin (NC) - parentsinitally buried in same plot as bro Oscar and sister Lucille; parents in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
BrantJames 1880Vancouver WA1911 Nov 13Vancouver WA31 yrnoNE 165-1 line 12Nov 1911Vancouver City Cemeteryunknown Joseph Adolphus C Brant (WA) and Clara Wallace (WA/OR) are NOT his parents; There is a Lewis J Brant who is their son but died 6 Nov 1950
BringolfGottlieb1844 Sep 23Switzerland1909 Jul 16St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcancer of the bowelsyesArnold H BringolfNE 40-2 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor18 Jul 1909Vancouver City CemeteryElizabeth Kuelling (Switz) - spouse; Arnold, Gottilieb, Louise, Pauline, Otto - childrenGerman Reformed Church memberfarmer1900- Spencer, Lucas Co., OH; obit The Columbian 17 Jul 1909-moved in 1909 to Clark Co. WA from Portland, survivors wife, 2 sons, 2 dau 1910-1930 lived with son Arnold and family in Portland OR; Arnold buried at Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland OR
BrinnenBetty Jane 1923 Nov 27at home on West 13th St, Vancouver WA1923 Nov 27at home on West 13th St, Vancouver WAstillbornnoG RDunlapNE 208-3 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Nov 1923Vancouver City CemeteryEarl Brinnen (IL) and Georgiana Claram Dunlap (IL) - parents1930-parents lived on Z St., Vancouver, siblings: James E, Patty Jean; parents married 10 Mar 1923, Clark Co., WA-divorced before 1940-mother remarried by 1940 Frank Mund; Knapp records have name as BUNNEN
BrockJohn James1863 Oct 29Ontario, Canada1953 Mar 25Hood River, Hood River Co., Oregonpneumonia and senilityyesJohn J BrockNE 53-5 line 5Burns Funeral Home, Pendleton OR28 Mar 1953Vancouver City CemeteryNellie J Reynold (MO) - spouse; Jessie, Bessie, Morris, Walter, Cecil, Eleanor R, John Raymond - children; John Brock (Can)and Rebecca J Murray (NY) - parentsfarmer, lumbermansame plot as wife and 2 children; death cert says Park Hill Cemetery, but think he is in Vancouver City Cemetery
BrockNellie Jane Reynolds1878 Mar 19Lewisville, Holt Co., Missouri1963 Jun 15Hood River, Hood River Co., Oregonheart diseasenoJohn J BrockNE 53-4 line 5Anderson Funeral Home, Hood River, Hood River Co.,, Oregon19 Jun 1963Vancouver City CemeteryJohn James Brock (Ont, Can) - spouse; Jessie, Bessie, Morris, Walter, Cecil, Eleanor R, John Raymond - children; Silas Reynolds (IN) and Ellen Rhodes (TX) - parentssame plot as husband and 2 children; OR death cert has Park Hill Cemetery, probably in Vancouver City Cemetery
BrockEleanor Rebecca1900 afterWashington1907 Apr 16Clark Co., WApneumonianoJohn J BrockNE 53 line 5Apr 1907Vancouver City CemeteryJohn James Brock (Ont, Canada) and Nellie J Reynolds (MO) - parents1900 - family living in Clark Co., WA; in same lot with parents and brother
BrockJohn Raymond1916 May 6at home, Vancouver WA1916 May 22 at home, Vancouver WAprematurenoJohn J BrockNE 53-2 line 5Beatty Funeral Home23 May 1916Vancouver City CemeteryJohn James Brock (Ont, Canada) and Nellie J Reynolds (MO) - parentsin same lot with parents and sister
BrothersWilliam1860?Tennessee1913 Feb 3under Minnehaha railroad track bridge, Clark Co. WAaccidental fall, 53 ynoNE 193 line 16 Potters Field, permit #21Limber Funeral Chapel10 Feb 1913Vancouver City Cemeteryfarmer laborer
BrownHarold Murphy1887 Jun 2Minnewaukan, Benson Co., North Dakota1956 Aug 17Stanfield, Umatilla Co., Oregonheart failurenoIda RobertsonNE 04-1 line 13Vancouver Funeral Home21 Aug 1956Vancouver City CemeteryHazel Mae Robertson (IA) - spouse; Helen M - child; Carl Brown (WI) and Catherine Murphy (WI) - cheesefarmer, photographerobit The Columbian 20 Aug 1956 - lived in Camas at time of death; survivors wife, dau Helen, Mother Kate; same plot as wife
BrownHazelMaeRobertson1891 Oct 4Akron, Plymouth Co., Iowa1971 Dec 12Hermiston, Umatilla Co., Oregonheart failurenoIda RobertsonNE 04-2 line 13Burns Funeral Home, Pendleton OR14 Dec 1971Vancouver City CemeteryHarold M Brown (ND) - spouse; Helen M - child; Albert E Robertson (Can) and Ida M Struble (IL) - parentsburied with mother and father in Robertson plot; obit The Columbian 14 Dec 1971-prior to death 14 years in Stanfield, Umatilla Co., OR, obit birth date has 1892; survivor dau Helen Collins; in same plot as parents
Brown WilliamLeslie1859 Mar 30Cayuga Co., New York1937 Mar 2Vancouver WAcanceryesE L BrownNE 110-1 line 3Limber Funeral Chapel7 Mar 1937Vancouver City CemeteryLaverna Towne (NY) - spouse; no children; Oscar A Brown (NY) and Anne Elizabeth Curtis (NY) - parentsOdd Fellowlaborer in (Hidden?) brick yard; 1910 - grocery store clerk; 1916 teamster for Higgins and Henrichsenmarried Lavernia 1882, New York; father Oscar A Brown was a Civil War vet Co. A, NY 75 Infantry; obit The Columbian 3 Mar 1937-40 year in Vancouver; survivors - 1 borther and 1 sister both of New York
BrownLaverniaETowne1854 Feb 27Homer, Cortland Co., New York1928 Jun 25at home at 2129 E 10th St., Vancouver WApernicious anemiayesE L BrownNE 110-2 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Jun 1928Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Leslie Brown (NY) - spouse; no children; Daniel Alonzo Towne/Town (NY) and Deborah Churchill (NY) - parentsmarried Lavernia 1882, New York; father Oscar A Brown was a Civil War vet Co. A, NY 75 Infantry
BrownJune Laurene1924 Oct 14Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1932 Feb 14St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAhit by automobile on Fourth PlainyesSorberNE 141-2 line 4C H Kirch & Son17 Feb 1932Vancouver City CemeteryRalph A Brown (WA) and Amy Sorber (OR) - parentsstudentobit The Oregonian 15 Feb 1932-struck by hit and run driver
BrownellFrancisMarion1860 Jul 12Oakfield, Fond du Lac Co., Wisconsin1944 Apr 1North Bend, Coos Co., Oregoncardio-renal diseaseyesFrances M BrownellNE 80-2 N/2 line 1Holman & Lutz, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon3 Apr 1944Vancouver City CemeteryMary Wilcox (IA)(1) and Minnie Ross (IN)(2) - spouses; Ethel, - child by Mary, Helen, Marian, Robert, Myrtle, Eva, Myron - cgildren by Minnie; Myron Brownell (NY) and Alira Young (NY) - parents1910-engineer at a packing plant, Portland OR; 1940 - not workingmarried Mary 1 Mar 1883, Hardin Co., IA- she died 1892, buried in Hardin Co., IA; 1935-1940 lived in Coos Co., OR; obit The Oregonian 4 Apr 1944
BrownellMyron1904 Aug 251904 Sep 17whooping coughnoFrances M BrownellNE 80 N/2 line 119 Sep 1904Vancouver City CemeteryFrancis Brownell (WI) and Minnie Ross (IN) - parentsprobably born in Portland OR but could be Washington; Ame plot as father
Brumagin, Jr.Delorus (male)Burdette1884 May 21Oregon1914 Apr 25at home at 2008 Kaufman Ave., Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesNE 201-2 line 8Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Apr 1914Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Delorus Brudett Brumagin, Sr. (NY) and Helen Lucinda Chesebro (NY) - parentsmachinist; 1904- eng. Wiper Northern Pacific Round House; 1912-helper SP&S RailwayMabel I, Flossie - sisters
Brunoldinfant1924 Jan 19Vancouver WA1924 Jan 19Vancouver WAprematurenoPotters Field, permit #3Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Jan 1924Vancouver City CemeteryFred Brunold (Switz) and Alice Svier (Neb) - parentsBrunold is second marriage for mother-28 Jul 1923, Vancouver WA
BrushGeorgeW 1834 Mar 30New York1906 Mar 14Clark Co., WAneuralgiayesNE 110 line 3Mt Hood Council Union, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon16 Mar 1906Vancouver City CemeteryElla R Brown (MI) - spouse; Etta R, Vida A, Ellsworth - children; George Brush (NY) and Margaret Simmons (NJ) - parentsorchardist, owned 50 acres in Preston (Fern Prairie) area, Clark Co., WA; manager of Trent Land Co.obit The Columbian 22 Mar 1906; suvivors wife and family; in same plot as wife
BrushEllaRBrown1863 Feb 11Pontiac, Oakland Co., Michigan1938 Sep 25Portland, Multnomah Co., OregontuberculosisyesNE 110-2 line 3Holman & Lutz, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon26 Sep 1938Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge W Brush (NY) - spouse; Etta R, Vida A, Ellsworth - children; David Brown (NY) and Lucy Brown (NY) - parents obit The Oregonian 26 Sep 1938
BryantInezS1914 Jun 29Vancouver WA1916 Jan 3Vancouver WAbirth defect-hydrocephlic; meniningitisnoNE 117 line 5Limber Funeral Home4 Jan 1916Vancouver City CemeteryJesse Grover Bryant (IN) and Lida Emma Wornom (WA) - parentsLida Emma married 16 Sep 1913, Spokane Co., WA; Eliza "Lida" Wornom is grandmother of Inez in same plot
BryantWilliamFrederick Vancouver WA1924 Feb 10Vancouver WAnoPotters Field, permit #232Vancouver City Cemetery Note: William Frederick Bryant is not listed in Porter's Report but is a footnote to be added in Gilman update notes of Porter. Problem: her notes have "2/10/24", but Gilman's final report is "2/10/22"- this could be the infant Bryant???
Bryantinfant male1924 Feb 9St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA1924 Feb 9St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA noNE 206 Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Feb 1924Vancouver City CemeteryFrederick H Bryant (IA) and Molly Grant (Neb) - parentsNote: Knapp Funeral Home record has infant Bryant buried in NE 206 on 10 Feb 1924, not in the Potter's field and not listed in Gilman Report; parents lived in Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washington
BuchJohannah "Hannah"Ziegler1868 DecCalifornia1906 Aug 23Vancouver WAblood poisoningnoGustave ZieglerNE 21 N/2 line 5Aug 1906Vancouver City CemeteryAugust Buch (Ger) - spouse; Bessie May, Charles August, Mildred C - children; Gustaf Ziegler (Ger) and Friederike ? (Ger) - parentsdau Mildred Webber buried in NE 215; husand buried in Ft Vancouver Military Cemetery, Vancouver WA; same plot as parents
BuffamPeterEdward/ Edwin1877 Dec 31Lambton, Ontario, Canada1935 May 30Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesWilliam HargreavesNE 48-5 line 1Holman & Sons, Portland,Multnomah Co., Oregon3 Jun 1935Vancouver City CemeteryLaura Jane Hargreaves (WA) - spouse; Clarence, Wiliam, Dorothea, Ruth, Elva Jane, infant female - child; William Buffam (Eng) and Margaret McCabe (Ire) - parentsnurserymanobit The Oregonian 7 June 1935
BuffamLaura Jane Hargreaves1883 May 25 Vancouver WA1966 Nov 7Hillsboro Washington Co., Oregonheart failureyesWilliam HargreavesNE 48-4 line 1Fulton-Friesen10 Nov 1966Vancouver City CemeteryPeter Edward Buffam (Can) - spouse; Clarence, Wiliam, Dorothea, Ruth, Elva Jane, infant female - child; William Hargreaves (IL) and Mary Elizabeth Adams (MO) - parentsRebekah Lodge member obit The Oregonian 12 Nov 1966
Buffaminfant (female)1909 Mar 27Vancouver WA1909 Mar 27Vancouver WAprematurenoWilliam HargreavesNE 48 line 127 Mar 1909Vancouver City CemeteryPeter E Buffam (Can) and Laura Jane Hargreaves (WA) - parents
Bufordinfant (female)1909 Nov 13Clark Co., WA1909 Nov 13Clark Co., WAstillbornnoNE 107-3 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor13 Nov 1909Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Buford (TN) and Mamie Lee (OR) - parentsGeorge was African American; Mamie was Chinese
BurgGladysLeona Julia10 Jun 1909Michigan10 Dec 1911at home, Minnehaha area, Clark Co., Washingtonscarlett fevernoNE 90-6 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Dec 1911Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam E Burg (MI) and Ora E E Wareham (IN) - parents
BurkhartArthurRaymond1910 Jan 18Clark Co., WA1910 Feb 6at home, Vancouver WApertussis (whooping cough), tuberculosisnoBurkhartNE 89-2 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor6 Feb 1910Vancouver City CemeteryA L Burkhart (MO) and Rose Lynn (CO) - parents
BursonLynneHerbert1932 Nov 8Battle Ground, Clark Co., Washington1934 Jan 1Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAabscess of the lungsnoNE 205 Baby Green line 4, permit #24Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Jan 1934Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam P Burson (OR) and Blanche V French (OR) - parents
BurtchWilliamA1858Canada1906 Sep 23at home, Vancouver, WAstomach relatedsnoNE 174 S/2 line 325 Sep 1906Vancouver City CemeteryMary Corbett (Ire) - spouse; May, Thomas - children; William Burtch (Can) and Mary ? (Can) - parentsOdd Fellow1905 carpenter, St Sault Marie MImarried Mary in 1903 in MI; resident of clark Co. for many years, survivors - wife and a son; 1910 census 2 children/ 1 living - may died in 1905 MI
ButlerCal1857 circaIreland1912 Sep 12at hospital, Vancouver WAalcoholismnoNE 161-1 line 16Limber Funeral Chapel17 Sep1912Vancouver City Cemeterylaborerobit The Columbian 16 Sep 1912-doing street work at time death
ButtersWilliam18621907 Jul 15tuberculosis`noWilliam ButtersNE 88-3 line 817 Jul 1907Vancouver City Cemeterypossibly immigrated in 1889, from Liverpool, England
CabialeMarioJohn1856 Dec 11Italy 1932 Sep 26at home, Vancouver WApneumoniayesMario CabialeNE 156 line 12Kirch Funeral Home29 Sep 1932Vancouver City CemeteryAlbina Coppo (Italy) - spouse; Massina "mina" Mar, Lilly D, Dante, Pietro "Peter", Maria, Angela, Kathleen - children: Pietro Cabiale - parentCatholic farmer, self employeed; 1900-gardeneremigrated in 1891 to Oregon with oldest daughter Massina; 1900-lived in Salmon Creek area, Clark Co., 1920-1930-Harney, Clark Co. WA; dau Angela Wilson in same plot; obit The Columbian 26 Sep1932-40 year resident of Vancovuer, survivors son Pietro and 4 daus
CabialeAlbinaCoppo1857 Aug 24Italy 1929 Feb 26St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApneumoniayesMario CabialeNE 156 line 12Hamilton Funeral Home 2 Mar 1929Vancouver City CemeteryMario Cabiale (Italy) - spouse; Massina "mina" Mar, Lilly D, Dante, Pietro "Peter", Maria, Angela, Kathleen - children; Angelo Coppo (Italy) - parentCatholic emigrated in 1891 to Oregon with oldest daughter Massina; Lilly married Frank Natta; 1910 census 7 children/5 living; dau Angela Wilson in same plot
CabialeDante1895 Jun 2Oregon1910 Mar 10Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesMario CabialeNE 156 line 12Dunning and McEntee Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon13 Mar 1910Vancouver City CemeteryMario Cabiale (Italy) and Albina Coppo (Italy) - parentsCatholic studentsister Angela Wilson in same plot
Calder WilliamThomas1876 Aug 17Seattle, King Co., Washington1939 Apr 29in hospital, Vancouver WAheart failureyesFrame W BlairNE 17 line 1Vancouver Funeral Home3 May 1939Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Edward Calder (Eng) and Mary E Nerton (WA) - parentsfarm laborer, employee of Padden Dairy for past 3 years prior to death; "brother" of Clara Jane Galbraith; obit The Columbian 1 May 1939-survivors 3 half brother and 3 half sister.
CadwellInezCarrieGettings1856 Jan 29Michigan1911 Mar 23at home at 205 8 St., Vancouver WAuremic poisoningnoNE 26-5 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Mar 1911Vancouver City CemeteryStephen Irvan (KY)(1), Henry? Flagler (NY) (2), E T Cadwell (3) and Bernhard Brown (4) - spouses; Charles (b. 1872), Arlie (Fem) (b. 1875, Will R (b. 1876), child - children by Irvan; Robert Gettings (Virginia) and Fidelia Curtiss (NY) - parents1906-ostropathic physican, dermatologist, and massuer; ess maker, housewife1860- living with parents Webster, KY; with married Irvan 1872, Crittenden, Grant Co., KY; 1880 married to Flagle; 1900 in Steuben Co., IN with Cynthia White and Eugene Flagler; married Cadwell 1905, El Paso TX under Inez Flagler; married Brown in 1906, Galveston TX; 1906-in Texas; 1910 census 4 children/3 living; 1907 Flagler died; 1910-in Vancouver with nephew Eugene Flagler (b. 1864 MI-d. 1935, Clark Co., WA, father Jeremiah Flagler); Cynthia White and Inez Carrie are aunts of Eugene Flagler
CamelGeorge1825Clark Co., WA1905 Feb 9Clark Co., WAold agenoPotters Field, permit #11010 Feb 1905Vancouver City Cemetery
CameronRichard (infant)Edwin1910 Mar 14Vancouver WA1910 Jul 8Vancouver WAwhooping coughnoNE 130-6 line 15Wilkins, Undertaker9 Jul 1910Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam H Cameron (NY) and Florence McMurray (IA) - parents
Cardoninfant1924Clark Co., WA1924 Aug 28Clark Co., WAstillborn?noPotters Field28 Aug 1924Vancouver City Cemetery
CarlsonCharles A1902 JulClark Co., WA1902 Dec 1Clark Co., WAinflammation of the bowelsnoPotters Field, permit #991 Dec 1902Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Carlson Sr. (Fin) and Ida Erickson (Fin) - parent
Carlson ElizabethLarsdotter1848 Sep 23Oxnevalla, Alvsborg, Sweden1912 Aug 12Vancouver WAcarcinoma of the stomach, 63y, 11myesNE 69-4 line 12Limber Funeral Chapel14 Aug 1912Vancouver City CemeteryJohanns Carlson (Swe)(1) and Carl J Carlson (Swe)(2) - spouse; Clara, Anna, Julia, John - children by Johanns; Henrietta, Bessie (Betty, Elizabeth?), Hulda, Carl Otto - children by Carl Carlson; Lars Pehrsson (Swe) and Anna Andersdotter (Swe) - parentsborn Brita Lena Larsdotter, changed name, 1871 married Johanns Carlson in Sweden; immigrated Sep 1873; Johanns died in 1883 in Price Co., WI and buried there; Married Carl Carlson 1884, Price Co. WI (he ummigrated in 1882); 1900 census 8 children/6 living, family living in Price Co., WI; 1905 in Wisconsin; 1910-family living in Vancouver, nephew Herman Klair/Clair living with family 1900-1910, 1910 census 6 children/2 living
CarlsonCharles 1851Sweden1907 Mar 24Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachnoJoseph CarltonNE 74-2 line 7Mar 1907Vancouver City Cemeteryappears singlecarpentercame to US in 1883 through Pennsylvania; naturalized 1901, Clark Co., WA; Joseph Charlton purchased plot and was executor of will; owned property in Clark Co., WA
CarneyJoseph1868 circa1918 May 7Columbia River near Ryan's Point, Clark Co., WashingtondrowningnoNE 211-4 line 18Knapp Funeral Parlor15 May 1918Vancouver City Cemetery
CarrollBonnieJeanAddleman1926 May 4Vancouver WA1965 Feb 12Vancouver WAcanceryesGeorge H HillNE 67-2 line 14Vancouver Funeral Home17 Feb 1965Vancouver City CemeteryRaymond Whetzel (MT)(1) and Francis Carroll (MA)(2) - spouses; Chris, David - children; William Addleman (PA) and Gae Nancy Dixon (AR) - parentsshe was a jazz musician with Dizzy Gillespie and Tommy Dorsey bands and othersobit The Oregonian 16 Feb 1965; obit The Columbian also
CarterEphram/ElwoodMilo1845 Apr 20Euphemia, Harrison TWP, Preble Co., Ohio1914 Dec 20at dau Mrs E H Smith, 1015 E. B St., Vancouver WAstroke, hemorrhage of the brain, epileptic seizureyesE M CarterNE 142 S/2 line 3Limber Funeral Home21 Dec 1914Vancouver City CemeteryAbigail Boyd (OH) - spouse; William Franklin, Rufus B, Ada May, James Henry, George Lester, John Ephrain "Jack", Edward Francis, Alfred Benjamin, Harry Almond, Clarence Stanley, Rachel - children; William Carter, Sr (NJ) and Rachel Brennenman (PA) - parentsCivil War veteran, Co. B, Ohio 152nd Infantry Regimentfarmer - 1880 in Madison Co., Iowa, 1900-Ottawa Nation, Indian Terr; 1910-laborer, Clark Co., WA-living with son JohnAlso has name listed as "Elwood"; information given by gr. grandson Larry Carter (in Nebraska); obit The Columbian 21 Dec 1914-1901 moved to Washington from Iowa; survived by 6 son James, George, John, Ed, Clarence, Fred, Harry and 1 dau Mrs E H Smith
CarterAbigail "Allie"Boyd1846 May 27York TWP, Darke Co., Ohio1906 Sep 9at home, Vancouver WAparalysisyesE M CarterNE 142 S/2 line 311 Sep 1906Vancouver City CemeteryEphram Carter (OH) - spouse; William Franklin, Rufis B, Ada May, James Henry, George Lester, John Ephrain "Jack", Edward Francis, Alfred Benjamin, Harry Almond, Clarence Stanley, Rachel - children; William Boyd (PA) and Mary Jane Edinger (OH)- parentsinformation given by gr. grandson Larry Carter (in Nebraska); obit The Columbian 13 Sep 1906-Ellsworth Church funeral services
CarterJamesIrwin1913 Sep 26708 W 24 St., Vancouver WA1913 Sep 29708 W 24 St., Vancouver WApneumonianoNE 203-4 ine 6Limber Funeral Home30 Sep 1913Vancouver City CemeteryHarry E Carter (KS) and Myrtle M Frevathen (CA) - parents
Carter JoelHomer1840 Aug 26Bronson, Branch Co., Michigan1913 Feb 23at the James Coffin's residence (boarder) at 907 Columbia, Vancouver WAheart failure and pleurisynoNE 160-3 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Feb 1913Vancouver City CemeteryMary Ada Bowen (MI) - spouse; Maude B, Alta - children; Horace Carter (VT) and Mary ? (Can) - parentsCivil War veteran, Private, Co. G, 19th Michigan Volunteer Infantry
CatesCharles1907 Aug 7Vancouver WA1918 Aug 30corner of 10th and Washington, Vancouver WAfractured skull from an auto accidentnoCharles JenkinsNE 70-4 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Sep 1919Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; George Cates (OR) and Irene Jenkins (PA) - parentsParents Irene and George had a disasterous marriage and she got a divorce and remarried ? Bass. George Cates murdered Irene in Aug 1935 and then suicided (they are buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; Charles Jenkins was grandfather in same plot; Walter, Cecil, Edna Ora Tressa - siblings; newspaper article on accident in Oregon Journal 1 Sep 1918; obit in The Oregonian 2 Sep 1918
Cates Ora Tressa1910 Nov 25Clark Co., WA1915 May 29602 W 11th St., Vancouver WAacute croupnoCharles JenkinsNE 70 line 11Beatty Funeral Home31 May 1915Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; George Cates (OR) and Irene Jenkins (PA) - parentsParents Irene and George had a disasterous marriage and she got a divorce and remarried ? Bass. George Cates murdered Irene in Aug 1835 and then suicided; Charles Jenkins was grandfather in same plot; obit in The Columbian on 31 May 1915
CawellFloyd1907 Jan 3marasemus (a wasting disease of the flesh)noPotters Field, permit #14Vancouver City Cemeterythis could be a child
Cawley (many spellings)AaronPatrick1867New York1913 Jun 20St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAgastic ulcer, alcoholismnoNE 195-1 line 14 (or Potter's Field permit #71)Limber Funeral Chapel22 Jun 1913Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Patrick Aaron Cauley (Ire) and Margaret Greene (Ire) - parentsCatholic 1910-1911-bartender, Vancouver WAbrother - M P Cowley; Cowley family lived in Clark Co. WA in 1883; "Aaron Crowley" listed as in NE 204 and NE 195, possibly the same person (deleted from inventory); Father died in Clark Co., WA 1897; father and mother buried in St John's Catholic Cemetery, Vancouver WA, she died 1904 in Portland OR; Last name spelled: Cawley, Cowley, Couley, Cauley, Crowley, Crawley; father was a Civil War veteran from New York; 1870- family was in New York; obit The Columbian 20 Jun 1913-survived by 2 brothers, Michael, James
CawoodNathaniel1837 May 3Daviess Co., Indiana1914 Oct 31at home at RD#1, Box 14, Vancouver WAchronic tuberculosis and liver/kidney troublesyesNathaniel CawoodNE 81-2 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Nov 1914Vancouver City CemeteryMary Jane Williams (OR) - spouse; John Franklin, Mary Luella, child - children; John Smith Cawood (TN) and Mary Smiley (IN/TN) - parentsCivil War veteran?, Indiana Volunteersfarmer 1900- in Marion Co., OR; 1900 had own income; 1904-carpenter, Portland OR1880-1900-Marion Co., OR; 1910-lived on Mill Plain Rd., Vancouver; 1920-owned house at 2500 E 11St., Vancouver
CawoodMary Jane Williams1857 Jan 5Marion Co., Oregon1922 Jun 10Vancouver WAparalysis, Addison's DiseaseyesNathaniel CawoodNE 81 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor13 Jun 1922Vancouver City CemeteryNathaniel Cawood (IN) - spouse; John Franklin, Mary Luella, child - children; James Williams (MO/TN) and Julia Marrias (IL) - parents1880-1900-Marion Co., OR; married in Marion Co., OR; 1910-lived on Mill Plain Rd., Vancouver; 1920-owned house at 2500 E 11St., Vancouver; 1900 census 3 children/2 living; obit The Columbian 14 Jun 1922- resident since 1903, lived with son John since husband died.
CawoodMaryLuella (Luetta)1876 May 29Marion Co., Oregon1904 Aug 20parent's home in Vancouver WAconsumption (tuberculosis)noNathaniel CawoodNE 81 line 122 Aug 1904Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Nathaniel Cawood (IN) and Mary Jane Williams (OR) - parentstook missionary work as life's work1900-living in Marion Co., OR; 1904 lived in Portland OR; obit The Oregonian 24 Aug 1904
CawoodJohn Franklin1879 Jan 20North Howell, Marion Co., Oregon1953 Mar 2Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonchronic myocarditisnoNathaniel CawoodNE 81-2 line 1Hennesey-Goetsch & McKee, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon 4 Mar 1953Vancouver City CemeteryGrace Edwards (IA)(1), Mary T O'Connell (Can)(2) and Amelia Haner (IN)(3) - spouses; Frances G - child by Grace; Nathaniel Cawood (IN) and Mary Jane Williams (OR) - parents1910-street car motorman; 1918- shipbuilding, Vancouver Wa; 1920 - house carpenter; 1930-public school watchman; 1940 not workingmarried Grace 7 Jan 1908, Portland OR; 1910-SE 28th, Portland; dau Frances born in 1912; first wife Grace died 1920, buried in Lincoln Mem Park, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR; married Mary T 8 Feb 1923, Vancouver WA; 1930-SE 65th, Portland; married Amelia 21 Mar 1938, Multnomah Co., OR; 1940- renting Portland OR; funeral notice Oregon Journal 5 Mar 1953
CawoodMary T O'Connell1877 Nov 23St. Johns, New Brunswick, Canada1930 Jul 12Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhage, paralysisnoNathaniel CawoodNE 81-5 line 1Mt Scott Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon15 Jul 1930Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Franklin Cawood (OR) - spouse; no children; Bartholomew O'Connell (Ire) and Mary Burns (Ire) - parentsarrived in US in 1913; second wife of John Cawood, married 8 Feb 1923, Clark Co., WA; obit The Oregonian 13 Jul 1930
CawoodAmeliaMSittloh1872 Oct 11Bartholomew Co., Indiana1954 Mar 14Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonaccident, complication from a fallnoNathaniel CawoodNE 81-4 line 1Hennesey-Goetsch & McKee, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon 18 Mar 1954Vancouver City Cemetery? Haner (1) and John Franklin Cawood (OR) - spouse; no children; Fred Sittlow (Ger) and Anna Doscher (IN) - parents1935-lived in Cincinnati, OH; third wife of Cawood married 21 Mar 1938, Multnomah Co., Oregon
ChambersCaroline "Carrie"KZiegler1878 Mar 27Washington Co., Oregon1907 Feb 14inflammation of the bowelsyesBert ChambersNE 73-2 line 815 Feb 1907Vancouver City Cemetery? Slyters ()(1) and Joseph Bert Chambers (IN)(2) - spouses; Violet "Elsie"? - child by Slyters; Joseph J, Amanda? - children by Chambers; Jacob Ziegler (Bavaria, Ger) and Matilda J Rhoads (OR) - parents1900 census 1 child/1 living, Reedville, Washington Co., Oregon; 1905 -living in Felida/Lake Shore, Clark Co., WA; dau Violet's marriage records says Bert Chambers is step-father; newspaper article Oregon Journal 29 Jun 1906-Elsie (dau of Slyters) aducted; 30 Jun 1906 - 9-year old Elsie found-thisis Violet Slyters, she married in 1913
ChambersJosephJacob1905 Nov 271907 May 14Oregon City, Clackamas Co., OregonpneumoniayesBert ChambersNE 73-2 line 8Hamilton Funeral Home 16 May 1907Vancouver City CemeteryBert Chambers (IA/IN) and Carrie K Ziegler (OR) - parentsnewspaper article The Columbian 23 May 1907-died at aunt's home
CheneyAlbertEli1864 Mar 3Kansas1914 Jan 2826 and D streets, Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesA E CheneyNE 95 S/2 line 15Beatty Funeral Home30 Jan 1914Vancouver City CemeteryAnnie A Myers (MN) - spouse; Clemens, Lauren H, Hazel Lillian, Gladys Anna, Gerald George, Harold B, Floyd I - children; Albert M Cheney (NY) and Malinda Qualls (TN) - parentshouse painter in 1900-19101910 census 7 children/6 living; obit The Columbian 30 Jan 1914-9 yr resident of Vancouver from Fergus Falls MN; survived by wife, 1 dau Mrs Maroneete? and 4 sons-Lauren, Gerald, Harold, Floyd; wife buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA in 1940
CheneyGladysAnna1898 Sep 3Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co., Minnesota1975 Feb 21Vancouver WAheart failureyesGladys A CheneyNE 95-7 line 15Hamilton-Mylan Funeral Home 26 Feb 1975Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Albert E Cheney (KS) and Annie A Myers (MN) - parentsSeventh Day Adventist1920-clerk at traveling con?: 1940 - house work in private home; nurse1910-Vancouver WA; in 1918 she traveled to Manilla, Phillipines Islands, Hong Kong, China, Japan; 1920-living with mother and brothers in San Francisco CA; obit The Columbian 23 Feb 1975
CheneyClemens1904 Feb 24Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co., Minnesota1908 Oct 11Clark Co., WAcroupyesA E CheneyNE 95 N/2 line 1513 Oct 1908Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert E Cheney (KS) and Annie A Myers (MN) - parents
CheversJames18681902 May 10Clark Co., WAaccident in rock quarrynoPotters FieldDunning Funeral Home, Vancouver WA12 May 1902Vancouver City Cemeteryquarry worker at time of deathFisher's Landing rock quarry, had only worked there for a week, obit Seattle Daily Time 14 May 1902; Oregonian 12 May 1902- only in county since May 1901
ChillsonClara Newton1854 Feb 26Cinncinai, Hamilton Co., Ohio1924 Aug 17at home, Orchards, Clark Co., Washingtondropsy (diabetes)yesClara DeLongNE 132-4 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor24 Aug 1924Vancouver City CemeteryFrancis Delong (IN)(1) and William Harrison Chillson (MI)(2) - spouses; Lloyd, Vivian, Luella Ann - children by DeLong; Asa Newton (OH) and Ann Whiting (OH) - parentsfarm, house wifemarried DeLong 17 Jun 1888, Hamilton, OH; DeLong died between 1909; was widowed in 1910; married to Chillson 1911; buried with first husband as Clara DeLong Chillson
ChrisHarry1880 SepMichigan/Minnesota1905 Feb 17Clark Co., WAaccident near Ridgewood, Clark Co., WashingtonnoPotters Field, permit #111Vancouver Undertaking Co.27 Feb 1905Vancouver City Cemeterysingle?1900- knot sawyerwood gathering accident; newspaper The Oregonian 19 Feb 1905; The Columbian 23 Feb 1905-Chriss, family farm in Minnesota; 1900-living in Kelso, Cowlitz Co. WA
ChristensenDorothyMargaret1911 Aug 23Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1912 Jan 20at home at Proebstel, Clark Co., Washingtoncerebral spinal meniningitisyesNE 89-6 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Jan 1912Vancouver City CemeteryJonas Christensen (Nor) and Mary Steinhauer (CA) - parents
ClarkDaniel Henry1846 Jan 21Mount Pleasant, Gentry Co., Missouri1929 Dec 28at home of dau Ora Dee Clark, Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washingtonheart failureyesMary J ClarkNE 29-1 line 13Limber Funeral Home1 Jan 1930Vancouver City CemeterySophia Ives (MI)(1) and Florence Clara Williams (IN)(2) - spouses; Lud, Jay , Mary J, Orah Dee, Ivy, Ida May - children by Sophia; Donald/Daniel A Clark (NY) and Mary M Doane (OH/NY) - parentsfarmer: 1870 in Gage Co., Neb, 1900-1910 in Clark Co., WA; teamster, rented a 10-acre farm; 1920 - laborer at sawmillmarried Sophia 1867, MIchigan; married Florence 27 Mar 1910, Clark Co., WA; 1910 Cathlapoodle, Clark Co., WA; Florence had 6 children by previous marriage; obit The Columbian 28 Dec 1929-40 year resident in clark co at time of death, 25 years in Michigan followed by 16 years in Nebraska, the to Clark Co.; survived by sons Lud and Jay and dau Ora
ClarkSophiaMattie Ives1846 JunBerrien Co., Michigan1908 Nov 7Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumoniayesMary J ClarkNE 29 line 13Finley and Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon9 Nov 1908Vancouver City CemeteryDaniel H Clark (MO) - spouse; Lud, Jay, Mary J, Ora Dee, Ida May - children; William Ives (NY) and Jerusha Penwell/Pennell (IN) - parentshousewifemarried Clark 1867, Michigan; 1900 census 7 children/4 living; obit The Oregonian 9 Nov 1908
ClarkMary J1872 Jun 14Berrien Co., Michigan1921 May 11Swedish Hospital, Seattle, King Co., WAheart failureashesyesMary J ClarkNE 29 line 13W Mayfield, undertaker, Seattle, King Co., Washington2 Aug 1921Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Daniel H Clark (MO) and Sophia Ives (MI) - parentsEastern Star1900-school teacher in Ballard Schools for 19 yearsobit Seattle Daily Time 12 May 1912
ClarkJay 1870 May 5Niles, Berrian Co., Michigan1930 Mar 21Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonmyocarditisyesMary J ClarkNE 29-1 line 13Wilson Chambers Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon24 Mar 1930Vancouver City CemeteryAlice M Henderson (Neb) - spouse; Frances H, infant - children; Daniel H Clark (MO) and Sophia Ives (MI) - parents1900- timber faller; 1910-side walk laborer, Portland OR; 1920-laborer, Portland OR;married Alice 21 Jun 1909; obit The Oregonian 22 Mar 1930
ClarkOrahDee 1875 Aug 25Firth, Lancaster Co., Nebraska1965 Nov 23heart failureyesMary J ClarkNE 29 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Nov 1965Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Daniel H Clark (MO) and Sophia Ives (MI) - parents1906-1944 - school teacher in Alaska1906 - started teaching in Alaska; 1920-in Kenai, Alaska; 1940-in Nushagak, Bristol Bay, Alaska; retired in 1944; was the first superintendent of the first school in Anchorage in 1915
Clarkinfant 1914 Mar 20Washington1914 Mar 20WashingtonasphyzianoMary J ClarkNE 29-4 line 1321 Mar 1914Vancouver City CemeteryJay Clark (MI) and Alice M Henderson (Neb) - parents
ClarkBenjamin1889 Aug 16Washington1889 Aug 20WashingtondebilitynoPotters Field Permit #2921 Aug 1889Vancouver City CemeteryP Clark - parent?
Clarkinfant (male)1890 Jun 24Washington1890 Jul 1Washingtonnatural causesnoPotters Field Permit #411 Jul 1890Vancouver City CemeteryP Clark - parent?
ClarkJosephinenoPotters Field permit #4Vancouver City CemeteryP Clark - parent?
ClemensJamesMadison1878 Jul 14Sanpete Co., Utah1941 Mar 15Vancouver WAaortic value failurenoR DuFresneNE 27-3 line 11Vancouver Funeral Home17 Mar 1941Vancouver City CemeteryRuth Delta Waring (ID) - spouse; Vera, Abbie Jane, EdgarJ ames , Cleo, infant Richard Wayne - children; George Clemens (UT) and Lucinda Jane Maxham (UT) - parents1900- teamster in Arizona. 1910 - blacksmith in Burley ID, 1920 - laborer in logging camp in Baker Co., OR, 1930 - fireman on a log donkey in Multnomah Co., ORdivorced Ruth; she remarried Southerlin and buried in MT; obit The Columbian 17 Mar 1941
Clanton (Clinton)CharlesE1809North Carolina1897 Sep 11Clark Co., WAnoPotters Field, permit #7912 Sep 1897Vancouver City CemeteryPhebe Jane Hurst (TN) - spouse; Elizabeth, Joel, William, Jane, Lucy, James H, Charles W, George W - children;1860-in Iowa; 1880 - Umtatilla Co., OR; 1885 in Clark Co., WA; there is a C Clinton in 1885 census in Clark Co., WA
CloughGeorgeC1854 circa 1914 May 16near Yale, Cowlitz Co., Washingtonaccident - logging, hit by a falling treenoGeorge C CloughNE 209-1 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor24 May 1914Vancouver City Cemeterymarried; son; ? Clough and ? ? - parentslaborer for North Fork Logging Co.newspaper article, Oregon Journal 18 May 1914; obit The Columbian 18 May 1914-widower with 12y r old son living with grandparents in Salem OR; brother and others in Monroe WA
CodyArchie1865Vermont?1907 Jun 28St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAsuicide by axenoPotters Field, permit #6429 Jun 1907Vancouver City Cemeterynewspaper article, The Oregonian 30 Jun 1907; The "Insane Logger"- was suicidal due to intense pain; Ernest C and James W Cady - brother?; The Columbian 4 Jul 1907-no known relatives, had been in Walla Walla State Prison
CoffeyWyatt1833Grainger Co., Tennessee1887 Dec 25Vancouver WAconsumption/ tuberulosisnoPotters Field28 Dec 1887Vancouver City CemeteryJulia Hipsher (TN)(1), "Polly" ? (CA)(2), and Melissa S Duryea (WI)(3) - spouse; Martha,Thomas Jefferson, Ira, Hiram, Harry, Rosa , Etta - children by Polly; Florence - child by Melissa; Thomas Coffey (TN) and Mary s "Polly" Hipsher (TN) - parents1870-1872 farmer in Tayorville, Plumas Co., CA, 1875-1885 - laborer in Taylorville, 1885 saloon keeper in Clark Co., WAmarried Julia 4 Oct 1854, Grainger Co., TN-divorced shortly after; married "Polly" a native American, possibly of the Maidu Tribe (indian name is lost)-"Polly" left family 1880-1885; Wyatt married Melissa in Clark Co., WA
CoffeyThomasJefferson1862Indian Falls, Plumas Co., California1884 Dec 21Vancouver WAconsumption/ tuberulosisnoPotters Field22 Dec 1884Vancouver City CemeteryWyatt Coffey (TN) and Polly ? (CA) - parents1880 - laborer in Plumas Co., CAPolly was native American
CoffeyFlorence "Flossie"1887Clark Co., WA1887 Aug 17Clark Co., WAbrain fevernoPotters Field18 Aug 1887Vancouver City CemeteryWyatt Coffey (TN) and Melissa Duryea (WI) - parentsmother Melissa buried in NW 197 with husband Thompson (4th husband)
CoiteuxJosephFrancis1854 Feb 24Quebec, Canada1906 Sep 7Vancouver WAnoJoseph CoiteuxNE 42-5 line 710 Sep 1906Vancouver City Cemetery? ? (1) and Winetta H Church (OR)(2) - spouses; Maude - child by first wife; Alfie, John, Victor Leon, Aurele, Paul, Edward - children by Winetta; Joseph Coiteux (Can) and Julie Paquet (Can) - parents bricklayerWinetta "Nettie" died at Ft Steillacom, buried in Park Hill under Fritz name; son Victor buried in NE 209; two other sons in Potter's Field
CoitenxJoseph18901890 Oct 26inanition - newbornPotters Field Permity #4326 Oct 1890Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph Coitenx (Can) and Winetta H "Nettie" Church (OR ) - parentsWinetta "Nettie" died at Ft Steillacom, buried in Park Hill under Fritz name.
Coitenxinfant (male)1892 Mar 8Vancouver WA1892 Mar 8Vancouver WAstillbornnoPotters Field, permit #568 Mar 1892Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph Coitenx (Can) and Winetta H "Nettie" Church (OR ) - parentsthis child was Winetta's 6th; Winetta "Nettie" died at Ft Steillacom, buried in Park Hill under Fritz name.
CoiteuxVictorLeon1894 Aug 25Vancouver WA1914 May 12St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAvalvular heart diseasenoMaude H NugentNE 209-2 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor14 May 1914Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Joseph Coiteux (Can) and Winetta H "Nettie" Church (OR) - parentsMother Winetta buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA under Fritz name
ColeGeorgeWilliam1862 Sep 30Vancouver WA1909 May 29Ellsworth, Clark Co. (Vancouver), Washingtonsuicide by carbolic acidyesGeorge W ColeNE 25-3 line 9Hamilton Funeral Home 30 May 1909Vancouver City Cemetery? ? and Alma Della Ferrin (NY)(2) - spouse; James Cole and Helen Jones - parentsblacksmith, 1896- woodsman, Ferndale, Humboldt Co., CA; 1900-carpenter, Clark Co., WAmarried Alma 5 May 1900, Clark Co.,WA (his 2nd marriage, her fourth) -buried in Mother Joseph Cemetery, Vancouver WA under Parmantier; grandson of George W and Abigail Jones; State of Washington Death Certificate; George was Alma's 4th husband; upset because a suit had been brought against him - newspaper article The Oregonian 29 May 1909; newspaper article The Columbia 28 May 1909
ComfortRichard (infant)1909 Sep 24Vancouver WA1909 Sep 24Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesFred ComfortNE 57-5 line 9Kirch Funeral Home25 Sep 1909Vancouver City CemeteryFred Comfort (NY) and Jennie Garner (IA) - parents
CondeNettieJennetteSmith1865 SepColorado1912 Nov 21St Vincent Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncanceryesMrs Nessu CrudeNE 161-5 line 16Grice and Beatty Undertakers21 Nov 1912Vancouver City Cemetery? McClure (KS)(1) and Porter Alexander Conde (IL)(2) - spouses; Elizabeth - child by McClure, Phyllis Amanda, Jessie Ruth, Portia Acelia - children by Conde; Dr. Azor Adison Smith (OH) and Acelia Thomas (OH) - parents house keepermarried Conde 12 Sep 1981, Baker Co., OR; obit The Columbian on 21 Nov 1912
Condoninfant1924 Aug 16The Dalles, Wasco Co., Oregon1924 Aug 16The Dalles, Wasco Co., Oregonprematurenounknown location in cemeteryHamilton Funeral Home Vancouver City CemeteryF W Condon (KS) and Emma Metcalf (WA) - parentsprobably buried in the Metcalf plot - NE 139
ConleyNancyEmilyJenkins1833 Oct 23Orange Co., Indiana1912 Dec 7at dau Mrs Suarts' home at 1310 Harney St.,vVancouver WAparalysisyesNE 129-5 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor9 Dec 1912Vancouver City CemeteryHenry Conley (IN)(1) and Edmund Rusk (IN)(2) - spouse; Lola and 5 who died in infancy - children by Conley; Michael Jenkins (NC) and Ellen Lafferty (SC) - parentsMethodisthousewifemarried Conley in 1863; widowed by 1880 census; 1880 married Rusk; 1910 census 6 children/1 living; 1910 living with Lola in Portland OR; obit The Columbian 12 Dec 1912- one of 12 children, age 15 moved to Clay Co., IL, married Conley at age 30
Cooperinfant (female)1909 Jul 21Fern Prairie, Clark Co., Washington1909 Jul 21Fern Prairie, Clark Co., Washingtonuremic asphyxiationyesW J CooperNE 40-3 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Jul 1909Vancouver City CemeteryWalter Irvin Cooper (MO) and Cora May Reigle (MI) - parents
Cooperinfant 1914 Nov 17Fern Prairie, Clark Co., Washington1914 Nov 18Fern Prairie, Clark Co., WashingtonprematurenoNE 40-3 line 9 (rear)Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Nov 1914Walter Irvin Cooper (MO) and Cora May Reigle (MI) - parents
CopelandEMargaret1903 Sep 8Vancouver WA1906 Feb 19Washougal, Clark Co.,Washingtonaccidental injury, fatal burnsyesFred CopelandNE 78 line 321 Feb 1906Vancouver City CemeteryFred A Copeland (CA) and Nellie Violet Reed (KS) - parents Newspaper The Oregon Journal 19 Feb 1906 - lamp explosion burned child; father steam boat captain; parents married Mar 5, 1902 Vancouver WA
CormanIsaac 1833 Apr 23Wentworth, Ontario, Canada1912 Jan 26 at daughter's home, Vancouver WAerysipelasnoNE 162-5 line 15Limber Funeral Home29 Jan 1912Vancouver City CemeteryMary Janet Coffey (IA)(1), Catherine Dornbergh (NY)(2) and Vienna Irene Baxter (3) - spouses; Mary Jane - child by Mary Janet; Sabra Ellen, Estella C, Sidney Edwin - children by Catherine; Catherine (Mrs. S W Gass), Minnie, Dollie Frances, Edward B - children by Vienna; John G Corman (Can) and Maria Bluemerhorsett/Blenderhazard (Can) - parentsCivil War veteran, Co. G, 9th Kansas Cavalryfarmer - 1870 in Kansas, 1880-1900 in Michiganfirst wife Mary died in child birth of Mary Jane; married Catherine 13 Nov 1867, Allen Co., KS; Catherine died in 1872; married Vienna 25 Jul 1878; Vienna died in 1895 MI; resident of Evart Michigan, traveling died in Vancouver, obit in The Columbian 1 Feb 1912
CouchSylvania 1871 May 10Pennsylvania/ Illinois?1911 Mar 18at home at 410 W 8th St., Vancouver WAcancer of the uterusyesAnna E CouchNE 26-4 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Mar 1911Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; no children; Robert A Couch (PA) and Annie E Firy/Teary? (PA) - parentsAdventisthousekeeper1910-living with mother Annie (8 children/8 living), Vancouver WA; charged to H C Couch; mother Annie Couch buried in SW 15-6; obit The Columbian 21 Mar 1911- 18 yr resident of county at time of death, survived by mother Mrs Robert Couch
CoxHarryEldred1898 Aug 12Brush Prairie, Clark Co., Washington1968 Mar 9Clark Co., WAheart failureyesJohn CoxNE 157-2 line 13Vancouver Funeral Chapel12 Mar 1968Vancouver City CemeteryElvera Marie Abrahamson (PA) - spouse; Dorothy Arlene, Kenneth Lavern, Milton, Doris Evelyn + Lois (twins) - children; John Henry Cox (IN) and Eva Rebecca Van Atta (WA) - parents1919 - Vancouver WA, carpenter aboard a ship, seaman; 1930 - Grays Harbor WA , house building contractor, 1940 - Vancouver WA, house building contractorsibling: Freeman M, Ronald Patrick, Helen Gladys; Eva Rebecca was sister of Clyde Van Atta; obit The Columbian 11 Mar 1968-life time resident of county, survived by wife and 2 sone Kenneth and Milton and 3 dau dorothy, doris, Lois; in same plot as brother Freeman
CoxElvera MarieAbrahamson1903 Feb 28Bessemer, Lawrence Co., Pennsylvania1983 Oct 11Clark Co., WAheart failureyesJohn CoxNE 157-3 line 13Vancouver Funeral Home17 Oct 1983Vancouver City CemeteryHenry Elred Cox (WA) - spouse; Dorothy Arlene, Kenneth Lavern, Milton, Doris Evelyn + Lois (twins) - children; Malcolm Abrahamson (Swe) and Alma Nord (Swe) - parentsBaptistsecretary for teamsters' unionparents buried Venersborg Cemetery, Clark Co., Washington, father born in Arstad, Holland, Sweden Alma born Eldsberga, Holland, Sweden; obit The Columbian 14 Oct 1983-lived in county most of life; survived by all her children.
