Books Written By Members
Many of our members are authors and distributors of their own books. Please order any of these special books directly from the author or from a publisher as noted.
If you are a member of CCGS and have one or more books which you want to tell people about, please contact CCGS with the information.
- A Soul on Trial by Robin R. Cutler
- Saints to the Columbia by Lois Kullberg
- Fields of Flowers and Forests of Firs … A History of The Woodland Community 1850-1958 transcribed by Judy Card
- The County Farm Cemetery Book by Rose Marie Harshman
- Multnomah County, Oregon Burial Sites Vol. 1 by Stanley R. Clarke
- Huiras family books by Gerry Lenzen
- Christians on the Oregon Trail researched by Bonnie Miller

by Robin R. Cutler
Saints to the Columbia
by Lois Kullberg
This book is a history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Oregon and Southwestern Washington from 1850 to 1998.
This book has over 350 pages, is indexed, and has a 22-page time line. It is black wire-spiral bound and the covers were all laminated before being bound to make them more durable.
The original price was $25.00 + $5 S&H. Lois will now sell them at a reduced price of $15.00 + $5 S&H and will donate $5 from every $15 book sale to CCGS (for orders that come to her through CCGS).
Please contact Lois Kullberg 360-573-2274 or e-mail to:

Fields of Flowers and Forests of Firs...
A History of The Woodland Community
Transcribed by Judy card
The Revised Edition 2000 of …Fields of Flowers and Forests of Firs … A History of The Woodland Community 1850-1958, was a long-time project for CCGS member Judy Card. The text is available online with the link below or you can order the book directly from Judy. Check out the link below for lots of information about the book and how to obtain your own copy.
Send an e-mail to Judy:
The County Farm Cemetery
by Rose Marie Harshman

This new book is available only from Rose Marie (Chenette) Harshman of CCGS.
This ambitious book about the County Farm Cemetery, which was also known as the Poor Farm Cemetery and Marble Mount Cemetery, covers the deaths and burials (and in some cases, the lives) of nearly 200 people. Many of these people were buried and left unknown and forgotten for many decades in unmarked graves on a windswept hillside in the Hazel Dell area of Vancouver, Washington.
Rose Marie (Chenette) Harshman, Kitty R. (Hilton) Oman and Mary (Fitz) Snell each spent hundreds of hours going over microfilm at the LDS Family History Center at 18300 NE 18th Street in Vancouver and studying funeral home records to compile this book. They also went through years of old Vancouver newspapers which are on microfilm at the local Fort Vancouver Regional Library.
The earliest burials found were in 1913 and they continued through 1937. Only two markers remained.
The book contains some photos, family charts and all the information which could be gleaned from various sources about each person. The 194 pages contain an all name index which will be of great help in locating individual names in the book. It has a paper cover and comb binding. Copyrighted in 2001, it retails for $15.00 plus $4.00 for postage and handling.
The book is available by sending a check for $19.00 payable to Rose Marie Harshman at the address below.
County Farm Cemetery Book
2818 NE Littler Way
Vancouver, WA 98662-7134
You can reach Rose Marie Harshman by e-mail at:

