Clark County Genealogical Society Membership
Support CCGS/Members Privileges
CCGS depends on membership dues to maintain its public research library and its active schedule of meetings, classes and seminars and this web site. Members are entitled to privileges not available to the public.
- Access to the Library for research
- Newsletter: 9 months per year
- Trail Breakers periodical
- Membership directory, published annually
- Discounted class and seminar fees
- Access to database on site
- Access to Family Search records on site
- Access to New England Historic and Genealogical Society/American Ancestors database on site
- Each member gets one vote in elections/decisions (this includes both members in a joint membership)
- Monthly meeting with speaker
Two Ways to Pay
Not from this area? There are still lots of reasons to join a local genealogy society. Here are a few. CCGS membership—a perfect gift for a friend or family member
Questions? Contact CCGS