CoxFreemanMerritt1906 Oct 7Vancouver WA1986 Jun 1Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesJohn CoxNE 157-3 line 13Vancouver Funeral Home5 Jun 1986Vancouver City CemeteryJanetta McNarney (MN)(1), Evelyn Neigg (MN)(2) and Frances H Heckman (WA)(3) - spouses; John Henry Cox (IN) and Eva Rebecca Van Atta (WA) - parents World War II veteran, US Army1930 - painter, Grays Harbor WA; 1954 - painter for Knutson Contr., Great Falls MT; maintenance man for FAA, Great Falls MTsibling: Henry Eldred, Ronald Patrick, Helen Gladys; obit The Oregonian 5 Jun 1986; The Columbian 4 Jun 1986; in same plot as brother Harry
CoxFrancesHazelHeckman1915 May 15Yacolt, Clark Co., Washington1968 Dec 5Great Falls, Cascade Co., MontanacanceryesJohn CoxNE 157-4 line 13Vancouver Funeral Home9 Dec 1968Vancouver City CemeteryMelvin W Coffey (UT)(1) and Freeman Merritt Cox (WA)(2) - spouses; Harold A Heckman (WA) and Hazel E Hawkins (WA) - parents1940 - cannery laborer, Clark Co., WAobit The Columbian 6 Dec 1968-birth date 27 May??, survived by mother, attended Vancouver High School; funeral service in Great Falls MT, graveside services in Vancouver
CoxJohn Henry1866 May 6Marion Co., Indiana1948 Sep 18Ilwaco, Pacific Co., Washingtoncoronary thrombosis, senilityyesJohn H CoxNE 164-3 line 13Hamilton Funeral Home 22 Sep 1948Vancouver City CemeteryEva Rebecca Van Atta (WA) - spouse; Bernice Elmarine, John Elbert, Rodney Hiram, Harry Eldred, Freeman M, Ronald Patrick, Helen Gladys, Evelyn - children; Hiram Cox (IN) and Martha McCracken (IN) - parents1900-1910- teamster, Vancouver WA, 1920 - shipyard laborer, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 20 Sep 1948obit The Columbian 20 Sep 1948- survivors are 5 sons Harry, John, Freeeman, Ronald, Rodney and Mrs Bernice (Herbert) Cabe of Portland OR; 1875-1941 lived in Vancouver, last 7 years in Ocean Park, Pacific Co., WA
CoxEva RebeccaVan Atta1875 Jan 8Brush Prairie, Clark Co., Washington1958 Mar 17Battle Ground, Clark Co., Washingtoncoronary thrombosis, senilityyesJohn H CoxNE 164-4 line 13Vancouver Funeral Home21 Mar 1958Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Henry Cox - spouse; Bernice, John Elbert, Harry Elred, Freeman M, Ronald P, Helen Gladys, Evelyn - children; Eli Cyrus Van Atta (IL) and Elmarine Jane Bowman (MO)obit The Columbian 19 Mar 1958-survived by Harry, John, Rodney, Freeman and Mrs Bernice Cabe
CoxHelenGladys 1909 Mar 16Vancouver WA1910 Aug 27at home at 704 W 18th St.,Vancouver WApneumoniayesJohn H CoxNE 164 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Aug 1910Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Henry Cox (IN) and Eva Rebecca Van Atta (WA) - parentssiblings: Ronald Patrick, Freeman M, Harry Eldredbroken with bent metal plate
CoxRonaldPatrick 1916 Jul 17McMinneville, Yamhill Co., Oregon1957 Dec 19Kalispell, Flathead Co., Montanaasphyxiation, bed fire, smoking in bedyesRonald P CoxNE 164-1 line 13Vancouver Funeral Home24 Dec 1957Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John Henry Cox (IN) and Eva Rebecca Van Atta (WA) - parentsWorld War II veteran, US Navy for 11 years, Montana Boatswain' Mate 2 - disabledobit The Columbian 20 Dec 1957- survived by mother Eva, Bernice, Harry Eldred, Freeman M, Rodney, John
Craiginfant1908 Sep 4Vancouver WA1908 Sep 4Vancouver WAstillbornnoCharles D CraigNE 138-5 line 7Vancouver Undertaking Co.5 Sep 1908Vancouver City CemeteryCharles D Craig (OR) and Mary C Carrs (TN) - parentsState of Washington Death Certificate
CrawfordEdnaMyrtle1916 Jul 11Vancouver WA1916 Jul 19at home at 202 E 17th St., Vancouver WApneumonia and whooping coughnoNE 197-1 line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor20 Oct 1916Vancouver City CemeteryRobert D Crawford (PA) and Bessie Lillian Williams (Neb) - parents
CrawfordMurlWilliam1917 SepVancouver WA1917 Oct 30at home at 405 E 16th st., Vancouver WAheart trouble and lack of inanitionnoNE 197-2 "foot" line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor31 Oct 1917Vancouver City CemeteryRobert D Crawford (PA) and Bessie Lillian Williams (Neb) - parents
Crawfordinfant1906 Feb 24Vancouver WA1906 Feb 24Vancouver WAinanitionnoPotters Field, permit #11625 Feb 1906Vancouver City CemeteryThomas Crawford (IN) and Margaret E Henslee (KY) - parents7 siblings - Minnie L, Claud C, Grace M, Earl T, Marjorie H, Harry H, Annie?
CrociCharles1905 Sep 22yesNE 23 line 7Vancouver City Cemetery
CromwellJacobRagan1834 Jun 4Tennessee1906 Nov 1Pullman, Whitman Co., Washingtonheart failureyesIra R CromwellNE 84-1 line 4Hamilton and Kirch, Undertakers4 Nov 1906Vancouver City CemeteryMary Elizabeth Shellhorn (OH) - spouse; Lydia "Lulu" A, Nora, William Barton, Ira, Howard, Peter S, Calwell Innes, Mary L, Edmond A - children; Andrew Franklin Cromwell (VA) and Sarah Ragan (TN) - parents1860 - farmer, Neb;1880 - raising sheep, Tillamook OR; 1900 - day laborer, Pullman, Whitman Co., WAdau Mary Leona Reid in same plot; obit The Columbian 8 Nov 1906-survivor Barton, Ed, Ira, Howard, Calwell, Mrs Mary (Milton) Reid
CromwellMary ElizabethShellhorn1839 Mar 7Knox Co., Ohio1906 Apr 16North Pacific Sanitorium, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncancer of the liveryesIra R CromwellNE 84-2 line 4Finley and Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon17 Apr 1906Vancouver City CemeteryJacob R Cromwell (TN) - spouse; Lydia "Lulu" A, Nora, William Bartlett, Ira Howard, Peter S, Calder Innes, Mary L, Edmond A - children; Henry Shellhorn (MD) and Anna Marie Lore (PA) - parentshousewifedau Mary Leona Reid in same plot; Obit The Columbian 19 Apr 1906-survivors, husband, 5 sons and dau Mary
CullpepperGilbert18351905 Mar 9noPotters Field10 Mar 1905Vancouver City Cemetery?? there was a J G Culpepper in Chehalis, Lewis Co., WA in 1871, farmer, single from Mississippi
CultonMyrtle1886Clark Co., WA1888 Jul 28Clark Co., WAdiphtherianoPotters Field29 Jul 1888Vancouver City CemeteryJames Culton (MO) and Harriet Trotter (MO) - parents Family living in Township 33 E, Clark Co., in 1887; father was a farmer. siblings - Florence M, Bertland V
Culver GilbertAllen 1827 Jul 10Wayne Co., New York1907 May 18home of dau Mrs Berry, 27th and Main, Vancouver WApleurisyyesMrs Francis J CulverNE 171 line 6May 1907Vancouver City CemeteryFrances Josephine Sayles (NY) - spouse; Edna, Elizabeth, Charles, child - children; Zephaniah Culver (NY) and Rhoda Sherman (NY) - parentsFarmer obit The Oregon 19 May 1907; obit The Cilumbian 23 May 1907-1881 immigrated with family to Dakota Terr, settled on farm near Spirit Mound; 1905 moved to Clark Co., WA, suvivors - wife as 2 dau Mrs Wilson and Mrs Berry
CulverFrances JosephineSayles1837 Dec 15Delaware Co., New York1909 Aug 6home of dau Mrs Berry, 27th and Main, Vancouver WAparalysisnoMrs Francis J CulverNE 171 N/2 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor8 Aug 1909Vancouver City CemeteryGilbert Culver (NY) - spouse; Edna, Elizabeth, Charles, child - children; Charles Sayles (NY) and Eva Beckwith (NY) - parentMethodist, Women Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) in So. Dakota1900 census 4 children/3 living; she is probably in NE 171 with husband; she bought the plot on his death; obit The Columbian 7 Aug 1909-lived in Vancouver 5 years from So. Dakota previously, survived by 2 daus, Mrs Berry and Mrs Wilson
CummingsMcMasterG1859 Oct 11Clinton Co., Iowa1914 Mar 31807 Park (or Parlor) St., Vancouver WAsuicide by carbolic acidyesNE 204-3 line 5Limber Funeral Home3 Apr 1914Vancouver City CemeteryIda F Hooper (IL) - spouse; Agnes Dell, Henry Matthew, May Susan - children; John Cummings (Scot) and Susannah McMaster (Scot) - parentsfarm laborerwife Ida remarried Lawffer and she is buried in Park Hill under Lawffer name
DahleenLuella "Lulu"AnnDeLong1893 Aug 28St Anthony, Fremont Co., Idaho1979 Apr 17Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failurenoNE 132-3 line 13Little Chapel of the Chimes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon20 Apr 1979Vancouver City CemeteryArthur Merrill Rickert (ID)(1), Floyd Jackson Lighty (KS)(2), Gilbert M Farstvedt (MN)(3), and Oliver Dahleen (Swe)(4) - spouses; no children; Francis Marion DeLong (IN) and Clara Newton (OH) - parentsmember of the veterans of the Civil War1929-1933; cosmetrican, worked at a Beauty shop called Beauty Nook in Portland ORobit The Oregonian 19 April 1979; married Rickert 24 Nov 1910, Clark Co., WA-died Jun 1917, Multnomah Co., OR; married Floyd Jackson Lighty 20 Apr 1918, Clark Co., WA-Lighty died 1934 Portland OR; married Gilbert M Farstvedt before 1937-died Aug 1957, Deschutes Co., Oregon; married Dahleen after 1957, he died in 1972 Portland OR - Leulla had 4 husbands die
DaleJoannaBeams1862 Sep 2Luthersburg, Clearfield Co., Pennsylvania1922 Nov 6Vancouver WAcancer of uterus and pneumoniayesDavid M Beams NE 68-3 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor8 Nov 1922Vancouver City CemeteryJames Dale (Eng) - spouse; no children; David M Beams (PA) and Lemontine Brightol (PA) - parents1920-housekeeper, living with parents, Vancouver WASep 1897 married Dale in Woodbury Iowa; 1900-married 2 years -no children; husband died in 1916 and buried in Butte Co., So Dakota; 1920-widowed, living with parents, Vancouver WA; same plot as parents BEAMS; obit The Columbian 7 Nov 1922-moved to Vancouver 6 year prior after death of husband James Dale, survived by father, bro and sister.
DaltonElmer Frank1902 Sep 22Bellingham, Whatcom Co., Washington1909 Mar 13at home at 407 W 10th St., Vancouver WAGerman Measles, pneumonianoDaltonNE 08-1 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor16 Mar 1909Vancouver City CemeteryBenjamin Frank Dalton (MO) and Mary Ann West (IN) - parentssibling: Bruce McRae Dalton (1901-1949), infant; plot bought 15 Mar 1909; obit The Columbian 15 Mar 1909-family lived in Bellingham 8 years and moved to Vancouver 6 mo prior to child's death
Daltoninfant1912Clark Co., WA1912 Feb 16Clark Co., WAnoNE 08-1 1/4 line 1317 Feb 1912Vancouver City CemeteryBenjamin Frank Dalton (MO) and Mary Ann West (IN) - parentssibling: Bruce McRae Dalton (1901-1949), Elmer Frank (1902-1909); plot bought in 15 Mar 1909
DaltonLewisStanis1882 May 17Holton (now St Helens), Columbia Co., Oregon1937 Feb 15Vancouver WAspinal meninigitisnoNE 08-1 1/4 line 13Hamilton Funeral Home 18 Feb 1937Vancouver City CemeteryFlorence Athey (CO)(1) and Rose Iva Xaver (OR)(2) - spouse; Hazel - child by Florence, Dorothy - child by Rosa; Richmond Dalton (KY) and Mary M Whittle (OR) - parents1900-gold miner, Shoshone Co., ID; 1907-gas engineer, OR; 1918-craneman, Willapa Lumber Co., Raymond WA; 1920-organizer, loggers, Portland ORbrother of Benjamin Frank Dalton; 1900-mining with grandfather Henry Whittle; divorced Florence; married Rosa 5 Jun 1907, Gov't Island, Multnomah Co., Oregon; 1930 Rose (widowed?) and dau in Long Beach, Pacific Co., WA; 1940-Rose (widowed) and dau in Portland OR, Rose died in Portland in 1984 at age 103 years; obit The Columbian 17 Feb 1937-in Vancouver 6 weeks prior to death came from Longview, lived in Long Beach prior, Survivors wife, daus Dorothy Dalton and Hazel Butler (of Oakland CA)
DanielsOttis18141894 Apr 3noPotters Field, permit #634 Apr 1894Vancouver City Cemetery
DarbyWilliamM1878 MarCalifornia1913 Feb 2819th and Kauffman Sts., Vancouver WAinternal injurynoNE 193-3 line 16 Potters FieldLimber Funeral Home4 Mar 1913Vancouver City CemeteryEstella Scovel (CO) - spouse; Lillian, Roy - children; Manuel Darby (MO) and Mary Hiatt (MO) - parentslaborer for sewer construction company1880 family lived in Klictitat Co., WA; 1910 - living in California, married one years; newspaper article 1 Mar 1913 - crushed to death but cave-inof -sewer construction; newspaper article, obit The Columbian 1 Mar 1913; wife remarried to William Blake in 1916 Clark Co., WA
Darsoninfant1912 Sep 15?William J Knapp, Funeral ParlorNE 96-5 line 1616 Sep 1912Vancouver City Cemetery
DavenportMarvin Roy1881Maine1909 Aug 7in the Lewis River near Woodland, Washingtonaccidental drowning at worknoLewis R B&L CoNE 40-5 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Aug 1909Vancouver City CemeterysingleIOOF Odd Fellow memberloggernewspaper article 18 Aug 1909 The Oregonian, The Columbian 10 Aug 1909-bought property 10 acres in Hillsboro, Washington Co., OR; obit The Columbian 17 Aug 1909
DavisMaryM1822Illinois1908 Jun 29St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAgeneral senility, disease of heart; 86 yearsyesNE 120-4 line 8Wilkins, Undertaker1 Jul 1908Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Alfred Davis (TN)(1) and Christian Pouley (Ger)(2) - spouse; Alice, Sarah E, Charles, Francis, William A, Mary M - children by Davisfarmerhuband Davis died 1869 in Vancouver and buried at Ft Vancouver Post Cemetery; no husband listed in 1870 census; married Christian Pouley 2 Dec 1876, Clark Co., WA, he died 1883 in Vancouver and buried in the Salmon Cr. Cemetery, Clark Co., WA. She took back Davis name; State of Washington Death Certificate
DavisLidaCatherine1915 Nov 6Vancouver WA1915 Nov 91103 W 14th St., Vancouver WACrohn's diseasenoNE 200 line 9Limber Funeral Home10 Nov 1915Vancouver City CemeteryFred S Davis (Prussia) and Statira Wornom (WA) - parentsAlso in NE 117 - Lida Wornom - aunt
DavisJohn K1845 Sep 24Delta, Ontario, Canada1932 Jun 7at dau Florence's home, Vancouver WAsenilityyesJohn K DavisNE 34 N/2 line 15Hamilton Funeral Home 9 Jun 1932Vancouver City CemeteryFannie M Gordon (NY) - spouse; Florence, Wildey, Lovilla, Lovina - children; James Davis (Ire) and Mary Jane Hannah (Ire) - parentsOdd Fellowfruit farmer1930 living with dau Florence Poage; buried with dau Lavina Self; obit The Columbian Jun 7 1932-immigrated as boy and settle in Port Huron MI, moved Onconto WI, moved to Clear Lake WI and married Fannie; 1904 moved to Vancouver, lived with dau after death of wife
DavisFannieMGordon1851 Sep 4Plattsburgh, Clinton Co., New York1920 Jan 15at home, Vancouver WAheart failureyesJohn K DavisNE 34 line 15Limber Funeral Home18 Jun 1920Vancouver City CemeteryJohn K Davis (Can) - spouse; Florence, Wildey, Florence , Lavina - children; William Gordon (Ire) and Rebecca Weir (NY) - parentsWA State Death cert; buried with dau Lavina Self; obit The Columbian 15 Jan 1920-16 prior moved from Wisconsin, survived by husband, son Wildey and a dau Mrs Florence (Robert F) Poage
Davis Nellie PaulineYoung1896 Mar 30Vancouver WA1963 Sep 18Columbia View Manor, Vancouver WAcanceryesSarah SeymourNE 79-3 line 2 MasonicKnapp Gunderson Funeral Parlor20 Sep 1963Vancouver City CemeteryJohn H Meyer (Neb)(1) and Charles Davis (2) - spouses; Geouley Ralph, Malinda - children by Meyer; Thomas Young (Ger) and Marian E Martin (Neb) - parentsfirst husband worked in a planing lumber millmarried Meyer in July 1916 in Vancouver WA; 1920-1940 lived in Portland OR; divorced Meyer 1941, he remarried and died in 1964 in OR, is buried in Riverview Cemetery, Portland OR; Obit The Columbian 19 Sep 1963-lived in Portland OR 45 years, had only lived in Vancouver 2 mo. prior to death, survivors husband, son Ralph and dau Malinda, sSon Geouley Ralph is buried at Evergreen Memorial, Vancouver WA; mother in same plot under Seymour;
Davison, JrGeorgeMark1912 JulVancouver WA1912 Aug 21at home at 204 E 18th St., Vancouver WAheart failurenoGeorge M DavisonNE 96-5 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Aug 1912Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge M Davison, Sr (IA) and Helen Harriet Miller (MN) - parents
De NiederhausernRodolpheW1866 Jan 27Switzerland1903 Apr 1St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesPotters Field, permit #101, between NE 188 and NE 1971 Apr 1903Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Henri De Niederhausern (Switz) and Catherine Ritzchel (Switz) - parentsfarmer with 164 acres in Cathlapoodle area, lived with parents and brothersPauley, Walter - siblings; "Uncle"
DeForest (DeForrest)GeorgeLester1869 Aug 24Utica, Oneida Co., New York1912 May 8at home at Purcival Rooming House at 5th and E "B" St., Vancouver WAtuberculosis and alcoholism, exhaustionnoNE 32-4 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor14 May 1912Vancouver City CemeteryNellie Hottinger (NY) - spouse; Ruth Naomi - child; James DeForest, Sr. (NY) and Harriet Matilda Scranton (NY) - parentsSpanish American War veteran, US Army, Co. B., 9th Infantry, corporalbartenderobit The Columbian 9 May 1912-resident of E. Taylor in Portland OR, 3 days in rooming house
DegermarkFrans "Frank"August1867 Jun 24Pitea, Norbotten, Sweden1914 May 5St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcancer of the gall bladderyesNE 200-1 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor14 May 1914Vancouver City CemeteryCarrie D Johnson (IL) - spouse; Lawrence F, Esther Vira, Albert E, Velma M - children; Eric Magnus Degermark (SWE) and Cathrina Helena Jonsdotter (SWE) - parentsLutheran1910-farmer in Salmon Creek, Clark Co., WA; Barberton area, Vancouver WAimmigrated about 1867; obit The Columbian 6 May 1914-;lived 8 years in Barberton area, survived by wife, 2 sons and 2 daus
DegermarkCarrie SophieJohnson1871 Sep 13Roseville, Warren Co., Illinois1946 Feb 20Vancouver Memorial Hospital, Vancouver WApneumonia yesN W PowellNE 200-2 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor23 Feb 1946Vancouver City CemeteryFrank August Degermark (Swe) - spouse; Lawrence F, Esther Vira, Albert E, Velma M - children; August N Johnson (Swe) and Johanna Nelson (Swe) - parentsmarried Degermark circa 1892, 1910 census 4 children/4 living; obit The Columbian 20 Feb 1946-5 mo in hospital, from 1906 lived in Barberton District, prior lived in Portland, 4 year prior to death moved to Vancouver with Mrs William Anderson; survivers 2 sons and 2 dau Mrs Burlingame and Anderson
DeLanyJoseph1838Ontario, Canada1907 Jan 15Clark Co., WAhemorrhage of the brainyesCharles H DeLanyNE 148-1 line 428 Jan 1907Vancouver City CemeteryEliza Billings (Can) - spouse; Charles H - child; ? DeLany and ? ? - parentsfarmer, real estate 2,000 acres
DeLanyCharles Henry1862 Nov 11Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan1947 Dec 20Aberdeen, Grays Harbor Co., Washingtoncirrhosis of the livernoCharles H DeLanyNE 148-4 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor24 Dec 1947Vancouver City CemeteryFlora Laurent (Wis) - spouse; no children found; Joseph DeLany (Can) and Eliza Billings (Can) - parentsbutcher, 1910 - laborer, ; 1920 - farmer, Vancouver WAmarried Flora circa 1883 (1910 census); divorced; remarried 23 Sep 1924, Clark Co., WA; 1930-no longer working, Vancouver WA; name spelled Delany, Delane, Delaney
DeLanyFlora1863 OctWisconsin1937 Dec 12Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhagenoCharles H DeLanyNE 148-5 line 4Hamilton Funeral Home 14 Dec 1937Vancouver City CemeteryCharles H DeLany - spouse; no children found; Frank Laurent (Belg) and Pauline Bernard (Belg) - parents1880 census the Laurent family is in Clark Co., WA; 1883 married DelLaney , divorced and remarried in 1924; 1910 - living with sister Alma and husband Alfred Millard, Portland OR; obit The Columbian 13 Dec 1937-38 years in Clark Co., WA, survivors husband and 2 sister Anna Mallard, Mrs John Leray,
DeLongFrancisMarion1841 Mar 5Ft Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana1909 Oct 9at home in Orchards, Clark Co., Washingtoncerebral hemorrhageyesClara DeLongNE 132-5 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Oct 1909Vancouver City CemeteryElizabeth Sutton (IL)(1) and Clara Newton (OH)(2) - spouses; Charles, Mary, Thomas, Julia, George - children By Elizabeth, Lloyd V, Leulla "Lula," child - children by Clara; Samuel DeLong (PA) and Mary Fenimore (OH) - parentsMethodistCivil War vet - Co. E, 11th Illinois Infantry1870-farmer, 1880-farmer, Neb; Missouri; 1900-rancher, Idahomarried Elizabeth 18 Aug 1861, Clay Co., IL and died of childbirth in 1877; married Clara 17 Jun 1888, Hamilton OH, Clara born in Cinncinati, Ohio and; she remarried William Harrison Chillson, buried NE 132-4 under Chilson; obit The Columbian 11 Oct 1909-resident 7 years in Clark Co., WA moved from St Anthony ID, survived by wife Clara and sons Charles and Lloyd
DeMastersArthur1884 Jul 5Virginia1911 Nov 3at home at Percival Rooming House, 203 E 5th St., Vancouver WAsuicide by carbolic acidnoNE 103-2 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor6 Nov 1911Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Charles DeMasters (VA) and Josephine Swisher (VA) - parent1911-teamster, Portland ORcharged to Ernest DeMaster, brother; siblings: Ada, Lillian, William H, Joseph B, Ernest
Denneyinfant (female)1912 Jan 22at home at 208 Reserve St., Vancouver WA1912 Jan 22at home at 208 Reserve St., Vancouver WAcyanosis (stillborn) noNE 167-5 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Jan 1911Vancouver City CemeteryClarence F Denney (IL) and Dora Lamb (OR) - parentsCatholicsiblings: James F, Ronaldo P; mother Dora died in 1913; 1910 family lived on Reserve St, Vancouver WA; father - laborer; mother buried Mother Joseph Cem, Vancouver WA
DerrWilliamSamuel Thomas1875 Nov 11Myersville, Frederick Co., Maryland1919 Sep 1Oregon City Hospital, Oregon City, Clackamas Co., OregonpleurisyyesW S T DerrNE 126-1 line 14Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Sep 1919Vancouver City CemeteryEdith M Smith (MD) - spouse; Eleanor, Gwendolyn, Wanda, infant girl - children; Cornelius Derr (MD) ND Mary Metzger (MD) - parentsElks, Knights of PythiasJustice of the Peace, Clark Co.,WA 1910- grocery Merchant, Vancouver WAmarried Edith Smith 11 Oct 1904, Clark Co., WA; 1910-Census 3 children/2 living; obit The Oregonian 2 Sep 1919; Gilman report infant dau buried in NE 12 is supposed to be in NE 126 with father; wife Edith died in 1981 in San Diego CA
Derrinfant (female)1908 Oct 12at home at 814 Harney St., Vancouver WA1908 Oct 12at home at 814 Harney St., Vancouver WAstillbornnoFrank MorrisNE 126 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor13 Oct 1908Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Samuel Thoms Derr (MD) and Edith Smith (MD) - parents 1900-father is a grocery merchant, Vancouver WA
DetrickMaryEldaBone1852 Jun 19Hamilton Co., Iowa1909 Nov 19at home at 908 W 15th St., Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesNE 85 line 5 Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Nov 1909Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Wesley Detrick (IA) - spouse; Laura E, Rufus Eugene Detrick - children; Joseph Bone (OH) and Rachel Bryan (OH) - parentsChristianhousewife, school teacherobit The Oregonian 20 Nov 1909orginally buried in NE 35-3 line 14, later moved to NE 85
DickinsonWilliam1830 Apr 12Lincolnshire, England1913 Apr 23814 E 26 St., Vancouver WAparalysisyesNE 69-5 line 12Limber Funeral Home25 Apr 1913Vancouver City CemeterySamantha Currier (NY) - spouse; Henry, Ann, Melissa, Sherman, George W, Albert - children; William Dickinson (Eng) and Elizabeth Scarborough (Eng) - parents1900-farmer, SDimmigrated in 1842; married Samatha 4 Jul 1853, Jackson Co., IA; 1880- farmer, McCook Co., SD; 1900-living with son George W and family, McCook Co., SD; 1910-living with son Sherman and family in Corvallis, Benton Co., OR; obit The Oregonian 24 April 1913, informant on death cert was son George who lived in Vancouver WA
DivineFlossie Ann 1896 Apr 6Valley Co., Nebraska1912 May 3East M St., Vancouver WAtuberculosisnoNE 69-2 line 12 (moved to Park Hill)Limber Funeral Chapel4 May 1912Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; James Frederick Divine (IL) and Sarah Matilda Hather (IA) - parentsmoved to Park Hill Cemetery; had 3 brothers, William, Earl and George
DixBurrell1883 AprWashington1905 Oct 3at hospital, Astoria, Clatsop Co., Oregonlogging accidentyesA A DixNE 46 S/2 line 3 7 Oct 1905Vancouver City CemeteryAdam A Dix (IA) and Elva J Reynolds (IA) - parentsworking for Howell Shingle Co.- logging company in Skamokaway WAobit The Oregonina 3 Oct 1905-remains to be shipped to Vancouver for interment; parents buried in California; same plot as brotherElbert
DixElbertAlverado1894 Aug 27Vancouver WA1938 Jun 24Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonulceryesA A DixNE 46-2 line 3Holman Lutz, Portland OR28 Jun 1838Vancouver City CemeteryHazel Keffer (WA) - spouse; no children; Adam A Dix (IA) and Elva J Reynolds (IA) - parentsloggingin same plot as brother Burrell; parents buried in California; obit The Oregonian 25 Jun 1938
DollarWilburDana1926 Nov 20Vancouver WA1927 Feb 22St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApneumonianoNE 205 Baby Green line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Feb 1937Vancouver City CemeteryEdgar Dana Dollar (TN) and Alice Bigsby (WI) - parents
DonaldsonHenry1874 Jun 15Georgia1925 Jan 17Vancouver WAacute NephritisnoPark Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WAKnapp Funeral Parlor20 Jan 1925Park Hill Cemeterymarried/divorced 1920 - janitor at St Francis Hotel, Vancouver WA; 1921-hotel porterThere is a Henry Donaldson buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver, died 17 Jan 1924; was born in Georgia about 1870, was a negro; divorced; obit The Columbian 17 Jan 1925; Gilman Report he is listed in Potters Field, Death cert and Knapp Records said Park Hill Cemetery; Edna Cain was informant on death cert. (Lived in Portland OR) she was a mulatto. wife???
DorlandGilbertP 1840 Oct 28Wellington Co., Ontario, Canada1911 Dec 17at home of son Arther J Dorland in Blaker Flats, Vancouver WApulmonary neuralgia yesA J DorlandNE 43-1 S/2 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Dec 1911Vancouver City CemeterySarah Elizabeth Ferguson (Can) - spouse; Gilbert Jr, Finley M, Arthur J, Mary (infant), Mary (infant) - children; John Dorland (Can) and Mary Garratt (Can) - parentsFriends Church (Quaker) minerSarah buried in Anaconda MT; living with son Arthur in Clark Co., WA; obit in Anaconda Standard, Anaconda MT 11 Dec 1911; obit The Columbian 21 Dec 1911-lived in Vancouver 5 years, survived wife and 2 sons - Arthur J, Finley M
DuPuisWilliam Henry1881 May 1Washington1907 Dec 12Good Shepard Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonmurdered gun shot woundyesJoseph A DuPuisNE 106-1 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor14 Dec 1907Vancouver City Cemeterysingle\, Joseph A DuPuis (IL) and Mary Hollard (MA) - parents1900- employee scouring mill, Pendleton ORmarried after 1900; obit The Oregonian 11 Dec 1907; DePuis hit Wynne over comment about Wynne's wife, Wynne shot DePuis 3 times
EatonElizabethRuthDague1870 Jul 30Strawwberry, Washington Co., Kansas1914 Jun 11Yacolt Hospital, Clark Co., Washingtonoperation for appendicitis and removal of tubesnoWilliam E Eatonoriginally buried in Vancouver City Cem, moved to Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WAKnapp Funeral Parlor13 Jun 1914Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam E Eaton (IL) - spouse; Francis Lynn, Anna Mae, Enda Vivian, Lloyd, Everett L, Edith - children; Frederick Dague (OH) and Anna Schinaberry (OH/KS) - parentshousewifebody moved 21 Feb 1918 after death of son Everett to Park Hill Cemetery A 89-2 with husband William and sons Francis Lynn and Everett
EatonFrancisLynn1889 Dec 14Edwards Co., Kansas1912 Feb 12Amboy, Clark Co., Washingtontyphoid fevernoWilliam E Eatonoriginally buried in Vancouver City Cem, moved to Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WAKnapp Funeral Parlor14 Feb 1912Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; William Eaton (IL) and Elizabeth R Dague (KS) - parentsMethodiststationary engineerAnna Mae, Edna Vivian, Lloyd E, Everett L - siblings; obit The Columbian 15 Feb 1912; moved to Park Hill Lot #89-3 Sec A on 21 Feb 1918 after death of brother Everett to family plot with father William and brother Everett; has marker
EberleJoseph A1847 Dec 14Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania1928 Jun 5at home at 904 E 26th St., Vancouver WAarteriosclerosis and apoplexynoMrs. Steven W Thompson (dau)NE 82-3 line 2Hamilton Funeral Home 7 Jun 1928Vancouver City CemeteryMary Anna O'Brien (NY) - spouse; Eva Jessie - child; John Eberle (PA) and Liza Leidig (PA) - parentsPresbyterian1880-farmer, SD; 1900-1910 general store merchant, Fedora SD, 1920-widowed not workingMary died in 1907 in McCook Co., South Dakota; 1900 census 4 children/4 living-(3 children from prior Smith marriage-William T, George, Edith/Sarah); 1 child from Eberle marriage (Eva Jessie); dau Jessie Thompson in same plot; Obit The Oregonian 7 Jun 1928-lived 20 years in Vancouver
EblingAmiel Carter/Custer1909 Jun 2Washington1909 Nov 11at home at 815 E "C" St., Vancouver WAaccidental suffocationnoC J EblingNE 72-3 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor12 Nov 1909Vancouver City CemeteryC J Ebling (PA) and Ellen Swenson (Swe) - parentsfuneral charged to George Buford and Henry Buford and Mrs Mandy Buford
Echman/ EckmanJohn 1873 circaPennsylvania1912 Nov 23Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WAdrunk and hit by a railroad train, Vancouver WAnoNE 132 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Jan 1913Vancouver City CemeteryLouisa Meehlieb (PA) - spouse; Mary - child; miner in PA in 1910wife in Middleport PA, notified by mail; obit The Columbian 28 Nov 1912-
Eckhard, Jr.George 18901899 Oct 4membraneous croupnoPotters Field, Permit #856 Oct 1899Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Eckhard, Sr. (NY) and Emma ? (Austria) - parentsparents in Harney, Clark Co., WA in 1900
EdmondsLouis1858Illinois1889 Aug 19Clark Co., WA near Washougalaccidental drowning fell over boardnoPotters Field, permit #302 Sep 1889Vancouver City CemeteryClara Cain (IL) - spouse; George, Alma, Esther, Eula, Prescott, child - children; Isaac Edwmonds (Can) and Roseanna Roberts (Can) - parentsdeck hand on steamerobit The Oregonian 29 Aug 1889; Clara dies in Vancouver in 1890; children scattered with other family
EdwardsAmandaKrug1865 Feb 17Blair, Clay Co., Illinois1914 Jul 13St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAparalysisnoW B EdwardsNE 210-2 line 17Limber Funeral Home15 Jul 1914Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Blakely Edwards (OR) - spouse: Eliza, Blakely, Maria, Amanda, Charles, Orrin, Alice, Adolph, Rachel, Ninion, child - children; Charles Krug (Germany) and Louise Steniker (Switzerland) - parents1910 census - 11 children/10 living; husband buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 14 Jul 1914-long illness, survivors husband and 10 children; husband died in 1918 and buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WAagainst eastern fence
EdwardsEverett1910 May 14Vancouver WA1910 Jun 18at home at 506 W 15th St., Vancouver WAcholera infantumnoPotters FieldKnapp Funeral Parlor19 Jun 1910Vancouver City CemeteryJames G Edwards (OR) and Clara Nelson (MN) - parentsparents buried in King Co., Washington
EllesonGusH1883Norway1911 Jul 30near Lake View in Felida area, Vancouver WAaccidental drowningnoMatthew EllesonNE 71-1 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Aug 1911Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; parent from NorwayLutheran railroad bridge carpenter for SP&S Railroad Co.