Multnomah County, Oregon
Burial Sites Vol. 1
by Stanley R. Clarke
Compiled by Dean H. Byrd
Co-compiled by Stanley R. Clarke and Janice M. Healy
A message from the author:
I began this project in 1983 while attempting to locate information on my own family and discovered how poor the records are of many of the burial sites Records have been lost, stolen, burnt, eaten by rodents and soaked in water. Many of the “Official” records have been recreated from the grave markers which are not always correct or did not exist at the time of the creation of the new records.
In all cases I have copied the records of the cemetery office and then compared them to the markers adding information and epitaphs along with the type of markers.
Previous cemetery readings have been used as many of them contain information from markers that are no longer visible for one reason or another. My thanks to the DAR members, Boy Scouts and others who have recorded markers in the past and have placed these readings in various depositories. Many times these works list markers that have been destroyed before the information was recorded elsewhere. Readings by the W.P.A. projects have also proven useful.
Further research was carried out in biographical materials, local histories, death indices, death certificates and newspapers. Every extant issue of the Beaver State Herald and the Gresham Outlook through 1930 has been read to obtain additional information. Every death certificate issued by the City of Portland through 1903 has been checked as have the Oregon Death Certificates for Multnomah and Clackamas counties through 1919.
A word about the format I have chosen: There is white space so you can add notes. Every grave is accounted for, with the listings in section, lot and grave order. I’ve listed all names used by the women when I have been able to locate them with maiden names indicated with the term nee. All names used by women are indexed using lower case for earlier surnames. Index locations are the cemetery location, not a page number in the book. A U under lot number means unknown location and the grave number is just a number assigned for indexing purposes I have tried not to split a persons entry which creates additional white space but I feel it is best to keep all the information about one individual together.
I have listed where obituaries, etc. can be found. Information inside “quotation marks” is from the grave marker itself and sometimes is different than the information recorded elsewhere. Upon occasion I have found obituaries that appear one year before the death dates in the cemetery records and those on the markers. In these cases I feel the contemporary newspaper obituary was the correct year which always proved to be true by the death certificate.
The cover artwork is a rendition of a Woodman Of The World marker in the Pleasant Home Pioneer Cemetery. These unique markers are found in many Oregon cemeteries and are all slightly different. A research project of this magnitude cannot be 100% accurate nor can it be complete These cemeteries are still being used. If you find errors or additional information please send the documentation to me.
The book is $30.00 for each copy plus $5.00 shipping and handling and it can be ordered directly from the author/publisher at:
Stanley R. Clarke
Genealogical Services
4018 NE 125 Place
Portland, Oregon 97230-1339
Huiras Family Books
by Gerry Lenzen
We are Connie and Gerry Lenzen, and we are working on our family history. Gerry does his family, and Connie does hers. Sometimes, we even work together.
A together exercise:
We wrote a series of eight books about the descendants of Andrew Huiras and Anna Maria Lautenschlager, Bavarian immigrants to the US.
Visit our website here :

Christians on the Oregon Trail
Researched by Bonnie Miller
Churches of Christ and Christian Churches in Early Oregon – 1842-1882
Revised and Expanded edition
by Jerry Rushford
Bonnie Miller, a member of CCGS, did the bulk of research for Christians on the Oregon Trail by Jerry Rushford. He was one of her professors at Pepperdine University in a Master’s program Bonnie was in and when he decided to write this book in 1996, he asked her to help. Bonnie says, “We spent the last 5 years digging through all kinds of source materials and the book was originally released July 4, 1997 from College Press in Joplin, Missouri. A revised edition was published in 1998 after the first edition sold out. We continued to do research and add information so that now this last edition is much more accurate.”
This newly revised and expanded edition of this well done book is hard bound with 583 pages. It includes an extensive biographical section (111 pages) of 800 persons and their families identified as being members of the Restoration Movement (Christian Church, Churches of Christ and Disciples of Christ). The book is primarily a history of the Christian Church in Oregon Territory from 1842 to 1882 but told through the stories of these pioneers who came across the Trail.
This biographical section, in alphabetical order, will be especially helpful to genealogists as it lists the husband and wife (including maiden name), their birth dates, marriage date, death dates and date of arrival in Oregon Territory. Each entry also has a brief paragraph about the family and their role in Oregon history. The book includes 26 pages of photos of pioneers, their cabins, and some churches. Published in 2001 by Covenant Press. Only about ½ of the book is indexed but it’s relatively easy to locate names in the remainder of the book as the sections are in alphabetical order.
The book can be purchased from CCGS member Bonnie Miller who did much of the research for this book. You can purchase it for $20.00 plus $4.00 for shipping by sending a check, payable to Bonnie Miller to:
Bonnie Miller
600 SE 101 Avenue
Vancouver, WA 98664
She can be reached by phone at 360-892-9507
or by e-mail at