EllsworthNancyRebeccaDavid1824 Apr 29Kingston, Ontario, Canada1909 Nov 16Vancouver WAold ageno - there was a broken marker D M EllsworthNE 72-4 line 9 (removed?)Hamilton Funeral Home 17 Nov 1909Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph/Job Ellsworth/Aylseworth (Can) - spouse; Sophia, Bowen, David M, Kenneth, Sarah, Charles, Emma - Children; Zachariah David (Can) and Rebecca Powley (Can) - parentshomemaker, capitalist, owned 72 acres in Fern Prairie WAcame to US in 1865; in IL 1865-1885; 1870-living with husband Joseph, by 1880 he is remarried and has 8 year old dau; moved to Neb for 8 years; 1893 settled in Woodland, then moved to Fern Prairie, Clark Co., WA; husband buried in Coffee Co., Tennessee; probably divorced as he remarried; obit The Columbian 18 Nov 1909-resided in clark Co., 16 years; survivors-David, Bowen, Emmathere was a marker 2005, have photo
EmeryPhoebeMountain1845 Apr 8Turkeyfoot, Somerset Co., Pennsylvania1910 Jan 9Ellsworth (Vancouver), Clark Co., WApneumoniayesStephen EmeryNE 100 line 13Hamilton Funeral Home 11 Jan 1910Vancouver City CemeteryStephen Emery (Eng) - spouse; Sarah Alice, Cora, William, John, George, Mabel - children; David Mountain (PA) and Hilda Rush (PA) - parentshousewife1900 census 6 children/5 living; obit The Oregonian 16 Jan 1910; arrived in Oregon 1886 from PA
EmeryStephen1832 Nov 4Great Barr, Staffordshire, England1917 Nov 30Ellsworth (Vancouver), Clark Co., WAintestinal obstruction yesStephen EmeryNE 100-4 line 13Limber Funeral Home1 Dec 1917Vancouver City CemeteryPhoebe Mountain (PA) - spouse; Sarah Alice, Cora, William, John, George, Mabel - children; William Emery (Eng) and Mary Such (Eng) - parentsfarmer, wagon maker1849 immigrated from England with parents 5 siblings; maybe brother of Marie Emery Thribodeau, wife of Rennie Thibodeau; obit The Oregonian 8 Dec 1917
EmeryLee "Buddy"1911 May 20Clark Co., WA1920 May 1Vancouver WApneumoniayesStephen EmeryNE 100-5 line 13Limber Funeral Home2 May 1920Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge Emery (MO) and Anna Staley (WA) - parentsStephen Emery (Eng) and Phoebe Mountain (PA) - grand parents
EmeryWilliamA1870 Aug 15Cameron, Clinton Co., Missouri1927 Dec 28St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAgangreneyesStephen EmeryNE 101-1 line 12Limber Funeral Home30 Dec 1927Vancouver City CemeteryChristina Henningson (Denmark) - spouse; Melvin - child; Stephen Emery (Eng) and Phoebe Mountain (PA) - parentsworked for the SP&S railroadChristina had children from previous marriage; headstone has 1871 as birth year; obit The Columbian 29 Dec 1927-moved to Portland, then moved to Vancouver 25 year prior to death, survivors wife and son Melvin
EmeryGeorgeF1878 Jan 29Cameron, Clinton Co., Missouri1967 Feb 23Clark Co., WAcoronaryyesGeorge F EmeryNE 101-2 line 12Vancouver Funeral Home27 Feb 1967Vancouver City CemeteryAnna May Staley (WA) - spouse; Monte, Lee, Gladys, Wilma, Della - children; Stephen Emery (Eng) and Phoebe Mountain (PA) - parentsOdd Fellow, Grangefarmer, carpenterdau Gladys Schultz is buried in same plot; obit The Columbian 23 Feb 1967-57 year residen tof Vancouver, survivor wife, son Monte, 2 dau Gay Storey aand Mrs Della (Quincy) Palmer
EmeryAnna MayStaley1889 May 10Brush Prairie, Clark Co., Washington1982 Jun 12Vancouver WAheart failureyesGeorge F EmeryNE 101-3 line 12Vancouver Funeral Home17 Jun 1982Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge F Emery MO) - spouse; Monte, Lee, Gladys, Wilma, Della - children; Alva Staley (Can) and Gladys Harris (IA) - parentsdau Gladys Schultz is buried in same plot; Obit the Columbian 16 Jun 1982-Clark Co resident entire life, survivrs Son Monte and dau Mrs Della Palmer
Englandinfant (male)1911 Mar 13at home on Rice Road, Vancouver WA1911 Mar 13at home on Rice Road, Vancouver WAstillbornnoNE 139-1 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Mar 1911Vancouver City CemeteryMarion England (IA) and Amelia Nagel (IA) - parentsparents buried in Lane Co., Oregon
EnoffAleksiKoleff1881 Aug 11Bulgaria1908 Oct 30Clark Co., WAaccidental injury - rock quarrynoPotters Field, permit #142Vancouver Undertaking Co.31 Oct 1908Vancouver City CemeteryCola Enoff (Bulgaria) - parentlaborerState of Washington Death Certificate
EricksonOlof/Ole/Olaf1841 Jan 17Sweden1906 May 15heart failureyesEda SvournsNE 24-4 line 820 May 1906Vancouver City Cemetery
Ericksoninfant (female)1918 Dec 10Clark Co., WA1918 Dec 10Clark Co., WApremature birthnoPotters FieldKnapp Funeral Parlor11 Dec 1918Vancouver City CemeteryElmer Erickson (Swe) and Selma Dahl (MN) - parents1910-Dahl Family living in Fruit Valley informant Mrs Julia Dahl
EricksonWilliam1878Vaasa, Ostrobothnia, Finland1908 May 8St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAaccidental injurynoPotters FieldKnapp Funeral Parlor12 May 1908Vancouver City Cemeterysinglelaborer for Columbian Contract Co., Fisher, Clark Co., WA
EschJohn18601902 Jul 5epilepsynoPotters Field, permit #97Vancouver City Cemetery
FalesWilliamF 1848Illinois1907 Dec 18Washington Hotel, Vancouver WAsuicide, strychnine and arsenic poisoningyesNE 132 line 13Knapp Funeral ParlorDec 1907Vancouver City Cemeterymarried/divorced??; David R Fales (ME) and Sarah A Palmer (ME) - parentsSt Luke's Episcopal Church On 1852 a wagon train bound for Oregon with family. Rest of family buried in NW 66 line 11; obit The Oregonian 18 Dec 1907
FarrisAlbert1900 AugClark Co., WA1900 Nov 3Clark Co., WAlung diseasenoPotters Field4 Nov 1900Vancouver City Cemetery? Frank Farris (OR) and Laura Osborne (OR) - parents1900 census 7 children/5 living; family living in Vancouver WA; father a carpenter; 1920 - Lane Co., Oregon
FaubleSarahJosephineNeer1859 Oct 29St Helens, Columbia Co., Oregon1926 Oct 7at home in Vancouver WAtoxic goiteryesNE 204 line 5Limber Funeral Chapel9 Oct 1926Vancouver City CemeteryAndrew Fauble (Ger) - spouse; Kate, Fred, Effie, Sadie Josephine/Jane, Glenn - children; Caleb Neer (Ger) and Elizabeth King (Eng) - parentsMethodist Episcopal Church member1892 - Andrew is alive in King Co., WA; 1900-widowed; 1910 - in Vancouver WA; 1910 census - 6 children/4 living; obit The Oregonian 8 Oct 1926; daus Effie and Sadie (Farrell) and son Glenn buried in Mother Joseph Cemetery, Vancouver WA
FeistCharles 18581901 Jan 22brights diseasenoPotters Field, permit #92Vancouver City Cemetery
FerdonWallaceJ1881 JulChelsea, Taylor Co., Wisconsin1907 Jun 18Clark Co., WAaccidental injurynoWallace FerdonNE 88-2 line 821 Jun 1907Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; William Albert Ferdon (NY) and Minnie Minerva Smith (MI) - parents1900-day laborer1900 living with parents in Taylor Co., WI, single; 1905 in St Paul MN
FergersonCharles 18691906 Jan 5tumornoPotters Field, permit #1139 Jan 1906Vancouver City Cemetery
Feris ClaudeFranklin1917 Sep 29Eden, Jerome Co., Idaho1941 Jan 17Woodland, Cowlitz Co., Washinngtonacute intestinal congestion; arthropathy of the muscles-bone/joint diseaseyesR DuFresneNE 27-4 line 11Vancouver Funeral Home21 Jan 1941Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Edgar L Feris (MO) and Belva Lockwood Clark (MO) - parentsnot employeed in WWII draft registrationobit The Columbian 20 Jan 1941-survived by parent 5 brother and 3 sisters; mother buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
FergusonNellie FrancesHill1874 Sep 11Indiana1954 Nov 10Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart diseasenoMrs James H HillNE 125-1 line 13Chapel of the Chrimes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon12 Nov 1954Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert Ferguson (CO) - spouse; Floy, Winfield, Sydney, Albert - children; James H Hill (OH) and Mary Catherine Wiseman (OH) - parentsoperated a boarding house in Portland ORmarried Ferguson in 1895 in Sheridan WY; husband Albert died in 1901, Sheridan WY and buried there; 1900 census - 3 children/3 living; 1910 census 4 children/4 living; obit The Oregonian 12 Nov 1954
Filmer infant 1908 ?Clark Co., WA1908 SepClark Co., WAnoFoster W FilmerNE 137-2 line 815 Sep 1908Vancouver City CemeteryForster W Filmer (NY) and Sylvia Daveggio (CA) - parents
Finleyinfant1908 Sep 28Vancouver WA1908 Sep 28Vancouver WAuremic poisoningnoPotters FieldVancouver Undertaking Co.30 Sep 1908Vancouver City CemeteryFrank Finley (AR) and Lillie C Allison (MO) - parentsState of Washington Death Certificate; mother buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA under Conklin name (Remarried after Finley died in 1921; buried in Camas, Clark Co., WA)
FitzgibbonsDavid 1845Canada/New York1908 Dec 31St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApneumonia and heart weaknessnoPotters FieldKnapp Funeral Parlor11 Jan 1909Vancouver City CemeteryAllison/Alice ? (NY) -spouse; John, Bessie - children; Michael Fitzgibbons (Ire) and Johanna/Jane Dashoe (Ire) - parentsCatholicswamper; appears to have worked in the lumber industry, planer, civil engineer (in 1900-Chelhalis WA)1880-living in Norwood, St Lawrence Co., NY; 1900-widowed; charges to son John Fitzgibbons, South Bend, Pacific Co., WA
FitzpatrickThomasA1908 Jul 29Clark Co., WA1908 Nov 3Clark Co., WAwhooping coughyesThomas FitzpatrickNE 99 N/2 line 14 (in same grave as father)Hamilton Funeral Home 5 Nov 1908Vancouver City CemeteryThomas H Fitzpatrick (Can) and Clara Ross (KS) - parents
FitzpatrickThomasHenry1869 Jul 29Prescott, Ontario, Canada1908 Dec 18at home, Yacolt, Clark Co., WashingtontuberculosisyesThomas FitzpatrickNE 99 N/2 line 14 (same grave as son)Knapp Funeral Parlor20 Dec 1908Vancouver City CemeteryClara Ross (KS) - spouse; Thomas A - child; William Fitzpatrick (Ire) and Mary Lonsdale (Can) - parentsWoodman of the World, Methodist, Order of the Redmenlaborer, Loggermarried Clara in 28 Jun 1906, Olympia WA; ??Thomas was grandfather of Mary Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, wife of William Edward McCarty??; obit The Columbian 21 Dec 1908-survivors-wife, 3 brothers, one sister-all in Canada
Fletcherinfant (male)1907 Jan 2Vancouver WA1907 Jan 2Vancouver WAstillbornnoPotters Field, permit #119Vancouver City Cemetery
FordGeorgeWollage1832 Apr 8Dresden, Yeats Co., New York1871 Jan 11Clark Co., WAsuicide by drowningyesCarterNE 145-1 line 1Jan 1871Vancouver City CemeteryMary Patterson (PA) - spouse; F C (male), Bradford - children; Dyer Ford (CT) and Sophia Wollage (NH) - parentsPresbyterian1860-attorney, IL; chief justice of Wyoming Territory, judgenewspaper article The Oregonian 16 Jan 1871-mystery disappearance, graduate of Knox College Galesburg IL, drank, letters left in room considered suicide; 1860-married and living in Galesburg, Knox Co., IL; divorce, wife dies 1914 in Topeka KS; 1870 he living in Stockton CA
FordJohnEverett1926 Oct1927 Feb 6Sonoma Co., Californiabowel trouble, 4 mo.noNE 208-1 line 1Limber Funeral Home14 Feb 1927Vancouver City CemeteryClarence Ford (MO) and Mabel C Langdon (MI) - parentsburied with grandparents Langdons
Fossinfant1889 Sep1889 Dec 10debilitynoPotters Field, permit #3Vancouver City Cemetery
FosterMatilda "Tilley"Hakansdotter/ Hockinson1860 May 11Norra,Melby, Kristianstad, Sweden1910 Aug 1at home at 1514 E "E" St., Vancouver WApulmonary pneumoniayesJ H FosterNE 121-3 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Aug 1910Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Henry Foster (IN) - spouse; Charles Schyler, Esther, Ernest L - child; Hakan Fransson (Swe) and Johanna Olsdotter (Swe) - parentLutheran housewifeborn Matilda Hakansdotter; husband died 1939 Island Co.,Washington and cremated and buried with wife Matilda; obit The Columbian 4 Aug 1910-survived by husband, 2 sons and a dau
Foster John Henry1857 Aug 21Greensboro, Henry Co., Indiana1939 Nov 12`Coupeville, Island Co., Washingtoncoronary heart diseaseashesnoJ H FosterNE 121-3 line 9Sunberg??, Seattle, King Co., WashingtonNov 1939Vancouver City CemeteryMatilda Hakansdotter (Swe) - spouse; Charles Schyler, Esther, Ernest L - children; Ezra Foster (NC) and Elizabeth Collins (TN) - parentsgold miner, farmernote: one of the family said was buried with wife
FoulkeSilasT1840 Dec 7Morgan Co., Ohio1908 Apr 29at home at 711 W 17th St., Vancouver WAheart diseaseyesWalter T FoulkeNE 02-3 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Apr 1908Vancouver City CemeteryKatherine Louise Sheron (OH) - spouse; Walter Thomas, Augusta L, child - children; Thomas Foulke (PA) and Sarah Spencer (VA) - parentsChristianCivil War veteran: Union Army, 1861-1865, Co D, 11th West Virginia Infantry1870-laborer, Wayne Co., IN; 1900-1901-carpenter, Wayne Co., INmarried circa 1866
FoulkeCatherine "Kate"LouiseSheron1844 Feb 29Pennsylvania/ Ohio1917 Mar 5at dau Mrs Augusta Wright's home at 2315 Kauffman Ave., Vancouver WAchronic bronchitisyesWalter T FoulkeNE 02-2 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Mar 1917Vancouver City CemeterySilas T Foulke (OH) - spouse; Walter Thomas, Augusta, child - children; Thomas Sheron (PA) and Jemina House (PA) - parentsChristianmarried circa 1866; 1900 census 3 children/2 living-Augusta, Walter; 1910 living with son Walter, Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 8 ar 1917
FoulkeWalter Thomas1882 Dec 1Richmond, Wayne Co., Indiana1967 Apr 20Vancouver WAstrokeyesWalter T FoulkeNE 02-3 line 15Hamilton-Mylan Funeral Home 24 Apr 1967Vancouver City CemeteryHelen Davidson (WA) - spouse; Myrtle - child; Silas T Foulke (OH) and Catherine Sheron (OH) - parents1900- day laborer, Wayne Co., IN; 1910-farmer, Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WA; 1918-1920-garage mechanic, Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WA; 1930-1942 farmer, Hazel Dell, Clark Co., WA; carpentermarried 24 Aug 1910, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 21 Apr 1967- livied in Vancouver since 1908, survivirs wife and dau Myrtle
FoulkeHelenFDavidson1892 Feb 13Vancouver WA1968 Dec 28Kelso, Cowlitz Co., Washingtoncar accidentyesWalter T FoulkeNE 02-2 line 15Hamilton-Mylan Funeral Home 2 Jan 1969Vancouver City CemeteryWalter T Foulke (IN) - spouse; Myrtle - child; Alvard Davidson (IA) and Mary E Frary (VA) - parentsmarried 24 Aug 1910, Vancouver WA; newspaper The Oregonian 29 Dec 1968 - three car accident on I-5, icy road conditions; obit The Columbian 1 Jan 1969-survuivors dau, sister
FoulkeFloyd1908 Jan 29Carlock, Mc Lean Co., Illinois1909 Oct 30at home RFD #5, Vancouver WAleukemianoWalter T FoulkeNE 02 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor31 Oct 1909Vancouver City CemeteryJames Spencer Foulke (OH) and Lena Henrietta Green (KY) - parentsfather James (son of Nathan), nephew of Silas Foulke; James lived with Silas in 1920; mother Lena had 9 children/6 living in 1930; obit The Columbian 4 Nov 1909-family moved from IL April 1908
FoulkeLloyd Allen 1910 Mar 22Clark Co., WA1916 Jan 27Vancouver WAacute nephritisnoWalter T FoulkeNE 02-1 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor29 Jan 1916Vancouver City CemeteryJames Spencer Foulke (OH) and Lena Henrietta Green (KY) - parentsfather James (son of Nathan), nephew of Silas Foulke; James lived with Silas in 1920; mother Lena had 9 children/6 living in 1930
FoulkeRalph1921 Jul 14Vancouver WA1921 Jul 17Vancouver WAhemmorhage after circumcisionnoE N WrightNE 02-1 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor18 Jul 1921Vancouver City CemeteryJames Spencer Foulke (OH) and Lena Henrietta Green (KY) - parentsfather James (son of Nathan), nephew of Silas Foulke; James lived with Silas in 1920; mother Lena had 9 children/6 living in 1930
FoxGeorge18531888 Nov 14heart diseasenoPotters Field, permit # 2415 Nov 1888Vancouver City Cemetery
FrankW (infant)1892 Dec 11Clark Co., WA1892 Dec 11Clark Co., WAstillbornnoPotters Field, permit # 57Vancouver City Cemetery
Freeberg (Friberg)John (Johannes)1865 Jul 24Edsvara, Skaraborg, Sweden1917 Aug 24Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CaliforniasuicideyesJohn FreebergNE 54-2 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor1 Sep 1917Vancouver City CemeteryJennie Bengtsson (Swe) - spouse; Carl Gustaf, Oscar Arthur, Hilda, Eva, Jennie, Mabel Caroline, Mildred - children; Anders Friberg (Swe) and Britta Andersdotter (Swe) - parentscarpenterimmigrated from Sweden; family name Friberg (in Sweden); 1910 in Vancouver WA
Freeberg (Friberg)Jennie1870 Oct 2Vaxtrop, Halland, Sweden1957 Jan 7Vancouver WApneumoniayesJohn FreebergNE 54-3 line 6Vancouver Funeral Home11 Jan 1957Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Freeberg (Swe) - spouse; Carl Gustaf, Oscar Arthur, Hilda, Eva, Jennie, Mabel Caroline, Mildred - children; Hans bengtsson (Swe) and Gunhilda Paulson (Swe) - parentsimmigrated 1891; 1910 census 6 children/5 living; obit The Columbian 10 Jan 1957
FreebergCarl Gustaf A1900 Feb 1Spokane, Spokane Co., Washington1907 Nov 16 Vancouver WApneumonia yesJohn FreebergNE 54-1 line 610 Nov 1907Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John Freeberg (Swe) and Jennie Bengtsson (Swe) - parents
FreebergOscarArthur1901 Apr 22Spokane, Spokane Co., Washington1957 Feb 18Vancouver WAgunshot wound, suicide? Could have been accidentalyesOscar FreebergNE 54-4 line 6Vancouver Funeral Home21 Feb 1957Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John Freeberg (Swe) and Jennie Bengtsson (Swe) - parentsboiler makerobit The Columbian 20 Feb 1957-found shot self inflicted
FreebergMabelCaroline1908 Sep 29Vancouver WA1965 Jan 30Vancouver WAcanceryesJohn FreebergNE 54-5 line 6Vancouver Funeral Home2 Feb 1965Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John Freeberg (Swe) and Jennie Bengtsson (Swe) - parentsschool teacher for 25 in Vancouver Public Schoolsobit The Columbian 1 Feb 1965-graduated from Vancouver HS, Central Washinton State College, University of Washington
FreemanRuth Helen1909 Jun 17Vancouver WA1909 Sep 1Vancouver WAanemiano NE 57-2Hamilton Funeral Home 3 Sep 1909Vancouver City CemeteryDavid Freeman (MO) and Susan Hay (CA) - parentsfather may have been born in Scotland; mother born in Siskiyou? Co, CA
Fuller George L1832Morgan Co., Ohio1906 Jun 16St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAkidney failurenoWm M ClineNE 41-2 line 817 Jun 1906Vancouver City CemeteryJoel Fuller (NY) and Rebecca Wilkes (NY) - parents1850-tinsmith, Pike Co., IL; 1870-laborer, Tillamook OR; 1880-machinist, Tillamook OR1860 - Marion Co., OR; !870 Tillamook Co., OR with Father; (blacksmith) 1880 - Garibaldi, Tillamook Co., Oregon; obit The Columbian 21 Jun 1906-pioneer, crossed Oregon Trail arriving in Oregon Oct 1853
Fergusoninfant (female)1921 Feb 5Clark Co., WA1921 Feb 5Clark Co., WAstillbornnoCharles JenkinsNE 70-4 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Feb 1921Vancouver City CemeteryVernus Ferguson (OR) and Edna Cates (WA) - parents
FergusonThomasBigler1852 Jun 27Mercer Co., Pennsylvania1940 Feb 17Condon, Gilliam Co. Oregonheart failurenoThomas B FurgusonNE 64- 2 line 16John Burns, Funeral Director, Condon, Gilliam Co., Oregon20 Feb 1940Vancouver City CemeteryEffie Ann Elliott (IA) - spouse; Archie W, William, Norman, Mary Myrtle, Florence G, Thomas Garland, Charles - children; Samuel/ John Ferguson (PA) and Mary Cron (NJ) - parents1900-1910-farmer, and laborer Condon OR;1920-hosler, livery barn, Condon OR; lumbermanOR death cert.
FergusonEffieAnn Elliott1864 May 30Iowa1912 Jun 27at home of sister Mrs Catlett on Mill Plain Rd east of Garrison Rd, Vancouver WAnephritisnoThomas B FurgusonNE 64-3&4 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor29 Jun 1912Vancouver City CemeteryThomas Biglow Furguson (PA) - spouse; Archie W, William, Norman, Mary Myrtle, Florence G, Thomas Garland, Charles - children; William Elliott (Eng) and Mary McPhail (Can) - parentsChristianhousewife1900-1910 census 5 children/4 living; obit The Columbian 28 Jun 1912-survived by husband children-Archie, Mary, Thomas, Florence
GalbraithClaraJaneCalder1879 Jan 21Clark Co., WA1906 Sep 18Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonconsumptionyesFrame W BlairNE 17 line 119 Sep 1906Vancouver City CemeteryBilly Newman Gilbraith (MO) - spouse; Myrtis, Willard - children; Edward Calder (WA) and Mary E Nerton (WA) - parents"sister" of William T Calder; mother Mary buried under Mary Blair in NE 18; Obit The Oregonian 19 Sep 1906
GallagherEdward1863 circa1890 Jul 11Clark Co., WAlegal hanging, 27 yearsyesbetween NE 182 and NE 203, potters field11 Jul 1890Vancouver City Cemeteryconvicted of shooting a pig farmer; only man to be legally hanged in Clark Co., WA; newspaper article The Oregonian 8 May 1890
GalliganBertha E Boyd1881 Jan 23Madison Co., Iowa1905 Sep 20Vancouver WAdied of illness while visiting sisteryesNE 143 line 2 Vancouver City CemeteryAddison Henry Galligan (SD) - spouse; Marion, Bernice - children; Thomas Boyd (OH) and Sarah Shamo (PA) - parents 1885 moved to Camas WA with parents; married in 1899 in Clark Co., WA, buried in same plot as parents; husband buried in Everett, WA; obit The Columbian 28 Sep 1905-after marriage the couple moved around Washington; was sending summer with sister Mrs Kenny Skidmore in Vancouver and died in Vancouver, survivors husband, son and dau
GarrettMary LouiseGarrett1894 Jan 25California1896 Apr 13Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonnomoved to California in 191115 Apr 1896San Francisco National Cemetery CAAlbert Garrett (DC) and Elizabeth Schweitzer (Ger) - parentsmoved in 1911 to San Francisco National Cemetery, San Francsico, California with parents - father in military, gfather may have been at Vancouver Barracks at time of her death.
Geraleinfant (female)1890 Apr 131890 Apr 18pneumonianoPotters Field, permit #39Vancouver City Cemetery
GibbonsMary JaneHamilton?1838 Apr 1Lancastershire, England1907 Apr 1dropsy (diabetes)yesJane GibbonsNE 44 S/2 line 5Apr 1907Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph Gibbons (Eng) - spouse?; no children; William Hamilton (Eng) and Jane Boxall (Eng) - parents?
GibbsJudsonCooper1852 May 12Catlin, Chemung Co., New York1909 Nov 17at home at 28th and Washington Sts., Vancouver WAtuberculosisnoMrs J C GibbsNE 72-5 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Nov 1909Vancouver City CemeteryJosephine Knowles (NY) - spouse; Clarence, Ralph, Lavina, Harvey - children; Ebeneezer Gibbs (NY) and Harriet Weaver (NJ) - parentsAdventistJosephine remarried Stephens and buried in Stanislaus Co., CA
GibsonFrancesS1910 May 16Vancouver WA1911 Dec 18at home at 2006 E "E" St., Vancouver WAscarlet feverno O S GibsonNE 162-2 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Dec 1911Vancouver City CemeteryOwen S Gibson (IL) and Hatty Hagans (KS) - parentsFather buried Los Angeles Co., Ca ; mother buried in San Diego Co., CA under Bay
Gill (Gills?)James1867 AugEngland1913 Dec 10Vancouver WApneumonia; pulmonary tuberculosisnoPeter VassenerNE 205-3 line 4Beatty Funeral Home14 Dec 1913Vancouver City Cemetery? Gill (Eng) and ? ? (Scot) - parents1900-day laborer; 1910 - frog catcher1900-1910 - single in Vancouver WA; WA Death cert-laborer
GillJohnC1880 Dec 23Wisconsin1913 Jun 25Linnton, Multnomah Co., Oregon run over by a trainnoJ C GillNE 195-3 line 4Dunning and McEntee/ Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Jun 1913Vancouver City Cemeterymarried; James C Gill (TX) and ? ? (TX) - parentsconductor/ railroad switchman; worked SP&S Railroad at time of deathOregon Death record - John C Gill; Obit The Columbian 26 Jun 1913- wife in Great Falls MT, in Vancouver 6 months, previous worked in MT- fell from train car.
GillihanEdwin1857 May 11Sauvie's Island, Multnomah Co., Oregon1921 Dec 17at home in Kelso, Cowlitz Co., Washingtonulcer of duodenumnoEdwin GillihanNE 07-1 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor20 Dec 1921Vancouver City CemeteryAnna Rebecca Leonard (OR) - spouse; Cora, Edward - children; Martin Gillihan (TN) and Sarah Catherine Howell (PA) - parentsobit The Columbian 19 Dec 1921-lived in Kelso 40 years prior to death
GillihanAnnaRebeccaLeonard1865 Jan 29Sauvie's Island, Multnomah Co., Oregon1940 Mar 26Harborview Hospital, Seattle, King Co., WAbronchial pneumonianoEdwin GillihanNE 07-2 line 10Vancouver Funeral Home29 Mar 1940Vancouver City CemeteryEdwin Gillihan (OR) - spouse; Cora, Edward - children; John Leonard (IL) and America Stump (VA) - parents1900-1910 census 1 child/1 living; obit The Columbian 28 Mar 1940-survivor dau Mrs. Cora (A.) Cuddles
GillihanEdwardKelso, Cowlitz Co., Washington1890 JulKelso, Cowlitz Co., WashingtonnoEdwin GillihanNE 07-2 line 1017 Jul 1890Vancouver City CemeteryEdwin Gillihan (OR) and Anna Rebecca Leonard (OR) - parents?parents lived in Kelso from rough 1880-1921
GlennHugh1835 circaMacon Co., Missouri1910 Oct 27St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAUremia due to Bright's Disease, old agenoNE 166-2 line 11 (Potters Field)Grice and Beatty Undertakers4 Nov 1910Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; James Glenn (KY) and Frances King (KY) - parentsliving at Clark County Poor Farm, Vancouver WA; obit The Colmbian 28 Oct 1928-lived in Clark Co. for 4 years, had brothers 3 in Wyoming and 1 in Macon, MO-one brother Joel Glenn, Sheridan WY
GodfreyGeorgeEmmons1871 Nov 5Muskegon Co., Michigan1924 Sep 23near the Broadway Bridge, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonsuicide by trainnoMrs J F ManningNE 94-1 line 14Limber Funeral Chapel26 Sep 1924Vancouver City CemeteryFannie Green (Neb)(1) and May Bastrom (OR)(2) - spouses; Chester - child by Fannie; George Godfrey (OH) and Mary Gravatt (PA) - parentsmember of the Modern Woodmanhas been in the transfer business for 23 years-truck driverhurled himself under the wheels of an Oregon Washington Railroad and Navigational (O W R & N) freight train; newspaper The Oregonian 24 Sep 1924 - had threatened suicide before
GodfreyCatherine "Christine"ESjodahl 1898 Jul 20Finland or Sweden1929 Feb 3Oregon State Tuberculosis Hospital, Salem, Marion Co., OregontuberculosisyesPearson MortuaryNE 94-1 line 14Pearson Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon7 Feb 1929Vancouver City CemeteryChester Godfrey (Neb) - spouse; Ray, Gladys - children; Arther Sjodahl (Dahl?) (Finland) and Alma Vennerquyist (Finland) - parentsimmigrated 1906; Chester is buried in Linn Co., Oregon; obit The Oregonian 7 Feb 1929; parents buried at Rose City Cemetery, Portland OR; same plot as father-in-law and son
GodfreyRayA1921 Nov 12Vancouver WA1921 Dec 23at home at 1014 W 16th St., Vancouver WAhereditary syphilis (from mother during pregnancy)no NE 94-3 line 14Limber Funeral Chapel26 Dec 1921Vancouver City CemeteryChester E Godfrey (Neb) and Christine Sjodahl (Finland) - parents; sister - Gladyssame plot as grandfather and mother
GodfritsenPetter1894 Apr 22Elma, Grays Harbor Co., Washington1900 Jan 10membraneous croupnoPotters Field, permit #8410 Jan 1900Vancouver City CemeteryPeter Godfritsen (Denmark) and Harriet Rosey Miller (IN) - parents name misspelt in inventory; second marriage for both parents, mother's first husband-GRIGS; parents marriage Jun 1891, Grays Harbor Co., WA
GofairJH 1929 Dec noPotters Field27 Dec 1929Vancouver City Cemetery no Washington or Oregon death record
GontriaJohn18871896 Mar 9Vancouver WAdiphtheria croup, 9 yearsnoPotters Field, permit #7110 Mar 1896Vancouver City Cemetery
Goodhueinfant 1890 Sep 41890 Sep 4stillbornnoPotters Field, permit #474 Sep 1890Vancouver City Cemetery
Goodmaninfant1899 AugnoPotters Field21 Aug 1899Vancouver City Cemetery
GoodnoeSeymourA1843 Aug 3Vestal, Broome Co., New York1907 Jul 18at home, Vancouver WAapoplexy of the heartyesSarah GoodnoeNE 118-1 line 6 Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Jul 1907Vancouver City CemeterySarah Myers (PA) - spouse; Nina, 2 other children; Luther Goodnoe (NY) and Martha Swartwood (NY) - parentsMethodist1860-St Criox Co., WI; hotel keeper, working at a sawmill in 1900married Sarah about 1873; charges were to a "Lucus M Myers" and Sarah A Goodnoe; obit The Columbian 25 Jul 1907-survivors wife and step-son-Miles Furious
GoodnoeSarahAMyers1838 AugPennsylvania1912 Sep 24Ilwaco, Pacific Co., Washingtonshock and injuries from a runaway carriageyesSarah GoodnoeNE 118-2 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Sep 1912Vancouver City Cemetery? Furious (1) and Seymour A Goodnoe (PA) - spouse; Miles - child by Furious, not sure about other two children; ? Myers (PA) and ? ? (PA) - parentsMethodisthousewifemarried Seymour, 1873; charges were to a "Lucius M Myers," probably brother, same plot; 1900-1910 census 3 children/ 1 living; 1910-living with niece Gertrude Smith, Vancouver WA; 1911-living in Vancouver
GoodwinCharleyS1877 May 61888 Feb 26 11 yearsyesNE 169 line 8 27 Feb 1888Vancouver City CemeteryE H Goodwin and N E ? - parents
GottieunsinfantJul 1890noPotters Field26 Jul 1890Vancouver City Cemetery
Grayinfant (Female)1912 Feb 5at home at 31 and Columbia St., Vancouver WA1912 Feb 5at home at 31 and Columbia St., Vancouver WAstillbornnoNE 37-3 line 12 Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Feb 1912Vancouver City CemeteryOrrin Henry Gray (WI) and Christine Helen Koppe (Ger) - parents1910-1920 father Orrin had a barber shop, Vancouver WA; mother immigrated in 1884; 1930-1940 in Bend, Deschutes Co., Oregon; parents buried in Contra-Costa Co., CA
GreenGeorgeWashington 1853 Nov 4Ionia Co., Michigan1912 Jul 30at home in the Sifton area, Clark Co., Washingtonheart failure, suffered from heart problems for so times, sudden deathnoMrs Mary A GreenNE 96-3 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor31 Jul 1912Vancouver City CemeteryCora ? (NY)(1) and Mary Rasmussen (Denmark)(2) - spouses; Roy - child by Mary; John Brown Green (NY) and Priscilla Way(Wade?)(Can) - parents1900-farmer, Mason Co., MI; 1910-farmer, Fourth Plain, Clark Co., WA, ranchermarried Cora cira 1880, Ionia Co., MI; married Mary 13 Aug 1889, Mason Co., MI- she had 2 children by first -Henry Moses and Charles (who took Green name); William H Hayward (Can) first spouse; obit The Columbian 31 Jul 1912- resident of 5 year in Portland; survivors wife and son Roy in MI; lived in Clark Co. for one year
GreenMaryARasmussen1860 Dec 2Denmark1930 Nov 4Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonpneumonia and heart failure, exploratory operationnoMrs Mary A GreenNE 96-4 line 16Miller-Tracy, Portland , Multnomah Co., Portland7 Nov 1930Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam H Hayward (Can)(1) and George Washington Green (MI)(2 )- spouses; Henry, Charles - children by Hayward, Roy - child by Green; Rasmus Rasmusson (Den) and Catrherine Petersen (Den ) - parentsmarried Green 13 Aug 1889, Mason Co., MI; 1910 census 3 children/3 living; Mary A Green was also under the name GRIER; obit The Oregonian 6 Nov 1930-
Green Emma J Roberts 1858LaSalle Co., Illinois1908 Sep 30Vancouver WAaccidental injury (same accident as James F Manning), severe burns from gasoline camp?noMrs J F ManningNE 94 line 14Vancouver Undertaking Co.4 Oct 1908Vancouver City CemeteryWalter Cummings Green (IL) - spouse/div; Henry, Albert Edward, Frances "Fannie" Marie - children; Albert D Roberts (NY) and Marian Goodrich (NY) - parentshotel worker; owner of Riverview Hotel in Vancouver WAmarried Green 9 Sep 1877, Livingston, ?? Co., Il- he died 1937, Plumas Co., CA; 1900 census 5 children/3 living; 1900-Lincoln Co., Neb, State of Washington Death Certificate, had brother and sister living in Vancouver WA; newspaper article The Oregonian 30 Sept 1908- James Manning was a friend
GreeneEzra ()Elmer?)West Lockwood1873 Jul 4Roselle, DuPage Co., Wyoming1925 Feb 11White Salmon, Klickitat Co., WashingtonunknownyesElmer W L GreeneNE 159 line 15Cole Anderson, White Salmon, Klickitat Co., Washington13 Feb 1925Vancouver City CemeteryMae Elizabeth Clanton (IA)(1) and Ada M Smith (OR)(2) - spouse; Ezra Donald, Howard Clanton, Eugene Bruner, infant male - children by Mae, Ida Eldreta, Edith Margaret - children by Ada; Ezra West Greene (NY) and Margaret Jane Holly (NY) - parentsowner of transfer buiness in early 1910's then moved to ranch in White Salmon before death; 1900-farmer in Albany Co., WYO; 1910 fruit farmer, Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WAmarried Mae 4 Oct 1899, Wheatland Twp, Carroll Co., IA; married Ada 30 Oct 1909, Portland OR, Ada had son Merton Nichols by first marriage, she died 1972 in Vancouver, buried in Columbia Cemetery, Portland OR under name LIND; WA State Death cert.
GreeneMaeElizabethMcLean1875 Jun 5Iowa City, Wright Co. Iowa1909 Jan 3at home, Felida, Clark Co., Washingtonhemorrhage and childbirthyesElmer W L GreeneNE 159-2 S/2 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Jan 1909Vancouver City CemeteryEzra W L Greene (IL) - spouse; Ezra Donald, Howard Clinton, Eugene Bruner, infant female - children; Harrison Clanton (MO) and Amanda Lewis (MO) - parentsMethodist1900-milliner, Chicago, Cook Co., ILMarried EWL Greene 20 Sep 1899, Glidden, Carroll Co., IA; obit The Columbian 5 Jan 1909-moved from IA to WYO and then 5 month prior to death moved to Clark Co., WA, child buried with mother
Greeneinfant (female)1909 Jan 3at home, Felida, Clark Co., Washington1909 Jan 3at home, Felida, Clark Co., WashingtonstillbornElmer W L GreeneNE 159-2 S/2 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Jan 1909Vancouver City CemeteryElmer WL Greene (IL) and Mae Elizabeth Clinton (IA0 - parentsno mention of a Greene infant in cemetery records, but her mother Mae died during her birth; there is only a birth record of an infant girl, mentioned in obit of mother
Greenwaldinfant1912 Dec 29St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA1912 Dec 29St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAstillbornnoNE 64-5 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor31 Dec 1912Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam F Greenwald (GER) Christina Owen (OR) - parents
GreenwoodWilliamJ 1873 Oct 16Grundy Co., Iowa1941 Jan 11at local hospital, previous had a stroke, Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesR DuFresneNE 27-2 line 11Vancouver Funeral Home151 Feb 1941Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John S Greenwood (NY) and Annie L Buchanan (Can) - parents1900-worked in a restaurant, 1930-1940 laborer for a logging railroad, Cowlitz Co., WA1900-single, Dawson Co., Nebraska with family; obit The Columbian 12 Jan 1941- Lived in Neb until 25 then moved to Wyo, Ida befor comeing to Ridgefield WA 16 years ago; survived by 2 bro and 1 sis, bro Harry lived in Ridgefiled.
GriggsStephen1837 Mar 2New York1911 Sep 5at home in Heissen, Clark Co., WashingtonapoplexynoKnapp Funeral ParlorNE 90-1 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Sep 1911Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Richard Griggs (NY) and Ann King (NY) - parentsCivil War veteran, Co. 2 US Cavalary, 61st NY Infantry, 14th NY Infantry1890-1910 retired soldier1890 lived at Vancouver Barracks, Vancouver WA; 1900-1910- lived in Battle Ground, Clark Co., WA
GustafsonJennieGusstafson1859 Sep 16Maria Magdalena, Stockholm, Sweden1914 Dec 9Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonmitral regurgitationyesCharles GustafsonNE 212-1 line 17Beatty Funeral Home12 Dec 1914Vancouver City CemeteryCharles (Carl Johan) Gustafson (Swe) - spouse; Harry, Anna (Biggerstaff) - children; Johan Giusstafson (Swe) and Inge Andersdotter (Swe) - parentsmarried in 1892 in Sweden; immigrated in 1893; maiden name was GUSSTAFSON; husband Gustafson died in 1956 in Portland OR, buried The Colubian Cemetery, Portland OR; obit in The Columbian on 10 Dec 1914; Portland Oregonian 10 Dec 1914; dau Ann buried in Park Hill Cemetery Vancouver WA under REED name.; survived by son and dauagainst eastern fense
GuthrieJohn G Pennsylvania ?1906 July 29Vancouver WAsuicidenoJohn C GuthrieNE 42-2 line 7Goode & Burnett, Undertakers8 Aug 1906Vancouver City Cemeteryno family mentioned in settlement of his estatewiring for Pacific States telephone CompanyEstate bought plot 6 Aug 1906; his estate included a set of tools for electrical work, a gold watch and $50 deposit in First Nat'l Bank of Portland; newspaper Article The Oregon Journal 6 Aug 1906-quit on Aug 28, letter found in pocket to Mr. Baker in Philadelphia who might contact family
GutridgeDelbertCharles1920 Jun 17Vancouver WA1920 Jun 28Vancouver WAmeaslesnoNE 69-2 line 12 Limber Funeral Chapel29 Jun 1912Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Allen Gutridge (MO) and Charlotte Melissa Springer (ID) - parents1920-father William was a blacksmith at the railroad shop, Vancouver WA; 1930-1940 in Baker, Baker Co., OR
Hagen Frederick "Fred"1854 Oct 8Mecklenberg, Germany1907 Sep 26St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesW M HagenNE 87-5 line 729 Sep 1907Vancouver City CemeteryFreda Winkle (Ger) - spouse/div; William, Lena S, Fritz Henry, Freda, Lesa, Minnie - children; Fritz Hagen (Ger) and Louisa Funck (Ger) - parentsCatholic laborer
Haine/HayneArthurJ1840Belgium1907 Mar 22Vancouver WAdropsyyesArthur J HaineNE 74-1 line 724 Mar 1907Vancouver City Cemeterysinglean atheist; member of GARCivil War veteran??1871 came west as a government clerk; 1880-census taker, Vancouver WA; 1883 started the Vancouver Hoop Factory making barrel hoops; judjtice of the Peace1880-single; he was wealthy, highly educated, hot tempered, well groomed, big man with a drooping handbar mustache, enjoyed bird hunting and a miser; had a funeral parade that outraged Vancouver citizens; obit The Columbian 28 Mar 1907-lived in Vancouver nearly 40 years, held office of Justice of the Peace and assitant cashier of the National band in Vancouver, buried under the auspices of the GAR
HainesBertha MAdams1913 Mar 14Oregon1939 Sep 11at parents home, Vancouver WAtumoryesParsler/Parker AdamsNE 149 line 5Limber Funeral Chapel13 Sep 1939Vancouver City CemeteryEarl C Haines (Can) - spouse; no children; Floyd Adams (OR) and Evelyn Harris (IL) - parentsmarried in 1936; obit The Columbian 12 Sep 1939-12 years in Vancouver , prior in Woodland WA, survived by husband and parents 4 bro and 2 sisters
HaleBesseCarolineCast1886 Jun 13Mercer Co., Missouri1909 Nov 1at home at 404 W 21 St., Vancouver WApulmonary tuberculosisyesLloyd J HaleNE 142 N/2 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Nov 1909Vancouver City CemeteryLloyd J Hale - spouse; no children; Lewis Cast (MO) and Isabel Yeats (IA) - parentsChristian Scientisthousewifemarried Hale 20 May 1907, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 4 Nov 1909-father in Granger WA, survivors husband, parents, 4 sis and 1 bro
HallFrankFreeland1883 Jul 14Shell Lakes, Washburn Co., Wisconsin1911 Jul 23in the Lewis River near Yale, Clark Co., Washingtonaccidental swimming drowningnoClifford HallNE 58-4 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Jul 1911Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Phillip Hall (ME) and Alice Farrell (MI/Can) - parentslogger for Yale Logging Clifford; newspaper The Oregonian 24 Jul 1911; mother remarried Small, owned ice parlour in Yacolt, Clark Co., Washington; obit 27 Jul 1911-survivors mother Anna Small, bro Clifford, sis; lived in Wyo and then moved west
Hall James1890 Apr/ May 1890 Jul 17debilitynoPotters Field, permit #4218 Jul 1890Vancouver City Cemetery
Hamilton, Jr.EdwardDante1835 Sep 4Liverpool, England1924 Jun 24at home of dau Mrs C E Schnelling, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregondiabetic coma, canceryesCharles E SchuellerNE 46-3 line 3Chambers Funeral Home. Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon27 Jun 1924Vancouver City CemeteryJulia Mead (OH) - spouse; Mary, Charlotte, Cary, William E, Nora E- children; Edward D Hamilton, Sr. (Eng) and Mary MacGrath (Eng) - parentsmember of GARCivil War veteran - 3rd Wisconsin Regimentfarmer owned 49 acrescame from England in 1840 with parents; obit The Oregonian 27 Jun 1924 - buried under auspices of the GAR; Obit The Columbian 26 Jun 1924-immigrated at 12 yr old, 1891 settled in Hockinson, Clark Co., WA , 1898-1903 in Vancouver, then moved to Portland; survivors son W E Hamilton (of Vancouver) and 4 daus
HamiltonJuliaLeveforMead1848 May 14Morrow Co., Ohio1920 Oct 26at home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonnephritis, compilation of stroke, paralysisyesCharles E SchuellerNE 46-2 line 3Chambers Funeral Home. Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon28 Oct 1920Vancouver City CemeteryEdward D Hamilton (Eng) - spouse; Mary, Charlotte, Cary, William E, Nora E- children; William Mead (NY) and Jeanette Forester (OH) - parents1900-1910 census - 5 children/ 5 living; obit The Columbian 28 Oct 1920-moved to 1891-1917 in Hockinson, then moved to Vancouver, 1907 moved to Portland, survived by husband and 4 dau and 1 son
HamonAgnes ARodgers1887 Jul 3Indiana1908 Dec 23St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAblood poinsoning noPotters FieldKirch Funeral Home24 Dec 1908Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Buchanan (IA)(1), Willie Wilson (MN)(2) and W M Hamon (3) - spouses; son - child by Hamon; Oliver Rodgers (IN) and Katherine Squires (IN) - parentshousewifemarried Buchanan 1902 in Neb at age 15; married Willie Wilson in 1905, Knox Co., NEB; State of Washington Death Certificate; place of birth- IA or IN, brothers born in Marion Co., IA; obit The Columbian 23 Dec 1908-Mr owner of the Ferry Restaurant, Vancouver WA, survivor husband Hamon, 2 yr-old son and parents
HanlonJames M1827 Aug 30Jefferson Co., Ohio1914 Aug 24St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAmitral regurgitationnoNE 161-2 line 16Limber Funeral Chapel26 Aug 1914Vancouver City CemeteryMartha Berry (1) and Margaret Greenwood (NC)(2) - spouses; Martha - child by Martha, Letitia, Catherine, Roxanne, Margaret, John, Lucy - children by Margaret; James/John Hanlon (Del) and Catherine Morrow (PA) - parentssoldier in 1880Martha died in 1854; obit The Oregonian Journal 24 Aug 1914 - "went to California 36 years ago, WA Terr 14 years ago"
HanlyMaude1894 Apr 21Nebraska1907 Feb 1Vancouver WAcomplications of an unknown diseasenoH C HanlyNE 55-5 line 73 Feb 1907Vancouver City CemeteryHugh C Hanly (IL) and Nora Roberts (IL) - parentsstudent in Vancouver Public Schoolsobit The Columbian 7 Feb 1907-complication of dideases, student, survivors - parents and younger bro
HanoverCharlesH18481893 Apr 1Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonsuicide by morphinenoPotters Field, permit #594 Apr 1893Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; mother Catherine Bechter (married name at time of son's death)1892 - barberobit The Oregonian 4 Apr 1893; obit The Columbian 7 Apr 1893-suicide by morphine, barber, 45 arrived in Clark Co., Dec 1891, letters from mother of Brooklyn NY, came from Humbodlt CA
HardenbrookBradfordC1833 May 1Richland Co., Ohio1911 Jul 16Brownsville, Lane Co., Oregon while visiting sister Mrs Boydacute gastro-enteritisyesBrandford HardenbrookNE 135 N/2 line 10Limber and Richardson Funeral Chapel19 Jul 1911Vancouver City CemeterySarah Wilson (MO) - spouse; George L, Ralph W, Mary E, Joseph B, Louis J, Minnie E, Bradford, Emily M, Bert, Jay, Francis W - children; Ralph Rafe Hardenbrook (NJ) and Eunice Carr (NJ) - parents1860-farmer, Umpqua, OR; 1870-1900-farmer, Elkton, Douglas Co., OR; 1910-farmer Clackamas Co., OR living with son Francis1860 - living in Oregon; lived in Elkton, Douglas Co., Oregon and North Bend, Coos Co., Oregon; obit The Columbian 19 Jul 1911-old resident of Camas WA, died while visiting in sister, survivors wife and 11 children
HardenbrookSarahAWilson1840 Nov 15Missouri1914 Apr 15North Bend, Coos Co., Oregonnephritis and bronchitisyesBrandford HardenbrookNE 135-2 N/2 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Apr 1914Vancouver City CemeteryBradford C Hardenbrook (OH) - spouse; George L, Ralph W, Mary E, Joseph B, Louis J, Minnie E, Bradford, Emily M, Bert, Jay, Francis W, - children; James Wilson (TN) and ? ? (VA) - parentshousewife1859 married Hardenbrook in Douglas Co., Oregon; 1900 census - 11 children/ 11 living; lived in Elkton, Douglas Co.,Oregon and North Bend,Coos Co., Oregon; obit The Columbian 21 Apr 1914-former Vancouver resident, 18 months priormoved to North Bend, Coos Co., OR, survived by 4 day 6 sons
HargreavesSarahBarber1825 Mar 10Yorkshire, England1904 May 22Clark Co., WAparalysisyesWilliam HargreavesNE 48 line 123 May 1904Vancouver City CemeterySamuel Hargreaves (Eng) - spouse; William, Francis - children; William Barber (Eng) and Bessie Cheeseborough (Eng) - parents same plot as son William and dau-in-law
HargreavesWilliam1849 Mar 31Jacksonville, Morgan Co., Illinois1931 Sep 14Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonchronic myocarditisyesWilliam HargreavesNE 48 line 1Mt Scott Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon15 Sep 1931Vancouver City CemeteryMary Elizabeth Adams (MO) - spouse; Sarah, Edward, Laura Jane, Willis, Ola, Alfred, child - children; Samuel Hargreaves (Eng) and Sarah Barber (Eng) - parentsMethodistfarmer owned 265 acres; teacher1900 census 7 children/5 living; obit The Columbian 17 Sep 1931-early Proebstel WA pioneer, teacher in Clark Co.schools, Proebstel chucrch and Sunday school and gave sermons; circuit rider as preacher., crossed on Oregon Trail in 1851 with parents, educated for ministry, survivors wife, 1876 married Mary in Del Norte Co., CA; 3 son Edward, Willis, Alfred and 2 dau-Laura, Ola.; same plot as mother and wife
HargreavesMary Elizabeth LAdams1858 Aug 27Springfiled, Greene Co., Missouri1943 Jul 19Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncardio-renal diseaseyesWilliam HargreavesNE 48 line 1Holman & Sons, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon22 Jul 1943Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Hargreaves - spouse; Sarah, Edward, Laura Jane, Willis, Ola, Alfred, child - children; Edward Adams (IN) and Fannie Haight (TN) - parentsmarried 1875 Hargreaves in Del Norte Co., California; obit The Oregonian 22 Jul 1943; obit The Oregon Journal 21 Jul 1943-father killed in Civil War, 8 yr old with mother to Smith River CA via Panama, survived by 3 sons - Edward, Willis, Alfred and 2 dau Laura, Ola; same plot as husband and mother-in-law
HarlanThomas1834 Sep 23Peoria Co., Illinois1918 May 11at home of son Newell, Vancouver WAparalysisyesJohn W JohnsonNE 147Limber Funeral Home12 May 1918Vancouver City CemeterySarah Elizabeth Stearns (VT)(1) (div) and Mary Etta Ginger (OH)(2) - spouses; Milton, Newell - children by Sarah; Moses Harlan (VA) and Mary Ann Butler (VA) - parentsMasonCivil War veteran?? May have been a civilian appointee; enlisted in army 1861 in Peoria IL1860-1870 appointed by Gen Grant as Internal Revenue Collector for Wyo.; 1863 took a colony of settler to Republican R. Valley, Nebraska-now called Harlan Co.; 1880 attorney, Harlan Co., Neb;married Sarah 1 May 1860, Peoria Co., IL; 1870-Laramie Co., WY; 1880-divorced and living with son Newell; 1910-living with Newel and family, Chehalis Co., WA; son Newell buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA-Newel was a newspaper editor, had 11 children; there are two headstones one in NE 147, the other in NE 193- probably same person; Mary Etta is buried in Wasco Co., Oregon; obit The Columbian 11 May 1918against eastern fence
Harperinfant1912 Oct 18214 W 29th St., Vancouver WA1912 Oct 18214 W 29th St., Vancouver WAinanitionnoS R HarperNE 161-3 line 16Limber Funeral Chapel19 Oct 1912Vancouver City CemeteryL R Harper and ? Price - parentsWA Death Cert
HarringtonHelenEvaHovey1917 Jun 25St Paul, Ramsay Co., Minnesota1999 Aug 15Washougal, Clark Co., Washington noHelen E HarringtonNE 127-4 line 15Brown Funeral Home, Camas, Clark Co., WashigtonAug 1999Vancouver City CemeteryRaymond G Harrington (MT) - spouse; Gerald, Timothy, Ronald, Robert, Carol - children; Peter Hovey (MN) and Agnetha Christensen (WI) - parentsworked at paper Millmarried Harrington in 1939 in Skamania Co., WA; lived in Carson, Skamania Co. WA; obit The Columbian 5 August 1999; mother remarried a Miller and Helen also went by Miller; 1988 husband Raymond died in Camas, Clark Co., WA
HarringtonNancySloan1817 Apr 15Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania1905 Oct 16Vancouver WAyesStuart HarringtonNE 176 line 1Hamilton Funeral Home Oct 1905Vancouver City CemeteryBenjamin Harrington (ME) - spouse; Charles, Asa, John, Stuart - children; Robert Sloan (Ire) and Martha Antis (Ger) - parentsBaptistmarried 1849 Harrington Henderson IL; husband Benjamin buried in Putnam Co., MO; obit The Columbian 26 Oct 1905-born Pittsburgh PA; 1910-living with either son in Vancouver; both sons in same plot
HarringtonAsa1851 MayHenderson, Knox Co., Illinois1917 Apr 17Sacred Heart Hospital, Spokane, Spokane Co., Washingtonchronic nephritisnoStuart HarringtonNE 176 line 1Beatty Funeral Home22 Apr 1917Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Benjamin Harrington (ME) and Nancy Sloan (OH) - parents1900-miller, Spokane WAobit in The Columbian on 21 Apr 1917
HarringtonStuart/Stewart1856 Oct 23Henderson, Knox Co., Illinois1927 Nov 21Vancouver WAtuberculosisnoStuart HarringtonNE 176-2 line 1Hamilton and Son Funeral Home 23 Nov 1927Vancouver City CemeteryAmanda Rupe (MO) - spouse; no children; Benjamin Harrington (ME) and Nancy Sloan (OH) - parentsPresbyterian, member of the Order of the Redmen Society and Odd Fellows (IOOF)1900-cook, Wyoming; 1910-laborer in mill, Vancouver; 18920-teamster in shipyeard, Vancouver; retiredmarried Amanda 1896, Crook Co., WY; obit in The Columbian 22 Nov 1927-26 year resident of Clark Co., WA; survivor wife; same plot with mother, brother Asa nand wife
HarringtonAmandaRupe1872 Sep 14Missouri1964 Nov 8La Center, Clark Co., WashingtonstrokenoStuart HarringtonNE 176-4 line 1Hamilton-Mylan Funeral Home Nov 1964Vancouver City CemeteryStuart Harrington (IL) - spouse; no children; John Rupe (MO) and Sarah Sweeney (MO) - parentsmarried Harrington 1896, Crook Co., WY; father buried in Crook Co., WYO; mother buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA, could be buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 9 Nov 1964-60 year resident of Clark Co., WA, survivors - 3 sisters
HarterGeorge1887 AprNew York1911 Apr 23in the Columbia River fell from deck of "Jesse Hawkins"accidental drowningnoP H HarterNE 58-1 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor8 May 1911Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Phillip P Harter (NY) and Mary Stanton (NY) - parentsstevedore on the steamer "Jessie Hawkins"obit The Columbian 11 May 1911-body found later and identified
HartungClaraLouise1888Woodbury, Washington Co., Minnesota1907 Nov 17Vancouver WAsuicide by arsenic poisoning; 19 yearsnoA G HartungNE 86 S/2 line 6Kirch Funeral Home19 Nov 1907Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert Godfried/Godfrey Hartung (MN) - spouse; no childrenmarried about 1905; obit The Seattle Daily Times - married in 1907; home prior in Cloverdale, Oregon; husband remarried Florence ?; he died in 1959 and buried in Chehalis, Lewis Co. Washington; obit The Columbian 21 Nov 1907-suicide, married 2 years.
HastingsLewis1829 NovIndiana1907 Jun 26at dau Mrs Hiram Cox, Vancouver WAparalysisyesOleva Jane HaynesNE 112 line 128 Jun 1907Vancouver City CemeterySarah Jane Adamson (IN) - spouse; Rachel, Mary, Oleva Jane, John - children; Joseph Hastings (NJ) and Elizabeth Harvey (NC) - parentsmember of GARCivil War veteran - 120th Indiana Infantry, in 13 major engagement,s including Gettsburgfarmer1850 married Sarah, Indiana; 1870 - came across plains on first passenger train of Union Pacific RR; obit The Columbian 27 Jun 1907-Brush Prairie resident for many years; in same plot as wife and dau Oleva Haynes; dau Rachael Cox in NW 47
HastingsSarahJane Adamson1835 Sep 9 Fayetteville, Lawrence Co., Indiana1926 Sep 18at step-grandson Walter Haynes home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesOleva Jane HaynesNE 112 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Sep 1926Vancouver City CemeteryLewis Hastings (IN)(1) and Rufus Callison (IL)(2) - spouses; Rachel (cox), Mary, (Moore) Oleva Jane (Haynes), John - children by Hastings; John Adamson (NC) and Fannie Kerns (IN) - parentsChristian church member, Rebekiahs1850 married Hastings in Indiana; 1870 - came across plains on first passenger train of Union Pacific RR; married Callison 1914? he died 10 months later, he is buried in Pleasant Hill, Lane Co., Oregon; obit The Oregonian 20 Sep 1926- lived continuously in Clark Co lived with grandson Walter Hanes; survior one dau Mrs F Moore; same plot as dau Oleva Haynes
HatfieldErnest1884 Aug 27Missouri1911 Jan 22at home at 207 E 26 St., Vancouver WAembolism of the coronary arterynoMrs Ernest HatfieldNE 26-2 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor23 Jan 1911Vancouver City CemeteryAnna Sutton (MO) - spouse; Hubert, Raymond - children; Jefferson Hatfield (MO) and Hannah Hatfield - parentMethodistlaborer Anna had child William by previous marriage; obit The Columbian 23 Jan 1911-survivors wife and 2child, 1 step-child, family in Vancouver short time,came from ID; wife died in Lane Co., OR 1951 under name KING
HathawayHenryLewis1859 Feb 3Clark Co., WA1911 Apr 26at home at 900 W 11th, Vancouver WAuremic poisoning resulting from accidentyesFrances B HathawayNE 59-1 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor29 Apr 1911Vancouver City CemeteryFrances Bowers Simons (MA) - spouse; Mildred - child; Marshall Root Hathaway (NY) and Maria Smith (NY) - parentsWoodsman of the World, Odd Fellows; Presbyterian Church Ruling Membermerchant1851 father Marshall R Hathaway and family came over the Oregon Trail and settled in Portland, later they took a Donation Land Claim in Clark Co., WA; 1882 married Frances; obit The Oregon Journal 27 Apr 1911-died of injury after throw from buggy 6 weeks prior to death
Hawkinsinfant (male)1913 Sep 24412 E 21 St., Vancouver WA1913 Sep 24412 E 21 St., Vancouver WAstillbornnoB F HawkinsNE 202-2 line 7Limber Funeral Chapel24 Sep 1913Vancouver City CemeteryBenjamin Franklin Hawkins (WA) and Lydia Margaret Kelser (OH) - parentsparents married 21 Feb 1912, Vancouver WA; father was a butcher in Clark Co., 1910-1920; parents buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
Hayden Ruth Elizabeth1905 Mar 9Chickasaw Co., Iowa1910 Aug 11Vancouver WAdiphtheriayesJ A HaydenNE 27 line 11Kirch Funeral Home12 Oct 1910Vancouver City CemeteryJohn A Hayden (IA) and Pearl Hackett (IA) - parentsparents buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
HaynesColumbus1854 Jun 3Bogard TWP, Daviess Co., Indiana1904 Oct 31Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhage; rupture of an arteryyesOleva Jane HaynesNE 112 line 1Holman, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon3 Nov 1904Vancouver City Cemetery? ? (KS)(1) and Oleva Jane Hastings (IN)(2) - spouses; James,Walter - children by first wife; John Orley, Lewis Homer - children by Oleva; John Haynes (KY) and Levina Sapp (IN) - parentsmember of Christian Church1891 - carpenter in Vancouver WA1880 census James is 11 mo old, Walter is born May 11, 1880-assumption first wife died ; married Olivia Jane 30 Mar 1881, Daviees Co., IN: obit The Columbian 10 Nov 1904-resident of Vancouver many years, recently moved to Portland OR
HaynesOlevaJane Hastings1860 Oct 24Daviess Co., Indiana1909 Apr 17Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonbrights diseaseyesOleva Jane HaynesNE 112 line 1Finley and Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon20 Apr 1909Vancouver City CemeteryColumbus Haynes (IN) - spouse; John Orley, Lewis Homer - children; Lewis Hastings (IN) and Sara Jane Adamson (IN) - parentsbrother John Hastings buried in Park Hill Cemetery; obit The Columbian 20 Apr 1909- sister of John Hastings and Mrs Hiram Cox; in same plot as parents
HaynesJohn Orley1894 Oct 8Vancouver WA1910 Apr 5Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonappendicitisashesyesOleva Jane HaynesNE 112 line 1Finley and Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon7 Apr 1910Vancouver City CemeteryColumbus Haynes (IN) and Oleva Jane Hastings (IN) - parentsstudent
HaywardHahnemannBrooks1856 Dec 27New Hampshire1912 Apr 2east of the trolley car barns in Sifton area of Vancouver WAaccidental gun shot woundnoNE 121-5 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Apr 1912Vancouver City CemeteryAnzonetta Reynolds (KS) - spouse; Mable Theresa, Edith Winifred, Rachel Enid, Robert Wendell, Roy Hahnemann, Frank Ernest, Hazel, Chrystal Edris, Georgia Thelma, Veryl - children; Nehemiah Hayward (NH) and Lucy Brooks Brown (NH) - parents carpenter1900 - Cowlitz; 1910 - Yamhill Co., OR; moved to Sifton 3 weeks prior to death; obit The Oregonian 3 Apr 1912- killed in agrument with son Robert, threatened to kill family, was drunk; wife buried in Alameda Co., CA
HazlettFranklin "Frank" John1871 Nov 29Ashland, Boyd Co., Kentucky1957 Jul 14Vancouver Memorial Hospital, Vancouver WAsenility, heart failureyesFranklin HazlettNE 30-1 line 14Vancouver Funeral Home16 Jul 1957Vancouver City CemeteryLillian Kinner (WA) - spouse; Beulah, David, Ruby - children; William Hazlett (KY) and Elizabeth Hatten (KY) - parentsworked for Railroaddau Ruby Todd and two husbands buried in same plot; obit The Columbian 15 Jul 1957-lived in Vancouver several years, survivors wife, son David and dau Mrs Ruby (and John) Todd; in same plot with wife and dau Ruby and her 2 husbands
HazlettLillianDavidsonKinner1873 Jun 5Ashland, Boyd Co., Kentucky1973 May 30Indio, Riverside Co., Californiaold ageyesFranklin HazlettNE 30-2 line 14 Wagnor Mortuary, California21 Jun 1973Vancouver City CemeteryFranklin J Hazlett (KY) - spouse; Beulah, David, Ruby - children; David Kinner (KY) and Sarah Burgess (KY) -parentin same plot with husband and dau Ruby and John Todd, (Ruby's first husaband) and Chester Parkers (Ruby's second husband)
HeliusClydeA1901 Oct1903 Dec 7noPotters Field7 Dec 1903Vancouver City Cemetery
HelmsHalmoG1890 Dec 22 circanoNE 36 line 1322 Dec 1890Vancouver City Cemetery
HelmsOra EllenProse1887 Mar 4Oregon1906 Dec 3 Clark Co., WAchildbirthyesP A HelmsNE 56-4 line 86 Dec 1906Vancouver City CemeteryOren Earl Helms - spouse; infant -child; Samuel Ang Prose (OH) and Emma Allen (IL) - parents family living in Vancouver, parents in Prineville OR; obit The Columbian 13 Dec 1906; husband died 1971, buried in Prineville OR
Helmsinfant1906 Dec 1Multnomah Co., Oregon1906 Dec 3Clark Co., WAchildbirthyesP A HelmsNE 56 line 86 Dec 1906Vancouver City CemeteryEarl Oren Helms (OR) and Ora Ellen Prose (OR) - parents
HempsteadCharlotteFry1839 Jul 4Pennsylvania1912 Jun 7at A L and Lottie B Adaa's (Adee) residence (daughter), Vancouver WApleurisynoNE 64-1 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor12 Jun 1912Vancouver City CemeteryJames M Wescott (PA)(1), Alfred Poe (OH)(2 )and Ira Hempstead (1829-?)(3) - spouses; Orrin Dwitt, Willie by Wescott, Etta V and Lottie B (m. Adaa) (twins), Alfred by Poe; John Fry (OH) and Anna Rodenbaugh (PA) - parentsBaptisthousewifeJames M Wescott, first husband died in Civil War; obit The Columbian 10 Jun 1912 survived by son O D Wescott; 5 year resident in Clark Co living with dau Lottie
HenenhoferLeopold1840 Nov 15Germany1914 Feb 24Shanghai, Clark Co., Washingtondropsy (diabetes); heart diseasenoR H HenenhoferNE 209-4 line 1Beatty Funeral Home26 Feb 1914Vancouver City CemeteryCaroline Miller (Ger) - spouse; Henry, William, Bernadine, Della, Frank, 2 more - children; Peter Henenhoffer (Ger) and ? ? (Ger) - parentsfarmerlast residence Shanghai (near Fern Prairie?), Clark Co., WA; 1910 census 7 children/ 4 living; wife buried in Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR
Hennessey/HennsseyFrederickD1859Ireland ?1907 Feb 5Vancouver WAfound dead caught in fence near railroad unknown causenoPotters Field, permit # 579 Feb 1907Vancouver City CemeteryThink this is the man - newspaper article Seattle Daily Times 9 Feb 1907- survivors mother in Washington DC and sister in Maine, name listed as Charles in paper
HensleeRuth18931896 Nov 21diphtherianoPotters Field, permit #7422 Nov 1896Vancouver City Cemetery
HermansAnnaKarolinaSodergren1873 Dec 13Finland1908 Apr 18at home at 409 E 15th St., Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesJohn HermansNE 20 N/2 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Apr 1908Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Hermans (Finland) - spouse; Paul W, Hugo, Esther, Ellen, Anna Emily - children; Carol Johan Sodergren (Fin) and Maria Karolina ? (Fin) - parentsLutheranJohn Hermans was a Columbia River fishermanmarried about 1895 in Finland; immigrated in 1905; Funeral at English Lutheran Church; John remarried in 1912 to Hannah (she had children from previous marriage to Peterson), he's buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
HermansEmily1901Finland1906 Apr 21Vancouver WAyesJohn HermansNE 20 N/2 line 422 Apr 1906Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Hermans (Fin) and Anna Karolina Sodergren (Fin) - parents
HermansEllen1905 JulWashington1906 Jan 23Vancouver WAlung troubleyesJohn HermansNE 20 N/2 line 4Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Hermans (Fin) and Anna Karolina Sodergren (Fin) - parentsthink she was born in WA; mother immigrated in 1905 from Finland
HerringAugustus 1854 Jan 2Schuylkill Co., Pennsylvania1921 Mar 30Oregon State Hospital, Salem, Marion Co., Oregonheart diseasenoEdwin F HitchcockNE 173-1 line 4- probably in NE 175 with familyMiller and Tracy Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1 Apr 1921Vancouver City CemeteryMaria Oyster (PA)(1), Frances Mary Coleman (WA)(2) and Mary F Singletary (GA)(3) - spouses; Jessie, Florence, George - children by Frances; George Herring (PA) and Elizabeth Klutz (PA) - parents1887- Post master in Cowlitz Co., Washington; 1900- coal miner, Portland OR; 1910 -hotel keeper, Portland OR; 1920 - carpenter, house building, salesmanMaria Oyster died 1874 in Pennsylvania; married Coleman 17 Mar 1886, Clatsop Co., Oregon; married Mary Singletary 18 May 1906, Vancouver WA; 1910 - divorced by has 5 children/4 living; 1920 living with dau Florence (Plumb) and family and son George and wife; Augustus Herring may have had a daughter Lucy, who married Edwin Hitchcock
HerringFrances/HarriettaMary Coleman1867 Oct 8Washington Territory1906 Jan 19St Vincent Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral meningitis, brain fever and organic heart diseaseyesAugustus HerringNE 175 line 2Holman, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon21 Jan 1906Vancouver City CemeteryAugustus Herring (PA) - spouse; Jessie, Florence, George, Lucy (?) - children; James Coleman (PA) and Sophronia Castor (IN) - parentsmarried Herring 17 Mar 1886 in Clatsop Co., Oregon; 1900-living with mother Sophronia and 3 children in Portland under Harrietta Coleman; dau Jessie Mitchell buried in same plot; obit The Columbian 25 Jan 1906-survivors husband and 4 children (ages 18-4), lived Hockinson, Clark Co., WA
HillJames H 1846 Apr 11Island Co., Ohio1909 Nov 1Vancouver WAheart attackyesMrs James H HillNE 125 line 13Hamilton Funeral Home 2 Nov 1909Vancouver City CemeteryMary Catherine Wiseman (OH) - spouse; Nelly Frances, Ulela Gertrude, Mary Agnes, James Rowland, Elsie May, Gladys Dawn - children; Henry Reuben Hill (OH/Eng?) and Mary Mow (IN) - parentsCivil War veteran, Union Army, Co. A, 155th Indiana Infantryfarmerwife, granddau infant Verduin and daus Mary Hill and Nelly Ferguson, granddau Floy Pitney buried in same plot
HillMary CatherineWiseman1850 Jan 27Delaware, Hancock Co., Ohio1929 Feb 14Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failurenoMrs James H HillNE 125-4 line 13Wilson-Chambers Mortuary 18 Feb 1929Vancouver City CemeteryJames H Hill - spouse; Nelly Frances, Ulela Gertrude, Mary Agnes, James Rowland, Elsie May, Gladys Dawn - children; Lorenzo Wieman (OH) and Agnes Hufford (OH) - parentshousewife1900 census 7 children/6 living; obit The Oregonian 16 Feb 1929; husband, granddau infant Verduin and daus Mary Hill and Nelly Ferguson, granddau Floy Pitney buried in same plot
HillMaryAgnes1881 Jun 20Orleans, Harlan Co., Nebraska 1944 Feb 9Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhagenoMrs James H HillNE 125-3 line 13Little Chapel of the Chimes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon11 Feb 1044Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Jame H Hill (OH) and Mary Catherine Wiseman (OH) - parentssame plot as parents
HillGeorgeH1860 Oct 5San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California1936 Nov 6Vancouver WAheart failurenoGeorge H HillNE 67 N/2 line 14C H Kirch & Son8 Nov 1936Vancouver City CemeteryAnnie E Gunning (MO)(1) and Myrtle Featherstone (ARK)(2) - spouses; Georgia - child by Myrtle; Charles E Hill (MI) and Sarah White (Ark) - parentsFirst Methodist Church member, Woodman of the Worldiron molder; furniture dealer in Vancouver
HillMyrtleMFeatherstone1876 Apr 27Rogers, Benton Co., Arkansas1941 Nov 5Seattle, King Co., WAtuberculosisyesGeorge H HillNE 67-1 line 14Vancouver Funeral Chapel7 Nov 1941Vancouver City CemeteryCelda Dixon (MI)(1) and George H Hill (CA)(2) - spouses; Ruth, Gae, Nanny - children by Dixon, Georgia - child by Hill; J B Featherstone (AR) and Sarah Cross (IL) - parentsLadies Aide and Missionary Society of the First Methodist Church, Women's Temperance UnionWA Death Certificate
HillisJeffersonJohn1857 May 15Rushville, Susquehanna Co., Pennsylvania1927 Aug 29Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumoniaashesnoMrs Andrews MercerNE 102-5 line 11 ashesHolman and Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1 Sep 1927Vancouver City CemeteryMatie Mercer (Can) - spouse; Ruth - child; John Hillis (Ire) amd Margaret Conn (Ire) - parentscarpenter1860 - Wilmont, Bradford Co., PA; 1910 census 1 child/1 living; Matie died 3 Dec 1955, Portland OR buried in Lincoln Memorial Park Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon; notice in The Oregonian 1 Sep 1927 under HILLIS
HinckHenryDavid1854 Nov 12Germany1908 Jun 3Clark Co., WAtuberculosisyesAnna HinckNE 03 line 14Hamilton Funeral Home 5 Jun 1908Vancouver City CemeteryAnna Pepper (Ger) - spouse; Peter C, Henry J, Charles, Ernest W, Mary M A, Anna M H - children; Peter Hinck (Ger) and Rebecca ? (Ger) - parentsfarmer who owned 200 acresnaturalized citizen in 1882; State of Washington Death; note: name also linked as HINCH in Knapp records
HinckAnnaPepper1852 Sep 7Germany1930 Jan 26at home at 2503 Grant St., Vancouver WAbright's diseaseyesAnna HinckNE 03-4 line 14Knapp Funeral Parlor29 Jun 1930Vancouver City CemeteryHenry D Hinck (Ger) - spouse; Peter C, Henry J, Charles/Carl, Ernest W, Mary M A, Anna M H, dau - children; Christopher Pepper (Ger) and ? ? (Ger) - parentsmarried in Germany, settle in Red Wing MN after immigrating; naturalized citizen in 1882; note: name also linked as HINCH in Knapp records; 1900 census - 11 children/7 living; obit The Columbian 27 Jan 1930- 47 resident of Vancouver, raised 7 children after husband's death
HinckMary1893 May 8Vancouver WA1937 Jun 11Seattle, King Co., WAtuberculosisnoAnna HinckNE 03 line 14Bleitz Funeral Home, Seattle, King Co., WA/Hamilton Funeral Home Jun 1937Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Henry J Hinck (Ger) and Anna Pepper (Ger) - parentsclerk in Confectionary storenote: name also linked as HINCH in Knapp records
HinckHenry Joseph1882 Aug 21Red Wing, Goodhue Co., Minnesota1928 Sep 23St Vincent Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonauto accident- struck by hit and run driver; fracture of the skullyesAnna HinckNE 03-2 line 14Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Sep 1928Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Henry J Hinck (Ger) and Anna Peper (Ger)- parentslongshoremannote: name also linked as HINCH in Knapp records; obit The Oregonian 24 Sep 1928
HinckPeterC1880 Nov 8Germany1919 Oct 10St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAtumor yesAnna HinckNE 03-3 line 14Limber Funeral Home12 Oct 1919Vancouver City CemeteryAmelia Keller (NY) - spouse; Amelia, Owen - children; Henry J Hinck (Ger) and Anna Peper (Ger)- parentsnote: name also linked as HINCH in Knapp records; 1920 census Amelia is widowed; obit The Columbian 11 Oct 1919-survivors wife and two children
HitchcockJames Cossett1823 Feb 14Kirkland, Geauga Co., Ohio1907 Jan 20at son's home in Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonold ageyesEdwin F HitchcockNE 173 line 422 Jan 1907Vancouver City CemeteryEmily Lorane Hunt (NY) - spouse; Charles, Florence A, William Henry, George C, Frank L, Edwin I, Alton, Albert - children; Rev. James Hitchcock (CT) and Mary Ellerton (CT) - parentsMethodist Episcopal Church memberfarmer, merchant and carpentermarried in 1844; 1862 moved from Peoria Co., to Henry Co., Ill?, 1869 Adair Co., Iowa; before 1890 moved to Vancouver WA and lived at 11th and Franklin St.; obit The Oregonian 29 Jan 1907
HitchcockEmily LoraneHunt1824 Dec 14Bethany, Genesee Co., New York1918 Dec 21Orange, Orange Co., Californiageneral debilityyesEdwin F HitchcockNE 173 line 428 Dec 1918Vancouver City CemeteryJames Cossett Hitchcock (OH) - spouse; Charles, Florence A, William Henry, George C, Frank L, Edwin I, Alton, Albert - children; Simeon L Hunt (VT) and Laurenda Metcalf (NH) - parents1863 moved to Henry Co., Ill?, 1869 Adair Co Iowa; before 1890 moved to Vancouver WA and lived at 11th and Franklin St.
HitchcockCharles Milburn1847 Apr 3Trivoli, Peoria Co., Illinois1921 Dec 4Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonembolism, blood poisoningnoEdwin F HitchcockNE 173 line 4Gable & Co., Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon6 Dec 1921Vancouver City CemeteryElla Throup (Swe) - spouse; Flora Adelia, Melville Nyman - children; James Cossett Hitchcock (OH) and Emily Lorane Hunt (NY) - parents1900- groceries dealer, Adair Co., IA; 1910 - carpenter 1910- living with dau Flora (Quint) and family in Portland OR; obit The Oregonian 6 Dec 1921
HitchcockElla MariahNyman-Throop1847 Jun 19Alglestad, Kronobergs, Sweden1916 Apr 7Broadmead, Polk Co., OregonpneumonianoEdwin F HitchcockNE 173 line 4F E Roth, Amity, Polk? Co., Oregon3 Oct 1919 reinterredVancouver City CemeteryCharles M Hitchock(IL) - spouse; Flora Adelia, Melville Nyma - children; Sven Nyman (Swe) and Katrina Jonsdotter (Swe) born Ingrid Johanna Nyman; Simeon Throop (NY) and Adelia Jackson (NY) were adoptive parents; Initially buried 7 Apr 1916 in Amity OR; 1900 3 children/ 2 living; real father buried in Galesburg, Knox Co., IL, mother died early and father remarried- 1860 living with Throop, appears Ella was adopted by Throop
HoflindMary Katherina1918 Augprobably the flunoPotters Field23 Aug 1918Vancouver City Cemeterynot in Porter's Inventory
HoganHannahThompson1847 JanBelfast, Ireland1906 Jan 23Vancouver WAheart disease/failureyesHannah HoganNE 23-4 line 725 Jan 1906Vancouver City Cemetery? Hogan - spouse; 2 children; parents from Ireland1900-housekeeper, Vancouver WA1900 census 2 children/0 living; immigrated 1856; married 1872; Will-property to niece Anna Giebe, (Alameda Co., CA) and 2 nephew George Thomas and Alex Weaver (CA); no relatives; obit Seattle Daily Time 25 Jan 1906 - crossed plains in a covered wagon; obit The Columbian 25 Jan 1906-pioneer of Clark Co., WA came to NYCity age 9, to Califonia, then Clark Co., WA
HollerKiddy1896 SepnoPotters Field13 Sep 1896Vancouver City Cemetery
Holley/HollyEd 18821907 Jun 25drowningnoPotters Field, permit #1255 Jul 1907Vancouver City CemeteryRobert G Holly - parent?Robert G Holly (b. 1857 Scotland) soldier in Co C 21st Infnatry, Vancouver Barracks
Holman(John)Ben1835Virginia?1885 Nov 18morphine overdosenoPotters Field, permit #7Vancouver City Cemeterycarpenter?1880 census - "John B Holman, age 50, Virginia"
HoltWard B1883 JunIndiana1907 Nov 22Vancouver WAtyphoid fevernoNE 105-5 line 8Kirch Funeral Home26 Nov 2907Vancouver City CemeterySimon Holt (IN) and Clara Shaffer (IN) - parents1900- living with mother Clara in Marion Co., IN-she is widowed
HoltMargaret "Maggie"Sprick1886 Aug 2Wabasha Co., Minnesota1913 Jan 31at Major Clayton's residence at Vancouver Barracks, Vancouver WAinfection from eating uncooked sausagenoNE 160-4 line 16 Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Feb 1913Vancouver City CemeteryBenjamin F Holt (IL) - spouse; Goldie - child; Frederick Sprick (GER) and Margaret Klein (GER) - parentsmarried in Sep 1910 in Vancouver WA; charged to Benjamin F Holt, Co L, 21 St Infantry; obit The Columbian 1 Feb 1913-poisoning from raw sausage-survivred by husband and 10 mo. old dau Goldie and parent of MN
Hornbeckinfant1897Clark Co., WA1900 Mar 10Clark Co., WAscaldingnoPotters Field, permit #88Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert Hornbeck (MO) and Lulu Graham (IA) - parents1900-1910 family living Clack Co., WA; Lulu had 3 children/2 living
HorneFlorenceIrene1912 Oct 26Clark Co., WA1913 Jun 15at home at 3400 "O" St., Vancouver WAbronchitisnoNE 93-2 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor16 Jun 1913Vancouver City CemeteryArba H Horne (OR) and Josie Buker (WA) - parents
HortonJW1816Philippstown, Putnam Co., New York1884 May 1468 yearsyesNE 180 line 4May 1884Vancouver City Cemeterymaybe brother of Lydia Horton Fradenburg
HoslerWilliamOliver1870 Jul 26Ohio1908 Feb 28at home at 310 Main St., Vancouver WAaneurysm of the aortanoS H HoslerNE 120-3 linr 8Knapp Funeral Parlor1 Mar 1908Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; retired soldier; 14th and 19th US Infantries
HoughGwendolynLenere 1904 Nov 17Vancouver WA1904 Nov 17Vancouver WAstillbornnoDaniel W HoughNE 10 line 718 Nov 1904Vancouver City CemeteryDaniel W Hough (Neb) and Carrie A Bartlett (WA) - parents
Huberinfant (male)1932 Aug 2St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA1932 Aug 2St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAstillbornnoNE 205 Baby Green line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Aug 1932Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert Huber (WA) and Ida Hill (WA) - parents
HuffJamesM1844 Mar 23Flushing, Belmont Co., Ohio1910 Oct 11at home 308 West 10th St., Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesMartha HuffNE 92 S/2 line 12Grice & Beatty Undertakers14 Oct 1910Vancouver City CemeteryMartha McIntosh (IN) - spouse; no children, adopted dau- Josephine; Vincent Huff (VA) and Lydia Earley (OH) - parentsIOOF member, helped organized Castle Rock LodgeCivil War veteran, 97th Indiana Volunteers, was part of Sherman's march to the seafarmerearly Cowlitz Co., WA pioneer; Obit The Columbian 12 Oct 1910-foster parent of Mrs RG (Josephine) Black; long illness-paralysis; survived by widow and adoptive dau. Resided in Vancouver 10 years before death, prior in Colwitz Co., WA
HuffMartha McIntosh1847 Jun 30Sullivan Co., Indiana1927 Jun 1at home in Vancouver WA artiosclerosisyesMartha HuffNE 92-1 line 12 Hamilton Funeral Home 3 Jun 1927Vancouver City CemeteryIssac Young (1) and James Huff (OH) - spouses; no children, adopted dau Josephine; Beverly McIntosh (TN) and Malinda Henry (IN) - parentshousewifeYoung may have died in Civil War; 1900-1910 census 0 children/ 0 living; married Young 1864; married Huff in 1865; obit The Oregonian 2 Jun 1927- dau Josephine (adoptive)
HulfordVirginiaClark Co., WA1906 Dec 30Vancouver WAchild, brain diseasenoJohn R HulfordNE 55-3 line 731 Dec 1906Vancouver City CemeteryJohn R Hulford (MA) and Mary Broderick (WI) - parentsParents married in Jun 1906, Vancouver WA
Hunt EdwardB1866 Dec 25Marshall Co., Iowa1932 Nov 13Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonacute mycardotisnoNE 32-3 line 16Kirch Funeral Home18 Nov 1932Vancouver City CemeteryAnna Scofield (Neb) - spouse; Leatha Marie, dau - children; Tilman Hunt (IN) and Mary Bowman (MI) - parentsjanitor for rooming housewife died in 1942 in Seattle; Anna was previously married and had 2 children by first husband; obit The Columbian 14 Nov 1932-lived in Portland 2 years, prior Vancouver for 5 years, survivor wife Anna (of Auburn WA), 2 stepson, 1 step dau and 2 daus; Anna died in 1942 in Seattle
Hunt FloydPerry1860 JanKansas or Missouri1903 Dec 7Vancouver WAheart failureyesThomas HuntNE 47 S/2 line 213 Dec 1903Vancouver City CemeteryAnnie Condray (CA) - spouse; Thomas Perry - child; James Hunt (MD) and Armintha Perry (MO) - parentsWoodman of the Worldbarbermarried Annie in 1887 in Yamhill Co., OR; she died in 1900; 1900-son Thomas living in different household than father; obit The Columbian 10 Dec 1903
Hunterinfant (female)1927 Mar 4St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA1927 Mar 4St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApremature birthnoNE 205 Baby Green line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor4 Mar 1927Vancouver City CemeteryJ N Hunter (MN) and Maud Price (ID) - parents
HunterHoraceGrayson1926 Oct 9at home at 2130 E 6th St., Vancouver WA1926 Oct 9at home at 2130 E 6th St., Vancouver WAstillbornnoNE 205-1 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor9 Oct 1926Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Stanley Hunter (OR) and Ethel Gregory (WA) - parentsHunter living in Vancouver WA 1920 census
HuntleyJohn1811 Aug 10Pennsylvania1910 Apr 3St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAhardening of arteries; old agenoNE 168-5Kirch Funeral Home5 Apr 1910Vancouver City CemeterysingleBattalion of Rangers, Oregon Volunteers, veteran of Indian Wars, 1855-1856fishermanobit The Columbian 5 Apr 1910-lived with John Schneck (not related),
Hutchinsoninfant (female)1890 Nov 71890 Dec 19debilitynoPotters Field, permit #4819 Dec 1890Vancouver City Cemetery
HylanEarl1892Vancouver WA1893 Feb 26Vancouver WAspinal complaintnoPotters Field, permit #5827 Feb 1893Vancouver City CemeteryJames Hylan (IL) and Mary Elizabeth Springer (IL) - parentsfather James and bro James Leroy are buried in SW 18; mother buried in Woodburn, Marion Co., OR
InmanClarenceE1886 Nov 1Mahaska Co., Iowa1913 Jan 29on the Great Northern train near Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washingtoncollapse of the left coronary arterynoPotters Field, permit #20Limber Funeral Chapel2 Feb 1913Vancouver City CemeteryAdelia R Johnson (MN) - spouse; Avis, Verna - children; Jesse Inman (VA) and Eva Hamaker (OH) - parentsgrocerman, Miller C Grocery Co,newspaper article The Oregonian 30 Jan 1913 - returning from a visit with sick father; found dead on train; mrried Adelia 1907, Tacoma WA
Irelandinfant (male)1912 Apr 10Vancouver WA1912 Apr 12E 5th St., Vancouver WA2 daysnoPotters Field, permit #15Limber Funeral Chapel13 Apr 1912Vancouver City CemeteryJ L Ireland (MN) and Lillian Castellan (MO) - parents
IrishSophiaBaker1836Colton, St Lawrence Co., New York1908 Sep 16died at home of dau Mattie Kain, Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhage; 72 yearsnoC B IrishNE 137-3 line 8Vancouver Undertaking Co.19 Sep 1908Vancouver City CemeteryAlonzo Irish (NY) - spouse; Frank, Elias, Mattie, Alice - children; Jeremiah "Jerry" Baker (NY) and Martha Kain (NY) - parents1910 census 6 children/4 living; Alonzo died in 1900, Oregon City, Clackamas Co., Oregon; obit The Columbian 17 Sep 1908-living with dau Matty Kain, survivored Frank, Elias and Mattie
IzerEmilyAgnes1903 Jan 17Canada1908 Jan 1at home on 4th Plain, Vancouver WApurpura hemorrhageyesW E IzerNE 106-2 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Jan 1908Vancouver City CemeteryW E Izer (IA) and Emily Cox (IA) - parents
Jagdman /JagdanFrank1861Stetten, Germany1910 Jan 11St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApneumonianoNE 168-2 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor13 Jan 1910Vancouver City Cemeterymarriedworking at Columbia Contract Co. in quarryarrived in US 1906 in Astoria, Clatsop Co., Oregon; obit The Columbian 11 Jan 1910- sister in Jersey City NJ
JacqueronHenry1850 circaSt Servan, Brittany, France1901 May 4Clark Co., WA heart failurenoPotters Field permit #937 May 1901Vancouver City CemeteryEugenie Vanchon (Que, Can) - spouse; Stella, Marguerite, Josephine - children; Eugene Jacqueron (Fr) and Henritte Buchaut (Fr) - parentsMember Vancouver Order of Washington1892-cook for Railroader's Restaurant, moving around with railroad as a cook; 1899 cook in Portland, 1900-cook, Seattle, 1901-cook for United States Restaurant when died born Henri Marie Claude Jacouran in obit; note: name is mispelled often; daus Marguerite and Joseping born in Portland, Stella in Yakima WA, wife remarried to John Kelly in 1903, Skagway, Alaska, buried in Seattle; obit The Columbian 9 May 1901
JacksonWilliam "Happy Jack"M1848Maryland1910 Dec 9St Josephs Hopsital, Vancouver WAdropsy (diabetes), heart diseasenoMrs Florence JacksonNE 153-2 line 9Grice and Beatty Undertakers14 Dec 1910Vancouver City CemeteryFlorence ? (NC) - spouse;boot black - shoe shiner, formerly a pullman porterhad only lived in Vancouver about a year, obit in Vancouver Daily Columbian, 4 Dec and 9 Dec 1910; African American Black; Florence Jackson livedin Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington
Jackson, JrFreemanBrownlow1887 Jan 4Howell Co., Missouri1911 Jan 6near Sifton, Clark Co., Washingtonskull crushed by falling tree limbyesMrs B JacksonNE 26-1 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor9 Jan 1911Vancouver City CemeteryMary Coerson (OR) - spouse; Lowe, child - children; Freeman Brownslow Jackson, Sr. (GA) and Annis Collins (MO) - parentslaborer at Wilson Bros Orchardsmarried Mary in 1908, Wasco Co.OR; obit The Columbian 9 Jan 1911-lived in Salem and moved to Vancouver, survivors wife, 2 children, parents, siblings; (one died young), wife remarried LONG in 1913, she is buried in Riverview Cemetery, Portland OR; son Lowe died 1929 (age 20) in Portland (Miller and Tracy Funeral Home) and buried in Vancouver-don't know where, possibly here??? no record in past inventories; father Freeman B Jackson Sr. (b. 1857) died in 1944, The Dalles OR., mother Annie died 1949, Bend OR
Jacobsoninfant1911 Aug 22at home at 28th and Main, Vancouver WA1911 Aug 22at home at 28th and Main, Vancouver WAstillbornnoJohn S JacobsonNE 71-4 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Aug 1911Vancouver City CemeteryJohn S Jacobson (Nor) and Hansine Tellefsen (Nor) - parentsparents buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
JamesThomasJefferson 1840 May 25Lebanon, Boone Co., Indiana1928 Oct 14Forest Grove, Washington Co., OregonsenilitynoDavid F ReidNE 109-3 line 4Forest Grove Undertaking, Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon16 Oct 1928Vancouver City CemeteryMartha Ann Scott (IN)(1) and Christine Dodson (IN)(2) - spouses; Lon G - child by Martha; David James (KY) and Lucinda Creamer (IN/KY) - parentsCivil War veteran - Indiana regment??farmermarried Martha 1862, IN, Martha died in 1908, Tippecanoe Co., IN and buried with Civil War headstone; married Christine in 1910 in Indiana; Harriet James Reid - half sister, in same plot
James Arthur188618 Jan 1907abscess of the stomachnoGeorge James NE 55-4 line 719 Jan 1907Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge James - parent
James Francis A1844 Jun 8Canada1909 Oct 8at home Vancouver WAarteriosclerosisyesMalinda JamesNE 66 line 15Hamilton Funeral Home 10 Oct 1909Vancouver City CemeteryMalinda Taylor (PA) - spouse; no children; John James (Can) and Hannah ? (Can) - parentsCivil War veteran, 135th Indiana Infantrycarpenterwife died 1925 in Jackson Co., Oregon; obit The Columbian 8 Oct 1909-20 years in San Diego, prominent in State Guard, 5 years resident in Vancouver prior to death; survivors wife and siblings
JeffersonM (male)T1829 Oct 19New Orleans, Louisiana1909 Jun 27Vancouver WAapoplexynounknown location in cemeteryHamilton Funeral Home 29 Jun 1909Vancouver City Cemeterymarried; ? Jefferson (Fr) and Adelia Lemlas(??) (Fr) - parentsfarmernot listed in either Gilman or Porter reports, found in Hamilton Funeral records
JeffriesMary K Guard1881 Dec 10Sandusky, Erie Co., Ohio1907 Jul 17at home, Vancouver WAtuberculosisnoHannah GuardNE 139 N/2 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Jul 1907Vancouver City CemeteryCondon Childs (IL)(1) and ? Jeffries (2) - spouses; Laura Mary - child from Childs; Peter Guard (Ger) and Hannah Mahoney (Ire) - parentsCatholic housewifemarried Childs in 1901, Vancouver; divorced Childs; 1900 - living with parents in Clark Co., WA; parents and sis Ellen Laura buried in SW 187; dau Laura Childs is living with grandmother Hannah Guard in 1910; husband Childs died in 1941 in CA; obit The Columbian 18 Jul 1907-Clark Co resident entire life, buried with grandmother Hannah Guard
JenkinsCharles1845 Jul 29Liberty Falls, Sullivan Co., New York1913 Feb 2at home at 607 W 17th., Vancouver WAnephritisyesCharles JenkinsNE 70-2 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor4 Feb 1913Vancouver City CemeteryMary E Riley (PA) - spouse; Samuel Emmet, Irene - children; Samuel Clarke Jenkins (CT) and Irene Beecher (CT) - parentspresident of Clark Co Veterans Assoc.Civil War veteran in Co G, Second Regiment of Mounted Rifle, New York1880- carpenter, Portland OR; owned 79 acres adjacent to brother Hiram in Clark Co., WA1880- had rheumatism; 1910- Vancouver with wife and brother; obit The Columbian 4 Feb 1913; nephew of Henry Ward Beecher
JenkinsMary ERiley1847 Nov 14Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania1920 Jun 27at home of dau, Vancouver WAuremia comayesCharles JenkinsNE 70 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor29 Jun 1920Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Jenkins (NY) - spouse; Samuel Emmett, Irene - children; John Riley (PA) and ? ? (PA) - parentsLady of GAR member1900 census 2 children/2 living; obit The Columbian 28 Jun 1920-survivors dau and son
JenkinsHiramBeecher1828 Oct 13Duchess Co., New York1911 May 1at home of bro Charles at 607 W 17th., Vancouver WAchronic mitral diseaseyesCharles JenkinsNE 70-1 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor3 May 1911Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Samuel Clarke Jenkins (CT) and Irene Beecher (CT) - parentsCivil War veteran (Union), master of bridges and buildings, enlisted in 1861 and stay til end of warcarpenter - master bridge builder for the government and built during the Civil War used by Union at Battle of Nashville; 1900 owned 80 acre farm with brother Charles with adjacent 79 acres1910- living with brother and wife; brother Hiram in same plot; obit The Columbian 4 May 1911-23 year resident of Clark Co lived with bro Charles, nephew of Henry Ward Beecher
JenksDaytonE1940 Feb 20Ellsworth area, Vancouver WA1960 Jun 28Rooster Rock State Park, Multnomah Co., Oregonaccidental drowningyesJoseph StahlNE 33-21 line 16Vancouver Funeral Home5 Jul 1960Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Vernon Jenks (MN) and Elsie Crozier (Can) - parentsstudent at Clark College, Vancouver WAobit The Oregonian 4 Jul 1960; parents buried Nevada
JensenCharles1848 Aug 101908 Dec 20St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAapolexyCharles JensonNE 152-3Hamilton Funeral Home 26 Dec 1908Vancouver City Cemetery singlewatchman at rock quarry, Columbia Contract Co quarryobit The Columbian 24 Dec 1908-8 years employed at quarry
JohansonErik1873Sweden1908 Jul 13Clark County jail, Vancouver WAheart failurenoPotters FieldKnapp Funeral Parlor15 Jul 1908Vancouver City CemeteryE J Johanson (Swe) and Nyle Haglandorf (Swe) - parents?laborerno record; charged to E J Johanson and Nyle Hagland of Fomten??, Stockholm, Sweden
JohnsonAnna Pettersson1860 Jun 12Stockholm, Sweden1910 Mar 25Vancouver WAcancer, lesions of the bowelyesOtto JohnsonNE 104-2 line 9Kirch Funeral Home26 Mar 1910Vancouver City CemeteryMartin Hansson (Swe)(1) and Otto Johnson (Swe)(2) - spouses; Marie, Hilda, Carl - children by Hansson, Arthur, John - children by Johnson; ? Pettersson (Swe) and ? ? (Swe) - parent1881 - immigrated; Hanson died in 1894; married Johnson in 1895; 1900-living in Flathead Co., MT; 1900 census 5 children/ 5 living; obit The Columbian 26 Mar 1910-lived in Vancouver 1 years prior to death came from White Fish MT, survivors 2 son, 3 daus; son John burid at Evergreen Memorial Cemetery, Vancouver WA
JohnsonEna 1906 Aug Minnesota1907 Oct 23Vancouver WApneumonia and whooping coughnoAlfred JohnsonNE 105-3 line 8Kirch Funeral Home24 Oct 1907Vancouver City CemeteryAlfred Johnson (Swe) and Anna Flygard (Swe) - parentsthis person was not Enos Johnson but a female Ena, Death certificate information
JohnsonAnnie Peterson1864 AprNorway1911 Nov 22Western State Hospital, Fort Steillacoom, Pierce Co., Washingtonaortic insufficiencynoAdam JohnsonNE 122-2 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Nov 1911Vancouver City CemeteryAdam Johnson (Nor) - spouse; Amy, Andrew, Inar, Edith, Sophia, Herbert, Mabel - children; ? Peterson (Nor) and ? ? (Nor) - parentsmarried 1893; 1900- Clark Co., WA; census 3 children/3 living; 1910 - Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WA (Adam is a teamster) 1910 census 9 children/8 living; husband died in 1940 and buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
JohnsonAnna SophiaMickelsdotter1817 Apr 17Finland1907 Jan 5Clark Co., WAdropsy (diabetes)yesJohn W JohnsonNE 147 line 37 Jan 1907Vancouver City CemeteryJohan Worlund (Johnson)(Fin) - spouse; Eric, Johanna, John Wilhelm, Nicholas, Karolina, Carl, Hazel - children; parents of Finlandhusband changed family name from Worlund to Johnson when immigrated; son and wife and granddau all buried in same plot; obit The Columbian 10 Jan 1907; all children born in Finland, husband died between 1905-1906 (Could be in this cemetery
JohnsonJohan/ JohnEric(Worlund)1816 Jul 6 Föglö församling, Kansallisarkisto, Finland 1905-1906Clark Co., WAJohn W JohnsonNE 147 line 3Sep 1906Vancouver City CemeteryAnnie Sophia Mickelsdotter (Fin)- spouse; Eric, Johanna, John Wilhelm, Nicholas, Karolina, Carl, Hazel - children; parents of FinlandChanged name from Worlund to Johnson when immigrated; The plot was bought by son JW Johnson on Sep 11, 1906 for wife but there is a strong possibly that the plot was bought for his death and he is buried here
JohnsonJohn Wilhelm1846 Aug 9Foglo, Ahvenanmaa, Finland1918 Mar 31Clark Co., WAmyocarditisyesJohn W JohnsonNE 147-2 line 3Limber Funeral Home2 Apr 1918Vancouver City CemeteryMary Catherine Hafergren (Fin)(1) and Iva Stolenburrrhr (PA)(2) - spouses; Anna Marie, Hilma C - children by Mary; Johan Worlund Johnson (Fin) and Anna Spohia Mickelsdotter (Fin) - parentsColumbia River fishermanmarried Iva in 1907 Clark Co., WA; father changed family name from Worlund to Johnson when immigrated; dau Hilma and husband George Powers, mother all buried in same plot, probably father also; obit The Colmbian 4 Apr 1918-pioneer of Clark Co, 44 year resident of Clark Co. WA from San Francisco CA, survived wife Iva, daus Anna and Hilma .
JohnsonMaryCarolineHafergren1840 Nov 29Finland1906 Sep 11at home, Vancouver WAtyphoid feveryesJohn W JohnsonNE 147 line 313 Sep 1906Vancouver City CemeteryJohn W Johnson (Fin) - spouse; Anna Marie, Hilma C - child; Hafergren - parent1900 census 3 children/2 living; buried with dau Hilma; obit The Columbian 13 Sep 1906
JohnsonAugust Nels1842 Aug 3Stehag, Malmohus, Sweden1927 May 25at dau's home, Barberton area, Vancouver WAuremic poisoningyesNE 200 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor28 May 1927Vancouver City CemeteryJohanna Nelson (Swe) - spouse; Edward, Cora, Emilia, Albert Nelson, Flora, Oscar W, Carrie Sophie (Degermark?), Joseph - children; Nels Johansson (Swe) and Karne Olesdotter (Swe) - parentsSwedish Mission Church member, Lutheran1900-farmer, Whipple creek, Clark Co., Washington; stone mason; lived in Barberton area, Vancouver WAimmigrated 1864; 1900 census 8 children/7 living; wife Johanna died in 1905 buried in Cheyenne Co., Neb; 1920 living with dau Carrie Degermark; obit The Columbian 26 May 1927- survivors-7 children, dau Sophie Degermark buried NE 202; same plot as son Albert N.
JohnsonAlbertNelson1874 Jan 4Roseville, Warren Co., Illinois8 Jun 1937at Gaston Convalescence Home, 2334 NW Northup St., Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncoronary sclerosisyesNE 200-3 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Jun 1937Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; August N Johnson (Swe) and Johanna Nelson (Swe)- parents IOOF1917-clerk in shipyards, Vancouver WA; 1910-1930- Postmaster, Estacada, Clackamas Co., OR; retired as Post Master in Estacada ORsister Carrie S (1871-1946), wife of Frank August Degermark (1876-1914)- both in NE 200; obit The Columbian 9 Jun 1937-1905 moved to Oregon, survivors 3 sisters, 3 brothers; sister Sophie in NE 202, in same plot as father
JohnsonBenjamin1865 Mar 17Sodra Lundby, Skaraborgs, Sweden1914 Jan 11Savoy Sanitarium, Vancouver WApneumonianoFred JohnsonNE 206-3 line 3Beatty Funeral Home13 Jan 1914Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Johannes Johansson (Swe) and Maja Stina Svensdotter (Swe) - parentsfarmerobit The Columbian 15 Jan 1914-lived in Maiden Rock, Wisconsin then moved to Minnehaha, Clark Co., WA; survivored by 2 brothers in Mainden Rock WI
JohnsonAnnaBergs/Petersdotter1842 Nov 8Slattakra, Halland, Sweden1926 May 12at dau Theckla;s home, Vancouver WAmyocarditis noNE 208-3 line 1Limber Funeral Chapel15 May 1926Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Bernard Johnson (Swe) - spouse; Albert, Theckla, Josefina - children; Peter Bergs Olsson (Swe) and Bengta Martensdotter (Swe) - parentsdau Theckla Langdon in same plot; obit The Columbian 13 May 1926-immigrated about 1881 to Clear Lake WI, moved to Ironwood MI, 8 years ago moved to Vancouver, married Johnson in Sweden in 1877, survivrors son Albert and dau Theckla; husband died in 1818 in Ironwood MI and buried there
JohnsonCharles Peter1851 Mar 14Skrea, Halland, Sweden1914 Oct 1St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachyesMrs Charles P JohnsonNE 212-3 line 17Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Oct 1914Vancouver City CemeteryAnna Beata Christianson (SWE) - spouse; John Bernard, Conrad William, Emma Sofia, Carl Ablin, Elva Victoria, Gustave Malcolm, Olive J - children; Johannes Berendtsson (Swe) and Lena Beata Johansdotter (Swe) - parentsSwedish Mission Church memberfarmerimmigrated in 1872 to Pennsylvania; Carl Petter Johansson was his Swedish name. His body was moved from NE 212-2 to NE 212-3. (Previously NE 212-3 was occupied by Vernon A Hanson); obit The Columbian 1 Oct 1914-survivors- 3 sons and 2 dau; same plot as wifeagainst eastern fence
JohnsonAnnaBeatriceChristianson1846 Oct 13Drangsered, Halland, Sweden1929 Feb 8at home of dau Olive, Oakland, Alameda Co., CaliforniayesMrs Charles P JohnsonNE 212-1 line 17Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Feb 1929Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Peter Johnson (Swe) - spouse; John Bernard, Conrad William, Emma Sofia, Carl Ablin, Elva Victoria, Gustave Malcolm, Olive J - children; Christian Bertelsson (Swe) and Berndita Johnsdotter (Swe) - parentshousewifeimmigrated in 1873 and married Johnson in Pittsburgh PA; moved to Wi and MN and in 1900 moved to Vancouver; lived with daughter Mrs Olive J DeCheur in Oakland CA at time of death; obit The Columbian 11 Feb 1929-moved to California after husband died; suriovors-Malcom, CW , CA and 2 dausagainst eastern fence
JohnsonMary/MarieJonasson1830 May 4Gokhem, Skaraborg, Sweden1915 Jan 4at home of dau, Heppner, Morrow Co., OregonsenilityyesE C JohnsonNE 213-2 line 18Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Jan 1915Vancouver City CemeteryJohannes Jonasson (Swe) - spouse; Hanna, Frans, Ida, Gustaf, Edward Carl - children; Jonas Vallentinsson (Swe) and Stina Andersdotter (Swe) - parentsBaptisthousewifeborn Maja; husband died in 1882, Swe; immigrated in 1884 after husband died with 3 sons Frans, Gustaf, Edward Carl, lived in MN; lived in Heppner OR at time of death; obit The Oregonian 12 Jan 1915- had been ill prior to death; son Edward buried in Evergreen Memorial Cemetery, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 4 Jan 1915-survivors 3 sons and 2 dauagainst eastern fence
JohnsonCatherineAnn Amalong1832 Jun 29Pennsylvania1911 Mar 251614 Grant St., Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhagenoMrs C C ClarkNE 39-2 line 10Grice and Beatty Undertakers27 Mar 1911Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Warren Johnson (Del)- spouse; Jesse, Eugene E, Berton W, James E, Helen, Charles P, Lewis J, Archibald M, Mary A (Mrs CC Clark), Orlando - children; Daniel Amalong (PA) and Catherine Horn (PA) - parentshousekeeper1840 - Crawford Co., PA; 1880 Franklin Co., KS widowed; 1900 in Franklin Co., KS with dau Mary and family; 1900 census 10 children/7 living; obit in the Columbian 27 Mar and 30 Mar 1911
JohnsonEdward1886 Oct 10Finland1911 Oct 12St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAtrain accident while drunk near Camas , Clark, Co., WAnoNE 70-5 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor14 Oct 1911Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Joel Farin (Fin) and Mina Aquist (Fin) - parentsLutheranlaborernewspaper article The Seattle Daily Times 13 Oct 1911
JohnsonBurger/Berger (male)18831907 Aug 11Vancouver WAaccident in logging campnoBurger JohnsonNE 87-2 line 7Kirch Funeral Home17 Aug 1907Vancouver City Cemeterylogger for Twin Falls Logging Company, Yacolt, Clark Co., WA
JohnsonNeils18791904 Aug 14accidental drowningnoPotters Field, permit #10819 Aug 1904Vancouver City Cemetery
JollyPaulJ1894 Dec 27Jefferson Co., Tennessee1909 May 18at home at 13th and Ingalls St., Vancouver WAorganic heart diseaseyesD C JollyNE 25-1 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor19 May 1909Vancouver City CemeteryDavid C Jolly (TN) and Grace Hudson (TN) - parentsstudent1905 in Shawnee Co., KS; obit The Columbian 18 May 1909
JonesEva EBailey1888 Sep 10Oregon1908 Nov 12Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonuremic poisoning probably due to childbirthnoR B JonesNE 130 line 15Holman and Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon13 Nov 1908Vancouver City CemeteryRobert H Jones (ID) - spouse; Robert Earl - child; William Bailey (KY) and Lucille Loveless (MO) - parentsdeath notice The Oregon Journal 12 Nov 1908; child born 11 Nov 1908; obit The Columbian 19 Nov 1908- former resident of Fisher WA
JonesHerbertPeter1860 circa (1863)Vermont1907 Jun 13Clark Co., WAyesW H JonesNE 150 S/2 line 6Jun 1907Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Robert Jones (Can) and Ann ? (Ire) - parents"F of A" (on headstone)logger in Yacolt, Clark Co., WashingtonWilliam, Edward, Nellie, Hattie, Jennie - brother; 1870-1880 - family in Prairie City IL
JonesA (male)1872 circa1913 Jan 92 miles north of Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washington struck by the Northern Pacific passenger train #308noPotters Field, permit #18Knapp Funeral Parlor13 Jan 1913Vancouver City Cemetery
Jones Seldon1820 MarNew York1906 Dec 14Clark Co., WAold agenoE L JonesNE 56 line 816 Dec 1906Vancouver City CemeteryNancy Clark (NY) - spouse; Edwin Leonard, Robert, Laura - children; ? Jones (CT) and ? ? (CT) - parentsfarmermarried Nancy 1844 Indiana; 1860 - Davis Co., Iowa; 1870 - Filmore Co., MN; 1900 - Lake Co., SD with son Edwin, widowed; Edwin buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
Justinfant (female)1908 Jul 2at home at 24th and Grant St., Vancouver WA1908 Jul 8at home at 24th and Grant St., Vancouver WAprematurenoCharles Robert JustNE 119-4 line 7Knapp Funeral Parlor8 Jul 1908Vancouver City CemeteryCharles R Just (Neb) and Ethel Angus (IL) - parents parents buried in Sacramento CA
Just OrsonNettleton1878 Dec 2Madison Co., Nebraska1914 Jul 16St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAglandular infectionnoNE 23-2 line 7Beatty Funeral Home17 Jul 1914Vancouver City CemeteryMinnie Fuller (IN) - spouse; Albert Hale, infant, Herschel, Homer, Adelia - children; Christian Just (Denmark) and Ella Roberson (MI) - parentsplumber, contractorMinnie buried in Los Angeles Co., CA; obit in the Columbian on 16 and 23 Jul 1914
Just AlbertHale1905 Sep 26Clark Co., WA1905 Sep 26Clark Co., WAdied at birthyesNE 23 line 7Vancouver City CemeteryOrson N Just (Neb) and Minnie Emily Fuller (IN) - parents
KadowCharlesAugust1845 Jul 8Mecklenberg, Germany1915 Aug 27at friend's home on River Road, Vancouver WAleaky heartyesB KadowNE 45-3 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor29 Aug 1915Vancouver City CemeteryEliza Lavina Hileman (OH) - spouse; Carl, Louis, Walter Edwin, Ralph Richard, Francis Earl, John, Inez, Hannah, Emma - 11 children; John Kadow (Ger) and Marie Langman (Ger) - parents, both from Germanyage 12 immigrated with parent in Indiana; 6 years prior to death moved to Clark Co., WA; Eliza died and buried in 1918 in LaPorte Co., Indiana; 1900 census -11 children/8 living; same plot as granddau, son Louis in SE 65; obit The Colmbian 2 Sep 1915 - survivored by 6 sons and 2 dau, John, Carl, Louis, Ralph and Francis in OR and WA and daus in IN
KadowMarjorie "Madge"1908 Feb 8Vancouver WA1908 Apr 15Vancouver WAanemiayesB KadowNE 45 S/2 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Apr 1908Vancouver City CemeteryLouis Kadow (IN) and Effie Mae Fogus (IN) - parentsparents are buried in SE 65; same plot as grandfather
Kadowinfant (female)1906 Jun 26Clark Co., WA1906 Jun 26Clark Co., WAruptured blood vesselyesB KadowNE 45 S/2 line 426 Jun 1906Vancouver City CemeteryLouis Kadow (IN) and Effie Mae Fogus (IN) - parentsparents are buried in SE 65; same plot as grandfather
KammerBonnieJean1934 Nov 30Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1934 Dec 15at home at Rt #4, Box 181 B, Orchards, Vancouver WApneumonianoNE 205 Baby Green line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor16 Dec 1934Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph Kammer (SD) and Murriel Runyan (WA) - parentsobit The Columbian 15 Dec 1934; survivor parents and grandparents Runyan
KampeCirel (infant)Garrell1909 Apr 13Vancouver WA1909 Jun 19Clark Co., WAepilepsynoAlfred KampeNE 25-4 line 9Hamilton Funeral Home 20 Jun 1909Vancouver City CemeteryAlfred Kampe (Swe) and Marie Johnson (KS) - parentsState of Washington Death Certificate; Alfred Kampe is buried in Hill Park Cemetery, Vancouver WA
Kampe, Sr.KlemensAlfred1906 Jul 10Vancouver WA1994 Aug 5St Peters Hospital, Olympia, Thurston Co., Washingtonheart relatedashesyesKlemens KampeNE 33 Mills Funeral Home Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington9 Aug 1994Vancouver City CemeteryMaxine L Ross (IN) - spouse; Klemens, Wynn, Dean - children; Alfred Kampe (Swe) and Marie Johnson (KS) - parentsWorld War II veteran, US Army, Lt Colonel Chief of Dental Services, Gulfport, LAdentist on Bainbridge Island, WA before joining armobit The Columbian 8 Aug 1994; father Alfred Kampe is buried in Hill Park Cemetery, Vancouver WA- played Saxophone; survivors wife, Klemens Jr, Dean
KampeMaxineLucilleRoss1910 Nov 2Roann, Wabash Co., Indiana2000 Sep 25Sahuarita, Pima Co., ArizonayesKlemens KampeNE 33Vancouver Funeral Chapel2 Aug 2000Vancouver City CemeteryKlemens A Kampe (WA) - spouse; Klemens, Wynn, Dean - children; John Ross (IN) and Lou Lockridge (IN) - parentsobit The Columbian 1 Oct 2000-moved to AZ 3 years prior to death, survivors- Klemens Jr, Dean
Kelseyinfant 1905 Oct 5Clark Co., WA1905 Oct 5Clark Co., WAstillbornnoOscar KelseyNE 23-3 line 76 Oct 1905Vancouver City CemeteryOscar Kelsey (OR) and Jessie Epperson (IL) - parents
KempJohn F1857 Mar 7Ohio1910 Apr 12Vancouver WAchronic nephritisnoMrs John KempNE 124 S/2 line 12Kirch Funeral Home14 Apr 1910Vancouver City CemeteryVirginia "Jennie" Ann Perry (VA) - spouse; no children; William Kemp (VA) and Eunice Roberts (VA) - parentsCivil War veteran, 21st Ohio Infantry, US Army, Vancouver Barracks, 1879, private first class, Co. Cteamstermay have been married prior to Virginia; married Virginia circa 1895; obit The Columbian 13 Apr 1910- 25 years in Vancouver prior to death survived by wife and 2 brothers
KempVirginia "Jennie"Ann Perry1851 Jun 14Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania Co., Virginia1926 May 14Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncomplications of a fractured hipnoMrs John KempNE 124-2 line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor16 May 1926Vancouver City CemeteryJames Conlin (Ire)(1), Francis L Pancoast (NJ)(2) and John Kemp (OH)(3) - spouse; Thomas, Lucy, James - children by Conlin, William, Mary, Katherine, Fred - children by Pancoast; Hugh Perry (VA) and Lucy Gibson (VA) - parentsmarried Conlin circa 1867, and divorced 1874; married Pancoast circa 1875-he died in 1891; married Kemp 1895, Clark Co., WA; Pancoast was at Vancouver Barracks; all 3 husbands were in the Army, Conlin was a Civil War veteran buried at the Presidio, San Francisco CA; obit The Oregonian 15 May 1926
KennedyAnnBessie1910 Nov 9at home at 508 E 16th St.,Vancouver WA1910 Nov 9at home at 508 E 16th St.,Vancouver WAstillbirthnoNE 89-2 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Nov 1910Vancouver City CemeteryRalph Kennedy (OH) and Ethel Burkhart (CO) - parentsparents buried in Josephine Co., Oregon
KensingerJacob1833 Sep 1at sea in transit to America1912 Feb 8Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonmitral regurgitationyesStephen EmeryNE 100-5 line 13Finley and Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon10 Feb 1912Vancouver City CemeteryMatilda Growall (PA)(1) and Sarah E Mountian (PA)(2) - spouses; Norman, Laura, William, Mary, Jacob - children by Matilda; Jacob Kensinger (Ger) and Catherine Beachy (Ger) - parents1860-farmer, PA; 1900-feed yard keeper, MO; 1910-own income, Portland ORMatilda died in 1873 in Somerset Co., PA; married Sarah in 1974, Somerset Co., PA; obit The Oregonian 10 Feb 1912
KensingerSarah EMountian1837 Aug 9Somerset Co., Pennsylvania1926 Feb 20Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart relatedyesStephen EmeryNE 100-4 line 13Chambers Funeral Home. Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon20 Feb 1926Vancouver City Cemetery? McClintock (1) and Jacob Kensinger (at sea, transit from Europe)(2) - spouses; David - child by McClintock; no children by Kensinger; David Mountian (PA) and Highly Rush (PA) - parents1870-Clinton Co., MO with sister Phoebe Mountian Emery and family and son David; 1874 married Kensinger, Somerset Co., PA; 1900 census 3 children/ 1 living; Phoebe - sibling
KirchesierGeorgeS 1891 Feb 24Idaho1912 Feb 26Vancouver WAno 27 Feb 1912Vancouver City CemeteryThis is Guy Scott Kircheiser in plot NW 132
KerrJohn Jenks1841 Apr 29Punxsutawney, Jefferson Co., Pennsylvania1909 Oct 4St Vincent's Hosital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncancer of the stomachnoMary M KerrNE 72-2 line 9McEntee and Ericson Co., Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon7 Oct 1909Vancouver City CemeteryLavina Green (1) and Mary Melissa Lingo (OR)(2) - spouses; C R, son - children by first wife, Charles Leroy - child by Mary; Thomas Kerr (PA) and ? ? (?) - parents1870-farmer, WI; 1880-farmer, Vancouver WAmarried Lavina 1855, Jackson Co., WI; married Mary 1890; obit The Oregonian 15 Oct 1915 - 15 years in Washington (Kelso) before was in Oregon; Obit The Columbian 8 Oct 1909; 1910 census - son Charles and mother and she's widowed; 1913 Mary remarries James Downing Clark Co., WA (her third marriage)
KiesRaynor1839 Jan 13Berkshire Co., Massachusetts1908 Jul 23Clark Co., WAparalysis, brain softeningyesAlice L KiesNE 05 S/2 line 12Vancouver Undertaking Co.25 Jul 1908Vancouver City CemeteryAlice Courtright (IL) - spouse; Myron B, Laura Ellen - children; Benjamin Kies (CT) and Almena Sweatman (MA) - parentsCivil War veteran, Co. C, Ohio 23rd Infantryrancher/farmer with 49 acresmarried Alice in Sep 1865, WI; 1900 - family living at Clark Co. Poor Farm; State of Washington Death Certificate
KiesAliceLovisaCourtright1846 Jan 20Rockford, Winnebago Co., Illinois1930 Nov 11at dau Laura's home at 26th St at Miller Ave., Vancouver WAcancer of the uterusyesAlice L KiesNE 05 S/2 line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor13 Nov 1930Vancouver City CemeteryRaynor Kies (MA) - spouse; Myron B, Laura Ellen - children; Ansel Courtright (NY) and Ellen Morrison (NY) - parentsMethodisthousewifelived 13 year in Rockford IL with parents before going to WI; married Kies in 1866, WI; 1877 moved from WI, 1900 census - 2 children/2 living; 1920-1930 living with dau Laura (married Roland Quarnberg) and family, Vancouver WA; Roland and dau Laura Quarnberg in same plot; obit The Columbian 12 Nov 1930-survivors dau Laura and son Myron
KingJohnH1847Ireland1887 Sep 22Clark Co., WAaccidental poisoningnoPotters Field, permit #15Vancouver City Cemetery1880- at Ft Vancouver Barrack, Co. E, 21st Infantry, Vancouver WA
KinneyBetty Lorraine1926 Apr 27Vancouver WA1926 May 5at home at 321 W 31 St., Vancouver WAacute indigestionnoNE 205 Baby Green line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor6 May 1926Vancouver City CemeteryLeslie A Kinney (IA) and Marie Kunze (KS) - parentsfather buried in Los Angeles Co.,CA; mother buried in Orange Co., CA
KlaiberJohanF 1893Germany1918 Apr 18Yacolt, Clark Co. Washingtonlogging accident, Twin Falls Logging Co.noNE 211-4 line 18Knapp Funeral Parlor18 Apr 1918Vancouver City Cemeterysinglehook chaser for Twin Falls Logging Co., Yacolt, Clark Co., WAimmigrated in 1909; 1910- living with uncle in Portland OR; newspaper article The Oregon Journal 20 Apr 1918; obit The Colmbian 25 Apr 1915-
KlinkmanRudolphJ1897 Nov 12Clark Co., WA1910 Oct 5at home in Minnehaha area, Vancouver WAanemiayesRudolph KlinkmanNE 136-3 line 9 Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Oct 1910Vancouver City CemeteryRudolph C Klinkman, Sr (Ger) and Emma Matje (Ger) - parentssiblings - Edna, Herald, Lilian, Elsie, Freda; obit The Columbian 6 Oct 1910- father was employed at Blurock Meat Market
KlinkmanHarold1909 Feb 6Clark Co., WA1910 Aug 7at home in Minnehaha area, Vancouver WAacute bright's diseaseyesRudolph KlinkmanNE 121-4 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor9 Aug 1910Vancouver City CemeteryRudolph C Klinkman, Sr (Ger) and Emma Matje (Ger) - parentssiblings - Edna, Rudolph, Lilian, Elsie, Freda; obit The Columbian 8 Aug 1910- father was employed at Blurock Meat Market
KlinkmannFreda1911 Oct 23Clark Co., WA1913 Mar 23at home in Minnehaha area, Vancouver WAmeningitisnoRudolph KlinkmanNE 32-6 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Mar 1913Vancouver City CemeteryRudolph C Klinkman, Sr (Ger) and Emma Matje (Ger) - parentssiblings - Edna, Rudolph, Lilian, Elsie, Harold; funeral notice The Columbian 25 Mar 1913, father was employed at Blurock Meat Market
KlinskiMax1863 Jan 25Germany1913 Apr 1Oregon Slough, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonaccidental drowningyesNE 160-2 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Apr 1913Vancouver City CemeteryJosephine Lysczski (Ger)- spouse; Fred, Bertha, Frank, Alvin, Edward, George, Paul - children; parents born in Germanyfarmer1910 census 9 children/7 living; charged to Frank Klinski; dau Bertha married Lloyd Moir; newspaper article The Columbian 1 Apr 1913-lost control of horse and fell into slough off bridge
KlinskiJosephineLysczski1865 Mar 19Posen, Poland1938 Jun 3at home of dau, visiting, Rt #2, Vancouver WAcerebral hemmorhageyesNE 160-2 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor6 Jun 1938Vancouver City CemeteryMax Klinski (Ger) - spouse; Fred, Bertha, Frank, Alvin, Edward, George, Paul, 2 more - children; parents born in Polandhousewifeimmigrated 1890; charged to F W Klinski, Mrs Lloyd Moir. Carged to A E Klinski (administrator); obit The Columbian 4 Jun 1938-immigrated 50 years prior to death (18888) lived in NY and WI, 1905 moved to Vanocuver, 1918 moved to Portland. Survivors 1 dau, 5 sons-Frank, Alvin, Edward, George, Paul
KoblothAnnie Schamburg1869 Apr 5Will Co., Illinois1907 Feb 24Portland, Multnomah Co., OregontuberculosisyesJoe KoblothNE 73-3 line 8Holman Funeral Chapel, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR27 Feb 1907Vancouver City CemeteryAnton Petros (Austria)(1) and Frank Joseph Kobloth (Ger)(2) - spouses; May - child by Petros; Gotfried Schamburg (Ger) and Elizabeth ? (Ger) - parentsIOOFin hotel business with first husband, started restaurant in VancouverPetros died in 1900, Vancouver WA, buried in SE 73; remarried to Kobloth in 1902, Kobloth died in 1959 San Francisco CA; Vancouver WA; birth date from death cert; obit The Columbian 28 Feb 1907- father died in 1921 buried in Tigard OR
KoppeFrederich/kAugust1851 Mar 22Marienthal, Konigsberg, Germany1929 Jun 6at home at 800 E 25th St., Vancouver WAstroke and senilityyesM M RussellNE 37-1 line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Jun 1929Vancouver City CemeteryAnna Dorothy Claussen (Ger) - spouse; Maria, Anna Louise, Berta Amanada, Richard, Ida, Christine, Theodore, Agnes D, Adelia, Bertha Anna,Walter, Hedwig (Sophia), Clifford - children; Frederick L Koppe (Ger) and Wilhemina ? (Ger) - parentLutheranmerchant/saloon keeper, laborer in ship yardsmarried Anna 1873, Hamberg Ger.immigrated 1882, settled in Phillips WI, 1905 moved to Vancouver WA; dau Agnes Russell in same plot; obit The Columbian 6 Jun 1929-survivors 5 dau and 4 sons
KoppeAnna DorothyClaussen1852 Sep 8Londen, Holstein, Germany1928 Sep 3at home at 800 E 25th St., Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesM M RussellNE 37-1 line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Sep 1928Vancouver City CemeteryFrederich August Koppe (Ger) - spouse; Maria, Anna Louise, Berta Amanada, Richard, Ida, Christine, Theodore, Agnes D, Adelia, Bertha Anna,Walter, Hedwig (Sophia), Clifford - children; Claude Claussen (Ger) and Mary Harms (Ger)- parentsPresbyterianhousewifemarried Frederich 1873 Aug 23 Hamberg, Ger; immigrated 1882; 1910 census 13 children/11 living; dau Agnes Russell in same plot; obit The Columbiab 4 Sep 1928-survivors - husband, 5 dau and 4 son
KorbyEmilN E1874 circaFinland1909 Sep 1Yacolt, Clark Co., Washingtonkilled by falling treenoNE 02 line 15Hamilton Funeral Home 7 Sep 1909Vancouver City Cemeterysinglelogger at Twin Fall Logging Co., Yacolt, Clark Co., WAobit The Columbian 8 Sep 1909
Kresal GeorgeHenry1912 Jul 3Vancouver WA1915 Jan 5at home Vancouver WAbowel troubleyesRichard KresalNE 213-3 line 18Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Jan 1915Vancouver City CemeteryRichard Kresal (MN) and Mary Bates (OR) - parentagainst eastern fense
Krieterinfant1919 Sep 12Washington1919 Sep 12St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAstillbornnoNE 182-2 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Sep 1919Vancouver City CemeteryThomas Krieter and Anna ? - parents
KrogerHazelJReid1886 Jan 8Bloomington, McLean Co., Illinois1919 Nov 5Vancouver WAdiabetesnoHazel KrogerNE 91-2 line 11Vancouver Funeral Home9 Nov 1950Vancouver City Cemeteryothers? And Harry Kroger (OH) - spouses; Courtney E - child by previous husband; William Reid (IL) and Kathryn "Katie" Jones (IL) - parentsMarried Kroger in 1918 in El Paso TX; could have been married several times- Azuela, Johnson; 1907 living with mother in Mexico; 1920-Monterrey CA, husband in military US Army Captain; 1930 - Vancouver, with husband; he died in 1940 in LA and buried in at Los Angeles National Cemetery; 1940 was living on welfare with mother; mother in same plot; note son Courtney listed as Bedinger probably from earlier marriage; obit The Columbian 8 Nov 1950-resident 25 year in Vancouver, survivors mother and son Courtney Kroger; mother Kate Bedinger in same plot
Krohninfant 1912 Sep 2Vancouver WA1912 Sep 2Vancouver WAstillbornnoNE 164-5 line 15Limber Funeral Chapel3 Sep 1912Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert Krohn and Anne Johnson or Frederick Krohn and Clara Johnson - parents???Fritz Krohn (Ger) and Barbara Duttweiler (Ger) - grandparents
KunzeFrederickGustave1854 Mar 30Saxony, Germany1913 Dec 22at home, Minnehaha area, Vancouver WA cancernoCarl KunzeNE 205-1 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor24 Dec 1913Vancouver City CemeteryLiena Augusta Schneider (Ger) - spouse; Gustave Frederick, Carl Frederick, Lena A, Alma Marie, Otto Ernest, Herman Emil, Emil P, Oswald Paul - children; William Kunze (Ger) and Christiana ? (Ger) - parentsEnglish Lutheran farmer
KyserMary H1903 Mar 12Nebraska1912 Feb 25Vancouver WApneumoniayesMary H KyserNE 39-6 line 10Limber Funeral Chapel26 Feb 1912Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Kyser (IN) and Maud Smith (IA) - parentsparents married 1899 in North Platte, Lincoln Co., Neb. Mary probably born in Lincoln Co., Neb.
LaddamesRoyL1890 Oct 12Kearney Co., Nebraska1898 Dec 14Clark Co., WAwhooping coughyesNE 182 line 616 Dec 1898Vancouver City CemeteryJames Bird Laddames (Eng) and Alice Ann Gray (Eng) - parentsfather James was married twice Hilda Brothe (1), and Alice Gray (2) - he had 2 children by Hilda and 7 by Alice; James and Alice were living in Vancouver WA in 1910
Lamb Charlotte "Sara"Jane Sharpe1833 Oct 5on ocean liner in New York harbor as parents were arriving from Scotland1931 Aug 9at the home of Ferdinand Hanson, Salmon Cr, Clark Co., WashingtonmyocarditisyesOliver C LambNE 50-1 line 2Hamilton Funeral Home 12 Aug 1931Vancouver City CemeteryClancy/Chauncy Stephen Lamb (VT) - spouse; Oliver Clancy, Don Orange - children; Pomeroy Sharpe (Scot) and ? ? (Scot) - parentspractical nurseCharlotte J (on headstone) is probably Sara Jane; her parents died when she was an infant, she was adopted by a couple in Vermont, grew up in VT married Clancy in VT he as about 20 years older; 1860 lived in Minn, Oliver born 1857 in VT, then to WI., husband Clancy died in Diamond Bluff, Pierce Co., Wis after 1848. Sara and son Oliver came west settling in Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 10 Aug 1931
Lamb Oliver Chauncy1857 Nov 28Morgan, Orleans Co., Vermont1948 Mar 10Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonkidney infectionyesOliver C LambNE 50-2 line 2Vancouver Funeral Home13 Mar 1948Vancouver City CemeteryLaura R Morton (WI)(1), Adeline "Adda" Hancock (MN)(2) and Sophie Wefer (Ger)(3) - spouse; Charles Earl, Clyde G, Harold Arthur - children by Laura; Clauncy Lamb (VT) and Sara Jane Sharpe (at sea)- parents1880-farmer, WI; 1900-logger, Clark Co., WA; 1910- logger, Columbia Co., OR; 1920 - logging camp-not working, Columbia Co., OR; 1930 dishwasher at hotel, Portland OR; 1940 in Portland OR-not working; also newspaper salesman1880-single boarder; married Laura 1886 in Wisconsin-she died 1904, Portland OR; 1930-1940 single, probably divorce twice; obit The Columbian 12 Mar 1948-29 years in Portland before death prior, lived 25 years in Vancouver.
Lamb Laura RosaMorton1870 FebDunn Co., Wisconsin1904 Oct 29Vancouver WAlingering illnessyesOliver C LambNE 50 line 231 Oct 1904Vancouver City CemeteryOliver Chauncy Lamb - spouse; Charles Earl, Clyde G, Harold Arthur - children; John Morton (IN) and Matilda Brownlee (IN) - parentsAdventist1900 census 3 children/3 living; parents buried in Ridgefield Cemetery, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 3 Nov 1904
Lamb Charles Earl1886 Nov 10Ellsworth, Pierce Co, Wisconsin1967 Apr 2in hospital, Vancouver WAlung canceryesCharles Earl LambNE 50-1 line 2Vancouver Funeral Home5 Apr 1967Vancouver City CemeteryReatha Katrinka Bailey (WA) - spouse; premature infant, Madge, Bert E - children; Oliver Chauncy Lamb (VT) and Laura R Morton (WI) - parentsEagles Lodge #2158 member1920-1930 worked for City of Vancouver, 1930-1940-Charlie's Bargain Store (second hand) obit The Columbian 3 Apr 1967- survivors son Bert and dau Madge
Lamb ReathaKatrinkaBailey1891 Jan 24Colfax, Whitman Co., Washington1967 Jan 26Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesReatha K LambNE 50-2 line 2Vancouver Funeral Home31 Jan 1967Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Earl Lamb (WI) - spouse; premature infant, Madge, Bert E - children; Ward E Bailey (OH) and Cena A Layson (CA) - parentsRebekahs, Evangelical Brethren Churchobit The Columbian 27 Jan 1967- survivors, husband, son Bert and dau Madge; lived in Vancouver 70 years
Lamb infant1921 Sep 15Vancouver WA1921 Sep 15Vancouver WAprematurenoOliver C LambNE 50-2 line 216 Sep 1921Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Earl Lamb (WI )and Reatha Katrinka Bailey (WA) - parents
LaneConstantine/ ConstantW1877Finland1904 Mar 19Clark Co., WAaccidental broken limb fell in a stormnoPotters Field, permit #10621 Mar 1904Vancouver City Cemeterysinglewagon makerobit The Columbian 24 Mar 1904
LangJamesE18661889 Aug 20typhoid fevernoPotters Field, permit 2721 Aug 1889Vancouver City Cemeterycould have been at Ft Vancouver, also Portland City Directory a bookkeeper is listed in Vancouver 1890.
Langdon, SrCharles1870 Jul 29Brixham, Devon County, England1949 Oct 17Vancouver WAheart failure noCharles LangdonNE 208-1 line 1Vancouver Funeral Chapel20 Oct 1949Vancouver City CemeteryTheckla A Johnson (Swe) - spouse; William, Charles (Jr), Albert, Myrtle, Mabel, John Bernard - children; Lke Langdon (Eng) and Mary Ann ? (Eng) - parentssalesman for dairy productsburied with grandson John Ford; obit The Columbian 18 Oct 1949-43 years lived in Vancouver-survivors - wife, all children-William, Albert, Charles, Myrtle, Mabel
LangdonTheckla/TeklaAmanda/Josefina??Johanson1879 Aug 2Slattakra, Halland, Sweden1962 Dec 11Vancouver WAheart failure noTheckla LangdonNE 208-1 line 1Evergreen Funeral Home14 Dec 1962Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Langdon, Sr (Eng) - spouse; William, Charles (Jr), Albert, Myrtle, Mabel, John Bernard - children; Johan Bernhardt Johanson (Swe) and Anna Berg (also Petersdotter)(Swe) - parentsSalvation Army membermother buried in same plot and grandson John Ford; obit The Columbian 13 Dec 1962-
LangdonJohnBernard1903 Dec 20Victor, Teller Co., Colorado1913 Jul 28at Hathaway Ranch, Clark Co.,Washingtonaccidental drowning in Vancouver SloughnoLangdonNE 208-3 line 1Knapp Funeral ParlorJul 1913Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Langdon (Eng) and Theckla Amanda Johnson (SWE) - parentssiblings - William J, Charles, Myrtle M, Mabel E, Albert L; obit The Columbian 29 Jul 1913-swimming accident with brother
LarsonLarsAugust1855 Mar 12Vasteras Lundby, Vastmanland, Sweden1912 Apr 22at home at RFD #6 near Glenwood, Clark Co.,Washingtoncancer of the stomachyesJosephine LarsonNE 32-1 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Apr 1912Vancouver City CemeteryJosephina "Josephine" Johansdotter/Johnson (Swe) - spouse; Lars Erik Soderquist (Swe) and Carolina Lindstrom (Swe) - parentsimmigrated in 1892; siblings-Peralfred (male), Carolina Sofia, Carl Johan;
LarsonJosephine/JosephinaJohansdotter1849 Oct 23Kilsby, Tillinge, Uppsala, Sweden1929 Aug 20Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhageyesJosephine LarsonNE 32-2 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor23 Aug 1929Vancouver City CemeteryJohan Andersson (Swe)(1) and Lars August Larson (Swe) - spouses; Johan, Andrew (aka Erik Arvid in Sweden) - children by Andersson; Jan Ersson (Swe) and Anna Andersdotter (Swe) - parentsAndersson died in Swe; married Larson in 1888, Sweden immigrated in 1892; son Erik immigrated also and died in Portland OR; funeral notice The Oregonian 21 Aug 1929
LawWilliam1839 Feb 11Concord, Lake Co., Ohio1914 Jun 22son's home 612 W 18th St., Vancouver WAcerebral apoplexynoN A LawNE 210-3 liner 17Limber Funeral Home23 Jun 1914Vancouver City CemeteryMary George (OH) - spouse; Walter, Ollie, child - children; William Law (OH) and Laura Dulan (OH) - parentsmerchant- during Civil War bought horses and mules for Government1900 census 3 children/2 living, obit The Oregonian 23 Jun 1914
LawheadFrancisM1901 NovHubbard Co., Minnesota1919 Jun 5Vancouver WAtuberculosisnoNE 69-3 line 12Limber Funeral Home8 Jun 1919Vancouvef City Cemetery/Park Hill Cemeterysingle; Otis Lawhead (MO) and Nellie Burke (MN) - parentsBoy Scoutsstudentobit The Oregonian 7 Jun 1919- 18 years, 7m o, 16 days; could be buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA-death cert and obit; father died at State Hospital in Salem OR, no place burial place, mother died in Vancouver 1958, buried at Park Hill under the name of COOK, mother divorced Otis and married John Cook by 1920
LawrenceGus1857Maine?1909 Oct 21home of John Nelson at Thompson and Swan Sts., Vancouver WAapoplexynoNE 169-1 line 8 Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Oct 1909Vancouver City Cemeterysinglejunk dealercharged to A F Broadfoot of RFD #7, Flanders Ranch, Washington
LaymanWilliamProctor1852 Mar 23Silver Creek, Chautauqua Co., New York1910 Oct 7at home at 1108 Main St., Vancouver WAbronchial pneumonia/ tuberculosisyesLaura LaymanNE 136-4 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor9 Oct 1910Vancouver City CemeteryEmma Green (NY)(1) and Laura M ?W - spouse; Edward, Ora, Levi - children by Emma; William P Layman (NY) and Minerva Amidon (VT) - parentsKuntux Tribe #3, Int'l Order of the Redman brick contractormay have abandoned/ divorced Emma; 1880 in Chautauqua Co., NY with Emma and 3 sons; obit The Columbian 7 Oct 1910-came to Vancouver by wife and 2 step-daus Chaffe in Rochester, NY
LembromeBenjamin1895 FebnoPotters Field2 Feb 1895Vancouver City Cemetery
LeonardLeahHafneter1880 Mar 15Hastings, Adams Co., Nebraska1964 Apr 22Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washington senilitynoRichard Leonard, SrNE 35-1 line 14Knapp-Gunderson Funeral Home25 Apr 1964Vancouver City CemeteryGaret Wilke/Lewis Hahn (Ger)(1), John W Ford (1), Samuel Ziegler (PA)(3), and David Richard Leonard, Sr. (IL)(4) - spouse; Gottlieb, Leona - children by Hahn; Gottlief Hafneter (Rus) and Elizabeth Becker (Rus) - parents
1920-working in woolen mill, Washougal, Clark Co., WAmarried Hahn before 1902; married 28 Sep 1920 - Ford, Clark Co., WA; married 11 Feb 1926 to Ziegler, Clark Co., WA; married 1 Jan 1940, Clark Co., WA; divorced Ziegler; previously widowed; obit The Columbian 23 Apr 1964-43 resident of Vancouver, survivors-son Gottlief and dau Leona
Leonard, SrRichard "Dick"David1875 Jan 2Henderson, Knox Co., Illinois1948 Dec 1Vancouver WAtuberculosisashesyesDavid R LeonardNE 35-3 line 14Limber Funeral Chapel7 Dec 1948Vancouver City CemeteryEmma Glockner (IL)(1), Mary Olive Goddard (WA)(2) and Leah Hafneter (Neb)(3) - spouses; Bertha, Richard Leonard,Jr., Dolly Lucille - children ny Emma; David Richard Leonard (OH) and Mary Stephenson (MO) - parents1900-farm laborer, Kansas; 1910-1916 marble cutter, Vancouver WA; 1920- worked in cement plant, Portland ORmarried Emma Glockner about 1902, 1910-Emma 6 children/2 living, by 1940 Emma divorced, Portland OR; married 1925 Mary Goddard; married Leah in 1940 in Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 2 Dec 1948-buried on Monday Dec 7 1948-survivors wife and a brother, employed for 5 years as the sexten (caretaker) of Old City Cemetery
LeonardMary OliveGoddard1871 Feb 13on Goddard Farm, Salmon Creek, Clark Co., Washington1938 Aug 9Clark Co. General Hospital, Vancouver WAcardiac failureyesDavid R LeonardNE 35-5 line 14Knapp Funeral Parlor12 Aug 1938Vancouver City CemeteryJeremiah Cramer (IA)(1) and Richard "Dick" Leonard (IL)(2) - spouses; Charles Edson, Annie Laurie, May Elizabeth, Philip Alexander, Mary Alice - children by Cramer; Charles Goddard (IA) and Mary Jane Alexander (IL) - parentsChristian Church memberThe Charles Goddard family came on the Oregon Trail in 1852 with 8 children; obit The Columbian 10 Aug 1938-survivors - husband Leonard, daus Alice and May, son Phillip Cramer
Leonard, JrRichardDavid1904Vancouver WA1908 May 28Vancouver WAdiphtheriayesRichard Leonard, SrNE 35 line 14S W Wilkins, undertaker29 May 1908Vancouver City CemeteryRichard Leonard, Sr. (IL) and Emma Glockner (IL) - parentsState of Washington Death Certificate
Lepleyinfant (male)1909 Nov 19Vancouver WA1909 Nov 19Vancouver WAstillbornnoNE 169-4 line 8Hamilton Funeral Home 19 Nov 1909Vancouver City CemeteryFred W Lepley (OH) and Maude Sharpneck (OH) - parentsalso listed in Potter's field permit #150-Lipley
LeuschnerCarlJulius1884 Aug 11Germany1930 Aug 11St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAintestinsl obtructionyesFred ZachariasNE 123 line 11Limber Funeral Chapel14 Aug 1930Vancouver City CemeteryEmma Wilhamenia Zacharias (Neb) - spouse; Evelyn - child; Julius Leischner (Ger) and Ida Faustis (Ger) - parentsship yard laborer, truck driverobit The Columbian 13 Aug 1930
LeuschnerEmma WilhameniaZacharias1889 Jun 16Hastings, Adams Co., Nebraska1931 Feb 2Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesFred ZachariasNE 123 line 11Limber Funeral Chapel5 Feb 1931Vancouver City CemeteryCarl J Leuschner (Ger) - spouse; Evelyn - child; Fred Zacharias (Ger) and Augusta Roche (Ger) - parentsobit The Columbian 3 Feb 1931-married Leuschner 5 Jul 1911 in Clark Co., WA; came to Vancouver in 1902
Liddle/LittleWilliamD1870Ireland1914 Jan 2Clark County General Hospital, Vancouver WAnephritis, alcoholismnoN D LiddleNE 206-4 line 3Beatty Funeral Home2 Jan 1914Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; ? Liddle (Eng) and ? ? (Ire) - parentsOdd Fellowlaborer, logger, working saw mill-Speers Logging Company obit The Columbian 5 Jan 1914- name spelled LITTLE, immigrated with sister as a boy, employed by Speers Logging Co, Clark Co., WA, sister living in Britsh Columbia
LieserLouis1817 Nov 3Nassau, Hesse, Germany1907 Jun 5Clark Co., WAgored by a bullyesHenry C LieserNE 150 N/2 line 67 Jun 1907Vancouver City CemeteryElizabeth Hollingsworth (IA)(1) and Amelia Stewart (2) - spouses; Henry Clay, George, Louis, Adelaide, Lafayette (4 died young) - children by Elizabeth; Wilhelm Leieser (Ger) and ? ? (Ger) - parentsemigrated to US in 1837 and was naturalized soon after; crossed the plains in 1850 with family and set up a general store in The Dalles; 1851 took a Donation Land Claim of 640 acres along the Columbia River east of Ft Vancouver; set up and ran a water powered saw mill in Brush Prairie; 1860 he owned 10,000 acres of timberland, Fisher's Landing area - was considered a farmer, 1870-1880 lumberman, Vancouver WA.1850 Oregon Trail crossing with wife and children; Leiser Road in Vancouver is on the original Donation Land Claim. He was an impatience, moody man and was not a family man. Married 12 Aug 1869 to Amelia-second marriage failed. Son Henry lived with a minister in Portland; obit The Columbian 6 Jun 1907.
LieserElizabethHollingsworth1822 Sep 4Germany1855 Nov 30Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesHenry C LieserNE 150-4 line 6cemetery not open in 1855Vancouver City CemeteryLouis Leiser (Ger) - spouse; Henry Clay, Adelaide, Lafayette, George, Louis - children; Ezekial Hollingsworth (Eng) and ? ? (Eng) - parentsmarried in Henry Co., Iowa 3 Nov 1842; Crossed the plains in 1850 on the Oregon Trail with Louis and children; either moved to Old City or just has name on marker
LieserMiles Underwood1879 May 3Vancouver WA1918 Oct 25Vancouver WApneumonia, 1918 Spanish influenza epidemic ashesyesHenry C LieserNE 150-5 line 6 (ashes)Limber Funeral Chapel28 Oct 1918Vancouver City CemeteryDr. Blanche Darrow (MO) - spouse; no children; Henry Clay Leiser (WI) and Elizabeth Hay (OR)- parentsWorld War I veteran, Captain in the Medical Corps as doctorphysician - had office with his brother Herbert, closed office and joined Medical Corps for WW Iattended Pacific University, U of Washington and U of Oregon medical school graduated 1908; married Blanche in May 1909-she was also a physician; he died of exposure to influenza during the 1918 epidemic, caught the flu, partially recovered by relapsed and died; Louis and Elizabethe Lieser - grandparents; obit The Columbian 26 Oct 1918-lived all life in Clark Co., WA, 1900 started a medical practice with brother; wife remarried 1929 to Fred Corliss, died in 1960, Portland OR
LilleyAnnaGrace1887Wisconsin1912 Jun 2Western State Hospital, Ft Steillacoom, Pierce Co., Washington25 yearsno Limber Funeral Home5 Jun 1912Park Hill Cemeterysingleburied in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
LindholmMajorieGage1907 Feb 25Vancouver WA1970 Sep 4Multnomah Co., OregonnoJoseph A WebberNE 215-5 line 18Bateman Funeral Chapel, Gresham, Multnomah Co., Oregon9 Sep 1970Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert E Lindholm (GA) - spouse; Carol Mae - child; Nathan Gage (MI) and Bessie M Buch (WA) - parents1930-machine operator in a planing mill, Vanocuver WA; 1940-farm laborer, Clackamas Co., OR (as Marjorie Gage)1930-"widowed," living with aunt and uncle Mildred and James Webber, Vancouver WA with dau Carol; 1940 - Prineville OR; husband Albert died in 1976 in GA; dau died in under Mar 1997, Cowlitz Co., WA; mother buried at Post Cemetery with third husband,Vancouver WA; newspaper article The Oregonian, 7 Sep 1970; mother lost first husband after her father killed him, Mother and grandfather George Buch buried at Post Cemetery, Vancouver WA
LindleCarrieArneson1859 Nov 14Norway1911 Jan 19Astoria, Clatsop Co., OregonLa Gripe, cerebral complicationsyesMartin ArnesonNE 72-4 line 9Grice and Beatty Undertakers21 Jan 1911Vancouver City CemeteryAndrew Lindle (Swe) - spouse; Anna, Lena, Cornelia, Martin, Olive - children; Arne Kristianson (Nor) and Bertha Arneson (Nor) - parents Andrew died in 1935, buried in Rose City Cemetery, Portland OR with dau Anna; sibling: Martin, William Christian Arneson in NE 88; Obit The Columbiab 26 Jan 1911-no living family in Vancover at time of death
LisherManfordGreely1851 NovMcHenry Co., Illinois1914 Aug 6at home, Vancouver WAnephritisnoMiss Lucille LisherNE 211-3 line 18Beatty Funeral Home9 Aug 1914Vancouver City CemeteryJosephine Southard (NY) - spouse; Lucille Josephine - child; James Noyes Lisher (RI) and Elizabeth Oldham (TN/NC) - parents1900- Civil engineer, Wasco Co., OR; 1910-civil engineer, Vancouver WAmarried Josephine in 1891 in Multnomah Co., OR,1900-Wasco Co., Oregon, divorced; WA Death Index; death notice The Columbian 7 Aug 1914; wife Josephine living in Vancouver with dau 1900, Josephine dies in 1932 in Portland OR, buried in Odd Fellows Cemetery, Columbian Co., OR
LockwoodGladysM1905 Jul 21Clark Co., WA1906 Mar 26Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonbroncial pneumoniayesAugust RichterNE 79 line 228 Mar 1906Vancouver City CemeteryRay Lockwood (Neb) and Anna Matthews (WA) - parents; Parents married in Mar 1905, Clark Co., WA; Mrs August Richter is grandmother; obit The Columbian 29 Mar 1906broken headstone and base
LockwoodLewisMerritt1859 Dec 5McHenry Co., Illinois1905 Jun 12Cowlitz Co., Washingtonaccidental burnsyesMary LockwoodNE 114 line 213 Jun 1905Vancouver City CemeteryMary E Jones (NY) - spouse; Raymond, Mabel - children; Lewis Travis Lockwood (VT) and Mary Catherine Van Camp (IN) - parents1900 - brakeman, railroad, Baker, Baker Co., Oregon; 1905 eatchman for Washingtona dn Oregon lumber Mill.married 25 Dec 1882, North Platte Co., Neb.; obit The Columbian 15 Jun 1905-night watch at saw mill died by scalding by steam, Wasington and Oregon Lumber Mill
Long 1885 Mayold agenoPotters Field20 May 1885Vancouver City Cemetery
Long Roy1881Pleasant Hill, Miami Co., Ohio1906 Dec 10St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAsuicide, gun shot woundnoPotters Field, permit #310 Dec 1906Vancouver City Cemetery Edith Jones - spouse; no childrenUS Army, Vancouver WA; discharged in 11 Aug 1904bartendermarried Edith Aug 1906, Clark Co., WA; wife left him for Aberdeen WA; newspaper article The Tacoma Ledger 12 Dec 1906- dispondent after wife left, frequented bars
Loomis OscarMarvin1834 Apr 9Cattaraugus Co., New York1905 Jan 25Vancouver WAparalysisnoMary E LoomisNE 113 line 128 Jan 1905Vancouver City CemeteryMary Jane Turnby (MA)(1) and Mary Eaton (PA)(2) - spouses; Joseph Emmit, Daniel D, John Marvin, Mary H, Nellie Jane, Bessie Anna - children by Turnby; John C Loomis (MA) and Mehitable Hadley Wheeler (MA) - parentsCivil War veteran, Co 43 Wisconsin InfantryGrant Co., Wisconsin: 1860-1870- farmer, 1880- Merchant, 1900-landlordmarried Mary Turnby 13 Jan 1856, Grant Co., WI-she died in WI 1877; married Mary Moore circa 1891, Grant Co., WI; dau Bessie Anna lived in Clark Co., WA and married in 1905; brother - John C in NE 144
Loomis Mary Eaton1854 Nov 9Pennsylvania1934 Dec 17at home on R St., Vancouver WAcancer noMary E LoomisNE 113 line 1Hamilton Funeral Home 21 Dec 1934Vancouver City CemeteryOscar Marvin Loomis (NY) - spouse; no children; John Hart Eaton (NY) and Elmira Edward (PA) - parentsAdventist1880-Mary Eaton-stepdau in Moore houshold; married Loomis, 1891, Grant Co. WI; 1900-0 children/0 living; 1910-until death lived in Vancouver WA; obit The Oregonian 18 Dec 1934; Obit The Columbian 17 Dec 1934- survivrors sister and step dau; believe maiden name is Eaton not Moore, Charles Moore was second husband of mother Elmira, John Eaton (first husband, probably divorced) died in 1885 in WI. Sister Melissa Eaton married an ALexander Hood and 1905 Mary Loomis was living with sister in WI
Loomis John Carlos1826 Jun 26New York1919 Jan 23Vancouver WAold agenoPorter L LoomisNE 144 line 1Limber Funeral Home25 Jan 1919Vancouver City CemeteryAurelia Sophia Mayhew (OH) - spouse; Henry Melvin, Amanda L, Newton E, Melissa Fhedora, Simon Peter, Dwight Clowey, Flora May, Allen Walter, Clarence, Porter J - children; John C Loomis (MA) and Mehitable Hadley Wheeler (MA) - parents1860-1880-farmer in Grant Co., WI; 1900-1910-farmer rented 123 Acres, Harney, Clark Co., Washingtonmarried Sophia 27 Feb 1850, Green Co., WI; brother - Oscar Marvin in NE 113; dau Flora May Myer in NE 118; obit The Columbian 24 Jan 1919-20 year resident of Vancouver, survivors 3 daus and 3 sons
Loomis AureliaSophiaMayhew1835 Feb 1Ohio1918 May 28Vancouver WAsenilitynoJohn C LoomisNE 144 line 1Limber Funeral Home29 May 1918Vancouver City CemeteryJohn C Loomis (NY) - spouse; Henry Melvin, Amanda L, Newton E, Melissa Fhedora, Simon Peter, Dwight Clowey, Flora May, Allen Walter, Clarence, Porter J - children; ? Mayhewmarried Loomis 27 Feb 1850, Green Co., WI; 1900 cenus 9 children/9 living; 1910 census- 9 children/6 living, porbably 10 children; dau Flora May Myers in plot NE 118; obit The Columbian 30 May 1918-survivors husband and 3 sons and 3 daus
Loomis HelenAgnes1907 Mar 3Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1907 Nov 14at home on Corbett St., Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failurenoPorter L LoomisNE 144 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Nov 1907Vancouver City CemeteryPorter J Loomis, Sr (WI) and Winnie Levera Hoffman (OR) - parentsgranddau of John and Aurelia Loomis in same plot
Loomis Henry Melvin1852 Jan 9Millville, Grant Co., Wisconsin1909 Oct 18at home in Vancouver Heights area, Vancouver WAparalysisyesPorter L LoomisNE 144 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor19 Oct 1909Vancouver City CemeteryMargaret Ellen Foust (WI) - spouse; Betsy Jane - child; John C Loomis (NY) and Sophia Mayhew (OH) - parentsAdventist1880-farmer, Crawford Co., WI; 1900-farmer and day laborer, Clark Co., WAmarried Margaret 28 Nov 1875, Sauk Co., WI; 1900-widowed (1889) and living with parents in Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 21 Oct 1909-11 years Clark Co resident; survived by parent and siblings
Loomis Margaret "Allie"AllieEllenFoust1856 Aug 3Sauk Co., Wisconsin1889 Mar 31Clark Co., WAyesPorter L LoomisNE 144 line 1Apr 1889Vancouver City CemeteryHenry Melvin Loomis (WI) - spouse; Betsy Jane - child; James A Foust (TN) and Mary Loy (TN) - parents
Loomis AllenWalter1868 Aug 11Grant Co., Wisconsin1905 Jan 30Clark Co., WAaccident working on ralroad bridege, fell, Burnt Bridge, Clark Co., WAnoJohn C LoomisNE 144 line 1Jan 1905Vancouver City CemeteryRosette Kennedy - spouse; John C Loomis and Sophia Mayhew (OH) - parentsmarried 15 Apr 1894, Wisconsin; 1900-Snohomish Co., WA, widowed; newspaper article Seattle Daily Times, 28 Jan 1905
LooneyBessieHealdSmith1867 Oct 25LaPorte Co., Indiana1929 Dec 26St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAcanceryesBessie H LooneyNE 93 line 13Limber Funeral Home29 Dec 1929Vancouver City CemeteryJ W Horne (OR)(1) and Benjamin Clarke Looney (MO)(2) - spouses; Arba Harold, Harvey Clinton - children by Horne; Bessie, Edith Laverne, Wendell, Marian - children by Looney; Michael Smith (Eng) and Mary Ann Heald (IN) - parentsmarried Looney 1897, Idaho; mother buried in same plot; obit The Columbian 28 Dec 1929-survived by sons Wendel Looney and Harold Horne and daus Laverne and Bessie
LooneyBenjaminClarke1850 Mar 27Greene Co., Missouri1928 Nov 29at home at 1305 E 29th St., Vancouver WAcancer of the liveryesBessie H LooneyNE 93-5 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor1 Dec 1928Vancouver City CemeteryMary Wright (IN)(1 )and Bessie Heald Smith (IN)(2) - spouse; Charles, Harvey, Rose, Eva, Lloyd, Bertha - children by Mary; Bessie, Laverne, Wendell, Marian - children by Bessie; Clinton Looney (TN) and Rebecca/Eliza Mitchell (TN) - parents farmer Mary died in 1893, Linn Co., OR; married Bessie in 1893, Idaho;obit The Columbian 230 Nov 1928- 22 years Clark Co., resident from Idaho, survivors wife and 3 sons Wendell, Charles and Lloyd, 5 daus
LoudenGeorgeM1906 Oct 30Washington1908 Sep 2Vancouver WAcolitisnoFlorence CamersonNE 138-4 line 7Vancouver Undertaking Co.4 Sep 1908Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge W Louden (PA) and Mary Galloway (IL) - parentsobit The Columbian 10 Sep 1908-died at home near Burnt Bridge Creek
Lowkzauntinfant (male)1908 May 211908 May 21stillbornnoPotters Field, permit #13621 May 1908Vancouver City CemeteryLowrzaint
LowreyWilliamClayton1837 FebClaiborne Co., Tennessee1907 May 18Vancouver WAheart failureyesWilliam C LowreyNE 172 line 520 May 1907Vancouver City CemeteryLydia Bean (TN)(1) and Annie Peters (TN)(2) - spouses; Mary, George, Matilda, William, Anna, McHenry, Sarah, Cynthia, Margaret, Hugh, Isham - children by Lydia; Isham Lowrey (GA) and Cynthia Clayton (KY) - parentsCivil War veteran - US Army, Co. G, 2nd Infantry, Union1870-farmer, TN, 1880-farmer, MO; 1900-restaurant , MOmarried Lydia 26 Nov 1856, TN; Lydia died and buried in Mansfield, MO; Annie marriaed previously to Blevins, died in 1926, FLA; granddau Shirley Martin in same plot
LowryMatt18601890 Mar 30suicide by gunnoPotters Field, permit #3831 Mar 1890Vancouver City Cemeterynews article The Oregonian 4 Apr 1890-suicide
LuethEmmaKahler/Kaehler1869 Jan 31 Nicollet Co., Minnesota1906 Jul 17Collins Springs, Skamania Co., Washintonaccidental poisoning by carbolic acidnoJohn LuethNE 41 line 817 Jul 1906Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Lueth (Ger) - spouse; Andrew R, Alma M, Elsie A, Reinhart H, Albert A, Laura, John, Walter, Martha - children; William Kaehler (Ger) and Sophie Enter (Ger) - parents2 sons born in Clark Co., WA to John and Emma Lueth: 20 Mar 1902 and 3 Jan 1904; husband died in 1936, Wells Co., ND and buried there. The Oregonian 19 Jul 1906-husband have her a potion by mistake, she had been sicknew marker
LuethWalter 1904 Jan 3Vancouver WA1905 Jun 9Clark Co., WAnoJohn LuethNE 09 line 8Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Lueth (Ger) and Emma Kaehler/Kahler (MN) - parents
Lukich/LukickBude (male)1857 Jun 10Austria1910 Sep 23Yacolt, Clark Co., WAaccidental internal injuries, fighting forest fireyesJohn LukichNE 136-2 line9Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Sep 1910Vancouver City Cemeterymarried; 3 children in Austria and 3 sons in America; Nick Lukich (Ger) and ? ? (Ger) - parentslaborer for railroad constructioncharged to John Lukich; 1910 a number of Lukich working the railroad construction; obit The Columbian 26 Sep 1910-fighting forest fire, hit by limbs died in hospital, survivored by wife and 3 children in Austria and three sons in US, probably working with him at time of accident; wife did not emmigrateheadstone set in ground
LullEdwardD1859Wisconsin ?1900 Feb 26St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesNE 169 line 8 (Potters Fields #87)28 Feb 1900Vancouver City CemeteryMarcus S Lull and Lydia A Getman - possible not his parents; newspaper Article The Columbian 2 Mar 1900-taken care by Cowlitz Co, WAbroken base
LuttrellBernard Charles1914 Oct 26Clark Co., WA1916 Oct 25Camas, Clark Co., Washingtontuberculosis meningitisyesNE 25-5 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Oct 1916Vancouver City CemeteryRobert Luttrell (CA) and Ethel Mary Alexander (WA) - parentsparents married in 1914, Clark Co. WA; father buried in Ridgefield; mother at Evergreen Memorial, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 26 Oct 1916
LynchJamesJ1876 (1875)Connecticut1910 Dec 27St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAsuicide, knife wounds and alcoholism in local rooming housenoNE 165-1 line 12 Potters FieldGrice and Beatty Undertakers19 Feb 1911Vancouver City CemeteryMichael Lynch (Ire) and Mary Fwnton (Ire) - parents??laborernewspaper article, The Columbian, 29 Dec 1910; newspaper The Oregonian, 18 Feb 1911
LyonsGeorge B1859 circa 1909 Dec 18Ridgefield, Clark Co., Washingtonfound body found by railroad track - hit by train, about 50 yrnoNE 168-1 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Dec 1909Vancouver City Cemeteryloggerin Porter and Gilman inventories this is listed as "Lepont" in plot 168 and "Lyant" in Potters Field, permit #152 - misspelled last name; newspaper article The Oregonian 23 Dec 1909; obit The Columbian 23 Dec 1909-was going from Vancouver to Tacoma when died
Lyonsinfant 1907 Mar 23Vancouver WA1907 Mar 23Vancouver WAstillbornnoPotters Field, permit #7 24 Mar 1907Vancouver City CemeteryStella Lyons - motherloggerchild born out of wedlock, Stella married Harry Fisk in Feb 23 1908, Clark Co., WA
McDonaldGeorgeClarke1909 Aug 25Vancouver WA1909 Dec 24Vancouver WAaccidental suffocationnoNE 89-1Hamilton Funeral Home 26 Dec 1909Vancouver City CemeteryAlexander McDonald (MI) and Della Margart Ellis (OR) - parentsparents worked at Deaf School as carpenter and laundress 1900-1910
MalamesMetros1906 Jul 24Clark Co., WA1908 Jan 24at home, Fruit Valley, Clark Co., Washingtonpneumonia noPotters Field, permit #133Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Jan 1908Vancouver City Cemetery
ManleyRobert1855Sweden ?1905 Jan 29asthmanoPotters Field, permit #130 Jan 1905Vancouver City CemeteryAndrew J Manley (Swe) and Anna Peterson (Swe) - parents??siblings - Lewis J and August; this family is in Clark Co 1880-1900; mother Anna had 6 children/4 living - no Roberts are listed in family, but age is right
ManningLuella F18771905 Jan 19St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAconsumptionnoG A ManningNE 09 line 8Good and Burnett Undertaking, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon22 Jan 1905Vancouver City Cemetery single; G A Manning - parentObit The Oregon Journal 22 Jan 1905; obit The Columbian 26 Jan 1905- Lillian Manning in hospital with TB, sister of SA Manning of Amboy, Clark Co., WA
Manning James F 1866Wisconsin1908 Sep 29St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAaccidental injury (same accident as Emma Green), severe burns from gasoline camp?noMrs J F ManningNE 94 line 14Vancouver Undertaking Co.4 Oct 1908Vancouver City CemeterysingleHotel clerkCame to Washington from South Dakota; State of Washington Death Certificate
ManwellCliffordEdward1893 Aug 5Amboy, Clark Co., Washington1923 May 31Minnehaha, Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesR B JonesNE 130 N/2 line 15Limber Funeral Home2 Jun 1923Vancouver City CemeteryElizabeth Hull (WA) - spouse; Florence, James, Doris - children; William Manwell (IA) and Mattie M Jones (IA) - parentsfarmerwife buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA under Mead; married 1917 Benton Co., OR; obit The Columbian 1 Jun 1923-survivors wife, daus Florence and Doris and son Melvin, lived in Clark entire life; mother Mattoe Wiggins buried at Brush Prairie Cemetery, Clark Co., WA, plot B-104
MapelJessieA 1879 Sep 14Weeping Water, Cass Co., Nebraska1909 Mar 17St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAappendicitisnoHiram H MapilNE 08-2 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor24 Mar 1909Vancouver City CemeteryDaisy Larrison (IL) - spouse; William Mapel (OH) and Martha Jenkins (OH) - parentsOdd FellowHotel Clerk at Hotel Columbiamarried Daisy 10 Jun 1903, Neb; 1910 she is still at home with parents under Larrison; funeral at Odd Fellows Hall; sibling: Hiram H; obit The Columbian 18 Mar 1909-survivors mother and 2 brothers in Neb., he came from Hood River the prior November.
MarcumRosa18611890 Feb 8remittent fever (tuberculosis)noPotters Field, permit #379 Feb 1890Vancouver City Cemeterymarried
MarshallMildred1911 Aug 12Siskiyou Co., California1911 Sep 28Rosemere Addition, Vancouver WApremature, bowel troublenoW R MarshallNE 90-2 line 10Limber Funeral Chapel29 Sep 1911Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam R Marshall (MO) and Myrtle Rouse (CA) - parentWA State Death Certificate
MartinShirleyB1894 Apr 26Seymour, Webster Co., Missouri1908 Apr 2Clark Co., WAtyphoid feveryesWilliam C LowreyNE 172 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Apr 1908Vancouver City CemeteryAdolph Martin (WI) and Alice Lowrey (MO) - parentsWilliam C Lowrey - grandfather; in same plot
MarucaSondraLeonaYoachum1941 Jul 7Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colorado2007 Jul 27Vancouver WAyesNE 32a outside edge1 Aug 2007Vancouver City CemeteryDion R Maruca (WA) - spouse; Jeffery, David - children; Bernard E Yoachum (MO) and Alpha Mae Colvin (OK) - parentsmarried 3 August 1963, Kootenai Co., Idaho; Obit The Columbian 1 Aug 2007
MarucaDion Robert1940 Apr 9Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington2009 Nov 5Vancouver WAyesNE 32a outside edgeHamilton-Mylan Funeral Home 12 Nov 2009Vancouver City CemeterySondra Leona Yoachum (CO) - spouse; Jeffery, David - children; John Joseph Maruca (WA) and Alice Marie Dion (WA) - parentsCatholic HN US Navy, 1959-1962beverage route salesmanmarried 3 August 1963, Kootenai Co., Idaho; obit The Oregonian 10 Nov 2009; father buried at Mt Calvary Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon
MathewsMaude18801885 Sep 17lung diseasenoPotters Field (moved)18 Sep 1885Vancouver City Cemeterylater moved to unknown distination
Mathews JamesMilton1863 JanIndiana1904 Jun 2Vancouver WAtyphoid fever, pneumoniayesIva Zoe MathewsNE 49 line 14 Jun 1904Vancouver City CemeteryLva Zoe Gregg (IA) - spouse; Wendell, Milo S - children; Roberts Mathews (OH) and Nancy Russell (IN) - parentsUnited Artisansgrocery salesman, mail carrierobit The Columbian 9 Jun 1904-survivors wife and children
Mathews IvaZoeGregg1865 Sep 8Clarke Co., Iowa1935 May 22Clark General Hospital, Vancouver WAcancernoIva Zoe MathewsNE 49 line 1Hamilton Funeral Home 24 May 1935Vancouver City CemeteryJames M Mathews (IN) - spouse; Wendell, Milo S - children; John Gregg (IN) and Sarah Stewart (IN) - parentsWendell buried in Willamette Nat'l Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR; obit The Columbin 22 May 1935-extended illness, resident of city 45 years, survivor - son Wendell
Mathews MiloS 1902 Dec 2Clark Co., WA1921 Feb 5Mare Island Naval Hospital, Solano Co., Californiaspinal meningitisyesIva Zoe MathewsNE 49-5 line 1Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Feb 1921Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; James M Mathews (IN) and Iva Zoe Gregg (IA) - parentsUS Navy/Marinesobit The Columbian 7 Feb 1921-survivors mother and brother
Mathews, JrEdward18421906 Mar 1epilepsynoEdward MathewsNE 23-5 line 72 Mar 1906Vancouver City CemeteryEdward Mathews, Sr. - parent
MathisonEdward18481893 Oct 25Clark Co., WAkilled in a rock quarrynoPotters Field, permit #6227 Oct 1893Vancouver City Cemetery
MattsonJohanOtto1873 Jun 1Vitsand, Varmland, Sweden?1895 Mar 19Clark Co., WAkilled in a rock quarryyesPotters Field, permit #67, has a headstone, between NE 179 and NE 206Dunning, Undertaking, Vancouver WA22 Mar 1895Vancouver City Cemetery or ???Matts Olsson (SWE) and Karni Jonsdotter (Swe) - parentsstone quarrynewqspaper articles, The Oregonian 21 Mar 1895 about accident at quarry; First Emanuel Church record (Portland OR) buried in Portland OR; bro living in Vancouver WA and relatives in Portland OR; obit The Columbian 22 Mar 1895
MatthewsJames E1880 Nov 8Nebraska1904 Nov 4Clark Co., WApneumoniayesMark O SeymourNE 79 line 21904Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; James Matthews (NC) and Sarah Elizabeth Martin (Eng) - parents1900 - teamster in Vancouver WA1900- living with mother and step-father Frederic Young; siblings: Nelson, Richard, Annie plus half siblings from mother's marriage to Young; Marc Orell Seymour is mother Sarah's 3rd husband; buried in same plot as mother Sarah Seymour; mother in same plot as son, father buried in SW 99
Mattio/MatteoLorenzo1871Italy1910 Dec 30St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAinjuries to the back and pelvisnoNE 153-4 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor31 Dec 1910Vancouver City Cemeterymarried; 2 childrenCatholic 1910-laborer at Fisher Rock Quarry, Clark Co., WAcharges to Columbia Contract Co of Fisher (Camas) WA; obit The Columbian 5 Jan 1911- survivied by wife and 2 children in Italy, came to US 3 years prior, employeed at quarry 2 years, 2 nephews work at quarry and brother in Portland
MauldinTennessee "Tennie"Richardson1874 Sep 4Tennessee/ Arkansas1907 Apr 6at home, Clark Co., WA spinal meniningitisyesNE 74-5 line 7 (moved)Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Apr 1907Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WAJoseph A Mauldin (Ark) - spouse; Lillie, Thomas, Joseph Jr. - children; John Richardson (TN) and Annie/ Amanda Reed (TN) - parentshousewife1900 census 4 Children/3 living; living in Arkansas; husband buried in Oklahomamoved to Park Hill Cemetery
McBrideJamesH1845 Jun 15Owen Co., Indiana1898 Nov 2Clark Co., WAsuicide by cutting throatyesOscar McBrideNE 83 line 3Nov 1898Vancouver City CemeteryMahal Jennie Colvin (IA) - spouse; John McBride (TN) and Elizabeth Johnson (IN) - parentsCivil War veteran, Co. H, 137 3rd Infantry, Indianafarm laborer; had a land grant of 80 acres in Rock Creek area, Clark Co WAmarried Mahal 1894, Cowlitz Co., WA; small headstone with "brother of Gabriel," who is buried in Park Hill Cemetery; nephew Oscar McBride; news article The Columbian 4 Nov 1898-attempted suicide survived days; uncle of Oscar in same plot
McBrideOscar1869 Nov 6Carroll Co., Missouri1949 Oct 3St Joseph Hospital, Vancouver WAcanceryesOscar McBrideNE 83-4 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Oct 1949Vancouver City CemeteryInez Myrtle Lowe (IA) - spouse; Lucille, Ida - children; Gabriel McBride (IN) and Edna Virginia Gowin (NC) - parentsteacher, then Vancouver Superintendent of Schools, principal in Battle Groundhe traveled to Hawaii and Japan, he wrote travel and adventurer stories for the Columbian Newspaper; married Inez 1899 Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 4 Oct 1949-homesteaded on Rock Creek, Clark Co., WA, 73 yr resident of Clark Co., survivored by dau Lucille; in same plot, uncle James, wife, dau, sisters Julia and Josephine there are 3 bases with no headstones in the McBride plots - they are similar to the small headstone base of James McBride
McBrideInezMyrtleLowe1877 Jun 26Clay Co., Iowa1906 Feb 7Clark Co., WAconsumptionyesOscar McBrideNE 83 line 310 Feb 1906Vancouver City CemeteryOscar McBride (MO) - spouse; Josephine, Lucille, Ida - children; Robert Lowe (Eng) and Isabel Thomas (Wales) - parentsmoved fro Iowa to Oregon 1889, then Clark Co. in 1889, married Oscar 1899, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 15 Feb 1906-survived by husband, 3-yr dau Lucille, brother William Sherman Lowe died 1905.
McBrideJuliaA1871 Oct 23Clark Co., WA1907 Oct 11Clark Co., WAheart diseaseyesOscar McBrideNE 83 line 314 Oct 1907Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Gabriel McBride (IN) and Edna Virginia Gowin (NC) - parentssister of Oscar in same plot; parents in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 17 Oct 1907
McBrideLucille1903 Apr 9Vancouver WA1983 Sep 21Yakima Co., WashingtonstrokeashesnoOscar McBrideNE 83-4 line 3 in foot of Oscar McBride's plotShaw and Sons, Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington 28 Oct 1983Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Miller (MO) - spouse; no children; Oscar McBride (MO) and Inez Myrtle Lowe (IA) - parentsmarried Miller in 1935, Clark Co., WA; by 1940 divorced living with parents
McCartyinfant (female)1910 Aug 24Vancouver WA1910 Aug 28Vancouver WAmarasmus (a wasting of the flesh)noJ D McCartyNE 121-5 line 9Kirch Funeral Home28 Aug 1910Vancouver City CemeteryJames D McCarty (OR) and Lulu Kennedy (WA) - parents
McCartyLucilleIrene1907 Nov 23Columbia Co., Washington1911 Mar 25at home 313 E 10th St., Vancouver WAendocarditis inflammation, measles noJ D McCartyNE 91-1 line 11Grice and Beatty Underatkers28 Mar 1911 Vancouver City CemeteryJames D McCarty (OR) and Lulu Kennedy (WA) - parentsobit in Columbian 25 Mar 1911
McCarveyFrank18711896 Jun 3accidental drowningnoPotters Field, permit #725 Jun 1896Vancouver City Cemetery
McClanahanBessieStrong1888 Sep 26Vancouver WA1911 Jan 6at home at 1401 W 8th St., Vancouver WAtuberculosisnoWillim C McClanahanNE 153-5 line 9 Knapp Funeral Parlor9 Jan 1911Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam C McClanahan (MO) - spouse; no Children; James Strong (OH) and Laura Goldbeck (WA) - parentsChristianhousewifemarried 1907 Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 7 Jan 1911-survivors husband, parents and 2 sisters
McCarberyWilliamA1859 Apr 8Macon TWP, Lenawee Co., Michigan1906 May 6Clark Co., WAaccidental drowning in Vancouver SloughnoW McCarberyNE 24-2 line 88 May 1906Vancouver City CemeteryJohanna Powell (KS) - spouse; Regnald - child; Smith McCarbery (Ire) and Dinah Vanderventer (NY) - parentsdriver, rancher, leased 400 acres in Clark Co., WAdivorced; obit The Oregon Journal 7 May 1906
McCraySalina "Lena" Fowler1864 May 7Rome, Ashtabula Co., Ohio1913 Jul 5Vancouver WA esophthalmic gastric-thyroid dysfunctionnoprobably buried in OhioLimber Funeral Home13 Nov 1913Vancouver City CemeteryNorman McCray (WI) - spouse; Elton, Flossie, Frank - children; Henry Fowler (Eng) and Esther Barnhard (PA) - parentshusband died in 1926 in Portland, buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; newspaper article The Oregonian 6 Jul 1913 indicated body was going to be buried in Ohio; married 1887 Ohio; Lived in Goldendale WA; Gilman report has her in NE 203-3 line 6); obit The Columbian 7 Jul 1913-survived by Elton, Frank, Flossie (Mrs Witt), moved fron Goldendale - planning to return to Ohio; could be buried in obit said son was coming to get body.
McCrearyEmmaRebeccaEllsworth1869 Nov 15Papibeau, Iroquois Co., Illinois1909 Dec 29Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregontumor operationyesNE 01 N/2 line 16Vancouver Undertaking Co.31 Dec 1909Vancouver City CemeteryTunis A McCreary (IA) - spouse; Earl, Edna, Mildred - children; Joseph Ellsworth (Can) and Nancy David (Can) - parentsT A McCreary was a painterT A McCreary was a painter; obit The Oregonian 31 Dec 1909; came west in 1891 settled in Cowlitz Co., then Clark Co., then moved to Forest Grove, Washington Co., OR; son lived in Vancouver; husband buried in Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland OR
McCurdyDorcas "Dora"EstelleWolrod1854 Jul 21Wausau, Marathon Co., Wisconsin1910 Oct 16at home of dau Lida Edwards, Ridgefield, lark Co., Washingtonbright's diseaseyesL E McCurdyNE 136-5 line 9Grice and Beatty Funeral Home18 Oct 1910Vancouver City CemeteryMartin VanBuren McCurdy (IL) - spouse; Maud, Loren E, Jane A, Emma A, Clarence E, Walter, Mildred B, Lida Ora, Lily, Arthur - children; R H Wolrod (NY) and Margaret Horning (NY) - parentshusband Martin VB McCurdy was a Civil War veteran (SW 193 line 16)widowed at time of death; 1900 census 10 children/7 living; husband buried in SW 193; obit The Columbian 17 Oct 1910-survivors - 7 children
McDonaldJohn 1876 circaRhode Island1910 Nov 3Vancouver WAstruck by a moving SP&S train in the Vancouver railyardnoNE 166-3 line 11 Potters FieldKnapp Funeral Parlor5 Nov 1910Vancouver City Cemeteryparents born in Irelandlaborer for railroadobit The Columbian 4 Nov 1910-stranger killed in RR yards, name off fishing license from Bay City Tillamook Co., OR
McDonoughJH 18561908 Aug 15St Elmo Hotel, Vancouver WAbrights disease, heart diseasenoJ H McDonoughNE 138-3 line 7Vancouver Undertaking Co.3 Sep 1908Vancouver City Cemeterysinglehotel and saloon keeperState of Washington Death Certificate; lived in San Francisco CA - arrived in Vancouver 2 days before death
MacFarlaneDavid1845 May Quebec, Canada1908 Mar 11Vancouver WAyesDavid McFarlaneNE 01 line 16Vancouver Undertaking Co.12 Mar 1908Vancouver City CemeteryJulia Courter (NY) - spouse; Ella, Henry - children; Andrew McFarlane (Scot) and Mary Beryden (Scot) - parentsOrder of the RedmenCivil War veteran, 1st Michigan SS, prisoner at Libby and Andersville prisonslogger, farmermarried 1868;1889 came tro Vancouvedr; son Henry William buried in NW 200-2 and son Frank Corma buried in NW 181; Julia previously married and had 3 other children (5 total); obit The Columbia 19 Mar 1908-survived by dau Ella Culter (of NY), and son Henry and step-children
MacFarlaneJuliaCourter1832 May 12New York1912 Apr 12at home in the Felida area, Vancouver WAsenilityyesDavid McFarlaneNE 01-2 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor12 Apr 1912Vancouver City CemeteryPhillip Corman (PA)(1) and David McFarlane (Can)(2) - spouses; Frank Vincent, William/Willis, Ann - children by Corman, Henry, Ella - children by McFarlane; William Courter (NJ) and Felinda Purdy (Engilish Can) - parentsChurch of Godhousewifemarried Corman 1852, MI, div and buried in MO; married McFarlane 1868, MI; son William Henry buried in NW 200-3; pioneer of Clark Co., WA
McFerranWalter B1889 Oct 27Crescent City, Del Norte Co., CA1909 Sep 12at the Vancouver Hotel, Vancouver WAtuberculosisnoBenjamin McFerranNE 57-4 line 9Vancouver Undertaking/ Hamilton Funeral Home 14 Sep 1909Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Benjamin McFerran (MO) and Issabell Keller (ME) and - parentlumber engineerfather buried in WA State Hospital Cemetery, Pierce Co., WA; mother buried in Clackamas Co., OR; obit The Columbain 16 Sep 1909-6 year Vancouver resident, survivors parents, bro and sis.
McGaretGeorge 1904 Oct 8noJ C McGaretNE 10 line 717 Oct 1904Vancouver City CemeteryJ C McGaret - parent??
McIntoshME1887 Aug 1 WashingtonPotter Field3 Aug 1887Vancouver City Cemeterymarriednot Serapta McIntosh, who is buried in Pierce Co., WA
McIntyreChesterPaul1919 Nov 28Vancouver WA1925 Oct 8Vancouver WAacute food poisoningnoWilliam L SynderNE 108 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor10 Oct 1925Vancouver City CemeteryJoseph Michael McIntyre (NY) and Blanche Matilda Synder (WA) - parentsfamily lived in Vancouver into the 1950's; William L Snyder was grandfather, same plot; obit The Columbian 8 Oct 1925
McIntyreinfant (male)1923 Oct 23Vancouver WA1923 Oct 23Vancouver WAnoWilliam L SynderNE 108-2 line 5Knapp Funeral ParlorVancouver City CemeteryJoseph Michael McIntyre (NY) and Blanche Matilda Synder (WA) - parentsfamily lived in Vancouver into the 1950's; William L Snyder was grandfather, same plot
McKeePhilip Lowe1892 Mar 19Vancouver WA1908 Apr 17St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAbright's diseasenoJohn Porter McKeeNE 120-4 line 8Knapp Funeral Parlor18 Apr 1908Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John Porter McKee (IL) and Margaret Ellen Lowe (IL) - parentsMethodiststudentfather in NE 26
McKeeJohn Porter1850 Oct 29Winchester, Adams Co., Ohio1911 Feb 13St Josephs Hopital Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachnoNE 26-3 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Feb 1911Vancouver City CemeteryMargaret Ellen Lowe (IL)(1) and Elizabeth "Eliza" Christine Bartlett (IL)(2) - spouses; Edith Clare, Earl, Faith A, Arthur Dudley, Grover C, John Franklin, James Irwin, Philip Lowe - children by Margaret; John H McKee (OH) and Nancy Demint (OH) - parentsMethodist1880- farmer, Harrison Co., MO; 1900 nightwatchman, Bridal Veil, Multnomah Co., OR; 1903 on - cobbler in shoe shop, Vancouver WAmarried Margaret Lowe 26 Nov 1874, Bethany, Harrison Co., MO; by 1890 was in Oregon; 1900 census Margaret 7 children/7 living, actually 8 children, Margaret dies in 1901, OR; Bridal Veil Cemetery, Multnomah Co., OR; 1903 moved to Vancouver; married Eliza circa 1906-her second marriage, buried in Park Hill under Tenney name, child Bertha from first husband Olsen; son Philip in NE 120; obit The Columbian 16 Feb 1911-survivors wife, 6 children, 2 step-schildren
McKinneySarahABecker1845 Feb 25Plainfield, Will Co., Illinois1911 Nov 262414 Harney St., Vancouver WAapoplexyyesNE 103 line 10Grice and Beatty Funeral Home27 Nov 1911Vancouver City CemeteryJohn McKinney (IA) - spouse; Jennie, Willie - children; David Becker (NY) and Nancy ? (NY) - parent1880-living with parents, divorce, Indiana-changed name to Becker with 2 children; 1900 census 2 children/2 living, widowed, living with dau Jennie, Shelby Co., Iowa; 1850 living in Wisconsin; dau Jennie buried in Portland OR
McMurrayWilliamE1850 DecPennsylvania1905 Jan 14heart failurenoMrs W E McMurrayNE 09 line 817 Jan 1905Vancouver City CemeteryCarrie McGee (IL) - spouse; Bertha, Florence, Earl, Leona - children; Hutchinson McMurray (Scot) and Loraine Sampson (PA) - parents1900-carpenter, Iowamarried 1887 Iowa; 1900 census 4 children/4 living- Carrie remarried in 1906
McReaJames1907 DecnoPotters Field13 Dec 1907Vancouver City Cemetery1893-there is a James McRea at Vancouver Barracks?????
McSary/ McLaryRobert1906 Augapoploxy noFred W BowneNE 116 N/2 line 46 Aug 1906Vancouver City CemeteryOrder of the Redmen, Eaglesfarmercould be McLary or McClary - a Robert lived in Vancouver 1890-1907, teamster; May Pancoast Bowne is not daughter; Fred W and May Brown lived in Vancouver 1900-1940, in 1910 they ran a boarding house-Fred Bowne-plot owner; obit The Columbian 9 Aug 1906-Robert McLary, walking from farm in Felida collapsed
MeachEugeneMerle1904Clark Co., WA1907 Feb 25Clark Co., WAaccidental drowning in Columbia River at Government DocksnoEdmond Mortimer MeachNE 73-4 line 828 Feb 1907Vancouver City CemeteryEdmond Mortimer Meach (WA) and Maude B Carter (MI) - parentsEdmond and Maude live in Vancouver in 1910; 2 children/1 living; obit The Oregonian and Oregon Journal 26 Feb 1907; obit The Columbian 28 Feb 1907-wandered from home
MercerAndrew1850 May 2Ontario, Canada1912 May 19at home at Rice Rd and M St., Vancouver WAangina pectorisyesNE 102-1 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor21 May 1912Vancouver City CemeterySusanna Francis (Ont, Can) - spouse; Robert John, Nellie (Mrs George Stickler), George E, Mattie (m. Hillis) - children; Robert Mercer (Can) and Rebecca Smith (Can) - parentsMethodist, Universalist, Presbyterian 1900- butcher, Jerauld Co., SD; 1910-own income, Vancouver WAmarried 24 Dec 1872, Vienna, Elgin Co., Ontario, Canada; 1883 immigrated; obit The Columbian 23 May 1912-Universalist (religion) from SD, in Corvallis prior to coming to Vancouver 3 yrs porior to death; survivors wife and 4 children.
MercerSusannaFrancesFrancis1855 Jun 22Houghton, Ontario, Canada1930 Sep 24at home of son John at Rt #1, Box 144, Vancouver WAmitral insufficiencyyesNE 102-2 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Sep 1930Vancouver City CemeteryAndrew Mercer - spouse; Robert John, Mattie (m. Hills), George E, Nellie (Mrs George Stickler) - children; John Francis (Ire) and Nancy Dennis (Ont, Canada) - parentsMethodisthousewife1883 immigrated; 1900-1910 census 4 children/4 living; 4 children - girls' names not clear; one married George Sickler; obit The Columbian 24 Sep 1930-survivors 2 daus and son
MercerRobert John1878 Nov 4Elgin, Ontario, Canada1928 Oct 23at home on Evergreen Hwy, Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesNE 102-1 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor27 Oct 1928Vancouver City CemeteryDora M Shull (IA) - spouse; Morgan Arthur, George E - child; Andrew Mercer (Can) and Susanna Frances (Can)- parentsChristian Science1900-telegraph operator; 1910-dentist, Vancouver WA and fox farmer1883 immigrated; 1900-living with parents, Jerauld Co., SD; living with parents-Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 24 Oct 1928-second stroke, immigrated to Alpena SD, 20 years prior to death came to Vancouver and practiced dentristy for 13 years; retired and ran a silver fox farm
MercerDora MShull1879 Sep 4Everly, Clay Co., Iowa1964 Jun 28Vancouver WAheart failureashesyesNE 102-4 line 11 ashesHamilton Mylan1 Jul 1964Vancouver City CemeteryRobert John Mercer (Can) - spouse; Morgan Arthur, George E - child; Morgan Shull (WI) and Isabela "Belle" Hunter (PA) - parentsowner pof the Trees trailer court1940-widowed , Portland OR; son Morgan A buried in Evergreen Memorial Garden, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 29 Jun 1964-survivor son Morgan
MercerGeorgeE1880 Nov 24Norfolk, Ontario, Canada1935 Feb 5Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureyesA MercerNE 102 line 11Wilson-Chambers Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon8 Feb 1935Vancouver City CemeteryHannah Olsen (MN) - spouse; child, Robert E, Anna C- children; Andrew Mercer (Ont, Can) and Susanna Francis (Ont, Can) - parents1910-telegraph operator for railroad, St Johns, Multnomah Co., OR, 1920 agent for RR freight house, Portland OR;immigrated in 1883; married Hannah 1906; 1910- 2 children/1 living; obit The Oregonian 6 Feb 1935
MercerHannahAOlsen1878 Mar 15Brewster, Nobles Co., Minnesota1 May 1964Vancouver WAheart failureashesnoNE 102-3 ashesA J Rose and Son, Portland Multnomah Co., OR/Hamilton Funeral Home 12 Oct 1964Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge E Mercer (Can) - spouse; child, Robert E, Anna C - children; Hans Olsen (Denmark) and Anna Iversen (Denmark) - parents1900-school teacher, Nobles Co., MN;came to Portland OR 1905; married George Mercer circa 1906; 1910 census 2 children/1 living; 1930-lived in Portland OR; Other Mercers are buried in NE 102, listed in Gilman as in NE 201-rest of family in NE 102-possibly a typo; obit The Oregonian 3 May 1964
MercerAnnaClaire1910 Aug 23Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1932 Jul 10Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonmeningitis and tuberculosisyesA M BowersNE 102 line 11Bruning and Driscoll, Portland, Multnomah Co. Oregon13 Jul 1932Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; George E Mercer (Can) and Hannah Olsen (MN) - parentsobit The Oregonian 13 Jul 1932
MerrittSarahJ Coleman1833New York1910 Apr 23Vancouver WAold age, senility, 85 years?noNE 117-5 line 5Kirch Funeral Home25 Apr 1910Vancouver City CemeteryJacob Merritt (NY) - spouse; Lindsley, Charles, Henry, Alfred - children; ? Coleman and Judith Jenkins?? (NY) - parents1850 living with mother in NY, no father;husband Jacob died in Clay Co., IA in 1898; her son Lindsley lived in Baker Co., OR; in 1909 Vancouver City Directory; mother Judith last name was Sutton
MetcalfEmma ElizabethAdams1848 May 2Franklin Co., Ohio1907 Nov 7Felida Area, Vancouver WAdropsy (diabetes), brights diseasenoJohn C MetcalfNE 139 S/2 line 6Kirch Funeral Home9 Nov 1907Vancouver City CemeteryLucian Lamberton (OH)(1), Oliver Richards (WI)(2), and John Metcalf (3) - spouses; Charles - child by Lamberton; John Adams (PA) and Phillipina Linton (OH) - parentsill for many years; buried in same plot as Frank Adams
MetcalfHowellMitchell1827 Mar 26Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania1911 Mar 23near Oregon City, Clackamas Co., OregonsenilityyesNE 38-1 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Mar 1911Vancouver City CemeteryAlice Hull (OH) - spouse; Joseph, Warren, Marsha Lavinia, William Elmer, Altha Arabella, Mary Eldora, Nellie Laura, Stella Francine, Phoebe Ann, Lizzie Lanora, Martin Thomas, Ella G, Howell Mitchell - children; Abraham Metcalf (PA) And Mary Mitchell (MD) - parentsfarmer1880 - Gypsum, McPherson Co., KS; 1910- living in Hood River OR
MetcalfAlice HinckleyHull1836 Mar 19Ohio1914 Sep 1at home at 35th and F St., Vancouver WApneumoniayesNE 38-2 S/2 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Sep 1914Vancouver City CemeteryHowell M Metcalf (KY?) - spouse; Joseph, Warren, Marsha Lavinia, William Elmer, Altha Arabella, Mary Eldora, Nellie Laura, Stella Francine, Phoebe Ann, Lizzie Lanora, Martin Thomas, Ella G, Howell Mitchell - children; Samuel Hull (VA) and Clarissa Wilcox (CT) - parentsMethodisthousewife1900 census -12 children/5 living; charged to Joseph W Metcalf
MeyerClintonElmo1889 Mar 18Colorado1910 Jul 4died in the surf, Seaside, Clatsop Co., OregondrowningnoJames C MeyerNE 121-2 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor9 Jul 1910Vancouver City CemeteryIsabelle L Smith (MI) - spouse; Clinton David - child; Jonas Clinton Meyer (IN) and Olive Otilla Beadleston (NY) - parentsChristianlaborer for MacSween Bros. Contractors, Vancouver WAmarried in 1909; living with parents, Vancouver WA; mother buried at Riverview Cemetery, Portland OR; newspaper article The Oregonian 5 Jul 1910-Elmo Meyer; wife remarried to William Campbell and buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
MyersLuciusMcCormick1861 July 19Lowdham, Pennsylvania1917 Jun 9Hammond, Clatsop Co., OregondrowningnoNE 118-3 line 6Wilson and Ross, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon28 Jun 1917Vancouver City CemeteryFlora Loomis (WI) - spouse; child, child, Seymour Goodnoe - children; ? Myers (PA) and ? ? (PA) - parents1900-stationery engineer, Vancouver WA; 1910-house carpenter, Vancouver WAmarried Flora 1884; possibly brother of Sarah Myers Goodnoe in same plot; funeral notice 28 Jun 1917 The Oregonian
MyersFloraMayLoomis1865 Nov 12La Crosse Co., Wisconsin1922 Aug 1Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncancer noNE 118-2 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor3 Aug 1922Vancouver City CemeteryLucius Myers (PA)(1) and John Percid (MD?)(2) - spouses; child, child, Seymour G - children; John C Loomis (NY) and Sophia Mayhew (OH) - parentspast Noble Grand of the Rebbekkamarried 1884; 1900-1910 census- 3 children/1 living; Parents in plot NE 144; obit 2 Aug 1922 The Oregonian
MyersSeymourGoodnoe1893 Feb 4Snohomish Co., Washington1955 Nov 22Seattle, King Co., WAcancer of the stomachnoNE 118 line 6 (??)24 Nov 1955probably Evergreen Cemetery, Seattle King Co., Washington? ? (1), Flora Amy Evins (KS)(2) and Jessie Marie Archer (MT)(3) - spouses; child by first wife; Don R, Luana Yvonne - children by Flora; Lucius Myers (PA) and Flora May Loomis (WI) - parentsmember of Operating Engineer Union1917-1920 -substation electrican, Portland OR; 1930-hydro-electrician, paper mill, Oregon City, Clackamas Co., OR; 1933-electrician, Seattle, WA; 1942 - welder, Skagit Co., WA; 1942- worked at Seattle/Tacoma shipyard, WA; music teacher1910-living with parents, Vancouver WA; 1917-wife and one child; 1920-divorced; married Flora 18 Aug 1921, Yamhill Co., OR; divorced Flora between 1933-1942; married Jessie 6 Jun 1942, Skagit Co., WA; obit Seattle Daily Times 24 Nov 1955 - buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Seattle, King Co., WA; taught music, guitar lessons; obit The Seaattle Daily Times 24 Nov 1955- survivors wife Jessie , sons Kalen and Don and 3 dau (children could be step-children)
MickeyJohnMurray1834 Apr 20Peoria Co., Illinois1924 Jul 20Vancouver WAsenility and old ageyesJohn M MickeyNE 199-1 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Jul 1924Vancouver City CemeterySusan Ashbaugh (OH) - spouse; James Warren, John A and Dowd B, Dora May, Edward, Addie, Mary, Eldred - children; John Robert Mickey (OH/PA) and Sarah Wasson (PA) - parents1870-1880-farmer, Henry Co., IA; 1900-farmer, Battle Ground, Clark Co., WA;1854 at 20 he and 2 friends went to CA to gold mine, 1859 returned to Iowa, 1889 sold farm in Iowa and travelled by train to Clark Co WA and bought "stump" farm in Battle Ground area; married Susan 13 Feb 1862, Louisa Co., Iowa; 1910-1920 in Vancouver WA
MickeySusan EmelineAshbaugh1840 Oct 18Champion, Trumbull Co., Ohio1930 May 30at Home at 200 Main St., Vancouver WAbroken hip and senilityyesJohn M MickeyNE 199-2 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor1 Jun 1930Vancouver City CemeteryJohn H Mickey (IL) - spouse; James Warren, John A and Dowd B, Dora May, Edward, Addie, Mary, Eldred - children; Alexander Ashbaugh (OH/PA) and Lydia Fox (PA/OH) - parentsBaptisthousewifemarried Mickey 13 Feb 1862, Louisa Co., Iowa
MickeyJames Warren1869 Jul 19Scott, Henry Co., Iowa1927 Oct 20at home, Battle Ground, Clark Co., Washingtoncancer of the liveryesJohn M MickeyNE 199-1 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor23 Oct 1927Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; John M Mickey (IL) and Susan E Ashbaugh (OH) - parents1909-1921-fruit grower and farmer, Vancouver WA
MickeyJohn Alexander1874 Apr 10Winfield, Henry Co., Iowa1946 Jul 26Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncoronary thrombosisyesJohn A MickeyNE 199-4 line 10Holman & Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon29 Jul 1946Vancouver City CemeteryMaud O Holman (IL) and Minnie A Fleming (NJ)(2) - spouses; Mabel E, Jessie L (f), Claude Raymond, Dora M, Susan I, Russell W, Evelyn M, Ruth L - children by Maud; John M Mickey (IL) and Susan E Ashbaugh (OH) - parents 1900-farmer, Battle Ground, Clark Co., WA; 1910-1930-foreman, section crew RR; famrer, rented in the Battle Ground areamarried Maud 5 Sep 1897, Clark Co., WA and after 1930 divorced; 1910 Maud 5 children/5 living; 1935 - Clark Co., WA; 1940-San Bernardino Co. CA; married Minnie, 19 Feb 1938, Clark Co., WA; obit The Oregonian 29 Jul 1946; Maud and Mable are buried in B-019, Brush Prairie Cemetery, Brush Prairie, Clark Co., WA
MilhamJames Stones1827 May 18Morgan Co., Ohio1906 May 16Clark Co., WAheart failureyesJohn MilhamNE 77-1 line 418 May 1906Vancouver City CemeterySarah Butler (IN)(1) and Mary Smith (IN)(2) - spouses; John, James, William, George - children; David Milham (Eng) and Jemima Stones (Eng) - parentsSarah died in 1865 in KS, married Smith in 1865 in IL
MilhamJohn Andrew 1852 Oct 3Cannelton, Perry Co., Indiana1928 Apr 1Vancouver WApneumoniayesJohn MilhamNE 77-line 4Limber Funeral Chapel4 Apr 1928Vancouver City CemeteryFlorence Annie Bond (KS) - spouse; John Irvin, Harriette "Hattie" L, Herbert F, Frederick Elmer - children; James Milham (OH) and Sarah Butler (IN) - parentsfarmer, restaurant and hotel industrymarried 1880 Kansas
MilhamFlorenceAnnieBond1860 Nov 17Wyandotte Co., Kansas1906 Apr 22Tacoma, Pierce Co., WashingtontuberculosisyesJohn MilhamNE 77 N/2 Line 425 Apr 1906Vancouver City CemeteryJohn A Milham (IN) - spouse; John Irvin, Harriette "Hattie: L, Herbert F, Frederick Elmer - children; Cornelius Bond (Eng) and Louise Bettswoth (Eng) - parentshousewife
MilhamHerbertFranklin1885 JulCannelton, Perry Co., Indiana1929 Mar 27Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonlocomotive ataxiayesJohn MilhamNE 77-3 line 4Limber Funeral Chapel27 Mar 1929Vancouver City CemeteryJohanna Dooley (MI) - spouse; John A Milham and Florence Annie Bond (KS) - parents bridge carpenter for railroadmarried Jun 1925 Spokane, Spokane Co., WA; wife buried in Mother Joseph Cemetery, Vancouver WA; in same plot as parents, grandfather
MillarWilliam1845 Jul 19Port Daniel, Quebec, Canada1919 Nov 26Vancouver WAinjuries from an accident plus mitral heart diseaseyesWilliam MillarNE 131-2 line 14 Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Nov 1919Vancouver City CemeteryJulia Ann McPherson (Can) - spouse; James Cluny, William Sanford, Elaine, Mary Evelyn, Maud Julia, Jennie Margaret, Howard Leo - children; James Millar (Scot) and Jane Young (Ire) - parents1880-laborer, Solano Co., CA; 1900-1910-carpenter, Fruit Valley, Clark Co. WA, farmermarried 12 Nov 1876, Quebec, Canada; 1888 came to Vancouver; Son Howard Leo buried in NW 11; son William Stanford in SW 197; same plot as wife, son Jame s C and dau Jennieobit The Columbian 28 Nov 1919
MillarJulia AnnMcPherson1855 Nov 4Port Daniel, Quebec, Canada1933 Mar 12at home at 4400 Main St., Vancouver WAanemiayesWilliam MillarNE 131-5 line 14Knapp Funeral Parlor14 Mar 1933Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Millar (Can) - spouse; James Cluny, William Sanford, Elaine, Mary Evelyn, Maud Julia, Jennie Margaret, Howard Leo - children; William McPherson (Scot) and Mary Smith (Eng) - parentsPresbyterian, Member of the White Shrine of Eastern Starhousewifemarried 12 November 1876, Quebec, Canada; immigrated - 1876; 1888 came to Vancouver; 1900 census 6 children/6 living; 1910 census 6 children/5 living; 1920-1930 -widowed, living with son James, Vancouver W; son Howard Leo buried in NW 11; son William Stanford in SW 197, dau Jennie and son James C in same plot; obit The Columbian 13 Mar 1933
MillarJennieMargaretMillar1889 Dec 17Washington1909 Apr 26White Salmon, Klictitat Co., Washingtonpulmonary pneumoniayesWilliam MillarNE 131 line 14Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Apr 1909Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; William Millar (Can) and Julia Ann McPherson (Can) - parentsPresbyterianstudentsame plot as parents; obit The Columbian 27 Apr 1909
MillarJames Cluny1877 Sep 10Rio Vista, Solano Co., California1944 Aug 15San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CaliforniayesWilliam MillarNE 131-3 line 14Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Mar 1962Vancouver City Cemeterymarried/divorced; William Millar (Can) and Julia Ann McPherson (Can) - parents 1920-engineer, Vancouver WA; 1930-independent carpenter, 1935-1940-not listed; 1942-WPA, San Francisco CA1940-living in a boarding house, San Francisco CA; his body was shipped from another cemetery in 1962; same plot as parent and sister Jennie
MillarEthel LDinsdale1891 MarEngland1914 Nov 1943th and Washington St., Vancouver WA23y; tuberculosisyesWilliam MillarNE 131-2 line 14 Limber Funeral Home21 Nov 1914Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Sanford Millar (Can) - spouse; no children; Robert Dinsdale (Eng) and ? ? (Eng) - parentmember of the Lady MacCabeesmarried William S Millar 7 Feb 1910, Los Angeles CA; 1910--living in Vancouver WA; lived in Colorado with parents; obit in The Columbian 20 Nov 1914; husband William S buried in SW 197
MillerJohnHugh1848 Dec 25Virginia1908 Oct 1Clark Co., WAheart failureyesMrs Eddie MillerNE 127-1 line 15Vancouver Undertaking Co.4 Oct 1908Vancouver City CemeteryDiana Carlyle (OH) - spouse; Francis Howard, Helen - children; Joseph Lock Miller (MA) and Delilah ? - parents1880-huckster, Pike Co., OH; teamster; 1900-grocer, Multnomah Co., ORmarried Carlysle, 2 Sep 1871, Athens Co., OH; State of Washington Death Certificate
MillerDianaCarlyle1840 MarOhio1920 Jul 8Multnomah Co. Poor Farm, Troutdale, Multnomah Co., OregoncanceryesMrs Eddie MillerNE 127 line 15Miller and Tracy Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon12 Jul 1920Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Hugh Miller (VA) - spouse; Francis Howard, Helen - children; David Carlyle (VA) and Anna McVicker (VA) - parentsmarried Miller, 2 Sep 1871, Athens Co., OH; 1900 census 2 children/1 living; 1920-inmate at Multnomah Co. Poor Farm, OR; obit 12 July 1920 The Oregonian
MillerFrancis "Frank"Howard1876Iowa1907 May 8Vancouver WAyesMrs Lydia MillerNE 127 line 1527 May 1912 (reintered)Vancouver City CemeteryLydia Ann McCorkle (IA) - spouse; Ralph Howard, Frances Helen, Theodora - children; John Hugh Miller (VA) and Diana Carlyle (OH) - parents1897- railroad clerk, Chicgo IL and Burlington IAbody was removed from Salmon Creek Cemetery and moved to Vancouver City Cemetery; obit The Columbian 16 May 1907- surrvivors wife, son and dau 3 mo old, parents.
MillerLydiaAnnMcCorkle1876 Feb 21Adele, Dallas Co., Iowa1969 Jan 7Lindsay, Tulare Co., Californiaold ageyesMrs Eddie MillerNE 127-3 line 15Jul 1969Vancouver City CemeteryFrancis H Miller (IA)(1) and Joseph Cruz Gilbert (IL)(2) - spouses; Ralph Howard, Frances Helen, Theodora - children by Miller; William Gooding McCorkle (IL) and Hannah Melissa Beagle (IL) - parents1914 - teacher, Clark Co., WAmarried Francis Miller, 3 Jun 1897, Clark Co., WA; married Gilbert 23 Dec 1914, Vancouver WA; 1920-McMinnville, Yamhill Co., OR; 1930-1957-Tulare Co., CA with Gilbert, Gilbert died in 1961 and buried in Maricopa Co., AZ; 1957 directory says she is widowed (??divorced??)
MillerMaryStocks1861 Dec 20Chickasaw Co., Iowa1931 Jul 7at sister's home Mrs W Potter, Hermiston, Umatilla Co., Oregoncardiac failure and dropsy (diabetes)yesWill Eugene PotterNE 134-4 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Jul 1931Vancouver City CemeteryAbraham Miller - spouse; no children; Charles Stocks (Eng) and Polly Ann Janess (NY) - parentsteacher, housewife17 years ago lived in Portland then 3 years ago moved to Hermiston; survivors 2 sisters and one bro; in same plot as parents and 2 sisters
MillerGrace May Worrel1886 Nov 10Kansas1960 Jun 3Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart diseaseashesyesFrank WorrelNE 140-5 line 5Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR16 Jun 1960Vancouver City CemeteryClarence Elmer Miller (OR) - spouse; Franklin Worrel (OH) and Mary Jane Steel (OH) - parents1907-1910-Vancouver WA with parents; married Miller 6 May 1922, Chehalis, Lewis Co.,WA; they may have divorced; 1940-1942- he was in Hermiston OR and married but without wife; married Emma 1908 first, she died 1917; Grace (2nd wife) in same plot as parents and bro; funeral notice The Oregon Journal 5 Jun 1960
MillerGeorge1876Pennsylvania1911 Mar 21at Weaver's Saloon, 3rd and Washington, Vancouver WA35ynoNE 165-4 line 12 Potters FieldKnapp Funeral Parlor31 Mar 1911Vancouver City Cemeterysingle1910-laborer, teamster, Vancouver WAnewspaper article The Oregonian 24 Mar 1911; could have been a soldier at Vancouver Barracks??
MillerJosiah1861 Jun 5Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio1933 Jun 9East Oregon State Hospital for the Insane, Pendleton, Umatilla Co., Oregongeneral disabilityyesJosiah MillerNE 75-1 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Jun 1933Vancouver City CemeteryMary Frances Rice (IN) - spouse; Homer Winters, Earl Stanley, Hazel Bell, Lee Roy, Ralph Abe, Florence, Olive Ellen - children; Andrew Miller (OH) and Charlotte Oliver (OH) - parentsBaptist1900- blacksmith, Las Animas Co., CO; 1910-blacksmith /farmer, Lackamas, Clark Co., WA; 1920-building laborer, 1930-farmer, Brush Prairie, Clark Co., WAmarried - 1887; 1920 lived in Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 10 Jun 1933- 22 yrs resident in Clark Co., moved to Wasco Co two years prior to death; survivors wife, one son, 3 daus; same plot as wife and son
MillerMary FrancesRice1869 Apr 5Franklin, Marion Co., Indiana1934 Aug 10at home in Wasco, Sherman Co., Oregoncarcinoma of the rectumyesJosiah MillerNE 75-2 line 6 Knapp Funeral Parlor12 Aug 1934Vancouver City CemeteryJosiah Miller (OH) - spouse; Homer Winters, Earl Stanley, Hazel Bell, Lee Roy, Ralph Abe, Florence, Olive Ellen - children; James Thomas Rice (MD) and Edith Belle Helms (IN) - parentsBaptisthousewifemarried-1887; 1900 census 3 childen/3 living, 1910 census 6 children/5 living; brother Franklin Rice living with sister and family; sister Florence married Josiah's brother Abe; same plot as husband and son
MillerEarlStanley1892 Apr 26Trinidad, Los Animas Co., Colorado1910 Sep 17St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAtyphoid fevernoNE 75-6 line 2Grice and Beatty19 Sep 1910Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Josiah Miller (OH) and Mary Frances Rice (IN) - parentsfarm laborer - home farm1910-living with parents;, Lackamas, Clark Co., WA; Obit The Columbian 10 Sep 1910; in Gilman report is in NE 75 as "Stanley, Earl", is not in NE 175 as Miller, Earl S-duplicate; in same plot as parents
Mitchell JessieRovenaHerring1888 Jul 8Cowlitz Co., Washington1964 Feb 16Oregon State Hospital, Salem, Marion Co., Oregonheart diseasenoNE 175-3 line 219 Mar 1964Vancouver City CemeteryGuy Fielding Mitchell (MA) - spouse; Willard - child; Augustus Herring (PA) and Frances M Coleman (WA) - parents1920-1930-Portland OR-husband was a sales manager at Iron Works; divorced; parents in same plot; OR Death Index
MitchellKennethArthur1908 Nov 5Vancouver WA1909 Apr 17914 6th St., Vancouver WAcolitisnoWilliam MitchellNE 08-5 line 9Hamilton Funeral Home 18 Apr 1909Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Mitchell (MI) and May C Howell (IN) - parentsState of Washington Death Certificate; parents married Jun 1908, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 17 Apr 1909-one of twin bros, survivors parent and twin bro
Mobleyinfant (female)1914 Jun 13505 Engles St., Vancouver WA1914 Jun 13505 Engles St., Vancouver WAstillbornnoNE 209, between graves #3-4Beatty Funeral Home14 Jun 1914Vancouver City Cemeterymother -Tessy (Tossey) Mobley (not married, 22 years), father ??
Momegtinfant1909 Feb 19Clark Co., WA1909 Feb 19Clark Co., WAstillbornnoPotters Field, permit #1017 Feb 1909Vancouver City CemeteryMr and Mrs C. Miomegt - parentsname could be misspelled MIOMIGT??
MongersonHenry1846 Dec 2Istorp, Alvsborg, Sweden1915 Jan 12at home at E 7th St., Vancouver WAheart relatedyesChristiana MongersonNE 217-3 line 18 (moved to Park Hill)Knapp Funeral Parlor15 Jan 1915Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WAChristina Jonsdotter (Swe) - spouse; Magnus Jonsson (Swe) and Hannah Brit Larsdotter (Swe)- parentsBaptist1900 farmer and laborerHenrik Magnusson - Swedish name; body was moved to Park Hill Cemetery A 133-1 on 24 Apr 1915; wife died 1921, buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA-with markers
MoonPearl1896 Dec1897 Feb 10gripe (influenza)noPotters Field11 Feb 1897Vancouver City Cemetery
MooreGeorgia Alice 1911 Jan 19Vancouver WA1911 Apr 10at home, Vancouver WApneumoniayesJames MooreNE 39-5 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Apr 1911Vancouver City CemeteryJames F Moore (IL) and Anna B Ruitter (WA) - parent
MooreJames1907 Mar 5kidney and liver diseasenoPotters Field, permit #65 Mar 1907Vancouver City CemeterySarah ? - spouse
MooreSarah18521890 May 13asthmanoPotters Field, permit #4014 May 1890Vancouver City CemeteryJames Moore - spouse
Moore FrankM1850East Liverpool, Columbiana Co., Ohio1909 Aug 13Vancouver Barracks, Clark Co., Washingtonapoplexy Hamilton Funeral Home 15 Aug 1909Post Military Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark Co., Washingtonmarried/div; veteran-enlisted three times 12 Aug 1878-11 Aug 1883; 23 Aug 1883-30 Jun 1886; 1 Jul 1886-30 Jun 1891clerk with governmentdischarge remarks his chararacter was "very good"-"excellent"; headstone at Post Militry Cemetery, Vancouver WA
Morgan Susan AugustaLitsey1844 Apr 1Kendall Co., Illinois1924 Jun 10Orchards, Clark Co., Washingtonheart failurenoNE 22-2 line 6Knapp Funeral Parlor12 Jun 1924Vancouver City CemeteryJames Smith (IN)(1) and Evin Morgan (MO)(2) - spouses; Finette Nancy, Harry James, Ada May, Cora Augusta, Ivan E, Mary Zarelda, Alva Phillip - children by Smith; Anthony Litsey (KY) and Finette Matilda Heaverhill (KY) - parentsmarried Smith, 25 Feb 1866, Louisa Co., IA; moved to Kansas the 1893 moved to Clark Co., WA; he died 1906, Vancouver WA; 1900 census 7 children/7 living; married Morgan 10 Oct 1909, Brush Prairie, Clark Co., WA, he died May 1916 and is buried in Brush Prairie Cemetery, Clark Co., WA; James Smith is in same plot; obit The Columbian 14 Jun 1924-survivied by all 7 children, both husbands were Civil War veterans
MorrisJ (male)H 18581909 Nov 24St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WApneumonia; age 51 yearsnoNE 169-5 Kirch Funeral Home26 Nov 1909Vancouver City Cemeteryno family foundcarpenterObit in The Oregonian 25 Nov 1909 - checked in to the Columbia Hotel, Vancouver and became sick
MorrisMathew/Walt?1905 Apr 4Clark Co., WA1905 Nov 28Clark Co., WApneumoniaashesnoFrank MorrisNE 12-1 line 5 29 Nov 1905Vancouver City CemeteryFrank Morris (OR) and Minnie Maud Caldwell (MI) - parentsthink this is the same person as Walt Morris in Gilman Report; parents married 14 Sep 1892, Clark Co., WA; 1900-family in Vancouver WA; 1910 in Skagway Alaska, mother had 9 children/8 living; parents buried in Sitka Nat'l Cem., Sitka, Alaska
MorrisCaldwell1903 Dec 12Vancouver WA1969 Nov 11Longview, Cowlitz Co., Washingtoncar accident 10 miles north of Longview WAnoFrank MorrisNE 12-2 line 5Ditlevsen-Moore, Kelso, Cowlitz Co., WashingtonNov 1969Greenwood Cemetery, Cathlamet, Wahkiahkum Co., WashingtonLouise Collins (OR) - spouse; Kathleen - child; Frank Morris (OR) and Minnie Maud Caldwell (MI) - parentsnot in family plot-buried in Cathlamet, Wahkiahkum Co., WA; married Louise 14 Nov 1928, Tillamook Co.,OR; parents married 1893, 1910 mother had 9 children/8 living; parents buried in Sitka Nat'l Cem., Sitka, Alaska; Newspaper 13 Nov 1969 The Oregonian
Morrisoninfant male1911 Sep 1at home of C H Fosberg, Garrison area, Vancouver, WA1911 Sep 1at home of C H Fosberg, Garrison area Vancouver, WAstillbornnoMatthew MorrisonNE 71-5 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor1 Sep 1911Vancouver City CemeteryMathew Morrison (Can) and Jemina "Mina" McKillop (Que, Can) - parentsparents married 23 Jul 1908, Vancouver BC, Canada; 1910-parents in Battle Ground, Clark Co., WA; father buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
MowryWilliam 18531903 Jun 11kidney failurenoPotters Field, permit #10211 Jun 1903Vancouver City Cemetery
Mulder JohnD 1858 Apr 24Elmore Co., Alabama1900 DecClark Co., WAnoMulderNE 140 line 5Dec 1900Vancouver City CemeteryEmma Moore (AL) - spouse; Harris, Nevada, Jennie, John, William, Annie, Elmer, Jackson, Robert - children; William (GA) and Mary Jackson (AL) - parentsmarried in 1885, Elmore Co., AL; Emma remarried to Joseph Charlton and buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; in same plot with son and grandson
Mulder Robert Harris `1885 Mar 13Pottersville, Elmore Co., Alabama1953 Feb 20Vancouver WAheart failurenoMulderNE 140 line 5Vancouver Funeral Home24 Feb 1953Vancouver City CemeteryMary Catherine "Mamie" Dunigan (TX)(1) and Nona Moon (WA) - spouses; Ruth - child by Nona; John D Mulder (AL) and Emma Moore (AL) - parents1910-1920-railroad brakeman, Vancouver; 1940- WPA Road construction laborer, Yacolt, Clark Co., WAin same plot with father and nephew
Mulder infant (male) 1941 Jul 8Vancouver WA1941 Jul 8Vancouver WAnoMulderNE 140 line 58 Jul 1941Vancouver City CemeteryElmer H Mulder (Ark) and Clara E Schilling (CO) - parentsparents buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; Clara under Clara Baccus; in same plot with grandfather and uncle
MungerWilliamCharles1914 Dec 28Brush Prairie, Clark Co., Washington1915 Jan 30at home, Brush Prairie, Clark Co., WashingtonpneumonianoNE 129-2 rear line line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor31 Jan 1915Vancouver City CemeteryArthur G Munger (IA) and Lucy Lally/Lalley (ID) - parents siblings: Leonard, Arthur L, Mary E
MurphyJ18431902 Jul 17Washingtonfell off train and hit by trucks, railroad accidentnoPotters Field18 Jul 1902Vancouver City Cemeterynewspaper article The Oregonian 18 Jul 1902
MyersJohn S18861908yesNE 119 line 7Vancouver City Cemeteryonly one base
NallsEdnaElizabeth/EvalineJohnson1893 Nov 13Harper Co., Kansas1913 Jun 26Carson, Skamania Co., Washingtonrun over by a train - did not see trainnoNE 195-4 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor28 Jun 1913Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge W Nalls (NC) - spouse; no children; Lewis Jasper Johnson (MN) and Sarah Elizabeth Hall (IL) - parentsBaptist, Rebecca Lodgehousewife, died 3 months after marriagemarried Nalls Mar 1913, Vancouver WA; obit in The Columbian July 3, 1913; mother buried at Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; Father in Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., ORheadstone set in ground. Headstone for her in NE 212 -? Wrong location
NattaGiovanni/John1863 Jul 26Otteglio, Mansertto, Italy1913 Jan 22Clark Co., WAheart relatedyesNE 62 S/2 line 14Limber Funeral Chapel27 Jan 1913Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Pietro Natta (Italy) and Antonia Boracco (Italy) - parentsvegetable farmer with partner Evasio Ferrain in Burnt Bridge Creek lowlands, Vancouver WA; nephew - Frank Nattaemigrated to US in 1891. Frank Natta married Lilly Cabiale
NagelGustavAdolf1862 Sep 10Iowa City, Wright Co., Iowa1908 Oct 20Yacolt, Clark Co., Washingtonaccidental injury, logging cable noAmanda NagelNE 99 S/2 line 14Knapp Funeral Parlor23 Oct 1908Vancouver City CemeteryAmanda Cook (New Bruns, Can) - spouse; no children; Johann Jacob "John" Nagel (Prussia) and Anna (Antje) Koppelmann (Prussia) - parentsAdventist1880-laborer, Iowa1880 with parents, Poweshiek Co., IA; married Amanda 19 Sep 1889, Clark Co., WA; she had 5 children from marrige with Brown, 1910 census 6 children/5 living ; name spellings- Nagle, Nagal, Nagel; 22 Oct 1908; wife remarrid buried in Salem OR under La Rose; Obit The Seattle DailyTimes 22 Oct 1908-accident
NeilsenJens "John"1879 Jul 6Denmark1909 Jul 11Vancouver WAtubercular meningitisnoJohn NeilsenNE 40-1 line 9Kirch Funeral Home13 Jul 1909Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; L C Neilsen (Den) and Maren Christiansen (Den) - parentsrancherWA Death Record a as "Jim " Neilsen
NeilsenMarianLovisaJensen1868 Oct 28Denmark1909 Jul 19Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonoperation of gall stonesnoPeter H NeilsenNE 61 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor21 Jul 1909Vancouver City CemeteryPeter H Neilsen (Den) - spouse; Milton (Nelson), Lester, Dennis, Clinton - children; ? Jensen (Den) NS ? ? (Den) - parentsEnglish Lutheran housewifename spelling options: Nelson, Neilson, Neilsen
Neilsen, Sr.MiltonHerman1899 Dec 12Sergeant, McKean Co., Pennsylvania1978 Sep 25Seattle, King Co., Washingtonheart failurenoPeter H NeilsenNE 61-3 line 13Yarington Mortuary, Seattle WA4 Oct 1978Vancouver City CemeteryRose Ruebenack (WA) - spouse; Marian, Milton Herman Jr - children; Peter H Neilsen (Den) and Marian Lovisa Jensen (Den) - parentsLutheranWorld War I veteran - 6 Jun 19191930-foreman, building construction, Seattle WA; 1940-1942-elevator operator at King Co., WA Courthousemarried Rose, 10 May 1919, King Co., WA; married in 1930-divorced by 1940
NelsonCarlMartin1891 Feb 24Asphult, Khristianstads, Sweden1910 Jul 4St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAaccident - logging, fracture of the spinal cord noNE 121-1 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor6 Jul 1910Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Nils Jeppsson (Swe) and Anne Nilsson (Swe) - parentsSwedish Lutheranlaborer, worked for Geroge McCoy, North Fork Logging Co. Vancouver WAborn Karl Martin Nilsson; newspaper The Oregon Journal 5 Jul 1910-about accident, immigrated in 1910
NelsonAnthonyM1874 Nov 151908 Sep 82 miles north of Knapp's Landing, Clark Co., Washingtonkilled by a train, head cut off, possibly suicidenoJohn NelsonNE 137 line 8Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Sep 1908Vancouver City CemeteryEmanuel B Nelson and Christina Johnson - parentsEnglish Lutheran Churchcharged to John Nelson, Portland OR; newspaper article The Oregonian 8 Sep 1908-possibly Scandanavian
NelsonNelsPeter1840 Feb 2Vejle, Denmark1907 Jul 28St Johns, Clark Co. Washingtonbrights diseasenoMrs Nels P NelsonNE 151 line 730 Jul 1907Vancouver City CemeterySarissa Zorensen (Denmark) - spouse; Samuel, Peter, Mary, James, Alfred, Edward, Anna, Bruce, female - children; Robert Nelson (Den) and ? Knudsen (Den) - parentsstone mason by trade and a yard master for a wagon company in WI; farmer, owned 11 acresmarried Sarah in 1870, Denmark,came to US in 1872; buried with dau Anna Simon and son Samuel; obit The Columbia 1 Aug 1907-survivors - 9 children7 live in Racine WI and Samuel and sons Robert live in Vancouver), same to Vancouver with wife and youngest dau 23 days before death
Nelson, SrSamuel Lincoln1873 Dec 1Tomah, Monroe Co., Wisconsin1937 Feb 2Forest Grove, Washington Co., OregoncanceryesMrs Nels P NelsonNE 151-3 line 7H W Prickett, Forest Grove, Washington Co., OR5 Feb 1937Vancouver City CemeteryDusine Christiansen (Denmark) - spouse; Elmer Russel, Samuel Lincoln Jr., Alice S, Veneta I, Earl C - children; Nels Peter Nelson (Den) and Sarissa Sorensen (Den) - parentsMason, Lutheran1900-day laborer, Racine Co., WI; 1910-famer, Clark Co., WA; 1920-ripper at ship yards, Forest Grove, Washington Co., ORmarried Dusine, 1896, Racine Co., Wisconsin Jr. son Samuel Lincoln is buried in Willamette National Cemetery, Portland OR- US Marine; same plot as wife and father
NelsonDusineChristiansen1877 Apr 28Denmark1960 Jan 7Vancouver WAheart failureyesMrs Nels P NelsonNE 151-4 line 7A J Rose and Son, Portland Multnomah Co., OR/Hamilton Funeral Home 11 Jan 1960Vancouver City CemeterySamuel Nelson (WI) - spouse; Elmer Russel, Samuel Lincoln Jr., Alice S, Veneta I, Earl C - children; ? Christensen (Den) and ? ? (Den) - parentsEastern Starcook for local hospitalimmigrated 1893; married Nelson in 1896, Racine Co., WI; in same plot with husband and father-in-law
NelsonPeter Norway1 Mar 1895Washougal, Clark Co., WAkilled in quarry accidentnoPotters Field, permit #652 Mar 1895Vancouver City Cemeteryworking Kiernan Company for 2 years in quarry"Eggin, Peter N" was name listed in Gilman Report, obit list name as "Peter Nelson;" Obit The Oregonian 4 Mar 1895 - spending earning to Norway
NertonGeorgeAlvin1854 Feb 24St Helen, Columbia Co., Oregon1913 Dec 11in Tingly and McGown Saloon, 5th and Washington St., Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhage and heart failureyesNE 203-6 line 6Limber Funeral Chapel13 Dec 1913Vancouver City CemeteryMay Caples (WA)(1) and Matttie Duncan (CA)(2) - spouses; Ethel M, Bessie, Milicent, Enna - by May, Leeta, George by Mattie - children (possibly one more child); Thomas T Nerton (Eng) and Elizabeth Lockin (Eng) - parentsKnights of Pythias, IORMfarmer, draying and shipping clerk for Vancouver Transportation Co, clerk for School Board, member of the police force, elected Clark Co. Sheriff in 1892interested in politics. His parents crossed the Oregon Trail in wagon train in 1852, came to Sifton area WA in 1855; obit in The Columbian 18 Dec 1911
NesbittWilliamGerman1840 MayNorthumberland Co., Ontario, Canada1904 Aug 3Clark Co., WAyesStatira S NesbittNE 81 line 16 Aug 1904Vancouver City CemeteryStatira Scarlett (Ire) - spouse; John S, Eliza Jane, Clara L + Cora (twins), Robert - children; James Nesbitt (Ire) and Elizabeth German (Ont, Can) - parents1880-farmer, Branch Co., MI; 1900-farm laborer, Kitsap Co., WA1870 married Statira; 1889-Seattle, King Co., WA
NesbittStatiraTScarlett1839 Mar 14Londonderry, Ireland1916 Feb 7St Helens, Columbia Co., OregonpneumoniayesStatira S NesbittNE 81 line 1Limber Funeral Chapel9 Feb 1916Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Nesbitt (Ont, Can) - spouse; William, Eliza Jane, Clara L + Cora (twins), Robert - children; John Scarlett (Ire) and Eliza Sampson (Ire) - parents1870 - married Nesbitt; 1900 census - 5 children/5 living; 1910-widowed, living with son Robert W and family in Los Angeles, CA; 1911-living in Vancouver WA; came to Vancouver 1901 to 1913; obit in the Columbian 9 Feb 1916
NewellLutherTuttle1833 Oct 27Vienna, Turnbull Co., Ohio1910 Apr 7Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonparalysisnoM E NewellNE 92 N/2 line 12Zeller-Byrnes Co., Portland, Multnomah Co., OR24 Apr 1910Vancouver City CemeteryLydia Fox (PA) - spouse; Clara, Charles Lincoln, William, Ethel M, Mable E, Luther Lewis - children; Peter Newell (CT) and Elizabeth Tuttle (CT) - parents1870 - carpenter, Dalles Co., IA; 1880-carpenter, Harlan Co., Neb; 1900-carpenter, Ada Co., IDmarried Lydia Jan 1862, Minn; 1900-son Lincoln and family living with parents; WA Death Cert says buried in Bellingham, Whitcom Co., WA on 9 Apr 1910-question this info.
NewellLydiaFox1838 Dec 9Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pennsylvania1921 Dec 27Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhagenoM E NewellNE 92-2 line 12Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR29 Dec 1921Vancouver City CemeteryLuther T Newell (OH)- spouse; Clara, Lincoln, William, Ethel M, Mable E, Luther Lewis - children; Elijah S Fox (NJ) and Mary Millard (PA) - parentsmarried Newwll Jan 1862, Minn; 1900 census 6 children/4 living; 1917-living in Everett WA; 1920 -living with granddaughter Lois Smith and family, Grays Harbor Co., WA; obit 29 Dec 1921 The Oregonian
NewmanLeoLedge1880 Jul 10New Jersey1918 May 10Sacred Heart Hospital, Spokane, Spokane Co., WAAddison DiseasenoNE 179 line 3Knapp Funeral Parlor12 May 1918Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; David Newman (NY) and Tillie Coleman (NY) - parentstailor
NicholsBessie18851887 Jun 12Washington2ynoPotters Field12 Jun 1887Vancouver City Cemetery
Nishiyamamale 1883Japan1913 Feb 251 mile north of Felida, Clark Co. Washingtonabout 30 years; hit by train, skull fracturePotters Field, permit #145Limber Funeral Chapel1 Mar 1913Vancouver City Cemeteryin Gilman report name is "Mishingams"
Noeinfant female1912 Jun 1Vancouver WA1912 Jun 1at home, Vancouver WAcongenital syphilisnoSE 32-5 line 16Knapp Funeral Parlor1 Jun 1912Vancouver City CemeteryNathan C Noe and Delia Dugger - parentsparents probably from TN, married in Tenn.; 1912 parents lived on Albina Ave., Portland OR; father was a blacksmith, worked for the railroad; parents divorced, mother remarried Samuel G Sentell in 1915, Clark Co., WA, mother and Sentell buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; Porter Book referes as WOE, Gilman Report-NOE
Norman/Noemaw/Newmawinfant1909 Feb1909 Feb 17noPotters Field17 Feb 1909Vancouver City Cemetery
NoonJohnH1868Ohio1911 Dec 1Vancouver WA43 yearsLimberNE 162-3Limber Funeral Chapel24 Dec 1911Vancouver City Cemeterymarried? ; John Noon and Anita DePascual - parentsSpanish-American War veteranBakerwill said he had no heirs
NorthupDaniel Taylor1849 Feb 17Gallia Co., Ohio1906 Jul 10Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co., Washingtonheart failureyesJ N NorthupNE 45 N/2 line 412 Jul 1906Vancouver City CemeteryCharlotte Anne McKendry (IN) - spouse; John Monroe, Amy Estella, Ira, Jay E, Ella, Minnie- children; Stephen Monroe Northup (OH) and Harriett Eliza Gilbert (OH) - parentsfarmermarried 1879, Kansas
NorthupCharlotteAnneMcKendry1864 Oct 12Adams Co., Indiana1918 Nov 8Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonpneumoniayesJ N NorthupNE 45-2 line 4Holman & Son, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon10 Nov 1918Vancouver City CemeteryDaniel Taylor Northup - spouse; John Monroe, Amy Estella, Ira, Jay E, Ella, Minnie - children; John McKendry (OH) and Rebecca Reynolds (IN) - parentsmarried 1879, Kansas; 1910 census 6 children/5 living, widowed in Portland OR
NylanderAndrewW1861 Dec 25Gagnef, Kopparbergs, Sweden1943 Oct 19Vancouver WAheart failureyesAndrew NylanderNE 60-3 line 12Vancouver Funeral Home22 Oct 1943Vancouver City CemeteryAnna Hendrickson (Swe) - spouse; Amil, Alfred, Josephine, Edward, Anna Helen, Ellen, Elmer, Esther, Fred, Blanche, Violet, Rose, Alfred, Arthur, Hazel Marguerite - children; Eric Nygards (Swe) and Kerstin Persdotter (Swe) - parents 1910-day laborer, Vancouver WA; farmerAnders Persson/Nygard - name at birth; mmigrated in 1881; married 1885; 1940 - living with son Arthur, Amboy, Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 21 Oct 1943
NylanderAnna "Annie"Hendrickson1866 Sep 17Ore, Kopparbergs, Sweden1910 May 22Minnehaha, Clark Co.,Washingtonparalysis, cerebral hemorrhageyesAndrew NylanderNE 60-5 line 12Kirch Funeral Home24 May 1910Vancouver City CemeteryAndrew W Nylander (Swe) - spouse; Amil, Alfred, Josephine, Edward, Anna Helen, Ellen, Elmer, Esther, Fred, Blanche, Violet, Rose, Alfred, Arthur, Hazel Marguerite - children; Andrew Henrickson (Swe) and Marguerite Mattsdotter (Swe) - parentshousewifeimmigrated 1868; married 1885; 1910 census 15 children/12 living
NylanderEdwardG1888 DecSt Francis, Anoka Co., Minnesota1911 MarVancouver WA23 yyesAndrew NylanderNE 60-1 line 124 Mar 1911Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Andrew W Nylander (Swe) and Anna Hendrickson (Swe) - parents1907-carpenter, Vancouver, 1910-laborer, Vancouver WA1910-living with parents, Clark Co., WA
NylanderAlfredL1885 Aug 27St Francis, Anoka Co., Minnesota1947 Dec 14Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonsuicide by acute nicotine poisoningyesAndrew NylanderNE 60-3 line 12Colonial Mortuary, Portland , Multnomah Co. Oregon17 Dec 1947Vancouver City CemeteryHilda Sanman (MI) - spouse; no children; Andrew W Nylander (Swe) and Anna Hendrickson (Swe) - parents1920-bridge construction contractor, Portland OR; 1930-pile driver, Multnomah Co., OR; 1940-carpenter, Multnomah Co., OR;married Hilda, 27 Sep 1919, Vancouver WA
NylanderArthur1907 Nov 5Vancouver WA1971 Dec 19Amboy, Clark Co., Washingtonheart failureyesAndrew NylanderNE 60-2 line 12Hamilton-Mylan Funeral Home 22 Dec 1971Vancouver City CemeteryGertrude Alice Dollar (OR) - spouse; Mary Ann, Dennis - children; Andrew W Nylander (Swe) and Anna Hendrickson (Swe) - parents1940 - laborer, retail concrete, Clark Co., WA, 1947-operating engineer, sand and gravel companymarried 12 Nov 1930, Chehalis, Lewis Co., WA; divorced; Gertrude buried at Evergreen Memorial Gardens, Vancouver WA under Gertrude Horn; obit The Columbian 21 Dec 1971-survivors dau Mary Ann and Son Dennis
OaksSherman/Thurman1 May 1897Vancouver WA11 Jun 1897Vancouver WAbowel complaintnoNE Potter Field Permit #7812 Jun 1897Vancouver City CemeteryJohn Oaks (PA) and ? ? - parents ???father could have been a soldier b 1874 PA
O'Berg, Sr.AxelConrad1838Sweden1908 Dec 31infirmity, 70 ynoAxel O'BergNE 115 S/2 line 31 Jan 1909Vancouver City CemeteryAnna Larsdotter (Swe) - spouse; Axel Conrad Jr. - sonin Gilman report and Porter Reports say "moved in other cemetery"
O'Berg, Jr.AxelConrad1877 Oct 1Sodra Vi, Kalmer, Sweden1951 Dec 30Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonbronchial pneumonia and measles, pulmontary embolismyesAxel O'BergNE 115-? Line 3Hamilton Funeral Home 2 Jan 1952Vancouver City CemeteryDolina Morrison (Scot) - spouse; Axel C III, George B, Alex Donald, Jim - children; G Bernard- adopted son; Peter Larrson (Swe) and Anna Larsdotter - parentLutheranWorld War I veteran, US Army, private, 14th Infantry1900-farm laborer for brother Severin, Traverse Co., MN; 1910-1920 building carpenter, Vancouver WA; 1930-1940-car repairman for SP&S Railroad, Vancouver WAborn Axel Konrad Larsson; immigrated 1898; married Dolina 27 Jul 1905, Clark Co., WA
O'BergDolina MMorrison1878 Sep 17Lochbroom B, County Ross, Scotland1954 May 19St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAheart failureyesAxel O'BergNE 115-2 line 3Hamilton Funeral Home 24 May 1954Vancouver City CemeteryAxel C O'Berg Jr. - spouse; Axel C III, George B, Alex Donald, Jim - children; Hugh Morrison (Scot) and Mary McKenzie (Scot) - parentsimmigrated 1904; married Axel 27 Jul 1905, Clark Co., WA; 1910 census 1 child/0 living; obit The Columbia 20 May 1954-50 yr Clark Co. resident, 1904 arrived in Vancouver, survivored by one son George.
O'Berg IIIAxelConrad1906 May 20Vancouver WA1906 May 20Vancouver WAignitionnoAxel O'BergNE 115 S/2 line 321 May 1906Vancouver City CemeteryAxel C O'Berg Jr. (Swe) and Dolina Morrison (Scot) - parents
O'BrienNellie ViolaReed1880 Jun 25Severy, Greenwood Co., Kansas1971 Nov 28Covallis, Benton Co., OregonyesFred CopelandNE 78-4 line 3Hutton Funeral Home, Lebanon, Linn Co., Oregon30 Nov 1971Vancouver City CemeteryFred Allen Copeland (CA)(1), Calvin Cyrus Bridges (OR)(2) and Karl Ellsworth O'Brien (WI)(3) - spouses; James Winfred, Clayton Reed, Eleanor "Nellie" B, Mary Jane, Ellen Margaret - children by Copeland; Samuel Reed (IA) and Margaret Ludy (IN) - parentsmarried Copeland 5 Mar 1902, Vancouver WA-divorced; married Bridges 2 Aug 1919, Clackamas Co., OR, 1920- Portland OR with Bridges, then widowed; married O'Brien 18 Feb 1926, Vancouver WA-O'Brien died in 1962, buried in Willamette Cemetery, WWI vet; buried in same plot as dau Ellen Margaret and parents Samuel and Margaret Reed
OlmsteadMelvin "Mellie"Leonard1869 Mar 12Kansas1910 Apr 25Vancouver WAtuberculosisnoGussie OlmsteadNE 104-5 line 9Kirch Funeral Home27 Apr 1910Vancouver City CemeteryRuby "Gussie" Ferguson (OR) - spouse; daughter - child; Van Ranselear Olmstead (Can) and Margaret "Peggie" D Weymore (IN) - parent1910-farmer, Vancouver WAmarried Ruby "Gussie" Ferguson 9 May 1906, Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co., WA (Olmstead was 2nd husband); lived in Umtailla Co., OR most of his life; wife Gussie remarried Jacob Freeze, Umatilla Co., OR Sep 21 1910 and divorced by 1915; obit The East Oregonian 28 Apr 1910-; lived in Umatilla Co., OR most of life, moved to Vancouver around 1910
Olson/OlesonHannahEHansen1846 Feb 3Norway1913 Aug 27Vancouver WAcancer of the stomachyesMrs M Metcalf NE 198-4 line 10Beatty Funeral Home28 Aug 1913Vancouver City CemeteryOle Oleson (Nor) - spouse; child, Magdalena "Lena", Maud - children; Christian Hansen (Nor) and ? ? (Nor) - parents1900-domestic, Vancouver WA; 1910-laundress, Vancouver WA;1867-immigrated; 1900-1910 census 3 children/1 living; widow and grandmother; 1900-widowed, living with dau Lena Metcalf and family; death cert has name OLESONGilman listed as in NE 199-4 line 11, actually in NE 198-4 line 10 as in Porter Report
O'Neil/O'Neill Peter1860Illinois1910 Jul 8 in a horse stall at Bud Smith's stable, Vancouver WAheart failure and chronic alcoholismnoNE 167-3 line 10, Potter's FieldKnapp Funeral Parlor8 Jul 1910Vancouver City Cemeterysingle?:1885-laborer, Kansas; itinerant laborer, had been on Denver police force and fire departmentobit The Columbian 8 Jul 1910-with home or family, arrived in Vancouver 2-3 weeks, drifted in from railroadbroken headstone with a part of a shield in NE 167
OpdykeJennieBurhl 1909 Oct 15Vancouver WA1911 Jul 26at home at 1008 W 14th, Vancouver WAinfantile paralysisnoEdward W OpdykeNE 58-5 line 1oKnapp Funeral Parlor27 Jul 1911Vancouver City CemeteryEdward W Opdyke (NJ) and Carrie Dixson (MI) - parentsfather buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; mother buried in Yamhill Co., OR
Owens Richard Leo 1965 Nov 23Vancouver WA2000 Sep 4Spokane, Spokane Co., WashingtonyesKnappNE 32 - against the outside edgeHeritage Funeral Home, Spokane, Spokane Co., WA16 Sep 2000Vancouver City CemeteryLaura Lore - spouse; "Nicky" (dau) - child; Donald Lester Owens (CA) and Kathleen Jo Swiatek - parentsprinting industry; auto repairmanmarried 1985, Clark Co., WA; buried with Calvin A and Kathleen J Borman; Kathleen's first husband was Donald L Owens (died 2000, buried in Willamette Nat'l Cemetery, Portland OR) - these people are not in Gilman Report; obit The Columbian 12 Sep 2000
Page Emma WeltyJenkins1864 Nov 17Michigan1911 Nov 24at home at 911 W 7th St., Vancouver WAtyphoid feveryesReuben PageNE 103-4 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Nov 1911Vancouver City CemeteryReuben Page (Eng) - spouse; Bessie A, Ernest, Roy Algernon, Elsie - children; Algernon Sidney Jenkins (NY) and Mary Jane Miller (MI) - parentsMethodisthousewifemarried Page 5 Mar 1884, Laaegan Co., MI; 1900-1910 census 4 children/3 living, lived in Allegan Co., MI; 1908 dau Bessie married Lukins in Vancouver WA; father buried in Allegan Co., MI, husband died in 1950 and buried in Allegan Co., MI
ParkerChesterHerbert1901 Sep 25Pittsburgh, Columbia Co., Oregon1999 May 15King Co., WashingtonyesFranklin HazlettNE 30 line 141999Vancouver City CemeteryEunice Shipton (IA)(1) and Ruby M Hazlett (KY)(2) - spouse; John Warren Parker (KS) and Lena Grace Case (OR) - parents1930-cab operator, Seattle WAmarried Eunice 15 Aug 1931, Seattle, WA, buried in Lake Co., SD; married Ruby Hazlett Todd 2 Jul 1987, King Co., WA; Chester Parker is on the same headstone as John W Todd and Ruby Todd; Parkers parents buried in IOOF Cemetery in Kalama, Cowlitz Co., WA
ParkerEthylanCatherine1906 Sep 10Vancouver WA1907 Sep 1at home, Vancouver WApneumonianoR C Parker NE 87-3 line 72 Sep 1907Vancouver City CemeteryR C Parker (Can) and Minnie Pyke (Can) - parents
ParksHettie1910 Jun 15Clark Co., WA1913 Apr 4at home at Hidden Station, Vancouver WApneumonia/Whooping coughnoNE 172-1 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor6 Apr 1913Vancouver City CemeteryJames J Parks (TN) and Martha E Pendley (MO) - parentssiblings - Zona, Alma Frances, Horace W, Eliza A, Emma E, Levi, George, Orville/Arvel, Mabel O; could be grandchild of James and Martha, as Martha was 53 years old at time of Hettie's birth
PartridgeFannieEllaOct 189130 Dec 1891noPotters Field, permit #4831 Dec 1891Vancouver City Cemetery
PaysonFrancisArthur1927 Oct 29Clark Co., WA1929 Apr 10St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAmalnutruitionnoNE 205 Baby Green line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Apr 1929Vancouver City CemeteryArthur B Payson (MN) and Thelma Coop (WA) - parentsnote: this entry was dulicated in SW 205 baby green (now eliminated in SW)
PerdueLily C 1897 Aug1897 Sep 24jaundice noPotters Field, permit #8024 Sep 1897Vancouver City CemeteryJames Perdue (IL) and Rebecca Bordwell (OR) - parentsFather b. 1842 IL -d. 1929 Vancouver, buried in Brush Prairie Cemetery Clark Co., WA; mother b. 1852 OR-d.-1899, Clark Co., WA, married in 1867, Clark Co., WA, she is buried at Manor Wilson Bridge Cemetery
PerkinsCatherine "Kate" AnnPlatt1847 Jan 1Cortland, Cotland Co., New York1912 Jan 27at home in RFD#2, Battle Ground, Clark Co., Washingtonpneumonia and erysipelasnoNE 137-6 line 8Knapp Funeral Parlor2 Feb 1912Vancouver City CemeteryGillis McNeil (NY)(1), Silas Kingsley (NY)(2) and ? Perkins (3) - spouses; James, Charles, Minnie, Rosie, Bertha, Kate, John - children by McNeil; Burchard Platt (Ger) and Mary Emerson (NY) - parents1880-Chickasaw Co., IA; divorced McNeil, married Silas Kingsley in 1894 in IA; McNeil died in 1896, buried in NY; 1900 in Bremer Co., with Kingsley; 1901-Kingsley died in Clay Co., IA; 1903 married RV Perkins, Yamhill Co., OR by 1910 divorced still in Yamhill Co., OR
PetersonBernhardt "Ben"1864 (1868?)Sweden1908 May 21 St Josephs Hospital, Bellingham, Whatcom Co., Washingtonheart failure, dilation of the heartyesMrs William C Foster NE 120-2 line 8Bingham and Stokes, Bellingham WA; Knapp Funeral Parlor27 May 1908Vancouver City CemeterysingleMethodistloggerlived in Bellingham, Skagit Co., WA; obit Bellingham newpaper 22 May 1908; charged to Mrs William C Foster of Portland OR
PetersonVictorEmanuel1924 Jan 6Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1924 Mar 23Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonmeningitisnoPotters FieldPierson Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR25 Mar 1924Vancouver City CemeteryEmanuel Peterson (IL) and Maude Young (WA ) - parentslaborer in lumber millall information in Gilman exception death and burieal dates. Parents in 1915 in Clark Co., WA, another son Victor born 1925 died 2009 CA; father buried in Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland OR, 1940 he commited suicide, Portland OR; Grandmother Sarah Seymore (Maude's mother) is in NE 79
PetersonRuby (infant)1921 Oct 3Clark Co., WA1921 Oct 3Clark Co., WAprematurenoNE 58-5 line 10Limber Funeral Chapel4 Oct 1921Vancouver City CemeteryFrank A N Peterson (WI) and Verna Elswich (KS) - parents??obit The Columbian 4 Oct 1921 - parents Mr & Mrs Frank Peterson; Note: Frank A N Peterson's mother is Agnes Thibodeau (NE 51) and this family has history in Vancouver, not positive they are Ruby's parents, Frank and Verna are in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA
PetteysWilliamBarney1838 Jun 27Cohocton, Steuben Co., New York1908 Sep 17 Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonconcussion of the spinal columnyesW B PetteysNE 22 N/2 line 6Vancouver Undertaking Co.20 Sep 1908Vancouver City CemeterySarah A Coreyey (NY) - spouse; Lester, Ruby, Emory, Rosa, Cora, Edward, Leon - children; Benjamin Petteys (NY) and Deborah Barney (NY) - parents 1860-farmer, Wayne Co., NY; 1870-works for railroad, MI; 1880-farmer, Holt Co., Neb;married Sarah 1859, Pineville, Wayne Co., NY; State of Washington Death Certificate; between 1865-1868 moved from NY to MI; moved to Vancouver about 1889
PetteysSarahA Corey1842 Dec 11New York1907 Mar 20Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonparalysisyesW B PetteysNE 22 N/2 line 6Hamilton and Son Funeral Home 22 Mar 1907Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Barney Petteys (NY) - spouse; Lester, Ruby, Emory, Rosa, Cora, Edward, Leon - children; William Corey (NJ) and Nancy Rose (NY) - parents1900 census - 10 children/6 living; obit The Oregonian 31 Mar 1907-18 years prior to death (about 1889) moved to Vancouver;
PietzAdolphCarl1886 Apr 1Estherville, Emmet Co., Iowa1955 Oct 9Vancouver WAcanceryesAdolph C PietzNE 107-5 line 6Vancouver Funeral Home13 Oct 1955Vancouver City CemeteryMaybell Stewart (MN) (1) and Madge Lamb (WA)(2) - spouses; Mabel, May, infant, Maxine, Inez, Lee - children by Maybell; Gustav Pietz (WI) and Selma Seim (IL) - parentsBrick layerHeadstone is Adolph and Madge PIETZ, but she remarried two more times and died under Boesen name in inventory; Maybell is buried in La Center, Clark Co., WA; in same plot as second wife Madge; obit The Columbia 11 Oct 1955-30 yr resident of Vancouver, survivors wife Madge, dau Maxine and son Lee,
PitneyFloyVietta ColeFerguson1896 May 23Sheridan Co., Wyoming1933 Mar 11Oregon State Hospital for the Insane, Salem, Marion Co., Oregonmyocarditis, dementia, insanitynoNE 125 line 13Knapp Funeral Parlor14 Mar 1933Vancouver City CemeteryHerbert M Pitney (OR) - spouse; Albert A Ferguson (CO) and Nellie F Hill (IN) - parentsMethodisthousewife, stenographer, general officeOR State Death Cert; obit The Columbian 13 Mar 1933-at state hospital for one month prior to death, resident of Detroit OR for 15 years, surviviors mother, husband, 2 brothers; had been ill for 8 years of failing health; in same plot as mother and grandparents
Poabler/Podhorainfant ca 19061906 JunnoNE 41-1 line 813 Jun 1906Vancouver City Cemeterynot Anton or Frank Podhora's child nor Emil and Anton (sons of Frank)
PoageJames Kirker1850 Sep 11Ohio Co., Virginia1927 Jan 16Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonheart relatedyesMrs Florence PoageNE 128-4 line 16Limber Funeral Chapel17 Jan 1927Vancouver City CemeteryMary A Conner (IL) - spouse; William, Robert S, George, Bertha, Rhoda, Susan, James (?) Alfred A (twin) and Agnes (twin) - children; James Poage (OH) and Susan Evans (OH) - parents1870- Mercer Co., IL; 1880-farmer, Ohio; 1900- farmer owned 64 acres in Columbia Precinct (Camas) WA, 1910-carpenter, Portland OR1850- hisparent were in Ohio Co., VA in July for census; 1860-1870 with parents, Mercer Co., IL
PoageMary AsenathConner1858 Apr 16Springfield, Clark Co., Ohio 1929 Feb 15Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhageyesMrs Florence PoageNE 128-4 line 17Hennesey-Goetsch & McKee, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon 17 Feb 1929Vancouver City CemeteryJames K Poage - spouse; William, Robert S, George, Bertha, Rhoda, Susan, James Alfred (twin) and Agnes (twin) - children; William Conner (IN) and Betsy Mullin (OH) - parents 1900 census 8 children/7 living; obit The Oregonian 16 Feb 1929
PoageRobertSmith1876 Oct 8Warrensburg, Johnson Co., Missouri1955 Jul 22Multnomah Co., Oregonheart relatedyesMrs Florence PoageNE 128-2 line 18Evergreen Funeral Chapel, Vancouver26 Jul 1955Vancouver City CemeteryFlorence Davis (WI) - spouse; Florence, Marie, Margaret - children; James K Poage (PA) and Mary A Conner (IL) - parents1900-teamster, grocery delivery; 1910-1930-commercial teacher in candy industry, Vancouver; 1940 - janitor in public schools, Vancouver WA; 1950-gardner, Vancouver
PoageFlorence Davis1875 Jun 10Oconto Co., Wisconsin1940 Aug 3Vancouver WAcanceryesMrs Florence PoageNE 128-3 line 19Limber Funeral Chapel6 Aug 1940Vancouver City CemeteryRobert Poage (MO) - spouse: Florence, Marie, Margaret - children; John Davis (Can) and Fannie Gordon (NY) - parentsobit The Columbian 5 Aug 1940-1904 from Clearwater WI, married Poage in 1906, Vancouver, survivors-husband and 3 daus
PodhoraAntonRozen1850 Aug 27Bohemia - Austria/Germany1913 Oct 12St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WA63y, 1m, 15d nephritisnoNE 204-4 line 5limber Funeral Chapel15 Oct 1914Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Anton Podhora (Bohemia) and ? ? (Bohemia?) - parentsferrier; farmer, owned 112 acrescame to the US in 1897 through PA (1900, Vancouver) with brother Frank (b 1858), his wife Crystal, nephews Anton and Emil; 1910 living in Clark Co., WA; Death certificate has birth date as Aug 1850; siblings - John, Annie, Marie (all living in Austria,) Wenzel (IL), Frank (Vancouver WA)
Potterinfant1909 Mar 29Camas, Clark Co., Washngton1909 Mar 29Camas, Clark Co., WashngtonstillbornnoG C PotterNE 08-2 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Mar 1909Vancouver City CemeteryGilbert C Potter (OR) and Mamie Schloterback (WA) - parents
PotterWillEugene1863 Oct 6Burtchville, St Claire Co., Michigan1928 Mar 28at 451 E Holland Ave., Portland, Multnomah Co., OregoncanceryesWill Eugene PotterNE 134-1 line 11Knapp Funeral Parlor30 Mar 1928Vancouver City CemeteryElla V Stocks (IA) - spouse; Merrill - child; Arvin Potter (NY) and Laura Robbins (CT) - parentsMethodistfarmer, lived in Hermiston, Umatilla Co., OR; also farmed Iowa, South Dakota, Willamette Valley ORobit The Oregonian 29 Mar 1928; ill for 7 months before death; youngest of his family; married Ella Jan 1888; lived in South Dak.; moeved in OH and SD, OR,WA and then settle in Umatilla CO., OR; survivors wife and son
PotterElla ViolaStocks1868 Jun 12Chickasaw Co., Iowa1953 Feb 26Hermiston, Umatilla Co., Oregon heart failureyesWill Eugene PotterNE 134-2 line 11Burns Mortuary, Hermiston, Umatilla Co., Oregon2 Mar 1953Vancouver City CemeteryWill E Potter (MI)(1) and Anton Soneson (Swe)(2) - spouse; Merrill - child by Potter; Charles Stocks (Eng) and Polly Ann James (NY) - parents1910 census 1 child/1 living; married in 1933 to Soneson, he died 1937 Umtailla Co., OR; OR Death record - Umatilla Co., OR- where she resided; son Merrill buried in Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WA; 1940 living with sister Bertha under Soneson name in Umatilla
PowersGeorgeGordon1877 Mar 10Green Bay, Brown Co., Wisconsin1976 Feb 21Seal Beach, Orange Co., Californiaheart failureyesGoerge G PowersNE 147-4 line 327 Feb 1976Vancouver City CemeteryHilma C Johnson (WA) - spouse; Phillip, Gordon - children; George L Powers (NY) and Rebecca K Gates (NY) - parents1910-lawyer, Vancouver WA; 1920-fruit farmer, Vancouver WA; 1930-1950-attorney, Vancouver WAmarried 1910 in Clark Co., WA; obit The Columbian 24 Feb 1976-38 years attorney in Vancouver; survivors-2 sons
PowersHilma CatherineJohnson1882 Apr 29Clark Co., WA1958 Mar 30at E. 13th Street, Vancouver WAcanceryesyesGeorge GodfreyNE 147-4 line 3Evergreen Funeral Chapel, Vancouver2 April 1958Vancouver City CemeteryGeorge G Powers (WI) - spouse; Phillip, Gordon - children; John W Johnson (Fin) and Mary C Haforgren (Fin) - parents1930-1940-English teacher, Vancouvermarried in 1910 in Clark Co.,WA; mother, father and grandmother are all buried in same plot; obit The Columbian 1 Apr 1958
PrielAndrewW1866 Mar 12Glascott Grey, Ontario, Canada1941 May 17Vancouver WAbronchial pneumoniayesR DuFresneNE 27-1 line 11Vancouver Funeral Home20 May 1941Vancouver City CemeterySarah L Clark (IA) - spouse; Elmer, Miles, Mary, Harmon - children; Andrew Priel (Ire) and Bridget Roach (Ire) - parents1900-1910 blacksmith and liveryman in Dawson Co., Neb.; 1930 - filing tools, Hillsboro, Washington Co., ORimmigrated 1888; married in 18 Nov 1892, Neb.; 1910 census 3 children/3 living; 1940 living in Clark Co., WA with grandson Gene Hall-mother Mary working as Registered Nurse in Salen OR, widowed; obit The Columbian 19 May 1941-survivored by wife, 2 sons and dau
PrielSarah LucretiaClark1871 Mar 12Iowa City, Johnson Co., Iowa1954 Sep 28Battle Ground, Clark Co., WashingtonsenilityyesSarah L PrielNE 27-2 line 11Vancouver Funeral Home1 Oct 1954Vancouver City CemeteryAndrew W Priel (Can) - spouse; Elmer, Miles, Mary - children; James Clark (PA) and Sarah Stannard (NY) - parents1930-fruit canner, cannery worker, Hillsboro Washington Co., ORmarried in 18 Nov 1892, Neb; 1910 census 3 children/3 living; obit The Columbian 30 Sep 1954-20 years resident of Vancouver, survivors 2 sons and dau
Pritchard, JrJamesMilton1871 Nov 25Hayward, Alameda Co., California1929 Mar 31Redmond, King Co., WashingtonnoNE 14 line 3Hamilton Funeral Home Apr 1929Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver WAMabel Lucinda Brumigan (PA)(1) and Alice "Allie" Nunn (MO)(2) - spouses; Robert (1898), Mildred (1900), Clameda/Clara P (1904) children by Mabel; James Milton III (1912), Charles Burton - children
by Alice ; James Prichard, Sr and Bridget Leo - parents
Became a teacher and taught in Vancouver schools. Superintendent of Schools for Clark Co 1905-1907. Taught in Puget Sound area also. 1920- HS Principal, King Co., WAgraduated from Amboy grade school, Vancouver High school in 1896, continued at Ellensburg Normal School and then University of WA - graduating in 1924. Attended Univ of CA and George Washington University in DC.; married Mabel 1896, Clark Co., WA; wife Mabel is interred in NE 105-1 and dau Mildred in NE 88; Alice is probably in Park Hill Cemetery; parents buried in Montavilla Cemetery, Portland OR
PritchardMabelLucindaBrumigan1878 Aug 10Pennsylvania1907 Sep 18at home, Vancouver WAcancer of the bowelsyesD B BrumaginNE 105-1 line 8Knapp Funeral Parlor20 Sep 1907Vancouver City CemeteryJames Milton Pritchard Jr. (CA) - spouse; Robert, Mildred, Clarmeda/Clara P - children; Delorus Bennett Brumagin, Sr.(NY) and Helen Chesbro (NY) - parentsMethodisthousewifemarried 1896, Clark Co., WA; husband James buried in NE 14; dau Mildred in plot NE 88-5 - next plot over
PritchardMildred1900Washington1907 Aug 11Vancouver WAdiphtheriayesJ Milton PrichardNE 88-5 line 812 Aug 1907Vancouver City CemeteryJames Milton Pritchard Jr (CA) and Mabel Brumigan (PA) - parentsgrave of mother in NE 105-1 -next plot over
Proctor Thomas1825 Feb 10England1911 Mar 24at home at 2110 E "C" St., Vancouver WApneumonianoNE 141-5 S 1/2 line 4Knapp Funeral Parlor26 Mar 1911Vancouver City CemeteryMartha Smith (Eng) - spouse; Alice, Jennie, Emma, Lionel Thomas, James - children; William Proctor (Eng) and Elizabeth Talbot (Eng) - parentsCivil War veteran- Co. G, 22nd Wisconsin Infantry-with Sherman on march to the sea, captured and placed in Libby Prisonfarmerimmigrated in 1850 from England; wife martha buried in Oak Grove Cem., Yamhill Co., OR; 1910 census 5 children/3 living; buried with dau Alice Sorber; obit The Columbian 30 Mar 1911-immigrated to WI until Civil War, came from Neb to Clark Co for 8 years near "View" (Mountain View); survivored by wife and son Lionel T and 2 daus
PullamCecil Elton1912 Jan 22at home, Fruit Valley, Clark Co., Washington1912 Jan 22at home, Fruit Valley, Clark Co., WashingtonstillbornnoNE 105-4 line 8Knapp Funeral Parlor22 Jan 1912Vancouver City CemeteryJesse Newton Pullam (IL) and Nancy Elizabeth Rice (OH) - parentsparents buried in Park Hill Cemetery,Vancouver WA
PullamWilfordA1910 Nov 8Warren, Morris Co., Kansas1916 Jan 9Vancouver Junction, Clark Co., WApneumonianoNE 105-5 line 8Limber Funeral Chapel10 Jan 1916Vancouver City CemeteryJesse Newton Pullam (IL) and Nancy Elizabeth Rice (OH) - parentsparents in Kansas 1900-1910; parents buried in Park Hill Cemetery,Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 10 Jan 1916-youngest of nine children, grandson of E E Rice of Vancouver
PyburnNoraE1895 MarOregon1904 Nov 29Clark Co., WAspinal meniningitisnoPotters Field, permit #10929 Nov 1904Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Jasper Pyburn (MO) and Sarah Johnson (OR) - parents1900- parents living in Clark Co., WA, father was laborer in lumber mill; 1900 - siblings - Emily, Donia; 1909 mother Sarah died in Jackson Co., OR; father died in Lane Co., OR 1921; last name spellings Pyburn, Phybum, Phyburn
QuarnbergRolandA 1877 Jul 8Vermillion, Clay Co., South Dakota1949 Feb 2Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesAlice L KiesNE 05-4 line 12Vancouver Funeral Home4 Feb 1949Vancouver City CemeteryLaura Ellen Kies (WI) - spouse; Alice Lydia - child; Andrew Quarnberg (Swe) and Lydia M Norelius (Swe) - parentsElks Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Royal Highlands, Minnehaha and Pomona Grange, Vancouver Rotary Club1920-1930 - asst port master, Vancouver WAmarried in 1903, Vancouver WA; obit The Columbian 2 Feb 1949-15 years old (1891) came to Vancovuer WA with parents, 1940 retired after 35 years with Vancouver Post Office; survivors wife and dau; in same plot as wife and in-laws
QuarnbergLaura Ellen Kies1873 Jan 6Arcadia, Trempealeau Co., Wisconsin1960 Dec 23Vancouver WAcerebral thombosis, pneumonniayesAlice L KiesNE 05-4 line 12Vancouver Funeral Chapel27 Dec 1960Vancouver City CemeteryRoland Quarnberg (SD) - spouse; Alice Lydia - child; Raynor Kies (MA) and Alice Louisa Cartwright (IL) - parentsparents in same plot; married in 1903, Clark Co.,WA; obit The Columbian 26 Dec 1960-resident of Vancouver since 1877; survivor dau
QuarnbergAndrew 1849 Aug 16Rattivik, Kopparbergs, Sweden1933 Aug 21at home 3114 Kauffman Ave., Vancouver WAsenilityyesAndrew A QuarnbergNE 28-2 line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor23 Aug 1933Vancouver City CemeteryLydia Marguerita Norelius (Swe)- spouse; James, Roland, Carl Norelius, Ruth Elida, Amy - children; Andres Jonsson (Quarnberg) (Swe) and Anna Jonsdotter (Swe) - parents In SD treasurer of Clay Co., SD, deputy sheriff, county assessor, merchant; in Clark Co., WA, assovciate weather observer for Federal gov't, horticulturist, County Commissioner for 6 years, District Horticulture Inspector for Clark Countyborn Anders Andersson in Sweden-changed to Quarnberg prior immigrated; 1869 emigrated to Vermillion SD Dakota; married Lydia in 1876, SD; 1891 moved to Fruit Valley area; obit The Columbian 22 Aug 1933-42 year resident of Vancouver, Flahun College in Sweden majoring in languages; survivors 1 son and 1 dau
QuarnbergLydia MargaretaNorelius1858 May 16Gavle, Gavleborgs, Sweden1909 Sep 2Clark Co., WAheart failureyesAndrew A QuarnbergNE 28 line 12 Kirch Funeral Home3 Sep 1909Vancouver City CemeteryAndrew Anderson Quarnberg (Swe) - spouse; Roland, Carl Norelius, Ruth Elida, Amy - children; Mathias Norelius (Swe) and Margareta Eriksson (Swe) - parentshousewife1900 census 4 children/4 living; obit The Columbian 3 Sep 1909
QuarnbergCarlNorelius1885 Sep 11Vermillion, Clay Co., South Dakota1916 May 11 at family home at 3114 Kauffman, Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesAndrew A QuarnbergNE 28-3 line 12 Knapp Funeral Parlor13 May 1916Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Andrew A Quarnberg (Swe) and Lydia M Norelius (Swe) - parentsElks Lodge, Mazama Climbing Club1910- deputy auditor, Auditor Office, Vancouver WA1900- with parents; 1910 at home with widowed father and aunt Mary Norelius; enjoyed mountain climbing; graduated from Vancouver HS and Behnke Walker School, Portland OR; obit The Columbian 12 May 1916; survivied by father, 2 sisters and one bro
QuarnbergRuth Elida1892 Apr 8Vancouver WA1918 Aug 9at father's home,Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesAndrew A QuarnbergNE 28 line 12 Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Aug 1918Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Andrew A Quarnberg (Swe) and Lydia M Norelius (Swe) - parentsstudent1910 at home with widowed father and aunt Mary Norelius; obit The Columbian 10 Aug 1918
QueruschGeorgeFApr 1887noPotters Field16 Apr 1887Vancouver City Cemetery
QuigleyLidieEBarnes 1871 Oct 22Iowa1906 Mar 25Fruit Valley, Clark Co., Washingtonsuicide by carbolic acid poisoning yesArthur QuigleyNE 115 N/2 line 327 Mar 1906Vancouver City CemeteryArthur James Quigley (WA) - spouse; Walter, child, child - children; William Barnes (Can) and Sarah Davis (IL) - parentsCatholic housewifemarried 31 Dec 1888, Columbia Co., OR; 1900 census 3 children/1 living; 1910-Arthur and Walter at Oak Pt, Cowlitz Co., WA, laborers at logging camp; obit The Seattle Daily Time 27 March 1906
QuinnCharles1844Roxbury, Norfolk Co., Massachusetts 1913 Jun 4Savoy Sanitarium, Vancouver WAtubular meniningitisnoPotter's FieldNE 194-4 line 15Beatty Funeral Home8 Jun 1913Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; Patrick Quinn (Ire) and Ann Broadrick (Ire) - parents?Catholic1910-boiler maker, Tacoma, Pierce Co., WA1860 family living in Boston MA; found was wandering streets and taken to Savoy Sanitarian; new to Vancouver; obit The Columbian 12 Jun 1913
Roader/RoederAlbert1843 Mar Germany1913 Oct 43rd St., Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhage at shopnoNE 201-4 line 8Limber Funeral Chapel8 Oct 1913Vancouver City CemeteryEsther LaFrambois (WA) - spouse; Bessie (1877), John Christian (1877), Albert (1879) - children; Carl Roader (Ger) and Mary Raichbood(?)(Ger) - parent1880-engineer on a boat, Astoria, Clatsop Co., OR; 1900-1910 machinist, Vancouver WA, has own shop, 1913 - locksmith, Vancouver WAimmigrated 1868; married 25 Dec 1876, Clatsop Co., OR; widowed by 1900; obit 5 Oct 1913 The Oregonian-sister (Mrs F W Standsandt) in Portland OR; Bessie Vogel-daughhther; Albert - fisherman, died 1922, Wahkiakum Co., WA; newspaper article 8 Oct 1891, The Dalles Daily Chronicle-"Esther Roader, woman of the street, in Astoria, went to bed drunk" and started a fire from a cigarette- assume this may be Albert wife?? ex-wife??; obit The Columbian 6 Oct 1913-35 years resident of Vancouver\, survivors-sons Albert, Frank and dau Mrs. Charles Vogel (Bessie)
RameyWH1859Canada1893 Jun 28Clark Co., WAconsumptionnoPotters Field, permit #6129 Jun 1893Vancouver City Cemeterysingle
RandolphHattie MTaylor1881 Apr 6Manhattan, Riley Co., Kansas1913 Mar 12Vancouver WAtuberculosisyesNE 66-2 line 15Knapp Funeral Parlor14 Mar 1912Vancouver City CemeteryArthur J Randolph (OR) - spouse; no children; Owen Taylor (PA) and Hulda Bacheler (KY) - parentsChristianhousewifemarried Randolph in 1903, Vancouver WA; remarried in 1913 to May Bachelor, died in 1965, Portland OR, buried in Rose City Cemetery, Portland OR; obit The Columbian 20 Mar 1913-victim of the"white plague," in Felida for 6 years then in Vancouver the past year, survivors husband, parents
RanierJohnBaptiste1877 Jun 10Germany1908 Jun 2Stevenson, Skamania Co., Washingtoninternal injuries due to a railroad accidentnoPotters FieldKnapp Funeral Parlor8 Jun 1908Vancouver City Cemeterysinglelaborer
RaskFrederick "Fred"1851Finland1909 Jun 15body found on McFarland Bros Ranch, Amboy, Clark Co., Washingtonbroken neck from fall building a barnnoAlfred KampeNE 25-5 line 9Knapp Funeral ParlorJun 1909Vancouver City Cemeterymarried/widowercarpenter, rancherfuneral notice The Columbian 25 Jun 1909
Raymondinfant1909 Jan 17W 11th St., Vancouver WA1909 Jan 17W 11th St., Vancouver WAstillbornnoD N RaymondNE 85 S/2 line 5Hamilton Funeral Home 17 Jan 1909Vancouver City CemeteryLouis Raymond (OR) and Grace Crawford (WA) - parentsState of Washington Death Certificate
RaymondMyrtleMay 1898 Dec 20Oregon1913 Apr 5at home at RD#6 Minnehaha, Vancouver WApneumonia, Whooping coughnoD N RaymondNE 85-3 S/2 line 5Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Apr 1913Vancouver City CemeteryDavid Nicholas Raymond (MI) and Minda D'Hondt (WI) - parentsstudentsiblings - Irene, Eunice, Lillie, Carrie, Doris, David
RaymondCarrieA1902 Jun 19Cowlitz Co., Washington1910 Jun 28Minnehaha, Clark Co., Washingtonscarlett fevernoD N RaymondNE 85 S/2 line 5Kirch Funeral Home30 Jun 1910Vancouver City CemeteryDavid Nicholas Raymond (MI) and Minda D'Hondt (WI) - parentsstudentparents buried in Riverside Cem., Linn Co., OR
RaymondRoy1905 Oct 15Clark Co., WA1906 Nov 29Clark Co., WApneumonianoD N RaymondNE 85-3 S/2 line 52 Dec 1906Vancouver City CemeteryDavid Nicholas Raymond (MI) and Minda D'Hondt (WI) - parents
ReedSamuelAugustus1852 Sep 4Jackson Co., Iowa1929 Dec 19Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhageyesFred CopelandNE 78-1 line 3Finley Mortuary, Portland, Multnomah Co., OR21 Dec 1929Vancouver City CemeteryMargaret J Ludy (IN) - spouse; Minnie, Nellie V, Fannie, Blance - children; John Reed (PA) and Mary Bockius (PA) - parentswood dealer, gold minermarried in 1877, Kansas; 21 Dec 1929 The Oregonian - funeral notice
ReedMargaret JaneLudy1856 Dec 9Indiana1917 Nov 14Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonyesFred CopelandNE 78-2 line 3R T Burnes Resident Parlor, Portland , Multnomah Co., Oregon15 Nov 1917Vancouver City CemeterySamuel A Reed (IA) - spouse; Minnie, Nellie V, Fannie, Blance - children; David Ludy (MD) and Margaret Weaver (OH) - parentsmarried in 1877, Kansas; obit Nov 14 1917 The Oregon Journal
ReidHarrietJames1846 Aug 16Maimi, Maimi Co., Indiana1924 Apr 4at son Dr. Reid, Oregon City, Clackamas Co., Oregonbronchitis, emphysemayesDavid F ReidNE 109-4 line 4Limber Funeral Home5 Apr 1924Vancouver City CemeteryDavid F Reid (IN) spouse; Orrin E, Rebecca, Alice Mary, James, Milton - children; David James (KY) and Ellen Trimble (KY) - parentsmarried Reid 4 Sep 1866, Indiana; 1900 census 5 children/5 living; homesteaded in the Chelatchie Prairie area, WA; half brother Thomas James in same plot; husband David buried in Los Angeles Co., California; obit The Columbian 5 Apr 1924-moved in 1872 from Indian to Clark Co., WA; survivors - children - James R, Milton M, Alice (Wilson); father buried SW 86
ReidMary LeonaCromwell1878 Oct 4Tillamook, Tillamook Co., Oregon1961 Nov 7Portland, Multnomah Co., OregonstrokeyesIra R CromwellNE 84-1 line 4Vancouver Funeral Chapel10 Nov 1961Vancouver City CemeteryRev. Milton Merritt Reid (WA)(1) and Walter Davidson (MO)(2) - spouse; Clinton, Iva Leota - children; Jacob R Cromwell (GA) and Mary Elizabeth Shellhorn (OH) - parentsWillamette EUB Church Reid died in 1939; married Davidson in 1942; Reid buried in Mountain View Cem., La Center, Clark Co., Washington; parents in same plot; obit 9 Nov 1961 The Oregonian
RemingtonCharles Horace (alias Charles H Kelley)1849 Oct 24Maine1911 Oct 15in the woods near Charles Daley Mill pond, north of Brush Prairie, Clark Co., Washingtongun shot wound - suicide?noPotters Field, permit #200Knapp Funeral Parlor24 Apr 1912Vancouver City Cemeterysinglelaborer, convictdeath listed as 15 Oct 1911 in some records, but does not make sense with an April buried date; newspaper articles 17 Oct 1911 The Oregonian -was in jail and made jail break, left suicide note - serving sentence for a murder in Texas; body found later
RhodesGeorge W1839 SepMissouri1905 Jun 1Clark Co., WAkidney failurenoCharles RhodesNE 09-3 line 82 Jun 1905Vancouver City Cemetery single; Robert B Rhodes (VA) and Jane C Teal (OH) - parentsfarmer1900 living with parents in Harney, Clark Co., WA, parents and brother buried in SW 111
RhodesSarahJane Garrett1838 Dec 28Ohio1914 Apr 2033rd and Drummond St., Vancouver WApneumonianoNE 204-2 line 5Limber Funeral Chapel23 Apr 1914Vancouver City CemeteryHarrison J Rhodes (OH) - spouse; Ada, Harry, Carl, Christine, child - children; John Garrett (NJ) and Phoebe ? (NJ) - parentshousewife1900 census 5 children/3 living; husband died in Polk Co., Oregon; obit The Columbian 21 Apr 1914-resudent for a years in Vancouver from Grants Pass OR; survivor - dau Mrs Axrtell, 2 sons and husband (of Grants Pass OR)
RiceArthurW1910 Feb 18Council Grove, Morris Co., Kansas1915 Feb 53210 M St., Vanccouver WAdiphtherianoElmer W RiceNE 217-1 line 18Limber Funeral Chapel5 Feb 1915Vancouver City CemeteryElmer W Rice (KS) and Lavada Young (VA) - parents
RichVernaMayWilson1911 Jul 7Clark Co., WA1965 Feb 13in a nursing home, Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washingotncancer, died after long illnessashesyesNE 109-1 line 4 (removed)Bleitz Funeral Home, Tacoma, WA13 Feb 1965Vancouver City CemeteryDaniel Rich - spouse; Robert Wilson (IL) and Mary Alice Reid (WA) - parents1930 - maid, Los Angles Co., CA; 1940 office clerk, Port Orford WA; later, secretary in Tacoma WAmarried in 1943, California; 1947-Renton, WA husband is an insurance medical examiner; obit 15 Feb 1965 The Tacoma News Tribune; parents in same plot
RichardsonElizabethButzer1871 Jul 1Pittsburg, Crawford Co., Kansas1951 Aug 27Camas Nursing Home, Camas, Clark Co., WashngtonsenilityyesElizabeth RichardsonNE 154-3 line 10Stoller, Camas WA29 Aug 1951Vancouver City CemeteryJ Thomason (NY)(1) and Sandy Richardson (MN)(2) - spouses; Clara, Leona, Emmett, Warren, Erma, Marcella, Mary - children by Thomason; Lousi Butzer (MI) and Clara Light (Ger) - parentsmarried Thomason in 1895, Union Co., OR; 1910 census 6 children/6 living last child born 1914; divorced Thomason; married Richardson in 1918, Clark Co., WA; Richardson is buried in Troutdale, Multnomah Co., OR; Thomason-buried in Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland OR; dau Erma in same plot
RichardsonJennie1904 Jan 1South Dakota1912 Mar 29at home, Vancouver WAscarlet fevernoNE 163-4 line 14Grice and Beatty Undertakers30 Mar 1912Vancouver City CemeteryFred G Richardson (SD) and Dora Maye Manary/Barnhart (SD) - parentsfamily living in Clark Co., WA in 1910; father worked for railroad; siblings: Gordon O, Eugene, Llewelyn F, Delores, Harvard; same plot as bro- Gordon; mother Dora Maye Manary was adopted by Barnhart after mother died.
RichardsonGordonOriel1908 Sep 271912 Mar 31at home, Vancouver WAscarlet fevernoNE 163-4 line 14Grice and Beatty Undertakers31 Mar 1912Vancouver City CemeteryFred G Richardson (SD) and Maye Barnhart (SD) - parentsfamily living in Clark Co., WA in 1910; father worked for railroad; siblings: Jennie, Eugene, Llewelyn F, Delores, Harvard; same plot as bro- Gordon; mother Dora Maye Manary was adopted by Barnhart after mother died.
RichardsonGeorge1838 MarEngland1905 Dec 12Clark Co., WAdropsy (diabetes)yesSarah A RichardsonNE 20 S/4 line 414 Dec 1905Vancouver City CemeterySarah Althina Smith (ME) - spouse; Ilnna, Roy, Florence, Ray - children; ? Richardson (Eng) and ? ? (Eng) - parentsday laborernaturalized citizen in 1853; wife Sarah died and buried in San Luis Obsipo, San Luis Obispo Co., CA
RiggsBerthaH1907 Jun 6Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon1912 Jan 14Vancouver WAbronchial pneumoniayesNE 162-4 line 15Limber Funeral Chapel16 Jan 1912Vancouver City CemeteryJames A Riggs (TN) and Minnie Bateman (CA ) - parents
RiordanMaryE 1869 Aug 20Idaho City, Boise Co., Idaho1877 Oct 25Vancouver WAyesNE 182 line 6Oct 1877Vancouver City CemeteryJeremiah Riordan (Ire) and ? ? - parent
RoalsenEdith1909 Jul 27Clark Co., WA1909 Sep 9at home at Blue Rock Ranch, Clark Co., WashingtoncolitisnoLars RoalsenNE 57-3 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor11 Sep 1909Vancouver City CemeteryLars Roalsen (Nor) and Mary Hofto (MN) - parentslived on Blue Rock Ranch, Clark Co., WA
RobertsonAlbertEdward1860 Mar 6Nova Scotia, Canada1908 Jul 20St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAbrain hemorrhagenoIda RobertsonNE 04 line 13Vancouver Undertaking Co.22 Jul 1908Vancouver City CemeteryIda May Struble (IL) - spouse; Hazel Mae, Edward Howard, Marie, Jack - children; Archibald Robertson (Can) and Charity Brailey (Eng) - parentsconfectionary; 1900-engineer (sta) - Chehalis WAmarried 1889; State of Washington Death Certificate; in same plot as dau Hazel M Brown
RobertsonIdaStruble1867 Jan 27Creek, DeWitt Co., Illinois1949 Sep 12Bonneville Sanatorium, North Bonneville, Skamania Co., WashingtonsenilitynoIda RobertsonNE 04-4 line 13Vancouver Funeral Chapel15 Sep 1949Vancouver City CemeteryAlbert E Robertson (NS, Can)- spouse; Hazel Mae, Edward Howard, Marie, Jack - children; John Struble (PA) and Ellen Caira Robbins (IL) - parents 1900- Milliner, Lewis Co., WA; 1910-fruit farmer, Husum, Klicktat Co., WAmarried 1889; 1900- Toledo, Lewis Co., WA; 1900-1910 census 2 children/2 living; in same plot as dau Hazel M Brown
RobinsonHuldahABrush1843 Aug 3Niagara Co., New York1907 Oct 11Vancouver WAtuberculosis, paralysisnoC R RobinsobnNE 105-2 line 8Hamilton Funeral Home 12 Oct 1907Vancouver City CemeteryCharles Robinson (NY) - spouse; Greg, Cora, Ernest, 2 more - children; George Brush (NJ) and Margaret Simons (NJ) - parents1900 census 5 children/1 living-in Chehalis, Cowlitz Co., WA with husband; 1880-living in McLennen TX-husband was a carpenter, all children born TX, Greg lived until 1944, died in Skagit Co., WA; husband may have been a Civil War veteran Co. D, 15th Illinois Infantry
Robinsoninfant (male)1907 May 24pneumonianoMrs Francis A CulverNE 171 S/2 line 625 May 1907Vancouver City CemeteryThomas Watt Robinson Jr (WA) and Sarah "Bertha" Blair (WA) - parentsparents buried in Fern Prairie Cemetery, Clark Co., WA
Robinsoninfant1908 Aug 13Vancouver WA1908 Aug 13Vancouver WAstillbornyesFred H RobinsonNE138-1 line 713 Aug 1980Vancouver City CemeteryFred H Robinson (NY) and Mary Wheeler (OH) - parentsmother buried in Grays Harbor, Gray Harbor Co., WA
RollinsJohn Palmer1873 Aug 6 Illinois1911 Nov 3at Al Caviness' Ranch, Clark Co., WAasphyxiation, explosion of a Acetylene tank and head injurynoJohn P RollinsNE 103-2 line 10Knapp Funeral Parlor5 Nov 1911Vancouver City CemeteryLusanna Webber (CO) - spouse; Don, Oral Belle - children; Michael Rollins (IL) and Minnie Dempster (IL) - parentsAdventistfarmer, photographerobit 4 Nov 1911 The Oregon Journal-lived in Condon OR as photographer; wife buried in Josephine Co., OR under name Hagood
RoscoeElizabethK1910 Jan 26Clark Co., WA1910 Feb 6at office of Dr. Sedgwick, Clark Co., WAsuffocationnoFrank RoscoeNE 89-3 line 9Knapp Funeral Parlor7 Feb 1910Vancouver City CemeteryFrank Roscoe (MI) and Theresa Nordenberg (Swe) - parentlived in Fruit Valley area, Clark Co., WA
RoseFred Wesley1887 Mar 1 Fort Ripley, Crow Wing Co., Minnesota1980 Jan 31Multnomah Co., Oregonheart failureashesyesWalter StanleyNE 207-2 ashesAbbey Funeral Home, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon14 Feb 1980Vancouver City CemeteryLillian S Stanley (CA) - spouse; Stanley - child; Lucius Rose (IN) ND Marie Vook (IA) - parents1910-groceries salesman, Moro OR; 1920-machinist, iron works, Portland OR; 1930-mechanic, sheet metal, Portland OR; 1940-contractor, Portland ORmarried Lillian 1909; 1920-living in Protalnd with in-laws; son Stanley died 1973, buried at Riverview Cemetery, Portland OR
RoseLillian S Stanley1888 May 14Oakland, Alameda Co., California1945 May 16Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoncerebral hemorrhageashesyesWalter StanleyNE 207-2 line 2Little Chapel of the Chimes, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon19 May 1945Vancouver City CemeteryFred W Rose (MN) - spouse; Stanley - child; Capt Walter Stanley (MI) and Jennie Jeffery (OR) - parentsmarried Rose in 1909; parents buried in same plot; son Stanley died 1973, Portalnd OR and buried at River View Cemetery, Portland OR
RoseLewis1904 Jun 25killed in rock quarry accidentnoPotters Field. Permit #10826 Jun 1904Vancouver City Cemetery
RossEdward18841901 May 20Clark Co., WAdrowning at Hathaway FarmnoPotters Field, permit #9422 May 1901Vancouver City Cemeterysingle; ? Ross (VA) and ? ? (VA) - parentsnewspaper article 23 May 1901 Seattle Times-drowned in river when boat capsized
RowlandJohn 1848Ohio/Virginia?1911 Dec 10at Abe Miller's farm, Brush Prairie, Clark Co., Washingtonsuicide noNE 163-1 line 14 Potters FieldKnapp Funeral Parlor16 Dec 1911Vancouver City Cemeterysinglelaborer, worked in lumber camps are county; 1910-help cook at logging camp, Yacolt, Clark Co., WAnewspaper article The Columbian 14 Dec 1911-cut throat, dispondent for some time
RupeLouise1887 May 15West Virginia17 Apr 1910 Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregoninternal hemorrhage and shock; ruptured tube pregnancynoNE 104-4 ine 9Knapp Funeral Parlor25 Apr 1910Vancouver City Cemeterymarried ? Rupe - spouse; Willian M Swiger (WV) and Mary Smith (WV) - parentsdomestic servantcharged to Ethyl Grant; obit The Columbian 18 Apr 1910-father William M Swiger in Seattle
RupeWilliamElwell1875 Sep 20Pacific City, Mills Co., Iowa1925 Aug 20St Vincents Hospital, Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonsepicemia, injured in logging accident noFrances B HathawayNE 59-5 line 11Limber Funeral Home23 Aug 1925Vancouver City Cemetery? ? (1), Leona Broone (IA)(2) and Mildred Ruth Hathaway (WA)(3) - spouses; Fred Lewis, June Shirley, Norma Jean, Raymond Edward - children by Mildred; John Rupe (MO) and Sarah Sweeney (MO) - parents1920-teamster, fuel co., Vancouver WAmarried in 1885, Pacific City, Mills Co., IA; married Leona 1899, Crooke Co., Wyo, divorces Leona; married, no children by Leona (she had 2 children by Stout; she remarried to TARR and died in 1948, Great Falls MT) Mildred in 1920; Mildred was married to Walters (3 children), then Rupe (4 children), then Johnson (5 children)- 1848 died in Twin Falls ID; obit 22 Aug 1925 The Orgeonian; obit The Columbian 24 Aug 1925-survivors wife Mildred, mother Mrs Sarah Rupe, bro John, 3 dau Dorothy, Frances and Sarah, and 7 sisters (4 in Vancouver)
RupeJune Shirley1921 Sep 26Spokane, Spokane Co., Washington1924 Jul 17Vancouver WAintestinal bowel troublenoFrances B HathawayNE 59-4 line 11Limber Funeral Chapel18 Jul 1924Vancouver City CemeteryWilliam Elwell Rupe (IA) and Mildred Ruth Hathaway (WA) - parentsobit The Columbian 18 Aug 1925; survivied by 1 half-bro Richard (Walters) and 3 half-sisters-Lois Allene, Frances (Walters), Norma (Rupe)
RushHenry 1890 Dec1891 Jan 27birth defectsnoPotters Field, permit #5227 Jan 1891Vancouver City Cemetery
RussellAgnesLKoppe1885 Aug 1Phillips, Price Co., Wisconsin1910 Jun 6The Dalles Hospital, The Dalles, Wasco Co., Oregonacute nephritis, after an operationyesM M RussellNE 37-1 line 12Knapp Funeral Parlor9 Jun 1910Vancouver City CemeteryMatthew M Russell (UT) - spouse; Lulu, child - children; Frederich A Koppe (Ger) and Anna Dorothy Classen (Ger) - parentsPresbyterianhousewifeparents buried in same plot; obit The Columbian 7 Jun 1910-married in 1906 and moved to Hood river with husband; survivors husband and two children
RyanCiceroWallace1869 Oct 31Oak Grove, DeKalb Co., Alabama1944 May 2Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesCicero W RyanNE 38-1 line 11Vancouver Funeral Home5 May 1944Vancouver City CemeteryEva Maria Heacock (KS) - spouse; Annie V, Margaret F, Asa W, Clyde H, Lloyd, Harry Lusk - children; Alber T Ryan (GA) and Margaret Dixon (AL) - parentslumber man, part owner of the Ryan Lumber Company; served 7 terms in State Legislatureobit in The Columbian 2 May 1944-age 16 came to Washngton, resided to Bellingham, moved to Vancouver 1906, married Eva 1890, Bellingham WA; survived by wife, 3 sons Asa, Clyde, Lloyd, and 2 dau Annie and Margaret
RyanEvaMariaHeacock1872 Oct 9Labette Co., Kansas1944 May 19Vancouver WAcerebral hemorrhageyesCicero W RyanNE 38 N/2 line 11 Vancouver Funeral Home23 May 1944Vancouver City CemeteryCicero W Ryan (AL) - spouse; Annie V, Margaret E, Asa Wallace, Clyde H, Harry Lusk, Lloyd - children; James Heacock (OH) and Anna Gaston (MO) - parentsmarried 1890 to Ryan in Bellingham; 1910 census 6 children/5 living; obit The Columbia 19 May 1944-resided in Vancouver since 1906, survivors 3 sons and 2 daus.
RyanHarryLusk1900 Dec 2Parsons, Labette Co., Kansas1911 May 8300 W 10th St., Vanocuver WAacute hepatitisnoCicero W RyanNE 38 N/2 line 11 Grice and Beatty Undertakers10 May 1911Vancouver City CemeteryCicero W Ryan (AL) and Eva M Heacock (KS) - parentsstudentobit in The Columbian in 8, 9, 11, May 1911
SandersonEstelleFrancis Berry1855 Sep 11Grand Ledge, Eaton Co., Michigan1910 Mar 5St Josephs Hospital, Vancouver WAnephritisnoNE 124 N/2 line 12Hamilton Funeral Home 26 Mar 1910Vancouver City CemeteryLovias Ingersoll (NY)(1), Samuel Edmonds (Can)(2) and Thomas G Sanderson (Nor)(3) - spouse; Ethlyn - child by Ingersoll, Jessie - child by Edmonds; Andrew J Berry (NY) and Nancy Briggs (NY) - parentshousewifemarried Ingersoll 1875, Michigan; married Edmonds 1888 MI?-divorced in 1898 in Michigan; married Sanderson 1900, MI; sibling - Jennie; obit The Columbian 5 Mar 1910-one son in Boise; was being held at funeral to determine where to bury her.
Sundquist/ Sandquist/ Sanquist/ SunquistGus 1878?Sweden1914 Mar 4Yacolt, Clark Co. WashingtonalcoholismnoNE 203-2Limber Funeral Chapel6 Mar 1914Vancouver City Cemeterysingleloggername most likely Sundquist or Sandquist; Death cert-about 36 years old
Saravich ??George18721907 JuldrowningnoPotters Field, permit #12717 Jul 1907Vancouver City Cemeteryage 35 years